path: root/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 355 deletions
diff --git a/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/ b/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/
index 193ab42..de6ae93 100644
--- a/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/
+++ b/modules/hebrew-wlc/WLC2OSIS/Utilities/
@@ -1,355 +1,355 @@
-package Utilities ;
-import java.text.* ;
-import java.text.Format.* ;
-import* ;
-import java.awt.*;
-* <b>Formating tools.</b><p>
-* <pre>
-* F = new Fmt() ;
-* System.out.println(F.i(2,10)) ; // 10 digit integer field.
-* System.out.println(F.f(3.1415,10, 2)) ; // 10 digit F10.2 field.
-* System.out.println(F.fill("-", 10)) ; // 10 digits of "-".
-* System.out.println(F.prepad(F.fill("-",10), 12) ;
-* // 2 digits of blank before fill.
-* </pre>
-public class Fmt{
-NumberFormat NF = NumberFormat.getInstance() ; // Provides commas in integers
-* Simple constructor: Fmt F = new Fmt() ;
-public Fmt(){
-* Yields a string of specified FieldWidth and DecimalDigits containing
-* the given double.<p>
-* @param f double to be converted.
-* @param FieldWidth Maximum number of characters to be produced. If more
-* characters are produced, the field is filled with *.
-* @param DecimalDigits int number of points after the decimal point.
-* @return String String of exactly FieldWidth characters.
-public String f( double f, int FieldWidth, int DecimalDigits) {
- if(DecimalDigits>FieldWidth-2){
- String s = fill("!", FieldWidth) ;
- return s ;
- }
- String FormatString = "0." ;
- for (int k = 0; k < DecimalDigits; k++){
- FormatString = FormatString + "0" ;
- }
- while (FormatString.length() < FieldWidth){
- FormatString = "#" + FormatString ;
- }
- DecimalFormat DF = new DecimalFormat(FormatString) ;
- String s = DF.format(f) ;
- if (s.length()< FieldWidth){
- s = prepad(s, FieldWidth) ;
- }
- else if(s.length()>FieldWidth){
- s = fill("*", FieldWidth) ;
- }
- return s ;
- }
-* Yields a string of specified FieldWidth containing the given integer.<p>
-* @param i integer to be converted.
-* @param FieldWidth Maximum number of characters to be produced. If more
-* characters are produced, the field is filled with *.
-* @return String String of exactly FieldWidth characters.
-public String i( int i, int FieldWidth) {
- String s = NF.format(i) ;
- if (s.length()< FieldWidth){
- s = prepad(s, FieldWidth) ;
- }
- else if(s.length()>FieldWidth){
- s = "";
- for(int k = 0; k<FieldWidth; k++){
- s = s + "*" ;
- }
- }
- return s ;
- }
-* Yields a string containing the given integer.<p>
-* @param i integer to be converted.
-* @return String String representing i.
-public String i( int i) {
- return NF.format(i) ;
- }
-* Yields a string of Width specified characters.<p>
-* @param c String (usually a single character) to be repeated.
-* @param Width int number of times to repeat S.
-* @return String of Width characters.
-public String fill( String c, int Width){
- String s = "" ;
- for(int i = 0; i < Width; i++){
- s = s + c ;
- }
- return s;
- }
-* Prints a string of Width specified characters to a specified PrintStream.<p>
-* @param P PrintStream such as System.out.
-* @param c String (usually a single character) to be repeated.
-* @param Width int number of times to repeat S.
-public void bar(PrintStream P, String c, int Width){
- String s = "" ;
- for(int i = 0; i < Width; i++){
- s = s + c ;
- }
- P.println(s) ;
- return ;
- }
-* Prints a string of Width specified characters to System.out.<p>
-* @param c String (usually a single character) to be repeated.
-* @param Width int number of times to repeat S.
-* @return String String of Width characters.
-public void bar(String c, int Width){
- bar(System.out, c, Width) ;
- return ;
- }
-* Removes blanks anywhere in String.<p>
-* @param c String to be deblanked.
-* @return String String without any blanks.
-public String deblank(String c){
- String s = "" ;
- for (int i = 0; i < c.length(); i++){
- if(c.charAt(i) != ' '){
- s = s + c.charAt(i) ;
- }
- }
- return s ;
- }
-* Pads the front of a String, giving a String of a specified length.<p>
-* @param s String to be prepaded.
-* @param n Desired length of output string.
-* @return String Prepadded String.
-public String prepad(String s, int n){
- int len = s.length() ;
- if (len == n){ // String is already long enough.
- return s ;
- }
- else if(len > n){
- return fill("!", n) ;
- }
-// Prepad
- String OutString = "" ;
- int Pads = n - len ;
- for (int i = 0; i < Pads; i++){
- OutString = OutString + " " ;
- }
-// Original String
- OutString = OutString + s ;
- return OutString ;
- }
-* Pads the end of a String, giving a String of a specified length.<p>
-* @param s String to be postpaded.
-* @param n Desired length of output string.
-* @return String Prepadded String.
-public String postpad(String s, int n){
- int len = s.length() ;
- if (len == n){ // String is already long enough.
- return s ;
- }
- else if(len > n){
- return fill("!", n) ;
- }
-// Original String
-// Postpad
- String OutString = "" ;
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
- OutString = OutString + s.charAt(i) ;
- }
-// Postpad
- while (OutString.length() <= n){
- OutString = OutString + " " ;
- }
- return OutString ;
- }
-* Gives a convenient maximum size for a text area
-* specified in rows, columns.<p>
-* @param font Font of text.
-* @param rows int giving number of rows of text.
-* @param columns int giving number of columns of text.
-* @return D Dimension of best size.
-public Dimension areaSize( Font font, int rows, int columns ){
- double XFactor = 0.70 ;
-// double YFactor = 1.42;
- double YFactor = 1.65;
- Integer X = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
- double x = XFactor*X.doubleValue()*columns ;
- Integer Y = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
- double y = YFactor*Y.doubleValue()*rows ;
- Dimension D = new Dimension( (new Double(x)).intValue(),
- (new Double(y)).intValue() ) ;
- return D ;
- }
-* Gives a convenient maximum size for a text area
-* specified as a dimension.<p>
-* @param font Font of text.
-* @param d Dimnsion object giving number of rows and columns of text.
-* @return D Dimension of best size.
-public Dimension areaSize( Font font, Dimension d){
- double XFactor = 0.70 ;
- double YFactor = 1.42;
- Integer X = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
- double x = XFactor*X.doubleValue()*d.getWidth() ;
- Integer Y = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
- double y = YFactor*Y.doubleValue()*d.getHeight() ;
- Dimension D = new Dimension( (new Double(x)).intValue(),
- (new Double(y)).intValue() ) ;
- return D ;
- }
-* Removes the extension, including the ".", from a file name String.<p>
-* If the Name doesn't contain a ".", the original Name is returned.
-* @param Name String containing file name.
-* @return String with extension and "." removed.
-public static String removeExtension( String Name){
- boolean HasDot = false ;
- for (int k = 0; k < Name.length() ; k++){
- if(Name.charAt(k) == '.'){
- HasDot = true ;
- }
- }
- if(!HasDot) return Name ;
- String NewName = "" ;
- for (int k = Name.length()-1; k >= 0; k--){
- if( Name.charAt(k) == '.'){
- for (int j = 0; j < k ; j ++) {
- NewName = NewName + Name.charAt(j) ;
- }
- break ;
- }
- }
- if (NewName == "."){
- NewName = "" ;
- }
- return NewName ;
- }
-* gets the extension, including the ".", from a file name String.<p>
-* If the Name doesn't contain a ".", the original Name is returned.
-* From Sun JFileChooser tutorial
-* @param s String containing file name with extension.
-* @return String giving the extension.
-public static String getExtension( String s){
- String ext = "";
- int i = s.lastIndexOf('.');
- if (i > 0 && i < s.length() - 1) {
- ext = s.substring(i+1).toLowerCase();
- }
- return ext;
- }
-* Prints the name of the calling location
-* plus the current Thread to System.out.<p>
-* @param Location String giving location of call.
-public void printThread( String Location){
- Thread t = Thread.currentThread() ;
- System.out.println("At " + Location + ", the current Thread is "
- + t.getName() );
- return;
- }
-* Test program.<p>
-public static void main( String[] args) {
- Fmt F = new Fmt() ;
- String Name = "" ;
- System.out.println(Name) ;
- System.out.println(F.removeExtension(Name)) ;
- System.out.println(F.removeExtension(F.removeExtension(Name))) ;
- }
- } // End of class
+package Utilities ;
+import java.text.* ;
+import java.text.Format.* ;
+import* ;
+import java.awt.*;
+* <b>Formating tools.</b><p>
+* <pre>
+* F = new Fmt() ;
+* System.out.println(F.i(2,10)) ; // 10 digit integer field.
+* System.out.println(F.f(3.1415,10, 2)) ; // 10 digit F10.2 field.
+* System.out.println(F.fill("-", 10)) ; // 10 digits of "-".
+* System.out.println(F.prepad(F.fill("-",10), 12) ;
+* // 2 digits of blank before fill.
+* </pre>
+public class Fmt{
+NumberFormat NF = NumberFormat.getInstance() ; // Provides commas in integers
+* Simple constructor: Fmt F = new Fmt() ;
+public Fmt(){
+* Yields a string of specified FieldWidth and DecimalDigits containing
+* the given double.<p>
+* @param f double to be converted.
+* @param FieldWidth Maximum number of characters to be produced. If more
+* characters are produced, the field is filled with *.
+* @param DecimalDigits int number of points after the decimal point.
+* @return String String of exactly FieldWidth characters.
+public String f( double f, int FieldWidth, int DecimalDigits) {
+ if(DecimalDigits>FieldWidth-2){
+ String s = fill("!", FieldWidth) ;
+ return s ;
+ }
+ String FormatString = "0." ;
+ for (int k = 0; k < DecimalDigits; k++){
+ FormatString = FormatString + "0" ;
+ }
+ while (FormatString.length() < FieldWidth){
+ FormatString = "#" + FormatString ;
+ }
+ DecimalFormat DF = new DecimalFormat(FormatString) ;
+ String s = DF.format(f) ;
+ if (s.length()< FieldWidth){
+ s = prepad(s, FieldWidth) ;
+ }
+ else if(s.length()>FieldWidth){
+ s = fill("*", FieldWidth) ;
+ }
+ return s ;
+ }
+* Yields a string of specified FieldWidth containing the given integer.<p>
+* @param i integer to be converted.
+* @param FieldWidth Maximum number of characters to be produced. If more
+* characters are produced, the field is filled with *.
+* @return String String of exactly FieldWidth characters.
+public String i( int i, int FieldWidth) {
+ String s = NF.format(i) ;
+ if (s.length()< FieldWidth){
+ s = prepad(s, FieldWidth) ;
+ }
+ else if(s.length()>FieldWidth){
+ s = "";
+ for(int k = 0; k<FieldWidth; k++){
+ s = s + "*" ;
+ }
+ }
+ return s ;
+ }
+* Yields a string containing the given integer.<p>
+* @param i integer to be converted.
+* @return String String representing i.
+public String i( int i) {
+ return NF.format(i) ;
+ }
+* Yields a string of Width specified characters.<p>
+* @param c String (usually a single character) to be repeated.
+* @param Width int number of times to repeat S.
+* @return String of Width characters.
+public String fill( String c, int Width){
+ String s = "" ;
+ for(int i = 0; i < Width; i++){
+ s = s + c ;
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+* Prints a string of Width specified characters to a specified PrintStream.<p>
+* @param P PrintStream such as System.out.
+* @param c String (usually a single character) to be repeated.
+* @param Width int number of times to repeat S.
+public void bar(PrintStream P, String c, int Width){
+ String s = "" ;
+ for(int i = 0; i < Width; i++){
+ s = s + c ;
+ }
+ P.println(s) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+* Prints a string of Width specified characters to System.out.<p>
+* @param c String (usually a single character) to be repeated.
+* @param Width int number of times to repeat S.
+* @return String String of Width characters.
+public void bar(String c, int Width){
+ bar(System.out, c, Width) ;
+ return ;
+ }
+* Removes blanks anywhere in String.<p>
+* @param c String to be deblanked.
+* @return String String without any blanks.
+public String deblank(String c){
+ String s = "" ;
+ for (int i = 0; i < c.length(); i++){
+ if(c.charAt(i) != ' '){
+ s = s + c.charAt(i) ;
+ }
+ }
+ return s ;
+ }
+* Pads the front of a String, giving a String of a specified length.<p>
+* @param s String to be prepaded.
+* @param n Desired length of output string.
+* @return String Prepadded String.
+public String prepad(String s, int n){
+ int len = s.length() ;
+ if (len == n){ // String is already long enough.
+ return s ;
+ }
+ else if(len > n){
+ return fill("!", n) ;
+ }
+// Prepad
+ String OutString = "" ;
+ int Pads = n - len ;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Pads; i++){
+ OutString = OutString + " " ;
+ }
+// Original String
+ OutString = OutString + s ;
+ return OutString ;
+ }
+* Pads the end of a String, giving a String of a specified length.<p>
+* @param s String to be postpaded.
+* @param n Desired length of output string.
+* @return String Prepadded String.
+public String postpad(String s, int n){
+ int len = s.length() ;
+ if (len == n){ // String is already long enough.
+ return s ;
+ }
+ else if(len > n){
+ return fill("!", n) ;
+ }
+// Original String
+// Postpad
+ String OutString = "" ;
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
+ OutString = OutString + s.charAt(i) ;
+ }
+// Postpad
+ while (OutString.length() <= n){
+ OutString = OutString + " " ;
+ }
+ return OutString ;
+ }
+* Gives a convenient maximum size for a text area
+* specified in rows, columns.<p>
+* @param font Font of text.
+* @param rows int giving number of rows of text.
+* @param columns int giving number of columns of text.
+* @return D Dimension of best size.
+public Dimension areaSize( Font font, int rows, int columns ){
+ double XFactor = 0.70 ;
+// double YFactor = 1.42;
+ double YFactor = 1.65;
+ Integer X = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
+ double x = XFactor*X.doubleValue()*columns ;
+ Integer Y = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
+ double y = YFactor*Y.doubleValue()*rows ;
+ Dimension D = new Dimension( (new Double(x)).intValue(),
+ (new Double(y)).intValue() ) ;
+ return D ;
+ }
+* Gives a convenient maximum size for a text area
+* specified as a dimension.<p>
+* @param font Font of text.
+* @param d Dimnsion object giving number of rows and columns of text.
+* @return D Dimension of best size.
+public Dimension areaSize( Font font, Dimension d){
+ double XFactor = 0.70 ;
+ double YFactor = 1.42;
+ Integer X = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
+ double x = XFactor*X.doubleValue()*d.getWidth() ;
+ Integer Y = new Integer( font.getSize() ) ;
+ double y = YFactor*Y.doubleValue()*d.getHeight() ;
+ Dimension D = new Dimension( (new Double(x)).intValue(),
+ (new Double(y)).intValue() ) ;
+ return D ;
+ }
+* Removes the extension, including the ".", from a file name String.<p>
+* If the Name doesn't contain a ".", the original Name is returned.
+* @param Name String containing file name.
+* @return String with extension and "." removed.
+public static String removeExtension( String Name){
+ boolean HasDot = false ;
+ for (int k = 0; k < Name.length() ; k++){
+ if(Name.charAt(k) == '.'){
+ HasDot = true ;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!HasDot) return Name ;
+ String NewName = "" ;
+ for (int k = Name.length()-1; k >= 0; k--){
+ if( Name.charAt(k) == '.'){
+ for (int j = 0; j < k ; j ++) {
+ NewName = NewName + Name.charAt(j) ;
+ }
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (NewName == "."){
+ NewName = "" ;
+ }
+ return NewName ;
+ }
+* gets the extension, including the ".", from a file name String.<p>
+* If the Name doesn't contain a ".", the original Name is returned.
+* From Sun JFileChooser tutorial
+* @param s String containing file name with extension.
+* @return String giving the extension.
+public static String getExtension( String s){
+ String ext = "";
+ int i = s.lastIndexOf('.');
+ if (i > 0 && i < s.length() - 1) {
+ ext = s.substring(i+1).toLowerCase();
+ }
+ return ext;
+ }
+* Prints the name of the calling location
+* plus the current Thread to System.out.<p>
+* @param Location String giving location of call.
+public void printThread( String Location){
+ Thread t = Thread.currentThread() ;
+ System.out.println("At " + Location + ", the current Thread is "
+ + t.getName() );
+ return;
+ }
+* Test program.<p>
+public static void main( String[] args) {
+ Fmt F = new Fmt() ;
+ String Name = "" ;
+ System.out.println(Name) ;
+ System.out.println(F.removeExtension(Name)) ;
+ System.out.println(F.removeExtension(F.removeExtension(Name))) ;
+ }
+ } // End of class