// Asenath.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "httpext.h"
#include "corediatheke.h"
#include <string>
#include <strstream>
DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved
return TRUE;
pVer->dwExtensionVersion = HSE_VERSION;
strncpy(pVer->lpszExtensionDesc, "Asenath ISAPI Extension", HSE_MAX_EXT_DLL_NAME_LEN);
return TRUE;
void WriteContext(EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB, const char *pszFormat, ...)
char szBuffer[1024];
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, pszFormat);
vsprintf(szBuffer, pszFormat, arg_ptr);
DWORD dwSize = strlen(szBuffer);
pECB->WriteClient(pECB->ConnID, szBuffer, &dwSize, 0);
void StartContext(EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB, bool palm)
if (!palm) {
WriteContext(pECB, "<html><head>");
WriteContext(pECB, "<title>Diatheke Interlinear Bible</title>");
WriteContext(pECB, "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">");
WriteContext(pECB, "<meta name=\"palmcomputingplatform\" content=\"true\">");
WriteContext(pECB, "<meta name=\"historylisttext\" content=\"Diatheke\">");
WriteContext(pECB, "<style type=\"text/css\">");
WriteContext(pECB, "#divBottom{position:absolute; visibility:hidden; font-family:arial,helvetica; height:30; width:100; font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold}");
WriteContext(pECB, "A:link, A:visited, A:active{text-decoration: none}");
WriteContext(pECB, "</style>");
WriteContext(pECB, "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript\">");
WriteContext(pECB, "/********************************************************************************");
WriteContext(pECB, "Copyright (C) 1999 Thomas Brattli");
WriteContext(pECB, "This script is made by and copyrighted to Thomas Brattli at www.bratta.com");
WriteContext(pECB, "Visit for more great scripts. This may be used freely as long as this msg is intact!");
WriteContext(pECB, "I will also appriciate any links you could give me.");
WriteContext(pECB, "********************************************************************************/");
WriteContext(pECB, "//Default browsercheck, added to all scripts!");
WriteContext(pECB, "function checkBrowser(){");
WriteContext(pECB, "this.ver=navigator.appVersion;");
WriteContext(pECB, "this.dom=document.getElementById?1:0;");
WriteContext(pECB, "this.ie5=( (this.ver.indexOf(\"MSIE 6\")>-1 || this.ver.indexOf(\"MSIE 5\")>-1) && this.dom)?1:0;");
WriteContext(pECB, "this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom)?1:0;");
WriteContext(pECB, "this.ns5=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0;");
WriteContext(pECB, "this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0;");
WriteContext(pECB, "this.bw=(this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns5);");
WriteContext(pECB, "return this;");
WriteContext(pECB, "}");
WriteContext(pECB, "bw=new checkBrowser()");
WriteContext(pECB, "/********************************************************************************");
WriteContext(pECB, "Remeber to set the look of the divBottom layer in the stylesheet (if you wan't");
WriteContext(pECB, "another font or something)");
WriteContext(pECB, "********************************************************************************/");
WriteContext(pECB, "/*Set these values, gright for how much from the right you wan't the layer to go");
WriteContext(pECB, "and gbottom for how much from the bottom you want it*/");
WriteContext(pECB, "var gright=160");
WriteContext(pECB, "var gbottom=80");
WriteContext(pECB, "/********************************************************************************");
WriteContext(pECB, "Constructing the ChangeText object");
WriteContext(pECB, "********************************************************************************/");
WriteContext(pECB, "function makeObj(obj,nest){");
WriteContext(pECB, "nest=(!nest) ? '':'document.'+nest+'.';");
WriteContext(pECB, "this.css=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj).style:bw.ie4?document.all[obj].style:bw.ns4?eval(nest+\"document.layers.\" +obj):0;");
WriteContext(pECB, "this.moveIt=b_moveIt;");
WriteContext(pECB, "}");
WriteContext(pECB, "function b_moveIt(x,y){this.x=x; this.y=y; this.css.left=this.x; this.css.top=this.y}");
WriteContext(pECB, "/********************************************************************************");
WriteContext(pECB, "Initilizing the page, getting height and width to moveto and calls the ");
WriteContext(pECB, "object constructor");
WriteContext(pECB, "********************************************************************************/");
WriteContext(pECB, "function geoInit(){");
WriteContext(pECB, "oGeo=new makeObj('divBottom');");
WriteContext(pECB, "pageWidth=(bw.ie4 || bw.ie5)?document.body.offsetWidth-4:innerWidth;");
WriteContext(pECB, "pageHeight=(bw.ie4 || bw.ie5)?document.body.offsetHeight-2:innerHeight;");
WriteContext(pECB, "checkIt();");
WriteContext(pECB, "// sets the resize handler.");
WriteContext(pECB, "onresize=resized;");
WriteContext(pECB, "if(bw.ie4 || bw.ie5) window.onscroll=checkIt;");
WriteContext(pECB, "// shows the div");
WriteContext(pECB, "oGeo.css.visibility='visible';");
WriteContext(pECB, "}");
WriteContext(pECB, "/********************************************************************************");
WriteContext(pECB, "This function executes onscroll in ie and every 30 millisecond in ns");
WriteContext(pECB, "and checks if the user have scrolled, and if it has it moves the layer.");
WriteContext(pECB, "********************************************************************************/");
WriteContext(pECB, "function checkIt(){");
WriteContext(pECB, "if(bw.ie4 || bw.ie5) oGeo.moveIt(document.body.scrollLeft +pageWidth-gright,document.body.scrollTop+pageHeight-gbottom);");
WriteContext(pECB, "else if(bw.ns4){");
WriteContext(pECB, "oGeo.moveIt(window.pageXOffset+pageWidth-gright, window.pageYOffset+pageHeight-gbottom);");
WriteContext(pECB, "setTimeout('checkIt()',30);");
WriteContext(pECB, "}");
WriteContext(pECB, "}");
WriteContext(pECB, "//Adds a onresize event handler to handle the resizing of the window.");
WriteContext(pECB, "function resized(){");
WriteContext(pECB, "pageWidth=(bw.ie4 || bw.ie5)?document.body.offsetWidth-4:innerWidth;");
WriteContext(pECB, "pageHeight=(bw.ie4 || bw.ie5)?document.body.offsetHeight-2:innerHeight;");
WriteContext(pECB, "if(bw.ie4 || bw.ie5) checkIt()");
WriteContext(pECB, "}");
WriteContext(pECB, "//Calls the geoInit onload");
WriteContext(pECB, "if(bw.bw && !bw.ns5) onload=geoInit;");
WriteContext(pECB, "//Here we will write the div out so that lower browser won't see it.'");
WriteContext(pECB, "if(bw.bw && !bw.ns5) document.write('<div id=\"divBottom\"><table><tr><td align=\"center\">Powered by<br /><img src=\"http://www.crosswire.org/sword/pbsword.gif\"><br /><a href=\"http://www.crosswire.org/\">www.crosswire.org</td></tr></table></div>')");
WriteContext(pECB, "</script>");
WriteContext(pECB, "</head>");
WriteContext(pECB, "<body>");
else {
WriteContext(pECB, "<html><head>");
WriteContext(pECB, "<title>HANDiatheke</title>");
WriteContext(pECB, "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">");
WriteContext(pECB, "<meta name=\"palmcomputingplatform\" content=\"true\">");
WriteContext(pECB, "<meta name=\"historylisttext\" content=\"HANDiatheke\">");
WriteContext(pECB, "</head>");
WriteContext(pECB, "<body>");
void EndContext(EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB, bool palm)
if (palm) {
WriteContext(pECB, "<hr>Powered by Diatheke (http://www.crosswire.org/sword/diatheke) and the SWORD Project (http://www.crosswire.org/sword).");
WriteContext(pECB, "<br /><br /><br /><br /></body></html>");
int maxverses = -1;
unsigned char outputformat = FMT_CGI, searchtype = ST_NONE, outputencoding = ENC_UTF8;
unsigned long optionfilters = OP_NONE;
std::string locale, ref, script, range, defversion;
signed short variants = 0;
bool debugmode = false, palm = false;
std::string qstring;
std::string savestring = "Asenath.dll?";
std::string val, key;
std::list<std::string> versionlist;
string::size_type pos;
qstring = pECB->lpszQueryString;
unsigned char c;
for (int i = 0; i < qstring.length(); i++) {
if (qstring[i] == '+') {
qstring[i] = ' ';
else if (qstring[i] == '%') {
if (qstring[i+1] > 57) {
c = 16 * (10 + toupper(qstring[i+1]) - 'A');
else {
c = 16 * (qstring[i+1] - '0');
if (qstring[i+2] > 57) {
c += 10 + toupper(qstring[i+2]) - 'A';
else {
c += qstring[i+2] - '0';
qstring[i] = c;
qstring.erase(i+1, 2);
while (qstring.length()) {
pos = qstring.find("&");
if (pos != string::npos) {
key = qstring.substr(0, pos);
qstring.erase(0, pos+1);
else {
key = qstring;
qstring = "";
pos = key.find("=");
if (pos != string::npos) {
val = key.substr(pos+1, key.length()-(pos+1));
key.erase(pos, key.length()-pos);
else {
val = "";
if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "verse")) {
ref = val;
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "search")) {
if (!stricmp (val.c_str(), "phrase")) {
searchtype = ST_PHRASE;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (val.c_str(), "regex")) {
searchtype = ST_REGEX;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (val.c_str(), "multiword")) {
searchtype = ST_MULTIWORD;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "range")) {
range = val;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "maxverses")) {
maxverses = atoi(val.c_str());
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "variants")) {
variants = atoi(val.c_str());
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "locale")) {
locale = val;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "debug")) {
debugmode = true;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "palm")) {
palm = true;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "defversion")) {
defversion = val;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (stricmp (val.c_str(), "off")) {
if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "strongs")) {
optionfilters |= OP_STRONGS;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "footnotes")) {
optionfilters |= OP_FOOTNOTES;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "headings")) {
optionfilters |= OP_HEADINGS;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "morph")) {
optionfilters |= OP_MORPH;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "hebcant")) {
optionfilters |= OP_CANTILLATION;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "hebvowels")) {
optionfilters |= OP_HEBREWPOINTS;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "grkacc")) {
optionfilters |= OP_GREEKACCENTS;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "lemmas")) {
optionfilters |= OP_LEMMAS;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "scriprefs")) {
optionfilters |= OP_SCRIPREF;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "arshape")) {
optionfilters |= OP_ARSHAPE;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "bidi")) {
optionfilters |= OP_BIDI;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "redletters")) {
optionfilters |= OP_RED;
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
else if (!stricmp (key.c_str(), "latinxlit")) {
script = "Latin";
savestring += key + "=" + val + "&";
if (!locale.length()) {
unsigned long dsize = 2083;
char * data = new char[2083];
pECB->GetServerVariable(pECB->ConnID, "ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", data, &dsize);
if (dsize) {
locale = data;
pos = locale.find("_");
if (pos != string::npos)
locale = locale.substr(0,pos);
else {
locale = "abbr";
StartContext(pECB, palm);
if (versionlist.size() == 0)
if (defversion.length())
while (versionlist.size() > 0)
ostrstream * output = new ostrstream();
doquery(maxverses, outputformat, outputencoding, optionfilters, searchtype, range.c_str(), versionlist.front().c_str(), locale.c_str(), ref.c_str(), output, script.c_str(), variants);
*output << ends;
qstring = output->str();
delete output;
while ((pos = qstring.find("!DIATHEKE_URL!")) && pos != string::npos) {
qstring.replace(pos, 14, savestring.c_str());
DWORD dwSize = qstring.length();
pECB->WriteClient(pECB->ConnID, (void*)qstring.c_str(), &dwSize, 0);
WriteContext(pECB, "<br /><br />");
EndContext(pECB, palm);