path: root/apps/windoze/Delphi20
diff options
authordanglassey <danglassey>2002-08-14 09:57:17 +0000
committerdanglassey <danglassey>2002-08-14 09:57:17 +0000
commitc9458897ebbb739d8db83c80e06512d8a612f743 (patch)
treef8c5381045887e34388cc6b26cfccc254bf766dc /apps/windoze/Delphi20
*** empty log message ***
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/windoze/Delphi20')
-rw-r--r--apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/Unit1.dfmbin0 -> 1261 bytes
15 files changed, 1294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SWKey.hpp b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SWKey.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a6c724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SWKey.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// SWKey.hpp - bcbdcc32 generated hdr (DO NOT EDIT) rev: 0
+// From: SWKey.pas
+#ifndef SWKeyHPP
+#define SWKeyHPP
+#include <Dialogs.hpp>
+#include <Forms.hpp>
+#include <Controls.hpp>
+#include <Graphics.hpp>
+#include <Classes.hpp>
+#include <SysUtils.hpp>
+#include <Messages.hpp>
+#include <Windows.hpp>
+#include <SwordAPI.hpp>
+#include <System.hpp>
+namespace Swkey
+//-- type declarations -------------------------------------------------------
+class __declspec(delphiclass) TSWKey;
+class __declspec(pascalimplementation) TSWKey : public Classes::TComponent
+ typedef Classes::TComponent inherited;
+ int hswkey;
+ System::AnsiString KeyType;
+ virtual void __fastcall Loaded(void);
+ virtual System::AnsiString __fastcall GetText(void);
+ virtual void __fastcall SetText( System::AnsiString itext);
+ virtual bool __fastcall GetPersist(void);
+ virtual void __fastcall SetPersist(bool ival);
+ virtual int __fastcall GetSWHandle(void);
+ virtual void __fastcall SetSWHandle(int ihandle);
+ __fastcall virtual TSWKey(Classes::TComponent* AOwner);
+ __fastcall virtual ~TSWKey(void);
+ virtual void __fastcall Initialize(void);
+ __property System::AnsiString Text = {read=GetText, write=SetText, nodefault};
+ __property bool Persist = {read=GetPersist, write=SetPersist, nodefault};
+ virtual int __fastcall Error(void);
+ __property int SWHandle = {read=GetSWHandle, write=SetSWHandle, nodefault};
+ virtual void __fastcall Inc(void);
+ virtual void __fastcall Dec(void);
+//-- var, const, procedure ---------------------------------------------------
+extern void __fastcall Register(void);
+} /* namespace Swkey */
+using namespace Swkey;
+//-- end unit ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // SWKey
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SWKey.pas b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SWKey.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7204715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SWKey.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+unit SWKey;
+ SwordAPI, Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
+ TSWKey = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ protected
+ hswkey: integer;
+ KeyType: AnsiString;
+ procedure Loaded; override;
+ function GetText: AnsiString; virtual;
+ procedure SetText(itext: AnsiString); virtual;
+ function GetPersist: Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure SetPersist(ival: Boolean); virtual;
+ function GetSWHandle: integer; virtual;
+ procedure SetSWHandle(ihandle: integer); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Initialize; virtual;
+ property Text: AnsiString read GetText write SetText;
+ property Persist: Boolean read GetPersist write SetPersist;
+ function Error: integer; virtual;
+ property SWHandle: integer read GetSWHandle write SetSWHandle;
+ procedure Inc; virtual;
+ procedure Dec; virtual;
+ published
+ end;
+procedure Register;
+constructor TSWKey.Create(AOwner:TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ KeyType := 'StrKey';
+ hswkey := 0;
+destructor TSWKey.Destroy;
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ if (hswkey <> 0) then
+ begin
+ DeleteKey(hswkey);
+ hswkey := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TSWKey.Loaded;
+ inherited Loaded;
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ if (hswkey = 0) then
+ Initialize;
+ end;
+procedure TSWKey.Initialize;
+ if (hswkey <> 0) then
+ DeleteKey(hswkey);
+ hswkey := NewKey(PChar(KeyType));
+ Persist := true;
+function TSWKey.Error: integer;
+ Error := KeyError(hswkey);
+function TSWKey.GetText: AnsiString;
+ s1: AnsiString;
+ SetLength(s1, 1024);
+ KeyGetText(hswkey, PChar(s1), Length(s1));
+ s1 := Trim(s1);
+ GetText := s1;
+procedure TSWKey.SetText(itext: AnsiString);
+ KeySetText(hswkey, PChar(itext));
+function TSWKey.GetSWHandle: integer;
+ GetSWHandle := hswkey;
+procedure TSWKey.SetSWHandle(ihandle: integer);
+ hswkey := ihandle;
+function TSWKey.GetPersist: Boolean;
+ GetPersist := Boolean(KeyGetPersist(hswkey));
+procedure TSWKey.SetPersist(ival: Boolean);
+ KeySetPersist(hswkey, integer(ival));
+procedure TSWKey.Inc;
+ KeyInc(hswkey);
+procedure TSWKey.Dec;
+ KeyDec(hswkey);
+procedure Register;
+ RegisterComponents('Data Access', [TSWKey]);
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SWLstKey.hpp b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SWLstKey.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..860d414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SWLstKey.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// ListKey.hpp - bcbdcc32 generated hdr (DO NOT EDIT) rev: 0
+// From: ListKey.pas
+#ifndef ListKeyHPP
+#define ListKeyHPP
+#include <Dialogs.hpp>
+#include <Forms.hpp>
+#include <Controls.hpp>
+#include <Graphics.hpp>
+#include <Classes.hpp>
+#include <SysUtils.hpp>
+#include <Messages.hpp>
+#include <Windows.hpp>
+#include <SWKey.hpp>
+#include <SwordAPI.hpp>
+#include <System.hpp>
+namespace ListKey
+//-- type declarations -------------------------------------------------------
+class __declspec(delphiclass) TListKey;
+class __declspec(pascalimplementation) TListKey : public Swkey::TSWKey
+ typedef Swkey::TSWKey inherited;
+ __fastcall virtual TListKey(Classes::TComponent* AOwner);
+ /* TSWKey.Destroy */ __fastcall virtual ~TListKey(void) { }
+//-- var, const, procedure ---------------------------------------------------
+extern void __fastcall Register(void);
+} /* namespace ListKey */
+using namespace ListKey;
+//-- end unit ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // ListKey
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SwordAPI.hpp b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SwordAPI.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c60d70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SwordAPI.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// SwordAPI.hpp - bcbdcc32 generated hdr (DO NOT EDIT) rev: 0
+// From: SwordAPI.pas
+#ifndef SwordAPIHPP
+#define SwordAPIHPP
+#include <System.hpp>
+namespace Swordapi
+//-- type declarations -------------------------------------------------------
+struct paramt
+ char *path;
+ char *name;
+ char *disc;
+} ;
+typedef paramt *pparamt;
+//-- var, const, procedure ---------------------------------------------------
+#define DLLNAME "sword32.dll"
+extern "C" int __stdcall NewModule(char * modtype, pparamt params);
+extern "C" void __stdcall DeleteModule(int hmod);
+extern "C" int __stdcall ModGetTextLen(int hmod);
+extern "C" void __stdcall ModGetText(int hmod, char * buf, int size);
+extern "C" void __stdcall ModGetKeyText(int hmod, char * buf, int size);
+extern "C" int __stdcall ModGetKey(int hmod);
+extern "C" char __stdcall ModSetKeyText(int hmod, char * keytext);
+extern "C" char __stdcall ModSetKeyKey(int hmod, int hkey);
+extern "C" int __stdcall ModSearch(int hmod, char * stext);
+extern "C" void __stdcall YoYo(int x, int y);
+extern "C" void __stdcall ModInc(int hmod);
+extern "C" void __stdcall ModDec(int hmod);
+extern "C" int __stdcall ModError(int hmod);
+extern "C" int __stdcall NewKey(char * keytype);
+extern "C" void __stdcall DeleteKey(int hkey);
+extern "C" int __stdcall KeyGetPersist(int hkey);
+extern "C" void __stdcall KeySetPersist(int hkey, int value);
+extern "C" int __stdcall KeyError(int hkey);
+extern "C" void __stdcall KeyGetText(int hkey, char * buf, int size);
+extern "C" void __stdcall KeySetText(int hkey, char * keytext);
+extern "C" void __stdcall KeySetKey(int hkey, int hkey2);
+extern "C" void __stdcall KeyInc(int hkey);
+extern "C" void __stdcall KeyDec(int hkey);
+extern "C" int __stdcall VerseKeyGetTestament(int hkey);
+extern "C" int __stdcall VerseKeyGetBook(int hkey);
+extern "C" int __stdcall VerseKeyGetChapter(int hkey);
+extern "C" int __stdcall VerseKeyGetVerse(int hkey);
+extern "C" void __stdcall VerseKeySetTestament(int hkey, int value);
+extern "C" void __stdcall VerseKeySetBook(int hkey, int value);
+extern "C" void __stdcall VerseKeySetChapter(int hkey, int value);
+extern "C" void __stdcall VerseKeySetVerse(int hkey, int value);
+extern "C" int __stdcall VerseKeyGetAutoNormalize(int hkey);
+extern "C" void __stdcall VerseKeySetAutoNormalize(int hkey, int value);
+extern "C" void __stdcall VerseKeyNormalize(int hkey);
+} /* namespace Swordapi */
+using namespace Swordapi;
+//-- end unit ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // SwordAPI
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SwordAPI.pas b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SwordAPI.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c61e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/SwordAPI.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+unit SwordAPI;
+ DLLNAME = 'sword32.dll';
+ paramt = record
+ path, name, disc: pchar;
+ end;
+ pparamt = ^paramt;
+function NewModule(modtype: PChar; params: pparamt): integer; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure DeleteModule(hmod: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function ModGetTextLen(hmod: integer): integer; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure ModGetText(hmod: integer; buf: PChar; size: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure ModGetKeyText(hmod: integer; buf: PChar; size: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function ModGetKey(hmod: integer):integer; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function ModSetKeyText(hmod: integer; keytext: PChar):char; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function ModSetKeyKey(hmod: integer; hkey: integer):char; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function ModSearch(hmod: integer; stext: PChar):integer; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure YoYo(x:integer; y:integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure ModInc(hmod: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure ModDec(hmod: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function ModError(hmod:integer): integer; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function NewKey(keytype:PChar):integer;stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure DeleteKey(hkey: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function KeyGetPersist(hkey: integer): integer; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure KeySetPersist(hkey: integer; value: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function KeyError(hkey:integer): integer; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure KeyGetText(hkey: integer; buf: PChar; size: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure KeySetText(hkey: integer; keytext: PChar); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure KeySetKey(hkey: integer; hkey2: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure KeyInc(hkey: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure KeyDec(hkey: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function VerseKeyGetTestament(hkey: integer): integer; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function VerseKeyGetBook(hkey: integer): integer; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function VerseKeyGetChapter(hkey: integer): integer; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function VerseKeyGetVerse(hkey: integer): integer; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure VerseKeySetTestament(hkey: integer; value: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure VerseKeySetBook(hkey: integer; value: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure VerseKeySetChapter(hkey: integer; value: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure VerseKeySetVerse(hkey: integer; value: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+function VerseKeyGetAutoNormalize(hkey: integer): integer; stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure VerseKeySetAutoNormalize(hkey: integer; value: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
+procedure VerseKeyNormalize(hkey: integer); stdcall; external DLLNAME;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/Unit1.dfm b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/Unit1.dfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0975ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/Unit1.dfm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/Unit1.pas b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/Unit1.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaa804e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/Unit1.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+unit Unit1;
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
+ SWModule, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, swkey, swvskey, ExtCtrls, swtxtdsp;
+ TForm1 = class(TForm)
+ Panel2: TPanel;
+ Panel1: TPanel;
+ Button1: TButton;
+ Edit1: TEdit;
+ Label1: TLabel;
+ SWModule1: TSWModule;
+ SWVerseKey1: TSWVerseKey;
+ SWTextDisp1: TSWTextDisp;
+ procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ { Private declarations }
+ public
+ { Public declarations }
+ end;
+ Form1: TForm1;
+{$R *.DFM}
+procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ SWVerseKey1.Text := Edit1.Text;
+ SWTextDisp1.Display();
+ Label1.Caption := SWVerseKey1.Text;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/listkey.pas b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/listkey.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb6587b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/listkey.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+unit ListKey;
+ SwordAPI, SWKey, Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
+ TListKey = class(TSWKey)
+ private
+ protected
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); override;
+ published
+ end;
+procedure Register;
+constructor TListKey.Create(AOwner:TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ KeyType := 'ListKey';
+procedure Register;
+ RegisterComponents('Data Access', [TListKey]);
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swmodule.hpp b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swmodule.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d356f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swmodule.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// SWModule.hpp - bcbdcc32 generated hdr (DO NOT EDIT) rev: 0
+// From: SWModule.pas
+#ifndef SWModuleHPP
+#define SWModuleHPP
+#include <Dialogs.hpp>
+#include <Forms.hpp>
+#include <Controls.hpp>
+#include <Graphics.hpp>
+#include <Classes.hpp>
+#include <SysUtils.hpp>
+#include <Messages.hpp>
+#include <Windows.hpp>
+#include <ListKey.hpp>
+#include <SWKey.hpp>
+#include <SwordAPI.hpp>
+#include <System.hpp>
+namespace Swmodule
+//-- type declarations -------------------------------------------------------
+struct paramt
+ char *path;
+ char *name;
+ char *disc;
+} ;
+typedef paramt *pparamt;
+enum TModType { RawText, RawCom, RawLD };
+class __declspec(delphiclass) TSWModule;
+class __declspec(pascalimplementation) TSWModule : public Classes::TComponent
+ typedef Classes::TComponent inherited;
+ int hswmod;
+ TModType FModType;
+ System::AnsiString FDataPath;
+ System::AnsiString FDescription;
+ Swkey::TSWKey* FMasterKey;
+ Swkey::TSWKey* FMyKey;
+ ListKey::TListKey* FMyListKey;
+ virtual void __fastcall Loaded(void);
+ virtual System::AnsiString __fastcall GetKeyText(void);
+ virtual void __fastcall SetKeyText( System::AnsiString text);
+ virtual Swkey::TSWKey* __fastcall GetKey(void);
+ virtual void __fastcall SetKey(Swkey::TSWKey* ikey);
+ virtual void __fastcall SetSWHandle(int ihandle);
+ virtual int __fastcall GetSWHandle(void);
+ virtual void __fastcall SetMasterKey(Swkey::TSWKey* ikey);
+ virtual Swkey::TSWKey* __fastcall GetMasterKey(void);
+ __fastcall virtual TSWModule(Classes::TComponent* AOwner);
+ __fastcall virtual ~TSWModule(void);
+ virtual void __fastcall Initialize(void);
+ virtual System::AnsiString __fastcall Text(void);
+ __property int SWHandle = {read=GetSWHandle, write=SetSWHandle, nodefault};
+ void __fastcall Inc(void);
+ void __fastcall Dec(void);
+ virtual ListKey::TListKey* __fastcall Search( System::AnsiString stext);
+ __property System::AnsiString KeyText = {read=GetKeyText, write=SetKeyText, nodefault};
+ __property Swkey::TSWKey* Key = {read=GetKey, write=SetKey, nodefault};
+ virtual int __fastcall Error(void);
+ __property TModType ModType = {read=FModType, write=FModType, default=0};
+ __property System::AnsiString DataPath = {read=FDataPath, write=FDataPath, nodefault};
+ __property System::AnsiString Description = {read=FDescription, write=FDescription, nodefault};
+ __property Swkey::TSWKey* MasterKey = {read=GetMasterKey, write=SetMasterKey, nodefault};
+//-- var, const, procedure ---------------------------------------------------
+extern void __fastcall Register(void);
+} /* namespace Swmodule */
+using namespace Swmodule;
+//-- end unit ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // SWModule
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swmodule.pas b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swmodule.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd1e66d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swmodule.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+unit SWModule;
+ SwordAPI, SWKey, ListKey, Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
+ paramt = record
+ path, name, disc: pchar;
+ end;
+ pparamt = ^paramt;
+ TModType = (RawText, RawCom, RawLD);
+ TSWModule = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ protected
+ hswmod: integer;
+ FModType: TModType;
+ FDataPath: AnsiString;
+ FDescription: AnsiString;
+ FMasterKey: TSWKey;
+ FMyKey: TSWKey;
+ FMyListKey: TListKey;
+ procedure Loaded; override;
+ function GetKeyText: AnsiString; virtual;
+ procedure SetKeyText(text: AnsiString); virtual;
+ function GetKey: TSWKey; virtual;
+ procedure SetKey(ikey: TSWKey); virtual;
+ procedure SetSWHandle(ihandle: integer); virtual;
+ function GetSWHandle: integer; virtual;
+ procedure SetMasterKey(ikey: TSWKey); virtual;
+ function GetMasterKey: TSWKey; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Initialize; virtual;
+ function Text: AnsiString; virtual;
+ property SWHandle: integer read GetSWHandle write SetSWHandle;
+ procedure Inc;
+ procedure Dec;
+ function Search(stext: AnsiString): TListKey; virtual;
+ property KeyText: AnsiString read GetKeyText write SetKeyText;
+ property Key: TSWKey read GetKey write SetKey;
+ function Error: integer; virtual;
+ published
+ property ModType: TModType read FModType write FModType default RawText;
+ property DataPath: AnsiString read FDataPath write FDataPath;
+ property Description: AnsiString read FDescription write FDescription;
+ property MasterKey: TSWKey read GetMasterKey write SetMasterKey;
+ end;
+procedure Register;
+constructor TSWModule.Create(AOwner:TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ FModType := RawText;
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ hswmod := 0;
+ FMyKey := TSWKey.Create(NIL);
+ FMyListKey := TListKey.Create(NIL);
+ end;
+destructor TSWModule.Destroy;
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ if (hswmod <> 0) then
+ begin
+ DeleteModule(hswmod);
+ hswmod := 0;
+ FMyKey.SWHandle := 0;
+ FMyKey.Free;
+ FMyListKey.SWHandle := 0;
+ FMyListKey.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TSWModule.Loaded;
+ inherited Loaded;
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ Initialize;
+procedure TSWModule.Initialize;
+ params: paramt;
+ s1: AnsiString;
+ if (hswmod <> 0) then
+ DeleteModule(hswmod);
+ params.name := PChar(AnsiString(Name));
+ params.path := PChar(DataPath);
+ params.disc := PChar(Description);
+ case ModType of
+ RawText: s1 := 'RawText';
+ RawCom: s1 := 'RawCom';
+ RawLD: s1 := 'RawLD';
+ end;
+ hswmod := NewModule(PChar(s1), @params);
+ if (FMasterKey <> NIL) then
+ begin
+ if (FMasterKey.SWHandle = 0) then
+ FMasterKey.Initialize;
+ Key := FMasterKey;
+ end;
+function TSWModule.Text: AnsiString;
+ s1: AnsiString;
+ SetLength(s1, ModGetTextLen(hswmod)+1);
+ ModGetText(hswmod, PChar(s1), Length(s1)+1);
+ s1 := Trim(s1);
+ Text := s1;
+function TSWModule.GetSWHandle: integer;
+ GetSWHandle := hswmod;
+procedure TSWModule.SetSWHandle(ihandle: integer);
+ hswmod := ihandle;
+function TSWModule.GetKeyText: AnsiString;
+ s1: AnsiString;
+ SetLength(s1, 1024);
+ ModGetKeyText(hswmod, PChar(s1), Length(s1));
+ s1 := Trim(s1);
+ GetKeyText := s1;
+procedure TSWModule.SetKeyText(text: AnsiString);
+ ModSetKeyText(hswmod, PChar(text));
+function TSWModule.GetKey: TSWKey;
+ FMyKey.SWHandle := ModGetKey(hswmod);
+ GetKey := FMyKey;
+function TSWModule.Search(stext: AnsiString): TListKey;
+ FMyListKey.SWHandle := ModSearch(hswmod, PChar(stext));
+ Search := FMyListKey;
+procedure TSWModule.SetKey(ikey: TSWKey);
+ ModSetKeyKey(hswmod, ikey.SWHandle);
+procedure TSWModule.Inc;
+ ModInc(hswmod);
+procedure TSWModule.Dec;
+ ModDec(hswmod);
+procedure TSWModule.SetMasterKey(ikey: TSWKey);
+ FMasterKey := ikey;
+function TSWModule.GetMasterKey: TSWKey;
+ GetMasterKey := FMasterKey;
+function TSWModule.Error: integer;
+ Error := ModError(hswmod);
+procedure Register;
+ RegisterComponents('SWORD', [TSWModule]);
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swordvc.dpr b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swordvc.dpr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38f660f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swordvc.dpr
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+program SwordVC;
+ Forms,
+ Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1},
+ swmodule in 'swmodule.pas',
+ swvskey in 'swvskey.pas',
+ swkey in 'SWKey.pas',
+ listkey in 'listkey.pas',
+ swtxtdsp in 'swtxtdsp.pas';
+{$R *.RES}
+ Application.Initialize;
+ Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
+ Application.Run;
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swtxtdsp.hpp b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swtxtdsp.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c2e813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swtxtdsp.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// SWTXTDSP.hpp - bcbdcc32 generated hdr (DO NOT EDIT) rev: 0
+// From: SWTXTDSP.pas
+#include <ComCtrls.hpp>
+#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
+#include <Dialogs.hpp>
+#include <Forms.hpp>
+#include <Controls.hpp>
+#include <Graphics.hpp>
+#include <Classes.hpp>
+#include <SysUtils.hpp>
+#include <Messages.hpp>
+#include <Windows.hpp>
+#include <SWVSKey.hpp>
+#include <SWModule.hpp>
+#include <IStreams.hpp>
+#include <System.hpp>
+namespace Swtxtdsp
+//-- type declarations -------------------------------------------------------
+struct charrange
+ long min;
+ long max;
+} ;
+class __declspec(delphiclass) TSWTextDisp;
+class __declspec(pascalimplementation) TSWTextDisp : public Comctrls::TRichEdit
+ typedef Comctrls::TRichEdit inherited;
+ Swmodule::TSWModule* FSWModule;
+ bool FCurVerseMrk;
+ bool FCurVersePos;
+ System::AnsiString FRTFHeader;
+ System::AnsiString FRTFTrailer;
+ System::AnsiString FRTFChapterMarkPre;
+ System::AnsiString FRTFChapterMarkPost;
+ System::AnsiString FRTFVerseMarkPre;
+ System::AnsiString FRTFVerseMarkPost;
+ System::AnsiString FRTFVersePre;
+ System::AnsiString FRTFVersePost;
+ bool FMarkCurrentVerse;
+ charrange FCharRange;
+ bool FAutoPosition;
+ int __fastcall GetMySelStart(void);
+ void __fastcall SetMySelStart(int iselstart);
+ Classes::TMemoryStream* RTFStream;
+ virtual void __fastcall SetSWModule(Swmodule::TSWModule* imodule);
+ virtual Swmodule::TSWModule* __fastcall GetSWModule(void);
+ virtual void __fastcall Loaded(void);
+ __fastcall virtual TSWTextDisp(Classes::TComponent* AOwner);
+ __fastcall virtual ~TSWTextDisp(void);
+ virtual void __fastcall Display(void);
+ __property bool CurVersePos = {read=FCurVersePos, write=FCurVersePos, default=1};
+ __property bool CurVerseMrk = {read=FCurVerseMrk, write=FCurVerseMrk, default=1};
+ __property Swmodule::TSWModule* SWModule = {read=GetSWModule, write=SetSWModule, nodefault};
+ __property System::AnsiString RTFHeader = {read=FRTFHeader, write=FRTFHeader, nodefault};
+ __property System::AnsiString RTFChapterMarkPre = {read=FRTFChapterMarkPre, write=FRTFChapterMarkPre
+ , nodefault};
+ __property System::AnsiString RTFChapterMarkPost = {read=FRTFChapterMarkPost, write=FRTFChapterMarkPost
+ , nodefault};
+ __property System::AnsiString RTFVerseMarkPre = {read=FRTFVerseMarkPre, write=FRTFVerseMarkPre, nodefault
+ };
+ __property System::AnsiString RTFVerseMarkPost = {read=FRTFVerseMarkPost, write=FRTFVerseMarkPost,
+ nodefault};
+ __property System::AnsiString RTFVersePre = {read=FRTFVersePre, write=FRTFVersePre, nodefault};
+ __property System::AnsiString RTFVersePost = {read=FRTFVersePost, write=FRTFVersePost, nodefault};
+ __property System::AnsiString RTFTrailer = {read=FRTFTrailer, write=FRTFTrailer, nodefault};
+ __property bool MarkCurrentVerse = {read=FMarkCurrentVerse, write=FMarkCurrentVerse, default=1};
+ __property bool AutoPosition = {read=FAutoPosition, write=FAutoPosition, default=1};
+ /* TWinControl.CreateParented */ __fastcall TSWTextDisp(HWND ParentWindow) : Comctrls::TRichEdit(ParentWindow
+ ) { }
+//-- var, const, procedure ---------------------------------------------------
+extern System::AnsiString defRTFHeader;
+extern System::AnsiString defRTFTrailer;
+extern System::AnsiString defRTFChapterMarkPre;
+extern System::AnsiString defRTFChapterMarkPost;
+extern System::AnsiString defRTFVerseMarkPre;
+extern System::AnsiString defRTFVerseMarkPost;
+extern System::AnsiString defRTFVersePre;
+extern System::AnsiString defRTFVersePost;
+extern void __fastcall Register(void);
+extern void __fastcall finalization(void);
+} /* namespace Swtxtdsp */
+using namespace Swtxtdsp;
+//-- end unit ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // SWTXTDSP
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swtxtdsp.pas b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swtxtdsp.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27a63f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swtxtdsp.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ istreams, SWModule, SWVSKey, Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
+ StdCtrls, ComCtrls;
+ defRTFHeader :AnsiString;
+ defRTFTrailer :AnsiString;
+ defRTFChapterMarkPre :AnsiString;
+ defRTFChapterMarkPost :AnsiString;
+ defRTFVerseMarkPre :AnsiString;
+ defRTFVerseMarkPost :AnsiString;
+ defRTFVersePre :AnsiString;
+ defRTFVersePost :AnsiString;
+ charrange = record
+ min : longint;
+ max : longint;
+ end;
+ TSWTextDisp = class(TRichEdit)
+ private
+ FSWModule: TSWModule;
+ FCurVerseMrk : boolean;
+ FCurVersePos : boolean;
+ FRTFHeader: AnsiString;
+ FRTFTrailer: AnsiString;
+ FRTFChapterMarkPre :AnsiString;
+ FRTFChapterMarkPost :AnsiString;
+ FRTFVerseMarkPre :AnsiString;
+ FRTFVerseMarkPost :AnsiString;
+ FRTFVersePre :AnsiString;
+ FRTFVersePost :AnsiString;
+ FMarkCurrentVerse :boolean;
+ FCharRange : charrange;
+ FAutoPosition : boolean;
+ function GetMySelStart: integer;
+ procedure SetMySelStart(iselstart : integer);
+ protected
+ RTFStream: TMemoryStream;
+ procedure SetSWModule(imodule: TSWModule); virtual;
+ function GetSWModule: TSWModule; virtual;
+ procedure Loaded; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Display; virtual;
+ published
+ property CurVersePos : boolean read FCurVersePos write FCurVersePos default True;
+ property CurVerseMrk : boolean read FCurVerseMrk write FCurVerseMrk default True;
+ property SWModule: TSWModule read GetSWModule write SetSWModule;
+ property RTFHeader: AnsiString read FRTFHeader write FRTFHeader;
+ property RTFChapterMarkPre: AnsiString read FRTFChapterMarkPre write FRTFChapterMarkPre;
+ property RTFChapterMarkPost: AnsiString read FRTFChapterMarkPost write FRTFChapterMarkPost;
+ property RTFVerseMarkPre: AnsiString read FRTFVerseMarkPre write FRTFVerseMarkPre;
+ property RTFVerseMarkPost: AnsiString read FRTFVerseMarkPost write FRTFVerseMarkPost;
+ property RTFVersePre: AnsiString read FRTFVersePre write FRTFVersePre;
+ property RTFVersePost: AnsiString read FRTFVersePost write FRTFVersePost;
+ property RTFTrailer: AnsiString read FRTFTrailer write FRTFTrailer;
+ property MarkCurrentVerse: boolean read FMarkCurrentVerse write FMarkCurrentVerse default true;
+ Property AutoPosition: boolean read FAutoPosition write FAutoPosition default true;
+// property SelStart read GetMySelStart write SetMySelStart;
+ end;
+procedure Register;
+constructor TSWTextDisp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ FCurVersePos := True;
+ FCurVerseMrk := True;
+ RTFHeader := defRTFHeader;
+ RTFTrailer := defRTFTrailer;
+ RTFChapterMarkPre := defRTFChapterMarkPre;
+ RTFChapterMarkPost := defRTFChapterMarkPost;
+ RTFVerseMarkPre := defRTFVerseMarkPre;
+ RTFVerseMarkPost := defRTFVerseMarkPost;
+ RTFVersePre := defRTFVersePre;
+ RTFVersePost := defRTFVersePost;
+// RTFStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ MarkCurrentVerse := true;
+ AutoPosition := true;
+destructor TSWTextDisp.Destroy;
+ if (RTFStream <> nil) then
+ RTFStream.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TSWTextDisp.Loaded;
+ inherited Loaded;
+ if (RTFHeader = '') then
+ RTFHeader := defRTFHeader;
+ if (RTFTrailer = '') then
+ RTFTrailer := defRTFTrailer;
+ if (RTFChapterMarkPre = '') then
+ RTFChapterMarkPre := defRTFChapterMarkPre;
+ if (RTFChapterMarkPost = '') then
+ RTFChapterMarkPost := defRTFChapterMarkPost;
+ if (RTFVerseMarkPre = '') then
+ RTFVerseMarkPre := defRTFVerseMarkPre;
+ if (RTFVerseMarkPost = '') then
+ RTFVerseMarkPost := defRTFVerseMarkPost;
+ if (RTFVersePre = '') then
+ RTFVersePre := defRTFVersePre;
+ if (RTFVersePost = '') then
+ RTFVersePost := defRTFVersePost;
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ if (RTFStream = nil) then
+ RTFStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ end;
+//#define EM_EXGETSEL (WM_USER + 52)
+//#define EM_EXSETSEL (WM_USER + 55)
+function TSWTextDisp.GetMySelStart: integer;
+ SendMessage(Handle, (WM_USER + 52), 0, longint(@Fcharrange));
+ GetMySelStart := Fcharrange.min;
+procedure TSWTextDisp.SetMySelStart(iselstart : integer);
+ Fcharrange.min := iselstart;
+ Fcharrange.max := iselstart;
+ SendMessage(Handle, (WM_USER + 55), 0, longint(@Fcharrange));
+procedure TSWTextDisp.Display;
+ book, chap, verse, versepos, currentpos: integer;
+ newtext, tmptext: AnsiString;
+ buf: PChar;
+ chap := TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Chapter;
+ book := TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Book;
+ verse:= TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Verse;
+ TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Verse := 1;
+ newtext := RTFHeader;
+ newtext := newtext + RTFChapterMarkPre + IntToStr(TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Chapter) + RTFChapterMarkPost;
+ SWModule.Error; // clear error;
+ currentpos := 0;
+ while ((TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Book = book) and (TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Chapter = chap) and (SWModule.Error = 0)) do
+ begin
+ if (TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Verse = verse) then
+ begin
+ if (MarkCurrentVerse = true) then {This does not work for shading background of current verse, but should }
+ newtext := newtext + '\pard \nowidctlpar \shading2000 \cf2' // \cf2 = second color in color table
+ else newtext := newtext + '\pard \nowidctlpar \cf0';
+ end else newtext := newtext + '\pard \nowidctlpar \cf0';
+ newtext := newtext + RTFVerseMarkPre + IntToStr(TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Verse) + RTFVerseMarkPost;
+ newtext := newtext + RTFVersePre + SWModule.Text + RTFVersePost;
+ if ((TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Verse = verse) and (AutoPosition = true)) then
+ begin
+ tmptext := newtext + RTFTrailer;
+ RTFStream.Clear;
+ RTFStream.WriteBuffer(Pointer(tmptext)^, Length(tmptext));
+ RTFStream.Position := 0;
+ FMarkCurrentVerse := true;
+ Lines.LoadFromStream(RTFStream);
+ PlainText := true;
+ versepos := GetTextLen; //RTFStream.Position;
+ PlainText := false;
+ end;
+ SWModule.Inc;
+ end;
+ newtext := newtext + RTFTrailer;
+ TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Verse := 1; { When setting chapter: if (verse <> new chapter range) don't autonormalize. (we could've just turned the autonormalize option off then back on, but this is cooler) }
+ TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Book := book;
+ TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Chapter := chap;
+ TSWVerseKey(SWModule.Key).Verse := verse;
+ RTFStream.Clear;
+ RTFStream.WriteBuffer(Pointer(newtext)^, Length(newtext));
+ RTFStream.Position := 0;
+ Lines.LoadFromStream(RTFStream);
+ { Position control text at current verse }
+ if (AutoPosition = true) then
+ begin
+ SelStart := versepos;
+ SendMessage(Handle, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0);
+ end;
+procedure TSWTextDisp.SetSWModule(imodule: TSWModule);
+ FSWModule := imodule;
+function TSWTextDisp.GetSWModule: TSWModule;
+ GetSWModule := FSWModule;
+procedure Register;
+ RegisterComponents('SWORD', [TSWTextDisp]);
+ defRTFHeader := '{\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl{\f4\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green200\blue50;}';
+ defRTFTrailer := '{\fs24 \par }}';
+ defRTFChapterMarkPre := '\pard \qc\nowidctlpar{\fs30\b Chapter ';
+ defRTFChapterMarkPost := '\par\fs10\par}';
+ defRTFVerseMarkPre := '{\fs20\cf1\super ';
+ defRTFVerseMarkPost := '}';
+ defRTFVersePre := '{\fs24';
+ defRTFVersePost := ' }';
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swvskey.hpp b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swvskey.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f99709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swvskey.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// SWVSKey.hpp - bcbdcc32 generated hdr (DO NOT EDIT) rev: 0
+// From: SWVSKey.pas
+#ifndef SWVSKeyHPP
+#define SWVSKeyHPP
+#include <Dialogs.hpp>
+#include <Forms.hpp>
+#include <Controls.hpp>
+#include <Graphics.hpp>
+#include <Classes.hpp>
+#include <SysUtils.hpp>
+#include <Messages.hpp>
+#include <Windows.hpp>
+#include <SWKey.hpp>
+#include <SwordAPI.hpp>
+#include <System.hpp>
+namespace Swvskey
+//-- type declarations -------------------------------------------------------
+class __declspec(delphiclass) TSWVerseKey;
+class __declspec(pascalimplementation) TSWVerseKey : public Swkey::TSWKey
+ typedef Swkey::TSWKey inherited;
+ int __fastcall GetTestament(void);
+ int __fastcall GetBook(void);
+ int __fastcall GetChapter(void);
+ int __fastcall GetVerse(void);
+ void __fastcall SetTestament(int ival);
+ void __fastcall SetBook(int ival);
+ void __fastcall SetChapter(int ival);
+ void __fastcall SetVerse(int ival);
+ bool __fastcall GetAutoNormalize(void);
+ void __fastcall SetAutoNormalize(bool ival);
+ __fastcall virtual TSWVerseKey(Classes::TComponent* AOwner);
+ __property int Testament = {read=GetTestament, write=SetTestament, nodefault};
+ __property int Book = {read=GetBook, write=SetBook, nodefault};
+ __property int Chapter = {read=GetChapter, write=SetChapter, nodefault};
+ __property int Verse = {read=GetVerse, write=SetVerse, nodefault};
+ __property bool AutoNormalize = {read=GetAutoNormalize, write=SetAutoNormalize, nodefault};
+ void __fastcall Normalize(void);
+ /* TSWKey.Destroy */ __fastcall virtual ~TSWVerseKey(void) { }
+//-- var, const, procedure ---------------------------------------------------
+extern void __fastcall Register(void);
+} /* namespace Swvskey */
+using namespace Swvskey;
+//-- end unit ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#endif // SWVSKey
diff --git a/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swvskey.pas b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swvskey.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bf5e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/windoze/Delphi20/swordvc/swvskey.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+unit SWVSKey;
+ SwordAPI, SWKey, Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
+ TSWVerseKey = class(TSWKey)
+ private
+ protected
+ function GetTestament: integer;
+ function GetBook: integer;
+ function GetChapter: integer;
+ function GetVerse: integer;
+ procedure SetTestament(ival: integer);
+ procedure SetBook(ival: integer);
+ procedure SetChapter(ival: integer);
+ procedure SetVerse(ival: integer);
+ function GetAutoNormalize: Boolean;
+ procedure SetAutoNormalize(ival: Boolean);
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); override;
+ property Testament: integer read GetTestament write SetTestament;
+ property Book: integer read GetBook write SetBook;
+ property Chapter: integer read GetChapter write SetChapter;
+ property Verse: integer read GetVerse write SetVerse;
+ property AutoNormalize: Boolean read GetAutoNormalize write SetAutoNormalize;
+ procedure Normalize;
+ published
+ end;
+procedure Register;
+constructor TSWVerseKey.Create(AOwner:TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ KeyType := 'VerseKey';
+function TSWVerseKey.GetTestament: integer;
+ GetTestament := VerseKeyGetTestament(hswkey);
+function TSWVerseKey.GetBook: integer;
+ GetBook := VerseKeyGetBook(hswkey);
+function TSWVerseKey.GetChapter: integer;
+ GetChapter := VerseKeyGetChapter(hswkey);
+function TSWVerseKey.GetVerse: integer;
+ GetVerse := VerseKeyGetVerse(hswkey);
+procedure TSWVerseKey.SetTestament(ival: integer);
+ VerseKeySetTestament(hswkey, ival);
+procedure TSWVerseKey.SetBook(ival: integer);
+ VerseKeySetBook(hswkey, ival);
+procedure TSWVerseKey.SetChapter(ival: integer);
+ VerseKeySetChapter(hswkey, ival);
+procedure TSWVerseKey.SetVerse(ival: integer);
+ VerseKeySetVerse(hswkey, ival);
+function TSWVerseKey.GetAutoNormalize: Boolean;
+ GetAutoNormalize := Boolean(VerseKeyGetAutoNormalize(hswkey));
+procedure TSWVerseKey.SetAutoNormalize(ival: Boolean);
+ VerseKeySetAutoNormalize(hswkey, integer(ival));
+procedure TSWVerseKey.Normalize;
+ VerseKeyNormalize(hswkey);
+procedure Register;
+ RegisterComponents('SWORD', [TSWVerseKey]);