path: root/versification/canon.nta.xml
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<collection xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="canon.xsd">
<!-- Collection name: nta -->
	<!-- New Testament Apocrypha -->

	<!-- Hone texts -->
		<name>Gospel of the Birth of Mary</name>
		<abbr mode="olb">Pro</abbr>
		<name>Protevangelium of James</name>
		<name>I Infancy Gospel</name>
		<name>IInfancy Gospel</name>
		<name>1 Infancy Gospel</name>
		<name>1Infancy Gospel</name>
		<name>II Infancy Gospel</name>
		<name>IIInfancy Gospel</name>
		<name>2 Infancy Gospel</name>
		<name>2Infancy Gospel</name>
		<name>Infancy Gospel of Thomas</name>
		<name>Abgar Legend</name>
		<name>Christ and Abgarus</name>
		<name>Gospel of Nicodemus</name>
		<name>Correspondence between Paul and Seneca</name>
		<name>Acts of Paul and Thecla</name>
		<name>Letters of Herod and Pilate</name>
		<name>Gospel of Peter</name>

	<!-- non-Hone texts -->
		<name>Doctrine of Addai</name>
		<name>Acts of Andrew</name>
		<name>Apostolic Constitutions</name>
		<name>Epistula Apostolorum</name>
		<name>Gospel of Bartholomew</name>
		<name>Questions of Bartholomew</name>
		<name>Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions</name>
		<name>III Corinthians</name>
		<name>3 Corinthians</name>
		<name>Corinthian Correspondence</name>
		<name>Gospel of the Ebionites</name>
		<name>Gospel of the Egyptians</name>
		<name>Book of Elchasai</name>
		<name>Gospel of the Hebrews</name>
		<name>Apocalypsis tou hagiou Ioannou</name>
		<name>Acts of John</name>
		<name>Secret Gospel of Mark</name>
		<name>Gospel of Matthias</name>
		<name>Gospel of the Naassenes</name>
		<name>Gospel of the Nazareans</name>
		<name>Papyrus Egerton 2: Fragments of an Unknown Gospel</name>
		<name>Acts of Paul</name>
		<name>Apocalypse of Paul</name>
		<name>Acts of Peter</name>
		<name>Apocalypse of Peter</name>
		<name>Preaching of Peter</name>
		<name>Acts of Philip</name>
		<name>Gospel of Philip</name>
		<name>Acts of Pilate</name>
		<name>Revelation of Stephen</name>
		<name>Acts of Thomas</name>
		<name>Apocalypse of Thomas</name>
		<name>Gospel of Thomas</name>
		<name>Gospel of Truth</name>

	<!-- Not listed in SBL -->

		<name>Freer Logion</name>
		<name>Gospel of the Four Hevenley Regions</name>
		<name>Gospel of Perfiction</name>
		<name>Pistis Sophia</name>
		<name>The Two Books of Jeu</name>
		<name>Gospel of the Twelve</name>
		<name>Kukean Gospel of the Twelve</name>
		<name>Memory of the Apostles</name>
		<name>Memoria Apostolorum</name>
		<name>Manichean Gospel of the Twelve Apostles</name>
		<name>Gospel of the Seventy</name>
		<name>Gospel of Judas</name>
		<name>Fragments of a Dialogue between John and Jesus</name>
		<name>Questions of Mary</name>
		<name>Genna Marias</name>
		<name>Gospel of Cerinthus</name>
		<name>Gospel of Basilides</name>
		<name>Gospel of Marcion</name>
		<name>Gospel of Apelles</name>
		<name>Gospel of Bardesanes</name>
		<name>Gospel of Mani</name>
		<name>Arabic Infancy Gospel</name>
		<name>Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew</name>
		<name>Latin Infancy Gospel</name>
		<name>Life of John according to Serapion</name>
		<name>Christ's Descent into Hell</name>
		<name>Gospel of Gamaliel</name>
		<name>Kerygma Petrou</name>
		<name>Teaching of Peter</name>
		<name>Epistle of Pseudo-Titus</name>
		<name>Clement Romance</name>
		<name>V Ezra</name>
		<name>5 Ezra</name>
		<name>VI Ezra</name>
		<name>6 Ezra</name>
		<name>Christian Sibyllines</name>
		<name>Gospel of the Adversaries of the Law and the Prophets</name>
		<name>Gospel of Eve</name>
		<name>History of Joseph the Carpenter</name>
		<name>Liber de Infantia Salvatoris</name>
		<name>Armenian Infancy Gospel</name>
		<name>Letter of Pilate to Claudius</name>
		<name>Letter of Pilate to Tiberius</name>
		<name>Paradosis Pilati</name>
		<name>Anaphora Pilati</name>
		<name>Vindicta Salvatoris</name>
		<name>Mors Pilati</name>
		<name>Narrative of Joseph of Arimathea</name>
		<name>Letter of Tiberius to Pilate</name>
		<name>Acts of John in Rome</name>
		<name>Acts of John attributed to Prochorus</name>
		<name>Virtutes Apostolorum: Virtutes Iohannis of Pseudo-Abdias</name>
		<name>Passio Iohannis of Pseudo-Melito</name>
		<name>Syriac Acts of John</name>
		<name>Liber Flavius Fergusiorum</name>
		<name>Martyrium beati Pauli Apostoli</name>
		<name>Acts of Titus by Pseudo-Zenas</name>
		<name>Syriac History of the Holy Apostle Paul</name>
		<name>Acts of Andrew and Paul</name>
		<name>Acts of Peter and Andrew</name>
		<name>Gregory of Tours' Epitome</name>
		<name>Acts of Andrew and Matthias</name>
		<name>Martyrium beati Petri Apostoli</name>
		<name>Passio sanctorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli</name>
		<name>Acta Petri et Pauli</name>
		<name>Passio Apostolorum Petri et Pauli</name>
		<name>Slavonic Acts of Peter</name>
		<name>Syriac Acts of Peter</name>
		<name>Arabic Acts of Peter</name>
		<name>Passion of Bartholomew</name>
		<name>Passion of Matthew</name>
		<name>Acts of Barnabas</name>
		<name>Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena</name>
		<name>Oriental Acts</name>
		<name>Letters of Christ and Abgar</name>
		<name>Letter of Lentulus</name>
		<name>Epistle to the Alexandrians</name>
		<name>Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Bartholomew the Apostle</name>
		<name>Apocryphal Letter of James</name>
		<name>Apocalypse of Bartholomew</name>
		<name>Apocalypse of Zechariah</name>
		<name>Greek Apocalypse of the Virgin</name>
		<name>Ethiopic Apocalypse of the Virgin</name>
		<name>Assumption of the Virgin</name>
