path: root/modules/hebrew-wlc/source/wlc/supplmt.wts
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                             TO THE
                           Alan Groves
                Westminster Theological Seminary
                    Philadelphia, PA   19118
                      Last Revised 6/7/89

1. Introduction 
   This document is a supplement to "Code Manual for the 
   Michigan Old Testament".  Knowledge of that document is 
   presupposed at all points which follow.  "MCMOT" will be used
   to indicate references to the Michigan manual in the 
   following material. 
1.1 This supplement is a result of our work to verify the Michigan
    text of BHS.  This verification work was done by a team 
    at Westminster Seminary under the direction of Alan Groves and
    Emanuel Tov (Hebrew University).  The text, as it now exists,
    is no longer precisely the text of BHS (1983 edition). 
    We have suggested readings of L that differ from those 
    made by the editors of BHS.  (See 2.5 and the final explanation
    below for a discussion of how we have done this.) 
1.2 The present machine-readable text of the Michigan-Claremont 
    version of the text of BHS has been verified by means of a 
    computer aided comparison with an the following machine- 
    readable texts: 
1.2.1 An independently encoded text from the Abbaye de Maredsous
1.2.2 An independently proofread version of the M-C text from Bar
      Ilan University. 
1.3 Moreover, verification of certain features (e.g. position of
    cantillation within each word) was done automatically by 
    means of software written for that purpose. 
1.4 For suspected problems with the printed text of BHS (1983 
    edition), we appealed to the two other published versions of
    the Codex Leningradensis: 
1.4.1 "The Holy Scriptures" edited by Aron Dotan (Adi, Tel Aviv,
1.4.2 BHK (Third edition) 
1.5 At all points of variance between Dotan and BHS or BHS and
    BHK, we also examined the photo facsimiles of the codex 
    (Codex Leningradensis b19A, D.S. Loewinger, Makor, Jerusalem,
1.6 Two notes are important for further understanding our work: 
1.6.1 The United Bible Society did not work from the Makor 
      photo-facsimiles in producing BHS.  Rather, they worked 
      from a separate set of microfilm.  Having now seen both 
      photographic reproductions, we are convinced that Makor is
      clearer at almost all points of dispute.  Certain features
      of the codex that are invisible on the microfilm show up in
      the Makor photographs.  We hope to publish an article 
      concerning this. 
1.6.2 Because some typographical errors in the 1977 edition have
      already been corrected in the 1983 edition, we used the 
      latter as the basis of our proofreading.  (The 1977 edition
      was the basis for the input).  As a result, several of the
      ']' flags that were in earlier versions of the 
      machine-readable text have been removed. 
1.7 The results of our work therefore, are as follows: 
1.7.1 A text that, we believe, improves on BHS in terms of 
      reflecting the codex (Makor photofacsimile)
1.7.2 A text which is more accurate than other currently 
      available machine-readable texts. 
2.  The current version of the text differs from the description
    given in the MCMOT as follows: 
2.1 The logical record length is now variable (up to 80 
    characters).  See MCMOT 2.1.2. 

2.2 Unlike earlier versions of the database, each verse has the 
    chapter number listed in its citation.  (This is an exception
    to MCMOT 2.1.4.)  The format conforms, however, to the CCAT
    format of ~x = chapter, ~y = verse etc.  A ""
    has been included on the first diskette to present the text
    with clearer citations.  See the "convbhs.doc" on the first

2.3 The second and third records of each file have been removed. 
    These records listed the various ASCII characters used in the
    transliteration of the text.  (This is an exception to MCMOT
2.4 The Ketib-Qere is as described in MCMOT 3.6 with the 
    following exceptions: 
2.4.1 Contrary to MCMOT 3.6.2, KQ involving only the first word 
      of a compound joined by a maqqef will be done differently 
      than is indicated in the manual.  (The second example in 
      MCMOT 3.6.2 is the issue here.)  The maqqef always belongs
      to the Ketib, never the Qere.  This will facilitate 
      printing. Ruth 4:6 becomes  *LIG:)FWL-LI80Y  **LIG:)FL Also, note that Exodus 21:8 is ):A$ER-?*LO) 
          (See Supplement 2.6 on '?') 
2.4.2 The Ketib wela Qere is indicated by the unvocalized Ketib 
      followed by **zz.  The Qere wela Ketib is *zz followed by 
      the Qere.  (This represents a change to the statements at 
      the end of the first paragraph of MCMOT 3.6.) 
2.4.3 The user should note that we have not thoroughly verified the
      accuracy of the vocalization and cantillation of the KQ.

2.5 MCMOT 4.2 is no longer accurate.  ']', and not '!', is used
    to mark deviations from BHS or to note other special 
    features.  In particular, we have expanded the coding to make
    the flagging procedure more precise by adding a single 
    character or numeral following the bracket to indicate 
    something special about the text.  (For all the details, see
    the end of this supplement document entitled "Explanation of
    the Right-Hand Bracket".)  The user should note that most of
    these notes have been stripped from this version.
2.5.1 The user should remember that we based our corrections on 
      the 1983 edition of BHS.  (See Supplement 1.6.2.)  We do 
      not retain a bracket where the 1983 edition has already 
      made a correction to the 1977 edition. 
2.6 The cantillation coding varies from that which is described 
    in MCMOT 3.5 as follows: 
2.6.1 Referring to the Tabula Accentuum which accompanies BHS, 
      #10 in the Accentus Communes lists a second case for the 
      occurrence of the pasta in tandem.  Originally, the first 
      mark was encoded as an 'azla ('63' in the Michigan format)
      and the second as a pasta ('03' in the Michigan format).  
      We have made the first mark a '33'.  Note that it is
      written after the letter not over it (unlike the 'azla).  
      The coding of the pasta remains '03'. 
2.7 A '?' is used to mark the physical end of the line as it 
    appears in BHS. 
2.7.1 A space will follow a '?' except where a maqqef ('-') ends
      a line in BHS. 
          (e.g. Gn 1:2 W:HF)F81REC)? HFY:TF71H) 
2.7.2 In that case, the '-?' will be followed by the next word 
      without intervening space.  (e.g. Gn 1:4 )ET-?HF)O71WR) 
2.7.3 The '?' has not been verified systematically at this point.

2.8 We have adapted the premorphological encoding ('/') to 
    reflect the citations in Even Shoshan's concordance.  (We 
    recognize that the concordance is based on the Koren edition
    of the Bible.  However, the differences between the Koren 
    text and BHS have no impact on this issue.) 
2.8.1 One result is that there is a standard against which our 
      work can be evaluated and that there is only one standard 
2.8.2 This means that any supposed compound form that is listed 
      as a separate entitiy under its compound form (as opposed 
      to being listed solely under one or both components of the
      compound) is treated as a unit.  In such cases no 
      premorphological divider has been used.  Listed below are 
      the 6 exceptions to this rule.  In each case the 
      premorphological divider has been kept to indicate a prefix
      (a caret marks the place where the accent would most likely
      occur). K.F/M.F^H LF/K"^N L:/PI^Y LF^/M.FH LI/P:N"^Y MI/P:N"^Y 
3.  SPECIAL NOTE #1   The following items have not been verified
    as thoroughly as other items in the text: 
3.1 The premorphological indicator '/' will be more 
    comprehensively verified in the morphological verification 
    yet to come.
3.2 The '?' which marks the physical end of the line in BHS has 
    not been verified consistently. 
3.3 The accuracy of the right-hand and left-hand cantillation 
    markings require checking against the codex (i.e. 75 and 95 
    in the text.) 
3.4 The vocalization of the ketiv-qere entries needs work.
4.  SPECIAL NOTE #2    No matter how careful we have been, we 
    have certainly left some errors.  For example, any time that
    the encoding of Maredsous text was wrong in the same way as 
    the M-C encoding, we are not likely to have picked up the 
    error.  (The probability of making the same error at the same
    place is not high.  We know of only one case.  The one case 
    was uncovered by a scribe doing spot checks on a printed 
    version of our proofread text (printed in Hebrew, fully 
    vocalized and cantillated).  In this way about 12% of the 
    text was checked and only this one coincidence of error was 
    observed.)  While we believe remaining errors are minimal, 
    some still exist.

  (All bracketing has been done on the basis of the 1983 edition,
   not the 1977 edition.  Moreover, the Makor edition of the
   codex was checked at all relevant points in determining the
   need for a flag.)

]1 BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might
   be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same
   form as BHS.

   e.g.  Deuteronomy 23:18  YI&RF)"L00]1  (missing silluq)

]2 We have added a sop pasuq where L and BHS omit it.

   (Special note: Formerly this category had a much broader range
   and read as follows: "BHS has been faithful to the Codex where
   there might be a question of the validity of the form and we
   have abandoned BHS in order to code it differently." All
   situations other than missing sop pasuqs have now been made to
   conform to L and then labeled as ]1.

]3 We read or understand L differently than BHS (1983 Edition).
   Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

   e.g.  Genesis 6:22  ):ELOHI73YM]3

]4 Puncta Extraordaria -- a 52 is used to mark such marks in the
   text when they are above the line and 53 when they are below
   the line.
   e.g.  Genesis 18:9    )"52LF8052Y52W52]4 
]5 Large letter(s) 
]6 Small letter(s) 
]7 Suspended letter(s) 

]8 Inverted Nun     (N]8 in the text)
]9 BHS has abandoned L and we concur. All of these occurrences 
   are ketib/qere problems. 
]q We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS.  In 
   doing this we agree with L against BHS. 
   e.g. Exodus 32:17  B.:/R:(O92H]q 
]a Adaptations to a Qere which L and BHS, by their design, do not

   e.g. Exodus 4:2  **-Z.E74H]a

]y Yathir readings in L which we have designated as Qeres when
   both Dothan and BHS list a Qere.

]m Miscellaneous notes to the text and occasions where more than
   one bracket category applies.

                            Guide to Transliteration

     Consonants                              Vowels

Hebrew   Michigan                     Hebrew      Michigan

Alef        )                           Patah        A
Bet         B                           Qamets       F
Gimel       G                           Segol        E
Dalet       D                           Tsere        "
Heh         H                           Hireq        I
Waw         W                           Holem        OW
Zayin       Z                           Qamets
Het         X                            Hatuf       F
Tet         +                           Qibbuts      U
Yod         Y                           Shureq       W.
Kaf         K                           Shewa        :
Lamed       L                           Hatef
Mem         M                            Patah       :A
Nun         N                           Hatef
Samek       S                            Segol       :E
Peh         P                           Hatef
Ayin        (                            Qamets      :F
Tsade       C
Qof         Q                               Miscellaneous
Resh        R
Sin         &                           Ketiv       *
Shin        $                           Qere       **
Tav         T                           Dagesh      .
                                        Maqqef      -

(named and cross referenced as in the TABULA ACCENTUM insert card
in BHS)

  Westminster Text                  TABULA ACCENTUM (BHS)

At END (to left) of word and ABOVE
     00 ; --- sop pasuq [end of verse]
     01 .:--- segolta                     I.3
     02  )--- zarqa, sinnor             I.9,II.7
     03  \--- pashta, azla legarmeh   I.10a,II.12
     04  &--- telisha parvum              I.25
     05  |--- paseq [separator]          "Nota"
      - |-,-- legarmeh (74 + 05)          I.18

At START (to right) of word and BELOW
     10   ---< yetib (yetiv)              I.11
     13   ---\ dehi or tipha             II.9

At START (to right) of word and ABOVE
     11   ---/ (81 + ) mugrash           II.5
     14   ---% telisha magnum             I.17

ABOVE word
     24  -&-- telisha qetannah (med)       -
     33  --\- (with 03, left of letter)   I.10(b)
     44  -%-- telisha magnum (med)         -
     60  --<- ole or mahpakatum         (II.2)
     61  -/-- geresh or teres             I.13
     62  -"-- garshajim                   I.14
     63  -\-- azla, azla or qadma      I.24,II.19
     64  -,-- illuj                      II.15
     65  -#-- shalshelet (magn,parv)    I.4,II.6+20
     80  -:-- zaqep parvum                I.5
     81  -.-- rebia (magnum=parvum)     I.7,II.4=8
     82  --)- sinnorit                   II.21
     83  -+-- pazer                    I.15,II.10
     84 -&%-- pazer mag. or qarne para    I.16
     85 -|:-- zaqep magnum                I.6

BELOW word
     35 -F|:-- meteg (med)                  -
     70  -<-- mahpak or mehuppak       I.20,II.11+18
     71  -/-- mereka                    I.21,II.14
     72 -//-- mereka kepulah (duplex)      I.22
     73  -\-- tipha, tarha               I.8,II.16
      - --\-- majela [= 73]                I.27
     74  -,-- munah                  I.18-19,II.13
     75  -|-- silluq [meteg (left)]      I.1,II.1
     91 -./-- tebir                        I.12
     92  -^-- atnah                      I.2,II.3
     93  -v-- galgal or jerah           I.26,II.17
     94  -s-- darga                        I.23
     95  -|-- meteg (right) [cf 35,75]      -