path: root/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/TntUnicodeControls/TntControls.pas
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authordanglassey <danglassey>2002-08-14 09:57:17 +0000
committerdanglassey <danglassey>2002-08-14 09:57:17 +0000
commitc9458897ebbb739d8db83c80e06512d8a612f743 (patch)
treef8c5381045887e34388cc6b26cfccc254bf766dc /apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/TntUnicodeControls/TntControls.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/TntUnicodeControls/TntControls.pas')
1 files changed, 482 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/TntUnicodeControls/TntControls.pas b/apps/windoze/CBuilder5/BibleCS/TntUnicodeControls/TntControls.pas
new file mode 100644
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+{ The Delphi Unicode Controls Project }
+{ }
+{ http://home.ccci.org/wolbrink }
+{ }
+{ Copyright (c) 2002, Troy Wolbrink (wolbrink@ccci.org) }
+{ }
+unit TntControls;
+ Windows NT provides support for native Unicode windows. To add Unicode support to a
+ TWinControl descendant, override CreateWindowHandle() and call CreateUnicodeHandle().
+ One major reason this works is because the VCL only uses the ANSI version of
+ SendMessage() -- SendMessageA(). If you call SendMessageA() on a UNICODE
+ window, Windows deals with the ANSI/UNICODE conversion automatically. So
+ for example, if the VCL sends WM_SETTEXT to a window using SendMessageA,
+ Windows actually *expects* a PAnsiChar even if the target window is a UNICODE
+ window. So caling SendMessageA with PChars causes no problems.
+ A problem in the VCL has to do with the TControl.Perform() method. Perform()
+ calls the window procedure directly and assumes an ANSI window. This is a
+ problem if, for example, the VCL calls Perform(WM_SETTEXT, ...) passing in a
+ PAnsiChar which eventually gets passed downto DefWindowProcW() which expects a PWideChar.
+ This is the reason for SubClassUnicodeControl(). This procedure will subclass the
+ Windows WndProc, and the TWinControl.WindowProc pointer. It will determine if the
+ message came from Windows or if the WindowProc was called directly. It will then
+ call SendMessageA() for Windows to perorm proper conversion on certain text messages.
+ Another problem has to do with TWinControl.DoKeyPress(). It is called from the WM_CHAR
+ message. It casts the WideChar to an AnsiChar, and sends the resulting character to
+ DefWindowProc. In order to avoid this, the DefWindowProc is subclasses as well. WindowProc
+ will make a WM_CHAR message safe for ANSI handling code by converting the char code to
+ #FF before passing it on. It stores the original WideChar in the .Unused field of TWMChar.
+ The code #FF is converted back to the WideChar before passing onto DefWindowProc.
+uses Windows, Messages, Classes, Controls, Forms, TntForms, TntClasses;
+ UNICODE_CLASS_EXT = '.UnicodeClass';
+function IsTextMessage(Msg: UINT): Boolean;
+procedure MakeWMCharMsgSafeForAnsi(var Message: TMessage);
+procedure RestoreWMCharMsg(var Message: TMessage);
+function GetWideCharFromWMCharMsg(Message: TWMChar): WideChar;
+procedure SetWideCharForWMCharMsg(var Message: TWMChar; Ch: WideChar);
+function HandleIMEComposition(hWnd: THandle; Message: TMessage): Boolean;
+procedure SubClassUnicodeControl(Control: TWinControl);
+procedure CreateUnicodeHandle(Control: TWinControl; const Params: TCreateParams;
+ const SubClass: WideString);
+function WideGetWindowText(Control: TWinControl): WideString;
+procedure WideSetWindowText(Control: TWinControl; const Text: WideString);
+function TntAdjustLineBreaks(const S: WideString): WideString;
+uses SysUtils, Graphics, Imm;
+procedure DestroyUnicodeHandle(Control: TWinControl); forward;
+function IsTextMessage(Msg: UINT): Boolean;
+ // WM_CHAR is omitted because of the special handling it receives
+ result := (Msg = WM_SETTEXT)
+ or (Msg = WM_GETTEXT)
+procedure MakeWMCharMsgSafeForAnsi(var Message: TMessage);
+ with TWMChar(Message) do begin
+ Assert(Msg = WM_CHAR);
+ Assert(Unused = 0);
+ if (CharCode > Word(High(AnsiChar))) then begin
+ Unused := CharCode;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure RestoreWMCharMsg(var Message: TMessage);
+ with TWMChar(Message) do begin
+ Assert(Message.Msg = WM_CHAR);
+ if (Unused > 0)
+ and (CharCode = ANSI_UNICODE_HOLDER) then
+ CharCode := Unused;
+ Unused := 0;
+ end;
+function GetWideCharFromWMCharMsg(Message: TWMChar): WideChar;
+ if (Message.CharCode = ANSI_UNICODE_HOLDER)
+ and (Message.Unused <> 0) then
+ result := WideChar(Message.Unused)
+ else
+ result := WideChar(Message.CharCode);
+procedure SetWideCharForWMCharMsg(var Message: TWMChar; Ch: WideChar);
+ Message.CharCode := Word(Ch);
+ Message.Unused := 0;
+ MakeWMCharMsgSafeForAnsi(TMessage(Message));
+function HandleIMEComposition(hWnd: THandle; Message: TMessage): Boolean;
+ Buff: WideString;
+ i: integer;
+ Result := False;
+ if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
+ and (Message.Msg = WM_IME_COMPOSITION)
+ and ((Message.lParam and GCS_RESULTSTR) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ IMC := ImmGetContext(hWnd);
+ if IMC <> 0 then begin
+ try
+ Result := True;
+ // Get the result string
+ SetLength(Buff, ImmGetCompositionStringW(IMC, GCS_RESULTSTR, nil, 0) div SizeOf(WideChar));
+ ImmGetCompositionStringW(IMC, GCS_RESULTSTR, PWideChar(Buff), Length(Buff) * SizeOf(WideChar));
+ finally
+ ImmReleaseContext(hWnd, IMC);
+ end;
+ // send WM_CHAR messages for each char in string
+ for i := 1 to Length(Buff) do begin
+ SendMessageW(hWnd, WM_CHAR, Integer(Buff[i]), 0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ TWinControlTrap = class
+ private
+ ObjectInstance: Pointer;
+ DefObjectInstance: Pointer;
+ FControl: TWinControl;
+ Handle: THandle;
+ PrevWin32Proc: Pointer;
+ PrevDefWin32Proc: Pointer;
+ PrevWindowProc: TWndMethod;
+ LastWin32Msg: UINT;
+ procedure Win32Proc(var Message: TMessage);
+ procedure DefWin32Proc(var Message: TMessage);
+ procedure WindowProc(var Message: TMessage);
+ procedure HandleWMDestroy(var Message: TMessage);
+ end;
+procedure TWinControlTrap.HandleWMDestroy(var Message: TMessage);
+ ThisPrevWin32Proc: Pointer;
+ ThisHandle: THandle;
+ with Message do begin
+ Assert(Msg = WM_DESTROY);
+ // store local copies of values, since this object is about to be freed
+ ThisPrevWin32Proc := PrevWin32Proc;
+ ThisHandle := Handle;
+ // handle destruction
+ DestroyUnicodeHandle(FControl);
+ // pass on the WM_DESTROY message
+ Result := CallWindowProc(ThisPrevWin32Proc, ThisHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam);
+ end;
+procedure TWinControlTrap.Win32Proc(var Message: TMessage);
+ with Message do begin
+ if Msg = WM_DESTROY then begin
+ HandleWMDestroy(Message);
+ exit; { Do not access any data in object. Object is freed. }
+ end;
+ if not HandleIMEComposition(Handle, Message) then begin
+ LastWin32Msg := Msg;
+ Result := CallWindowProcW(PrevWin32Proc, Handle, Msg, wParam, lParam);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TWinControlTrap.DefWin32Proc(var Message: TMessage);
+ with Message do begin
+ if (Msg = WM_CHAR) then begin
+ RestoreWMCharMsg(Message)
+ end;
+ Result := CallWindowProcW(PrevDefWin32Proc, Handle, Msg, wParam, lParam);
+ end;
+procedure TWinControlTrap.WindowProc(var Message: TMessage);
+ CameFromWindows: Boolean;
+ CameFromWindows := LastWin32Msg <> WM_NULL;
+ LastWin32Msg := WM_NULL;
+ with Message do begin
+ if (not CameFromWindows)
+ and (IsTextMessage(Msg)) then
+ Result := SendMessageA(Handle, Msg, wParam, lParam)
+ else begin
+ if (Msg = WM_CHAR) then begin
+ MakeWMCharMsgSafeForAnsi(Message);
+ end;
+ PrevWindowProc(Message)
+ end;
+ end;
+{$IFDEF VER140}
+function MakeObjectInstance(Method: TWndMethod): Pointer;
+ Result := Classes.MakeObjectInstance(Method);
+procedure FreeObjectInstance(ObjectInstance: Pointer);
+ Classes.FreeObjectInstance(ObjectInstance);
+ WinControlTrap_Atom: TAtom = 0;
+type TAccessWinControl = class(TWinControl);
+procedure SubClassUnicodeControl(Control: TWinControl);
+ WinControlTrap: TWinControlTrap;
+ if IsWindowUnicode(Control.Handle) then begin
+ // create trap object, save reference
+ WinControlTrap := TWinControlTrap.Create;
+ SetProp(Control.Handle, MakeIntAtom(WinControlTrap_Atom), Cardinal(WinControlTrap));
+ with WinControlTrap do begin
+ // initialize trap object
+ FControl := Control;
+ Handle := Control.Handle;
+ PrevWin32Proc := Pointer(GetWindowLong(Control.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC));
+ PrevDefWin32Proc := TAccessWinControl(Control).DefWndProc;
+ PrevWindowProc := Control.WindowProc;
+ // subclass Window Procedures
+ ObjectInstance := MakeObjectInstance(Win32Proc);
+ SetWindowLongW(Control.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer(ObjectInstance));
+ DefObjectInstance := MakeObjectInstance(DefWin32Proc);
+ TAccessWinControl(Control).DefWndProc := DefObjectInstance;
+ Control.WindowProc := WindowProc;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure UnSubClassUnicodeControl(Control: TWinControl);
+ WinControlTrap: TWinControlTrap;
+ if IsWindowUnicode(Control.Handle) then begin
+ // get referenct to trap object
+ WinControlTrap := TWinControlTrap(GetProp(Control.Handle, MakeIntAtom(WinControlTrap_Atom)));
+ RemoveProp(Control.Handle, MakeIntAtom(WinControlTrap_Atom));
+ with WinControlTrap do begin
+ // restore window procs
+ Control.WindowProc := PrevWindowProc;
+ TAccessWinControl(Control).DefWndProc := PrevDefWin32Proc;
+ SetWindowLongW(Control.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer(PrevWin32Proc));
+ FreeObjectInstance(ObjectInstance);
+ FreeObjectInstance(DefObjectInstance);
+ // free trap object
+ Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+//----------------------------------------------- CREATE/DESTROY UNICODE HANDLE
+ TWideCaptionHolder = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ WideCaption: WideString;
+ end;
+function FindWideCaptionHolder(Control: TWinControl; Default: WideString = ''): TWideCaptionHolder;
+ i: integer;
+ result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to Control.ComponentCount - 1 do begin
+ if (Control.Components[i] is TWideCaptionHolder) then begin
+ result := TWideCaptionHolder(Control.Components[i]);
+ exit; // found it!
+ end;
+ end;
+ if result = nil then begin
+ result := TWideCaptionHolder.Create(Control);
+ result.WideCaption := Default;
+ end;
+procedure CreateUnicodeHandle(Control: TWinControl; const Params: TCreateParams;
+ const SubClass: WideString);
+ WideSubClass: TWndClassW;
+ WideWinClassName: WideString;
+ WideClass: TWndClassW;
+ TempClass: TWndClassW;
+ Handle: THandle;
+ if Win32Platform <> VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then begin
+ with Params do
+ TAccessWinControl(Control).WindowHandle := CreateWindowEx(ExStyle, WinClassName,
+ Caption, Style, X, Y, Width, Height, WndParent, 0, WindowClass.hInstance, Param);
+ end else begin
+ // SubClass the unicode version of this control by getting the correct DefWndProc
+ if SubClass <> '' then begin
+ GetClassInfoW(hInstance, PWideChar(SubClass), WideSubClass);
+ TAccessWinControl(Control).DefWndProc := WideSubClass.lpfnWndProc;
+ end else
+ TAccessWinControl(Control).DefWndProc := @DefWindowProcW;
+ with Params do begin
+ WideWinClassName := WinClassName + UNICODE_CLASS_EXT;
+ if not GetClassInfoW(Params.WindowClass.hInstance, PWideChar(WideWinClassName), TempClass)
+ then begin
+ // Prepare a TWndClassW record
+ WideClass := TWndClassW(WindowClass);
+ if not Tnt_Is_IntResource(PWideChar(WindowClass.lpszMenuName)) then begin
+ WideClass.lpszMenuName := PWideChar(WideString(WindowClass.lpszMenuName));
+ end;
+ WideClass.lpszClassName := PWideChar(WideWinClassName);
+ // Register the UNICODE class
+ if RegisterClassW(WideClass) = 0 then RaiseLastOSError;
+ end;
+ // Create UNICODE window
+ Handle := CreateWindowExW(ExStyle, PWideChar(WideWinClassName), nil,
+ Style, X, Y, Width, Height, WndParent, 0, WindowClass.hInstance, Param);
+ // SetWindowLongW needs to be called because InitWndProc converts control to ANSI
+ // CallingSetWindowLongA(.., GWL_WNDPROC) makes Windows think it is an ANSI window
+ // But CallingSetWindowLongW(.., GWL_WNDPROC) make Windows think it is a UNICODE window.
+ SetWindowLongW(Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_WNDPROC));
+ // set handle for control
+ TAccessWinControl(Control).WindowHandle := Handle;
+ // sub-class
+ SubClassUnicodeControl(Control);
+ // For some reason, caption gets garbled after calling SetWindowLongW(.., GWL_WNDPROC).
+ WideSetWindowText(Control, FindWideCaptionHolder(Control, Caption).WideCaption);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure DestroyUnicodeHandle(Control: TWinControl);
+ if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then begin
+ // remember caption for future window creation
+ if not (csDestroying in Control.ComponentState) then
+ FindWideCaptionHolder(Control).WideCaption := WideGetWindowText(Control);
+ // un sub-class
+ UnSubClassUnicodeControl(Control);
+ end;
+//----------------------------------------------- GET/SET WINDOW TEXT
+function WideGetWindowText(Control: TWinControl): WideString;
+ if (not Control.HandleAllocated)
+ or (not IsWindowUnicode(Control.Handle)) then begin
+ result := TAccessWinControl(Control).Text;
+ if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
+ result := FindWideCaptionHolder(Control, result).WideCaption
+ end else begin
+ SetLength(Result, GetWindowTextLengthW(Control.Handle) + 1);
+ GetWindowTextW(Control.Handle, PWideChar(Result), Length(Result));
+ SetLength(Result, Length(Result) - 1);
+ end;
+procedure WideSetWindowText(Control: TWinControl; const Text: WideString);
+ if (not Control.HandleAllocated)
+ or (not IsWindowUnicode(Control.Handle)) then begin
+ TAccessWinControl(Control).Text := Text;
+ if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
+ FindWideCaptionHolder(Control).WideCaption := Text;
+ end else if WideGetWindowText(Control) <> Text then begin
+ SetWindowTextW(Control.Handle, PWideChar(Text));
+ Control.Perform(CM_TEXTCHANGED, 0, 0);
+ end;
+function TntAdjustLineBreaks(const S: WideString): WideString;
+ Source, SourceEnd, Dest: PWideChar;
+ Extra: Integer;
+ Source := Pointer(S);
+ SourceEnd := Source + Length(S);
+ Extra := 0;
+ while Source < SourceEnd do
+ begin
+ case Source^ of
+ #10:
+ Inc(Extra);
+ #13:
+ if Source[1] = #10 then Inc(Source) else Inc(Extra);
+ end;
+ Inc(Source);
+ end;
+ if Extra = 0 then Result := S else
+ begin
+ Source := Pointer(S);
+ SetString(Result, nil, SourceEnd - Source + Extra);
+ Dest := Pointer(Result);
+ while Source < SourceEnd do
+ case Source^ of
+ #10:
+ begin
+ Dest^ := #13;
+ Inc(Dest);
+ Dest^ := #10;
+ Inc(Dest);
+ Inc(Source);
+ end;
+ #13:
+ begin
+ Dest^ := #13;
+ Inc(Dest);
+ Dest^ := #10;
+ Inc(Dest);
+ Inc(Source);
+ if Source^ = #10 then Inc(Source);
+ end;
+ else
+ Dest^ := Source^;
+ Inc(Dest);
+ Inc(Source);
+ end;
+ end;
+ AtomText: array[0..127] of AnsiChar;
+ WinControlTrap_Atom := GlobalAddAtom(StrFmt(AtomText, 'WinControlTrap.UnicodeClass.%d',
+ [GetCurrentProcessID]));
+ GlobalDeleteAtom(WinControlTrap_Atom);