path: root/src/modules/texts/rawgbf/gbf.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/texts/rawgbf/gbf.cpp')
1 files changed, 735 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/texts/rawgbf/gbf.cpp b/src/modules/texts/rawgbf/gbf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc67a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/texts/rawgbf/gbf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
+enum TToken {
+tokNull, tokEOF, tokHeader, tokContent, tokTail, tokStyle,
+ tokWord, tokSpace, tokSync, tokControl, tokChar, tokFont};
+enum TCharacterAttribute { caBold, caSmallCaps, caItalic, caOTQuote, caRed,
+ caSuperscript, caUnderline, caSubscript};
+// TCharAttribs = set of TCharacterAttribute;
+struct TBookNameRec {
+ string Name, Abbr;
+ char Num;
+const struct TBookNameRec TBookAbbr[116] = {
+ {"1 Chronicles", "1CH", 13}, //0
+ {"1 Corinthians", "1CO", 70}, //1
+ {"1 Esdras", "1E", 52}, //2
+ {"1 John", "1J", 86}, //3
+ {"1 Kings", "1K", 11}, //4
+ {"1 Maccabees", "1M", 50}, //5
+ {"1 Peter", "1P", 84}, //6
+ {"1 Samuel", "1S", 9}, //7
+ {"1 Thessalonians", "1TH", 76}, //8
+ {"1 Timothy", "1TI", 78}, //9
+ {"2 Chronicles", "2CH", 14}, //10
+ {"2 Corinthians", "2CO", 71}, //11
+ {"2 Esdras", "2E", 56}, //12
+ {"2 John", "2J", 87}, //13
+ {"2 Kings", "2K", 12}, //14
+ {"2 Maccabees", "2M", 51}, //15
+ {"2 Peter", "2P", 85}, //16
+ {"2 Samuel", "2S", 10}, //17
+ {"2 Thessalonians", "2TH", 77}, //18
+ {"2 Timothy", "2TI", 79}, //19
+ {"3 John", "3J", 88}, //20
+ {"3 Maccabees", "3M", 55}, //21
+ {"4 Maccabees", "4M", 57}, //22
+ {"1 Chronicles", "1 CH", 13}, //0
+ {"1 Corinthians", "1 CO", 70}, //1
+ {"1 Esdras", "1 E", 52}, //2
+ {"1 John", "1 J", 86}, //3
+ {"1 Kings", "1 K", 11}, //4
+ {"1 Maccabees", "1 M", 50}, //5
+ {"1 Peter", "1 P", 84}, //6
+ {"1 Samuel", "1 S", 9}, //7
+ {"1 Thessalonians", "1 TH", 76}, //8
+ {"1 Timothy", "1 TI", 78}, //9
+ {"2 Chronicles", "2 CH", 14}, //10
+ {"2 Corinthians", "2 CO", 71}, //11
+ {"2 Esdras", "2 E", 56}, //12
+ {"2 John", "2 J", 87}, //13
+ {"2 Kings", "2 K", 12}, //14
+ {"2 Maccabees", "2 M", 51}, //15
+ {"2 Peter", "2 P", 85}, //16
+ {"2 Samuel", "2 S", 10}, //17
+ {"2 Thessalonians", "2 TH", 77}, //18
+ {"2 Timothy", "2 TI", 79}, //19
+ {"3 John", "3 J", 88}, //20
+ {"3 Maccabees", "3 M", 55}, //21
+ {"4 Maccabees", "4 M", 57}, //22
+ {"Acts", "AC", 68}, //23
+ {"Amos", "AM", 30}, //24
+ {"Prayer of Asariah and the Song of the Three Jews", "AZ", 47},
+ {"Baruch", "BA", 45}, //26
+ {"Bel and the Dragon","BE", 49}, //27
+ {"Colossians", "CO", 75}, //28
+ {"Daniel", "DA", 27}, //29
+ {"Deuteronomy", "DE", 5}, //30
+ {"Deuteronomy", "DT", 5}, //31
+ {"Ecclesiasties", "EC", 21}, //32
+ {"Esther", "ES", 17}, //33
+ {"Exodus", "EX", 2}, //34
+ {"Ezekiel", "EZE", 26}, //35
+ {"Ezra", "EZR", 15}, //36
+ {"Galatians", "GA", 72}, //37
+ {"Genesis", "GE", 1}, //38
+ {"Genesis", "GN", 1}, //39
+ {"Ephesians", "EP", 73}, //40
+ {"Esther (Greek}", "GR", 42), //41
+ {"Habakkuk", "HAB", 35}, //42
+ {"Haggai", "HAG", 37}, //43
+ {"Hebrews", "HE", 82}, //44
+ {"Hosea", "HO", 28}, //45
+ {"Isaiah", "IS", 23}, //46
+ {"James", "JA", 83}, //47
+ {"Jeremiah", "JE", 24}, //48
+ {"Job", "JOB", 18}, //49
+ {"Joel", "JOE", 29}, //50
+ {"John", "JOH", 67}, //51
+ {"Jonah", "JON", 32}, //52
+ {"Joshua", "JOS", 6}, //53
+ {"Jude", "JUDE", 89}, //54
+ {"Judges", "JUDG", 7}, //55
+ {"Judith", "JUDI", 41}, //56
+ {"Lamentations", "LA", 25}, //57
+ {"Letter of Jeremiah",Abbr:"LET", 46}, //58
+ {"Leviticus", "LEV", 3}, //59
+ {"Luke", "LK", 66}, //60
+ {"Leviticus", "LV", 3}, //61
+ {"Luke", "LU", 66}, //62
+ {"Malachi", "MAL", 39}, //63
+ {"Prayer of Manasseh",Abbr:"MAN", 53}, //64
+ {"Mark", "MAR", 65}, //65
+ {"Matthew", "MAT", 64}, //66
+ {"Micah", "MI", 33}, //67
+ {"Nahum", "NA", 34}, //68
+ {"Nehemiah", "NE", 16}, //69
+ {"Numbers", "NU", 4}, //70
+ {"Obadiah", "OB", 31}, //71
+ {"Psalm 151", "P1", 54}, //72
+ {"Philemon", "PHILE", 81}, //73
+ {"Philippians", "PHILI", 74}, //74
+ {"Philemon", "PHM", 81}, //75
+ {"Philippians", "PHP", 74}, //76
+ {"Proverbs", "PR", 20}, //77
+ {"Psalms", "PS", 19}, //78
+ {"Revelation", "RE", 90}, //79
+ {"Romans", "RM", 69}, //80
+ {"Romans", "RO", 69}, //81
+ {"Ruth", "RU", 8}, //82
+ {"Sirach", "SI", 44}, //83
+ {"Song of Solomon", "SOL", 22}, //84
+ {"Song of Solomon", "SON", 22}, //85
+ {"Song of Solomon", "SS", 22}, //86
+ {"Susanna", "SU", 48}, //87
+ {"Titus", "TI", 80}, //88
+ {"Tobit", "TO", 40}, //89
+ {"Wisdom", "WI", 43}, //90
+ {"Zechariah", "ZEC", 38}, //91
+ {"Zephaniah", "ZEP", 36} //92
+ },
+string BookFileName[91] = {
+ "","Genesis","Exodus","Lev","Num","Deut","Joshua","Judges", // 0 - 7
+ "Ruth","1Sam","2Sam","1Kings","2Kings","1Chron","2Chron", // 8 - 14
+ "Ezra","Nehemiah","Esther","Job","Psalms","Proverbs", // 15-20
+ "Eccl","Song","Isaiah","Jeremiah","Lament","Ezekiel", // 21-26
+ "Daniel","Hosea","Joel","Amos","Obadiah","Jonah","Micah", // 27-33
+ "Nahum","Habakkuk","Zeph","Haggai","Zech","Malachi", // 34-39
+ "Tobit","Judith","Esther","Wisdom","Sirach","Baruch", // 40-45
+ "Let","Azar","Susanna","Bel","1Mac","2Mac","1Esdras", // 46-52
+ "Man","P1","3Mac","2Esdras","4Mac","","","","","","", // 53-63
+ "Matthew","Mark","Luke","John","Acts","Romans","1Cor", // 64-70
+ "2Cor","Gal","Eph","Philip","Col","1Thes","2Thes","1Tim", // 71-78
+ "2Tim","Titus","Philemon","Hebrews","James","1Peter", // 79-84
+ "2Peter","1John","2John","3John","Jude","Rev"}; // 85-90
+class TReadGBF {
+ FILE *fp;
+ string FName, TokenLine;
+ int TokenPos;
+ bool fFileIsOpen, fParagraphEnd, fInTitle, fInPsalmBookTitle, fInHebrewTitle, fInSectionTitle;
+ string sBook, sChapter, sVerse, sMode;
+ string sContext; // Last text type (header, body, or tail)
+ string sTitle; // Title of this book of the Bible
+ string sPsalmBookTitle; // Title of this Psalm book
+ string sHebrewTitle; // Psalm Hebrew title
+ string sSectionTitle; // Section headings
+ string sDate;
+ string sFontName;
+ int iTotalWords;
+ char chJustification, chDirection;
+ bool fIndent, fPoetry;
+ int CharAttribs;
+ char bBk, bChap, bVs, bWd;
+ bool Init(const string sFileName);
+ void Done();
+ string GetToken(TToken &TokenKind);
+ end;
+class TWriteGBF {
+ private:
+ F: TextFile;
+ FName, LineOut: string;
+ fFileIsOpen: boolean;
+ bBk, bChap, bVs, bWd: byte;
+ public
+ function Init(const sFileName: string): boolean;
+ function Done: boolean;
+ procedure Out(const s: string);
+ end;
+function isletter(const ch: char): boolean;
+function isinword(const ch: char): boolean;
+function IsDigit(const ch: char): Boolean;
+function IsUpper(const ch: char): Boolean;
+function ConformCase(const sPat, sSrc: string): string;
+function BookNameToNumber(const sBookName: string): byte;
+function isletter(const ch: char): boolean;
+ case ch of
+ 'A'..'Z': isletter := true;
+ 'a'..'z': isletter := true;
+ else
+ isletter := false;
+ end;
+function isinword(const ch: char): boolean;
+ case ch of
+ '-': isinword := true;
+ 'A'..'Z': isinword := true;
+ 'a'..'z': isinword := true;
+ else
+ isinword := false;
+ end;
+function IsUpper(const ch: char): Boolean;
+ case ch of
+ 'A'..'Z': IsUpper := true;
+ else
+ IsUpper := false;
+ end;
+function IsDigit(const ch: char): Boolean;
+ case ch of
+ '0'..'9': IsDigit := true;
+ else
+ IsDigit := false;
+ end;
+function MatchAbbrev(const sName, sAbbrev: string): boolean;
+var i: integer;
+ if Length(sName) < Length(sAbbrev) then
+ Result := false
+ else
+ Result := true;
+ i := 1;
+ while (i <= Length(sAbbrev)) and Result do
+ begin
+ if UpCase(sName[i]) <> sAbbrev[i] then
+ Result := false;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+function BookNameToNumber(const sBookName: string): byte;
+var i: integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ try
+ if IsDigit(sBookName[Length(sBookName)]) and IsDigit(sBookName[1]) then
+ Result := StrToInt(sBookName);
+ except
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+ i := 0;
+ while (Result = 0) and (i <= 115) do // Yuk! Linear search.
+ begin
+ if MatchAbbrev(sBookName,BookAbbr[i].Abbr) then
+ begin
+ Result := BookAbbr[i].Num;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+function BookNumberToName(const bBookNum: byte): string;
+ if bBookNum <= 115 then
+ Result := BookAbbr[bBookNum].Name
+ else
+ Result := '';
+function ConformCase(const sPat, sSrc: string): string;
+var i: integer;
+ Result := sSrc;
+ if (Length(sPat) > 0) and (Length(sSrc) > 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := LowerCase(sSrc);
+ if IsUpper(sPat[1]) then
+ Result[1] := UpCase(Result[1]);
+ if (Length(sPat) > 1) and (Length(sSrc) > 1) then
+ begin
+ if IsUpper(sPat[2]) then
+ begin
+ for i := 2 to Length(Result) do
+ Result[i] := UpCase(Result[i]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TReadGBF.Init(const sFileName: string): boolean;
+var s: string;
+ tok: TToken;
+ try
+ fParagraphEnd := false;
+ bBk := 0;
+ bChap := 0;
+ bVs := 0;
+ bWd := 0;
+ iTotalWords := 0;
+ FName := sFileName;
+ Assign(F, FName);
+ reset(F);
+ readln(F, TokenLine);
+ TokenPos := 1;
+ fFileIsOpen := true;
+ repeat
+ s := GetToken(tok)
+ until (tok = tokEOF) or ((tok = tokHeader) and (s[3] = '0'));
+ Init := true;
+ except
+ Init := false;
+ fFileIsOpen := false;
+ end
+procedure TReadGBF.Done;
+ if fFileIsOpen then
+ begin
+ closefile(F);
+ fFileIsOpen := false;
+ end;
+function TReadGBF.GetToken(var TokenKind: TToken): string;
+var m: integer;
+ Result := '';
+ TokenKind := tokNull;
+ if TokenPos = 0 then
+ begin
+ if (not fFileIsOpen) or EOF(F) then
+ TokenKind := tokEOF
+ else
+ begin
+ ReadLn(F,TokenLine);
+ TokenPos := 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if TokenKind <> tokEOF then
+ begin
+ m := Length(TokenLine);
+ if TokenPos > m then
+ begin
+ TokenKind := tokSpace;
+ if fParagraphEnd then
+ fParagraphEnd := false
+ else
+ Result := ' ';
+ TokenPos := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (TokenLine[TokenPos] = '<') then
+ begin
+ fParagraphEnd := false;
+ repeat
+ Result := Result + TokenLine[TokenPos];
+ inc(TokenPos);
+ until (TokenLine[TokenPos] = '>') or (TokenPos > m);
+ Result := Result + '>';
+ inc(TokenPos);
+ case result[2] of
+ 'B': begin // File body text type
+ TokenKind := tokContent;
+ sContext := Result;
+ end;
+ 'C': begin // Special characters
+ TokenKind := tokControl;
+ if (Result[3] = 'M') or (Result[3] = 'L') then
+ fParagraphEnd := true;
+ end;
+ 'D': begin // Direction
+ TokenKind := tokControl;
+ chDirection := Result[3];
+ end;
+ 'H': begin
+ TokenKind := tokHeader;
+ sContext := Result;
+ end;
+ 'F': begin // Font attributes
+ TokenKind := tokFont;
+ case Result[3] of
+ 'B': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caBold];
+ 'C': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caSmallCaps];
+ 'I': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caItalic];
+ 'N': sFontName := copy(Result,4,Length(Result)-4);
+ 'O': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caOTQuote];
+ 'R': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caRed];
+ 'S': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caSuperscript];
+ 'U': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caUnderline];
+ 'V': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caSubscript];
+ 'b': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caBold];
+ 'c': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caSmallCaps];
+ 'i': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caItalic];
+ 'n': sFontName := '';
+ 'o': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caOTQuote];
+ 'r': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caRed];
+ 's': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caSuperscript];
+ 'u': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caUnderline];
+ 'v': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caSubscript];
+ end;
+ end;
+ 'J': begin // Justification
+ TokenKind := tokStyle;
+ chJustification := Result[3];
+ end;
+ 'P': begin // Poetry/prose, indent
+ TokenKind := tokControl;
+ case Result[3] of
+ 'I': fIndent := true;
+ 'P': fPoetry := true;
+ 'i': fIndent := false;
+ 'p': fPoetry := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 'R': begin // References and footnotes
+ TokenKind := tokControl;
+ end;
+ 'S': begin // sync mark
+ TokenKind := TokSync;
+ case Result[3] of
+ 'B': begin // Book
+ sBook := system.copy(Result, 4, length(Result)-4);
+ sPsalmBookTitle := '';
+ if sBook = '' then
+ begin
+ inc(bBk);
+ sBook := BookNumberToName(bBk);
+ end
+ else
+ bBk := BookNameToNumber(sBook);
+ sTitle := sBook;
+ end;
+ 'C': begin //chapter
+ sChapter := system.copy(Result, 4, length(Result)-4);
+ if sChapter = '' then
+ begin
+ inc(bChap);
+ sChapter := IntToStr(bChap);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ try
+ bChap := StrToInt(sChapter);
+ except
+ showmessage('Non-numeric chapter: '+sBook+' '+sChapter);
+ end;
+ end;
+ sHebrewTitle := '';
+ end;
+ 'V': begin // Verse
+ bWd := 0;
+ sVerse := system.copy(Result, 4, length(Result)-4);
+ if sVerse = '' then
+ begin
+ inc(bVs);
+ sVerse := IntToStr(bVs);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ try
+ bVs := StrToInt(sVerse);
+ except
+ showmessage('Non-numeric verse: '+sBook+' '+sChapter+':'+sVerse);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 'D': begin // Date
+ sDate := system.copy(Result, 3, length(Result)-4);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 'T': begin // Titles
+ TokenKind := TokContent;
+ case Result[3] of
+ 'B':
+ begin
+ sPsalmBookTitle := '';
+ fInPsalmBookTitle := true;
+ end;
+ 'b': fInPsalmBookTitle := true;
+ 'H':
+ begin
+ sHebrewTitle := '';
+ fInHebrewTitle := true;
+ end;
+ 'h': fInHebrewTitle := false;
+ 'S':
+ begin
+ sSectionTitle := '';
+ fInSectionTitle := true;
+ end;
+ 's': fInSectionTitle := false;
+ 'T':
+ begin
+ sTitle := '';
+ fInTitle := true;
+ end;
+ 't': fInTitle := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 'Z': begin // File tail
+ TokenKind := tokTail;
+ sContext := Result;
+ if Result[3] = 'Z' then
+ done;
+ end;
+ else
+ TokenKind := TokControl;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if isletter(TokenLine[TokenPos]) then
+ begin {Word}
+ fParagraphEnd := false;
+ TokenKind := tokWord;
+ repeat
+ Result := Result + TokenLine[TokenPos];
+ inc(TokenPos);
+ until (TokenPos > m) or (not isinword(TokenLine[TokenPos]));
+ inc(bWd);
+ inc(iTotalWords);
+ end
+ else if ((TokenLine[TokenPos] = ' ') or (TokenLine[TokenPos] = #9)) then
+ begin
+ fParagraphEnd := false;
+ TokenKind := tokSpace;
+ Result := Result + TokenLine[TokenPos];
+ inc(TokenPos);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ fParagraphEnd := false;
+ TokenKind := tokChar;
+ Result := Result + TokenLine[TokenPos];
+ inc(TokenPos);
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ if ((TokenKind = tokWord) or (TokenKind = tokSpace) or
+ (TokenKind = tokChar)) then
+ begin
+ if fInTitle then
+ sTitle := sTitle + Result
+ else if fInPsalmBookTitle then
+ sPsalmBookTitle := sPsalmBookTitle + Result
+ else if fInHebrewTitle then
+ sHebrewTitle := sHebrewTitle + Result
+ else if fInSectionTitle then
+ sSectionTitle := sSectionTitle + Result;
+ end;
+function TWriteGBF.Init(const sFileName: string): boolean;
+ try
+ bBk := 0;
+ bChap := 0;
+ bVs := 0;
+ bWd := 0;
+ LineOut := '';
+ FName := sFileName;
+ Assign(F, FName);
+ filemode := 1;
+ rewrite(F);
+ fFileIsOpen := true;
+ Init := true;
+ except
+ Init := false;
+ fFileIsOpen := false;
+ end
+function TWriteGBF.Done: boolean;
+ try
+ if fFileIsOpen then
+ begin
+ if LineOut <> '' then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(F, LineOut);
+ LineOut := '';
+ end;
+ CloseFile(F);
+ end;
+ Done := true;
+ except
+ Done := false;
+ end;
+procedure TWriteGBF.Out(const s: string);
+var sPrint, sSave, sBook, sChapter, sVerse: string;
+ i: integer;
+ b: byte;
+ if (Length(s) > 0) and IsLetter(s[1]) then
+ begin
+ inc(bWd);
+ LineOut := LineOut + s;
+ end
+ else if Length(s) > 3 then
+ begin
+ if (s[1] = '<') and (s[2] = 'S') then
+ begin
+ case s[3] of
+ 'B': begin // Book
+ sBook := system.copy(s, 4, length(s)-4);
+ if sBook = '' then
+ begin
+ inc(bBk);
+ LineOut := LineOut + s;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ b := bBk;
+ bBk := BookNameToNumber(sBook);
+ if b <> bBk then
+ LineOut := LineOut + s;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 'C': begin //chapter
+ sChapter := system.copy(s, 4, length(s)-4);
+ if sChapter = '' then
+ begin
+ inc(bChap);
+ LineOut := LineOut + s;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ try
+// b := bChap;
+ bChap := StrToInt(sChapter);
+// if b <> bChap then
+ LineOut := LineOut + s;
+ except
+ showmessage('Non-numeric chapter: '+sBook+' '+sChapter);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 'V': begin // Verse
+ bWd := 0;
+ sVerse := system.copy(s, 4, length(s)-4);
+ if sVerse = '' then
+ begin
+ inc(bVs);
+ LineOut := LineOut + s;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ try
+// b := bVs;
+ bVs := StrToInt(sVerse);
+// if b <> bVs then
+ LineOut := LineOut + s;
+ except
+ showmessage('Non-numeric verse: '+sBook+' '+sChapter+':'+sVerse);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ LineOut := LineOut + s;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ LineOut := LineOut + s; // Not a sync mark
+ end
+ else // other token, space, or punctuation
+ LineOut := LineOut + s; // Length <= 3
+ if ((s = '<CM>') or (s = '<CL>')) then
+ begin
+ if (Length(LineOut) > 78) then
+ begin
+ i := 78;
+ while (i > 0) and (LineOut[i] <> ' ') do
+ dec(i);
+ if i < 1 then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(F,LineOut);
+ LineOut := '';
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ sPrint := system.copy(LineOut,1,i-1);
+ sSave := system.copy(LineOut,i+1,Length(LineOut)-i);
+ WriteLn(F,sPrint);
+ WriteLn(F, sSave);
+ LineOut := '';
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ WriteLn(F, LineOut);
+ LineOut := '';
+ end
+ end
+ else if (Length(LineOut) > 78) then
+ begin
+ i := 78;
+ while (i > 0) and (LineOut[i] <> ' ') do
+ dec(i);
+ if i < 1 then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(F,LineOut);
+ LineOut := '';
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ sPrint := system.copy(LineOut,1,i-1);
+ sSave := system.copy(LineOut,i+1,Length(LineOut)-i);
+ WriteLn(F,sPrint);
+ LineOut := sSave;
+ end
+ end