path: root/20-ADarkNightofGrace.rst
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authorMatěj Cepl <>2021-07-16 09:20:58 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <>2021-07-16 09:20:58 +0200
commitcc4cfa3efa778c21b69bb32dfc66e8e06c46e43d (patch)
tree31fe8cb15fce4d9628c8e862011f96b4f94637da /20-ADarkNightofGrace.rst
Initial commitHEADmaster
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+Episode 3.20, A Dark Night of Grace
+Joan once again makes snow angels, but this time she is lying in bed.
+It will be nice having the whole bed again, but it will also be
+lonely. She has gotten used to having Grace sleeping beside her. Oh,
+but the song of saws will not be missed. Mixed feelings, but she
+realized that Grace needs her father. That’s why she made the call.
+Although she refused to tell him why, Rabbi Polonsky knew that Joan
+would not have called if it wasn’t necessary. He returned to Arcadia
+this evening.
+Rabbi Polonsky had plans to come home anyway, just not this soon.
+Sarah is progressing better than expected, and her release is already
+scheduled. Next Sunday is the big day. Grace and her father will
+travel to Baltimore and return once again as a family.
+Although Joan, Luke, and Adam all try to be supportive, Grace refuses
+to talk about it. Instead, she diligently works to finish the second
+bootie. Joan joins her and by late afternoon, both sets of booties
+are finished.
+Grace – “Can you get these to Mrs. Finnegan?”
+Joan – “We can give them to Sister Sarah tomorrow.”
+Grace – “No, I can’t, you have to do it for us.”
+When Joan returns from work, Grace is gone. A somber day fades as
+joins\ `Annie <>`__\ on
+her ship of dreams.
+At School
+Joan – “Hey.”
+Grace – “Hey.”
+Joan – “How’s your father?”
+Grace – “He’s fine; why did you call him?”
+Joan – “Because I thought you needed him.”
+Grace – “Well, now there’s this thing hanging out there. What am I
+supposed to say to him? ‘Dad, I accidentally got pregnant, I decided
+I wanted to keep the baby, and then I lost it.’ Which revelation do
+you think my father, the rabbi, would understand?”
+Joan – “All of them, because he is a rabbi, and mostly because he is
+your father.”
+Grace – “Yes, he’s my father, which is why he won’t understand any of
+Joan – “So, you didn’t tell him? What about your mom?”
+Grace – “She has her own problems to deal with.”
+Joan – “Grace, you have to talk to somebody about this. Will you talk
+to Luke?”
+Grace – “Hey, I already have El Shaddai’s ear, and I’m not finished
+cussing at him yet. Just drop it!” She turns and darts off in the
+other direction.
+Joan calls after her, “Grace, wait! Who?”
+Luke walks up as Grace leaves, “What did she say?”
+Joan – “I’m not sure… something about yelling at some Spanish guy.”
+At 570 Elcaro Street
+Lilly – “Does that look clean to you? Never mind, it probably does.
+Listen up dregs, the new owners will be moving in tomorrow. This
+place must be clean before we leave, and I have plans for this
+evening. Get to work.”
+Homeless Man – “I’ve made some coffee. Would you like a cup?”
+Lilly – “It’s about time you learned how to make it. I don’t suppose
+you saved me any donuts.”
+He walks over to a toolbox and retrieves two donuts, “I hid some in
+there for you.”
+Lilly – “Thank God, I’m starving!”
+Homeless Man – “You’re welcome.” He lets Lilly enjoy her donuts, and
+then he continues, “Do you know who the new owners are?”
+Lilly – “I don’t have anything to do with that. I just make sure
+everything is repaired and ready to go. All I know is that this will
+be a store and four families will live in the apartments upstairs.”
+Homeless Man – “Urban renewal and you are an urban legend.”
+Lilly – “Yeah, right.If you ever decide you no longer want to be
+homeless, let me know. I know someone who will be needing a
+Homeless Man – “No, thank you, I prefer to live everywhere.”
+At School
+Teacher – “Class, we have a new student today. Her name
+is\ `Fatimah <>`__\ Fakiri.”
+Fatimah whispers in the teacher’s ear, and then the teacher
+continues, “But apparently I have mispronounced her name. Would you
+say your name for us?”
+Fatimah –
+“\ \ `Fatimah <>`__\ ,
+but I prefer to be called Tima.”
+Teacher – “Thank you, Tima. Please give her a warm welcome.”
+When the class claps, Tima shyly smiles. The teacher directs her to
+an empty seat next to Alice.
+Alice – “That’s a pretty scarf you’re wearing. I thought Muslim women
+were supposed to be plainly dressed.”
+Tima– “Oh, thank you, my mother made this for me. It’s called a
+khimar. We are required to conceal our beauty, but we are permitted
+to wear attractive clothing.”
+At the Police Station
+Jeanne – “Will, a Mr. Farrell from the ACLU would like to speak with
+Will – “What does he want?”
+Jeanne – “He wouldn’t say. Shall I send him in?”
+Will – “Sure, why not?” Jeanne brings him in and Will greets him,
+“Hello Mr. Farrell. How can I help you?”
+Mr. Farrell – “Hello Chief Girardi. I’d like to speak with you about
+your association with Brother Jimi’s committee.”
+Will – “What is it you would like to know?”
+Mr. Farrell – “We have concerns that all of its members are
+affiliated with religious organizations.”
+Will – “Brother Jimi solicited the membership of his committee. A
+majority of the citizens of Arcadia belong to some religious
+organization. It is an efficient means to solicit input from our
+Mr. Farrell – “His committee only represents citizens who are
+affiliated with religious organizations.”
+Will – “The committee is neither a religious nor a political
+organization. It provides a forum to present recommendations to the
+police department regarding how we can better serve the entire
+Mr. Farrell – “Again, he only represents those citizens who have
+religious beliefs. This is a clear endorsement of religion and a
+violation of the separation of church and state. I must protest this
+Will – “The last time I checked, people with religious beliefs are
+not barred from participating in civic activities. Would you like to
+recommend a representative from the Arcadia Association of Atheists?”
+Mr. Farrell gets angry, “There is no such organization. If you insist
+on continuing this association, we will file suit.”
+Will – “Well, Mr. Farrell, I guess we will see each other in court.
+Good day.”
+At School
+Just before the bell rings, the teacher asks the class, “Who has AP
+Calculus next?”
+Grace looks for someone else to respond, then slowly raises her hand.
+Teacher – “Good, please show Tima her way to class.”
+Grace gives the teacher a dumbfounded look, and then looks at Tima.
+“Sure, why not, just don’t talk to me.” Tima quietly follows.
+On the way, they meet Luke, “Who’s your friend?”
+Grace – “An acquaintance, Tima, Luke; Luke, Tima.”
+Tima– “Luke, it’s nice to meet you.”
+Luke – “It’s nice to meet you, too.”
+Grace – “Okay, this is the classroom.”
+Timathanks her and enters the room.
+Luke – “We need to talk.”
+Grace – “About what?”
+Luke – “You know what.”
+Grace – “Oh, about me leading Tima to the Promised Land? It wasn’t my
+Luke – “Huh?”
+The bell rings, and Grace says, “Never mind” as they enter the
+At The Herald
+Rebecca – “Here are five stories I want you to check, and I e-mailed
+links for three more.”
+Kevin – “Why didn’t you just e-mail links for all of them.”
+Rebecca – “I can’t go cold turkey. Deal with it.”
+Kevin – “No problem.Accept the good stuff and move on. That’s my
+Rebecca – “So, what are you going to write for your class tonight?”
+Kevin – “How did you know about that?”
+Rebecca – “Lilly and I are getting together tonight. We talked
+Kevin – “Oh, it’s almost done. I call it ‘Floating Effortlessly Above
+the Masses’. Do you think the title’s too long?”
+Rebecca – “Yeah, it’s a little wordy. It sounds more like a title for
+one of your legal papers. Why don’t you try something shorter?”
+Kevin – “Any suggestions?”
+Rebecca thinks for a moment, “How about ‘Crowd Surfing’?”
+At School
+Ms. Lischak – “Greetings, hormonal units. This week we will be
+discussing human reproduction.”
+As the class grows silent, Grace whispers, “Just what I need!”
+Ms. Lischak continues, “You have all had how-to instruction in health
+class. We will be discussing the physical, chemical, and biological
+processes involved in reproduction.”
+Darlene raises her hand, “So, we’re not going to talk about
+premarital sex?”
+Ms. Lischak – “We will be discussing the hardware. For software
+support, please seek advice from your parents. Pay attention, because
+we will be going into great detail.” She flips a quarter in the air,
+“Lukey G., call it.”
+Luke – “Heads.”
+Ms. Lischak catches the quarter, “Tails, you lose. The hormone
+released by the area of the brain known as the hypothalamus begins at
+the onset of sexual maturity…”
+At 570 Elcaro Street
+Lilly – “No, get in here! You are not ‘Robin the Graff Wonder’ here.
+The last thing that I need is a mess to clean up on the sidewalk.”
+She closes the window and then releases two latches at the top of the
+windowpane, “See, they fold in, so you don’t have to hang out of the
+window to clean it.”
+Robin gives her a ‘who-cares’ look and returns to cleaning the
+window. She sprays the window with cleaner.
+Lilly – “No, not that one!” Lilly rummages through the supplies and
+finds a bottle of Windex, “Use this one. Scrubbing Bubbles is for the
+The homeless man calls from the doorway, “There’s a problem with the
+toilet on the fourth floor. It won’t flush.”
+Lilly – “Wonderful, and when did you learn that it didn’t work?”
+Homeless Man – “Well…”
+Lilly doesn’t wait for him to finish. She grabs a plunger and heads
+for the doorway. As she passes through, she gives him a tart smile
+and says, “Holy crap, Batman!”
+As Lilly disappears downstairs, the homeless man smiles and whispers
+to himself, “Batman?”
+At School
+After biology class, Glynis comments, “I think it’s fascinating.
+Human reproduction is an incredible process. It’s very important that
+we know how our bodies work.”
+Grace – “I think that health class was enough.”
+Joan – “It’s a miracle, that’s all I need to know.”
+Luke – “That really wasn’t as embarrassing as I thought it would be.
+Ms. Lischak is actually explaining how everything works. It’s
+Adam – “Well, I really felt uncomfortable. Why couldn’t they separate
+us into classes for boys and girls? The stress has given me a
+Glynischuckles, “Hey, that’s my line.”
+Friedman glares at Glynis and then looks back to the others, “Glynis
+has a point. It’s important for each of us to know how our body
+works, and how the body of the opposite sex works. Do you think Ms.
+Lischak would give extra credit if…?”
+Grace interrupts, “I don’t think she’d even want to know what you
+have in mind.”
+Joan – “Am I the only one who noticed something different about Ms.
+Lischak today?”
+Luke – “She didn’t seem different to me.”
+Joan – “That’s because you’re not a woman.”
+Glynis– “Hey, I’m a woman, what did I miss?”
+Grace – “The rock on her finger the size of Texas.”
+At the Police Station
+Will – “Good, I just wanted to make sure we had all of our ducks in a
+Mimi – “Well, I’m glad you came to me when you first decided to deal
+with Brother Jimi’s committee. The City Charter gives you the
+authority to determine which civic organizations are associated with
+the police department. And as you stated, the fact that the members
+of the committee are also religious leaders is irrelevant, since the
+committee is neither religious nor politically affiliated. Do you
+know Mike Trimble?”
+Will – “We’ve met on a few occasions.”
+Mimi – “He’s going to handle the case. He’ll be by tomorrow at nine
+Will – “Don’t you think we’re jumping the gun a bit? The ACLU hasn’t
+filed suit yet.”
+Mimi – “Oh, but they will. They’ll sue even if they don’t think they
+can win. They win most of their cases out of court. People just can’t
+afford the legal fees involved, so even if they feel they are right,
+many agree to settle. They claim to be defenders of the Bill of
+Rights, but when it comes to the First Amendment, they choose to read
+it as freedom from religion. They want every aspect of religion
+removed from the public arena, especially when it comes to
+Christianity. It’s better for us to prepare now.”
+Will – “Thanks for your help.”
+At School
+Joan leaves French class looking at a photograph and talking to
+herself, “Est-ce le chemin vers l’église de Saint ‘Remy?Quand
+est-elle l’entrée permitted? Est-ce que je peux être seul dans
+Grace approaches and asks, “What’s that?”
+Joan shows her
+the\ `photograph <>`__\ ,
+“It’s Joan of Arc’s church in Domremy-la-Pucelle. I’ll be visiting it
+during spring break.”
+Grace – “Right, the French class trip. Has Adam said anything to you
+about it?”
+Joan – “Just that he’s happy for me.”
+Grace – “Don’t you think he would like to go, too? He would have a
+riot at the art museums.”
+Joan – “Yes, but I’m sure he doesn’t have the money. I wouldn’t be
+going if it wasn’t for Kevin. I don’t want to make him feel any worse
+than he already does.”
+Grace – “Ask him. Let him decline the offer.”
+Joan – “Maybe you’re right. How is it that you can see that I should
+talk to Adam, but you can’t see that you need to talk to someone,
+Grace – “Maybe I’ll take Mr. Dingle for a spin during study hall.”
+Joan – “Come on, you know that’s pointless. He’s a moron with a PhD.
+You don’t have to go through this alone. Let us help you.”
+Grace – “Gotta go.” Grace turns and walks the other way. As she does,
+she begins to sing, “Dingle bells, dingle bells, dingle all the way…”
+At St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
+Brother Jimi – “Thanks for coming. I believe you know Father Mallory
+and Rabbi Polonsky.” They acknowledge one another. “Let me introduce
+the other members of the committee.”
+After Brother Jimi introduces the others, Will comments, “It’s nice
+to meet all of you. Reverend Sharpton, I have heard of you. Wayne and
+June Goetzmann speak highly of you.”
+Reverend Sharpton – “Thank you, I’m glad to hear that. Reverend
+Yardley was loved and respected by our congregation. His shoes have
+been difficult to fill.”
+Brother Jimi – “Well, let’s get down to business. We really
+appreciate the extra security that you provided for the Beachland
+Ballroom during our last fundraiser. We wanted everyone who attended
+to know they would be safe during the event.”
+Will – “You’re welcome, and thank you for the surprise.”
+Brother Jimi – “Well, we all felt that you and the Arcadia Police
+deserved recognition for a job well done. We are planning another
+event for New Years Eve. Do you think you could help us out again
+with security?”
+Will – “That may be possible, but I’ll have to wait until we are
+closer to New Years to know if I can commit the resources.”
+Brother Jimi – “Fair enough. We have received some complaints about
+the situation at Meadow Park. Many of the residents are concerned
+about the number of people who hang around all night long. They
+believe drug deals are being made. They would like the ten o’clock
+curfew enforced.”
+Will – “We already have regular patrols through that area, but curfew
+enforcement is not something we are tasked to enforce. If the
+citizens can assist us with information on actual criminal activity
+going on, then I could justify doing a sweep of the park.”
+Reverend Sharpton – “I might be able to help you with that. I’ll call
+you later.” He pauses before he continues, “On another matter, one of
+our parishioner’s works for the zoning commission. She approached me
+with a concern. Are you aware that a mosque is opening on Elcaro
+Will – “No, this is the first I have heard of it.”
+Reverend Sharpton – “This city is still recovering from the attacks
+of Ryan Hunter and his group. Her concern is that this may mark the
+beginning of another wave of attacks.”
+Will – “We don’t know that! It’s only a small percentage of Muslims
+who are involved in terrorism.”
+Reverend Sharpton – “Yes, I know, but she came prepared with an
+alarming statistic. The fundamentalist Muslims, about five percent,
+are the ones who support the kind of terrorist acts of September
+11th. If only five percent of American Muslims are Fundamentalists,
+then America has 300 thousand potential terrorists living within our
+Will – “Well, I don’t know about those figures, but even if they are
+correct, it doesn’t mean these people are terrorists.”
+Reverend Sharpton – “I’m just relaying what she told me. I agree with
+you, but when the news of this becomes more widely known, people are
+going to start asking questions, legitimate questions. I’m only
+bringing it up to make you aware.”
+Will – “Has anyone talked to them?”
+Father Mallory – “A few of us are planning a visit. Their imam’s name
+is Fakiri. We were wondering if you would like to join us.”
+Will – “I don’t feel having the Chief of Police show up is a good
+idea. You should make your visit without me. As long as they are not
+breaking any laws, I have no reason to become involved.”
+Brother Jimi – “Well, I’m glad that’s out of the way. We have only
+two more issues to discuss…”
+At School
+Adam – “Hey, you want to go to the library and look up that hormone
+for biology?”
+Grace – “I already know the answer; it’s what is detected by a
+pregnancy test.”
+Adam – “Okay, but is that enough of an answer for Ms. Lischak? I have
+dance tonight, so I need to look it up now. I just thought we could
+do it together.”
+Grace – “This is just another ploy to get me to talk, isn’t it? Don’t
+you guys get it? I just want to be left alone!”
+Adam – “Friends don’t leave friends alone.”
+Grace glares at Adam and leaves without making a further comment.
+At The Herald
+Kevin goes to Rebecca’s desk, “Why do you have ‘Dar al-Islam’ circled
+in this story?”
+Rebecca – “That’s the name of the new mosque on Elcaro Street. Imam
+Fakiri wants to announce the opening and to invite everyone to noon
+prayer on Friday. Make sure it’s spelled correctly and find out what
+it means.”
+Kevin – “Is ‘Iman’ his name or should it be ‘Imam’ his title?”
+Rebecca wonders for a moment, “I don’t know, I didn’t take the call.
+It could be a typo. Find out and maybe you should insert his name
+somewhere in the text.”
+Kevin goes back to his desk and does several searches. He finds a
+variety of spellings, but the one provided seems to be the most
+common. It means, ‘House of Peace’. The task of clarifying whether to
+use ‘Iman’ or ‘Imam’ will require more research.
+At the Polonsky Residence
+Grace enjoys dinner with her father. While staying with the
+Girardi’s, she learned how to make one of his favorite pasta dishes.
+After dinner, she watches a little TV, and then finishes her
+homework. She looks up ‘human chorionic gonadotropin’ on her
+computer. She finds a website that confirms what she already knows.
+She then reads the following:
+‘\ HCG may also be produced abnormally by certain tumors. HCG levels
+may be elevated in women who have cancer of the ovaries…\ ’
+Grace wonders, ‘Could it be that she was never really pregnant?’ She
+cradles her head in her hands, “Okay, calm down and just breathe.”
+At Home
+Joan returns from dance class, “Mom, what did we have for dinner?”
+Helen – “I made a roast. I’ll fix you a plate. How was class?”
+Joan – “Great! We started learning the rumba, and Sister Sarah loved
+the booties Grace and I made for her sister.”
+Helen – “That was really nice of you two to make them for her.”
+Joan sits quietly at the table while Helen finishes warming her
+dinner. When it’s ready, Helen sits beside her.
+Joan – “Mom, I need some advice.”
+Helen – “About Grace?”
+Joan is astounded, “How’d you know?”
+Helen – “It’s a mom thing.” She pauses, cherishing Joan’s expression,
+and then she continues, “Actually, your father had a chat with Rabbi
+Polonsky today. He asked if we knew what was bothering her.”
+Joan – “Well, I know, but I can’t say. The problem is that she
+refuses talk to anyone about it.”
+Helen – “Does this involve Luke?”
+Joan – “He’s involved, but it’s not about him. How can you help
+someone when they won’t let you?”
+Helen answers with a question, “If this were one of God’s requests,
+what would you do?”
+Joan – “Ahhh, fail, fail, fail.”
+Helen – “No you wouldn’t. Remember the story you told me about
+Ramsey? Even though you thought you failed, it turned out that you
+didn’t. Maybe if we put our heads together, we can figure something
+Joan – “If we put our heads together, you’ll just hear a hollow
+Helen – “Oh honey, just give it a little more time.”
+At School
+Joan – “Hey, where have you been?”
+Grace – “I had a thing with my uncle, and then I had to give blood.”
+Joan smiles, “Your uncle is a vampire?”
+Grace – “Did you know that you aren’t supposed to eat garlic
+twenty-four hours prior to giving blood?”
+Joan becomes perplexed, not knowing what to say. Is she serious? She
+decides to give Grace a tart smile and change the subject, “Which
+would you rather have, creamed chicken ala mush or a roast beef
+Grace – “We have a choice?”
+Joan – “You and I do. Come on, let’s go up to the roof and have
+lunch.” After they settle in, Joan says, “I know you don’t want to
+talk about what happened, so I’ve decided I won’t bother you
+Grace – “Well, it’s about time someone decided to respect my
+Joan adds, “But, I want you to know that I’m here for you if you
+change your mind.”
+Joan and Grace eat quietly for a while, and then Grace breaks the
+silence, “You know my mother’s coming home on Sunday.”
+Joan – “Yeah, your dad told me.”
+Grace – “Well, that means we won’t see each other. What are you doing
+on Saturday morning?”
+Joan – “Nothing, I guess.”
+Grace – “Good, I’ll pick you up at eight.”
+Joan – “Where are we going?”
+Grace – “I just have a thing to do. I’ll tell you then.”
+A heat exchanger that had been running turns off. The sound of
+someone talking softly becomes apparent, and they realize they are
+not alone. As they quietly peer around a roof vent, they observe Tima
+kneeling on a prayer carpet, reciting her prayers. After a few
+moments, Grace gestures. They quietly go back down into the school.
+Joan – “Do you know her?”
+Grace – “Her name is Tima. She started here yesterday.”
+Joan – “She’s Muslim, right?”
+Grace asks sarcastically, “What, did the scarf give it away? Yeah,
+she’s Muslim.”
+Joan – “I’ve never met a Muslim.”
+Grace – “And you still haven’t. You’re better off staying away from
+Joan – “Why?”
+Grace – “Because she’s probably praying that her suicide bomber vest
+arrives before Christmas.”
+Joan – “Grace, that’s not fair!”
+Grace – “Fair? Tell that to my Aunt Tirza. Thanks for lunch.” She
+darts off, ending the conversation.
+At The Herald
+Rebecca – “Hey, that was a nice touch adding that ‘Dar al-Islam’
+means ‘House of Peace’.”
+Kevin – “Thanks. I couldn’t find out Imam Fakiri’s first name, so I
+stopped by there after work. His first name is Iman! Imam Iman
+Fakiri, now that’s a tongue twister. At least his last name isn’t
+Saad! I put ‘Imam Fakiri’ in the story.”
+Rebecca smiles, “Saad, that’s the best you could come up with?”
+Kevin returns the smile, “Actually, I came up with a few more.”
+Rebecca – “Iman Woman.”
+Kevin – “Iman Uglay.”
+Rebecca – “Iman bin Laden.”
+Kevin – “Iman Assaf.”
+With this last one, they both start laughing. Rebecca regains her
+composure first, “Ahhh, okay, that’s enough. We really shouldn’t be
+doing this.”
+Kevin – “Yeah, I know, but it is funny!”
+Rebecca – “I’m sure that Mr. Fakiri is a very nice man.”
+They look at each other and begin to laugh again. Rebecca returns to
+her desk, but she’s still carrying a smile. She chuckles as she hears
+Kevin continue to rattle off names, “Iman Idiata, Iman Oaf, Iman
+Evill, Iman Yosles…”
+At the Police Station
+Carlisle – “Hey boss, have you read this morning’s paper?”
+Will – “No, I haven’t had time. Where have you been?”
+Carlisle – “One of my snitches called with some interesting
+information. Did you hear a mosque is opening on Elcaro Street?”
+Will – “Yeah, I’ve heard about it.”
+Carlisle – “Well, he overheard some guys talking in the bathroom
+about making trouble. I went to grill him for more information.”
+Will – “Do you have any IDs on them, what they’re planning to do?”
+Carlisle – “No, he didn’t see them, and they didn’t give specifics.”
+Will – “Can you trust this guy?”
+Carlisle – “I suppose it could be a stall tale, but he’s been pretty
+reliable in the past.”
+Will smiles at Carlisle’s bit of humor and then continues, “Okay,
+have everyone get the word out. I want to know if there is any new
+Carlisle leaves and Will gets on the phone, “Brother Jimi, I’m glad I
+caught you. Have you met yet with the Imam on Elcaro Street?”
+Brother Jimi – “No, we plan to meet in the morning.”
+Will – “Good, I would like to come with you.”
+At School
+Adam – “Hey, Mrs. G., I’ve finished my distortion project. What do
+you think?”
+Helen – “It looks,” she pauses wondering, “interesting. I’ll let you
+explain it when the class begins.”
+While the other students continue to come in, Adam notices
+a\ `painting <>`__\ against
+the wall, “Whose is this?”
+Helen – “Oh, it’s Tima Fakiri’s. She painted it last summer. Isn’t it
+Adam – “Yeah, it’s like, I don’t know, a stellar rose.”
+Helen – “She does call it, ‘The Rose’. It’s her distortion of the
+cat’s eye nebula. She’s added more ripples to it. The
+original\ `picture <>`__\ is
+taped to the back of the canvas.”
+Adam pulls the picture off and compares it to the painting. As he
+returns it, he notices writing on the back, “When the sky
+disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint.”
+Adam – “Tima’s in my AP Calc class. I didn’t know that she took art.
+She’s really good!”
+Helen – “She told me she’s been painting since she was very young.
+She is talented.”
+Adam – “She blew us all away yesterday when she went up to the board
+and solved a problem using Euler’s method. She solved it, but she
+added some strange calculations. Even Luke was scratching his head
+trying to understand her solution. And then, she just walked back to
+her seat like nothing happened.”
+Helen – “Today was only her second day in class, but I can tell that
+she’s very smart. I’m going to have fun with her. Now, go to your
+At Home
+Helen – “Here’s your dinner. How was work?”
+Joan – “The same. Actually, it was pretty quiet tonight. I’ve been
+thinking about Grace. She really doesn’t like this new Muslim girl,
+and she doesn’t even know her.”
+Helen – “She seems really sweet, but the Jews and Muslims have a long
+and violent history. If everyone could just respect each other's
+right to believe as they choose, the world would be a much better
+Joan – “I don’t think her religion is the issue. Maybe it’s part of
+it. I think Grace is angry and she’s taking it out on Tima.”
+Helen – “Perhaps you could find a way to show Grace that Tima is
+really a nice girl.”
+Joan – “Hah!Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to
+change Grace’s mind.”
+Helen – “Okay, it will be a challenge, but you can find a way.”
+Joan – “That’s what you said yesterday. I still have no idea of what
+to do.”
+Will comes into the kitchen and gives Joan a kiss, “How was your
+Joan – “Fine, just more double, double, toil and trouble.”
+Helen – “Oh, Macbeth!”
+Joan – “No, Harry Potter.How was your day, Daddy?”
+Will – “‘Fire burn and cauldron bubble! Something wicked this way
+comes!’ Hogwarts, right?”
+Joan – “Yeah, I’m surprised you remember.”
+Will – “Well, you did sing that song for weeks after we watched the
+Helen, talking aloud to herself, “Great, now I have my example of
+alternative education for the meeting!”
+Joan – “What meeting?”
+Helen – “Never mind.”
+Joan returns to her conversation with her father, “So, you had a bad
+Will – “No, not really. I’m just trying to prevent problems when the
+new mosque opens on Friday. There’s supposed to be an article in the
+newspaper about it.”
+Joan – “Oh, I’d like to read that.”
+Helen – “The paper’s in the living room.”
+At School
+Joan – “Hey, I got a B on my calculus test. Thanks for your help.”
+Grace – “No problem.Did you find the answer for Ms. Lischak’s
+prostate question?”
+Joan – “Yeah, it’s ‘prostate specific antigen’, PSA. Just remember
+‘public service announcement’.”
+Grace smiles, “Or ‘Partido Socialista Auténtico’.”
+Joan – “What?”
+Grace – “Never mind, did you bring a lunch again today?”
+Joan – “No, I’m going to brave the mystery meat.” She smiles and
+adds, “I just hope it doesn’t have a collar.”
+Grace – “Good one, Girardi! I prefer to think of it as viscera-lite.”
+Joan – “Eeeuw, I think I lost my appetite.”
+Grace – “Oh, get over it.” They get their trays and sit down at a
+Joan – “Will you go with me on a little excursion during lunch this
+Grace – “And to where would that be?”
+Joan – “Uh-uh, you don’t get to find out until we get there.”
+Grace gives her a disgruntled look. Joan isn’t supposed to play this
+game. Her initial impulse is to refuse; however, she agrees, because
+she really wants Joan to go with her on Saturday, “Yeah, okay, but
+only if we can be late getting back from lunch.”
+Joan – “I have it planned so we won’t, but perhaps I can oblige.”
+Adam joins them, “Hey, what is this stuff?”
+Joan – “Entrailles de chien, bon appétit!”
+Adam – “Wow, sounds good, thanks.”
+At The Herald
+Rebecca – “Hey, thanks for letting me have Lilly for the last few
+nights. We’ve been having a lot of fun.”
+Kevin – “And what have you two been up to?”
+Rebecca – “Oh no, don’t go there. Lilly made me promise that I
+wouldn’t tell. It’s a surprise.”
+Kevin – “Is this about Christmas?”
+Rebecca just ignores him and smiles, “Check your inbox. I sent you
+some more stories.”
+Kevin takes the hint, “I was wondering about the new mosque opening
+on Friday. Is anyone planning to be there?”
+Rebecca is startled by his question and pauses before responding, “I
+wasn’t going to say anything, but Iman Fakiri called. He was furious!
+He didn’t want his name put in the story.”
+Kevin – “Do you want me to call him?”
+Rebecca – “No, I’ve already apologized. What more could I do? We
+can’t unpublish the newspaper, and a retraction would just attract
+more attention to it.” She pauses and then continues, “Anyway, we
+don’t plan to have anyone at the mosque on Friday. It’s not the type
+of event we typically cover.”
+Kevin – “I would like to go to the noon prayers. I think there may be
+a story.”
+Rebecca – “Do you know Arabic?”
+Kevin – “No, but I have a tape recorder, and I’ve found a professor
+at Dawson State who will translate it for me.”
+Rebecca – “Okay, go for it, but if there’s a story, you’re working
+this weekend. I’ll want it for the Sunday addition.”
+Kevin – “Will I get overtime?”
+Rebecca – “Don’t push it! We’re still just barely keeping it in the
+black. Maybe I’ll give you a byline and a day off.”
+Kevin accepts the compromise and returns to work.
+At 570 Elcaro Street
+Imam Fakiri – “That’s why we are having an open house, so people can
+come to see that Islam is a religion of peace.”
+Rabbi Polonsky – “But most people don’t speak Arabic. They won’t know
+what you are saying.”
+Imam Fakiri – “The prayers must be spoken in the language of Allah.
+During your services, you recite the Torah in Hebrew. Do people
+accuse you of hiding a terrorist agenda?”
+Reverend Sharpton – “Jews and Christian’s have not been flying planes
+into buildings. They haven’t been blowing up passenger trains. And,
+in case you haven’t been paying attention, more Muslims are being
+killed by other Muslims than by anyone else.”
+Imam Fakiri – “But we don’t have anything to do with that! That’s why
+we moved here.”
+Father Malloy – “What do you mean?”
+Imam Fakiri becomes noticeably uncomfortable, “Never mind.”
+There is a short silence while the others wonder what he meant, but
+then Will continues, “It’s really not unfair for people to have
+trouble believing that Islam is a religion of peace, when all the
+evidence seems to point to the contrary.”
+Reverend Sharpton interjects, “Pay no attention to that man behind
+the curtain, Dorothy.”
+Imam Fakiri – “Okay, I see your point, but how can you prove a
+negative?” When no one answers, he continues, “Perhaps since this is
+an open house, we can make an exception. I will speak to my daughter
+when she comes home from school.”
+Will – “We have received unconfirmed threats against your mosque. I
+feel it would be prudent to have a police presence here on Friday.”
+Imam Fakiri – “No, that would not be acceptable. Who would people
+think you were protecting? And from whom?”
+Will – “The purpose is to protect all who attend. I think it is a
+wise precaution.”
+Imam Fakiri thinks for a few moments, “Okay, but plain clothes
+officers only, and I don’t want anyone to know they are here.”
+At School
+Leaving biology class, Glynis comments, “That picture of
+a\ `fetus <>`__\ was
+so cute.”
+Joan – “I wish you wouldn’t use that word!”
+Adam – “Chill, Jane!She didn’t mean anything by it.”
+Grace – “I’ve seen it before. They use ultrasound and a technique
+called 3D surface rendering. Can we talk about something else now?”
+Friedman – “Her discussion of brain development will probably be a
+test question… starts between the eight and fourteenth weeks, got
+Grace – “That’s a statistical average. In your case, pick ‘none of
+the above’.”
+Friedman ignores her comment and continues, “Ms. Lischak said that on
+Friday, we will finish with what happens during birth. That’ll be
+Glynis– “My mom told me that I was an easy childbirth, just a few
+hours of labor, and then boink, there I was.”
+Grace – “Boink? Isn’t that what started it all? Never mind, why did I
+sear that image on my brain?”
+Friedman – “Touchy today, are we? That time of the month?” All the
+girls slap him.
+Grace – “Friedman, have you heard of the term, ‘retroactive
+Friedman retorts, “Of course, that was the final solution to ‘\ The
+Butterfly Effect\ ’. Unbirth. To be, or not to be: that is the
+question. My name is I was, not I am. O, doth thou summon me to your
+temporal orb…”
+Grace interrupts, “Enough, already! When I was born, I was so
+surprised that I didn’t talk for a year and a half. Maybe you should
+try it!”
+Grace darts down the hall. Luke looks at Friedman and asks, “Why did
+you do that?”
+Friedman – “Hey, I promised I wouldn’t call her ‘Marg’ anymore. I
+never said anything about not pushing her buttons.”
+Luke hears Joan giggling, “What’s with you? You know why she’s
+Joan – “I’m sorry, but I can’t help it. What Grace said is actually
+kind of funny.”
+At the Police Station
+Will ponders the conversation with Imam Fakiri. ‘That’s why we moved
+here.’ It was obviously a slip, but what did he mean? Is he a
+law-abiding citizen who just happens to be a Muslim, or has a
+terrorist cell actually moved into Arcadia? What is he hiding?
+Carlisle – “Hey boss, you wanted to see me?”
+Will – “Yeah. I want you and Sgt. Collins to attend the open house at
+the Elcaro Street mosque on Friday. Wear plain clothes, but something
+appropriate for church.”
+Carlisle – “We haven’t heard anything further about the threat to the
+mosque. This may not be necessary.”
+Will – “It’s just a precaution. Watch everybody.”
+Carlisle – “Will do.”
+Carlisle leaves and Will gets on the phone. It rings for a long time,
+but just as he thinks it’s going into voice mail, Victor picks up,
+“Will, how have you been?”
+Will – “Hi Victor, how did you know it was me?”
+Victor – “Caller ID, it’s a great tool. What’s up?”
+Will – “Well, it may be something or it may be nothing, but I would
+like you to get some information for me. A man named Iman Fakiri…”
+At 570 Elcaro Street
+Kevin – “Hello, my name is Kevin Girardi. I’m with The Arcadia
+Herald. Is Iman Fakiri at home?”
+Tima– “My father is working and cannot be disturbed. Did you say
+Kevin – “Yes, with *The* Arcadia Herald.”
+Tima– “Do you have a brother named Luke?”
+Kevin – “Yeah, do you know him?”
+Tima– “No, not really, but I have met him. What is it that you want
+with my father?”
+Kevin – “I just wanted to get some more information about the open
+house you have planned at your mosque.”
+Tima– “My father doesn’t talk to reporters, and he has asked me not
+to either. Just come on Friday and you can see for yourself.”
+Kevin – “May I ask just one question? Where did you live before
+moving here?”
+Timaignores the question, “I have to go. I’ll walk you out.”
+When the elevator stops at the first floor, it suddenly drops another
+foot. Tima looses her balance and falls against Kevin’s chair,
+spilling some of the contents of her purse. The elevator then slowly
+rises up to the threshold and the door opens.
+Tima– “This has gotten a lot worse. I’m so sorry. Are you all right?”
+Kevin – “I’m fine. Are you okay?”
+Timarubs her arm, “Yeah, I’ll be okay. I wish they would come and fix
+this. My mom is getting tired of calling them.”
+Kevin – “I know someone who can help.”
+Kevin collects her things and Tima puts them back into her purse,
+“Thank you. Good night.”
+At School
+A strange girl dressed like a Carollesque dormouse is reciting poetry
+in the foyer. Singing poetry, actually. She seems oblivious to
+everyone around her, but more bizarre is that everyone seems
+oblivious of her. Joan probably would have passed her by as well, but
+her voice is alluring. Joan stops to listen.
+*Dancing madly backwards
+Memories racing forward
+Tinsel showers from rainbow skies
+Protect the rose of vision
+Thought turns inward on a journey
+*To* see God in the mind’s eye*
+Girl – “What do you think? Am I real or am I Memorex?”
+Joan – “Surreal is more like it.”
+Girl – “Sir Real, I like that, Joan.”
+Joan – “Oh God!Where have you been? You know that I worry when you
+don’t come around. Have I done something wrong?”
+God – “I’m always here, in everything you see and everyone you meet,
+and no, you are doing just fine. However, I do have a suggestion.”
+Joan – “A suggestion?”
+God – “Today is half price day at the thrift store. You should go buy
+a couple scarves.”
+Joan – “I don’t need scarves! I’m all about scarves. I have tons of
+God – “Head scarves. You and Grace will need them.”
+Joan – “Oh, I didn’t think about that. Thanks. Am I doing the right
+God – “You will have an effect.”
+Joan – “Come on God, a little guidance would help here.”
+God – “Hints, Joan, I leave hints everywhere. You should go or you’ll
+be late.”
+The bell rings so Joan rushes off to class.
+At The Herald
+Kevin – “I tried to get an interview with Iman Fakiri last night, but
+his daughter wouldn’t let me talk to him.”
+Rebecca – “You’re really into this story. I hope it’s worth your
+Kevin – “Have you ever heard of an organization called Coexist?”
+Rebecca – “Not an organization, but a cause. Bono of U2 is big into
+it. It’s a plea for the people of the world’s three major religions
+to stop killing one another.”
+Kevin – “Yeah, I’ve heard some of Bono’s quotes, ‘Jesus, Jew,
+Mohammed, it’s true… all sons of Abraham,’ but is there actually an
+Rebecca – “I don’t think so, at least not on a national or
+international scale. I have heard of some small groups on college
+campuses. Some clothing manufacture has grabbed the patent on the
+logo. Does this have something to do with Imam Fakiri, or did we
+change the subject?”
+Kevin – “I came across a variation of the more common logo and I was
+just wondering about it. It’s nothing.”
+At the Police Station
+Will is watching the morning news and reviewing the logs from last
+evening with Sgt. Williams.
+TV reporter – “An Akron, Ohio, man has been arrested for plotting to
+stage a terrorist attack. He planned to place grenades inside
+trashcans at a local suburban shopping mall. The suspect also made a
+videotape in preparation for the attack.
+In other news…”
+Will looks at Toni, maintaining a serious expression, “I’ll bet he’s
+a Methodist. Those Methodists are always causing trouble.”
+Toni looks at him in disbelief, and then smirks, “Come on, Will, you
+know what he is.”
+Will smiles, “Of course I know. Why do they do that? Do they think
+we’re that stupid?”
+Toni – “Apparently so.A lot of the news outlets are doing it.”
+Will returns to reviewing the ledger, “Do we have an ID on the
+Liqueur Mart robber?”
+Toni – “Armond Washington. We have him on the security camera. We’ve
+put an APB out for him.”
+Will – “Wasn’t he a suspect in the Quickie Mart robbery? Black male,
+wears his hair in dreadlocks, right?”
+Toni – “Yeah, he’s out on bail.”
+The news once again catches Will’s attention.
+TV reporter – “In local news, the Liqueur Mart on 5th street was
+robbed again last night. The police have identified the suspect as
+Armond Washington. He is six feet tall and wears a beard. The police
+have asked for the public’s help in locating him.”
+Will looks at the television in disbelief and then looks back at
+Toni, “I’m not going to say it.” He returns to the ledger, “What
+about the mosque threat, anything new?”
+Toni – “Not a peep.Carlisle thinks it may have just been some guys
+blowing hot air.”
+Will – “Well, I’m still going to have him and Sgt. Collins on the
+inside.” He looks at his watch, “I have to go. I have an appointment
+with Mike Trimble. I can’t miss it again. I’ll be back after lunch.”
+At School
+Luke – “Come on Grace, you’ve barely talked to me all week. We can’t
+go on like this.”
+Grace – “I told you, I don’t want to talk about it. It’s all I can do
+just to sit through biology class every day. ‘Doth God pervert
+judgment? Or doth the Almighty pervert justice?’”
+Luke – “You’ve been reading the Torah?”
+Grace – “I memorized it, remember?”
+Luke – “So, you believe what happened is some kind of punishment?”
+Grace – “‘For we are consumed in Thine anger, and by Thy wrath are we
+hurried away.’ You don’t want to be near me, dude.”
+Luke – “Memorizing something and understanding it are two different
+things. I don’t know much about God, but I don’t think he goes around
+punishing people. People do that well enough on their own. You should
+talk to your father.”
+Grace – “My father will never know about this. Ever!”
+At The Herald
+Rebecca – “Is it all right if I borrow Lilly again tonight.”
+Kevin – “You’ll have to ask her.”
+Rebecca – “I already have. I just want to make sure it’s okay with
+Kevin – “I have some class work I can do tonight. I’m actually
+surprised that you and Lilly have become such good friends, but I’m
+glad, too. She doesn’t allow many people to get close to her. Just
+let me have her once in a while.”
+Rebecca – “Come on, we don’t spend that much time together.”
+Kevin – “I was just kidding. It’s fine.”
+Rebecca – “I need to talk to Dan, but why don’t we all do something
+together this weekend.”
+Kevin – “Sure, that sounds good.”
+At School
+Joan arrives for biology class a little early and approaches Ms.
+Lischak at her desk, “May I ask you a personal question?”
+Ms. Lischak – “You know I don’t discuss my personal life with
+Joan – “Yeah, but I was just wondering about your ring.”
+Ms. Lischak looks at her hand, “Carbon in transparent form, created
+under pressure, a girl’s best friend.”
+Joan – “Pressure, that’s good. Who is your second best friend?”
+Ms. Lischak pauses for a moment, just looking at Joan, “Will you be
+attending the Mirror Ball?”
+Joan – “Yeah, Adam is taking me.”
+Ms. Lischak – “Sometimes the solution to mysteries just requires
+being in the right place at the right time. Go to your seat, Ms.
+At the Police Station
+Will is jotting down facts, working on a statement for Mike Trimble.
+He’s detailing everything he can remember about the events that lead
+to his association with Brother Jimi’s committee. His cell phone
+rings, “Will Girardi.”
+Victor – “Hi Will, I have some information for you…”
+Will – “Uh-huh… yeah… yeah… really!”
+At Home
+Helen – “It’s nice to have everyone at dinner, well almost everyone.
+Where is Lilly this evening?”
+Kevin – “She and Rebecca are doing something. It’s a surprise.”
+Helen – “Well, tell her we missed her. Luke, you haven’t said the
+prayer in a while. Would you say one for us?”
+Luke thinks for a moment, “Dear Lord, if I mix sodium with
+concentrated nitric acid, and add to it Plutonium, would you take
+care of me? Amen.”
+Everyone smiles.
+Joan – “You’re such a weirdo!”
+Kevin – “After dinner, go to\ `The Darwin
+Awards <>`__\ website. You’ll find your
+answer there.”
+Helen – “Ah hmm, well, it was a prayer. Let’s eat.”
+They pass around the food and everyone enjoys the meal.
+Kevin asks Luke, “Do you know a girl named Tima Fakiri?”
+Will’s eyes widen momentarily, but he returns his expression back to
+normal before anyone notices.
+Luke – “Yeah, she’s in my AP Calculus class.”
+Joan – “I know who she is, but we haven’t met.”
+Kevin – “I talked to her last night. I found one of her cards in the
+fold of my wheelchair this morning…”
+Helen interrupts, “How did that happen?”
+Kevin – “It’s a long story.” He hands the card to Luke, “Can you get
+this back to her?”
+Joan – “Let
+me\ `see <>`__\ it.”
+Kevin – “I looked up the area code. It’s the Buffalo, New York area.
+I’m guessing that’s where they came from.”
+Helen – “Tima is a very nice girl, and talented too. I have her in
+one of my classes. I wish I could show you the painting she made.
+It’s so beautiful. She calls it ‘The Rose’.”
+Joan – “Adam mentioned seeing it. He said there was something strange
+written on the back.”
+Helen – “It’s only strange to us. It’s a quote from the Koran.”
+Joan – “Grace and I saw her praying on the roof the other day. She
+must be very religious.”
+Luke – “What does this symbol mean?”
+Helen – “See the cross, the Star of David, and the crescent moon and
+star, they’re all religious symbols. It’s a desire, a hope, a vision
+that someday all the worlds major religions will peacefully coexist.”
+Will breaks his silence, “Why were you talking to Tima Fakiri?”
+Kevin – “I was trying to talk to her father, but she wouldn’t let me.
+I’m trying to get information for a story.”
+Will – “Well, there’s a story all right, but it’s not one that should
+be told, at least not in the newspaper. Do you remember Ben Pollack?”
+Kevin – “Sure, but what does he have to do with this?”
+Will – “Be careful what you write, son.”
+Joan becomes frustrated, “What’s with this Illya and Napoleon
+routine? Are you guys going to tell us what you’re talking about?”
+Will ignores her, “This steak is nice and tender!”
+Joan – “Dad!”
+Will – “Let’s just say that Tima Fakiri is a very special young lady
+and leave it at that.”
+Joan awakens, refreshed from her pursuit of rabbits. She stretches,
+yawns, and smiles at the new day. During her slumber, the
+significance of subtleties coalesced, and clarity of mind is now
+bestowed upon her. She speaks softly to herself, “Protect the rose of
+At School
+Joan arrives at her locker, still a little dazzled, and somewhat
+apprehensive. The whence, how, and what are still unknown. She finds
+Adam talking with Elizabeth, “Hi.”
+Adam – “Elizabeth wants me to help them finish the mirror ball.
+They’re having trouble cutting the mirrors. We’re going to meet
+tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to come?”
+Joan – “Um, I don’t know. Who else will be there?”
+Elizabeth – “There’ll be Glynis, Friedman, Alice, Adam, and me. Oh,
+and Alice has invited Tima Fakiri, so that’s six so far. Come on,
+it’ll be fun!”
+Joan – “I haven’t had good experiences with mirrors.”
+Elizabeth – “Oh, there’ll be other stuff to do. A lot of the
+decorations still need to be finished.”
+Joan – “Okay, I’ll come.” Elizabeth leaves, and Joan and Adam head to
+class, “Are you working tonight?”
+Adam – “No, I’ve finished the mural at the historical society and I’m
+taking tonight off. What would you like to do?”
+Joan – “I really don’t want to go anywhere, but I would like for us
+to do something. Can you rent some movies and we can vegetate at my
+Adam – “Yeah, sure, what do you want to see?”
+Joan – “I want to see the ‘\ Bad News Bears\ ’ and ‘\ Must Love
+Dogs\ ’. Can you get those?”
+Adam – “It’s a date.”
+At 570 Elcaro Street
+Lilly comes out of the elevator and knocks on the door. A man
+answers, and Lilly asks, “May I speak to Mrs. Fakiri?”
+Man – “Whom may I say is calling?”
+Lilly – “My name is Lilly Watters. I work for the Arcadia Urban
+Renewal Project. It’s about the elevator.”
+He shows her into the living room. After a few minutes, a woman in a
+wheelchair comes out to greet her, “Hello, I’m Fatimah Fakiri.”
+Lilly – “Hello, my name is Lilly Watters. I work for the Arcadia
+Urban Renewal Project It’s nice to meet you. I just wanted to let you
+know the elevator has been repaired. I’m sorry for the delay. I can
+see now why its repair is so important to you. My fiancé uses a
+Mrs. Fakiri – “Thank you for having the elevator repaired. I do like
+to go outside. Is your fiancé the newspaper reporter who came by
+Lilly – “Yes, he called last night and I arranged for someone to be
+here today to fix the elevator. Again, I’m sorry for the delay. It
+was nice to meet you.”
+Lilly gets up to leave and Mrs. Fakiri comments, “We will be having
+our open house in a few hours. You are welcome to stay.”
+Lilly – “No, thank you. I am a Catholic and I will always be a
+Mrs. Fakiri – “Of course we hope that some who visit will become
+interested in Islam and decide to join us, but this is a gesture of
+goodwill to the people of all faiths in the community.”
+Lilly – “Again, thank you, but I really do have to get back to work.
+I’m starting a new project today.”
+At School
+Joan – “Where were you earlier?”
+Grace – “I overslept. My alarm went on strike. I didn’t miss
+anything, did I?”
+Joan – “No… oh, Adam and I are going to help with the decorations for
+the Mirror Ball tomorrow. Do you want to come?”
+Grace – “I don’t know. I’ll let you know tomorrow.”
+Grace notices Alice and Tima walking ahead of them, “Let’s slow down
+a little. I don’t want to get too close.”
+Joan – “Why do you dislike her so much? You don’t even know her.
+Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. When will you see we’re made of the
+same stuff?”
+Grace – “Oh yeah, your zombie song. That was almost as touchy-feely
+as ‘\ Give Peace a Chance’, but in the real world, it doesn’t work
+that way. ‘Why don’t you let us share your life?’ Okay, let’s suppose
+we agree to that. Who decides who must die in order for the undead to
+live, because I haven’t heard of anyone who has survived having their
+brain eaten?”
+Joan – “It was just a play.”
+Grace – “Words have power; we’ve been over this before. When good
+negotiates with evil, who always compromises? How do you negotiate
+with someone whose baseline for discussion is your death? The zombies
+would take the brains that are given, steal more brains anyway, and
+continue to demand more. No, in the real world, evil must be
+confronted and defeated.”
+Joan – “But zombies aren’t real, and people aren’t a bunch of bodies
+sharing the same head. My dad says that Tima is a very special young
+lady. I don’t know how he knows, but I know he wouldn’t say something
+like that if it wasn’t true. Can you at least give her a chance?”
+Grace – “See you at lunch.” Grace leaves, ending the conversation.
+At 570 Elcaro Street
+When the bus stops, Joan and Grace step off.Grace asks, “Now are you
+going to tell me where we’re going?”
+Joan points, “This way.” They begin to walk up the street and Joan
+continues, “I read about this in the paper. They are having an open
+house for noon prayers at the new mosque.”
+Grace interrupts, “You are taking me to a mosque? Are you insane?
+Don’t you listen to anything I say?”
+Joan – “Yes, no, and yes. I’m just curious. I want to see what they
+do, and I don’t want to go alone.”
+Grace – “So you invited a Jew to come with you?”
+Joan – “No, I invited my best friend. Come on, it won’t last long.
+They are noon prayers.” Joan reaches into her purse and retrieves the
+scarves she purchased, “Here, put this on.”
+Grace looks at the scarf, “I’m not wearing that; everyone will think
+I’m a Muslim.”
+Joan – “I wore a Kippah at your bat mitzvah, and I’m not Jewish. It’s
+just to show respect.”
+Grace – “You owe me big time!”
+Joan – “I’m already going with you tomorrow, remember?”
+They enter the mosque to find that several rows of folding chairs
+have been set up. Grace quickly pulls Joan into a seat in the last
+row. She bows her head, “What is my father doing here?”
+Joan looks and sees Rabbi Polonsky, Father Malloy, Brother Jimi, and
+several other religious leaders sitting in the front row, “I guess
+they were curious, too.”
+Father Malloy notices Joan and waves. Joan waves back.
+Grace – “What are you doing? I’m trying to be invisible here!”
+Joan points to Grace and then puts her finger in front of her mouth,
+“Shhhhh!” Father Malloy nods and gives the okay sign, “It’s cool, as
+long as your father doesn’t turn around.”
+Kevin comes up to them, “What are you two doing here?”
+Joan – “I just wanted to come see. And you?”
+Kevin – “I’m working.”
+Grace – “Go work somewhere else. You’re attracting too much
+attention.” Grace slouches down even further in her seat.
+Joan – “Grace isn’t here, okay?”
+Kevin – “Got it.” Kevin rolls a little farther toward the front of
+the room.
+Joan looks around the room and spots another familiar face. Carlisle
+returns the recognition with a nod.
+Joan whispers to Grace, “Hey, that guy is a cop. He works for my
+Grace quickly looks around the room, “He’s probably watching the guy
+behind us.”
+Joan turns around, looks, and then turns back, “What about him?”
+Grace – “Haven’t you ever watched CSI? He’s the middle-aged white guy
+with a ponytail.”
+Imam Fakiri steps to the front of the room, which is good, because
+Joan isn’t sure how to respond to Grace’s comment. He begins to
+speak, “Thank all of you for coming today. Normally, we say our
+prayers in Arabic, the language of Allah. We will do that today as
+well, but my daughter will offer an English translation as we pray.”
+He rolls out a prayer rug and joins the others in prayer. Tima steps
+up to the front and the Muslims begin to pray. They pause while Tima
+repeats the prayer in English. This continues until the prayers are
+Tima– “Thank all of you for coming to our prayer service. I hope the
+English translation helps you to better understand how we praise
+Allah. If any of you would like to learn more about Islam, please
+speak to my father.” She pauses, looks at her father, and then back
+to the audience, “I truly believe the practice of Islam is the way
+Allah wants all men to praise him. However, I also know that forced
+belief does not persuade anyone to love Allah with all of their
+heart. How one worships Allah must be freely chosen. Allah has given
+humanity free will, with blessings and consequences for each choice
+made, but reserves the ultimate judgment for Himself. May Allah bless
+all of you.”
+With that, Grace whispers to Joan, “I’m out of here. Meet me in the
+parking lot.” She darts out of the room.
+Timawalks from the front and briefly stops to talk to Kevin. Then she
+continues and stops in front of Joan, “I’m surprise to see you here,
+Joan, but I’m glad you came.”
+Joan – “How did you know my name?”
+Tima– “I saw you talking to Luke and I asked who you were. Didn’t I
+see Grace with you?”
+Joan – “Yeah, she’s waiting outside. I really have to go. We need to
+catch the bus.”
+Timajingles her keys, “I have my dad’s car. Let me give you a ride.”
+Joan – “Um, yeah sure, thanks.”
+Outside, Grace is standing, waiting for Joan. A van pulls up and a
+man steps out, “Hey, can you tell me where Green Street is from
+Grace – “I don’t know. I don’t live here.”
+The man continues to approach, holding his hand up to his ear as if
+he didn’t hear her, “I’m supposed to make a delivery on Green Street.
+It’s near here. Do you know where it is?”
+Grace – “I said I don’t know.”
+Suddenly, he grabs her, covering her mouth and pinching her nose with
+his hand. She struggles, but she can’t break free. As Joan and Tima
+come around the side of the building, Tima sees what is happening.
+She screams, “No!” and begins to run toward them. Joan quickly
+Timajumps on his back. She begins to gouge his eyes and bite his
+neck. He throws her off. Joan then jabs him in the larynx, knocking
+the wind out of him briefly, but he knocks her down. Tima begins to
+drag Grace from the van, but he grabs her. He slams her head against
+the side of van and she falls limp.
+Until now, Joan had forgotten her training, at least the part where
+she must become vicious. Seeing what he did to Tima changed that.
+Within a few moments, the man was on the ground, moaning in pain.
+Joan then walks over to Grace and Tima, her skin blood red and still
+breathing heavily.
+Grace – “Whoa Joan, think Bruce Banner. How the hell did you do
+Joan is still too upset to talk. She begins to pace while she
+struggles to calm down. She looks up to see the pony tailed
+middle-aged white guy standing in front of her. She begins to attack
+Ponytail Man – “Hold it, wait, I’m a police officer. Sgt. James
+Collins. What happened here?”
+At Home
+Joan – “Mom, I’ve already told you, we were just going to watch them
+pray and go back to school. How could we know this would happen?”
+Will – “When we gave you your privacy back, that didn’t mean that you
+weren’t to tell us anything. You should have told us you were
+planning to go there.”
+Joan – “I’m sorry. I didn’t think it was a big deal.”
+Helen – “Tima’s in the hospital, and you and Grace have cuts and
+scrapes everywhere. Thank God it wasn’t worse!”
+Joan – “Yeah, Tima’s in the hospital. I told you I would fail!”
+Helen can see that Joan is uncomfortable with her outburst. She
+replies, “We’ll talk about this later.”
+Will – “Well, at least we have that pervert behind bars. We’ve been
+trying to catch him for months.”
+Kevin – “Changing the decals on his van was kind of clever.”
+Luke has been listening to the exchange, and he finally asks, “I want
+to know is how you took that guy out? He was twice your size!”
+Joan – “I just learned how to sing.”
+Kevin – “You sang him into a puddle of moaning flesh?”
+Joan – “I learned it watching ‘\ Miss Congeniality\ ’. Solar plexus,
+Instep, Nose, Groin! S-I-N-G!”
+Luke – “Very funny.”
+Joan – “Nobody at school knows what happened, right?”
+Kevin – “There will be a story in tomorrow’s paper, but I said the
+names of the girls involve were being withheld at the request of
+their parents.”
+Will – “I’ve arranged for all your identities to remain anonymous,
+since two of you are still minors.”
+Helen – “I talked to Principal Chadwich. He will not mention why you
+missed school this afternoon, but you have detention until your class
+work is made up.”
+Joan – “Okay.” The doorbell rings. “Oh, I invited Adam over to watch
+movies. Not a word, okay?”
+She answers the door and lets Adam in, “Where were you this
+Joan – “It’s a long story and I just want to forget about it. Did you
+get the movies?”
+Adam – “The ‘\ Bad News Bears\ ’ was all checked out, and ‘\ Must
+Love Dogs\ ’ doesn’t come out until next week. I thought that maybe
+we could watch TV.”
+Joan is disappointed, but she agrees, “Okay, what’s on?”
+Adam – “I don’t know, but I’m sure we can find something.”
+Joan selects the television schedule channel and they watch as the
+programs scroll by.
+Adam – “Have you ever watched, ‘\ Spook Speaker\ ’?”
+Joan – “No, I haven’t watched TV in a long time. It really broke my
+heart when they canceled ‘\ Made of Lo Mein\ ’. How could the MED
+channel cancel such a wonderful show? Anyway, I just stopped watching
+TV altogether.”
+Adam – “Yeah, I liked that show, too.” He goes back to reading from
+the screen, “‘\ Zombie Humorist\ ’, can we watch it?”
+Joan gives Adam a nod and a tart smile, “Sure.” They begin to watch
+the program, but soon, Joan loses interest. She quietly begins to
+read, letting Adam continue to watch the show. During a commercial
+break, Adam notices that Joan is reading, “Don’t you like the show?”
+Joan – “It was interesting for about ten seconds.”
+Adam – “But it’s about ghosts, I thought that you would like it.”
+Joan – “Not ghosts like that! I like Judith, Rocky, and Casper.”
+Adam – “You’ve seen Karen Casper?”
+Joan smiles, “No silly, Casper the Friendly Ghost!You can watch the
+show. I’ll just read and watch occasionally.”
+Adam – “What are you reading?”
+Joan turns the book over and shows him, “\ The Chronicles of Narnia:
+The Magician’s Nephew.” I thought that we could go to a matinee on
+Sunday and see the movie about the next book. What do you think?”
+Adam – “Sure, we can go, the preview looked awesome.”
+The commercial ends, so Adam returns to watching the program. Joan
+reads, watches the show, but mostly watches Adam. She smiles and
+giggles occasionally. Adam notices, but he assumes that she is
+enjoying her book.
+There is another commercial break, so Adam returns his attention to
+Joan. She’s wearing a Cheshire cat grin that just barely hides the
+canary feathers. Adam becomes puzzled, “What?”
+Joan – “I can see why you enjoy this show.” She pauses, making Adam
+even more confused, “You’re counting the number of wardrobe changes
+made by Ms. Cleavage.”
+Adam begins to blush, “Me? No, I just like the show. It’s…”
+Joan interrupts, “The red top was very good. Now we know that ruffles
+do have ridges, but I think the best one was the black top. You know,
+the one she was wearing when she knelt down to clean up the coffee.
+That one was especially revealing.”
+Adam is now beet red. He takes the remote control to search for
+another program.
+Joan – “Oh, ‘\ The American President\ ’ is on at nine! I love that
+movie. I’ll go make popcorn.”
+At the University Medical Center
+Grace picks up Joan right on time. Initially she is quiet, but then
+she asks, “How did it go with your parents?”
+Joan – “Pretty good, actually, but we all have detention next week.”
+Grace – “I’m grounded until Wednesday, but it’s really not a
+punishment. I had planned to stay home with my mom anyway.”
+When Grace pulls into the hospital parking lot, Joan asks, “Why are
+we here?”
+Grace – “I have an appointment.”
+Joan – “At the hospital?”
+Grace – “No, at the clinic in the building next door. Just come with
+They go up to a suite on the fourth floor. Joan notices the sign on
+the door as they enter, ‘Field & Katz OB/GYN’.
+Grace walks up to the receptionist’s window, “I’m Grace Polk. I have
+an appointment with Dr. Katz.”
+The receptionist finds Grace’s folder and reads from it for a few
+moments, “Looks like we have everything we need. The nurse will call
+you in a few minutes.”
+Joan – “When are you going to tell me what’s going on?”
+Grace – “You’ll figure it out. Just be here.” Joan is surprised when
+Grace reaches over and takes her hand.
+A nurse calls from the doorway, “Ms. Polk, will you come with me?”
+Grace stands up, still holding Joan’s hand.
+Nurse – “Just you.”
+Grace – “But, I want her to come with me.”
+Nurse – “We have some things to take care of first.” She looks at
+Joan, “I’ll be back for you.”
+Grace goes with the nurse and Joan sits back down. A very pregnant
+woman comes out and sits down beside her. She looks at Joan and
+comments, “It’s like carrying a ten pound basketball.”
+Joan looks at her and replies, “Ah, well, I wouldn’t know, but I
+guess so.”
+Woman – “You’ll know someday, Joan.”
+Joan – “Oh God!I’m so sorry I messed everything up. I really tried.”
+God – “What makes you think you messed up?”
+Joan – “I figured out the hint, ‘Protect the rose of vision’. Some
+protector I was! She’s in the hospital.”
+God – “Oh, but you did protect her.” Joan looks at God, wondering how
+that could possibly be true. God continues, “If you and Grace hadn’t
+gone to the prayer service, Tima would have been in that parking lot
+Joan wonders for a moment, and then she asks, “What’s wrong with
+God – “Just be here for her.”
+The nurse calls from the doorway, “You can come in now, Ms. Girardi.”
+Joan looks at God and then she follows the nurse. The nurse leads her
+to a small room where Grace is lying on a gurney, “The sonographer
+will be with you in a few minutes.”
+Grace – “But I thought Dr. Katz was going to do the examination.”
+Nurse – “Dr. Katz had to deliver a baby this morning. He’s on his way
+and will be back before your exam is finished.”
+The nurse leaves and the sonographer enters, “Hello, my name is
+Julianne Marsh. I will be performing the exam. Has Dr. Katz talked to
+you about what will happen?”
+Grace – “Just that he was going to look at my ovaries.”
+Ms. Marsh – “Yes, the exam is in two parts…”
+At Home
+Luke goes shopping with his mother, and Will is at the kitchen table
+paying bills. Kevin comes in to talk, “Before Tima left the building
+yesterday, she asked me, begged me actually, not to tell anyone about
+the card. She said that she was supposed to have destroyed it. So, I
+took your hint and limited what I said about her. In fact, I didn’t
+even mention her at all. Now will you tell me why I passed up such a
+great story?”
+Will – “Just know that you did the right thing.”
+Kevin – “Dad, I want to know.”
+Will looks at him for a few minutes, making up his mind, “Okay, but
+this goes nowhere, got it?”
+Kevin – “I promise, I won’t tell anyone.”
+After a few moments, Will begins to tell the story, “Do you remember
+hearing about those terrorists who were arrested in New York some
+years back? The press called them the Buffalo Six.”
+Kevin – “Yeah, I remember. They were actually from Lakawanna, a
+suburb of Buffalo. Was she one of them?”
+Will – “No, but do you remember what the most important piece of
+evidence was?”
+Kevin thinks for a few moments, “Something about e-mails.”
+Will – “Right. The FBI was already investigating them, but it was the
+e-mails that solved their case. Tima is the one who told the FBI
+about them.”
+Kevin – “That was really courageous. You’d think that she would want
+everyone to know.”
+Will – “Well, she didn’t. She only provided the information with a
+guarantee of anonymity. It makes sense if you think about it.”
+Kevin – “How?”
+Will – “Who has more to fear from radical Islamists, the infidels or
+a Muslim who turns in their own?”
+Kevin – “I see your point.”
+Will – “There’s more. Earlier this year, Mrs. Fakiri was shot. The
+shooter was never caught, but the FBI and the family believes the
+bullet was meant for Tima. It is unfortunate for Mrs. Fakiri that she
+and her daughter share the same name. Now do you understand why they
+don’t want their names in the newspaper?”
+Kevin – “They just want to live in peace.”
+At the University Medical Center
+After the exam, Joan and Grace return to the waiting area. The nurse
+calls from the doorway, “Dr. Katz will see you now.”
+The nurse guides them to an exam room, and Dr. Katz comes in shortly
+Grace – “You told me you would do the examination.”
+Dr. Katz – “No, I said that I would examine your ovaries. I never
+said that I would actually perform the procedure. I would rather not
+have that kind of intimate knowledge about my niece.”
+Grace tenses up and takes Joan’s hand once again, “Okay, so what’s
+the verdict?”
+Dr. Katz – “You’re fine. I have reviewed the images and there are no
+signs of tumors, cancerous or otherwise. The only odd result was your
+blood test. Are you sure you did the pregnancy test correctly?”
+Grace – “I did it three times. They all said I was pregnant.”
+Dr. Katz – “If you had actually been pregnant, your hCG levels would
+still be elevated. They are normal.”
+Grace – “Well, then it’s a miracle, because I know what I saw.”
+Dr. Katz smiles, “Miracles are good. Go home, you’re fine.”
+Grace begins to cry. She stands up and gives him a hug, “Thank you,
+Uncle Hiram.”
+They leave the doctor’s office and enter the elevator. Joan asks,
+“Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
+Grace, still drying her eyes, says, “I really thought that I was
+being punished. I didn’t want to drag you down with me.”
+Joan – “Grace, you should have told me.”
+Grace acquires a crooked smile, “I’m sorry.”
+Joan – “Well, don’t be mad, but as long as we’re here, I want to
+visit Tima.”
+Grace – “I thought you had to work on the Mirror Ball.”
+Joan – “It can wait.”
+They leave the elevator and walk through the corridor to the
+hospital. They stop at the information desk and Joan asks, “We would
+like to visit Tima Fakiri, what room is she in?”
+The attendant looks at his computer, “We don’t have a patient by that
+name. I’m sorry.”
+Joan – “What does that mean? She’s supposed to be here.”
+Attendant – “I’m sorry, she’s not here. That’s all I can tell you.”
+Grace drives Joan home. When they arrive, Adam is waiting on the
+curb. After talking for a few minutes, Grace decides she will go with
+At School
+Joan, Adam, and Grace enter the art room. They approach Elizabeth,
+Friedman, and Glynis, who are working cutting mirrors.
+Adam – “Hi, sorry we’re a little late.”
+Elizabeth – “That’s okay, at least you’re here. We can’t figure out
+how to get this stupid glass-cutting tool to work. It keeps breaking
+the mirrors.”
+Adam – “I’ve used one like that. The trick is to…”
+Joan interrupts, “What would you like us to do?”
+Elizabeth – “Why don’t you go help Alice and Tima with the
+Hearing her name, Alice pops her head above the table, “Over here.”
+They walk over, and Joan and Grace are both pleased to see the two of
+them working on the floor.
+Joan asks, “Tima, how are you?”
+Timalooks up, “I’m fine. How are you?”
+Grace – “We’re fine. We didn’t think you would be here after what
+happened yesterday.”
+Tima– “I promised Alice that I would come. I only have a slight
+headache. I’m okay.”
+Joan – “How can we help?”
+Alice – “We’re cutting out figures of dancing boys and girls. We’re
+also going to have some stars and other figures. Tima is painting the
+trim with phosphorescent paint, and then we will glue mirror
+fragments in various places. They will sparkle when they reflect the
+light from the mirror ball.”
+Timastands up to face Joan and Grace. “I brought some sweet tea.
+Would you like some?”
+Joan and Grace agree, so Tima prepares three cups of tea. Grace
+observes the cups and their contents, “Oh, I get it. We’re supposed
+to wonder if the cup is half full or half empty.”
+Timaresponds, “There is another way to see it. We can be thankful
+that we each have a cup.”
+Timaraises her cup, and Grace and Joan follow suit. They click them
+together, each offering a toast: “Fee sahitkum; L’chaim; À votre