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+Episode 3.10, Making Choices, Part 1
+At School
+The frog jokes were almost over, but to Joan’s dismay, The Eagle was
+published today. ‘Frog Terrorizes Classroom,’ catchy title, so much
+for accuracy, and they just had to put in the observation that Joan
+had leaped after the frog while trying to catch it. Oh well. Joan and
+Adam talked before school about their planned Saturday trip to Mercer
+Creek, and she keeps her mind busy anticipating Saturday.
+Luke has been in a foul mood today. Grace’s mood hasn’t been much
+better, and Joan has been wondering why. Did something happen
+yesterday? She has been meaning to ask, thinking that she should mind
+her own business, and struggling with which one to do.
+In Government class, the teacher was discussing the 17th Amendment
+and the popular election of Senators.
+Grace – “That’s pretty much like what happens with the elections here
+at Arcadia High. It’s just one big popularity contest. I heard
+Britney Johnson say this morning, ‘Jim Barlow is so handsome, I’m
+going to vote for him’. Jim Barlow barely graduated last year. He
+should be a specimen in our biology class for exploratory brain
+Joan – “Brian is running again. He has a ten-point plan this year.
+Some of his ideas are pretty good.”
+Grace – “He doesn’t have a chance of winning. No one listens to him.”
+Teacher – “Well, I’m glad at least some of you have been paying
+attention. Here is your assignment. Each of you will pick a candidate
+and write an essay on why you support him or her for Student Council
+President. It has to be at least two paragraphs long and no longer
+than about two handwritten pages. They are due on Monday. I will turn
+them over to The Eagle staff, and they will be published in a special
+edition on Wednesday. Here’s your chance to tell everyone what you
+Almost everyone in class moans in unison as the bell rings.
+Grace – “So, what’s with you and Brian? You don’t even like him.”
+Joan – “He is a jerk sometimes, but sometimes he’s not. I heard how
+he organized a search party when everyone thought I was kidnapped. He
+didn’t have to do that.”
+Grace – “So, this is payback?”
+Joan – “No, it’s more than that. What he did showed leadership, and
+he’s the only one with a plan. He’s the only one who might make a
+Grace – “Does this mean you’ll be his campaign manager again this
+Joan – “Yeah, well, he asked me. Why don’t you get some more copies
+of his plan, and we can meet at my house after school. You can read
+it, we can do our homework, and then talk about our essays. If you
+decide you want to vote for someone else, that’s fine.”
+Grace – “Elmer Fudd still sounds good to me.”
+Joan – “Then you’ll have no effect at all.”
+At the Police Station
+Will is in his office reading the background check he had done on
+Brother Jimi. ‘James Earl Johnson, born January 7, 1976 in Arcadia,
+MD, the son of James and Alma Johnson, both deceased. Enlisted in the
+Army on June 5, 1994. Wounded in action November 10, 2001, honorably
+discharged disabled January 25, 2002. Returned to Arcadia in February
+2002. Received his ministry from the Baptist Missionary Alliance in
+November 2003. He is presently the pastor at the Church of Hope on
+Broad Street
+. Other activities: Manages the Arcadia Soup Kitchen (ASK) on
+Walnot Street
+, and teaches basketball at the YMCA twice a week. Participates in
+numerous other charities.’
+Will greets brother Jimi when he arrives for their meeting, “Come in
+and have a seat.” Will closes the door and returns to his seat, “I
+had a background check done on you. You have had an impressive
+Brother Jimi – “Background check? I don’t know if I like the sound of
+that coming from the Chief of Police.”
+Will – “I just need to know who I’m dealing with. I was handed
+dealing with Hunter’s Watchdog Committee, and I want to make sure I
+am making the right decision by initiating dealings with yours. The
+report doesn’t indicate any problems. In fact, I was quite surprised
+to learn that you were in the army.”
+Brother Jimi – “That was a lifetime ago. I did my duty to country,
+now I’m doing my duty to God.”
+Will – “It says you were discharged disabled. You appear to be in
+good shape. Would you mind my asking why you were discharged?”
+Brother Jimi – “There was a bullet with my name on it. I truly
+believe that God was trying to tell me something. I lost a kidney,
+but God willing, I’ll continue doing fine on the other one.”
+Will – “Well, thank you for your service, both then and now.”
+Brother Jimi – “I have the information that you requested.” He hands
+Will a paper, “These are the proposed members of the committee. They
+are all fine men and women.”
+Will – “Thank you. I’ll get back to you as soon as my investigation
+is complete. Here is a background check done on me.”
+Brother Jimi looks at the report, “What was the information that has
+been deleted?”
+Will – “Information about my family. I don’t feel you need to know
+Brother Jimi – “I met Joan the other day. She’s a nice girl. Is she
+your daughter?”
+Will – “Yes, she told me about returning the money from the fund
+Brother Jimi – “Well, tell her hello for me.”
+Will and Brother Jimi shake hands and Brother Jimi departs.
+At the Newspaper
+Kevin asks Rebecca to come to his desk, “Why is this story flagged
+for deletion?”
+Rebecca – “Pressure from above. Hunter feels it would be seen as
+politically motivated.”
+Kevin – “Not running the story would be just as politically
+motivated. We both know why he doesn’t want it published.”
+Rebecca – “He has threatened my job. It’s just one story.”
+Kevin – “And what about the next one and the one after that?”
+Rebecca – “I’ve worked hard to get where I am. I can’t risk it.”
+Kevin – “Well, we can let this one go, but if Hunter keeps it up, we
+can’t continue to pander to his whim.”
+Rebecca – “I know, I have to do some more thinking.”
+Rebecca leaves and Kevin calls Henry Taschen with the Free Press.
+After he received assurance of anonymity, Kevin archives a copy of
+the story to CD. He will e-mail the story from home later.
+At School
+Grace – “Are you ready for the mystery meat today?”
+Joan – “No, I brought a sandwich. I’m going to eat it out on the
+Grace – “Split it with me, and I’ll join you.”
+Joan – “Not today, I kind of want to be alone. Besides, you need to
+find Brian and get more copies of his plan.”
+Joan leaves and begins to walk down the hall. Custodian God meets her
+and hands her a shovel, “You can bring it back on Monday.”
+Joan – “I know you know my thoughts, but this is becoming too weird!
+Next time, just let me come and get the shovel.” God smiles and
+departs with a wave.
+Joan walks out to the bleachers and sits to eat her sandwich. She
+wonders about Judith. It has been so long since she has seen her,
+dead or alive. Judith told her
+the\ `crocuses <>`__\ were
+a Dutch hybrid. The huge white flowers were so beautiful when they
+bloomed last spring, that is, until someone trampled them. That’s why
+she decided to return today.
+She finishes her sandwich and walks under the bleachers. She finds
+the red X she had marked under the bench, just above where the
+crocuses had bloomed. She starts to dig, ‘Five bulbs, not bad! Now
+I’ll take you to a good home.’
+At the Police Station
+Toni rushes into Will’s office, “We have shots fired and possibly two
+officers down in Meadow Park.”
+Will – “Do we know who they are?”
+Toni – “Not yet, it was just called in by a witness at the scene. A
+unit is on the way.”
+Will – “Have Mike and Carlisle get to the scene. Have the officers
+responding call me on my cell as soon as they can with an ID on the
+two officers and their condition.” Toni leaves and Will calls Helen’s
+cell. She doesn’t answer. He looks up the number for the school
+office and makes the call.
+At School
+Grace subjected herself to the mystery meat for lunch and went to
+find Brian afterward. She found him in the office, and they agreed to
+go to his locker to get more copies of his plan. As they were about
+to leave, news that two police officers had been shot came over the
+radio. She hears over the PA, “Mrs. Girardi, please come to the
+office for a phone call.” Grace assumes the worst and tells Brian to
+drop off the copies in the office. She’ll pick them up later.
+She goes out and meets Joan coming back from the bleachers, “I found
+five crocus bulbs. Isn’t that neat?”
+Grace – “Yeah, great, we need to go to the office. You need to sign
+up as Brian’s campaign manager.”
+Joan – “Sign up, since when? It’s not like we’re a political party.”
+Grace – “Come on, don’t argue, just come with me.”
+When they arrive in the office, they see Helen finishing her call.
+Helen walks over to Joan and Grace, “Hi Grace. Joan, that was your
+father. He’ll be working late tonight, but he still wants me to go
+ahead and meet with June. I’ll leave money for you to order pizza or
+something. Will you tell Luke?”
+Joan – “Yeah, sure, where do I sign up to be campaign manager?”
+Grace interrupts, “Never mind, we need to get to class.”
+Joan hands Helen the shovel, “Can you put this in your room? I’ll
+pick it up after school.”
+Helen thinks to herself, ‘I’m not going to ask,’ and simply responds,
+Joan and Grace leave, and Helen calls Kevin to let him know that Will
+is all right. As Grace and Joan head to class, they meet Luke
+hurrying toward them, “I just heard about the two police officers
+being shot. Do you know anything?”
+Grace – “Your dad is fine. He just called and said he’ll be working
+Joan stands stunned for a moment and then realizes what Grace had
+done, “Thank you, Grace.” They continue to class.
+At the Police Station
+Will’s cell phone rings, “Hello Chief, this is Officer Cheney.
+Officer Philips and I were the first on the scene here at Meadow
+Park. The two officers involved are Officer Turner and Officer
+Garcia. There were also two others involved, Anthony Rizzo and
+Theodore Marks. Officers Turner and Rizzo are dead. Officer Garcia
+and Theodore Marks have been taken to UMC with gunshot wounds.”
+Will – “Okay, call me back as soon as Detectives Daghlian and
+Carlisle arrive.”
+Will looks up Officer Garcia’s profile on the computer, ‘Married,
+wife Sophia, homemaker, three children…’ He prints out the
+information. He then looks up Officer Turner’s profile, ‘Single,
+parents are Luke and Cynthia Turner…” He prints out that information
+as well. He pauses for a moment as he prepares himself for the tasks
+he must now perform, telling Mrs. Garcia of her husband’s injuries,
+and notifying Mr. and Mrs. Turner of their daughter’s death.
+At School
+Grace and Joan are heading for their last period class, “So, when are
+you going to tell me what you and Ms. Keady have been up to?”
+Joan – “We are still working on it. It’s a surprise, I told you.”
+Grace – “It sure sounds clandestine! Oh, the keylogger is going in
+tonight. I got it from Luke yesterday and my dad is getting it to the
+guy today.”
+Joan – “Is that going to do any good? Do they even work over the
+Grace – “Not normally, but the cleaning guy said they are having a
+big powwow this weekend, probably on account of what your dad did
+this week.”
+Joan – “Okay, now we hold our breath until Monday.”
+Joan goes to the gym and begins her warm up routine. She has created
+a blend of yoga, dance, and martial arts exercises. Normally, Joan
+does her routine silently, but today she decides to tell Ms. Keady
+about her idea, “I made up an excuse for why I am spending time with
+you. I told Grace we’re working on a surprise for gym class. I was
+thinking, what if we start doing the jitterbug in gym class? It’s
+good exercise and it would be a lot more fun than running laps. What
+do you think?”
+Ms. Keady – “I have heard of dance being used as an exercise in other
+schools. I don’t dance much, just some line dancing and slow dance
+from time to time. Is that something you can teach me?”
+Joan – “Yeah, I’m still learning, but I have it down pretty well. I
+think it is a good idea.”
+Ms. Keady – “Okay, from now on, the last fifteen minutes of the
+lesson is jitterbugging.”
+Joan finishes up her routine and pauses to find her place. While she
+does, Ms. Keady circles, choosing a direction from which to make her
+attack. Joan can thwart some of them, but she eventually gets caught
+in a stranglehold. Ms. Keady explains what she did wrong, and they
+continue. Slowly, Joan is learning not to repeat the previous
+mistakes. However, this lesson ends with Ms. Keady dragging Joan
+across the floor by the hair, “Ouch! Oh! I’m still not cutting my
+Ms. Keady – “Yeah, I suppose my collection of Girardi hair is
+becoming too big. Tomorrow, I’ll show you how to use pressure points.
+Let’s dance.”
+After school, Joan meets her friends by her locker. They all agree to
+meet at her house to finish their homework and work on their essays.
+At the Newspaper
+When Joan was in the second grade, news of several police officers
+having been shot didn’t go as well. She found out by overhearing
+teachers talking about it as she walked past the teachers’ lounge.
+Kevin found her later, staggering down the hallway, crying
+uncontrollably. He spent the rest of the afternoon holding her until
+they finally received the news that their father was all right.
+There have been other incidents since then, and with each one, Joan
+has been able to handle it better, but Kevin decided then that
+whenever one occurred, he would make a point to be there for her.
+That is why when he heard the news, he announced to Rebecca that he
+would be leaving early.
+At School
+After dropping by to inform Lilly of their change in dinner plans,
+Kevin went to the school. Joan was not surprised to see him parked
+outside, waiting for her, “Thank you for coming. Dad’s okay. He
+called and talked to Mom.”
+Kevin – “I know, but I came anyway.”
+They wait a little longer for Luke to get in, and then head for home.
+On the way, Joan tells Kevin that her friends will be coming over to
+study. Kevin wonders if her decision to study tonight is because she
+really needs to study, or because she really needs her friends. He
+decides it doesn’t matter, “Tell them to come hungry. I’m going to
+order a variety of sub sandwiches from the deli.”
+When they arrive at home, Kevin asks both of them, “Would either of
+you like to talk about what happened today?”
+Joan looks at Luke for his response, “No, I’m fine. I’ll be up in my
+room reading.”
+After Luke leaves, Joan sits beside Kevin, “I would like to talk
+about something, but not about today. I would actually prefer to talk
+to Lilly first. Is she coming to dinner?”
+Kevin – “Yeah, she should be here in a little while.”
+Joan – “Good. We need to do our studying first. Can you and Lilly
+wait to talk until we’re done?”
+Kevin – “We’ll be here.”
+Joan gets up and grabs her shovel and bulbs and heads out to the
+garage. She takes the pot she found earlier and begins to fill it
+with a mixture of potting soil and compost. She looks at her bag of
+bulbs and wonders which one to plant. They all look the same, well,
+almost. One has a nick on it, probably made by the shovel when she
+dug it up. The cut looks like the letter J. She decides that means
+‘Joan’s,’ and places it in the pot. She finishes filling it, packing
+the soil as she goes. She then takes the pot into the kitchen and
+adds a little water. She smiles as she adds 7-Up for luck. In her
+room, she places the pot on the floor behind the stuffed chair under
+the window, “There, all ready for spring.”
+She gathers up her books and heads to the dining room. She is
+surprised to find Helen already sitting there, “Mom, aren’t you going
+to the museum tonight?”
+Helen – “I don’t know if I should. I’m really not in the mood.”
+Joan – “You should go. Dad wants you to go. Kevin’s ordering dinner.
+We’ll be fine.”
+Helen decides to take Joan’s advice. After she changes clothes, she
+says goodbye and leaves for the museum.
+Joan begins with her calculus homework, “A man wants to build a
+rectangular enclosure for his herd. He only has $900 to spend on the
+fence and…” The best answer is to call Home Depot, but unfortunately,
+that won’t do. She reads the rest of the problem. After some
+struggling, she finds the correct solution.
+As she begins the next problem, she hears the doorbell ring. She goes
+to the door and lets everyone into the foyer. However, when she
+begins to close the door, Lilly squeezes through, “Oh, sorry.” Joan’s
+eyes follow Lilly as she heads for the couch, “I’m really glad you’re
+here tonight.” She pauses, wondering if Lilly has met everyone, “Have
+you met Friedman and Glynis?”
+Lilly – “Yeah, we met the other day. I think you were at dance
+Joan – “Okay.” She directs her friends to the dinning room table,
+“Have a seat anywhere. I’ll go get Luke.”
+Grace – “Sit tight, I’ll get him.”
+On the couch, Lilly wonders about Joan’s comment, “What did your
+sister mean by, ‘I’m really glad you’re here tonight?’”
+Kevin – “Remember when you told her that if she ever needed to talk,
+you would be there? Well, I think tonight’s the night.”
+Lilly – “Does she want to talk about the police shootings?”
+Kevin – “No, she heard about them at lunch. It’s something else.”
+Lilly gets a puzzled look on her face, “So, you don’t know about the
+Kevin – “What others?”
+Lilly looks around to make sure they are alone, “All hell has broken
+out in Arcadia. There’s a big gun battle going on over on the west
+side. Two more police officers have been shot, and it’s not over
+Kevin thinks for a moment before responding, “Okay, no TV tonight, at
+least until Dad calls. There’s no need for Joan and Luke to know.” He
+leaves a message on Will’s cell to call home, then calls to order
+At the table, Joan finishes her calculus, and the others finish
+theirs. After they compare answers, Joan asks Luke to check her
+homework. Luke looks over her problems and answers, “You did good.
+They’re all right.”
+Joan smiles, pleased that she got them all right, but even more
+pleased that Luke is now willing to check them for her without giving
+her grief. They continue studying by quizzing each other on the names
+and locations of arteries for biology class.
+At the Art Museum
+Helen joins June, who has finished the repair of the original
+painting and is beginning to paint the copy. Helen looks over the
+original painting, “You can’t even see where it was punctured!”
+June – “I really enjoy being able to restore such a beautiful
+painting. Now comes the fun part.” As she begins to paint, she
+explains, “I examine a part of the painting, both actual size and
+magnified. Then I duplicate it on the new canvas and double check it
+under magnification. If I see a problem, I make touch-ups. That’s
+basically what I do, over and over again, until it is finished.
+Everything else is technique, which is just in my head.”
+Helen – “Can I ask questions as you work?”
+June – “Sure, that’s why you are here.”
+At Home
+Joan begins the discussion of their essays, “I am supporting Brian
+again this year. Do any of you intend to support someone else?”
+Glynis– “I was actually planning to vote for Sally Thornton. She’s
+smart and says she will listen to what people have to say.”
+Joan – “Okay, if you want to support Sally, then go ahead. Is there
+anyone else?” No one answers, so Joan continues, “Brian has a
+ten-point plan this year. He is his worst enemy. He’s written 75
+pages. Most people are not going to read that much. There are five of
+us, so if each of us takes two points, summarize them in a few
+paragraphs, then all of them will be covered. People will read a few
+paragraphs. All we have to decide is which of us will do what. I
+would like to do the job fair, step ten. Brian wants it expanded, and
+I agree. There was no one from the medical industry or any fields of
+science last year, and he has mentioned several other fields. We need
+to know more about what our options might be. Why don’t all of you
+skim through and see if there are some that you support?”
+Joan walks out to the living room, “What are you guys doing?”
+Kevin – “Just talking. Dinner should be here soon.”
+Joan – “We’re almost done, thank…” The phone rings and Joan picks it
+up, “Hello.”
+Will – “Hi, Joan. How is everything there?”
+Joan – “Mom’s at the museum, Kevin and Lilly are here, and Luke and I
+are doing homework with Grace, Adam, Glynis, and Friedman. When are
+you coming home?”
+Will – “It won’t be until late. Can I talk to Kevin?”
+Joan – “Yeah, I love you. I’m sorry about your police officers.
+Here’s Kevin.” She hands the phone to Kevin. The doorbell rings, and
+Kevin gives her the money. She answers the door and takes dinner to
+the dining room table.
+Kevin – “I know you’re busy, but I just want to know that you are
+Will – “Don’t worry, I’m fine, and if your mother calls, please tell
+her I’m okay.”
+Kevin – “Can you tell me anything about what has been happening?”
+Will pauses, still trying to come to grips with what has happened.
+“The second officer from this morning died, but the two from this
+afternoon should be okay. I’m heading back to the hospital now. My
+cell doesn’t work while I’m inside, so don’t worry when it goes into
+voice mail.”
+Kevin – “Dad, I’m sorry about your officers. I’ll tell Mom you’re
+Kevin reports his conversation with Will to Lilly, who asks, “Are you
+going to tell Joan and Luke now?”
+Kevin considers it for a moment, “No, I’ll tell them after you and
+Joan talk. It’s important to her.”
+Lilly – “It must be important, otherwise she wouldn’t bother. I
+really would like to get closer to your sister, but I’m afraid I’m
+going to blow it.”
+Kevin – “You’ll do fine.” He pauses, “But not on an empty stomach.
+Why don’t you get us each a sub and something to drink?”
+At the Art Museum
+Helen – “You are doing such a marvelous job of duplicating this
+painting. I can see now how you are doing it, but I’ll need to
+practice your technique.”
+June stops for a minute and walks over to a nearby cabinet. She
+retrieves another easel and mounts another framed canvas, “Okay, time
+for you to practice.”
+Helen is thrilled. She lays the brush to the canvas and begins
+duplicating the procedure that June had used. She is pleased with the
+results, but she is not as skilled as June. The second duplicate
+At Home
+They all finish skimming Brian’s proposal and making a list of those
+items that they can support. Adam, of course, selects the math and
+science program, which now includes art and music. They compare their
+choices, and Joan is able to convince each of them to cover a
+different item in their essays.
+Glynisalso skimmed the proposal and found a few items she supported,
+“Tomorrow, I’m going to ask if I can support two candidates.”
+Joan – “The election is a week from tomorrow. I assume that’s the
+point of the essay, to make us make an informed choice. You need to
+pick one, then write your essay.”
+Glynisthinks for a moment, “I really like Sally better, but I like
+Brian’s ideas. I’ll let you know in the morning.”
+Joan – “Adam, can you make some posters again?”
+Adam – “I have two from last year in my portfolio. We can just make
+Joan – “Great.” That concludes their meeting, and Joan and Luke
+escort them to the door. After they leave, Luke goes upstairs, and
+Joan approaches the couch, “Lilly, can I talk to you for a few
+minutes?” Kevin reaches for his wheelchair and Joan quickly adds,
+“No, stay there. If you don’t mind, I would rather talk to Lilly in
+my room, privately.”
+Lilly joins Joan in her room, and Joan begins, “I have a question
+about having sex.”
+Lilly immediately responds, “Isn’t this something you should be
+talking to your mother about?”
+Joan – “I have already had talks with mom about sex. I know how she
+feels about it.” She hands Helen’s bible to Lilly, “I have heard both
+of you say that this is the word of God. What does he say about
+having sex?”
+Lilly looks at Joan for a long time without saying anything.Then she
+leafs through until she finds the page, “There are lots of places
+where the Bible talks about sex. Here is a passage, 1 Corinthians
+6:18 – 20…”
+Joan interrupts, “Say that again.” As Lilly repeats it, Joan writes
+it down on a piece of paper, “Okay, sorry, go ahead.”
+Lilly – “1 Corinthians 6:18 – 20, Shun fornication! Every sin that a
+person commits is outside the body; but the fornicator sins against
+the body itself. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the
+Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not
+your own? For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in
+your body.\ ” Lilly looks up from the book, “What this is saying is
+that if you have sex outside of marriage, it is a sin.”
+Joan thinks about it for a minute, “Okay, I’ve heard ‘the body is a
+temple’ part before. Is there more?”
+Lilly – “There is a lot more. I have a whole list at home, but I
+don’t know if this is the best way to answer your question. You want
+to know about having sex before marriage, right?”
+Joan – “Yeah, I have already decided that I’m not having sex without
+the white lace and promises. I was just curious what the Bible said
+his almightiness wants me to do.”
+Lilly – “When you have sex with someone, you become married. Okay,
+not literally, but you are forever linked with an intimacy of the
+deepest kind, and it will never be erased. The two of you become one
+flesh. God wants sex between a man and a woman to be both a physical
+and a spiritual joining. It’s better to get married in front of
+everybody, declare your commitment, and then run with your desires,
+because desire is what gets you married, but it sure isn’t what will
+keep you married.”
+Joan – “What keeps you married?”
+Lilly – “That’s a story for another day.”
+Joan – “So, I should wait, right?”
+Lilly – “Yes, but don’t think that not having sex will protect you.
+It will, but it has its own set of problems. Whatever journey you
+decide to take will have its pitfalls. It’s your call. It’s called
+moral judgment, discernment, are you up to it?
+Joan – “I guess I’ll have to be. I’ve already made my choice.”
+Lilly begins to wonder, and asks, “Was this your only reason for
+wanting to know what the Bible says? Would you like to join your
+mother during her catechism lessons?”
+Joan – “No, thank you. I respect what you and Mom believe, but I have
+my own way of relating to God. I do have another question. Is it
+Lilly – “Sure, what is it?”
+Joan – “I talk to God a lot, but I was wondering. If God already
+knows everything I’m thinking, what is the purpose of prayer?”
+Lilly – “There are lots of reasons for prayer: people pray to discuss
+a problem, to thank God, or just talk to God. God is always there for
+us. The more we pray, the stronger our relationship becomes. I pray
+more times than I can count in a day. I thank God or ask for wisdom.
+I tell Him when I’m angry, sad, happy, or confused. God is a great
+friend and wonderful listener. However, the most important thing is
+that prayer is an invitation for God to become a part of your life.
+Prayer does not change God, it changes us. The more he is a part of
+your life, the more you will begin to think and behave as he wants.
+It helps us to grow closer to God.”
+Joan – “This growing closer to God, is that like being like minded?”
+Lilly – “Yeah, that’s a good way of looking at it, and prayer helps
+you to achieve that goal.”
+Joan sits quietly for a moment, now understanding what God had told
+her, “Thank you, Lilly. You have been a great help. It’s good to have
+a friend who knows so much about God.”
+Lilly – “I’m glad I could help, but don’t put me on a pedestal. I
+make plenty of mistakes.”
+Joan – “Come on, I need to talk to Kevin.”
+Lilly – “Are you sure? I can wait here.”
+Joan – “No, I want you to come. In case you haven’t figured it out,
+Kevin is in love with you. You’re family.”
+They go back down to the living room and Lilly sits beside Kevin.
+Joan pushes up a chair and sits in front of them. “Kevin, I know we
+have talked about my feelings for Adam before, but I never told you
+why we broke up.”
+When Joan pauses briefly, Kevin interrupts, “I already know. He
+cheated on you.”
+Joan – “Who told?”
+Kevin – “I forced it out of Luke.”
+Joan is disappointed that he knew, but she continues anyway, “Well,
+then you know it was about sex. I wouldn’t do it and he went
+elsewhere. It broke my heart.” Her eyes begin to water as she
+continues, “I have had some conversations with Mom and Grace, and why
+he did it isn’t as cut and dried as I thought it was. It wasn’t just
+about sex. There were other reasons, and that is where it may have
+been partly my fault. I will never forget what he did, but recently,
+I have been able to see that he broke his own heart just as much as
+he broke mine. Even with the pain this whole time, I still love him.
+That has never gone away. So, I have decided to forgive him. I want
+to try again. I plan to tell him on Saturday, but that’s where I’m
+stuck. I don’t know how I should do it. Can you help?”
+Kevin – “What do you want to happen? Do you want to just pick up
+where you left off?”
+Joan – “No, that’s not possible, and I know it’s not going to be all
+hearts and bunnies. There will have to be conditions. I can’t give
+him my heart back, not all of it, not until I’m more sure. But part
+of my heartache is missing him. I want him back. I need him back.”
+Lilly – “Maybe you should make a list. Write down what you would like
+to say to him, and what you would like to happen between you in the
+future. Think about your list and then throw the list away.”
+Joan – “Throw it away?”
+Lilly – “If you tell Adam something you’ve memorized, it will sound
+fake, and he’ll know it. Know what you want to say, but how you say
+it must be spontaneous. It has to come from your heart.”
+Kevin – “I don’t think I could have said it better.”
+Joan smiles and gives them both a kiss on the cheek. As she begins to
+leave, Kevin stops her, “Wait, I have something to tell you.” He
+looks at Lilly, “Will you call Luke?”
+After Luke arrives, Kevin continues, “Dad’s okay, but there are
+things you should know. You’ll find out about them anyway.” Both Joan
+and Luke remember the similar line from Mrs. Polonsky at Lake
+Nashman, “The second officer that was shot this morning died. There
+have also been two more police shootings, but Dad thinks they will be
+Luke – “Do you know who the police officers are?”
+Kevin – “I wish I knew more, but that’s all I know. The news will be
+on soon. Would you like to watch?”
+Joan says no, but Luke decides to watch. Then Helen walks in the
+door, “Hi. Joan and Luke, what are you still doing up? You should be
+in bed.”
+Kevin – “Mom, there is something you should know.” He tells her what
+he just told Joan and Luke. They all decide to sit and watch the news
+The reporter begins by talking about the shootings from this morning,
+‘Those involved in the shootings were Officer Hector Garcia, Officer
+Ashley Turner, Anthony Rizzo, and Theodore Marks. Officer Turner and
+Anthony Rizzo died at the scene, Theodore Marks died on the way to
+the hospital, and Officer Garcia died while in surgery. Details of
+the shootings are still under investigation.
+This afternoon, the police raided a warehouse at
+1213 West Gilmore Street
+. An exchange of gunfire occurred and continued for several hours.
+Officer Brian Walker and Officer Tyron Drake received gunshot wounds.
+Officer Drake is in stable condition and Officer Walker was treated
+and released.
+Two suspects were killed and three were injured. Fourteen others were
+arrested. Their names have not yet been released…’
+Helen – “I don’t think I have met any of them, but this has certainly
+been a terrible day for your father.”
+Joan – “Officer Garcia is the one who arrested me. I didn’t like
+being arrested, but he treated me okay. I feel bad for him and his
+family. And Teddy Marks hung around the high school a lot selling
+drugs. He was a real slime.”
+Helen – “You knew a drug dealer?”
+Joan – “I just knew who he was. I don’t do drugs.”
+Kevin – “I’ve met Officer Turner a few times at the courthouse. She
+seemed nice. And I think I’ve met Sergeant Drake a couple of times.”
+Luke – “I didn’t know any of them, either.”
+Lilly – “I knew Ashley when I was still a nun. She used to attend St.
+Peter’s. I haven’t seen her in quite a while.”
+Helen – “Well, Joan and Luke, it’s late. You need to go to bed.” They
+all get up, and Helen remembers something, “Oh, I’ve invited the
+Goetzmann’s to dinner next Saturday. Can you and Lilly come?”
+Kevin looks at Lilly, trying to sense her response, and then looks
+back to Helen, “Yeah, I think so. Wayne, Dan, Dad, and I are already
+set to golf in the morning. Dinner shouldn’t be a problem.”
+Helen – “Good. Joan, Elizabeth will be coming too. You still like
+her, right?”
+Joan – “Yeah, she’s okay.”
+Helen – “Okay, off to bed.”
+Lilly goes home and they all go up to their bedrooms. Kevin e-mails
+the story to Henry Taschen and begins to wonder if censorship at the
+newspaper is just beginning. He goes to sleep. Luke thinks about the
+mess this police thing has been and falls to sleep thinking about
+chaos theory. Joan says a prayer for those hurt and killed, and she
+asks God to take care of them. She falls asleep. Helen lays in bed,
+worrying about Will. Finally, she goes to sleep as well.
+At about one thirty, Will opens the door to Joan’s room. He walks in
+and is about to lean over to give her a goodnight kiss when she says,
+“Dad, I’m sorry about all of your police officers. I said a prayer
+for them.” Startled to realize that Joan is awake, Will replies,
+“Thank you, Joan. I’m sure it will help.” He gives her a kiss, “Go
+back to sleep.”
+In the morning, the zombies arise. Not one of them has had a decent
+night’s sleep. Helen makes the decision, “I think we should all call
+in sick. Will and Kevin, why don’t you call in late? Then we can all
+go back to bed for some well-deserved sleep.”
+At the Police Station
+Prior to coming to work, Will stopped by the hospital to say hello to
+Officer Drake. Officer Drake was given the good news that he will be
+released today. He will be returning to work on Monday.
+Toni’s find at Anthony Rizzo’s apartment led them to the warehouse on
+the west side. The suspects were more heavily armed than they
+expected, but at least now, a major drug dealer in Arcadia has been
+shut down.
+Carlisle’s search of Teddy Marks’ residence brought little regarding
+drugs, but he found something even more interesting. “Will, I need to
+show you something.” He hands Will an envelope of photo prints, “This
+is a set of double prints taken from Marks’ home. We found it wedged
+between his desk and the wall. Take a look at the last three prints.”
+Will looks at the pictures and sits stunned. He looks up at Carlisle,
+“Why would Teddy Marks have pictures of Judith Montgomery?”
+Carlisle– “I don’t know, but there are two prints of each picture,
+but only one of Judith’s. The second copies of these prints have been
+removed.” He takes the envelope back and pulls out a photo from the
+pack, “Do you recognize this kid?”
+Will – “Yeah, but I can’t place him.”
+Carlisle– “He was the star quarterback on Arcadia High’s football
+team last year. His name is Lars Klosterman. I’m going to talk to him
+Will – “Call me afterward. I want to know what he says.”
+At School
+Joan is pleased to see posters of Brian Beaumont all over the school.
+She and Luke find everyone in the cafeteria, “Thanks everyone for
+putting up the posters. Adam, they look even better than they did
+last year.”
+Adam – “When I got home last night, I decided to make new copies of
+them. I added some more texture. That makes them stand out more.”
+Grace – “I think we all know why you’re late today. Are you all
+Luke – “Yeah, we knew my dad was okay, but none of us could sleep
+Joan – “We knew some of the officers, and it’s hard when something
+like this happens.”
+Glynis– “Would it make you feel a little better to know that I’m now
+supporting Brian? Friedman and I are writing our essays tonight. You
+want to join us?”
+Joan – “I’m glad you’re supporting Brian, but no, I want to spend
+time with my dad tonight. I’ll probably write mine on Sunday.”
+Later, Grace and Joan are walking down the hall, “Adam told me about
+your trip to Mercer Creek. You’ve been spending a lot of time
+together lately. Are you two becoming an item again?”
+Joan – “I don’t know, I’ll find out tomorrow. Are you still going to
+see Alice and Glynis?”
+Grace – “Yeah, Luke, Friedman, and I are going together.”
+Joan – “Great! You’ll know then, and we can talk on Sunday.”
+Today’s lesson on pressure points was mostly instruction, but Joan
+and Ms. Keady did finish it with a practice. As a result, Joan leaves
+the gym with a slight limp, but Mrs. Keady won’t be using her right
+hand for some time. They decided to forgo the dance portion of the
+lesson today.
+At the Police Station
+Carlisleknocks on Will’s door, “Will, do you have a minute?”
+Will – “I thought you were going to call.”
+Carlisle– “This is big; I figured we needed to talk in person. Lars
+was very cooperative. Here’s what he told me.
+He and Teddy Marks were lovers. Judith took a picture of them kissing
+using her cell phone. They were both upset about it, but Teddy was
+really mad. Eventually, Judith agreed to delete the picture, and Lars
+saw her do it. He told Teddy, and he figured that was the end of it.
+Then, when Judith was murdered, Lars asked Teddy if he did it. Teddy
+told Lars no, but Lars wasn’t sure if he believed him. Then when the
+police said it was Joey Edwards who killed Judith, he figured Teddy
+was telling the truth. They broke up last January, and they haven’t
+spoken since.”
+Will – “Did anyone else know about the picture?”
+Carlisle– “Lars said he was sure no one else knew about it.”
+Will – “It sounds like Judith may have been set up. See if you can
+find out what happened to Judith’s cell phone. Also, look up that
+lawyer for Ryan Peters, Catherine something. I want him in here again
+for questioning.”
+At Home
+After dinner, Joan invites her father to play a game of chess, “You
+wanted a rematch. Come on, let’s play.”
+The game took longer than usual, but Will was finally able to
+checkmate Joan’s king, “Well, it’s good to know I haven’t totally
+lost my touch.” Joan gives him a hug and a kiss and congratulates him
+on his victory.
+Later, Will and Helen prepare for bed, “Did you enjoy your game with
+Will – “Yeah, and it was great to finally win one.”
+Helen hesitates before responding, “She let you win.”
+Will – “What do you mean, I just played a better game tonight.”
+Helen – “She told me she was going to let you win before you started.
+She wants you to be happy again. She knows how bad you feel about all
+the shootings.”
+Will is stunned, disappointed that he didn’t actually win, but happy
+that Joan would do such a thing.
+Helen – “Don’t you dare tell her that I told you.”
+At Mercer Creek
+Paxis sitting between them, with her head on Joan’s lap. Joan is
+petting her and enjoying the view. The trees are a kaleidoscope of
+color, just like last year. She can feel Judith, which makes missing
+her a little easier. She remembers what’s over the next hill, “Are
+you ready, Adam?”
+Adam – “Yeah, I remember.”
+They crest the hill and Joan sees the stable in the dell. She puts
+her hand out of the window to wave, but is shocked by what she sees,
+“Adam, pull over.” She looks at the horse with amazement, “It’s so
+sad and wonderful at the same time. I can’t believe how beautiful he
+Adam – “Whoever restored him did an excellent job. Every detail is so
+real, and the stable and the other buildings have been painted, too.
+I guess we can’t call him Ole Paint anymore.”
+Joan considers Adam’s comment for a moment, “No, he will always be
+Ole Paint to me.”
+When they arrive and begin to collect their things, Pax suddenly
+darts off. Adam calls her, but she continues running. She heads
+toward a new wooden play structure, and Joan and Adam quickly follow.
+When they arrive, they find Pax has pinned down a little girl. She is
+laughing and giggling as Pax relentlessly licks her face. Still
+laughing, she says, “Hi, Joan, is this your dog?”
+Joan – “No, it’s Adam’s dog. What are you doing here?”
+God ignores her question, “Hi, Adam, I’m Julie. I love your dog. Can
+I play with her?”
+Adam – “It looks like you already are. Her name is Pax.” Adam pauses,
+trying to decide what to say next. He doesn’t want to be rude, but he
+really wants to spend time alone with Joan, “Where are your parents?”
+God – “The camping area is just over there.” She picks up a stick and
+throws it. Pax darts off to retrieve it.
+Joan – “Maybe we should ask them about it first.” She looks at Adam,
+“Why don’t you get the picnic basket and blanket and take it to our
+spot. Pax and I will meet you there in a few minutes.”
+Adam heads back to the truck, while Joan and God walk across the
+field toward the camping area, “Please don’t tell me not to do this.
+I really want it.”
+God – “That’s not why I’m here. Besides, it’s your choice.”
+Joan – “Yeah, but what about the like minded thing? I finally figured
+out what you meant. Is it what you want for me too?”
+God – “I just want you to be happy.”
+Joan – “God, I really need to know. You said that more and more
+often, I am making the same choices that you would have made for me.
+That implies that sometimes I don’t make the right choice. Is this
+choice the right one?”
+God – “I can’t make your choices for you. You have to follow your
+heart. What do your dreams tell you?”
+Joan – “They’re confusing. I don’t know if they’re dreams or just
+wishes. Are they my dreams or our dreams?”
+God takes the stick from Pax and throws it again, “Joan, you still
+need to learn to have faith in yourself. What did your father tell
+you the other day?”
+Joan thinks for a moment, trying to decide to what God is referring,
+“Trust my instincts?”
+God – “Bingo! I love that word. You already have more guidance in
+this matter than most people would have, but it has to be your
+choice.” She again takes the stick from Pax and throws it, “You know,
+Pax loves both Adam and you.”
+Joan – “Changing the subject, are we?”
+God ignores her, “Pax will do anything to protect you, even give up
+her own life.”
+Joan – “What are you saying?”
+God – “Dogs don’t have free will like you. You may have to make
+decisions for her. I have to go. Have fun today.”
+Joan – “Wait! What are you talking about?”
+God walks off with a wave, leaving Joan standing there with Pax. Joan
+takes the stick from Pax and throws it in the direction of the truck.
+At the Craft Show
+Kevin, Lilly, Rebecca, and Dan meet at the craft show. It’s not long
+before Lilly and Rebecca pair off, talking about the different crafts
+they see. Kevin and Dan sort of tag along, talking about places they
+would rather be; however, they come across a woodworking exhibit that
+catches both of their interests. Lilly and Rebecca continue ahead.
+Rebecca – “Now that we’re alone, I want you to know that there’s
+nothing going on between Kevin and me. That was a long time ago.”
+Lilly – “Well, I’m glad to hear that. How are you and Dan doing?”
+Rebecca – “We have only been dating a few months, but I like him a
+lot.” Then she adds, “But nothing serious yet.”
+Now that they have gotten that out in the open, they actually begin
+to connect with one another.
+At Mercer Creek
+When she arrives, Adam has already laid out the blanket. He has
+wedged himself in Judith’s tree, and the memory pleases her. She
+takes his hand and they watch leaves float down the stream for the
+longest time, “I so love this spot.”
+Adam – “Me too. What happened to Julie?”
+Joan – “I convinced her parents to take her on a nature walk. I would
+like to plant Judith’s crocuses now. Would you like to help?”
+Adam was hoping she would ask, but he didn’t know if she wanted to do
+this alone, “Sure, let’s go.”
+They walk a little way and find an open grassy area that doesn’t
+appear to be mowed. Joan sticks the shovel in the ground, “This looks
+like a nice spot.” However, Pax seems to prefer another spot. She
+digs a hole a few yards away. Joan decides to take Pax’s advice and
+places a bulb in the hole, and then Adam covers it back up. Pax digs
+another hole, and they repeat the procedure. After the fourth bulb is
+planted, Pax digs yet another hole. Joan looks at Adam, “How do we
+turn her off? I’m out of bulbs.”
+Adam picks up a stick and throws it toward the picnic area, “You
+distract her. It’s easy to do.” Adam covers up the hole, and they
+return to their spot by the creek, “What’s for lunch?”
+Joan – “I had Dad help me create these monster sandwiches: salami,
+lettuce, tomato, cheese, mayonnaise, olives, and I have pickles in a
+bag if you want to add them. They should be great.”
+Adam – “They sound good. Are you hungry yet?”
+Joan – “Yeah, I didn’t have much for breakfast.”
+She takes the sandwiches, sodas, and chips out of the basket, and
+they quietly eat their lunch. After they are finished, they lay down
+on the blanket and Pax parks herself between them. “Adam…” She
+pauses, trying to get her thoughts together, “I want to talk to you
+about something.” Adam doesn’t answer; he just gives her his
+attention, “Last spring when you had sex with Bonnie, it really broke
+my heart.”
+Adam – “I know, I was really stupid.If I could take it back, I would.
+I’m so, so sorry that I hurt you.” Adam looks deep into Joan’s eyes,
+“I love you.”
+Joan is pleased to have finally received a heartfelt apology, “I
+know, that’s why I would like to try again.”
+Adam – “You won’t be sorry. I promise, I’ll never do anything like
+that again.” Adam once again looks deep into her eyes, and she can
+see that he means it.
+Joan – “There is something else that you need to know. I’m not having
+sex with you! I’ll only give all of me, body and soul, to the man I
+marry. You’ll have to live with that. Can you?”
+Adam – “We are talking about sex, not marriage. I love you. Sex makes
+the connection.”
+Joan – “Lilly says that boys want sex and give love to get it. Girls
+want love and give sex to get it. His Holiness wants sex to be both a
+physical and a spiritual connection. I’m not some dog you can just
+hook up with.”
+Adam – “Joan, I would never think of you like that.”
+Joan – “Then why did you hook up with Bonnie?”
+Adam is startled by her question, “Well, I guess you are right,
+although I never loved Bonnie. It was just sex.”
+Joan – “Boys should be hosed down with cold water every hour.”
+Adam – “Yeah, you’re right. It almost destroyed me, and it destroyed
+Joan – “We’re destroyed?”
+Adam – “Yeah, but something new can be reborn, right?”
+Joan – “Yeah.”
+Adam – “What you’re asking is going to be really hard. Do you have
+any idea how many times I have dreamed of making love to you?”
+Joan – “Adam, I know, and I have the same urges and dreams as you,
+but I believe this is what God wants me to do. If we have sex, I just
+know the ripples will be bad. I want only good ripples for us. This
+is not going to be easy for me either. I’m going to need you to help.
+You have to be with me on this.”
+Adam – “If I agree, you’ll let me have your heart?”
+Joan – “I will open my heart to you again, but you will have to earn
+my trust. And I can’t promise where it will lead, only that the
+opportunity will be there.”
+Adam takes a few moments to consider, “I want you to love me more
+than anything in the world. I’ll try not to push the sex-thing, but
+you have to remember the hose and to say no.”
+This time, Joan initiates the kiss, but they are interrupted. Pax has
+been quietly lying between them, but now she begins a low growl. Joan
+looks at her, “Don’t you like us kissing?”
+Paxrises up and continues to growl. She stealthily walks between them
+toward the bushes a few yards away. The hair on her back begins to
+stand up, and she growls and snarls even louder. Both Joan and Adam
+now realize that something is very wrong.
+Joan remembers what God told her, “Adam, call her back, call her
+back, now!”
+Adam decides to heed her advice, “Pax, come here.” Initially, Pax
+refuses to leave the proximity of the bushes, but Adam repeats the
+call until finally, she comes.
+While Adam was calling Pax, Joan was collecting their things, “Come
+on, we’re leaving.” They return to the truck and head for home.
+Adam – “What do you suppose was behind the bushes?”
+Joan – “I don’t know, but I think we did the right thing by leaving.”
+Adam turns on the radio and the song “If” begins to play. He takes
+her hand and they quietly hold hands the rest of the way home.