path: root/src/modules/texts/rawgbf/Gbfmain.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/texts/rawgbf/Gbfmain.pas')
1 files changed, 1267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/texts/rawgbf/Gbfmain.pas b/src/modules/texts/rawgbf/Gbfmain.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4377622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/texts/rawgbf/Gbfmain.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1267 @@
+unit GBFMain;
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
+ Buttons, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, GBF;
+ sTitlePar = '\pard\plain \s1\fi432\sb240\sa60\keepn\widctlpar \b\f5\fs28\kerning28 ';
+ sNormalPar = '\pard\plain \fi432\widctlpar \f4 ';
+ sNormalQuotePar = '\pard\plain \s20\fi432\li432\widctlpar \f4 ';
+ sPoetryPar = '\pard\plain \s18\fi-432\li432\widctlpar \f4 ';
+ sPoetryQuotePar = '\pard\plain \s21\fi-432\li864\widctlpar \f4 ';
+ sHebrewTitlePar = '\pard\plain \s16\fi432\keep\keepn\widctlpar \f4\fs20 ';
+ sSelahPar = '\pard\plain \s19\qr\widctlpar \f4 ';
+ ANSI2OEM: array[0..255] of char =
+ ( #0, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7,
+ #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15,
+ #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23,
+ #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31,
+ #32, #33, #34, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39,
+ #40, #41, #42, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47,
+ #48, #49, #50, #51, #52, #53, #54, #55,
+ #56, #57, #58, #59, #60, #61, #62, #63,
+ #64, #65, #66, #67, #68, #69, #70, #71,
+ #72, #73, #74, #75, #76, #77, #78, #79,
+ #80, #81, #82, #83, #84, #85, #86, #87,
+ #88, #89, #90, #91, #92, #93, #94, #95,
+ #96, #97, #98, #99,#100,#101,#102,#103,
+ #104,#105,#106,#107,#108,#109,#110,#111,
+ #112,#113,#114,#115,#116,#117,#118,#119,
+ #120,#121,#122,#123,#124,#125,#126,#127,
+ #128,#129, ',', 'a', '"',#133,#197,#216,
+ '^', '%', 'S', '<',#140,#141,#142,#143,
+ #144, #96, #97, '"', '"',#249,#150,#151,
+ '~',#153, 's', '>',#156,#157,#158, 'Y',
+ ' ',#173,#155,#156,#232,#157,#124, #21,
+ #168,#169, 'a',#174,#170, '-',#174, '_',
+ #167,#241,#253, '3', #39,#230, #20,#254,
+ ',', '1', 'o',#175,#172,#171,#190,#168,
+ 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A',#142,#143,#198,#128,
+ 'E',#144, 'E',#142, 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I',
+ 'D',#165, 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O',#153, 'x',
+ '0', 'U', 'U', 'U',#154, 'Y', 'b',#225,
+ #133,#130,#131, 'a',#132,#134,#230,#135,
+ #138,#130,#136,#137,#141,#161,#140,#139,
+ #148,#164,#149,#162,#147, 'o',#148,#246,
+ 'o',#151,#163,#150,#129, 'y', 'b',#152);
+ TGBFConverterMainForm = class(TForm)
+ SourceEdit: TEdit;
+ Label1: TLabel;
+ BrowseButton: TButton;
+ SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog;
+ OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
+ DestEdit: TEdit;
+ Label2: TLabel;
+ BrowseDestButton: TButton;
+ FormatRadioGroup: TRadioGroup;
+ GoBitBtn: TBitBtn;
+ CloseBitBtn: TBitBtn;
+ Timer1: TTimer;
+ VerseLabel: TLabel;
+ ApocryphaCheckBox: TCheckBox;
+ WdLabel: TLabel;
+ Label3: TLabel;
+ Label4: TLabel;
+ WEBDraftCheckBox: TCheckBox;
+ QuickButton: TButton;
+ procedure CloseBitBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure GoBitBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormatRadioGroupClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure QuickConversion;
+ procedure DoConversion;
+ procedure QuickButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ { Private declarations }
+ public
+ { Public declarations }
+ end;
+ GBFConverterMainForm: TGBFConverterMainForm;
+{$R *.DFM}
+var InFile: TReadGBF;
+ OutGBF: TWriteGBF;
+ OutFile: TextFile;
+function ANSIToOEM(s: string): string;
+var i, j: integer;
+ Result := s;
+ j := 1;
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ begin
+ case s[i] of
+ #133:
+ begin
+ Result[j] := '.';
+ inc(j);
+ Insert('..', Result, j);
+ inc(j);
+ end;
+ #140:
+ begin
+ Result[j] := 'O';
+ inc(j);
+ Insert('E', Result, j);
+ end;
+ #150:
+ begin
+ Result[j] := '-';
+ inc(j);
+ Insert('-', Result, j);
+ end;
+ #151:
+ begin
+ Result[j] := '-';
+ inc(j);
+ Insert('-', Result, j);
+ end;
+ #153:
+ begin
+ Result[j] := '(';
+ inc(j);
+ Insert('TM)', Result, j);
+ inc(j,2);
+ end;
+ #156:
+ begin
+ Result[j] := 'o';
+ inc(j);
+ Insert('e', Result, j);
+ end;
+ #169:
+ begin
+ Result[j] := '(';
+ inc(j);
+ Insert('C)',Result, j);
+ inc(j);
+ end;
+ #174:
+ begin
+ Result[j] := '(';
+ inc(j);
+ Insert('R)',Result, j);
+ inc(j);
+ end;
+ #198:
+ begin
+ Result[j] := 'A';
+ inc(j);
+ Insert('E', Result, j);
+ end;
+ #230:
+ begin
+ Result[j] := 'a';
+ inc(j);
+ Insert('e', Result, j);
+ end;
+ else
+ Result[j] := ANSI2OEM[ord(s[i])];
+ end;
+ inc(j);
+ end;
+procedure TGBFConverterMainForm.CloseBitBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Close;
+procedure TGBFConverterMainForm.DoConversion;
+var LastBook, wd, ParagraphAttributes, s, sLine, sPrint, sSave,
+ OutFileName: string;
+ LinePos, i, iFileNumber: integer;
+ tok: TToken;
+ fInclude, fProse, fSkip, fHTMLisOpen, fRed, fASCIIisOpen: boolean;
+ bLastBook, bChap: byte;
+ procedure CheckEOL;
+ begin
+ if Length(sLine) > 65 then
+ begin
+ i := 65;
+ while (i > 0) and (sLine[i] <> ' ') do
+ dec(i);
+ if i < 1 then
+ begin
+ if fASCIIisOpen then WriteLn(OutFile,sLine);
+ if fProse then
+ sLine := ''
+ else
+ sLine := ' ';
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ sPrint := system.copy(sLine,1,i-1);
+ if fProse then
+ sSave := system.copy(sLine,i+1,Length(sLine)-i)
+ else
+ sSave := ' '+system.copy(sLine,i+1,Length(sLine)-i);
+ if fASCIIisOpen then WriteLn(OutFile,sPrint);
+ sLine := sSave;
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure StartNewLine;
+ begin
+ if fInclude then
+ begin
+ CheckEol;
+ if fASCIIisOpen then WriteLn(OutFile, sLine);
+ sLine := '';
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure CloseHTML;
+ begin
+ if fHTMLisOpen then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(OutFile,sLine);
+ sLine := '';
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'</P>');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<P></P><HR><A HREF="index.htm">[Index]</A> &nbsp;');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<A HREF="http://www.ebible.net/bible/">[Home]</A>');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'</BODY></HTML>');
+ CloseFile(OutFile);
+ fHTMLisOpen := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure CloseASCII;
+ begin
+ if fASCIIisOpen then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(OutFile,sLine);
+ sLine := '';
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ if WEBDraftCheckBox.Checked then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'______________________________________________________________');
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'The above is from the public domain World English Bible (WEB).');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'See http://www.ebible.org/bible/WEB for more about this Bible.');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'Please report typos to mpj@ebible.org.');
+ end;
+ CloseFile(OutFile);
+ fASCIIisOpen := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure OpenHTML;
+ begin
+ if fHTMLisOpen then CloseHTML;
+ sLine := '';
+ OutFileName := ExtractFilePath(DestEdit.Text)+BookFileName[InFile.bBk]+'.htm';
+ AssignFile(OutFile,OutFileName);
+ Rewrite(OutFile);
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<HTML>');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<HEAD>');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<META http-equiv="PICS-Label" content=''(PICS-1.1 "http://www.rsac.org/ratingsv01.html"');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,' l gen true comment "RSACi North America Server" by "mpj@csn.net" for "http://www.csn.net/~mpj"');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,' on "1996.08.29T12:42-0500" r (n 0 s 0 v 0 l 0))''>');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<META NAME="description" CONTENT="'+InFile.sTitle+' from the World English Bible -- a Public Domain Modern English translation of the Holy Bible.">');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="'+BookFileName[InFile.bBk]+', '+InFile.sTitle+', Bible, Christian, Holy Bible, Bible search, WEB, World English Bible, Scriptures, Scripture, Bibles, Gospel, Gospels, bible">');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<TITLE>'+InFile.sTitle+'</TITLE>');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<LINK REL=Home HREF="http://www.ebible.org/bible">');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<LINK REL=Glossary HREF="glossary.htm">');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'</HEAD>');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<BODY BGCOLOR="#80ffff">');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'<H1>');
+ WriteLn(OutFile,InFile.sTitle);
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'</H1><P>');
+ fHTMLisOpen := true;
+ end;
+ procedure OpenASCII;
+ begin
+ if fASCIIisOpen then CloseASCII;
+ if fProse then
+ sLine := ' '
+ else
+ sLine := '';
+ OutFileName := ExtractFilePath(DestEdit.Text)+BookFileName[InFile.bBk]+'.txt';
+ AssignFile(OutFile,OutFileName);
+ Rewrite(OutFile);
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ WriteLn(OutFile,InFile.sTitle);
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ fASCIIisOpen := true;
+ end;
+ procedure OpenNTChapter;
+ var s: string;
+ begin
+ if InFile.bBk >= 64 then
+ begin
+ if fASCIIisOpen then CloseASCII;
+ inc(iFileNumber);
+ s := IntToStr(iFileNumber);
+ if Length(s) < 3 then s := '0'+s;
+ if Length(s) < 3 then s := '0'+s;
+ OutFileName := ExtractFilePath(DestEdit.Text)+'n'+s+'.txt';
+ AssignFile(OutFile,OutFileName);
+ Rewrite(OutFile);
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'Subject: '+BookFileName[InFile.bBk]+' '+InFile.sChapter+', World English Bible');
+ if iFileNumber = 260 then
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'X-Reset: 1');
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ WriteLn(OutFile,InFile.sTitle+', Chapter '+InFile.sChapter);
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ fASCIIisOpen := true;
+ if fProse then
+ sLine := ' '
+ else
+ sLine := '';
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ inc(bChap);
+ if (bLastBook <> Infile.bBk) or ((bChap mod 3) = 1) then
+ begin
+ if (bLastBook <> Infile.bBk) then
+ begin
+ bLastBook := Infile.bBk;
+ bChap := 1;
+ end;
+ if fASCIIisOpen then CloseASCII;
+ inc(iFileNumber);
+ s := IntToStr(iFileNumber);
+ if Length(s) < 3 then s := '0'+s;
+ if Length(s) < 3 then s := '0'+s;
+ OutFileName := ExtractFilePath(DestEdit.Text)+s+'.txt';
+ AssignFile(OutFile,OutFileName);
+ Rewrite(OutFile);
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'Subject: '+BookFileName[InFile.bBk]+' '+InFile.sChapter+', World English Bible');
+ if (Infile.bBk = 39) and (bChap = 4) then
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'X-Reset: 1');
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ WriteLn(OutFile,InFile.sTitle+', starting at chapter '+InFile.sChapter);
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ fASCIIisOpen := true;
+ if fProse then
+ sLine := ' '
+ else
+ sLine := '';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure CheckHTMLEOL;
+ begin
+ if Length(sLine) > 75 then
+ begin
+ i := 75;
+ while (i > 0) and (sLine[i] <> ' ') do
+ dec(i);
+ if i < 1 then
+ begin
+ if fHTMLisOpen then WriteLn(OutFile,sLine);
+ sLine := ''
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ sPrint := system.copy(sLine,1,i-1);
+ sSave := system.copy(sLine,i+1,Length(sLine)-i);
+ if fHTMLisOpen then WriteLn(OutFile,sPrint);
+ sLine := sSave;
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure StartNewHTMLLine;
+ begin
+ if fInclude then
+ begin
+ if fHTMLisOpen then WriteLn(OutFile, sLine+'</P>');
+ sLine := '<P>';
+ end;
+ end;
+ QuickButton.Enabled := false;
+ GoBitBtn.Enabled := false;
+ fInclude := false;
+ fSkip := false;
+ fProse := true;
+ fRed := false;
+ LastBook := '';
+ ParagraphAttributes := sNormalPar;
+ try
+ InFile := TReadGBF.Create;
+ if InFile.Init(Trim(SourceEdit.Text)) then
+ begin
+ LinePos := 0;
+ case FormatRadioGroup.ItemIndex of
+ -1: showmessage('No destination format selected!');
+ 0: begin
+ Label3.Caption := 'Converting to ASCII';
+ AssignFile(OutFile, DestEdit.Text);
+ FileMode := 1;
+ Rewrite(OutFile);
+ fASCIIisOpen := true;
+ sLine := '';
+ repeat
+ wd := ANSIToOEM(InFile.GetToken(tok));
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+ case tok of
+ tokWord:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (not fSkip) then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + wd;
+ CheckEOL;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokSpace:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (not fSkip) then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + wd;
+ CheckEOL;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokSync:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (length(wd) > 3) then
+ begin
+ if wd[3] = 'V' then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + '{' + InFile.sChapter+':'+
+ InFile.sVerse+'} ';
+ CheckEOL
+ end
+ else if (wd[3] = 'C') and (InFile.bBk = 19) then
+ begin
+ StartNewLine;
+ WriteLn(OutFile, 'Psalm '+InFile.sChapter);
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ end;
+ if wd[3] = 'B' then
+ fProse := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokContent:
+ begin
+ if wd = '<BO>' then
+ fInclude := true
+ else if wd = '<BN>' then
+ fInclude := true
+ else if wd = '<BO>' then
+ fInclude := ApocryphaCheckBox.Checked
+ end;
+ tokControl:
+ begin
+ if wd = '<CM>' then
+ begin
+ StartNewLine;
+ if fProse then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ sLine := ' '
+ end
+ end
+ else if wd = '<CL>' then
+ begin
+ StartNewLine;
+ sLine := ' ';
+ end
+ else if wd = '<Pp>' then
+ fProse := true
+ else if wd = '<PP>' then
+ fProse := false
+ else if wd = '<RF>' then
+ fSkip := true
+ else if wd = '<Rf>' then
+ fSkip := false
+ else if wd = '<RN>' then
+ fSkip := true
+ else if wd = '<Rn>' then
+ fSkip := false
+ else if wd = '<ZZ>' then
+ fInclude := false
+ end;
+ tokChar:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (not fSkip) then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + wd;
+ CheckEOL;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokFont:
+ begin
+ if wd = '<FI>' then
+ begin
+ if fInclude then
+ sLine := sLine + '[';
+ end
+ else if wd = '<Fi>' then
+ begin
+ if fInclude then
+ sLine := sLine + ']';
+ end
+ end;
+ end
+ until tok = tokEOF;
+ writeln(OutFile, sLine);
+ CloseFile(OutFile);
+ fASCIIisOpen := false;
+ Label3.Caption := '';
+ end;
+ 1: begin
+ Label3.Caption := 'Converting to ASCII (one file/book)';
+ FileMode := 1;
+ fASCIIisOpen := false;
+ sLine := '';
+ repeat
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+ wd := ANSIToOEM(InFile.GetToken(tok));
+ case tok of
+ tokEOF:
+ CloseASCII;
+ tokWord:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (not fSkip) then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + wd;
+ CheckEOL;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokSpace:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (not fSkip) then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + wd;
+ CheckEOL;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokSync:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (length(wd) > 3) then
+ begin
+ if wd[3] = 'V' then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + '{' + InFile.sChapter+':'+
+ InFile.sVerse+'} ';
+ CheckEOL
+ end
+ else if (wd[3] = 'C') and (InFile.bBk = 19) then
+ begin
+ StartNewLine;
+ WriteLn(OutFile, 'Psalm '+InFile.sChapter);
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ end;
+ if wd[3] = 'B' then
+ begin
+ fProse := true;
+ CloseASCII;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokContent:
+ begin
+ if wd = '<BO>' then
+ fInclude := true
+ else if wd = '<BN>' then
+ fInclude := true
+ else if wd = '<BO>' then
+ fInclude := ApocryphaCheckBox.Checked
+ else if wd = '<Tt>' then
+ OpenASCII;
+ end;
+ tokControl:
+ begin
+ if wd = '<CM>' then
+ begin
+ StartNewLine;
+ if fProse then
+ begin
+ if fASCIIisOpen then WriteLn(OutFile);
+ sLine := ' '
+ end
+ end
+ else if wd = '<CL>' then
+ begin
+ StartNewLine;
+ sLine := ' ';
+ end
+ else if wd = '<Pp>' then
+ fProse := true
+ else if wd = '<PP>' then
+ fProse := false
+ else if wd = '<RF>' then
+ fSkip := true
+ else if wd = '<Rf>' then
+ fSkip := false
+ else if wd = '<RN>' then
+ fSkip := true
+ else if wd = '<Rn>' then
+ fSkip := false
+ else if wd = '<ZZ>' then
+ fInclude := false
+ end;
+ tokChar:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (not fSkip) then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + wd;
+ CheckEOL;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokFont:
+ begin
+ if wd = '<FI>' then
+ begin
+ if fInclude then
+ sLine := sLine + '[';
+ end
+ else if wd = '<Fi>' then
+ begin
+ if fInclude then
+ sLine := sLine + ']';
+ end
+ end;
+ end
+ until tok = tokEOF;
+ if fASCIIisOpen then writeln(OutFile, sLine);
+ CloseASCII;
+ Label3.Caption := '';
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ Label3.Caption := 'Converting ASCII postings';
+ bLastBook := 255;
+ bChap := 0;
+ FileMode := 1;
+ iFileNumber := 0;
+ fASCIIisOpen := false;
+ sLine := '';
+ repeat
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+ wd := ANSIToOEM(InFile.GetToken(tok));
+ case tok of
+ tokEOF:
+ CloseASCII;
+ tokWord:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (not fSkip) then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + wd;
+ CheckEOL;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokSpace:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (not fSkip) then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + wd;
+ CheckEOL;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokSync:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (length(wd) > 3) then
+ begin
+ if wd[3] = 'V' then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + '{' + InFile.sChapter+':'+
+ InFile.sVerse+'} ';
+ CheckEOL
+ end
+ else if (wd[3] = 'C') then
+ begin
+ OpenNTChapter;
+ if (InFile.bBk = 19) then
+ begin
+ StartNewLine;
+ if fASCIIisOpen then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(OutFile, 'Psalm '+InFile.sChapter);
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if wd[3] = 'B' then
+ begin
+ fProse := true;
+ CloseASCII;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokContent:
+ begin
+ if wd = '<BO>' then
+ fInclude := true
+ else if wd = '<BN>' then
+ begin
+ fInclude := true;
+ iFileNumber := 0;
+ end
+ else if wd = '<BO>' then
+ fInclude := ApocryphaCheckBox.Checked
+ end;
+ tokControl:
+ begin
+ if wd = '<CM>' then
+ begin
+ StartNewLine;
+ if fProse then
+ begin
+ if fASCIIisOpen then WriteLn(OutFile);
+ sLine := ' '
+ end
+ end
+ else if wd = '<CL>' then
+ begin
+ StartNewLine;
+ sLine := ' ';
+ end
+ else if wd = '<Pp>' then
+ fProse := true
+ else if wd = '<PP>' then
+ fProse := false
+ else if wd = '<RF>' then
+ fSkip := true
+ else if wd = '<Rf>' then
+ fSkip := false
+ else if wd = '<RN>' then
+ fSkip := true
+ else if wd = '<Rn>' then
+ fSkip := false
+ else if wd = '<ZZ>' then
+ fInclude := false
+ end;
+ tokChar:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (not fSkip) then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + wd;
+ CheckEOL;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokFont:
+ begin
+ if wd = '<FI>' then
+ begin
+ if fInclude then
+ sLine := sLine + '[';
+ end
+ else if wd = '<Fi>' then
+ begin
+ if fInclude then
+ sLine := sLine + ']';
+ end
+ end;
+ end
+ until tok = tokEOF;
+ if fASCIIisOpen then writeln(OutFile, sLine);
+ CloseASCII;
+ Label3.Caption := '';
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ Label3.Caption := 'Converting to RTF';
+ AssignFile(OutFile, DestEdit.Text);
+ FileMode := 1;
+ Rewrite(OutFile);
+ repeat
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+ wd := InFile.GetToken(tok);
+ case tok of
+ tokWord:
+ begin
+ if fInclude then
+ begin
+ LinePos := LinePos + Length(wd);
+ write(OutFile,wd);
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokSpace:
+ begin
+ if fInclude then
+ begin
+ LinePos := LinePos + Length(wd);
+ if LinePos > 78 then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(OutFile,wd);
+ LinePos := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ write(OutFile,wd);
+ end
+ end;
+ tokSync:
+ begin
+ if length(wd) > 1 then
+ begin
+ case wd[2] of
+ 'B': begin
+ if InFile.sBook <> LastBook then
+ begin
+ LastBook := InFile.sBook;
+ WriteLn(OutFile,'\par '+sTitlePar+
+ LastBook+'\par '+ParagraphAttributes);
+ LinePos := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 'V': begin
+ s := '{\f5\super '+InFile.sChapter+':'+
+ InFile.sVerse+'}';
+ Write(OutFile,s);
+ LinePos := LinePos+Length(s);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokControl:
+ begin
+ if length(wd) > 1 then
+ begin
+ case wd[2] of
+ 'A': fInclude := false;
+ 'E': begin
+ Write(OutFile,'{\b\cf1 ');
+ LinePos := LinePos + 8;
+ end;
+ 'F': fInclude := false;
+ 'H': begin
+ fInclude := true;
+ ParagraphAttributes := sHebrewTitlePar;
+ Write(OutFile,ParagraphAttributes);
+ LinePos := LinePos + Length(ParagraphAttributes);
+ end;
+ 'I' : begin
+ Write(OutFile,'{\i\cf1 ');
+ LinePos := LinePos + 7;
+ end;
+ 'J' : begin
+ Write(OutFile,'{\scaps ');
+ LinePos := LinePos + 8;
+ end;
+ 'K': fInclude := false;
+ 'M': begin
+ if fInclude then
+ begin
+ writeln(OutFile);
+ write(OutFile,'\par '+ParagraphAttributes);
+ LinePos := Length(ParagraphAttributes) + 5;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 'N': begin
+ fInclude := true;
+ ParagraphAttributes := sNormalPar;
+ Write(OutFile,ParagraphAttributes);
+ LinePos := LinePos + Length(ParagraphAttributes);
+ end;
+ 'P': begin
+ fInclude := true;
+ ParagraphAttributes := sPoetryPar;
+ Write(OutFile,ParagraphAttributes);
+ LinePos := LinePos + Length(ParagraphAttributes);
+ end;
+ 'Q': begin
+ fInclude := true;
+ ParagraphAttributes := sTitlePar;
+ Write(OutFile,ParagraphAttributes);
+ LinePos := LinePos + Length(ParagraphAttributes);
+ end;
+ 'R' : begin
+ Write(OutFile,'\cf6 ');
+ LinePos := LinePos + 4;
+ end;
+ 'S': begin
+ fInclude := true;
+ ParagraphAttributes := sSelahPar;
+ Write(OutFile,ParagraphAttributes);
+ LinePos := LinePos + Length(ParagraphAttributes);
+ end;
+ 'T': begin
+ fInclude := true;
+ ParagraphAttributes := sTitlePar;
+ Write(OutFile,ParagraphAttributes);
+ LinePos := LinePos + Length(ParagraphAttributes);
+ end;
+ 'U' : begin
+ Write(OutFile,'{\ul ');
+ LinePos := LinePos + 4;
+ end;
+ 'W': begin
+ fInclude := true;
+ ParagraphAttributes := sNormalQuotePar;
+ Write(OutFile,ParagraphAttributes);
+ LinePos := LinePos + Length(ParagraphAttributes);
+ end;
+ 'X': fInclude := false;
+ 'Y': begin
+ fInclude := true;
+ ParagraphAttributes := sPoetryQuotePar;
+ Write(OutFile,ParagraphAttributes);
+ LinePos := LinePos + Length(ParagraphAttributes);
+ end;
+ 'Z': fInclude := false;
+ 'a': fInclude := false;
+ 'c': fInclude := false;
+ 'e': begin
+ Write(OutFile,'}');
+ inc(LinePos);
+ end;
+ 'h': fInclude := false;
+ 'i': begin
+ Write(OutFile,'}');
+ inc(LinePos);
+ end;
+ 'j': begin
+ Write(OutFile,'}');
+ inc(LinePos);
+ end;
+ 'n': fInclude := false;
+ 'p': fInclude := false;
+ 'r': begin
+ Write(OutFile,'}');
+ inc(LinePos);
+ end;
+ 'u': begin
+ Write(OutFile,'}');
+ inc(LinePos);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokChar:
+ begin
+ if fInclude then
+ begin
+ write(OutFile,wd);
+ LinePos := LinePos + length(wd);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ until tok = tokEOF;
+ writeln(OutFile,'\par }');
+ CloseFile(OutFile);
+ Label3.Caption := '';
+ end;
+ 4: begin // GBF
+ Label3.Caption := 'Converting to GBF';
+ OutGBF := TWriteGBF.Create;
+ OutGBF.Init(Trim(DestEdit.Text));
+ OutGBF.Out('<H000>');
+ repeat
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+ wd := InFile.GetToken(tok);
+ if tok <> tokEOF then OutGBF.Out(wd);
+ until tok = tokEOF;
+ OutGBF.Done;
+ OutGBF.Free;
+ Label3.Caption := '';
+ end;
+ 5: begin // HTML
+ Label3.Caption := 'Converting to HTML';
+ fHTMLisOpen := false;
+ repeat
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+ wd := Infile.GetToken(tok);
+ case tok of
+ tokEOF:
+ CloseHTML;
+ tokWord:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (not fSkip) then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + wd;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokSpace:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (not fSkip) then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + wd;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokSync:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (length(wd) > 3) then
+ begin
+ if wd[3] = 'V' then
+ begin
+ if fRed then
+ sLine := sLine + '</FONT>';
+ sLine := sLine + '<FONT COLOR="#0000ff"><FONT SIZE=-1><SUP>'+
+ InFile.sChapter+':'+
+ InFile.sVerse+'</SUP></FONT></FONT>';
+ if fRed then
+ sLine := sLine + '<FONT COLOR="#ff0000">';
+ end
+ else if (wd[3] = 'C') and (InFile.bBk = 19) then
+ begin
+ StartNewHTMLLine;
+ if fHTMLisOpen then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(OutFile, '<P><H2>Psalm '+
+ InFile.sChapter+'</H2>');
+ WriteLn(OutFile);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if wd[3] = 'B' then
+ begin
+ fProse := true;
+ CloseHTML;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokContent:
+ begin
+ if wd = '<BO>' then
+ fInclude := true
+ else if wd = '<BN>' then
+ fInclude := true
+ else if wd = '<BO>' then
+ fInclude := ApocryphaCheckBox.Checked
+ else if wd = '<Tt>' then
+ OpenHTML;
+ end;
+ tokControl:
+ begin
+ if wd = '<CM>' then
+ begin
+ StartNewHTMLLine;
+ if not fProse then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + ' &nbsp;';
+ end
+ end
+ else if wd = '<CL>' then
+ begin
+ StartNewHTMLLine;
+ sLine := sLine + ' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'
+ end
+ else if wd = '<Pp>' then
+ fProse := true
+ else if wd = '<PP>' then
+ fProse := false
+ else if wd = '<RF>' then
+ fSkip := true
+ else if wd = '<Rf>' then
+ fSkip := false
+ else if wd = '<RN>' then
+ fSkip := true
+ else if wd = '<Rn>' then
+ fSkip := false
+ else if wd = '<ZZ>' then
+ fInclude := false
+ end;
+ tokChar:
+ begin
+ if fInclude and (not fSkip) then
+ begin
+ if wd = '"' then
+ sLine := sLine + '&quot;'
+ else
+ sLine := sLine + wd;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tokFont:
+ begin
+ if fInclude then
+ begin
+ if wd = '<FI>' then
+ sLine := sLine + '<I>'
+ else if wd = '<Fi>' then
+ sLine := sLine + '</I>'
+ else if wd = '<FR>' then
+ begin
+ if not fRed then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + '<FONT COLOR="#ff0000">';
+ fRed := true
+ end
+ end
+ else if wd = '<Fr>' then
+ begin
+ if fRed then
+ begin
+ sLine := sLine + '</FONT>';
+ fRed := false
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ until tok = tokEOF;
+ Label3.Caption := '';
+ end;
+ end;
+ InFile.Done;
+ end;
+ InFile.Free;
+ except
+ showmessage('Error!');
+ end;
+ GoBitBtn.Enabled := true;
+ QuickButton.Enabled := true;
+procedure TGBFConverterMainForm.GoBitBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
+ DoConversion;
+procedure TGBFConverterMainForm.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
+ If InFile <> nil then
+ VerseLabel.Caption := InFile.sBook+' ['+IntToStr(InFile.bBk)+'] '+
+ InFile.sChapter+':'+InFile.sVerse
+ else
+ VerseLabel.Caption := '';
+procedure TGBFConverterMainForm.QuickConversion;
+ FormatRadioGroup.ItemIndex := 1;
+ DoConversion;
+ FormatRadioGroup.ItemIndex := 2;
+ DoConversion;
+ FormatRadioGroup.ItemIndex := 5;
+ DoConversion;
+procedure TGBFConverterMainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
+ VerseLabel.Caption := '';
+ WdLabel.Caption := '';
+procedure TGBFConverterMainForm.TransformButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
+var apoc: textfile;
+ last, s, sBook, sChap, sVs: string;
+ blankcount, i: integer;
+ TransformButton.Enabled := false;
+ blankcount := 0;
+ assignfile(apoc, trim(sourceedit.text));
+ reset(apoc);
+ assignfile(outfile, trim(destedit.text));
+ rewrite(outfile);
+ last := '';
+ while not eof(apoc) do
+ begin
+ readln(apoc, s);
+ if s = '' then
+ begin
+ inc(blankcount);
+ if last <> '' then
+ begin
+ writeln(outfile, last, '~M');
+ last := '';
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if blankcount >= 2 then
+ writeln(outfile, '~T',s,'~N~M') // book title
+ else if blankcount = 1 then
+ begin
+ sBook := '';
+ sChap := '';
+ sVs := '';
+ i := 1;
+ while (s[i] <> ' ') and (i <= Length(s)) do
+ begin
+ sBook := sBook + s[i];
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ while (s[i] = ' ') and (i <= Length(s)) do
+ inc(i);
+ while (s[i] <> ':') and (i <= Length(s)) do
+ begin
+ sChap := sChap + s[i];
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ while IsDigit(s[i]) and (i <= Length(s)) do
+ begin
+ sVs := sVs + s[i];
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ write(outfile, '~B'+sBook+';~C'+sChap+';');
+ if sVs <> '' then
+ write(outfile, '~V'+sVs+';');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if last <> '' then
+ begin
+ writeln(outfile, last);
+ end;
+ last := s;
+ end;
+ blankcount := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if last <> '' then
+ begin
+ writeln(outfile, last);
+ last := s;
+ end;
+ closefile(outfile);
+ closefile(apoc);
+ TransformButton.Enabled := true;
+procedure TGBFConverterMainForm.FormatRadioGroupClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Case FormatRadioGroup.ItemIndex of
+ 0: // Plain ASCII (one file)
+ DestEdit.Text := 'pub\web.txt';
+ 1: // Plain ASCII (one file per book)
+ DestEdit.Text := 'pub\web.htm';
+ 2: // Daily posts
+ DestEdit.Text := 'pub\queue\web.txt';
+ 3: // RTF
+ DestEdit.Text := 'pub\web.rtf';
+ 4: // GBF
+ DestEdit.Text := 'pub\web.gbf';
+ 5: // HTML
+ DestEdit.Text := 'pub\htm\web.htm';
+ end;
+procedure TGBFConverterMainForm.QuickButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
+ QuickConversion;
+procedure TGBFConverterMainForm.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
+ if ParamCount > 0 then
+ if ParamStr(1) = 'quick' then
+ begin
+ QuickConversion;
+ close;
+ end;