path: root/_attic/pinentry-rofi.scm
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Diffstat (limited to '_attic/pinentry-rofi.scm')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_attic/pinentry-rofi.scm b/_attic/pinentry-rofi.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4114eb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_attic/pinentry-rofi.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Quentin "Sardem FF7" Glidic
+;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2023 Fredrik Salomonsson <plattfot@posteo.net>
+;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+(define-module (pinentry-rofi)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 popen)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 textual-ports)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) ;; concatenate
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9) ;; For records
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+ #:export (make-pinentry
+ pinentry?
+ pinentry-ok set-pinentry-ok!
+ pinentry-prompt set-pinentry-prompt!
+ pinentry-desc set-pinentry-desc!
+ pinentry-visibility set-pinentry-visibility!
+ pinentry-display set-pinentry-display!
+ pinentry-error set-pinentry-error!
+ pinentry-logfile set-pinentry-logfile!
+ pinentry-ok-button set-pinentry-ok-button!
+ pinentry-notok-button set-pinentry-notok-button!
+ pinentry-cancel-button set-pinentry-cancel-button!
+ pinentry-lc-ctype set-pinentry-lc-ctype!
+ pinentry-lc-messages set-pinentry-lc-messages!
+ remove-underline
+ escape-underscore
+ html-newline
+ html-underline
+ html-<
+ string-empty?
+ hex->char
+ input-string
+ pango-markup
+ pinentry-set
+ rofi-popup
+ pinentry-option
+ pinentry-getinfo
+ pinentry-setkeyinfo
+ pinentry-setok
+ pinentry-setcancel
+ pinentry-setnotok
+ pinentry-setdesc
+ pinentry-seterror
+ pinentry-setprompt
+ pinentry-getpin
+ pinentry-confirm
+ pinentry-bye
+ pinentry-loop))
+(when (equal? (system-file-name-convention) 'windows)
+ (format #t "Only support posix systems!")
+ (exit #f))
+(define-record-type <pinentry>
+ (make-pinentry ok prompt ok-button cancel-button display logfile lc-ctype lc-messages)
+ pinentry?
+ (ok pinentry-ok set-pinentry-ok!)
+ (prompt pinentry-prompt set-pinentry-prompt!)
+ (desc pinentry-desc set-pinentry-desc!)
+ (visibility pinentry-visibility set-pinentry-visibility!)
+ (display pinentry-display set-pinentry-display!)
+ (error pinentry-error set-pinentry-error!)
+ (logfile pinentry-logfile set-pinentry-logfile!)
+ (ok-button pinentry-ok-button set-pinentry-ok-button!)
+ (notok-button pinentry-notok-button set-pinentry-notok-button!)
+ (cancel-button pinentry-cancel-button set-pinentry-cancel-button!)
+ (lc-ctype pinentry-lc-ctype set-pinentry-lc-ctype!)
+ (lc-messages pinentry-lc-messages set-pinentry-lc-messages!))
+(define-syntax-rule (set-and-return! val expr)
+ "Set val to expr and return val."
+ (begin (set! val expr) val))
+(define (string-empty? str)
+ "Evaluates to #t if string is empty."
+ (string=? str ""))
+(define (remove-underline str)
+ "Replace _ followed by a character with just the character."
+ (regexp-substitute/global #f "(^|%0A|&#10;|\n|[[:blank:]])_([[:alpha:]])" str
+ 'pre 1 2 'post))
+(define (escape-underscore str)
+ "Replace __ followed by a character with _ and said character.
+Always call this after `remove-underline' or
+ (regexp-substitute/global #f "(^|%0A|&#10;|\n|[[:blank:]])__([[:alpha:]])" str
+ 'pre 1 "_" 2 'post))
+(define (html-newline str)
+ "Replace %0A with &#10;"
+ (regexp-substitute/global #f "%0A" str 'pre "&#10;" 'post))
+(define (html-underline str)
+ "Underscore followed by a character, underlines that character."
+ (regexp-substitute/global #f "(^|%0A|&#10;|\n|[[:blank:]])_([[:alpha:]])" str
+ 'pre 1"<u>"2"</u>" 'post))
+(define (html-< str)
+ "Replace < with &lt;"
+ (regexp-substitute/global #f "<" str 'pre "&lt;" 'post))
+(define (hex->char str)
+ "Replace matching'%XX' where X ∈ {0-F} with their respective char."
+ (regexp-substitute/global
+ #f "%([[:xdigit:]]{2})" str 'pre
+ (lambda (m) (integer->char
+ (string->number
+ (match:substring m 1) 16))) 'post))
+(define (pango-markup str)
+ "Transform string to pango."
+ (escape-underscore
+ (html-underline
+ (hex->char
+ (html-<
+ (html-newline str))))))
+(define (input-string str)
+ "Transform string to input for rofi.
+Input strings does not support pango markup"
+ (escape-underscore
+ (remove-underline str)))
+(define* (pinentry-set set-func pinentry label)
+ "Using SET-FUNC, set the entry in PINENTRY to LABEL."
+ (set-func pinentry label)
+ (set-pinentry-ok! pinentry #t))
+(define (pinentry-set-button set-func pinentry label)
+ "Using SET-BUTTON-FUNC, set the entry in PINENTRY to LABEL.
+LABEL will be transformed using `input-string'"
+ (pinentry-set set-func pinentry (input-string label)))
+(define (pinentry-set-mesg set-func pinentry label)
+ "Using SET-FUNC, set the entry in PINENTRY to LABEL.
+LABEL will be transformed using `pango-markup'"
+ (pinentry-set set-func pinentry (pango-markup label)))
+(define (pinentry-option pinentry line)
+ "Process line if it starts with OPTION.
+Return false otherwise.
+Known options are:
+default-pwmngr=_Save in password manager
+default-cf-visi=Do you really want to make your passphrase visible on the screen?
+default-tt-visi=Make passphrase visible
+default-tt-hide=Hide passphrase
+ (let ((regex-match #f)
+ (option-re (make-regexp "^OPTION (.+)$")))
+ (cond
+ ((set-and-return! regex-match
+ (regexp-exec
+ (make-regexp "^OPTION[[:blank:]]+default-ok=(.+)$") line))
+ (pinentry-set-button
+ set-pinentry-ok-button!
+ pinentry
+ (match:substring regex-match 1)))
+ ((set-and-return! regex-match
+ (regexp-exec
+ (make-regexp "^OPTION[[:blank:]]+default-cancel=(.+)$") line))
+ (pinentry-set-button
+ set-pinentry-cancel-button!
+ pinentry
+ (match:substring regex-match 1)))
+ ((set-and-return! regex-match
+ (regexp-exec
+ (make-regexp "^OPTION[[:blank:]]+default-prompt=(.+)$") line))
+ (pinentry-set-mesg
+ set-pinentry-prompt!
+ pinentry
+ (match:substring regex-match 1)))
+ ((set-and-return! regex-match
+ (regexp-exec
+ (make-regexp "^OPTION[[:blank:]]+lc-ctype=(.+)$") line))
+ (pinentry-set
+ set-pinentry-lc-ctype!
+ pinentry
+ (match:substring regex-match 1)))
+ ((set-and-return! regex-match
+ (regexp-exec
+ (make-regexp "^OPTION[[:blank:]]+lc-messages=(.+)$") line))
+ (pinentry-set
+ set-pinentry-lc-messages!
+ pinentry
+ (match:substring regex-match 1)))
+ ((set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec option-re line))))
+ regex-match))
+(define* (pinentry-getinfo pinentry line #:key (port #t))
+ "Process line if it starts with GETINFO"
+ (let ((getinfo-re (make-regexp "^GETINFO (.+)$"))
+ (regex-match #f))
+ (when (set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec getinfo-re line))
+ (let ((info (match:substring regex-match 1)))
+ (cond
+ ((string=? info "pid")
+ (format port "D ~a~%~!" (getpid)))))
+ (set-pinentry-ok! pinentry #t))
+ regex-match))
+(define (pinentry-setkeyinfo pinentry line)
+ (let ((setkeyinfo-re (make-regexp "^SETKEYINFO (.+)$"))
+ (regex-match #f))
+ (when (set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec setkeyinfo-re line))
+ (set-pinentry-ok! pinentry #t))
+ regex-match))
+(define (pinentry-setok pinentry line)
+ "Set ok button label."
+ (let ((setok-button-re (make-regexp "^SETOK (.+)$"))
+ (regex-match #f))
+ (when (set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec setok-button-re line))
+ (pinentry-set-button
+ set-pinentry-ok-button!
+ pinentry
+ (match:substring regex-match 1)))
+ regex-match))
+(define (pinentry-setcancel pinentry line)
+ "Set cancel button label."
+ (let ((setcancel-button-re (make-regexp "^SETCANCEL (.+)$"))
+ (regex-match #f))
+ (when (set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec setcancel-button-re line))
+ (pinentry-set-button
+ set-pinentry-cancel-button!
+ pinentry
+ (match:substring regex-match 1)))
+ regex-match))
+(define (pinentry-setnotok pinentry line)
+ "Set notok button label."
+ (let ((setnotok-button-re (make-regexp "^SETNOTOK (.+)$"))
+ (regex-match #f))
+ (when (set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec setnotok-button-re line))
+ (pinentry-set-button
+ set-pinentry-notok-button!
+ pinentry
+ (match:substring regex-match 1)))
+ regex-match))
+(define (pinentry-setdesc pinentry line)
+ "SETDESC description"
+ (let ((setdesc-re (make-regexp "^SETDESC (.+)$"))
+ (regex-match #f))
+ (when (set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec setdesc-re line))
+ (pinentry-set-mesg
+ set-pinentry-desc!
+ pinentry
+ (match:substring regex-match 1)))
+ regex-match))
+(define (pinentry-seterror pinentry line)
+ (let ((seterror-re (make-regexp "^SETERROR (.+)$"))
+ (regex-match #f))
+ (when (set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec seterror-re line))
+ (pinentry-set-mesg
+ set-pinentry-error!
+ pinentry
+ (match:substring regex-match 1)))
+ regex-match))
+(define (pinentry-setprompt pinentry line)
+ "SETPROMPT Passphrase:"
+ (let ((setprompt-re (make-regexp "^SETPROMPT (.+)$"))
+ (regex-match #f))
+ (when (set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec setprompt-re line))
+ (pinentry-set-mesg
+ set-pinentry-prompt!
+ pinentry
+ (match:substring regex-match 1)))
+ regex-match))
+(define* (rofi-popup #:key (env '())
+ visibility
+ (prompt ">")
+ message
+ buttons
+ only-match)
+ "Run external program rofi and fetch the input from the user.
+Keyword arguments:
+PROMPT: Text for the prompt, default '>'
+ENV: List of environemnt variables in the form (ENVVAR . VALUE)
+VISIBILITY: If #t show the input
+MESSAGE: Message for the popup window
+BUTTONS: List of strings that will be buttons.
+ONLY-MATCH: Only allow to match what is listed in the buttons.
+Return the input from the user if succeeded else #f."
+ (let* ((inputs (if buttons `("echo -e"
+ ,(format #f "~s" (string-join buttons "\n"))
+ "|")
+ '()))
+ (rofi-sh `("env"
+ ,(string-join
+ (map (lambda (x) (format #f "~a=~s" (car x) (cdr x))) env))
+ ,(format #f "rofi -dmenu -disable-history -l ~a -i"
+ (if (list? buttons) (length buttons) 1))
+ ,(if (and only-match buttons) "-only-match" "")
+ ,(if (not buttons) "-input /dev/null" "")
+ ,(if visibility "" "-password")
+ ,(format #f "-p ~s" prompt)
+ ,(if message (format #f "-mesg ~s" message) "")))
+ (pipe (open-pipe (string-join (concatenate `(,inputs ,rofi-sh))) OPEN_READ))
+ (pass (get-string-all pipe))
+ (status (close-pipe pipe)))
+ (if (and (equal? (status:exit-val status) 0)) pass #f)))
+(define (compose-message pinentry)
+ "Create the message by combining the error and desc from PINENTRY"
+ (if (pinentry-error pinentry)
+ (format #f "~a&#10;~a"
+ (pinentry-error pinentry)
+ (pinentry-desc pinentry))
+ (pinentry-desc pinentry)))
+(define* (pinentry-getpin pinentry line pin-program #:key (port #t))
+ "Get pin using PIN-PROGRAM if LINE is equal to GETPIN."
+ (let ((getpin-re (make-regexp "^GETPIN$"))
+ (regex-match #f))
+ (when (set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec getpin-re line))
+ (let ((pass (pin-program #:prompt (pinentry-prompt pinentry)
+ #:message (compose-message pinentry)
+ #:visibility (pinentry-visibility pinentry)
+ #:env `(("DISPLAY" . ,(pinentry-display pinentry))
+ ("LC_CTYPE" . ,(pinentry-lc-ctype pinentry))
+ ("LC_MESSAGES" . ,(pinentry-lc-messages pinentry))))))
+ (if (and pass (not (string-empty? (string-trim-both pass))))
+ (begin
+ (format port "D ~a~!" pass)
+ (set-pinentry-ok! pinentry #t))
+ (begin
+ (format port "ERR 83886179 Operation cancelled <rofi>~%~!")
+ (set-pinentry-ok! pinentry #f)))))
+ regex-match))
+(define* (pinentry-confirm pinentry line confirm-program #:key (port #t))
+ (let ((confirm-re (make-regexp "^CONFIRM$"))
+ (confirm-one-button-re
+ (make-regexp "^CONFIRM[[:blank:]]+--one-button[[:blank:]]*$"))
+ (message-re (make-regexp "^MESSAGE$"))
+ (regex-match #f))
+ (cond
+ ((set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec confirm-re line))
+ ;; Can probably do this with a pipe in both direction, but
+ ;; manual warns about deadlocks so sticking with this for now.
+ (let ((button (confirm-program
+ #:env `(("DISPLAY" . ,(pinentry-display pinentry))
+ ("LC_CTYPE" . ,(pinentry-lc-ctype pinentry))
+ ("LC_MESSAGES" . ,(pinentry-lc-messages pinentry)))
+ #:visibility #t
+ #:only-match #t
+ #:buttons `(,(pinentry-ok-button pinentry)
+ ,(or (pinentry-notok-button pinentry)
+ (pinentry-cancel-button pinentry)))
+ #:message (compose-message pinentry))))
+ (if (and button
+ (string=? (string-trim-right button) (pinentry-ok-button pinentry)))
+ (set-pinentry-ok! pinentry #t)
+ (begin
+ (format port "ERR 277 Operation cancelled~%~!")
+ (set-pinentry-ok! pinentry #f)))))
+ ((or (set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec confirm-one-button-re line))
+ (set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec message-re line)))
+ (let ((button (confirm-program
+ #:env `(("DISPLAY" . ,(pinentry-display pinentry))
+ ("LC_CTYPE" . ,(pinentry-lc-ctype pinentry))
+ ("LC_MESSAGES" . ,(pinentry-lc-messages pinentry)))
+ #:visibility #t
+ #:only-match #t
+ #:buttons `(,(pinentry-ok-button pinentry))
+ #:message (compose-message pinentry))))
+ (if (and button
+ (string=? (string-trim-right button) (pinentry-ok-button pinentry)))
+ (set-pinentry-ok! pinentry #t)
+ (begin
+ (format port "ERR 277 Operation cancelled~%~!")
+ (set-pinentry-ok! pinentry #f))))))
+ regex-match))
+(define (pinentry-bye pinentry line)
+ (let ((bye-re (make-regexp "^BYE"))
+ (regex-match #f))
+ (when (set-and-return! regex-match (regexp-exec bye-re line))
+ (exit #t))
+ regex-match))
+(define (pinentry-loop pinentry input-port)
+ (let ((line (get-line input-port)))
+ (unless (eof-object? line)
+ (cond
+ ((pinentry-option pinentry line))
+ ((pinentry-getinfo pinentry line))
+ ((pinentry-setkeyinfo pinentry line))
+ ((pinentry-setdesc pinentry line))
+ ((pinentry-setok pinentry line))
+ ((pinentry-setnotok pinentry line))
+ ((pinentry-setcancel pinentry line))
+ ((pinentry-setprompt pinentry line))
+ ((pinentry-getpin pinentry line rofi-popup))
+ ((pinentry-confirm pinentry line rofi-popup))
+ ((pinentry-seterror pinentry line))
+ ((pinentry-bye pinentry line))
+ (#t (begin
+ (let ((log (pinentry-logfile pinentry)))
+ (when (file-port? log)
+ (format log "Unknown command: ~s~%~!" line)))
+ (format #t "ERR 275 Unknown command ~s~%~!" line)
+ (set-pinentry-ok! pinentry #f))))
+ (when (pinentry-ok pinentry)
+ (format #t "OK~%~!"))
+ (pinentry-loop pinentry input-port))))