path: root/bindings/swig/Makefile.am
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/swig/Makefile.am')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/swig/Makefile.am b/bindings/swig/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e99e470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/swig/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ echo "built"
+perl_make: perl_makebuild
+ cd perl && make
+perlswig: sword.i
+ mkdir -p perl
+ $(SWIG) -perl -c++ -shadow -o perl/Sword.cxx -I$(top_srcdir) $(top_srcdir)/sword.i
+perl_makebuild: $(PERLSWIG)
+ mkdir -p perl
+ echo "writing perl/Makefile.PL"
+ @echo "#! /usr/bin/perl" > perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "# the contents of the Makefile that is written." >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "WriteMakefile(" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo " 'NAME' => 'Sword'," >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo " 'VERSION' => '$(VERSION)'," >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo " 'INC' => '$(SWORD_INCLUDES)'," >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo " 'DEFINE' => '-DSWIG'," >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo " 'LIBS' => '$(LIB_SWORD) -lz'," >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo " 'PREREQ_PM' => {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo " ($$] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo " (ABSTRACT => 'Sword Project perl bindings', # retrieve abstract from module" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo " AUTHOR => 'Sword Project <sword-devel@crosswire.org>') : ())," >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo ");" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "rename 'Makefile', 'Makefile.old' or die \"can't rename Makefile\";" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "open(INPUT, '<Makefile.old') or die \"can't open input Makefile.old\";" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "open(OUTPUT, '>Makefile') or die \"can't open output Makefile\";" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "while (<INPUT>) {" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo " s/\-lsword/\-lsword \-lstdc\+\+/;" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo " print OUTPUT \"$$""_\";" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "}" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "close INPUT;" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ @echo "close OUTPUT;" >> perl/Makefile.PL
+ cd perl && $(PERL) Makefile.PL && make clean
+ @echo "\.old" > perl/MANIFEST.SKIP
+ @echo "~$$" >> perl/MANIFEST.SKIP
+ @echo "\.bak" >> perl/MANIFEST.SKIP
+ @echo "^CVS" >> perl/MANIFEST.SKIP
+ @echo "Makefile$$" >> perl/MANIFEST.SKIP
+ cd perl && $(PERL) Makefile.PL && make manifest
+tclswig: sword.i
+ mkdir -p tcl
+ $(SWIG) -tcl -c++ -namespace -pkgversion $(VERSION) -o tcl/Sword.cxx -I$(top_srcdir) $(top_srcdir)/sword.i
+python_make: python_makebuild
+ cd python && $(PYTHON) setup.py build_ext $(SWORD_INCLUDES) $(LIB_SWORD)
+pythonswig: sword.i
+ mkdir -p python
+ $(SWIG) -python -c++ -shadow -o python/Sword.cxx -I$(top_srcdir) $(top_srcdir)/sword.i
+python_makebuild: $(PYTHONSWIG)
+ mkdir -p python
+ echo "writing python/setup.py"
+ @echo "#! /usr/bin/python" > python/setup.py
+ @echo "" >> python/setup.py
+ @echo "from distutils.core import setup, Extension" >> python/setup.py
+ @echo "setup (name = \"sword\"," >> python/setup.py
+ @echo " version = \"$(VERSION)\"," >> python/setup.py
+ @echo " maintainer = \"Sword Developers\"," >> python/setup.py
+ @echo " maintainer_email = \"sword-devel@crosswire.org\"," >> python/setup.py
+ @echo " url = \"http://www.crosswire.org/sword\"," >> python/setup.py
+ @echo " py_modules = [\"Sword\"]," >> python/setup.py
+ @echo " ext_modules = [Extension(\"sword\", [\"Sword.cxx\"]," >> python/setup.py
+ @echo " define_macros=[('SWIG',1)])], " >> python/setup.py
+ @echo ")" >> python/setup.py
+phpswig: sword.i
+ mkdir -p php
+ $(SWIG) -php -c++ -o php/Sword.cxx -I$(top_srcdir) $(top_srcdir)/sword.i