/* Note: You are free to use whatever license you want.
Eventually you will be able to edit it within Glade. */
/* cheatah
* Copyright (C) <YEAR> <AUTHORS>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "cheatah.h"
#include "cheatsig.h"
main (int argc, char *argv[])
GtkWidget *mainWindow;
gtk_set_locale ();
gtk_init (&argc, &argv);
* The following code was added by Glade to create one of each component
* (except popup menus), just so that you see something after building
* the project. Delete any components that you don't want shown initially.
mainWindow = create_mainWindow ();
gtk_widget_show (mainWindow);
gtk_main ();
return 0;
on_Exit3_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
gpointer user_data)
on_View3_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
gpointer user_data)
on_Help_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
gpointer user_data)
on_viewMod_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
gpointer user_data)
cheatahWindow->viewModActivate(menuitem, (gchar *)user_data);
* This function is used to do a quick and dirty translation of the formating
* commands in the module descriptions into reasonable equivalents in
* plain ascii. (The descriptions look like .rtf-lite, perhaps?)
* It takes a character pointer to the module description and
* returns a pointer to a new string that's been fixed up. Ultimately,
* a better solution should be developed, but this improves the
* appearance of the descriptions significantly for now.
* Perhaps this could serve as the basis for a function that would take
* an input string and a text widget, then insert the string into the
* widget in a formatted manner (good next step?);
char *
str_fixup_format (const char *string)
char *strNew;
int i,j;
strNew = (char *) malloc(strlen(string)); // First, allocate space for the new string
if(strNew==NULL) return ((char *)NULL); // Make sure we actually got it
for (i=0,j=0;i<strlen(string);i++) { // Work through input string char at a time
if (string[i]=='\\') { // Found backslash, probably a command
if (string[i+1]=='q') { // Looks like an alignment command
if(string[i+2]=='c') { // Want to center text
strNew[j]='\n'; // - make do with a new line
strNew[j]='\t'; // - and a tab for now
i=i+2; // Assume command and skip past q and ?
else { // if string[i+1] != 'q'
if(string[i+1]=='p' && string[i+2]=='a' && string[i+3]=='r') { // "\par" or "\pard"command?
if(string[i+4]=='d') { // "\pard" command - ignore for now
i=i+4; // Skip past the "pard"
else { // "\par" command
strNew[j]='\n'; // - use a new line for now
i=i+3; // Skip past the "par"
} // End of "else"
} // End of "if(string[i]=='\\')
strNew[j]=string[i]; // Don't know what it is, so copy it
} // End of "for"
strNew[j]='\0'; // Terminate new string
// fprintf(stderr, "strlen(string) = %i, strlen(strNew) = %i \n", strlen(string), strlen(strNew)); // Used for debugging
// fprintf(stderr, "string = \"%s\"\n",string); // Used for debugging
// fprintf(stderr, "strNew = \"%s\"\n",strNew); // Used for debugging
assert(strlen(strNew)<=strlen(string)); // Nothing we have done should have lengthend it
return(strNew); // Return fixed-up string
on_About_activate (GtkMenuItem *menuitem,
gpointer user_data)
SWMgr *mainMgr;
int i;
char *tempString;
static char *modtypes[] = {"Biblical Texts", "Commentaries", "Lexicons / Dictionaries"};
string newtext, tmptext;
ModMap::iterator it;
SectionMap::iterator sit;
ConfigEntMap::iterator eit;
GtkWidget *dialogAbout;
GtkWidget *hBoxModDesc;
GtkWidget *textAboutMods;
GtkWidget *textScrollbarMods;
GtkWidget *hBoxAbout;
GtkWidget *textAbout;
GtkWidget *textScrollbar;
GtkWidget *buttonOK;
gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (dialogAbout), "dialogAbout", dialogAbout);
gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialogAbout), "About Cheatah");
gtk_window_set_policy (GTK_WINDOW (dialogAbout), FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
gtk_widget_set_usize(GTK_WIDGET(dialogAbout), 360, 360);
buttonOK = gtk_button_new_with_label("O.k.");
/* */
/* Set it up so that the dialog box and all it's children are automatically */
/* destroyed when the user is done looking at it. */
/* Note: Use gtk_signal_connect_object() rather than */
/* gtk_signal_connect(), because we want the "destroy" */
/* connected to the dialog box, not just the button. */
/* */
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DIALOG(dialogAbout)->action_area), buttonOK);
hBoxModDesc = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE,0);
gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (dialogAbout), "hBoxModDesc", hBoxModDesc);
gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG(dialogAbout)->vbox), hBoxModDesc, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
textAboutMods = gtk_text_new (NULL, NULL);
gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (dialogAbout), "textAboutMods", textAboutMods);
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hBoxModDesc), textAboutMods, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
gtk_text_set_editable (GTK_TEXT (textAboutMods), FALSE);
gtk_text_set_word_wrap (GTK_TEXT (textAboutMods), TRUE);
gtk_text_freeze (GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods));
gtk_text_set_point(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), 0);
gtk_text_forward_delete (GTK_TEXT (textAboutMods), gtk_text_get_length((GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods))));
if (mainMgr->Modules.empty()==TRUE) {
gtk_text_freeze (GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods));
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, "\nCheatah was unable to find any books installed!\n\n", -1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, "They should be listed in a configuration file named either: ", -1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, "'mods.conf' or 'mods.d'. \n\n", -1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, "Try setting:\n\tSWORD_PATH=<directory containing mods.conf>\n\t",-1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, "Or see the README file for a full description of setup options.\n", -1);
else {
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, "\tInstalled Book Modules", -1);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, "\n\n\t", -1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, modtypes[i], -1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, "\n\n", -1);
for (it = mainMgr->Modules.begin(); it != mainMgr->Modules.end(); it++) {
if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), modtypes[i])) {
sit = mainMgr->config->Sections.find((*it).second->Name());
if (sit != mainMgr->config->Sections.end()) {
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, (*it).second->Name() ,-1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, ": " ,-1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, (*it).second->Description() ,-1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, "\n\n", -1);
eit = (*sit).second.find("About");
if (eit != (*sit).second.end()) {
// gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, (*eit).second.c_str() ,-1);
tempString=str_fixup_format((*eit).second.c_str() );
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, tempString, -1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), NULL, &textAboutMods->style->black, NULL, "\n\n" ,-1);
// eit = (*sit).second.find("SourceType");
// if (eit != (*sit).second.end()) {
// fprintf(stderr,"SourceType: %s\n", (*eit).second.c_str() );
// }
gtk_text_set_point(GTK_TEXT(textAboutMods), 0);
/* Add a vertical scrollbar to the textAboutMods GtkText widget */
textScrollbarMods = gtk_vscrollbar_new (GTK_TEXT (textAboutMods)->vadj);
gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (hBoxModDesc), textScrollbarMods, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
hBoxAbout = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE,0);
gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (dialogAbout), "hBoxAbout", hBoxAbout);
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG(dialogAbout)->vbox), hBoxAbout, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
textAbout = gtk_text_new (NULL, NULL);
gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (dialogAbout), "textAbout", textAbout);
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hBoxAbout), textAbout, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
gtk_text_set_editable (GTK_TEXT (textAbout), FALSE);
gtk_text_set_word_wrap (GTK_TEXT (textAbout), TRUE);
gtk_text_freeze (GTK_TEXT(textAbout));
gtk_text_set_point(GTK_TEXT(textAbout), 0);
gtk_text_forward_delete (GTK_TEXT (textAbout), gtk_text_get_length((GTK_TEXT(textAbout))));
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAbout), NULL, &textAbout->style->black, NULL, "Cheatah is a quick and dirty GTK/Linux front end to the Sword software.", -1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAbout), NULL, &textAbout->style->black, NULL, "\n\nSword is developed by the CrossWire Software & Bible Society:",-1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAbout), NULL, &textAbout->style->black, NULL, "\n\tP. O. Box 2528",-1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAbout), NULL, &textAbout->style->black, NULL, "\n\tTempe, AZ 85280-2528 ", -1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAbout), NULL, &textAbout->style->black, NULL, "\n\thttp://www.crosswire.org ", -1);
gtk_text_insert(GTK_TEXT(textAbout), NULL, &textAbout->style->black, NULL, "\n\nThis software is provided free for the study of God and His Word.",-1);
gtk_text_set_point(GTK_TEXT(textAbout), 0);
/* Add a vertical scrollbar to the textAbout GtkText widget */
textScrollbar = gtk_vscrollbar_new (GTK_TEXT (textAbout)->vadj);
gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (hBoxAbout), textScrollbar, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
gtk_widget_show_all(dialogAbout); // "show_all" makes all the children visable too
/* */
/* No need to clean up the various widgets - we've arranged */
/* for that to happen automatically when the user presses the */
/* "o.k." button. */
/* */
on_lookupText_changed (GtkEditable *editable,
gpointer user_data)
on_searchButton_clicked (GtkButton *button,
gpointer user_data)
on_resultList_selection_changed (GtkWidget *clist, gint row, gint column, GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data)
cheatahWindow->resultListSelectionChanged(clist, row, column, event, data);
void on_arrow1_button_press_event(GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data) {
void on_arrow2_button_press_event(GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data) {