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authorMatěj Cepl <mcepl@cepl.eu>2023-07-23 17:22:55 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <mcepl@cepl.eu>2023-07-23 17:22:55 +0200
commit92d2dc5587e2383fd48a3b2dafda4d96cac56b2a (patch)
tree859bd9e9163842bdee36a4006acc02267b249a42 /docs
parentaaccabcd76f6726563ec5207b5e3eb466a46cee9 (diff)
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-rw-r--r--docs/RFC 1036 - Standard for interchange of USENET messages.html1137
-rw-r--r--docs/RFC 2821 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.html4495
-rw-r--r--docs/RFC 3977 - Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP).html7068
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 12700 deletions
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-<span class="pre noprint docinfo top">[<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/" title="Document search and retrieval page">Docs</a>] [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1036.txt" title="Plaintext version of this document">txt</a>|<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/pdf/rfc1036" title="PDF version of this document">pdf</a>] [<a href="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=1036">Errata</a>] </span><br>
-<span class="pre noprint docinfo"> </span><br>
-<span class="pre noprint docinfo">Obsoleted by: <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5536">5536</a>, <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5537">5537</a> </span><br>
-<span class="pre noprint docinfo"> <span style="color: #C00;">Errata Exist</span></span><br>
-<pre>Network Working Group M. Horton
-Request for Comments: 1036 AT&amp;T Bell Laboratories
-Obsoletes: <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc850">RFC-850</a> R. Adams
- Center for Seismic Studies
- December 1987
- <span class="h1"><h1>Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages</h1></span>
- This document defines the standard format for the interchange of
- network News messages among USENET hosts. It updates and replaces
- <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc850">RFC-850</a>, reflecting version B2.11 of the News program. This memo is
- disributed as an RFC to make this information easily accessible to
- the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard.
- Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-1" href="#section-1">1</a>. Introduction</h2></span>
- This document defines the standard format for the interchange of
- network News messages among USENET hosts. It describes the format
- for messages themselves and gives partial standards for transmission
- of news. The news transmission is not entirely in order to give a
- good deal of flexibility to the hosts to choose transmission
- hardware and software, to batch news, and so on.
- There are five sections to this document. Section two defines the
- format. Section three defines the valid control messages. Section
- four specifies some valid transmission methods. Section five
- describes the overall news propagation algorithm.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-2" href="#section-2">2</a>. Message Format</h2></span>
- The primary consideration in choosing a message format is that it
- fit in with existing tools as well as possible. Existing tools
- include implementations of both mail and news. (The notesfiles
- system from the University of Illinois is considered a news
- implementation.) A standard format for mail messages has existed
- for many years on the Internet, and this format meets most of the
- needs of USENET. Since the Internet format is extensible,
- extensions to meet the additional needs of USENET are easily made
- within the Internet standard. Therefore, the rule is adopted that
- all USENET news messages must be formatted as valid Internet mail
- messages, according to the Internet standard <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC-822</a>. The USENET
- News standard is more restrictive than the Internet standard,
-<span class="grey">Horton &amp; Adams [Page 1]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 1036</a> Standard for USENET Messages December 1987</span>
- placing additional requirements on each message and forbidding use
- of certain Internet features. However, it should always be possible
- to use a tool expecting an Internet message to process a news
- message. In any situation where this standard conflicts with the
- Internet standard, <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC-822</a> should be considered correct and this
- standard in error.
- Here is an example USENET message to illustrate the fields.
- From: jerry@eagle.ATT.COM (Jerry Schwarz)
- Path: cbosgd!mhuxj!mhuxt!eagle!jerry
- Newsgroups: news.announce
- Subject: Usenet Etiquette -- Please Read
- Message-ID: &lt;642@eagle.ATT.COM&gt;
- Date: Fri, 19 Nov 82 16:14:55 GMT
- Followup-To: news.misc
- Expires: Sat, 1 Jan 83 00:00:00 -0500
- Organization: AT&amp;T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill
- The body of the message comes here, after a blank line.
- Here is an example of a message in the old format (before the
- existence of this standard). It is recommended that
- implementations also accept messages in this format to ease upward
- conversion.
- From: cbosgd!mhuxj!mhuxt!eagle!jerry (Jerry Schwarz)
- Newsgroups: news.misc
- Title: Usenet Etiquette -- Please Read
- Article-I.D.: eagle.642
- Posted: Fri Nov 19 16:14:55 1982
- Received: Fri Nov 19 16:59:30 1982
- Expires: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1990
- The body of the message comes here, after a blank line.
- Some news systems transmit news in the A format, which looks like
- this:
- Aeagle.642
- news.misc
- cbosgd!mhuxj!mhuxt!eagle!jerry
- Fri Nov 19 16:14:55 1982
- Usenet Etiquette - Please Read
- The body of the message comes here, with no blank line.
- A standard USENET message consists of several header lines, followed
- by a blank line, followed by the body of the message. Each header
-<span class="grey">Horton &amp; Adams [Page 2]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 1036</a> Standard for USENET Messages December 1987</span>
- line consist of a keyword, a colon, a blank, and some additional
- information. This is a subset of the Internet standard, simplified
- to allow simpler software to handle it. The "From" line may
- optionally include a full name, in the format above, or use the
- Internet angle bracket syntax. To keep the implementations simple,
- other formats (for example, with part of the machine address after
- the close parenthesis) are not allowed. The Internet convention of
- continuation header lines (beginning with a blank or tab) is
- allowed.
- Certain headers are required, and certain other headers are
- optional. Any unrecognized headers are allowed, and will be passed
- through unchanged. The required header lines are "From", "Date",
- "Newsgroups", "Subject", "Message-ID", and "Path". The optional
- header lines are "Followup-To", "Expires", "Reply-To", "Sender",
- "References", "Control", "Distribution", "Keywords", "Summary",
- "Approved", "Lines", "Xref", and "Organization". Each of these
- header lines will be described below.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-2.1" href="#section-2.1">2.1</a>. Required Header lines</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.1.1" href="#section-2.1.1">2.1.1</a>. From</h4></span>
- The "From" line contains the electronic mailing address of the
- person who sent the message, in the Internet syntax. It may
- optionally also contain the full name of the person, in parentheses,
- after the electronic address. The electronic address is the same as
- the entity responsible for originating the message, unless the
- "Sender" header is present, in which case the "From" header might
- not be verified. Note that in all host and domain names, upper and
- lower case are considered the same, thus "mark@cbosgd.ATT.COM",
- "mark@cbosgd.att.com", and "mark@CBosgD.ATt.COm" are all equivalent.
- User names may or may not be case sensitive, for example,
- "Billy@cbosgd.ATT.COM" might be different from
- "BillY@cbosgd.ATT.COM". Programs should avoid changing the case of
- electronic addresses when forwarding news or mail.
- <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC-822</a> specifies that all text in parentheses is to be interpreted
- as a comment. It is common in Internet mail to place the full name
- of the user in a comment at the end of the "From" line. This
- standard specifies a more rigid syntax. The full name is not
- considered a comment, but an optional part of the header line.
- Either the full name is omitted, or it appears in parentheses after
- the electronic address of the person posting the message, or it
- appears before an electronic address which is enclosed in angle
- brackets. Thus, the three permissible forms are:
-<span class="grey">Horton &amp; Adams [Page 3]</span>
-</pre><!--NewPage--><pre class="newpage"><a name="page-4" id="page-4" href="#page-4" class="invisible"> </a>
-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 1036</a> Standard for USENET Messages December 1987</span>
- From: mark@cbosgd.ATT.COM
- From: mark@cbosgd.ATT.COM (Mark Horton)
- From: Mark Horton &lt;mark@cbosgd.ATT.COM&gt;
- Full names may contain any printing ASCII characters from space
- through tilde, except that they may not contain "(" (left
- parenthesis), ")" (right parenthesis), "&lt;" (left angle bracket), or
- "&gt;" (right angle bracket). Additional restrictions may be placed on
- full names by the mail standard, in particular, the characters ","
- (comma), ":" (colon), "@" (at), "!" (bang), "/" (slash), "="
- (equal), and ";" (semicolon) are inadvisable in full names.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.1.2" href="#section-2.1.2">2.1.2</a>. Date</h4></span>
- The "Date" line (formerly "Posted") is the date that the message was
- originally posted to the network. Its format must be acceptable
- both in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC-822</a> and to the getdate(3) routine that is provided with
- the Usenet software. This date remains unchanged as the message is
- propagated throughout the network. One format that is acceptable to
- both is:
- Several examples of valid dates appear in the sample message above.
- Note in particular that ctime(3) format:
- is not acceptable because it is not a valid <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC-822</a> date. However,
- since older software still generates this format, news
- implementations are encouraged to accept this format and translate
- it into an acceptable format.
- There is no hope of having a complete list of timezones. Universal
- Time (GMT), the North American timezones (PST, PDT, MST, MDT, CST,
- CDT, EST, EDT) and the +/-hhmm offset specifed in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC-822</a> should be
- supported. It is recommended that times in message headers be
- transmitted in GMT and displayed in the local time zone.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.1.3" href="#section-2.1.3">2.1.3</a>. Newsgroups</h4></span>
- The "Newsgroups" line specifies the newsgroup or newsgroups in which
- the message belongs. Multiple newsgroups may be specified,
- separated by a comma. Newsgroups specified must all be the names of
- existing newsgroups, as no new newsgroups will be created by simply
- posting to them.
-<span class="grey">Horton &amp; Adams [Page 4]</span>
-</pre><!--NewPage--><pre class="newpage"><a name="page-5" id="page-5" href="#page-5" class="invisible"> </a>
-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 1036</a> Standard for USENET Messages December 1987</span>
- Wildcards (e.g., the word "all") are never allowed in a "News-
- groups" line. For example, a newsgroup comp.all is illegal,
- although a newsgroup rec.sport.football is permitted.
- If a message is received with a "Newsgroups" line listing some valid
- newsgroups and some invalid newsgroups, a host should not remove
- invalid newsgroups from the list. Instead, the invalid newsgroups
- should be ignored. For example, suppose host A subscribes to the
- classes btl.all and comp.all, and exchanges news messages with host
- B, which subscribes to comp.all but not btl.all. Suppose A receives
- a message with Newsgroups: comp.unix,btl.general.
- This message is passed on to B because B receives comp.unix, but B
- does not receive btl.general. A must leave the "Newsgroups" line
- unchanged. If it were to remove btl.general, the edited header
- could eventually re-enter the btl.all class, resulting in a message
- that is not shown to users subscribing to btl.general. Also,
- follow-ups from outside btl.all would not be shown to such users.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.1.4" href="#section-2.1.4">2.1.4</a>. Subject</h4></span>
- The "Subject" line (formerly "Title") tells what the message is
- about. It should be suggestive enough of the contents of the
- message to enable a reader to make a decision whether to read the
- message based on the subject alone. If the message is submitted in
- response to another message (e.g., is a follow-up) the default
- subject should begin with the four characters "Re:", and the
- "References" line is required. For follow-ups, the use of the
- "Summary" line is encouraged.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.1.5" href="#section-2.1.5">2.1.5</a>. Message-ID</h4></span>
- The "Message-ID" line gives the message a unique identifier. The
- Message-ID may not be reused during the lifetime of any previous
- message with the same Message-ID. (It is recommended that no
- Message-ID be reused for at least two years.) Message-ID's have the
- syntax:
- &lt;string not containing blank or "&gt;"&gt;
- In order to conform to <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC-822</a>, the Message-ID must have the format:
- &lt;unique@full_domain_name&gt;
- where full_domain_name is the full name of the host at which the
- message entered the network, including a domain that host is in, and
- unique is any string of printing ASCII characters, not including "&lt;"
- (left angle bracket), "&gt;" (right angle bracket), or "@" (at sign).
-<span class="grey">Horton &amp; Adams [Page 5]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 1036</a> Standard for USENET Messages December 1987</span>
- For example, the unique part could be an integer representing a
- sequence number for messages submitted to the network, or a short
- string derived from the date and time the message was created. For
- example, a valid Message-ID for a message submitted from host ucbvax
- in domain "Berkeley.EDU" would be "&lt;4123@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU&gt;".
- Programmers are urged not to make assumptions about the content of
- Message-ID fields from other hosts, but to treat them as unknown
- character strings. It is not safe, for example, to assume that a
- Message-ID will be under 14 characters, that it is unique in the
- first 14 characters, nor that is does not contain a "/".
- The angle brackets are considered part of the Message-ID. Thus, in
- references to the Message-ID, such as the ihave/sendme and cancel
- control messages, the angle brackets are included. White space
- characters (e.g., blank and tab) are not allowed in a Message-ID.
- Slashes ("/") are strongly discouraged. All characters between the
- angle brackets must be printing ASCII characters.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.1.6" href="#section-2.1.6">2.1.6</a>. Path</h4></span>
- This line shows the path the message took to reach the current
- system. When a system forwards the message, it should add its own
- name to the list of systems in the "Path" line. The names may be
- separated by any punctuation character or characters (except "."
- which is considered part of the hostname). Thus, the following are
- valid entries:
- cbosgd!mhuxj!mhuxt
- cbosgd, mhuxj, mhuxt
- @cbosgd.ATT.COM,@mhuxj.ATT.COM,@mhuxt.ATT.COM
- teklabs, zehntel, sri-unix@cca!decvax
- (The latter path indicates a message that passed through decvax,
- cca, sri-unix, zehntel, and teklabs, in that order.) Additional
- names should be added from the left. For example, the most recently
- added name in the fourth example was teklabs. Letters, digits,
- periods and hyphens are considered part of host names; other
- punctuation, including blanks, are considered separators.
- Normally, the rightmost name will be the name of the originating
- system. However, it is also permissible to include an extra entry
- on the right, which is the name of the sender. This is for upward
- compatibility with older systems.
- The "Path" line is not used for replies, and should not be taken as
- a mailing address. It is intended to show the route the message
- traveled to reach the local host. There are several uses for this
- information. One is to monitor USENET routing for performance
-<span class="grey">Horton &amp; Adams [Page 6]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 1036</a> Standard for USENET Messages December 1987</span>
- reasons. Another is to establish a path to reach new hosts.
- Perhaps the most important use is to cut down on redundant USENET
- traffic by failing to forward a message to a host that is known to
- have already received it. In particular, when host A sends a
- message to host B, the "Path" line includes A, so that host B will
- not immediately send the message back to host A. The name each host
- uses to identify itself should be the same as the name by which its
- neighbors know it, in order to make this optimization possible.
- A host adds its own name to the front of a path when it receives a
- message from another host. Thus, if a message with path "A!X!Y!Z"
- is passed from host A to host B, B will add its own name to the path
- when it receives the message from A, e.g., "B!A!X!Y!Z". If B then
- passes the message on to C, the message sent to C will contain the
- path "B!A!X!Y!Z", and when C receives it, C will change it to
- "C!B!A!X!Y!Z".
- Special upward compatibility note: Since the "From", "Sender", and
- "Reply-To" lines are in Internet format, and since many USENET hosts
- do not yet have mailers capable of understanding Internet format, it
- would break the reply capability to completely sever the connection
- between the "Path" header and the reply function. It is recognized
- that the path is not always a valid reply string in older
- implementations, and no requirement to fix this problem is placed on
- implementations. However, the existing convention of placing the
- host name and an "!" at the front of the path, and of starting the
- path with the host name, an "!", and the user name, should be
- maintained when possible.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2" href="#section-2.2">2.2</a>. Optional Headers</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.1" href="#section-2.2.1">2.2.1</a>. Reply-To</h4></span>
- This line has the same format as "From". If present, mailed replies
- to the author should be sent to the name given here. Otherwise,
- replies are mailed to the name on the "From" line. (This does not
- prevent additional copies from being sent to recipients named by the
- replier, or on "To" or "Cc" lines.) The full name may be optionally
- given, in parentheses, as in the "From" line.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.2" href="#section-2.2.2">2.2.2</a>. Sender</h4></span>
- This field is present only if the submitter manually enters a "From"
- line. It is intended to record the entity responsible for
- submitting the message to the network. It should be verified by the
- software at the submitting host.
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 1036</a> Standard for USENET Messages December 1987</span>
- For example, if John Smith is visiting CCA and wishes to post a
- message to the network, using friend Sarah Jones' account, the
- message might read:
- From: smith@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (John Smith)
- Sender: jones@cca.COM (Sarah Jones)
- If a gateway program enters a mail message into the network at host
- unix.SRI.COM, the lines might read:
- From: John.Doe@A.CS.CMU.EDU
- Sender: network@unix.SRI.COM
- The primary purpose of this field is to be able to track down
- messages to determine how they were entered into the network. The
- full name may be optionally given, in parentheses, as in the "From"
- line.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.3" href="#section-2.2.3">2.2.3</a>. Followup-To</h4></span>
- This line has the same format as "Newsgroups". If present, follow-
- up messages are to be posted to the newsgroup or newsgroups listed
- here. If this line is not present, follow-ups are posted to the
- newsgroup or newsgroups listed in the "Newsgroups" line.
- If the keyword poster is present, follow-up messages are not
- permitted. The message should be mailed to the submitter of the
- message via mail.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.4" href="#section-2.2.4">2.2.4</a>. Expires</h4></span>
- This line, if present, is in a legal USENET date format. It
- specifies a suggested expiration date for the message. If not
- present, the local default expiration date is used. This field is
- intended to be used to clean up messages with a limited usefulness,
- or to keep important messages around for longer than usual. For
- example, a message announcing an upcoming seminar could have an
- expiration date the day after the seminar, since the message is not
- useful after the seminar is over. Since local hosts have local
- policies for expiration of news (depending on available disk space,
- for instance), users are discouraged from providing expiration dates
- for messages unless there is a natural expiration date associated
- with the topic. System software should almost never provide a
- default "Expires" line. Leave it out and allow local policies to be
- used unless there is a good reason not to.
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.5" href="#section-2.2.5">2.2.5</a>. References</h4></span>
- This field lists the Message-ID's of any messages prompting the
- submission of this message. It is required for all follow-up
- messages, and forbidden when a new subject is raised.
- Implementations should provide a follow-up command, which allows a
- user to post a follow-up message. This command should generate a
- "Subject" line which is the same as the original message, except
- that if the original subject does not begin with "Re:" or "re:", the
- four characters "Re:" are inserted before the subject. If there is
- no "References" line on the original header, the "References" line
- should contain the Message-ID of the original message (including the
- angle brackets). If the original message does have a "References"
- line, the follow-up message should have a "References" line
- containing the text of the original "References" line, a blank, and
- the Message-ID of the original message.
- The purpose of the "References" header is to allow messages to be
- grouped into conversations by the user interface program. This
- allows conversations within a newsgroup to be kept together, and
- potentially users might shut off entire conversations without
- unsubscribing to a newsgroup. User interfaces need not make use of
- this header, but all automatically generated follow-ups should
- generate the "References" line for the benefit of systems that do
- use it, and manually generated follow-ups (e.g., typed in well after
- the original message has been printed by the machine) should be
- encouraged to include them as well.
- It is permissible to not include the entire previous "References"
- line if it is too long. An attempt should be made to include a
- reasonable number of backwards references.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.6" href="#section-2.2.6">2.2.6</a>. Control</h4></span>
- If a message contains a "Control" line, the message is a control
- message. Control messages are used for communication among USENET
- host machines, not to be read by users. Control messages are
- distributed by the same newsgroup mechanism as ordinary messages.
- The body of the "Control" header line is the message to the host.
- For upward compatibility, messages that match the newsgroup pattern
- "all.all.ctl" should also be interpreted as control messages. If no
- "Control" header is present on such messages, the subject is used as
- the control message. However, messages on newsgroups matching this
- pattern do not conform to this standard.
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- Also for upward compatibility, if the first 4 characters of the
- "Subject:" line are "cmsg", the rest of the "Subject:" line should
- be interpreted as a control message.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.7" href="#section-2.2.7">2.2.7</a>. Distribution</h4></span>
- This line is used to alter the distribution scope of the message.
- It is a comma separated list similar to the "Newsgroups" line. User
- subscriptions are still controlled by "Newsgroups", but the message
- is sent to all systems subscribing to the newsgroups on the
- "Distribution" line in addition to the "Newsgroups" line. For the
- message to be transmitted, the receiving site must normally receive
- one of the specified newsgroups AND must receive one of the
- specified distributions. Thus, a message concerning a car for sale
- in New Jersey might have headers including:
- Newsgroups: rec.auto,misc.forsale
- Distribution: nj,ny
- so that it would only go to persons subscribing to rec.auto or misc.
- for sale within New Jersey or New York. The intent of this header
- is to restrict the distribution of a newsgroup further, not to
- increase it. A local newsgroup, such as nj.crazy-eddie, will
- probably not be propagated by hosts outside New Jersey that do not
- show such a newsgroup as valid. A follow-up message should default
- to the same "Distribution" line as the original message, but the
- user can change it to a more limited one, or escalate the
- distribution if it was originally restricted and a more widely
- distributed reply is appropriate.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.8" href="#section-2.2.8">2.2.8</a>. Organization</h4></span>
- The text of this line is a short phrase describing the organization
- to which the sender belongs, or to which the machine belongs. The
- intent of this line is to help identify the person posting the
- message, since host names are often cryptic enough to make it hard
- to recognize the organization by the electronic address.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.9" href="#section-2.2.9">2.2.9</a>. Keywords</h4></span>
- A few well-selected keywords identifying the message should be on
- this line. This is used as an aid in determining if this message is
- interesting to the reader.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.10" href="#section-2.2.10">2.2.10</a>. Summary</h4></span>
- This line should contain a brief summary of the message. It is
- usually used as part of a follow-up to another message. Again, it
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- is very useful to the reader in determining whether to read the
- message.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.11" href="#section-2.2.11">2.2.11</a>. Approved</h4></span>
- This line is required for any message posted to a moderated
- newsgroup. It should be added by the moderator and consist of his
- mail address. It is also required with certain control messages.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.12" href="#section-2.2.12">2.2.12</a>. Lines</h4></span>
- This contains a count of the number of lines in the body of the
- message.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.13" href="#section-2.2.13">2.2.13</a>. Xref</h4></span>
- This line contains the name of the host (with domains omitted) and a
- white space separated list of colon-separated pairs of newsgroup
- names and message numbers. These are the newsgroups listed in the
- "Newsgroups" line and the corresponding message numbers from the
- spool directory.
- This is only of value to the local system, so it should not be
- transmitted. For example, in:
- Path: seismo!lll-crg!lll-lcc!pyramid!decwrl!reid
- From: reid@decwrl.DEC.COM (Brian Reid)
- Newsgroups: news.lists,news.groups
- Message-ID: &lt;5658@decwrl.DEC.COM&gt;
- Date: 1 Oct 86 11:26:15 GMT
- Organization: DEC Western Research Laboratory
- Lines: 441
- Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP
- Xref: seismo news.lists:461 news.groups:6378
- the "Xref" line shows that the message is message number 461 in the
- newsgroup news.lists, and message number 6378 in the newsgroup
- news.groups, on host seismo. This information may be used by
- certain user interfaces.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-3" href="#section-3">3</a>. Control Messages</h2></span>
- This section lists the control messages currently defined. The body
- of the "Control" header line is the control message. Messages are a
- sequence of zero or more words, separated by white space (blanks or
- tabs). The first word is the name of the control message, remaining
- words are parameters to the message. The remainder of the header
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- and the body of the message are also potential parameters; for
- example, the "From" line might suggest an address to which a
- response is to be mailed.
- Implementors and administrators may choose to allow control messages
- to be carried out automatically, or to queue them for annual
- processing. However, manually processed messages should be dealt
- with promptly.
- Failed control messages should NOT be mailed to the originator of
- the message, but to the local "usenet" account.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.1" href="#section-3.1">3.1</a>. Cancel</h3></span>
- cancel &lt;Message-ID&gt;
- If a message with the given Message-ID is present on the local
- system, the message is cancelled. This mechanism allows a user to
- cancel a message after the message has been distributed over the
- network.
- If the system is unable to cancel the message as requested, it
- should not forward the cancellation request to its neighbor systems.
- Only the author of the message or the local news administrator is
- allowed to send this message. The verified sender of a message is
- the "Sender" line, or if no "Sender" line is present, the "From"
- line. The verified sender of the cancel message must be the same as
- either the "Sender" or "From" field of the original message. A
- verified sender in the cancel message is allowed to match an
- unverified "From" in the original message.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.2" href="#section-3.2">3.2</a>. Ihave/Sendme</h3></span>
- ihave &lt;Message-ID list&gt; [&lt;remotesys&gt;]
- sendme &lt;Message-ID list&gt; [&lt;remotesys&gt;]
- This message is part of the ihave/sendme protocol, which allows one
- host (say A) to tell another host (B) that a particular message has
- been received on A. Suppose that host A receives message
- "&lt;1234@ucbvax.Berkeley.edu&gt;", and wishes to transmit the message to
- host B.
- A sends the control message "ihave &lt;1234@ucbvax.Berkeley.edu&gt; A" to
- host B (by posting it to newsgroup to.B). B responds with the
- control message "sendme &lt;1234@ucbvax.Berkeley.edu&gt; B" (on newsgroup
- to.A), if it has not already received the message. Upon receiving
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- the sendme message, A sends the message to B.
- This protocol can be used to cut down on redundant traffic between
- hosts. It is optional and should be used only if the particular
- situation makes it worthwhile. Frequently, the outcome is that,
- since most original messages are short, and since there is a high
- overhead to start sending a new message with UUCP, it costs as much
- to send the ihave as it would cost to send the message itself.
- One possible solution to this overhead problem is to batch requests.
- Several Message-ID's may be announced or requested in one message.
- If no Message-ID's are listed in the control message, the body of
- the message should be scanned for Message-ID's, one per line.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.3" href="#section-3.3">3.3</a>. Newgroup</h3></span>
- newgroup &lt;groupname&gt; [moderated]
- This control message creates a new newsgroup with the given name.
- Since no messages may be posted or forwarded until a newsgroup is
- created, this message is required before a newsgroup can be used.
- The body of the message is expected to be a short paragraph
- describing the intended use of the newsgroup.
- If the second argument is present and it is the keyword moderated,
- the group should be created moderated instead of the default of
- unmoderated. The newgroup message should be ignored unless there is
- an "Approved" line in the same message header.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.4" href="#section-3.4">3.4</a>. Rmgroup</h3></span>
- rmgroup &lt;groupname&gt;
- This message removes a newsgroup with the given name. Since the
- newsgroup is removed from every host on the network, this command
- should be used carefully by a responsible administrator. The
- rmgroup message should be ignored unless there is an "Approved:"
- line in the same message header.
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-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.5" href="#section-3.5">3.5</a>. Sendsys</h3></span>
-<span class="h3"><h3> sendsys (no arguments)</h3></span>
- The sys file, listing all neighbors and the newsgroups to be sent to
- each neighbor, will be mailed to the author of the control message
- ("Reply-To", if present, otherwise "From"). This information is
- considered public information, and it is a requirement of membership
- in USENET that this information be provided on request, either
- automatically in response to this control message, or manually, by
- mailing the requested information to the author of the message.
- This information is used to keep the map of USENET up to date, and
- to determine where netnews is sent.
- The format of the file mailed back to the author should be the same
- as that of the sys file. This format has one line per neighboring
- host (plus one line for the local host), containing four colon
- separated fields. The first field has the host name of the
- neighbor, the second field has a newsgroup pattern describing the
- newsgroups sent to the neighbor. The third and fourth fields are
- not defined by this standard. The sys file is not the same as the
- UUCP L.sys file. A sample response is:
- From: cbosgd!mark (Mark Horton)
- Date: Sun, 27 Mar 83 20:39:37 -0500
- Subject: response to your sendsys request
- To: mark@cbosgd.ATT.COM
- Responding-System: cbosgd.ATT.COM
- cbosgd:osg,cb,btl,bell,world,comp,sci,rec,talk,misc,news,soc,to,
- test
- ucbvax:world,comp,to.ucbvax:L:
- cbosg:world,comp,bell,btl,cb,osg,to.cbosg:F:/usr/spool/outnews
- /cbosg
- cbosgb:osg,to.cbosgb:F:/usr/spool/outnews/cbosgb
- sescent:world,comp,bell,btl,cb,to.sescent:F:/usr/spool/outnews
- /sescent
- npois:world,comp,bell,btl,ug,to.npois:F:/usr/spool/outnews/npois
- mhuxi:world,comp,bell,btl,ug,to.mhuxi:F:/usr/spool/outnews/mhuxi
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.6" href="#section-3.6">3.6</a>. Version</h3></span>
- version (no arguments)
- The name and version of the software running on the local system is
- to be mailed back to the author of the message ("Reply-to" if
- present, otherwise "From").
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.7" href="#section-3.7">3.7</a>. Checkgroups</h3></span>
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- The message body is a list of "official" newsgroups and their
- description, one group per line. They are compared against the list
- of active newsgroups on the current host. The names of any obsolete
- or new newsgroups are mailed to the user "usenet" and descriptions
- of the new newsgroups are added to the help file used when posting
- news.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-4" href="#section-4">4</a>. Transmission Methods</h2></span>
- USENET is not a physical network, but rather a logical network
- resting on top of several existing physical networks. These
- networks include, but are not limited to, UUCP, the Internet, an
- Ethernet, the BLICN network, an NSC Hyperchannel, and a BERKNET.
- What is important is that two neighboring systems on USENET have
- some method to get a new message, in the format listed here, from
- one system to the other, and once on the receiving system, processed
- by the netnews software on that system. (On UNIX systems, this
- usually means the rnews program being run with the message on the
- standard input. &lt;1&gt;)
- It is not a requirement that USENET hosts have mail systems capable
- of understanding the Internet mail syntax, but it is strongly
- recommended. Since "From", "Reply-To", and "Sender" lines use the
- Internet syntax, replies will be difficult or impossible without an
- Internet mailer. A host without an Internet mailer can attempt to
- use the "Path" header line for replies, but this field is not
- guaranteed to be a working path for replies. In any event, any host
- generating or forwarding news messages must have an Internet address
- that allows them to receive mail from hosts with Internet mailers,
- and they must include their Internet address on their From line.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-4.1" href="#section-4.1">4.1</a>. Remote Execution</h3></span>
- Some networks permit direct remote command execution. On these
- networks, news may be forwarded by spooling the rnews command with
- the message on the standard input. For example, if the remote
- system is called remote, news would be sent over a UUCP link
- with the command:
- uux - remote!rnews
- and on a Berknet:
- net -mremote rnews
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- It is important that the message be sent via a reliable mechanism,
- normally involving the possibility of spooling, rather than direct
- real-time remote execution. This is because, if the remote system
- is down, a direct execution command will fail, and the message will
- never be delivered. If the message is spooled, it will eventually
- be delivered when both systems are up.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-4.2" href="#section-4.2">4.2</a>. Transfer by Mail</h3></span>
- On some systems, direct remote spooled execution is not possible.
- However, most systems support electronic mail, and a news message
- can be sent as mail. One approach is to send a mail message which
- is identical to the news message: the mail headers are the news
- headers, and the mail body is the news body. By convention, this
- mail is sent to the user newsmail on the remote machine.
- One problem with this method is that it may not be possible to
- convince the mail system that the "From" line of the message is
- valid, since the mail message was generated by a program on a
- system different from the source of the news message. Another
- problem is that error messages caused by the mail transmission
- would be sent to the originator of the news message, who has no
- control over news transmission between two cooperating hosts
- and does not know whom to contact. Transmission error messages
- should be directed to a responsible contact person on the
- sending machine.
- A solution to this problem is to encapsulate the news message into a
- mail message, such that the entire message (headers and body) are
- part of the body of the mail message. The convention here is that
- such mail is sent to user rnews on the remote system. A mail
- message body is generated by prepending the letter N to each line of
- the news message, and then attaching whatever mail headers are
- convenient to generate. The N's are attached to prevent any special
- lines in the news message from interfering with mail transmission,
- and to prevent any extra lines inserted by the mailer (headers,
- blank lines, etc.) from becoming part of the news message. A
- program on the receiving machine receives mail to rnews, extracting
- the message itself and invoking the rnews program. An example in
- this format might look like this:
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- Date: Mon, 3 Jan 83 08:33:47 MST
- From: news@cbosgd.ATT.COM
- Subject: network news message
- To: rnews@npois.ATT.COM
- NPath: cbosgd!mhuxj!harpo!utah-cs!sask!derek
- NFrom: derek@sask.UUCP (Derek Andrew)
- NNewsgroups: misc.test
- NSubject: necessary test
- NMessage-ID: &lt;176@sask.UUCP&gt;
- NDate: Mon, 3 Jan 83 00:59:15 MST
- N
- NThis really is a test. If anyone out there more than 6
- Nhops away would kindly confirm this note I would
- Nappreciate it. We suspect that our news postings
- Nare not getting out into the world.
- N
- Using mail solves the spooling problem, since mail must always be
- spooled if the destination host is down. However, it adds more
- overhead to the transmission process (to encapsulate and extract the
- message) and makes it harder for software to give different
- priorities to news and mail.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-4.3" href="#section-4.3">4.3</a>. Batching</h3></span>
- Since news messages are usually short, and since a large number of
- messages are often sent between two hosts in a day, it may make
- sense to batch news messages. Several messages can be combined into
- one large message, using conventions agreed upon in advance by the
- two hosts. One such batching scheme is described here; its use is
- highly recommended.
- News messages are combined into a script, separated by a header of
- the form:
- #! rnews 1234
- where 1234 is the length of the message in bytes. Each such line is
- followed by a message containing the given number of bytes. (The
- newline at the end of each line of the message is counted as one
- byte, for purposes of this count, even if it is stored as &lt;CARRIAGE
- RETURN&gt;&lt;LINE FEED&gt;.) For example, a batch of message might look
- like this:
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- #! rnews 239
- From: jerry@eagle.ATT.COM (Jerry Schwarz)
- Path: cbosgd!mhuxj!mhuxt!eagle!jerry
- Newsgroups: news.announce
- Subject: Usenet Etiquette -- Please Read
- Message-ID: &lt;642@eagle.ATT.COM&gt;
- Date: Fri, 19 Nov 82 16:14:55 EST
- Approved: mark@cbosgd.ATT.COM
- Here is an important message about USENET Etiquette.
- #! rnews 234
- From: jerry@eagle.ATT.COM (Jerry Schwarz)
- Path: cbosgd!mhuxj!mhuxt!eagle!jerry
- Newsgroups: news.announce
- Subject: Notes on Etiquette message
- Message-ID: &lt;643@eagle.ATT.COM&gt;
- Date: Fri, 19 Nov 82 17:24:12 EST
- Approved: mark@cbosgd.ATT.COM
- There was something I forgot to mention in the last
- message.
- Batched news is recognized because the first character in the
- message is #. The message is then passed to the unbatcher for
- interpretation.
- The second argument (in this example rnews) determines which
- batching scheme is being used. Cooperating hosts may use whatever
- scheme is appropriate for them.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-5" href="#section-5">5</a>. The News Propagation Algorithm</h2></span>
- This section describes the overall scheme of USENET and the
- algorithm followed by hosts in propagating news to the entire
- logical network. Since all hosts are affected by incorrectly
- formatted messages and by propagation errors, it is important
- for the method to be standardized.
- USENET is a directed graph. Each node in the graph is a host
- computer, and each arc in the graph is a transmission path from
- one host to another host. Each arc is labeled with a newsgroup
- pattern, specifying which newsgroup classes are forwarded along
- that link. Most arcs are bidirectional, that is, if host A
- sends a class of newsgroups to host B, then host B usually sends
- the same class of newsgroups to host A. This bidirectionality
- is not, however, required.
- USENET is made up of many subnetworks. Each subnet has a name, such
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- as comp or btl. Each subnet is a connected graph, that is, a path
- exists from every node to every other node in the subnet. In
- addition, the entire graph is (theoretically) connected. (In
- practice, some political considerations have caused some hosts to be
- unable to post messages reaching the rest of the network.)
- A message is posted on one machine to a list of newsgroups. That
- machine accepts it locally, then forwards it to all its neighbors
- that are interested in at least one of the newsgroups of the
- message. (Site A deems host B to be "interested" in a newsgroup if
- the newsgroup matches the pattern on the arc from A to B. This
- pattern is stored in a file on the A machine.) The hosts receiving
- the incoming message examine it to make sure they really want the
- message, accept it locally, and then in turn forward the message to
- all their interested neighbors. This process continues until the
- entire network has seen the message.
- An important part of the algorithm is the prevention of loops. The
- above process would cause a message to loop along a cycle forever.
- In particular, when host A sends a message to host B, host B will
- send it back to host A, which will send it to host B, and so on.
- One solution to this is the history mechanism. Each host keeps
- track of all messages it has seen (by their Message-ID) and
- whenever a message comes in that it has already seen, the incoming
- message is discarded immediately. This solution is sufficient to
- prevent loops, but additional optimizations can be made to avoid
- sending messages to hosts that will simply throw them away.
- One optimization is that a message should never be sent to a machine
- listed in the "Path" line of the header. When a machine name is
- in the "Path" line, the message is known to have passed through the
- machine. Another optimization is that, if the message originated
- on host A, then host A has already seen the message. Thus, if a
- message is posted to newsgroup misc.misc, it will match the pattern
- misc.all (where all is a metasymbol that matches any string), and
- will be forwarded to all hosts that subscribe to misc.all (as
- determined by what their neighbors send them). These hosts make up
- the misc subnetwork. A message posted to btl.general will reach all
- hosts receiving btl.all, but will not reach hosts that do not get
- btl.all. In effect, the messages reaches the btl subnetwork. A
- messages posted to newsgroups misc.misc,btl.general will reach all
- hosts subscribing to either of the two classes.
- &lt;1&gt; UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&amp;T.
-Horton &amp; Adams [Page 19]
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-<span class="pre noprint docinfo top">[<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/" title="Document search and retrieval page">Docs</a>] [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2821.txt" title="Plaintext version of this document">txt</a>|<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/pdf/rfc2821" title="PDF version of this document">pdf</a>] [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-drums-smtpupd" title="draft-ietf-drums-smtpupd">draft-ietf-drums-...</a>] [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/rfcdiff?difftype=--hwdiff&amp;url2=rfc2821" title="Inline diff (wdiff)">Diff1</a>] [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=rfc2821" title="Side-by-side diff">Diff2</a>] [<a href="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=2821">Errata</a>] </span><br>
-<span class="pre noprint docinfo"> </span><br>
-<span class="pre noprint docinfo">Obsoleted by: <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321">5321</a> PROPOSED STANDARD</span><br>
-<span class="pre noprint docinfo">Updated by: <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5336">5336</a> <span style="color: #C00;">Errata Exist</span></span><br>
-<pre>Network Working Group J. Klensin, Editor
-Request for Comments: 2821 AT&amp;T Laboratories
-Obsoletes: <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">821</a>, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc974">974</a>, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1869">1869</a> April 2001
-Updates: <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123">1123</a>
-Category: Standards Track
- <span class="h1"><h1>Simple Mail Transfer Protocol</h1></span>
-Status of this Memo
- This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
- Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
- improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
- Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
- and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
-Copyright Notice
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.
- This document is a self-contained specification of the basic protocol
- for the Internet electronic mail transport. It consolidates, updates
- and clarifies, but doesn't add new or change existing functionality
- of the following:
- - the original SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) specification of
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> [<a href="#ref-30" title='"Simple Mail Transfer Protocol"'>30</a>],
- - domain name system requirements and implications for mail
- transport from <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035">RFC 1035</a> [<a href="#ref-22" title='"Domain names - implementation and specification"'>22</a>] and <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc974">RFC 974</a> [<a href="#ref-27" title='"Mail routing and the domain system"'>27</a>],
- - the clarifications and applicability statements in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123">RFC 1123</a> [<a href="#ref-2" title='"Requirements for Internet hosts - application and support"'>2</a>],
- and
- - material drawn from the SMTP Extension mechanisms [<a href="#ref-19" title='"SMTP Service Extensions"'>19</a>].
- It obsoletes <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a>, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc974">RFC 974</a>, and updates <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123">RFC 1123</a> (replaces the
- mail transport materials of <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123">RFC 1123</a>). However, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> specifies
- some features that were not in significant use in the Internet by the
- mid-1990s and (in appendices) some additional transport models.
- Those sections are omitted here in the interest of clarity and
- brevity; readers needing them should refer to <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a>.
-<span class="grey">Klensin Standards Track [Page 1]</span>
-</pre><!--NewPage--><pre class="newpage"><a name="page-2" id="page-2" href="#page-2" class="invisible"> </a>
-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 2821</a> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol April 2001</span>
- It also includes some additional material from <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123">RFC 1123</a> that required
- amplification. This material has been identified in multiple ways,
- mostly by tracking flaming on various lists and newsgroups and
- problems of unusual readings or interpretations that have appeared as
- the SMTP extensions have been deployed. Where this specification
- moves beyond consolidation and actually differs from earlier
- documents, it supersedes them technically as well as textually.
- Although SMTP was designed as a mail transport and delivery protocol,
- this specification also contains information that is important to its
- use as a 'mail submission' protocol, as recommended for POP [<a href="#ref-3" title='"Post Office Protocol - version 2"'>3</a>, <a href="#ref-26" title='"Post Office Protocol - Version 3"'>26</a>]
- and IMAP [<a href="#ref-6" title='"Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4"'>6</a>]. Additional submission issues are discussed in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2476">RFC 2476</a>
- [<a href="#ref-15" title='"Message Submission"'>15</a>].
- <a href="#section-2.3">Section 2.3</a> provides definitions of terms specific to this document.
- Except when the historical terminology is necessary for clarity, this
- document uses the current 'client' and 'server' terminology to
- identify the sending and receiving SMTP processes, respectively.
- A companion document [<a href="#ref-32" title='"Internet Message Format"'>32</a>] discusses message headers, message bodies
- and formats and structures for them, and their relationship.
-Table of Contents
- <a href="#section-1">1</a>. Introduction .................................................. <a href="#page-4">4</a>
- <a href="#section-2">2</a>. The SMTP Model ................................................ <a href="#page-5">5</a>
- <a href="#section-2.1">2.1</a> Basic Structure .............................................. <a href="#page-5">5</a>
- <a href="#section-2.2">2.2</a> The Extension Model .......................................... <a href="#page-7">7</a>
- <a href="#section-2.2.1">2.2.1</a> Background ................................................. <a href="#page-7">7</a>
- <a href="#section-2.2.2">2.2.2</a> Definition and Registration of Extensions .................. <a href="#page-8">8</a>
- <a href="#section-2.3">2.3</a> Terminology .................................................. <a href="#page-9">9</a>
- <a href="#section-2.3.1">2.3.1</a> Mail Objects ............................................... <a href="#page-10">10</a>
- <a href="#section-2.3.2">2.3.2</a> Senders and Receivers ...................................... <a href="#page-10">10</a>
- <a href="#section-2.3.3">2.3.3</a> Mail Agents and Message Stores ............................. <a href="#page-10">10</a>
- <a href="#section-2.3.4">2.3.4</a> Host ....................................................... <a href="#page-11">11</a>
- <a href="#section-2.3.5">2.3.5</a> Domain ..................................................... <a href="#page-11">11</a>
- <a href="#section-2.3.6">2.3.6</a> Buffer and State Table ..................................... <a href="#page-11">11</a>
- <a href="#section-2.3.7">2.3.7</a> Lines ...................................................... <a href="#page-12">12</a>
- <a href="#section-2.3.8">2.3.8</a> Originator, Delivery, Relay, and Gateway Systems ........... <a href="#page-12">12</a>
- <a href="#section-2.3.9">2.3.9</a> Message Content and Mail Data .............................. <a href="#page-13">13</a>
- <a href="#section-2.3.10">2.3.10</a> Mailbox and Address ....................................... <a href="#page-13">13</a>
- <a href="#section-2.3.11">2.3.11</a> Reply ..................................................... <a href="#page-13">13</a>
- <a href="#section-2.4">2.4</a> General Syntax Principles and Transaction Model .............. <a href="#page-13">13</a>
- <a href="#section-3">3</a>. The SMTP Procedures: An Overview .............................. <a href="#page-15">15</a>
- <a href="#section-3.1">3.1</a> Session Initiation ........................................... <a href="#page-15">15</a>
- <a href="#section-3.2">3.2</a> Client Initiation ............................................ <a href="#page-16">16</a>
- <a href="#section-3.3">3.3</a> Mail Transactions ............................................ <a href="#page-16">16</a>
- <a href="#section-3.4">3.4</a> Forwarding for Address Correction or Updating ................ <a href="#page-19">19</a>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 2821</a> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol April 2001</span>
- <a href="#section-3.5">3.5</a> Commands for Debugging Addresses ............................. <a href="#page-20">20</a>
- <a href="#section-3.5.1">3.5.1</a> Overview ................................................... <a href="#page-20">20</a>
- <a href="#section-3.5.2">3.5.2</a> VRFY Normal Response ....................................... <a href="#page-22">22</a>
- <a href="#section-3.5.3">3.5.3</a> Meaning of VRFY or EXPN Success Response ................... <a href="#page-22">22</a>
- <a href="#section-3.5.4">3.5.4</a> Semantics and Applications of EXPN ......................... <a href="#page-23">23</a>
- <a href="#section-3.6">3.6</a> Domains ...................................................... <a href="#page-23">23</a>
- <a href="#section-3.7">3.7</a> Relaying ..................................................... <a href="#page-24">24</a>
- <a href="#section-3.8">3.8</a> Mail Gatewaying .............................................. <a href="#page-25">25</a>
- <a href="#section-3.8.1">3.8.1</a> Header Fields in Gatewaying ................................ <a href="#page-26">26</a>
- <a href="#section-3.8.2">3.8.2</a> Received Lines in Gatewaying ............................... <a href="#page-26">26</a>
- <a href="#section-3.8.3">3.8.3</a> Addresses in Gatewaying .................................... <a href="#page-26">26</a>
- <a href="#section-3.8.4">3.8.4</a> Other Header Fields in Gatewaying .......................... <a href="#page-27">27</a>
- <a href="#section-3.8.5">3.8.5</a> Envelopes in Gatewaying .................................... <a href="#page-27">27</a>
- <a href="#section-3.9">3.9</a> Terminating Sessions and Connections ......................... <a href="#page-27">27</a>
- <a href="#section-3.10">3.10</a> Mailing Lists and Aliases ................................... <a href="#page-28">28</a>
- <a href="#section-3.10.1">3.10.1</a> Alias ..................................................... <a href="#page-28">28</a>
- <a href="#section-3.10.2">3.10.2</a> List ...................................................... <a href="#page-28">28</a>
- <a href="#section-4">4</a>. The SMTP Specifications ....................................... <a href="#page-29">29</a>
- <a href="#section-4.1">4.1</a> SMTP Commands ................................................ <a href="#page-29">29</a>
- <a href="#section-4.1.1">4.1.1</a> Command Semantics and Syntax ............................... <a href="#page-29">29</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> Extended HELLO (EHLO) or HELLO (HELO) ................... <a href="#page-29">29</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> MAIL (MAIL) .............................................. <a href="#page-31">31</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> RECIPIENT (RCPT) ......................................... <a href="#page-31">31</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> DATA (DATA) .............................................. <a href="#page-33">33</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> RESET (RSET) ............................................. <a href="#page-34">34</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> VERIFY (VRFY) ............................................ <a href="#page-35">35</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> EXPAND (EXPN) ............................................ <a href="#page-35">35</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> HELP (HELP) .............................................. <a href="#page-35">35</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> NOOP (NOOP) .............................................. <a href="#page-35">35</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> QUIT (QUIT) ............................................. <a href="#page-36">36</a>
- <a href="#section-4.1.2">4.1.2</a> Command Argument Syntax .................................... <a href="#page-36">36</a>
- <a href="#section-4.1.3">4.1.3</a> Address Literals ........................................... <a href="#page-38">38</a>
- <a href="#section-4.1.4">4.1.4</a> Order of Commands .......................................... <a href="#page-39">39</a>
- <a href="#section-4.1.5">4.1.5</a> Private-use Commands ....................................... <a href="#page-40">40</a>
- <a href="#section-4.2">4.2</a> SMTP Replies ................................................ <a href="#page-40">40</a>
- <a href="#section-4.2.1">4.2.1</a> Reply Code Severities and Theory ........................... <a href="#page-42">42</a>
- <a href="#section-4.2.2">4.2.2</a> Reply Codes by Function Groups ............................. <a href="#page-44">44</a>
- <a href="#section-4.2.3">4.2.3</a> Reply Codes in Numeric Order .............................. <a href="#page-45">45</a>
- <a href="#section-4.2.4">4.2.4</a> Reply Code 502 ............................................. <a href="#page-46">46</a>
- <a href="#section-4.2.5">4.2.5</a> Reply Codes After DATA and the Subsequent &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt; .... <a href="#page-46">46</a>
- <a href="#section-4.3">4.3</a> Sequencing of Commands and Replies ........................... <a href="#page-47">47</a>
- <a href="#section-4.3.1">4.3.1</a> Sequencing Overview ........................................ <a href="#page-47">47</a>
- <a href="#section-4.3.2">4.3.2</a> Command-Reply Sequences .................................... <a href="#page-48">48</a>
- <a href="#section-4.4">4.4</a> Trace Information ............................................ <a href="#page-49">49</a>
- <a href="#section-4.5">4.5</a> Additional Implementation Issues ............................. <a href="#page-53">53</a>
- <a href="#section-4.5.1">4.5.1</a> Minimum Implementation ..................................... <a href="#page-53">53</a>
- <a href="#section-4.5.2">4.5.2</a> Transparency ............................................... <a href="#page-53">53</a>
- <a href="#section-4.5.3">4.5.3</a> Sizes and Timeouts ......................................... <a href="#page-54">54</a>
-<span class="grey">Klensin Standards Track [Page 3]</span>
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- <a href="#section-"></a> Size limits and minimums ................................. <a href="#page-54">54</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> Timeouts ................................................. <a href="#page-56">56</a>
- <a href="#section-4.5.4">4.5.4</a> Retry Strategies ........................................... <a href="#page-57">57</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> Sending Strategy ......................................... <a href="#page-58">58</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a> Receiving Strategy ....................................... <a href="#page-59">59</a>
- <a href="#section-4.5.5">4.5.5</a> Messages with a null reverse-path .......................... <a href="#page-59">59</a>
- <a href="#section-5">5</a>. Address Resolution and Mail Handling .......................... <a href="#page-60">60</a>
- <a href="#section-6">6</a>. Problem Detection and Handling ................................ <a href="#page-62">62</a>
- <a href="#section-6.1">6.1</a> Reliable Delivery and Replies by Email ....................... <a href="#page-62">62</a>
- <a href="#section-6.2">6.2</a> Loop Detection ............................................... <a href="#page-63">63</a>
- <a href="#section-6.3">6.3</a> Compensating for Irregularities .............................. <a href="#page-63">63</a>
- <a href="#section-7">7</a>. Security Considerations ....................................... <a href="#page-64">64</a>
- <a href="#section-7.1">7.1</a> Mail Security and Spoofing ................................... <a href="#page-64">64</a>
- <a href="#section-7.2">7.2</a> "Blind" Copies ............................................... <a href="#page-65">65</a>
- <a href="#section-7.3">7.3</a> VRFY, EXPN, and Security ..................................... <a href="#page-65">65</a>
- <a href="#section-7.4">7.4</a> Information Disclosure in Announcements ...................... <a href="#page-66">66</a>
- <a href="#section-7.5">7.5</a> Information Disclosure in Trace Fields ....................... <a href="#page-66">66</a>
- <a href="#section-7.6">7.6</a> Information Disclosure in Message Forwarding ................. <a href="#page-67">67</a>
- <a href="#section-7.7">7.7</a> Scope of Operation of SMTP Servers ........................... <a href="#page-67">67</a>
- <a href="#section-8">8</a>. IANA Considerations ........................................... <a href="#page-67">67</a>
- <a href="#section-9">9</a>. References .................................................... <a href="#page-68">68</a>
- <a href="#section-10">10</a>. Editor's Address ............................................. <a href="#page-70">70</a>
- <a href="#section-11">11</a>. Acknowledgments .............................................. <a href="#page-70">70</a>
- Appendices ....................................................... <a href="#page-71">71</a>
- <a href="#appendix-A">A</a>. TCP Transport Service ......................................... <a href="#page-71">71</a>
- <a href="#appendix-B">B</a>. Generating SMTP Commands from <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a> Headers ................. <a href="#page-71">71</a>
- <a href="#appendix-C">C</a>. Source Routes ................................................. <a href="#page-72">72</a>
- <a href="#appendix-D">D</a>. Scenarios ..................................................... <a href="#page-73">73</a>
- <a href="#appendix-E">E</a>. Other Gateway Issues .......................................... <a href="#page-76">76</a>
- <a href="#appendix-F">F</a>. Deprecated Features of <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> ................................ <a href="#page-76">76</a>
- Full Copyright Statement ......................................... <a href="#page-79">79</a>
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-1" href="#section-1">1</a>. Introduction</h2></span>
- The objective of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is to
- transfer mail reliably and efficiently.
- SMTP is independent of the particular transmission subsystem and
- requires only a reliable ordered data stream channel. While this
- document specifically discusses transport over TCP, other transports
- are possible. Appendices to <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> describe some of them.
- An important feature of SMTP is its capability to transport mail
- across networks, usually referred to as "SMTP mail relaying" (see
- <a href="#section-3.8">section 3.8</a>). A network consists of the mutually-TCP-accessible
- hosts on the public Internet, the mutually-TCP-accessible hosts on a
- firewall-isolated TCP/IP Intranet, or hosts in some other LAN or WAN
- environment utilizing a non-TCP transport-level protocol. Using
-<span class="grey">Klensin Standards Track [Page 4]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 2821</a> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol April 2001</span>
- SMTP, a process can transfer mail to another process on the same
- network or to some other network via a relay or gateway process
- accessible to both networks.
- In this way, a mail message may pass through a number of intermediate
- relay or gateway hosts on its path from sender to ultimate recipient.
- The Mail eXchanger mechanisms of the domain name system [<a href="#ref-22" title='"Domain names - implementation and specification"'>22</a>, <a href="#ref-27" title='"Mail routing and the domain system"'>27</a>] (and
- <a href="#section-5">section 5</a> of this document) are used to identify the appropriate
- next-hop destination for a message being transported.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-2" href="#section-2">2</a>. The SMTP Model</h2></span>
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-2.1" href="#section-2.1">2.1</a> Basic Structure</h3></span>
- The SMTP design can be pictured as:
- +----------+ +----------+
- +------+ | | | |
- | User |&lt;--&gt;| | SMTP | |
- +------+ | Client- |Commands/Replies| Server- |
- +------+ | SMTP |&lt;--------------&gt;| SMTP | +------+
- | File |&lt;--&gt;| | and Mail | |&lt;--&gt;| File |
- |System| | | | | |System|
- +------+ +----------+ +----------+ +------+
- SMTP client SMTP server
- When an SMTP client has a message to transmit, it establishes a two-
- way transmission channel to an SMTP server. The responsibility of an
- SMTP client is to transfer mail messages to one or more SMTP servers,
- or report its failure to do so.
- The means by which a mail message is presented to an SMTP client, and
- how that client determines the domain name(s) to which mail messages
- are to be transferred is a local matter, and is not addressed by this
- document. In some cases, the domain name(s) transferred to, or
- determined by, an SMTP client will identify the final destination(s)
- of the mail message. In other cases, common with SMTP clients
- associated with implementations of the POP [<a href="#ref-3" title='"Post Office Protocol - version 2"'>3</a>, <a href="#ref-26" title='"Post Office Protocol - Version 3"'>26</a>] or IMAP [<a href="#ref-6" title='"Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4"'>6</a>]
- protocols, or when the SMTP client is inside an isolated transport
- service environment, the domain name determined will identify an
- intermediate destination through which all mail messages are to be
- relayed. SMTP clients that transfer all traffic, regardless of the
- target domain names associated with the individual messages, or that
- do not maintain queues for retrying message transmissions that
- initially cannot be completed, may otherwise conform to this
- specification but are not considered fully-capable. Fully-capable
- SMTP implementations, including the relays used by these less capable
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- ones, and their destinations, are expected to support all of the
- queuing, retrying, and alternate address functions discussed in this
- specification.
- The means by which an SMTP client, once it has determined a target
- domain name, determines the identity of an SMTP server to which a
- copy of a message is to be transferred, and then performs that
- transfer, is covered by this document. To effect a mail transfer to
- an SMTP server, an SMTP client establishes a two-way transmission
- channel to that SMTP server. An SMTP client determines the address
- of an appropriate host running an SMTP server by resolving a
- destination domain name to either an intermediate Mail eXchanger host
- or a final target host.
- An SMTP server may be either the ultimate destination or an
- intermediate "relay" (that is, it may assume the role of an SMTP
- client after receiving the message) or "gateway" (that is, it may
- transport the message further using some protocol other than SMTP).
- SMTP commands are generated by the SMTP client and sent to the SMTP
- server. SMTP replies are sent from the SMTP server to the SMTP
- client in response to the commands.
- In other words, message transfer can occur in a single connection
- between the original SMTP-sender and the final SMTP-recipient, or can
- occur in a series of hops through intermediary systems. In either
- case, a formal handoff of responsibility for the message occurs: the
- protocol requires that a server accept responsibility for either
- delivering a message or properly reporting the failure to do so.
- Once the transmission channel is established and initial handshaking
- completed, the SMTP client normally initiates a mail transaction.
- Such a transaction consists of a series of commands to specify the
- originator and destination of the mail and transmission of the
- message content (including any headers or other structure) itself.
- When the same message is sent to multiple recipients, this protocol
- encourages the transmission of only one copy of the data for all
- recipients at the same destination (or intermediate relay) host.
- The server responds to each command with a reply; replies may
- indicate that the command was accepted, that additional commands are
- expected, or that a temporary or permanent error condition exists.
- Commands specifying the sender or recipients may include server-
- permitted SMTP service extension requests as discussed in <a href="#section-2.2">section</a>
- <a href="#section-2.2">2.2</a>. The dialog is purposely lock-step, one-at-a-time, although this
- can be modified by mutually-agreed extension requests such as command
- pipelining [<a href="#ref-13" title='"SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining"'>13</a>].
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- Once a given mail message has been transmitted, the client may either
- request that the connection be shut down or may initiate other mail
- transactions. In addition, an SMTP client may use a connection to an
- SMTP server for ancillary services such as verification of email
- addresses or retrieval of mailing list subscriber addresses.
- As suggested above, this protocol provides mechanisms for the
- transmission of mail. This transmission normally occurs directly
- from the sending user's host to the receiving user's host when the
- two hosts are connected to the same transport service. When they are
- not connected to the same transport service, transmission occurs via
- one or more relay SMTP servers. An intermediate host that acts as
- either an SMTP relay or as a gateway into some other transmission
- environment is usually selected through the use of the domain name
- service (DNS) Mail eXchanger mechanism.
- Usually, intermediate hosts are determined via the DNS MX record, not
- by explicit "source" routing (see <a href="#section-5">section 5</a> and appendices C and
- F.2).
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2" href="#section-2.2">2.2</a> The Extension Model</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.1" href="#section-2.2.1">2.2.1</a> Background</h4></span>
- In an effort that started in 1990, approximately a decade after <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC</a>
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">821</a> was completed, the protocol was modified with a "service
- extensions" model that permits the client and server to agree to
- utilize shared functionality beyond the original SMTP requirements.
- The SMTP extension mechanism defines a means whereby an extended SMTP
- client and server may recognize each other, and the server can inform
- the client as to the service extensions that it supports.
- Contemporary SMTP implementations MUST support the basic extension
- mechanisms. For instance, servers MUST support the EHLO command even
- if they do not implement any specific extensions and clients SHOULD
- preferentially utilize EHLO rather than HELO. (However, for
- compatibility with older conforming implementations, SMTP clients and
- servers MUST support the original HELO mechanisms as a fallback.)
- Unless the different characteristics of HELO must be identified for
- interoperability purposes, this document discusses only EHLO.
- SMTP is widely deployed and high-quality implementations have proven
- to be very robust. However, the Internet community now considers
- some services to be important that were not anticipated when the
- protocol was first designed. If support for those services is to be
- added, it must be done in a way that permits older implementations to
- continue working acceptably. The extension framework consists of:
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- - The SMTP command EHLO, superseding the earlier HELO,
- - a registry of SMTP service extensions,
- - additional parameters to the SMTP MAIL and RCPT commands, and
- - optional replacements for commands defined in this protocol, such
- as for DATA in non-ASCII transmissions [<a href="#ref-33" title='"SMTP Service Extensions for Transmission of Large and Binary MIME Messages"'>33</a>].
- SMTP's strength comes primarily from its simplicity. Experience with
- many protocols has shown that protocols with few options tend towards
- ubiquity, whereas protocols with many options tend towards obscurity.
- Each and every extension, regardless of its benefits, must be
- carefully scrutinized with respect to its implementation, deployment,
- and interoperability costs. In many cases, the cost of extending the
- SMTP service will likely outweigh the benefit.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.2.2" href="#section-2.2.2">2.2.2</a> Definition and Registration of Extensions</h4></span>
- The IANA maintains a registry of SMTP service extensions. A
- corresponding EHLO keyword value is associated with each extension.
- Each service extension registered with the IANA must be defined in a
- formal standards-track or IESG-approved experimental protocol
- document. The definition must include:
- - the textual name of the SMTP service extension;
- - the EHLO keyword value associated with the extension;
- - the syntax and possible values of parameters associated with the
- EHLO keyword value;
- - any additional SMTP verbs associated with the extension
- (additional verbs will usually be, but are not required to be, the
- same as the EHLO keyword value);
- - any new parameters the extension associates with the MAIL or RCPT
- verbs;
- - a description of how support for the extension affects the
- behavior of a server and client SMTP; and,
- - the increment by which the extension is increasing the maximum
- length of the commands MAIL and/or RCPT, over that specified in
- this standard.
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- In addition, any EHLO keyword value starting with an upper or lower
- case "X" refers to a local SMTP service extension used exclusively
- through bilateral agreement. Keywords beginning with "X" MUST NOT be
- used in a registered service extension. Conversely, keyword values
- presented in the EHLO response that do not begin with "X" MUST
- correspond to a standard, standards-track, or IESG-approved
- experimental SMTP service extension registered with IANA. A
- conforming server MUST NOT offer non-"X"-prefixed keyword values that
- are not described in a registered extension.
- Additional verbs and parameter names are bound by the same rules as
- EHLO keywords; specifically, verbs beginning with "X" are local
- extensions that may not be registered or standardized. Conversely,
- verbs not beginning with "X" must always be registered.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-2.3" href="#section-2.3">2.3</a> Terminology</h3></span>
- The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
- document are to be interpreted as described below.
- 1. MUST This word, or the terms "REQUIRED" or "SHALL", mean that
- the definition is an absolute requirement of the specification.
- 2. MUST NOT This phrase, or the phrase "SHALL NOT", mean that the
- definition is an absolute prohibition of the specification.
- 3. SHOULD This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that
- there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to
- ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be
- understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different
- course.
- 4. SHOULD NOT This phrase, or the phrase "NOT RECOMMENDED" mean
- that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances
- when the particular behavior is acceptable or even useful, but the
- full implications should be understood and the case carefully
- weighed before implementing any behavior described with this
- label.
- 5. MAY This word, or the adjective "OPTIONAL", mean that an item is
- truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because
- a particular marketplace requires it or because the vendor feels
- that it enhances the product while another vendor may omit the
- same item. An implementation which does not include a particular
- option MUST be prepared to interoperate with another
- implementation which does include the option, though perhaps with
- reduced functionality. In the same vein an implementation which
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- does include a particular option MUST be prepared to interoperate
- with another implementation which does not include the option
- (except, of course, for the feature the option provides.)
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.3.1" href="#section-2.3.1">2.3.1</a> Mail Objects</h4></span>
- SMTP transports a mail object. A mail object contains an envelope
- and content.
- The SMTP envelope is sent as a series of SMTP protocol units
- (described in <a href="#section-3">section 3</a>). It consists of an originator address (to
- which error reports should be directed); one or more recipient
- addresses; and optional protocol extension material. Historically,
- variations on the recipient address specification command (RCPT TO)
- could be used to specify alternate delivery modes, such as immediate
- display; those variations have now been deprecated (see <a href="#appendix-F">appendix F</a>,
- section F.6).
- The SMTP content is sent in the SMTP DATA protocol unit and has two
- parts: the headers and the body. If the content conforms to other
- contemporary standards, the headers form a collection of field/value
- pairs structured as in the message format specification [<a href="#ref-32" title='"Internet Message Format"'>32</a>]; the
- body, if structured, is defined according to MIME [<a href="#ref-12" title='"Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies"'>12</a>]. The content
- is textual in nature, expressed using the US-ASCII repertoire [<a href="#ref-1" title='"USA Code for Information Interchange"'>1</a>].
- Although SMTP extensions (such as "8BITMIME" [<a href="#ref-20" title='"SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport"'>20</a>]) may relax this
- restriction for the content body, the content headers are always
- encoded using the US-ASCII repertoire. A MIME extension [<a href="#ref-23" title='"MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Three: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text"'>23</a>] defines
- an algorithm for representing header values outside the US-ASCII
- repertoire, while still encoding them using the US-ASCII repertoire.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.3.2" href="#section-2.3.2">2.3.2</a> Senders and Receivers</h4></span>
- In <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a>, the two hosts participating in an SMTP transaction were
- described as the "SMTP-sender" and "SMTP-receiver". This document
- has been changed to reflect current industry terminology and hence
- refers to them as the "SMTP client" (or sometimes just "the client")
- and "SMTP server" (or just "the server"), respectively. Since a
- given host may act both as server and client in a relay situation,
- "receiver" and "sender" terminology is still used where needed for
- clarity.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.3.3" href="#section-2.3.3">2.3.3</a> Mail Agents and Message Stores</h4></span>
- Additional mail system terminology became common after <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> was
- published and, where convenient, is used in this specification. In
- particular, SMTP servers and clients provide a mail transport service
- and therefore act as "Mail Transfer Agents" (MTAs). "Mail User
- Agents" (MUAs or UAs) are normally thought of as the sources and
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- targets of mail. At the source, an MUA might collect mail to be
- transmitted from a user and hand it off to an MTA; the final
- ("delivery") MTA would be thought of as handing the mail off to an
- MUA (or at least transferring responsibility to it, e.g., by
- depositing the message in a "message store"). However, while these
- terms are used with at least the appearance of great precision in
- other environments, the implied boundaries between MUAs and MTAs
- often do not accurately match common, and conforming, practices with
- Internet mail. Hence, the reader should be cautious about inferring
- the strong relationships and responsibilities that might be implied
- if these terms were used elsewhere.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.3.4" href="#section-2.3.4">2.3.4</a> Host</h4></span>
- For the purposes of this specification, a host is a computer system
- attached to the Internet (or, in some cases, to a private TCP/IP
- network) and supporting the SMTP protocol. Hosts are known by names
- (see "domain"); identifying them by numerical address is discouraged.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.3.5" href="#section-2.3.5">2.3.5</a> Domain</h4></span>
- A domain (or domain name) consists of one or more dot-separated
- components. These components ("labels" in DNS terminology [<a href="#ref-22" title='"Domain names - implementation and specification"'>22</a>]) are
- restricted for SMTP purposes to consist of a sequence of letters,
- digits, and hyphens drawn from the ASCII character set [<a href="#ref-1" title='"USA Code for Information Interchange"'>1</a>]. Domain
- names are used as names of hosts and of other entities in the domain
- name hierarchy. For example, a domain may refer to an alias (label
- of a CNAME RR) or the label of Mail eXchanger records to be used to
- deliver mail instead of representing a host name. See [<a href="#ref-22" title='"Domain names - implementation and specification"'>22</a>] and
- <a href="#section-5">section 5</a> of this specification.
- The domain name, as described in this document and in [<a href="#ref-22" title='"Domain names - implementation and specification"'>22</a>], is the
- entire, fully-qualified name (often referred to as an "FQDN"). A
- domain name that is not in FQDN form is no more than a local alias.
- Local aliases MUST NOT appear in any SMTP transaction.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.3.6" href="#section-2.3.6">2.3.6</a> Buffer and State Table</h4></span>
- SMTP sessions are stateful, with both parties carefully maintaining a
- common view of the current state. In this document we model this
- state by a virtual "buffer" and a "state table" on the server which
- may be used by the client to, for example, "clear the buffer" or
- "reset the state table," causing the information in the buffer to be
- discarded and the state to be returned to some previous state.
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.3.7" href="#section-2.3.7">2.3.7</a> Lines</h4></span>
- SMTP commands and, unless altered by a service extension, message
- data, are transmitted in "lines". Lines consist of zero or more data
- characters terminated by the sequence ASCII character "CR" (hex value
- 0D) followed immediately by ASCII character "LF" (hex value 0A).
- This termination sequence is denoted as &lt;CRLF&gt; in this document.
- Conforming implementations MUST NOT recognize or generate any other
- character or character sequence as a line terminator. Limits MAY be
- imposed on line lengths by servers (see <a href="#section-4.5.3">section 4.5.3</a>).
- In addition, the appearance of "bare" "CR" or "LF" characters in text
- (i.e., either without the other) has a long history of causing
- problems in mail implementations and applications that use the mail
- system as a tool. SMTP client implementations MUST NOT transmit
- these characters except when they are intended as line terminators
- and then MUST, as indicated above, transmit them only as a &lt;CRLF&gt;
- sequence.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.3.8" href="#section-2.3.8">2.3.8</a> Originator, Delivery, Relay, and Gateway Systems</h4></span>
- This specification makes a distinction among four types of SMTP
- systems, based on the role those systems play in transmitting
- electronic mail. An "originating" system (sometimes called an SMTP
- originator) introduces mail into the Internet or, more generally,
- into a transport service environment. A "delivery" SMTP system is
- one that receives mail from a transport service environment and
- passes it to a mail user agent or deposits it in a message store
- which a mail user agent is expected to subsequently access. A
- "relay" SMTP system (usually referred to just as a "relay") receives
- mail from an SMTP client and transmits it, without modification to
- the message data other than adding trace information, to another SMTP
- server for further relaying or for delivery.
- A "gateway" SMTP system (usually referred to just as a "gateway")
- receives mail from a client system in one transport environment and
- transmits it to a server system in another transport environment.
- Differences in protocols or message semantics between the transport
- environments on either side of a gateway may require that the gateway
- system perform transformations to the message that are not permitted
- to SMTP relay systems. For the purposes of this specification,
- firewalls that rewrite addresses should be considered as gateways,
- even if SMTP is used on both sides of them (see [<a href="#ref-11" title='"Behavior of and Requirements for Internet Firewalls"'>11</a>]).
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.3.9" href="#section-2.3.9">2.3.9</a> Message Content and Mail Data</h4></span>
- The terms "message content" and "mail data" are used interchangeably
- in this document to describe the material transmitted after the DATA
- command is accepted and before the end of data indication is
- transmitted. Message content includes message headers and the
- possibly-structured message body. The MIME specification [<a href="#ref-12" title='"Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies"'>12</a>]
- provides the standard mechanisms for structured message bodies.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.3.10" href="#section-2.3.10">2.3.10</a> Mailbox and Address</h4></span>
- As used in this specification, an "address" is a character string
- that identifies a user to whom mail will be sent or a location into
- which mail will be deposited. The term "mailbox" refers to that
- depository. The two terms are typically used interchangeably unless
- the distinction between the location in which mail is placed (the
- mailbox) and a reference to it (the address) is important. An
- address normally consists of user and domain specifications. The
- standard mailbox naming convention is defined to be "local-
- part@domain": contemporary usage permits a much broader set of
- applications than simple "user names". Consequently, and due to a
- long history of problems when intermediate hosts have attempted to
- optimize transport by modifying them, the local-part MUST be
- interpreted and assigned semantics only by the host specified in the
- domain part of the address.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-2.3.11" href="#section-2.3.11">2.3.11</a> Reply</h4></span>
- An SMTP reply is an acknowledgment (positive or negative) sent from
- receiver to sender via the transmission channel in response to a
- command. The general form of a reply is a numeric completion code
- (indicating failure or success) usually followed by a text string.
- The codes are for use by programs and the text is usually intended
- for human users. Recent work [<a href="#ref-34" title='"Enhanced Mail System Status Codes"'>34</a>] has specified further structuring
- of the reply strings, including the use of supplemental and more
- specific completion codes.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-2.4" href="#section-2.4">2.4</a> General Syntax Principles and Transaction Model</h3></span>
- SMTP commands and replies have a rigid syntax. All commands begin
- with a command verb. All Replies begin with a three digit numeric
- code. In some commands and replies, arguments MUST follow the verb
- or reply code. Some commands do not accept arguments (after the
- verb), and some reply codes are followed, sometimes optionally, by
- free form text. In both cases, where text appears, it is separated
- from the verb or reply code by a space character. Complete
- definitions of commands and replies appear in <a href="#section-4">section 4</a>.
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- Verbs and argument values (e.g., "TO:" or "to:" in the RCPT command
- and extension name keywords) are not case sensitive, with the sole
- exception in this specification of a mailbox local-part (SMTP
- Extensions may explicitly specify case-sensitive elements). That is,
- a command verb, an argument value other than a mailbox local-part,
- and free form text MAY be encoded in upper case, lower case, or any
- mixture of upper and lower case with no impact on its meaning. This
- is NOT true of a mailbox local-part. The local-part of a mailbox
- MUST BE treated as case sensitive. Therefore, SMTP implementations
- MUST take care to preserve the case of mailbox local-parts. Mailbox
- domains are not case sensitive. In particular, for some hosts the
- user "smith" is different from the user "Smith". However, exploiting
- the case sensitivity of mailbox local-parts impedes interoperability
- and is discouraged.
- A few SMTP servers, in violation of this specification (and <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a>)
- require that command verbs be encoded by clients in upper case.
- Implementations MAY wish to employ this encoding to accommodate those
- servers.
- The argument field consists of a variable length character string
- ending with the end of the line, i.e., with the character sequence
- &lt;CRLF&gt;. The receiver will take no action until this sequence is
- received.
- The syntax for each command is shown with the discussion of that
- command. Common elements and parameters are shown in <a href="#section-4.1.2">section 4.1.2</a>.
- Commands and replies are composed of characters from the ASCII
- character set [<a href="#ref-1" title='"USA Code for Information Interchange"'>1</a>]. When the transport service provides an 8-bit byte
- (octet) transmission channel, each 7-bit character is transmitted
- right justified in an octet with the high order bit cleared to zero.
- More specifically, the unextended SMTP service provides seven bit
- transport only. An originating SMTP client which has not
- successfully negotiated an appropriate extension with a particular
- server MUST NOT transmit messages with information in the high-order
- bit of octets. If such messages are transmitted in violation of this
- rule, receiving SMTP servers MAY clear the high-order bit or reject
- the message as invalid. In general, a relay SMTP SHOULD assume that
- the message content it has received is valid and, assuming that the
- envelope permits doing so, relay it without inspecting that content.
- Of course, if the content is mislabeled and the data path cannot
- accept the actual content, this may result in ultimate delivery of a
- severely garbled message to the recipient. Delivery SMTP systems MAY
- reject ("bounce") such messages rather than deliver them. No sending
- SMTP system is permitted to send envelope commands in any character
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- set other than US-ASCII; receiving systems SHOULD reject such
- commands, normally using "500 syntax error - invalid character"
- replies.
- Eight-bit message content transmission MAY be requested of the server
- by a client using extended SMTP facilities, notably the "8BITMIME"
- extension [<a href="#ref-20" title='"SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport"'>20</a>]. 8BITMIME SHOULD be supported by SMTP servers.
- However, it MUST not be construed as authorization to transmit
- unrestricted eight bit material. 8BITMIME MUST NOT be requested by
- senders for material with the high bit on that is not in MIME format
- with an appropriate content-transfer encoding; servers MAY reject
- such messages.
- The metalinguistic notation used in this document corresponds to the
- "Augmented BNF" used in other Internet mail system documents. The
- reader who is not familiar with that syntax should consult the ABNF
- specification [<a href="#ref-8" title='"Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF"'>8</a>]. Metalanguage terms used in running text are
- surrounded by pointed brackets (e.g., &lt;CRLF&gt;) for clarity.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-3" href="#section-3">3</a>. The SMTP Procedures: An Overview</h2></span>
- This section contains descriptions of the procedures used in SMTP:
- session initiation, the mail transaction, forwarding mail, verifying
- mailbox names and expanding mailing lists, and the opening and
- closing exchanges. Comments on relaying, a note on mail domains, and
- a discussion of changing roles are included at the end of this
- section. Several complete scenarios are presented in <a href="#appendix-D">appendix D</a>.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.1" href="#section-3.1">3.1</a> Session Initiation</h3></span>
- An SMTP session is initiated when a client opens a connection to a
- server and the server responds with an opening message.
- SMTP server implementations MAY include identification of their
- software and version information in the connection greeting reply
- after the 220 code, a practice that permits more efficient isolation
- and repair of any problems. Implementations MAY make provision for
- SMTP servers to disable the software and version announcement where
- it causes security concerns. While some systems also identify their
- contact point for mail problems, this is not a substitute for
- maintaining the required "postmaster" address (see <a href="#section-4.5.1">section 4.5.1</a>).
- The SMTP protocol allows a server to formally reject a transaction
- while still allowing the initial connection as follows: a 554
- response MAY be given in the initial connection opening message
- instead of the 220. A server taking this approach MUST still wait
- for the client to send a QUIT (see <a href="#section-">section</a>) before closing
- the connection and SHOULD respond to any intervening commands with
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- "503 bad sequence of commands". Since an attempt to make an SMTP
- connection to such a system is probably in error, a server returning
- a 554 response on connection opening SHOULD provide enough
- information in the reply text to facilitate debugging of the sending
- system.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.2" href="#section-3.2">3.2</a> Client Initiation</h3></span>
- Once the server has sent the welcoming message and the client has
- received it, the client normally sends the EHLO command to the
- server, indicating the client's identity. In addition to opening the
- session, use of EHLO indicates that the client is able to process
- service extensions and requests that the server provide a list of the
- extensions it supports. Older SMTP systems which are unable to
- support service extensions and contemporary clients which do not
- require service extensions in the mail session being initiated, MAY
- use HELO instead of EHLO. Servers MUST NOT return the extended
- EHLO-style response to a HELO command. For a particular connection
- attempt, if the server returns a "command not recognized" response to
- EHLO, the client SHOULD be able to fall back and send HELO.
- In the EHLO command the host sending the command identifies itself;
- the command may be interpreted as saying "Hello, I am &lt;domain&gt;" (and,
- in the case of EHLO, "and I support service extension requests").
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.3" href="#section-3.3">3.3</a> Mail Transactions</h3></span>
- There are three steps to SMTP mail transactions. The transaction
- starts with a MAIL command which gives the sender identification.
- (In general, the MAIL command may be sent only when no mail
- transaction is in progress; see <a href="#section-4.1.4">section 4.1.4</a>.) A series of one or
- more RCPT commands follows giving the receiver information. Then a
- DATA command initiates transfer of the mail data and is terminated by
- the "end of mail" data indicator, which also confirms the
- transaction.
- The first step in the procedure is the MAIL command.
- MAIL FROM:&lt;reverse-path&gt; [SP &lt;mail-parameters&gt; ] &lt;CRLF&gt;
- This command tells the SMTP-receiver that a new mail transaction is
- starting and to reset all its state tables and buffers, including any
- recipients or mail data. The &lt;reverse-path&gt; portion of the first or
- only argument contains the source mailbox (between "&lt;" and "&gt;"
- brackets), which can be used to report errors (see <a href="#section-4.2">section 4.2</a> for a
- discussion of error reporting). If accepted, the SMTP server returns
- a 250 OK reply. If the mailbox specification is not acceptable for
- some reason, the server MUST return a reply indicating whether the
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- failure is permanent (i.e., will occur again if the client tries to
- send the same address again) or temporary (i.e., the address might be
- accepted if the client tries again later). Despite the apparent
- scope of this requirement, there are circumstances in which the
- acceptability of the reverse-path may not be determined until one or
- more forward-paths (in RCPT commands) can be examined. In those
- cases, the server MAY reasonably accept the reverse-path (with a 250
- reply) and then report problems after the forward-paths are received
- and examined. Normally, failures produce 550 or 553 replies.
- Historically, the &lt;reverse-path&gt; can contain more than just a
- mailbox, however, contemporary systems SHOULD NOT use source routing
- (see <a href="#appendix-C">appendix C</a>).
- The optional &lt;mail-parameters&gt; are associated with negotiated SMTP
- service extensions (see <a href="#section-2.2">section 2.2</a>).
- The second step in the procedure is the RCPT command.
- RCPT TO:&lt;forward-path&gt; [ SP &lt;rcpt-parameters&gt; ] &lt;CRLF&gt;
- The first or only argument to this command includes a forward-path
- (normally a mailbox and domain, always surrounded by "&lt;" and "&gt;"
- brackets) identifying one recipient. If accepted, the SMTP server
- returns a 250 OK reply and stores the forward-path. If the recipient
- is known not to be a deliverable address, the SMTP server returns a
- 550 reply, typically with a string such as "no such user - " and the
- mailbox name (other circumstances and reply codes are possible).
- This step of the procedure can be repeated any number of times.
- The &lt;forward-path&gt; can contain more than just a mailbox.
- Historically, the &lt;forward-path&gt; can be a source routing list of
- hosts and the destination mailbox, however, contemporary SMTP clients
- SHOULD NOT utilize source routes (see <a href="#appendix-C">appendix C</a>). Servers MUST be
- prepared to encounter a list of source routes in the forward path,
- but SHOULD ignore the routes or MAY decline to support the relaying
- they imply. Similarly, servers MAY decline to accept mail that is
- destined for other hosts or systems. These restrictions make a
- server useless as a relay for clients that do not support full SMTP
- functionality. Consequently, restricted-capability clients MUST NOT
- assume that any SMTP server on the Internet can be used as their mail
- processing (relaying) site. If a RCPT command appears without a
- previous MAIL command, the server MUST return a 503 "Bad sequence of
- commands" response. The optional &lt;rcpt-parameters&gt; are associated
- with negotiated SMTP service extensions (see <a href="#section-2.2">section 2.2</a>).
- The third step in the procedure is the DATA command (or some
- alternative specified in a service extension).
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- DATA &lt;CRLF&gt;
- If accepted, the SMTP server returns a 354 Intermediate reply and
- considers all succeeding lines up to but not including the end of
- mail data indicator to be the message text. When the end of text is
- successfully received and stored the SMTP-receiver sends a 250 OK
- reply.
- Since the mail data is sent on the transmission channel, the end of
- mail data must be indicated so that the command and reply dialog can
- be resumed. SMTP indicates the end of the mail data by sending a
- line containing only a "." (period or full stop). A transparency
- procedure is used to prevent this from interfering with the user's
- text (see <a href="#section-4.5.2">section 4.5.2</a>).
- The end of mail data indicator also confirms the mail transaction and
- tells the SMTP server to now process the stored recipients and mail
- data. If accepted, the SMTP server returns a 250 OK reply. The DATA
- command can fail at only two points in the protocol exchange:
- - If there was no MAIL, or no RCPT, command, or all such commands
- were rejected, the server MAY return a "command out of sequence"
- (503) or "no valid recipients" (554) reply in response to the DATA
- command. If one of those replies (or any other 5yz reply) is
- received, the client MUST NOT send the message data; more
- generally, message data MUST NOT be sent unless a 354 reply is
- received.
- - If the verb is initially accepted and the 354 reply issued, the
- DATA command should fail only if the mail transaction was
- incomplete (for example, no recipients), or if resources were
- unavailable (including, of course, the server unexpectedly
- becoming unavailable), or if the server determines that the
- message should be rejected for policy or other reasons.
- However, in practice, some servers do not perform recipient
- verification until after the message text is received. These servers
- SHOULD treat a failure for one or more recipients as a "subsequent
- failure" and return a mail message as discussed in <a href="#section-6">section 6</a>. Using
- a "550 mailbox not found" (or equivalent) reply code after the data
- are accepted makes it difficult or impossible for the client to
- determine which recipients failed.
- When <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a> format [<a href="#ref-7" title='"Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text Messages"'>7</a>, <a href="#ref-32" title='"Internet Message Format"'>32</a>] is being used, the mail data include the
- memo header items such as Date, Subject, To, Cc, From. Server SMTP
- systems SHOULD NOT reject messages based on perceived defects in the
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a> or MIME [<a href="#ref-12" title='"Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies"'>12</a>] message header or message body. In particular,
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- they MUST NOT reject messages in which the numbers of Resent-fields
- do not match or Resent-to appears without Resent-from and/or Resent-
- date.
- Mail transaction commands MUST be used in the order discussed above.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.4" href="#section-3.4">3.4</a> Forwarding for Address Correction or Updating</h3></span>
- Forwarding support is most often required to consolidate and simplify
- addresses within, or relative to, some enterprise and less frequently
- to establish addresses to link a person's prior address with current
- one. Silent forwarding of messages (without server notification to
- the sender), for security or non-disclosure purposes, is common in
- the contemporary Internet.
- In both the enterprise and the "new address" cases, information
- hiding (and sometimes security) considerations argue against exposure
- of the "final" address through the SMTP protocol as a side-effect of
- the forwarding activity. This may be especially important when the
- final address may not even be reachable by the sender. Consequently,
- the "forwarding" mechanisms described in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821#section-3.2">section 3.2 of RFC 821</a>, and
- especially the 251 (corrected destination) and 551 reply codes from
- RCPT must be evaluated carefully by implementers and, when they are
- available, by those configuring systems.
- In particular:
- * Servers MAY forward messages when they are aware of an address
- change. When they do so, they MAY either provide address-updating
- information with a 251 code, or may forward "silently" and return
- a 250 code. But, if a 251 code is used, they MUST NOT assume that
- the client will actually update address information or even return
- that information to the user.
- Alternately,
- * Servers MAY reject or bounce messages when they are not
- deliverable when addressed. When they do so, they MAY either
- provide address-updating information with a 551 code, or may
- reject the message as undeliverable with a 550 code and no
- address-specific information. But, if a 551 code is used, they
- MUST NOT assume that the client will actually update address
- information or even return that information to the user.
- SMTP server implementations that support the 251 and/or 551 reply
- codes are strongly encouraged to provide configuration mechanisms so
- that sites which conclude that they would undesirably disclose
- information can disable or restrict their use.
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-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.5" href="#section-3.5">3.5</a> Commands for Debugging Addresses</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.5.1" href="#section-3.5.1">3.5.1</a> Overview</h4></span>
- SMTP provides commands to verify a user name or obtain the content of
- a mailing list. This is done with the VRFY and EXPN commands, which
- have character string arguments. Implementations SHOULD support VRFY
- and EXPN (however, see <a href="#section-3.5.2">section 3.5.2</a> and 7.3).
- For the VRFY command, the string is a user name or a user name and
- domain (see below). If a normal (i.e., 250) response is returned,
- the response MAY include the full name of the user and MUST include
- the mailbox of the user. It MUST be in either of the following
- forms:
- User Name &lt;local-part@domain&gt;
- local-part@domain
- When a name that is the argument to VRFY could identify more than one
- mailbox, the server MAY either note the ambiguity or identify the
- alternatives. In other words, any of the following are legitimate
- response to VRFY:
- 553 User ambiguous
- or
- 553- Ambiguous; Possibilities are
- 553-Joe Smith &lt;jsmith@foo.com&gt;
- 553-Harry Smith &lt;hsmith@foo.com&gt;
- 553 Melvin Smith &lt;dweep@foo.com&gt;
- or
- 553-Ambiguous; Possibilities
- 553- &lt;jsmith@foo.com&gt;
- 553- &lt;hsmith@foo.com&gt;
- 553 &lt;dweep@foo.com&gt;
- Under normal circumstances, a client receiving a 553 reply would be
- expected to expose the result to the user. Use of exactly the forms
- given, and the "user ambiguous" or "ambiguous" keywords, possibly
- supplemented by extended reply codes such as those described in [<a href="#ref-34" title='"Enhanced Mail System Status Codes"'>34</a>],
- will facilitate automated translation into other languages as needed.
- Of course, a client that was highly automated or that was operating
- in another language than English, might choose to try to translate
- the response, to return some other indication to the user than the
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- literal text of the reply, or to take some automated action such as
- consulting a directory service for additional information before
- reporting to the user.
- For the EXPN command, the string identifies a mailing list, and the
- successful (i.e., 250) multiline response MAY include the full name
- of the users and MUST give the mailboxes on the mailing list.
- In some hosts the distinction between a mailing list and an alias for
- a single mailbox is a bit fuzzy, since a common data structure may
- hold both types of entries, and it is possible to have mailing lists
- containing only one mailbox. If a request is made to apply VRFY to a
- mailing list, a positive response MAY be given if a message so
- addressed would be delivered to everyone on the list, otherwise an
- error SHOULD be reported (e.g., "550 That is a mailing list, not a
- user" or "252 Unable to verify members of mailing list"). If a
- request is made to expand a user name, the server MAY return a
- positive response consisting of a list containing one name, or an
- error MAY be reported (e.g., "550 That is a user name, not a mailing
- list").
- In the case of a successful multiline reply (normal for EXPN) exactly
- one mailbox is to be specified on each line of the reply. The case
- of an ambiguous request is discussed above.
- "User name" is a fuzzy term and has been used deliberately. An
- implementation of the VRFY or EXPN commands MUST include at least
- recognition of local mailboxes as "user names". However, since
- current Internet practice often results in a single host handling
- mail for multiple domains, hosts, especially hosts that provide this
- functionality, SHOULD accept the "local-part@domain" form as a "user
- name"; hosts MAY also choose to recognize other strings as "user
- names".
- The case of expanding a mailbox list requires a multiline reply, such
- as:
- C: EXPN Example-People
- S: 250-Jon Postel &lt;Postel@isi.edu&gt;
- S: 250-Fred Fonebone &lt;Fonebone@physics.foo-u.edu&gt;
- S: 250 Sam Q. Smith &lt;SQSmith@specific.generic.com&gt;
- or
- C: EXPN Executive-Washroom-List
- S: 550 Access Denied to You.
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- The character string arguments of the VRFY and EXPN commands cannot
- be further restricted due to the variety of implementations of the
- user name and mailbox list concepts. On some systems it may be
- appropriate for the argument of the EXPN command to be a file name
- for a file containing a mailing list, but again there are a variety
- of file naming conventions in the Internet. Similarly, historical
- variations in what is returned by these commands are such that the
- response SHOULD be interpreted very carefully, if at all, and SHOULD
- generally only be used for diagnostic purposes.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.5.2" href="#section-3.5.2">3.5.2</a> VRFY Normal Response</h4></span>
- When normal (2yz or 551) responses are returned from a VRFY or EXPN
- request, the reply normally includes the mailbox name, i.e.,
- "&lt;local-part@domain&gt;", where "domain" is a fully qualified domain
- name, MUST appear in the syntax. In circumstances exceptional enough
- to justify violating the intent of this specification, free-form text
- MAY be returned. In order to facilitate parsing by both computers
- and people, addresses SHOULD appear in pointed brackets. When
- addresses, rather than free-form debugging information, are returned,
- EXPN and VRFY MUST return only valid domain addresses that are usable
- in SMTP RCPT commands. Consequently, if an address implies delivery
- to a program or other system, the mailbox name used to reach that
- target MUST be given. Paths (explicit source routes) MUST NOT be
- returned by VRFY or EXPN.
- Server implementations SHOULD support both VRFY and EXPN. For
- security reasons, implementations MAY provide local installations a
- way to disable either or both of these commands through configuration
- options or the equivalent. When these commands are supported, they
- are not required to work across relays when relaying is supported.
- Since they were both optional in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a>, they MUST be listed as
- service extensions in an EHLO response, if they are supported.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.5.3" href="#section-3.5.3">3.5.3</a> Meaning of VRFY or EXPN Success Response</h4></span>
- A server MUST NOT return a 250 code in response to a VRFY or EXPN
- command unless it has actually verified the address. In particular,
- a server MUST NOT return 250 if all it has done is to verify that the
- syntax given is valid. In that case, 502 (Command not implemented)
- or 500 (Syntax error, command unrecognized) SHOULD be returned. As
- stated elsewhere, implementation (in the sense of actually validating
- addresses and returning information) of VRFY and EXPN are strongly
- recommended. Hence, implementations that return 500 or 502 for VRFY
- are not in full compliance with this specification.
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- There may be circumstances where an address appears to be valid but
- cannot reasonably be verified in real time, particularly when a
- server is acting as a mail exchanger for another server or domain.
- "Apparent validity" in this case would normally involve at least
- syntax checking and might involve verification that any domains
- specified were ones to which the host expected to be able to relay
- mail. In these situations, reply code 252 SHOULD be returned. These
- cases parallel the discussion of RCPT verification discussed in
- <a href="#section-2.1">section 2.1</a>. Similarly, the discussion in <a href="#section-3.4">section 3.4</a> applies to the
- use of reply codes 251 and 551 with VRFY (and EXPN) to indicate
- addresses that are recognized but that would be forwarded or bounced
- were mail received for them. Implementations generally SHOULD be
- more aggressive about address verification in the case of VRFY than
- in the case of RCPT, even if it takes a little longer to do so.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.5.4" href="#section-3.5.4">3.5.4</a> Semantics and Applications of EXPN</h4></span>
- EXPN is often very useful in debugging and understanding problems
- with mailing lists and multiple-target-address aliases. Some systems
- have attempted to use source expansion of mailing lists as a means of
- eliminating duplicates. The propagation of aliasing systems with
- mail on the Internet, for hosts (typically with MX and CNAME DNS
- records), for mailboxes (various types of local host aliases), and in
- various proxying arrangements, has made it nearly impossible for
- these strategies to work consistently, and mail systems SHOULD NOT
- attempt them.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.6" href="#section-3.6">3.6</a> Domains</h3></span>
- Only resolvable, fully-qualified, domain names (FQDNs) are permitted
- when domain names are used in SMTP. In other words, names that can
- be resolved to MX RRs or A RRs (as discussed in <a href="#section-5">section 5</a>) are
- permitted, as are CNAME RRs whose targets can be resolved, in turn,
- to MX or A RRs. Local nicknames or unqualified names MUST NOT be
- used. There are two exceptions to the rule requiring FQDNs:
- - The domain name given in the EHLO command MUST BE either a primary
- host name (a domain name that resolves to an A RR) or, if the host
- has no name, an address literal as described in <a href="#section-">section</a>.
- - The reserved mailbox name "postmaster" may be used in a RCPT
- command without domain qualification (see <a href="#section-">section</a>) and
- MUST be accepted if so used.
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-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.7" href="#section-3.7">3.7</a> Relaying</h3></span>
- In general, the availability of Mail eXchanger records in the domain
- name system [<a href="#ref-22" title='"Domain names - implementation and specification"'>22</a>, <a href="#ref-27" title='"Mail routing and the domain system"'>27</a>] makes the use of explicit source routes in the
- Internet mail system unnecessary. Many historical problems with
- their interpretation have made their use undesirable. SMTP clients
- SHOULD NOT generate explicit source routes except under unusual
- circumstances. SMTP servers MAY decline to act as mail relays or to
- accept addresses that specify source routes. When route information
- is encountered, SMTP servers are also permitted to ignore the route
- information and simply send to the final destination specified as the
- last element in the route and SHOULD do so. There has been an
- invalid practice of using names that do not appear in the DNS as
- destination names, with the senders counting on the intermediate
- hosts specified in source routing to resolve any problems. If source
- routes are stripped, this practice will cause failures. This is one
- of several reasons why SMTP clients MUST NOT generate invalid source
- routes or depend on serial resolution of names.
- When source routes are not used, the process described in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> for
- constructing a reverse-path from the forward-path is not applicable
- and the reverse-path at the time of delivery will simply be the
- address that appeared in the MAIL command.
- A relay SMTP server is usually the target of a DNS MX record that
- designates it, rather than the final delivery system. The relay
- server may accept or reject the task of relaying the mail in the same
- way it accepts or rejects mail for a local user. If it accepts the
- task, it then becomes an SMTP client, establishes a transmission
- channel to the next SMTP server specified in the DNS (according to
- the rules in <a href="#section-5">section 5</a>), and sends it the mail. If it declines to
- relay mail to a particular address for policy reasons, a 550 response
- SHOULD be returned.
- Many mail-sending clients exist, especially in conjunction with
- facilities that receive mail via POP3 or IMAP, that have limited
- capability to support some of the requirements of this specification,
- such as the ability to queue messages for subsequent delivery
- attempts. For these clients, it is common practice to make private
- arrangements to send all messages to a single server for processing
- and subsequent distribution. SMTP, as specified here, is not ideally
- suited for this role, and work is underway on standardized mail
- submission protocols that might eventually supercede the current
- practices. In any event, because these arrangements are private and
- fall outside the scope of this specification, they are not described
- here.
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- It is important to note that MX records can point to SMTP servers
- which act as gateways into other environments, not just SMTP relays
- and final delivery systems; see sections <a href="#section-3.8">3.8</a> and <a href="#section-5">5</a>.
- If an SMTP server has accepted the task of relaying the mail and
- later finds that the destination is incorrect or that the mail cannot
- be delivered for some other reason, then it MUST construct an
- "undeliverable mail" notification message and send it to the
- originator of the undeliverable mail (as indicated by the reverse-
- path). Formats specified for non-delivery reports by other standards
- (see, for example, [<a href="#ref-24" title='"SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications"'>24</a>, <a href="#ref-25" title='"An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications"'>25</a>]) SHOULD be used if possible.
- This notification message must be from the SMTP server at the relay
- host or the host that first determines that delivery cannot be
- accomplished. Of course, SMTP servers MUST NOT send notification
- messages about problems transporting notification messages. One way
- to prevent loops in error reporting is to specify a null reverse-path
- in the MAIL command of a notification message. When such a message
- is transmitted the reverse-path MUST be set to null (see <a href="#section-4.5.5">section</a>
- <a href="#section-4.5.5">4.5.5</a> for additional discussion). A MAIL command with a null
- reverse-path appears as follows:
- MAIL FROM:&lt;&gt;
- As discussed in <a href="#section-2.4.1">section 2.4.1</a>, a relay SMTP has no need to inspect or
- act upon the headers or body of the message data and MUST NOT do so
- except to add its own "Received:" header (<a href="#section-4.4">section 4.4</a>) and,
- optionally, to attempt to detect looping in the mail system (see
- <a href="#section-6.2">section 6.2</a>).
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.8" href="#section-3.8">3.8</a> Mail Gatewaying</h3></span>
- While the relay function discussed above operates within the Internet
- SMTP transport service environment, MX records or various forms of
- explicit routing may require that an intermediate SMTP server perform
- a translation function between one transport service and another. As
- discussed in <a href="#section-2.3.8">section 2.3.8</a>, when such a system is at the boundary
- between two transport service environments, we refer to it as a
- "gateway" or "gateway SMTP".
- Gatewaying mail between different mail environments, such as
- different mail formats and protocols, is complex and does not easily
- yield to standardization. However, some general requirements may be
- given for a gateway between the Internet and another mail
- environment.
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.8.1" href="#section-3.8.1">3.8.1</a> Header Fields in Gatewaying</h4></span>
- Header fields MAY be rewritten when necessary as messages are
- gatewayed across mail environment boundaries. This may involve
- inspecting the message body or interpreting the local-part of the
- destination address in spite of the prohibitions in <a href="#section-2.4.1">section 2.4.1</a>.
- Other mail systems gatewayed to the Internet often use a subset of
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a> headers or provide similar functionality with a different
- syntax, but some of these mail systems do not have an equivalent to
- the SMTP envelope. Therefore, when a message leaves the Internet
- environment, it may be necessary to fold the SMTP envelope
- information into the message header. A possible solution would be to
- create new header fields to carry the envelope information (e.g.,
- "X-SMTP-MAIL:" and "X-SMTP-RCPT:"); however, this would require
- changes in mail programs in foreign environments and might risk
- disclosure of private information (see <a href="#section-7.2">section 7.2</a>).
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.8.2" href="#section-3.8.2">3.8.2</a> Received Lines in Gatewaying</h4></span>
- When forwarding a message into or out of the Internet environment, a
- gateway MUST prepend a Received: line, but it MUST NOT alter in any
- way a Received: line that is already in the header.
- "Received:" fields of messages originating from other environments
- may not conform exactly to this specification. However, the most
- important use of Received: lines is for debugging mail faults, and
- this debugging can be severely hampered by well-meaning gateways that
- try to "fix" a Received: line. As another consequence of trace
- fields arising in non-SMTP environments, receiving systems MUST NOT
- reject mail based on the format of a trace field and SHOULD be
- extremely robust in the light of unexpected information or formats in
- those fields.
- The gateway SHOULD indicate the environment and protocol in the "via"
- clauses of Received field(s) that it supplies.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.8.3" href="#section-3.8.3">3.8.3</a> Addresses in Gatewaying</h4></span>
- From the Internet side, the gateway SHOULD accept all valid address
- formats in SMTP commands and in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a> headers, and all valid <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC</a>
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">822</a> messages. Addresses and headers generated by gateways MUST
- conform to applicable Internet standards (including this one and <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC</a>
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">822</a>). Gateways are, of course, subject to the same rules for
- handling source routes as those described for other SMTP systems in
- <a href="#section-3.3">section 3.3</a>.
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.8.4" href="#section-3.8.4">3.8.4</a> Other Header Fields in Gatewaying</h4></span>
- The gateway MUST ensure that all header fields of a message that it
- forwards into the Internet mail environment meet the requirements for
- Internet mail. In particular, all addresses in "From:", "To:",
- "Cc:", etc., fields MUST be transformed (if necessary) to satisfy <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC</a>
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">822</a> syntax, MUST reference only fully-qualified domain names, and
- MUST be effective and useful for sending replies. The translation
- algorithm used to convert mail from the Internet protocols to another
- environment's protocol SHOULD ensure that error messages from the
- foreign mail environment are delivered to the return path from the
- SMTP envelope, not to the sender listed in the "From:" field (or
- other fields) of the <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a> message.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.8.5" href="#section-3.8.5">3.8.5</a> Envelopes in Gatewaying</h4></span>
- Similarly, when forwarding a message from another environment into
- the Internet, the gateway SHOULD set the envelope return path in
- accordance with an error message return address, if supplied by the
- foreign environment. If the foreign environment has no equivalent
- concept, the gateway must select and use a best approximation, with
- the message originator's address as the default of last resort.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.9" href="#section-3.9">3.9</a> Terminating Sessions and Connections</h3></span>
- An SMTP connection is terminated when the client sends a QUIT
- command. The server responds with a positive reply code, after which
- it closes the connection.
- An SMTP server MUST NOT intentionally close the connection except:
- - After receiving a QUIT command and responding with a 221 reply.
- - After detecting the need to shut down the SMTP service and
- returning a 421 response code. This response code can be issued
- after the server receives any command or, if necessary,
- asynchronously from command receipt (on the assumption that the
- client will receive it after the next command is issued).
- In particular, a server that closes connections in response to
- commands that are not understood is in violation of this
- specification. Servers are expected to be tolerant of unknown
- commands, issuing a 500 reply and awaiting further instructions from
- the client.
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- An SMTP server which is forcibly shut down via external means SHOULD
- attempt to send a line containing a 421 response code to the SMTP
- client before exiting. The SMTP client will normally read the 421
- response code after sending its next command.
- SMTP clients that experience a connection close, reset, or other
- communications failure due to circumstances not under their control
- (in violation of the intent of this specification but sometimes
- unavoidable) SHOULD, to maintain the robustness of the mail system,
- treat the mail transaction as if a 451 response had been received and
- act accordingly.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.10" href="#section-3.10">3.10</a> Mailing Lists and Aliases</h3></span>
- An SMTP-capable host SHOULD support both the alias and the list
- models of address expansion for multiple delivery. When a message is
- delivered or forwarded to each address of an expanded list form, the
- return address in the envelope ("MAIL FROM:") MUST be changed to be
- the address of a person or other entity who administers the list.
- However, in this case, the message header [<a href="#ref-32" title='"Internet Message Format"'>32</a>] MUST be left
- unchanged; in particular, the "From" field of the message header is
- unaffected.
- An important mail facility is a mechanism for multi-destination
- delivery of a single message, by transforming (or "expanding" or
- "exploding") a pseudo-mailbox address into a list of destination
- mailbox addresses. When a message is sent to such a pseudo-mailbox
- (sometimes called an "exploder"), copies are forwarded or
- redistributed to each mailbox in the expanded list. Servers SHOULD
- simply utilize the addresses on the list; application of heuristics
- or other matching rules to eliminate some addresses, such as that of
- the originator, is strongly discouraged. We classify such a pseudo-
- mailbox as an "alias" or a "list", depending upon the expansion
- rules.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.10.1" href="#section-3.10.1">3.10.1</a> Alias</h4></span>
- To expand an alias, the recipient mailer simply replaces the pseudo-
- mailbox address in the envelope with each of the expanded addresses
- in turn; the rest of the envelope and the message body are left
- unchanged. The message is then delivered or forwarded to each
- expanded address.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.10.2" href="#section-3.10.2">3.10.2</a> List</h4></span>
- A mailing list may be said to operate by "redistribution" rather than
- by "forwarding". To expand a list, the recipient mailer replaces the
- pseudo-mailbox address in the envelope with all of the expanded
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- addresses. The return address in the envelope is changed so that all
- error messages generated by the final deliveries will be returned to
- a list administrator, not to the message originator, who generally
- has no control over the contents of the list and will typically find
- error messages annoying.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-4" href="#section-4">4</a>. The SMTP Specifications</h2></span>
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-4.1" href="#section-4.1">4.1</a> SMTP Commands</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.1.1" href="#section-4.1.1">4.1.1</a> Command Semantics and Syntax</h4></span>
- The SMTP commands define the mail transfer or the mail system
- function requested by the user. SMTP commands are character strings
- terminated by &lt;CRLF&gt;. The commands themselves are alphabetic
- characters terminated by &lt;SP&gt; if parameters follow and &lt;CRLF&gt;
- otherwise. (In the interest of improved interoperability, SMTP
- receivers are encouraged to tolerate trailing white space before the
- terminating &lt;CRLF&gt;.) The syntax of the local part of a mailbox must
- conform to receiver site conventions and the syntax specified in
- <a href="#section-4.1.2">section 4.1.2</a>. The SMTP commands are discussed below. The SMTP
- replies are discussed in <a href="#section-4.2">section 4.2</a>.
- A mail transaction involves several data objects which are
- communicated as arguments to different commands. The reverse-path is
- the argument of the MAIL command, the forward-path is the argument of
- the RCPT command, and the mail data is the argument of the DATA
- command. These arguments or data objects must be transmitted and
- held pending the confirmation communicated by the end of mail data
- indication which finalizes the transaction. The model for this is
- that distinct buffers are provided to hold the types of data objects,
- that is, there is a reverse-path buffer, a forward-path buffer, and a
- mail data buffer. Specific commands cause information to be appended
- to a specific buffer, or cause one or more buffers to be cleared.
- Several commands (RSET, DATA, QUIT) are specified as not permitting
- parameters. In the absence of specific extensions offered by the
- server and accepted by the client, clients MUST NOT send such
- parameters and servers SHOULD reject commands containing them as
- having invalid syntax.
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> Extended HELLO (EHLO) or HELLO (HELO)</h5></span>
- These commands are used to identify the SMTP client to the SMTP
- server. The argument field contains the fully-qualified domain name
- of the SMTP client if one is available. In situations in which the
- SMTP client system does not have a meaningful domain name (e.g., when
- its address is dynamically allocated and no reverse mapping record is
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- available), the client SHOULD send an address literal (see <a href="#section-4.1.3">section</a>
- <a href="#section-4.1.3">4.1.3</a>), optionally followed by information that will help to identify
- the client system. y The SMTP server identifies itself to the SMTP
- client in the connection greeting reply and in the response to this
- command.
- A client SMTP SHOULD start an SMTP session by issuing the EHLO
- command. If the SMTP server supports the SMTP service extensions it
- will give a successful response, a failure response, or an error
- response. If the SMTP server, in violation of this specification,
- does not support any SMTP service extensions it will generate an
- error response. Older client SMTP systems MAY, as discussed above,
- use HELO (as specified in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a>) instead of EHLO, and servers MUST
- support the HELO command and reply properly to it. In any event, a
- client MUST issue HELO or EHLO before starting a mail transaction.
- These commands, and a "250 OK" reply to one of them, confirm that
- both the SMTP client and the SMTP server are in the initial state,
- that is, there is no transaction in progress and all state tables and
- buffers are cleared.
- Syntax:
- ehlo = "EHLO" SP Domain CRLF
- helo = "HELO" SP Domain CRLF
- Normally, the response to EHLO will be a multiline reply. Each line
- of the response contains a keyword and, optionally, one or more
- parameters. Following the normal syntax for multiline replies, these
- keyworks follow the code (250) and a hyphen for all but the last
- line, and the code and a space for the last line. The syntax for a
- positive response, using the ABNF notation and terminal symbols of
- [<a href="#ref-8" title='"Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF"'>8</a>], is:
- ehlo-ok-rsp = ( "250" domain [ SP ehlo-greet ] CRLF )
- / ( "250-" domain [ SP ehlo-greet ] CRLF
- *( "250-" ehlo-line CRLF )
- "250" SP ehlo-line CRLF )
- ehlo-greet = 1*(%d0-9 / %d11-12 / %d14-127)
- ; string of any characters other than CR or LF
- ehlo-line = ehlo-keyword *( SP ehlo-param )
- ehlo-keyword = (ALPHA / DIGIT) *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
- ; additional syntax of ehlo-params depends on
- ; ehlo-keyword
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- ehlo-param = 1*(%d33-127)
- ; any CHAR excluding &lt;SP&gt; and all
- ; control characters (US-ASCII 0-31 inclusive)
- Although EHLO keywords may be specified in upper, lower, or mixed
- case, they MUST always be recognized and processed in a case-
- insensitive manner. This is simply an extension of practices
- specified in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> and <a href="#section-2.4.1">section 2.4.1</a>.
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> MAIL (MAIL)</h5></span>
- This command is used to initiate a mail transaction in which the mail
- data is delivered to an SMTP server which may, in turn, deliver it to
- one or more mailboxes or pass it on to another system (possibly using
- SMTP). The argument field contains a reverse-path and may contain
- optional parameters. In general, the MAIL command may be sent only
- when no mail transaction is in progress, see <a href="#section-4.1.4">section 4.1.4</a>.
- The reverse-path consists of the sender mailbox. Historically, that
- mailbox might optionally have been preceded by a list of hosts, but
- that behavior is now deprecated (see <a href="#appendix-C">appendix C</a>). In some types of
- reporting messages for which a reply is likely to cause a mail loop
- (for example, mail delivery and nondelivery notifications), the
- reverse-path may be null (see <a href="#section-3.7">section 3.7</a>).
- This command clears the reverse-path buffer, the forward-path buffer,
- and the mail data buffer; and inserts the reverse-path information
- from this command into the reverse-path buffer.
- If service extensions were negotiated, the MAIL command may also
- carry parameters associated with a particular service extension.
- Syntax:
- "MAIL FROM:" ("&lt;&gt;" / Reverse-Path)
- [SP Mail-parameters] CRLF
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> RECIPIENT (RCPT)</h5></span>
- This command is used to identify an individual recipient of the mail
- data; multiple recipients are specified by multiple use of this
- command. The argument field contains a forward-path and may contain
- optional parameters.
- The forward-path normally consists of the required destination
- mailbox. Sending systems SHOULD not generate the optional list of
- hosts known as a source route. Receiving systems MUST recognize
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- source route syntax but SHOULD strip off the source route
- specification and utilize the domain name associated with the mailbox
- as if the source route had not been provided.
- Similarly, relay hosts SHOULD strip or ignore source routes, and
- names MUST NOT be copied into the reverse-path. When mail reaches
- its ultimate destination (the forward-path contains only a
- destination mailbox), the SMTP server inserts it into the destination
- mailbox in accordance with its host mail conventions.
- For example, mail received at relay host xyz.com with envelope
- commands
- MAIL FROM:&lt;userx@y.foo.org&gt;
- RCPT TO:&lt;@hosta.int,@jkl.org:userc@d.bar.org&gt;
- will normally be sent directly on to host d.bar.org with envelope
- commands
- MAIL FROM:&lt;userx@y.foo.org&gt;
- RCPT TO:&lt;userc@d.bar.org&gt;
- As provided in <a href="#appendix-C">appendix C</a>, xyz.com MAY also choose to relay the
- message to hosta.int, using the envelope commands
- MAIL FROM:&lt;userx@y.foo.org&gt;
- RCPT TO:&lt;@hosta.int,@jkl.org:userc@d.bar.org&gt;
- or to jkl.org, using the envelope commands
- MAIL FROM:&lt;userx@y.foo.org&gt;
- RCPT TO:&lt;@jkl.org:userc@d.bar.org&gt;
- Of course, since hosts are not required to relay mail at all, xyz.com
- may also reject the message entirely when the RCPT command is
- received, using a 550 code (since this is a "policy reason").
- If service extensions were negotiated, the RCPT command may also
- carry parameters associated with a particular service extension
- offered by the server. The client MUST NOT transmit parameters other
- than those associated with a service extension offered by the server
- in its EHLO response.
- "RCPT TO:" ("&lt;Postmaster@" domain "&gt;" / "&lt;Postmaster&gt;" / Forward-Path)
- [SP Rcpt-parameters] CRLF
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-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> DATA (DATA)</h5></span>
- The receiver normally sends a 354 response to DATA, and then treats
- the lines (strings ending in &lt;CRLF&gt; sequences, as described in
- <a href="#section-2.3.7">section 2.3.7</a>) following the command as mail data from the sender.
- This command causes the mail data to be appended to the mail data
- buffer. The mail data may contain any of the 128 ASCII character
- codes, although experience has indicated that use of control
- characters other than SP, HT, CR, and LF may cause problems and
- SHOULD be avoided when possible.
- The mail data is terminated by a line containing only a period, that
- is, the character sequence "&lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;" (see <a href="#section-4.5.2">section 4.5.2</a>). This
- is the end of mail data indication. Note that the first &lt;CRLF&gt; of
- this terminating sequence is also the &lt;CRLF&gt; that ends the final line
- of the data (message text) or, if there was no data, ends the DATA
- command itself. An extra &lt;CRLF&gt; MUST NOT be added, as that would
- cause an empty line to be added to the message. The only exception
- to this rule would arise if the message body were passed to the
- originating SMTP-sender with a final "line" that did not end in
- &lt;CRLF&gt;; in that case, the originating SMTP system MUST either reject
- the message as invalid or add &lt;CRLF&gt; in order to have the receiving
- SMTP server recognize the "end of data" condition.
- The custom of accepting lines ending only in &lt;LF&gt;, as a concession to
- non-conforming behavior on the part of some UNIX systems, has proven
- to cause more interoperability problems than it solves, and SMTP
- server systems MUST NOT do this, even in the name of improved
- robustness. In particular, the sequence "&lt;LF&gt;.&lt;LF&gt;" (bare line
- feeds, without carriage returns) MUST NOT be treated as equivalent to
- &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt; as the end of mail data indication.
- Receipt of the end of mail data indication requires the server to
- process the stored mail transaction information. This processing
- consumes the information in the reverse-path buffer, the forward-path
- buffer, and the mail data buffer, and on the completion of this
- command these buffers are cleared. If the processing is successful,
- the receiver MUST send an OK reply. If the processing fails the
- receiver MUST send a failure reply. The SMTP model does not allow
- for partial failures at this point: either the message is accepted by
- the server for delivery and a positive response is returned or it is
- not accepted and a failure reply is returned. In sending a positive
- completion reply to the end of data indication, the receiver takes
- full responsibility for the message (see <a href="#section-6.1">section 6.1</a>). Errors that
- are diagnosed subsequently MUST be reported in a mail message, as
- discussed in <a href="#section-4.4">section 4.4</a>.
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- When the SMTP server accepts a message either for relaying or for
- final delivery, it inserts a trace record (also referred to
- interchangeably as a "time stamp line" or "Received" line) at the top
- of the mail data. This trace record indicates the identity of the
- host that sent the message, the identity of the host that received
- the message (and is inserting this time stamp), and the date and time
- the message was received. Relayed messages will have multiple time
- stamp lines. Details for formation of these lines, including their
- syntax, is specified in <a href="#section-4.4">section 4.4</a>.
- Additional discussion about the operation of the DATA command appears
- in <a href="#section-3.3">section 3.3</a>.
- Syntax:
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> RESET (RSET)</h5></span>
- This command specifies that the current mail transaction will be
- aborted. Any stored sender, recipients, and mail data MUST be
- discarded, and all buffers and state tables cleared. The receiver
- MUST send a "250 OK" reply to a RSET command with no arguments. A
- reset command may be issued by the client at any time. It is
- effectively equivalent to a NOOP (i.e., if has no effect) if issued
- immediately after EHLO, before EHLO is issued in the session, after
- an end-of-data indicator has been sent and acknowledged, or
- immediately before a QUIT. An SMTP server MUST NOT close the
- connection as the result of receiving a RSET; that action is reserved
- for QUIT (see <a href="#section-">section</a>).
- Since EHLO implies some additional processing and response by the
- server, RSET will normally be more efficient than reissuing that
- command, even though the formal semantics are the same.
- There are circumstances, contrary to the intent of this
- specification, in which an SMTP server may receive an indication that
- the underlying TCP connection has been closed or reset. To preserve
- the robustness of the mail system, SMTP servers SHOULD be prepared
- for this condition and SHOULD treat it as if a QUIT had been received
- before the connection disappeared.
- Syntax:
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-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> VERIFY (VRFY)</h5></span>
- This command asks the receiver to confirm that the argument
- identifies a user or mailbox. If it is a user name, information is
- returned as specified in <a href="#section-3.5">section 3.5</a>.
- This command has no effect on the reverse-path buffer, the forward-
- path buffer, or the mail data buffer.
- Syntax:
- "VRFY" SP String CRLF
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> EXPAND (EXPN)</h5></span>
- This command asks the receiver to confirm that the argument
- identifies a mailing list, and if so, to return the membership of
- that list. If the command is successful, a reply is returned
- containing information as described in <a href="#section-3.5">section 3.5</a>. This reply will
- have multiple lines except in the trivial case of a one-member list.
- This command has no effect on the reverse-path buffer, the forward-
- path buffer, or the mail data buffer and may be issued at any time.
- Syntax:
- "EXPN" SP String CRLF
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> HELP (HELP)</h5></span>
- This command causes the server to send helpful information to the
- client. The command MAY take an argument (e.g., any command name)
- and return more specific information as a response.
- This command has no effect on the reverse-path buffer, the forward-
- path buffer, or the mail data buffer and may be issued at any time.
- SMTP servers SHOULD support HELP without arguments and MAY support it
- with arguments.
- Syntax:
- "HELP" [ SP String ] CRLF
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> NOOP (NOOP)</h5></span>
- This command does not affect any parameters or previously entered
- commands. It specifies no action other than that the receiver send
- an OK reply.
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- This command has no effect on the reverse-path buffer, the forward-
- path buffer, or the mail data buffer and may be issued at any time.
- If a parameter string is specified, servers SHOULD ignore it.
- Syntax:
- "NOOP" [ SP String ] CRLF
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> QUIT (QUIT)</h5></span>
- This command specifies that the receiver MUST send an OK reply, and
- then close the transmission channel.
- The receiver MUST NOT intentionally close the transmission channel
- until it receives and replies to a QUIT command (even if there was an
- error). The sender MUST NOT intentionally close the transmission
- channel until it sends a QUIT command and SHOULD wait until it
- receives the reply (even if there was an error response to a previous
- command). If the connection is closed prematurely due to violations
- of the above or system or network failure, the server MUST cancel any
- pending transaction, but not undo any previously completed
- transaction, and generally MUST act as if the command or transaction
- in progress had received a temporary error (i.e., a 4yz response).
- The QUIT command may be issued at any time.
- Syntax:
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.1.2" href="#section-4.1.2">4.1.2</a> Command Argument Syntax</h4></span>
- The syntax of the argument fields of the above commands (using the
- syntax specified in [<a href="#ref-8" title='"Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF"'>8</a>] where applicable) is given below. Some of
- the productions given below are used only in conjunction with source
- routes as described in <a href="#appendix-C">appendix C</a>. Terminals not defined in this
- document, such as ALPHA, DIGIT, SP, CR, LF, CRLF, are as defined in
- the "core" syntax [8 (<a href="#section-6">section 6</a>)] or in the message format syntax
- [<a href="#ref-32" title='"Internet Message Format"'>32</a>].
- Reverse-path = Path
- Forward-path = Path
- Path = "&lt;" [ A-d-l ":" ] Mailbox "&gt;"
- A-d-l = At-domain *( "," A-d-l )
- ; Note that this form, the so-called "source route",
- ; MUST BE accepted, SHOULD NOT be generated, and SHOULD be
- ; ignored.
- At-domain = "@" domain
- Mail-parameters = esmtp-param *(SP esmtp-param)
- Rcpt-parameters = esmtp-param *(SP esmtp-param)
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- esmtp-param = esmtp-keyword ["=" esmtp-value]
- esmtp-keyword = (ALPHA / DIGIT) *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
- esmtp-value = 1*(%d33-60 / %d62-127)
- ; any CHAR excluding "=", SP, and control characters
- Keyword = Ldh-str
- Argument = Atom
- Domain = (sub-domain 1*("." sub-domain)) / address-literal
- sub-domain = Let-dig [Ldh-str]
- address-literal = "[" IPv4-address-literal /
- IPv6-address-literal /
- General-address-literal "]"
- ; See <a href="#section-4.1.3">section 4.1.3</a>
- Mailbox = Local-part "@" Domain
- Local-part = Dot-string / Quoted-string
- ; MAY be case-sensitive
- Dot-string = Atom *("." Atom)
- Atom = 1*atext
- Quoted-string = DQUOTE *qcontent DQUOTE
- String = Atom / Quoted-string
- While the above definition for Local-part is relatively permissive,
- for maximum interoperability, a host that expects to receive mail
- SHOULD avoid defining mailboxes where the Local-part requires (or
- uses) the Quoted-string form or where the Local-part is case-
- sensitive. For any purposes that require generating or comparing
- Local-parts (e.g., to specific mailbox names), all quoted forms MUST
- be treated as equivalent and the sending system SHOULD transmit the
- form that uses the minimum quoting possible.
- Systems MUST NOT define mailboxes in such a way as to require the use
- in SMTP of non-ASCII characters (octets with the high order bit set
- to one) or ASCII "control characters" (decimal value 0-31 and 127).
- These characters MUST NOT be used in MAIL or RCPT commands or other
- commands that require mailbox names.
- Note that the backslash, "\", is a quote character, which is used to
- indicate that the next character is to be used literally (instead of
- its normal interpretation). For example, "Joe\,Smith" indicates a
- single nine character user field with the comma being the fourth
- character of the field.
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- To promote interoperability and consistent with long-standing
- guidance about conservative use of the DNS in naming and applications
- (e.g., see <a href="#section-2.3.1">section 2.3.1</a> of the base DNS document, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035">RFC1035</a> [<a href="#ref-22" title='"Domain names - implementation and specification"'>22</a>]),
- characters outside the set of alphas, digits, and hyphen MUST NOT
- appear in domain name labels for SMTP clients or servers. In
- particular, the underscore character is not permitted. SMTP servers
- that receive a command in which invalid character codes have been
- employed, and for which there are no other reasons for rejection,
- MUST reject that command with a 501 response.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.1.3" href="#section-4.1.3">4.1.3</a> Address Literals</h4></span>
- Sometimes a host is not known to the domain name system and
- communication (and, in particular, communication to report and repair
- the error) is blocked. To bypass this barrier a special literal form
- of the address is allowed as an alternative to a domain name. For
- IPv4 addresses, this form uses four small decimal integers separated
- by dots and enclosed by brackets such as [], which
- indicates an (IPv4) Internet Address in sequence-of-octets form. For
- IPv6 and other forms of addressing that might eventually be
- standardized, the form consists of a standardized "tag" that
- identifies the address syntax, a colon, and the address itself, in a
- format specified as part of the IPv6 standards [<a href="#ref-17" title='"IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture"'>17</a>].
- Specifically:
- IPv4-address-literal = Snum 3("." Snum)
- IPv6-address-literal = "IPv6:" IPv6-addr
- General-address-literal = Standardized-tag ":" 1*dcontent
- Standardized-tag = Ldh-str
- ; MUST be specified in a standards-track RFC
- ; and registered with IANA
- Snum = 1*3DIGIT ; representing a decimal integer
- ; value in the range 0 through 255
- Let-dig = ALPHA / DIGIT
- Ldh-str = *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" ) Let-dig
- IPv6-addr = IPv6-full / IPv6-comp / IPv6v4-full / IPv6v4-comp
- IPv6-hex = 1*4HEXDIG
- IPv6-full = IPv6-hex 7(":" IPv6-hex)
- IPv6-comp = [IPv6-hex *5(":" IPv6-hex)] "::" [IPv6-hex *5(":"
- IPv6-hex)]
- ; The "::" represents at least 2 16-bit groups of zeros
- ; No more than 6 groups in addition to the "::" may be
- ; present
- IPv6v4-full = IPv6-hex 5(":" IPv6-hex) ":" IPv4-address-literal
- IPv6v4-comp = [IPv6-hex *3(":" IPv6-hex)] "::"
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- [IPv6-hex *3(":" IPv6-hex) ":"] IPv4-address-literal
- ; The "::" represents at least 2 16-bit groups of zeros
- ; No more than 4 groups in addition to the "::" and
- ; IPv4-address-literal may be present
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.1.4" href="#section-4.1.4">4.1.4</a> Order of Commands</h4></span>
- There are restrictions on the order in which these commands may be
- used.
- A session that will contain mail transactions MUST first be
- initialized by the use of the EHLO command. An SMTP server SHOULD
- accept commands for non-mail transactions (e.g., VRFY or EXPN)
- without this initialization.
- An EHLO command MAY be issued by a client later in the session. If
- it is issued after the session begins, the SMTP server MUST clear all
- buffers and reset the state exactly as if a RSET command had been
- issued. In other words, the sequence of RSET followed immediately by
- EHLO is redundant, but not harmful other than in the performance cost
- of executing unnecessary commands.
- If the EHLO command is not acceptable to the SMTP server, 501, 500,
- or 502 failure replies MUST be returned as appropriate. The SMTP
- server MUST stay in the same state after transmitting these replies
- that it was in before the EHLO was received.
- The SMTP client MUST, if possible, ensure that the domain parameter
- to the EHLO command is a valid principal host name (not a CNAME or MX
- name) for its host. If this is not possible (e.g., when the client's
- address is dynamically assigned and the client does not have an
- obvious name), an address literal SHOULD be substituted for the
- domain name and supplemental information provided that will assist in
- identifying the client.
- An SMTP server MAY verify that the domain name parameter in the EHLO
- command actually corresponds to the IP address of the client.
- However, the server MUST NOT refuse to accept a message for this
- reason if the verification fails: the information about verification
- failure is for logging and tracing only.
- The NOOP, HELP, EXPN, VRFY, and RSET commands can be used at any time
- during a session, or without previously initializing a session. SMTP
- servers SHOULD process these normally (that is, not return a 503
- code) even if no EHLO command has yet been received; clients SHOULD
- open a session with EHLO before sending these commands.
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- If these rules are followed, the example in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> that shows "550
- access denied to you" in response to an EXPN command is incorrect
- unless an EHLO command precedes the EXPN or the denial of access is
- based on the client's IP address or other authentication or
- authorization-determining mechanisms.
- The MAIL command (or the obsolete SEND, SOML, or SAML commands)
- begins a mail transaction. Once started, a mail transaction consists
- of a transaction beginning command, one or more RCPT commands, and a
- DATA command, in that order. A mail transaction may be aborted by
- the RSET (or a new EHLO) command. There may be zero or more
- transactions in a session. MAIL (or SEND, SOML, or SAML) MUST NOT be
- sent if a mail transaction is already open, i.e., it should be sent
- only if no mail transaction had been started in the session, or it
- the previous one successfully concluded with a successful DATA
- command, or if the previous one was aborted with a RSET.
- If the transaction beginning command argument is not acceptable, a
- 501 failure reply MUST be returned and the SMTP server MUST stay in
- the same state. If the commands in a transaction are out of order to
- the degree that they cannot be processed by the server, a 503 failure
- reply MUST be returned and the SMTP server MUST stay in the same
- state.
- The last command in a session MUST be the QUIT command. The QUIT
- command cannot be used at any other time in a session, but SHOULD be
- used by the client SMTP to request connection closure, even when no
- session opening command was sent and accepted.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.1.5" href="#section-4.1.5">4.1.5</a> Private-use Commands</h4></span>
- As specified in <a href="#section-2.2.2">section 2.2.2</a>, commands starting in "X" may be used
- by bilateral agreement between the client (sending) and server
- (receiving) SMTP agents. An SMTP server that does not recognize such
- a command is expected to reply with "500 Command not recognized". An
- extended SMTP server MAY list the feature names associated with these
- private commands in the response to the EHLO command.
- Commands sent or accepted by SMTP systems that do not start with "X"
- MUST conform to the requirements of <a href="#section-2.2.2">section 2.2.2</a>.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-4.2" href="#section-4.2">4.2</a> SMTP Replies</h3></span>
- Replies to SMTP commands serve to ensure the synchronization of
- requests and actions in the process of mail transfer and to guarantee
- that the SMTP client always knows the state of the SMTP server.
- Every command MUST generate exactly one reply.
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- The details of the command-reply sequence are described in <a href="#section-4.3">section</a>
- <a href="#section-4.3">4.3</a>.
- An SMTP reply consists of a three digit number (transmitted as three
- numeric characters) followed by some text unless specified otherwise
- in this document. The number is for use by automata to determine
- what state to enter next; the text is for the human user. The three
- digits contain enough encoded information that the SMTP client need
- not examine the text and may either discard it or pass it on to the
- user, as appropriate. Exceptions are as noted elsewhere in this
- document. In particular, the 220, 221, 251, 421, and 551 reply codes
- are associated with message text that must be parsed and interpreted
- by machines. In the general case, the text may be receiver dependent
- and context dependent, so there are likely to be varying texts for
- each reply code. A discussion of the theory of reply codes is given
- in <a href="#section-4.2.1">section 4.2.1</a>. Formally, a reply is defined to be the sequence: a
- three-digit code, &lt;SP&gt;, one line of text, and &lt;CRLF&gt;, or a multiline
- reply (as defined in <a href="#section-4.2.1">section 4.2.1</a>). Since, in violation of this
- specification, the text is sometimes not sent, clients which do not
- receive it SHOULD be prepared to process the code alone (with or
- without a trailing space character). Only the EHLO, EXPN, and HELP
- commands are expected to result in multiline replies in normal
- circumstances, however, multiline replies are allowed for any
- command.
- In ABNF, server responses are:
- Greeting = "220 " Domain [ SP text ] CRLF
- Reply-line = Reply-code [ SP text ] CRLF
- where "Greeting" appears only in the 220 response that announces that
- the server is opening its part of the connection.
- An SMTP server SHOULD send only the reply codes listed in this
- document. An SMTP server SHOULD use the text shown in the examples
- whenever appropriate.
- An SMTP client MUST determine its actions only by the reply code, not
- by the text (except for the "change of address" 251 and 551 and, if
- necessary, 220, 221, and 421 replies); in the general case, any text,
- including no text at all (although senders SHOULD NOT send bare
- codes), MUST be acceptable. The space (blank) following the reply
- code is considered part of the text. Whenever possible, a receiver-
- SMTP SHOULD test the first digit (severity indication) of the reply
- code.
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- The list of codes that appears below MUST NOT be construed as
- permanent. While the addition of new codes should be a rare and
- significant activity, with supplemental information in the textual
- part of the response being preferred, new codes may be added as the
- result of new Standards or Standards-track specifications.
- Consequently, a sender-SMTP MUST be prepared to handle codes not
- specified in this document and MUST do so by interpreting the first
- digit only.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.2.1" href="#section-4.2.1">4.2.1</a> Reply Code Severities and Theory</h4></span>
- The three digits of the reply each have a special significance. The
- first digit denotes whether the response is good, bad or incomplete.
- An unsophisticated SMTP client, or one that receives an unexpected
- code, will be able to determine its next action (proceed as planned,
- redo, retrench, etc.) by examining this first digit. An SMTP client
- that wants to know approximately what kind of error occurred (e.g.,
- mail system error, command syntax error) may examine the second
- digit. The third digit and any supplemental information that may be
- present is reserved for the finest gradation of information.
- There are five values for the first digit of the reply code:
- 1yz Positive Preliminary reply
- The command has been accepted, but the requested action is being
- held in abeyance, pending confirmation of the information in this
- reply. The SMTP client should send another command specifying
- whether to continue or abort the action. Note: unextended SMTP
- does not have any commands that allow this type of reply, and so
- does not have continue or abort commands.
- 2yz Positive Completion reply
- The requested action has been successfully completed. A new
- request may be initiated.
- 3yz Positive Intermediate reply
- The command has been accepted, but the requested action is being
- held in abeyance, pending receipt of further information. The
- SMTP client should send another command specifying this
- information. This reply is used in command sequence groups (i.e.,
- in DATA).
- 4yz Transient Negative Completion reply
- The command was not accepted, and the requested action did not
- occur. However, the error condition is temporary and the action
- may be requested again. The sender should return to the beginning
- of the command sequence (if any). It is difficult to assign a
- meaning to "transient" when two different sites (receiver- and
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- sender-SMTP agents) must agree on the interpretation. Each reply
- in this category might have a different time value, but the SMTP
- client is encouraged to try again. A rule of thumb to determine
- whether a reply fits into the 4yz or the 5yz category (see below)
- is that replies are 4yz if they can be successful if repeated
- without any change in command form or in properties of the sender
- or receiver (that is, the command is repeated identically and the
- receiver does not put up a new implementation.)
- 5yz Permanent Negative Completion reply
- The command was not accepted and the requested action did not
- occur. The SMTP client is discouraged from repeating the exact
- request (in the same sequence). Even some "permanent" error
- conditions can be corrected, so the human user may want to direct
- the SMTP client to reinitiate the command sequence by direct
- action at some point in the future (e.g., after the spelling has
- been changed, or the user has altered the account status).
- The second digit encodes responses in specific categories:
- x0z Syntax: These replies refer to syntax errors, syntactically
- correct commands that do not fit any functional category, and
- unimplemented or superfluous commands.
- x1z Information: These are replies to requests for information,
- such as status or help.
- x2z Connections: These are replies referring to the transmission
- channel.
- x3z Unspecified.
- x4z Unspecified.
- x5z Mail system: These replies indicate the status of the receiver
- mail system vis-a-vis the requested transfer or other mail system
- action.
- The third digit gives a finer gradation of meaning in each category
- specified by the second digit. The list of replies illustrates this.
- Each reply text is recommended rather than mandatory, and may even
- change according to the command with which it is associated. On the
- other hand, the reply codes must strictly follow the specifications
- in this section. Receiver implementations should not invent new
- codes for slightly different situations from the ones described here,
- but rather adapt codes already defined.
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- For example, a command such as NOOP, whose successful execution does
- not offer the SMTP client any new information, will return a 250
- reply. The reply is 502 when the command requests an unimplemented
- non-site-specific action. A refinement of that is the 504 reply for
- a command that is implemented, but that requests an unimplemented
- parameter.
- The reply text may be longer than a single line; in these cases the
- complete text must be marked so the SMTP client knows when it can
- stop reading the reply. This requires a special format to indicate a
- multiple line reply.
- The format for multiline replies requires that every line, except the
- last, begin with the reply code, followed immediately by a hyphen,
- "-" (also known as minus), followed by text. The last line will
- begin with the reply code, followed immediately by &lt;SP&gt;, optionally
- some text, and &lt;CRLF&gt;. As noted above, servers SHOULD send the &lt;SP&gt;
- if subsequent text is not sent, but clients MUST be prepared for it
- to be omitted.
- For example:
- 123-First line
- 123-Second line
- 123-234 text beginning with numbers
- 123 The last line
- In many cases the SMTP client then simply needs to search for a line
- beginning with the reply code followed by &lt;SP&gt; or &lt;CRLF&gt; and ignore
- all preceding lines. In a few cases, there is important data for the
- client in the reply "text". The client will be able to identify
- these cases from the current context.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.2.2" href="#section-4.2.2">4.2.2</a> Reply Codes by Function Groups</h4></span>
- 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized
- (This may include errors such as command line too long)
- 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments
- 502 Command not implemented (see <a href="#section-4.2.4">section 4.2.4</a>)
- 503 Bad sequence of commands
- 504 Command parameter not implemented
- 211 System status, or system help reply
- 214 Help message
- (Information on how to use the receiver or the meaning of a
- particular non-standard command; this reply is useful only
- to the human user)
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- 220 &lt;domain&gt; Service ready
- 221 &lt;domain&gt; Service closing transmission channel
- 421 &lt;domain&gt; Service not available, closing transmission channel
- (This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it
- must shut down)
- 250 Requested mail action okay, completed
- 251 User not local; will forward to &lt;forward-path&gt;
- (See <a href="#section-3.4">section 3.4</a>)
- 252 Cannot VRFY user, but will accept message and attempt
- delivery
- (See <a href="#section-3.5.3">section 3.5.3</a>)
- 450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable
- (e.g., mailbox busy)
- 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
- (e.g., mailbox not found, no access, or command rejected
- for policy reasons)
- 451 Requested action aborted: error in processing
- 551 User not local; please try &lt;forward-path&gt;
- (See <a href="#section-3.4">section 3.4</a>)
- 452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage
- 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
- 553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed
- (e.g., mailbox syntax incorrect)
- 354 Start mail input; end with &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;
- 554 Transaction failed (Or, in the case of a connection-opening
- response, "No SMTP service here")
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.2.3" href="#section-4.2.3">4.2.3</a> Reply Codes in Numeric Order</h4></span>
- 211 System status, or system help reply
- 214 Help message
- (Information on how to use the receiver or the meaning of a
- particular non-standard command; this reply is useful only
- to the human user)
- 220 &lt;domain&gt; Service ready
- 221 &lt;domain&gt; Service closing transmission channel
- 250 Requested mail action okay, completed
- 251 User not local; will forward to &lt;forward-path&gt;
- (See <a href="#section-3.4">section 3.4</a>)
- 252 Cannot VRFY user, but will accept message and attempt
- delivery
- (See <a href="#section-3.5.3">section 3.5.3</a>)
- 354 Start mail input; end with &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;
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- 421 &lt;domain&gt; Service not available, closing transmission channel
- (This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it
- must shut down)
- 450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable
- (e.g., mailbox busy)
- 451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing
- 452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage
- 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized
- (This may include errors such as command line too long)
- 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments
- 502 Command not implemented (see <a href="#section-4.2.4">section 4.2.4</a>)
- 503 Bad sequence of commands
- 504 Command parameter not implemented
- 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
- (e.g., mailbox not found, no access, or command rejected
- for policy reasons)
- 551 User not local; please try &lt;forward-path&gt;
- (See <a href="#section-3.4">section 3.4</a>)
- 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
- 553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed
- (e.g., mailbox syntax incorrect)
- 554 Transaction failed (Or, in the case of a connection-opening
- response, "No SMTP service here")
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.2.4" href="#section-4.2.4">4.2.4</a> Reply Code 502</h4></span>
- Questions have been raised as to when reply code 502 (Command not
- implemented) SHOULD be returned in preference to other codes. 502
- SHOULD be used when the command is actually recognized by the SMTP
- server, but not implemented. If the command is not recognized, code
- 500 SHOULD be returned. Extended SMTP systems MUST NOT list
- capabilities in response to EHLO for which they will return 502 (or
- 500) replies.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.2.5" href="#section-4.2.5">4.2.5</a> Reply Codes After DATA and the Subsequent &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;</h4></span>
- When an SMTP server returns a positive completion status (2yz code)
- after the DATA command is completed with &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;, it accepts
- responsibility for:
- - delivering the message (if the recipient mailbox exists), or
- - if attempts to deliver the message fail due to transient
- conditions, retrying delivery some reasonable number of times at
- intervals as specified in <a href="#section-4.5.4">section 4.5.4</a>.
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- - if attempts to deliver the message fail due to permanent
- conditions, or if repeated attempts to deliver the message fail
- due to transient conditions, returning appropriate notification to
- the sender of the original message (using the address in the SMTP
- MAIL command).
- When an SMTP server returns a permanent error status (5yz) code after
- the DATA command is completed with &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;, it MUST NOT make
- any subsequent attempt to deliver that message. The SMTP client
- retains responsibility for delivery of that message and may either
- return it to the user or requeue it for a subsequent attempt (see
- <a href="#section-">section</a>).
- The user who originated the message SHOULD be able to interpret the
- return of a transient failure status (by mail message or otherwise)
- as a non-delivery indication, just as a permanent failure would be
- interpreted. I.e., if the client SMTP successfully handles these
- conditions, the user will not receive such a reply.
- When an SMTP server returns a permanent error status (5yz) code after
- the DATA command is completely with &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;, it MUST NOT make
- any subsequent attempt to deliver the message. As with temporary
- error status codes, the SMTP client retains responsibility for the
- message, but SHOULD not again attempt delivery to the same server
- without user review and intervention of the message.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-4.3" href="#section-4.3">4.3</a> Sequencing of Commands and Replies</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.3.1" href="#section-4.3.1">4.3.1</a> Sequencing Overview</h4></span>
- The communication between the sender and receiver is an alternating
- dialogue, controlled by the sender. As such, the sender issues a
- command and the receiver responds with a reply. Unless other
- arrangements are negotiated through service extensions, the sender
- MUST wait for this response before sending further commands.
- One important reply is the connection greeting. Normally, a receiver
- will send a 220 "Service ready" reply when the connection is
- completed. The sender SHOULD wait for this greeting message before
- sending any commands.
- Note: all the greeting-type replies have the official name (the
- fully-qualified primary domain name) of the server host as the first
- word following the reply code. Sometimes the host will have no
- meaningful name. See 4.1.3 for a discussion of alternatives in these
- situations.
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- For example,
- 220 ISIF.USC.EDU Service ready
- or
- 220 mail.foo.com SuperSMTP v 6.1.2 Service ready
- or
- 220 [] Clueless host service ready
- The table below lists alternative success and failure replies for
- each command. These SHOULD be strictly adhered to: a receiver may
- substitute text in the replies, but the meaning and action implied by
- the code numbers and by the specific command reply sequence cannot be
- altered.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.3.2" href="#section-4.3.2">4.3.2</a> Command-Reply Sequences</h4></span>
- Each command is listed with its usual possible replies. The prefixes
- used before the possible replies are "I" for intermediate, "S" for
- success, and "E" for error. Since some servers may generate other
- replies under special circumstances, and to allow for future
- extension, SMTP clients SHOULD, when possible, interpret only the
- first digit of the reply and MUST be prepared to deal with
- unrecognized reply codes by interpreting the first digit only.
- Unless extended using the mechanisms described in <a href="#section-2.2">section 2.2</a>, SMTP
- servers MUST NOT transmit reply codes to an SMTP client that are
- other than three digits or that do not start in a digit between 2 and
- 5 inclusive.
- These sequencing rules and, in principle, the codes themselves, can
- be extended or modified by SMTP extensions offered by the server and
- accepted (requested) by the client.
- In addition to the codes listed below, any SMTP command can return
- any of the following codes if the corresponding unusual circumstances
- are encountered:
- 500 For the "command line too long" case or if the command name was
- not recognized. Note that producing a "command not recognized"
- error in response to the required subset of these commands is a
- violation of this specification.
- 501 Syntax error in command or arguments. In order to provide for
- future extensions, commands that are specified in this document as
- not accepting arguments (DATA, RSET, QUIT) SHOULD return a 501
- message if arguments are supplied in the absence of EHLO-
- advertised extensions.
- 421 Service shutting down and closing transmission channel
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- Specific sequences are:
- S: 220
- E: 554
- S: 250
- E: 504, 550
- S: 250
- E: 552, 451, 452, 550, 553, 503
- S: 250, 251 (but see <a href="#section-3.4">section 3.4</a> for discussion of 251 and 551)
- E: 550, 551, 552, 553, 450, 451, 452, 503, 550
- I: 354 -&gt; data -&gt; S: 250
- E: 552, 554, 451, 452
- E: 451, 554, 503
- S: 250
- S: 250, 251, 252
- E: 550, 551, 553, 502, 504
- S: 250, 252
- E: 550, 500, 502, 504
- S: 211, 214
- E: 502, 504
- S: 250
- S: 221
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-4.4" href="#section-4.4">4.4</a> Trace Information</h3></span>
- When an SMTP server receives a message for delivery or further
- processing, it MUST insert trace ("time stamp" or "Received")
- information at the beginning of the message content, as discussed in
- <a href="#section-">section</a>.
- This line MUST be structured as follows:
- - The FROM field, which MUST be supplied in an SMTP environment,
- SHOULD contain both (1) the name of the source host as presented
- in the EHLO command and (2) an address literal containing the IP
- address of the source, determined from the TCP connection.
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- - The ID field MAY contain an "@" as suggested in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a>, but this
- is not required.
- - The FOR field MAY contain a list of &lt;path&gt; entries when multiple
- RCPT commands have been given. This may raise some security
- issues and is usually not desirable; see <a href="#section-7.2">section 7.2</a>.
- An Internet mail program MUST NOT change a Received: line that was
- previously added to the message header. SMTP servers MUST prepend
- Received lines to messages; they MUST NOT change the order of
- existing lines or insert Received lines in any other location.
- As the Internet grows, comparability of Received fields is important
- for detecting problems, especially slow relays. SMTP servers that
- create Received fields SHOULD use explicit offsets in the dates
- (e.g., -0800), rather than time zone names of any type. Local time
- (with an offset) is preferred to UT when feasible. This formulation
- allows slightly more information about local circumstances to be
- specified. If UT is needed, the receiver need merely do some simple
- arithmetic to convert the values. Use of UT loses information about
- the time zone-location of the server. If it is desired to supply a
- time zone name, it SHOULD be included in a comment.
- When the delivery SMTP server makes the "final delivery" of a
- message, it inserts a return-path line at the beginning of the mail
- data. This use of return-path is required; mail systems MUST support
- it. The return-path line preserves the information in the &lt;reverse-
- path&gt; from the MAIL command. Here, final delivery means the message
- has left the SMTP environment. Normally, this would mean it had been
- delivered to the destination user or an associated mail drop, but in
- some cases it may be further processed and transmitted by another
- mail system.
- It is possible for the mailbox in the return path to be different
- from the actual sender's mailbox, for example, if error responses are
- to be delivered to a special error handling mailbox rather than to
- the message sender. When mailing lists are involved, this
- arrangement is common and useful as a means of directing errors to
- the list maintainer rather than the message originator.
- The text above implies that the final mail data will begin with a
- return path line, followed by one or more time stamp lines. These
- lines will be followed by the mail data headers and body [<a href="#ref-32" title='"Internet Message Format"'>32</a>].
- It is sometimes difficult for an SMTP server to determine whether or
- not it is making final delivery since forwarding or other operations
- may occur after the message is accepted for delivery. Consequently,
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- any further (forwarding, gateway, or relay) systems MAY remove the
- return path and rebuild the MAIL command as needed to ensure that
- exactly one such line appears in a delivered message.
- A message-originating SMTP system SHOULD NOT send a message that
- already contains a Return-path header. SMTP servers performing a
- relay function MUST NOT inspect the message data, and especially not
- to the extent needed to determine if Return-path headers are present.
- SMTP servers making final delivery MAY remove Return-path headers
- before adding their own.
- The primary purpose of the Return-path is to designate the address to
- which messages indicating non-delivery or other mail system failures
- are to be sent. For this to be unambiguous, exactly one return path
- SHOULD be present when the message is delivered. Systems using <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC</a>
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">822</a> syntax with non-SMTP transports SHOULD designate an unambiguous
- address, associated with the transport envelope, to which error
- reports (e.g., non-delivery messages) should be sent.
- Historical note: Text in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a> that appears to contradict the use
- of the Return-path header (or the envelope reverse path address from
- the MAIL command) as the destination for error messages is not
- applicable on the Internet. The reverse path address (as copied into
- the Return-path) MUST be used as the target of any mail containing
- delivery error messages.
- In particular:
- - a gateway from SMTP-&gt;elsewhere SHOULD insert a return-path header,
- unless it is known that the "elsewhere" transport also uses
- Internet domain addresses and maintains the envelope sender
- address separately.
- - a gateway from elsewhere-&gt;SMTP SHOULD delete any return-path
- header present in the message, and either copy that information to
- the SMTP envelope or combine it with information present in the
- envelope of the other transport system to construct the reverse
- path argument to the MAIL command in the SMTP envelope.
- The server must give special treatment to cases in which the
- processing following the end of mail data indication is only
- partially successful. This could happen if, after accepting several
- recipients and the mail data, the SMTP server finds that the mail
- data could be successfully delivered to some, but not all, of the
- recipients. In such cases, the response to the DATA command MUST be
- an OK reply. However, the SMTP server MUST compose and send an
- "undeliverable mail" notification message to the originator of the
- message.
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- A single notification listing all of the failed recipients or
- separate notification messages MUST be sent for each failed
- recipient. For economy of processing by the sender, the former is
- preferred when possible. All undeliverable mail notification
- messages are sent using the MAIL command (even if they result from
- processing the obsolete SEND, SOML, or SAML commands) and use a null
- return path as discussed in <a href="#section-3.7">section 3.7</a>.
- The time stamp line and the return path line are formally defined as
- follows:
-Return-path-line = "Return-Path:" FWS Reverse-path &lt;CRLF&gt;
-Time-stamp-line = "Received:" FWS Stamp &lt;CRLF&gt;
-Stamp = From-domain By-domain Opt-info ";" FWS date-time
- ; where "date-time" is as defined in [<a href="#ref-32" title='"Internet Message Format"'>32</a>]
- ; but the "obs-" forms, especially two-digit
- ; years, are prohibited in SMTP and MUST NOT be used.
-From-domain = "FROM" FWS Extended-Domain CFWS
-By-domain = "BY" FWS Extended-Domain CFWS
-Extended-Domain = Domain /
- ( Domain FWS "(" TCP-info ")" ) /
- ( Address-literal FWS "(" TCP-info ")" )
-TCP-info = Address-literal / ( Domain FWS Address-literal )
- ; Information derived by server from TCP connection
- ; not client EHLO.
-Opt-info = [Via] [With] [ID] [For]
-Via = "VIA" FWS Link CFWS
-With = "WITH" FWS Protocol CFWS
-ID = "ID" FWS String / msg-id CFWS
-For = "FOR" FWS 1*( Path / Mailbox ) CFWS
-Link = "TCP" / Addtl-Link
-Addtl-Link = Atom
- ; Additional standard names for links are registered with the
- ; Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). "Via" is
- ; primarily of value with non-Internet transports. SMTP
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- ; servers SHOULD NOT use unregistered names.
-Protocol = "ESMTP" / "SMTP" / Attdl-Protocol
-Attdl-Protocol = Atom
- ; Additional standard names for protocols are registered with the
- ; Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). SMTP servers
- ; SHOULD NOT use unregistered names.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-4.5" href="#section-4.5">4.5</a> Additional Implementation Issues</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.5.1" href="#section-4.5.1">4.5.1</a> Minimum Implementation</h4></span>
- In order to make SMTP workable, the following minimum implementation
- is required for all receivers. The following commands MUST be
- supported to conform to this specification:
- Any system that includes an SMTP server supporting mail relaying or
- delivery MUST support the reserved mailbox "postmaster" as a case-
- insensitive local name. This postmaster address is not strictly
- necessary if the server always returns 554 on connection opening (as
- described in <a href="#section-3.1">section 3.1</a>). The requirement to accept mail for
- postmaster implies that RCPT commands which specify a mailbox for
- postmaster at any of the domains for which the SMTP server provides
- mail service, as well as the special case of "RCPT TO:&lt;Postmaster&gt;"
- (with no domain specification), MUST be supported.
- SMTP systems are expected to make every reasonable effort to accept
- mail directed to Postmaster from any other system on the Internet.
- In extreme cases --such as to contain a denial of service attack or
- other breach of security-- an SMTP server may block mail directed to
- Postmaster. However, such arrangements SHOULD be narrowly tailored
- so as to avoid blocking messages which are not part of such attacks.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.5.2" href="#section-4.5.2">4.5.2</a> Transparency</h4></span>
- Without some provision for data transparency, the character sequence
- "&lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;" ends the mail text and cannot be sent by the user.
- In general, users are not aware of such "forbidden" sequences. To
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- allow all user composed text to be transmitted transparently, the
- following procedures are used:
- - Before sending a line of mail text, the SMTP client checks the
- first character of the line. If it is a period, one additional
- period is inserted at the beginning of the line.
- - When a line of mail text is received by the SMTP server, it checks
- the line. If the line is composed of a single period, it is
- treated as the end of mail indicator. If the first character is a
- period and there are other characters on the line, the first
- character is deleted.
- The mail data may contain any of the 128 ASCII characters. All
- characters are to be delivered to the recipient's mailbox, including
- spaces, vertical and horizontal tabs, and other control characters.
- If the transmission channel provides an 8-bit byte (octet) data
- stream, the 7-bit ASCII codes are transmitted right justified in the
- octets, with the high order bits cleared to zero. See 3.7 for
- special treatment of these conditions in SMTP systems serving a relay
- function.
- In some systems it may be necessary to transform the data as it is
- received and stored. This may be necessary for hosts that use a
- different character set than ASCII as their local character set, that
- store data in records rather than strings, or which use special
- character sequences as delimiters inside mailboxes. If such
- transformations are necessary, they MUST be reversible, especially if
- they are applied to mail being relayed.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.5.3" href="#section-4.5.3">4.5.3</a> Sizes and Timeouts</h4></span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> Size limits and minimums</h5></span>
- There are several objects that have required minimum/maximum sizes.
- Every implementation MUST be able to receive objects of at least
- these sizes. Objects larger than these sizes SHOULD be avoided when
- possible. However, some Internet mail constructs such as encoded
- X.400 addresses [<a href="#ref-16" title='"Mapping between X.400 and RFC822/MIME"'>16</a>] will often require larger objects: clients MAY
- attempt to transmit these, but MUST be prepared for a server to
- reject them if they cannot be handled by it. To the maximum extent
- possible, implementation techniques which impose no limits on the
- length of these objects should be used.
- local-part
- The maximum total length of a user name or other local-part is 64
- characters.
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- domain
- The maximum total length of a domain name or number is 255
- characters.
- path
- The maximum total length of a reverse-path or forward-path is 256
- characters (including the punctuation and element separators).
- command line
- The maximum total length of a command line including the command
- word and the &lt;CRLF&gt; is 512 characters. SMTP extensions may be
- used to increase this limit.
- reply line
- The maximum total length of a reply line including the reply code
- and the &lt;CRLF&gt; is 512 characters. More information may be
- conveyed through multiple-line replies.
- text line
- The maximum total length of a text line including the &lt;CRLF&gt; is
- 1000 characters (not counting the leading dot duplicated for
- transparency). This number may be increased by the use of SMTP
- Service Extensions.
- message content
- The maximum total length of a message content (including any
- message headers as well as the message body) MUST BE at least 64K
- octets. Since the introduction of Internet standards for
- multimedia mail [<a href="#ref-12" title='"Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies"'>12</a>], message lengths on the Internet have grown
- dramatically, and message size restrictions should be avoided if
- at all possible. SMTP server systems that must impose
- restrictions SHOULD implement the "SIZE" service extension [<a href="#ref-18" title='"SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration"'>18</a>],
- and SMTP client systems that will send large messages SHOULD
- utilize it when possible.
- recipients buffer
- The minimum total number of recipients that must be buffered is
- 100 recipients. Rejection of messages (for excessive recipients)
- with fewer than 100 RCPT commands is a violation of this
- specification. The general principle that relaying SMTP servers
- MUST NOT, and delivery SMTP servers SHOULD NOT, perform validation
- tests on message headers suggests that rejecting a message based
- on the total number of recipients shown in header fields is to be
- discouraged. A server which imposes a limit on the number of
- recipients MUST behave in an orderly fashion, such as to reject
- additional addresses over its limit rather than silently
- discarding addresses previously accepted. A client that needs to
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- deliver a message containing over 100 RCPT commands SHOULD be
- prepared to transmit in 100-recipient "chunks" if the server
- declines to accept more than 100 recipients in a single message.
- Errors due to exceeding these limits may be reported by using the
- reply codes. Some examples of reply codes are:
- 500 Line too long.
- or
- 501 Path too long
- or
- 452 Too many recipients (see below)
- or
- 552 Too much mail data.
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> [<a href="#ref-30" title='"Simple Mail Transfer Protocol"'>30</a>] incorrectly listed the error where an SMTP server
- exhausts its implementation limit on the number of RCPT commands
- ("too many recipients") as having reply code 552. The correct reply
- code for this condition is 452. Clients SHOULD treat a 552 code in
- this case as a temporary, rather than permanent, failure so the logic
- below works.
- When a conforming SMTP server encounters this condition, it has at
- least 100 successful RCPT commands in its recipients buffer. If the
- server is able to accept the message, then at least these 100
- addresses will be removed from the SMTP client's queue. When the
- client attempts retransmission of those addresses which received 452
- responses, at least 100 of these will be able to fit in the SMTP
- server's recipients buffer. Each retransmission attempt which is
- able to deliver anything will be able to dispose of at least 100 of
- these recipients.
- If an SMTP server has an implementation limit on the number of RCPT
- commands and this limit is exhausted, it MUST use a response code of
- 452 (but the client SHOULD also be prepared for a 552, as noted
- above). If the server has a configured site-policy limitation on the
- number of RCPT commands, it MAY instead use a 5XX response code.
- This would be most appropriate if the policy limitation was intended
- to apply if the total recipient count for a particular message body
- were enforced even if that message body was sent in multiple mail
- transactions.
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> Timeouts</h5></span>
- An SMTP client MUST provide a timeout mechanism. It MUST use per-
- command timeouts rather than somehow trying to time the entire mail
- transaction. Timeouts SHOULD be easily reconfigurable, preferably
- without recompiling the SMTP code. To implement this, a timer is set
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- for each SMTP command and for each buffer of the data transfer. The
- latter means that the overall timeout is inherently proportional to
- the size of the message.
- Based on extensive experience with busy mail-relay hosts, the minimum
- per-command timeout values SHOULD be as follows:
- Initial 220 Message: 5 minutes
- An SMTP client process needs to distinguish between a failed TCP
- connection and a delay in receiving the initial 220 greeting
- message. Many SMTP servers accept a TCP connection but delay
- delivery of the 220 message until their system load permits more
- mail to be processed.
- MAIL Command: 5 minutes
- RCPT Command: 5 minutes
- A longer timeout is required if processing of mailing lists and
- aliases is not deferred until after the message was accepted.
- DATA Initiation: 2 minutes
- This is while awaiting the "354 Start Input" reply to a DATA
- command.
- Data Block: 3 minutes
- This is while awaiting the completion of each TCP SEND call
- transmitting a chunk of data.
- DATA Termination: 10 minutes.
- This is while awaiting the "250 OK" reply. When the receiver gets
- the final period terminating the message data, it typically
- performs processing to deliver the message to a user mailbox. A
- spurious timeout at this point would be very wasteful and would
- typically result in delivery of multiple copies of the message,
- since it has been successfully sent and the server has accepted
- responsibility for delivery. See <a href="#section-6.1">section 6.1</a> for additional
- discussion.
- An SMTP server SHOULD have a timeout of at least 5 minutes while it
- is awaiting the next command from the sender.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.5.4" href="#section-4.5.4">4.5.4</a> Retry Strategies</h4></span>
- The common structure of a host SMTP implementation includes user
- mailboxes, one or more areas for queuing messages in transit, and one
- or more daemon processes for sending and receiving mail. The exact
- structure will vary depending on the needs of the users on the host
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- and the number and size of mailing lists supported by the host. We
- describe several optimizations that have proved helpful, particularly
- for mailers supporting high traffic levels.
- Any queuing strategy MUST include timeouts on all activities on a
- per-command basis. A queuing strategy MUST NOT send error messages
- in response to error messages under any circumstances.
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> Sending Strategy</h5></span>
- The general model for an SMTP client is one or more processes that
- periodically attempt to transmit outgoing mail. In a typical system,
- the program that composes a message has some method for requesting
- immediate attention for a new piece of outgoing mail, while mail that
- cannot be transmitted immediately MUST be queued and periodically
- retried by the sender. A mail queue entry will include not only the
- message itself but also the envelope information.
- The sender MUST delay retrying a particular destination after one
- attempt has failed. In general, the retry interval SHOULD be at
- least 30 minutes; however, more sophisticated and variable strategies
- will be beneficial when the SMTP client can determine the reason for
- non-delivery.
- Retries continue until the message is transmitted or the sender gives
- up; the give-up time generally needs to be at least 4-5 days. The
- parameters to the retry algorithm MUST be configurable.
- A client SHOULD keep a list of hosts it cannot reach and
- corresponding connection timeouts, rather than just retrying queued
- mail items.
- Experience suggests that failures are typically transient (the target
- system or its connection has crashed), favoring a policy of two
- connection attempts in the first hour the message is in the queue,
- and then backing off to one every two or three hours.
- The SMTP client can shorten the queuing delay in cooperation with the
- SMTP server. For example, if mail is received from a particular
- address, it is likely that mail queued for that host can now be sent.
- Application of this principle may, in many cases, eliminate the
- requirement for an explicit "send queues now" function such as ETRN
- [<a href="#ref-9" title='"SMTP Service Extension for Remote Message Queue Starting"'>9</a>].
- The strategy may be further modified as a result of multiple
- addresses per host (see below) to optimize delivery time vs. resource
- usage.
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- An SMTP client may have a large queue of messages for each
- unavailable destination host. If all of these messages were retried
- in every retry cycle, there would be excessive Internet overhead and
- the sending system would be blocked for a long period. Note that an
- SMTP client can generally determine that a delivery attempt has
- failed only after a timeout of several minutes and even a one-minute
- timeout per connection will result in a very large delay if retries
- are repeated for dozens, or even hundreds, of queued messages to the
- same host.
- At the same time, SMTP clients SHOULD use great care in caching
- negative responses from servers. In an extreme case, if EHLO is
- issued multiple times during the same SMTP connection, different
- answers may be returned by the server. More significantly, 5yz
- responses to the MAIL command MUST NOT be cached.
- When a mail message is to be delivered to multiple recipients, and
- the SMTP server to which a copy of the message is to be sent is the
- same for multiple recipients, then only one copy of the message
- SHOULD be transmitted. That is, the SMTP client SHOULD use the
- command sequence: MAIL, RCPT, RCPT,... RCPT, DATA instead of the
- sequence: MAIL, RCPT, DATA, ..., MAIL, RCPT, DATA. However, if there
- are very many addresses, a limit on the number of RCPT commands per
- MAIL command MAY be imposed. Implementation of this efficiency
- feature is strongly encouraged.
- Similarly, to achieve timely delivery, the SMTP client MAY support
- multiple concurrent outgoing mail transactions. However, some limit
- may be appropriate to protect the host from devoting all its
- resources to mail.
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a> Receiving Strategy</h5></span>
- The SMTP server SHOULD attempt to keep a pending listen on the SMTP
- port at all times. This requires the support of multiple incoming
- TCP connections for SMTP. Some limit MAY be imposed but servers that
- cannot handle more than one SMTP transaction at a time are not in
- conformance with the intent of this specification.
- As discussed above, when the SMTP server receives mail from a
- particular host address, it could activate its own SMTP queuing
- mechanisms to retry any mail pending for that host address.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-4.5.5" href="#section-4.5.5">4.5.5</a> Messages with a null reverse-path</h4></span>
- There are several types of notification messages which are required
- by existing and proposed standards to be sent with a null reverse
- path, namely non-delivery notifications as discussed in <a href="#section-3.7">section 3.7</a>,
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- other kinds of Delivery Status Notifications (DSNs) [<a href="#ref-24" title='"SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications"'>24</a>], and also
- Message Disposition Notifications (MDNs) [<a href="#ref-10" title='"An Extensible Message Format for Message Disposition Notifications"'>10</a>]. All of these kinds of
- messages are notifications about a previous message, and they are
- sent to the reverse-path of the previous mail message. (If the
- delivery of such a notification message fails, that usually indicates
- a problem with the mail system of the host to which the notification
- message is addressed. For this reason, at some hosts the MTA is set
- up to forward such failed notification messages to someone who is
- able to fix problems with the mail system, e.g., via the postmaster
- alias.)
- All other types of messages (i.e., any message which is not required
- by a standards-track RFC to have a null reverse-path) SHOULD be sent
- with with a valid, non-null reverse-path.
- Implementors of automated email processors should be careful to make
- sure that the various kinds of messages with null reverse-path are
- handled correctly, in particular such systems SHOULD NOT reply to
- messages with null reverse-path.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-5" href="#section-5">5</a>. Address Resolution and Mail Handling</h2></span>
- Once an SMTP client lexically identifies a domain to which mail will
- be delivered for processing (as described in sections <a href="#section-3.6">3.6</a> and <a href="#section-3.7">3.7</a>), a
- DNS lookup MUST be performed to resolve the domain name [<a href="#ref-22" title='"Domain names - implementation and specification"'>22</a>]. The
- names are expected to be fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs):
- mechanisms for inferring FQDNs from partial names or local aliases
- are outside of this specification and, due to a history of problems,
- are generally discouraged. The lookup first attempts to locate an MX
- record associated with the name. If a CNAME record is found instead,
- the resulting name is processed as if it were the initial name. If
- no MX records are found, but an A RR is found, the A RR is treated as
- if it was associated with an implicit MX RR, with a preference of 0,
- pointing to that host. If one or more MX RRs are found for a given
- name, SMTP systems MUST NOT utilize any A RRs associated with that
- name unless they are located using the MX RRs; the "implicit MX" rule
- above applies only if there are no MX records present. If MX records
- are present, but none of them are usable, this situation MUST be
- reported as an error.
- When the lookup succeeds, the mapping can result in a list of
- alternative delivery addresses rather than a single address, because
- of multiple MX records, multihoming, or both. To provide reliable
- mail transmission, the SMTP client MUST be able to try (and retry)
- each of the relevant addresses in this list in order, until a
- delivery attempt succeeds. However, there MAY also be a configurable
- limit on the number of alternate addresses that can be tried. In any
- case, the SMTP client SHOULD try at least two addresses.
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- Two types of information is used to rank the host addresses: multiple
- MX records, and multihomed hosts.
- Multiple MX records contain a preference indication that MUST be used
- in sorting (see below). Lower numbers are more preferred than higher
- ones. If there are multiple destinations with the same preference
- and there is no clear reason to favor one (e.g., by recognition of an
- easily-reached address), then the sender-SMTP MUST randomize them to
- spread the load across multiple mail exchangers for a specific
- organization.
- The destination host (perhaps taken from the preferred MX record) may
- be multihomed, in which case the domain name resolver will return a
- list of alternative IP addresses. It is the responsibility of the
- domain name resolver interface to have ordered this list by
- decreasing preference if necessary, and SMTP MUST try them in the
- order presented.
- Although the capability to try multiple alternative addresses is
- required, specific installations may want to limit or disable the use
- of alternative addresses. The question of whether a sender should
- attempt retries using the different addresses of a multihomed host
- has been controversial. The main argument for using the multiple
- addresses is that it maximizes the probability of timely delivery,
- and indeed sometimes the probability of any delivery; the counter-
- argument is that it may result in unnecessary resource use. Note
- that resource use is also strongly determined by the sending strategy
- discussed in <a href="#section-">section</a>.
- If an SMTP server receives a message with a destination for which it
- is a designated Mail eXchanger, it MAY relay the message (potentially
- after having rewritten the MAIL FROM and/or RCPT TO addresses), make
- final delivery of the message, or hand it off using some mechanism
- outside the SMTP-provided transport environment. Of course, neither
- of the latter require that the list of MX records be examined
- further.
- If it determines that it should relay the message without rewriting
- the address, it MUST sort the MX records to determine candidates for
- delivery. The records are first ordered by preference, with the
- lowest-numbered records being most preferred. The relay host MUST
- then inspect the list for any of the names or addresses by which it
- might be known in mail transactions. If a matching record is found,
- all records at that preference level and higher-numbered ones MUST be
- discarded from consideration. If there are no records left at that
- point, it is an error condition, and the message MUST be returned as
- undeliverable. If records do remain, they SHOULD be tried, best
- preference first, as described above.
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-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-6" href="#section-6">6</a>. Problem Detection and Handling</h2></span>
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-6.1" href="#section-6.1">6.1</a> Reliable Delivery and Replies by Email</h3></span>
- When the receiver-SMTP accepts a piece of mail (by sending a "250 OK"
- message in response to DATA), it is accepting responsibility for
- delivering or relaying the message. It must take this responsibility
- seriously. It MUST NOT lose the message for frivolous reasons, such
- as because the host later crashes or because of a predictable
- resource shortage.
- If there is a delivery failure after acceptance of a message, the
- receiver-SMTP MUST formulate and mail a notification message. This
- notification MUST be sent using a null ("&lt;&gt;") reverse path in the
- envelope. The recipient of this notification MUST be the address
- from the envelope return path (or the Return-Path: line). However,
- if this address is null ("&lt;&gt;"), the receiver-SMTP MUST NOT send a
- notification. Obviously, nothing in this section can or should
- prohibit local decisions (i.e., as part of the same system
- environment as the receiver-SMTP) to log or otherwise transmit
- information about null address events locally if that is desired. If
- the address is an explicit source route, it MUST be stripped down to
- its final hop.
- For example, suppose that an error notification must be sent for a
- message that arrived with:
- MAIL FROM:&lt;@a,@b:user@d&gt;
- The notification message MUST be sent using:
- RCPT TO:&lt;user@d&gt;
- Some delivery failures after the message is accepted by SMTP will be
- unavoidable. For example, it may be impossible for the receiving
- SMTP server to validate all the delivery addresses in RCPT command(s)
- due to a "soft" domain system error, because the target is a mailing
- list (see earlier discussion of RCPT), or because the server is
- acting as a relay and has no immediate access to the delivering
- system.
- To avoid receiving duplicate messages as the result of timeouts, a
- receiver-SMTP MUST seek to minimize the time required to respond to
- the final &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt; end of data indicator. See <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1047">RFC 1047</a> [<a href="#ref-28" title='"Duplicate messages and SMTP"'>28</a>] for
- a discussion of this problem.
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-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-6.2" href="#section-6.2">6.2</a> Loop Detection</h3></span>
- Simple counting of the number of "Received:" headers in a message has
- proven to be an effective, although rarely optimal, method of
- detecting loops in mail systems. SMTP servers using this technique
- SHOULD use a large rejection threshold, normally at least 100
- Received entries. Whatever mechanisms are used, servers MUST contain
- provisions for detecting and stopping trivial loops.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-6.3" href="#section-6.3">6.3</a> Compensating for Irregularities</h3></span>
- Unfortunately, variations, creative interpretations, and outright
- violations of Internet mail protocols do occur; some would suggest
- that they occur quite frequently. The debate as to whether a well-
- behaved SMTP receiver or relay should reject a malformed message,
- attempt to pass it on unchanged, or attempt to repair it to increase
- the odds of successful delivery (or subsequent reply) began almost
- with the dawn of structured network mail and shows no signs of
- abating. Advocates of rejection claim that attempted repairs are
- rarely completely adequate and that rejection of bad messages is the
- only way to get the offending software repaired. Advocates of
- "repair" or "deliver no matter what" argue that users prefer that
- mail go through it if at all possible and that there are significant
- market pressures in that direction. In practice, these market
- pressures may be more important to particular vendors than strict
- conformance to the standards, regardless of the preference of the
- actual developers.
- The problems associated with ill-formed messages were exacerbated by
- the introduction of the split-UA mail reading protocols [3, 26, 5,
- 21]. These protocols have encouraged the use of SMTP as a posting
- protocol, and SMTP servers as relay systems for these client hosts
- (which are often only intermittently connected to the Internet).
- Historically, many of those client machines lacked some of the
- mechanisms and information assumed by SMTP (and indeed, by the mail
- format protocol [<a href="#ref-7" title='"Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text Messages"'>7</a>]). Some could not keep adequate track of time;
- others had no concept of time zones; still others could not identify
- their own names or addresses; and, of course, none could satisfy the
- assumptions that underlay <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a>'s conception of authenticated
- addresses.
- In response to these weak SMTP clients, many SMTP systems now
- complete messages that are delivered to them in incomplete or
- incorrect form. This strategy is generally considered appropriate
- when the server can identify or authenticate the client, and there
- are prior agreements between them. By contrast, there is at best
- great concern about fixes applied by a relay or delivery SMTP server
- that has little or no knowledge of the user or client machine.
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- The following changes to a message being processed MAY be applied
- when necessary by an originating SMTP server, or one used as the
- target of SMTP as an initial posting protocol:
- - Addition of a message-id field when none appears
- - Addition of a date, time or time zone when none appears
- - Correction of addresses to proper FQDN format
- The less information the server has about the client, the less likely
- these changes are to be correct and the more caution and conservatism
- should be applied when considering whether or not to perform fixes
- and how. These changes MUST NOT be applied by an SMTP server that
- provides an intermediate relay function.
- In all cases, properly-operating clients supplying correct
- information are preferred to corrections by the SMTP server. In all
- cases, documentation of actions performed by the servers (in trace
- fields and/or header comments) is strongly encouraged.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-7" href="#section-7">7</a>. Security Considerations</h2></span>
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.1" href="#section-7.1">7.1</a> Mail Security and Spoofing</h3></span>
- SMTP mail is inherently insecure in that it is feasible for even
- fairly casual users to negotiate directly with receiving and relaying
- SMTP servers and create messages that will trick a naive recipient
- into believing that they came from somewhere else. Constructing such
- a message so that the "spoofed" behavior cannot be detected by an
- expert is somewhat more difficult, but not sufficiently so as to be a
- deterrent to someone who is determined and knowledgeable.
- Consequently, as knowledge of Internet mail increases, so does the
- knowledge that SMTP mail inherently cannot be authenticated, or
- integrity checks provided, at the transport level. Real mail
- security lies only in end-to-end methods involving the message
- bodies, such as those which use digital signatures (see [<a href="#ref-14" title='"Security Multiparts for MIME: Multipart/Signed and Multipart/Encrypted"'>14</a>] and,
- e.g., PGP [<a href="#ref-4" title='"OpenPGP Message Format"'>4</a>] or S/MIME [<a href="#ref-31" title='"S/MIME Version 3 Message Specification"'>31</a>]).
- Various protocol extensions and configuration options that provide
- authentication at the transport level (e.g., from an SMTP client to
- an SMTP server) improve somewhat on the traditional situation
- described above. However, unless they are accompanied by careful
- handoffs of responsibility in a carefully-designed trust environment,
- they remain inherently weaker than end-to-end mechanisms which use
- digitally signed messages rather than depending on the integrity of
- the transport system.
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- Efforts to make it more difficult for users to set envelope return
- path and header "From" fields to point to valid addresses other than
- their own are largely misguided: they frustrate legitimate
- applications in which mail is sent by one user on behalf of another
- or in which error (or normal) replies should be directed to a special
- address. (Systems that provide convenient ways for users to alter
- these fields on a per-message basis should attempt to establish a
- primary and permanent mailbox address for the user so that Sender
- fields within the message data can be generated sensibly.)
- This specification does not further address the authentication issues
- associated with SMTP other than to advocate that useful functionality
- not be disabled in the hope of providing some small margin of
- protection against an ignorant user who is trying to fake mail.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.2" href="#section-7.2">7.2</a> "Blind" Copies</h3></span>
- Addresses that do not appear in the message headers may appear in the
- RCPT commands to an SMTP server for a number of reasons. The two
- most common involve the use of a mailing address as a "list exploder"
- (a single address that resolves into multiple addresses) and the
- appearance of "blind copies". Especially when more than one RCPT
- command is present, and in order to avoid defeating some of the
- purpose of these mechanisms, SMTP clients and servers SHOULD NOT copy
- the full set of RCPT command arguments into the headers, either as
- part of trace headers or as informational or private-extension
- headers. Since this rule is often violated in practice, and cannot
- be enforced, sending SMTP systems that are aware of "bcc" use MAY
- find it helpful to send each blind copy as a separate message
- transaction containing only a single RCPT command.
- There is no inherent relationship between either "reverse" (from
- MAIL, SAML, etc., commands) or "forward" (RCPT) addresses in the SMTP
- transaction ("envelope") and the addresses in the headers. Receiving
- systems SHOULD NOT attempt to deduce such relationships and use them
- to alter the headers of the message for delivery. The popular
- "Apparently-to" header is a violation of this principle as well as a
- common source of unintended information disclosure and SHOULD NOT be
- used.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.3" href="#section-7.3">7.3</a> VRFY, EXPN, and Security</h3></span>
- As discussed in <a href="#section-3.5">section 3.5</a>, individual sites may want to disable
- either or both of VRFY or EXPN for security reasons. As a corollary
- to the above, implementations that permit this MUST NOT appear to
- have verified addresses that are not, in fact, verified. If a site
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- disables these commands for security reasons, the SMTP server MUST
- return a 252 response, rather than a code that could be confused with
- successful or unsuccessful verification.
- Returning a 250 reply code with the address listed in the VRFY
- command after having checked it only for syntax violates this rule.
- Of course, an implementation that "supports" VRFY by always returning
- 550 whether or not the address is valid is equally not in
- conformance.
- Within the last few years, the contents of mailing lists have become
- popular as an address information source for so-called "spammers."
- The use of EXPN to "harvest" addresses has increased as list
- administrators have installed protections against inappropriate uses
- of the lists themselves. Implementations SHOULD still provide
- support for EXPN, but sites SHOULD carefully evaluate the tradeoffs.
- As authentication mechanisms are introduced into SMTP, some sites may
- choose to make EXPN available only to authenticated requestors.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.4" href="#section-7.4">7.4</a> Information Disclosure in Announcements</h3></span>
- There has been an ongoing debate about the tradeoffs between the
- debugging advantages of announcing server type and version (and,
- sometimes, even server domain name) in the greeting response or in
- response to the HELP command and the disadvantages of exposing
- information that might be useful in a potential hostile attack. The
- utility of the debugging information is beyond doubt. Those who
- argue for making it available point out that it is far better to
- actually secure an SMTP server rather than hope that trying to
- conceal known vulnerabilities by hiding the server's precise identity
- will provide more protection. Sites are encouraged to evaluate the
- tradeoff with that issue in mind; implementations are strongly
- encouraged to minimally provide for making type and version
- information available in some way to other network hosts.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.5" href="#section-7.5">7.5</a> Information Disclosure in Trace Fields</h3></span>
- In some circumstances, such as when mail originates from within a LAN
- whose hosts are not directly on the public Internet, trace
- ("Received") fields produced in conformance with this specification
- may disclose host names and similar information that would not
- normally be available. This ordinarily does not pose a problem, but
- sites with special concerns about name disclosure should be aware of
- it. Also, the optional FOR clause should be supplied with caution or
- not at all when multiple recipients are involved lest it
- inadvertently disclose the identities of "blind copy" recipients to
- others.
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-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.6" href="#section-7.6">7.6</a> Information Disclosure in Message Forwarding</h3></span>
- As discussed in <a href="#section-3.4">section 3.4</a>, use of the 251 or 551 reply codes to
- identify the replacement address associated with a mailbox may
- inadvertently disclose sensitive information. Sites that are
- concerned about those issues should ensure that they select and
- configure servers appropriately.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.7" href="#section-7.7">7.7</a> Scope of Operation of SMTP Servers</h3></span>
- It is a well-established principle that an SMTP server may refuse to
- accept mail for any operational or technical reason that makes sense
- to the site providing the server. However, cooperation among sites
- and installations makes the Internet possible. If sites take
- excessive advantage of the right to reject traffic, the ubiquity of
- email availability (one of the strengths of the Internet) will be
- threatened; considerable care should be taken and balance maintained
- if a site decides to be selective about the traffic it will accept
- and process.
- In recent years, use of the relay function through arbitrary sites
- has been used as part of hostile efforts to hide the actual origins
- of mail. Some sites have decided to limit the use of the relay
- function to known or identifiable sources, and implementations SHOULD
- provide the capability to perform this type of filtering. When mail
- is rejected for these or other policy reasons, a 550 code SHOULD be
- used in response to EHLO, MAIL, or RCPT as appropriate.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-8" href="#section-8">8</a>. IANA Considerations</h2></span>
- IANA will maintain three registries in support of this specification.
- The first consists of SMTP service extensions with the associated
- keywords, and, as needed, parameters and verbs. As specified in
- <a href="#section-2.2.2">section 2.2.2</a>, no entry may be made in this registry that starts in
- an "X". Entries may be made only for service extensions (and
- associated keywords, parameters, or verbs) that are defined in
- standards-track or experimental RFCs specifically approved by the
- IESG for this purpose.
- The second registry consists of "tags" that identify forms of domain
- literals other than those for IPv4 addresses (specified in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a>
- and in this document) and IPv6 addresses (specified in this
- document). Additional literal types require standardization before
- being used; none are anticipated at this time.
- The third, established by <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> and renewed by this specification,
- is a registry of link and protocol identifiers to be used with the
- "via" and "with" subclauses of the time stamp ("Received: header")
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- described in <a href="#section-4.4">section 4.4</a>. Link and protocol identifiers in addition
- to those specified in this document may be registered only by
- standardization or by way of an RFC-documented, IESG-approved,
- Experimental protocol extension.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-9" href="#section-9">9</a>. References</h2></span>
- [<a name="ref-1" id="ref-1">1</a>] American National Standards Institute (formerly United States of
- America Standards Institute), X3.4, 1968, "USA Code for
- Information Interchange". ANSI X3.4-1968 has been replaced by
- newer versions with slight modifications, but the 1968 version
- remains definitive for the Internet.
- [<a name="ref-2" id="ref-2">2</a>] Braden, R., "Requirements for Internet hosts - application and
- support", STD 3, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123">RFC 1123</a>, October 1989.
- [<a name="ref-3" id="ref-3">3</a>] Butler, M., Chase, D., Goldberger, J., Postel, J. and J.
- Reynolds, "Post Office Protocol - version 2", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc937">RFC 937</a>, February
- 1985.
- [<a name="ref-4" id="ref-4">4</a>] Callas, J., Donnerhacke, L., Finney, H. and R. Thayer, "OpenPGP
- Message Format", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2440">RFC 2440</a>, November 1998.
- [<a name="ref-5" id="ref-5">5</a>] Crispin, M., "Interactive Mail Access Protocol - Version 2", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1176">RFC</a>
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1176">1176</a>, August 1990.
- [<a name="ref-6" id="ref-6">6</a>] Crispin, M., "Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2060">RFC</a>
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2060">2060</a>, December 1996.
- [<a name="ref-7" id="ref-7">7</a>] Crocker, D., "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
- Messages", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a>, August 1982.
- [<a name="ref-8" id="ref-8">8</a>] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, Eds., "Augmented BNF for Syntax
- Specifications: ABNF", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2234">RFC 2234</a>, November 1997.
- [<a name="ref-9" id="ref-9">9</a>] De Winter, J., "SMTP Service Extension for Remote Message Queue
- Starting", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1985">RFC 1985</a>, August 1996.
- [<a name="ref-10" id="ref-10">10</a>] Fajman, R., "An Extensible Message Format for Message
- Disposition Notifications", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2298">RFC 2298</a>, March 1998.
- [<a name="ref-11" id="ref-11">11</a>] Freed, N, "Behavior of and Requirements for Internet Firewalls",
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2979">RFC 2979</a>, October 2000.
- [<a name="ref-12" id="ref-12">12</a>] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail
- Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies",
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2045">RFC 2045</a>, December 1996.
-<span class="grey">Klensin Standards Track [Page 68]</span>
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- [<a name="ref-13" id="ref-13">13</a>] Freed, N., "SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2920">RFC</a>
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2920">2920</a>, September 2000.
- [<a name="ref-14" id="ref-14">14</a>] Galvin, J., Murphy, S., Crocker, S. and N. Freed, "Security
- Multiparts for MIME: Multipart/Signed and Multipart/Encrypted",
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1847">RFC 1847</a>, October 1995.
- [<a name="ref-15" id="ref-15">15</a>] Gellens, R. and J. Klensin, "Message Submission", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2476">RFC 2476</a>,
- December 1998.
- [<a name="ref-16" id="ref-16">16</a>] Kille, S., "Mapping between X.400 and <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC822</a>/MIME", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2156">RFC 2156</a>,
- January 1998.
- [<a name="ref-17" id="ref-17">17</a>] Hinden, R and S. Deering, Eds. "IP Version 6 Addressing
- Architecture", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2373">RFC 2373</a>, July 1998.
- [<a name="ref-18" id="ref-18">18</a>] Klensin, J., Freed, N. and K. Moore, "SMTP Service Extension for
- Message Size Declaration", STD 10, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1870">RFC 1870</a>, November 1995.
- [<a name="ref-19" id="ref-19">19</a>] Klensin, J., Freed, N., Rose, M., Stefferud, E. and D. Crocker,
- "SMTP Service Extensions", STD 10, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1869">RFC 1869</a>, November 1995.
- [<a name="ref-20" id="ref-20">20</a>] Klensin, J., Freed, N., Rose, M., Stefferud, E. and D. Crocker,
- "SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1652">RFC 1652</a>, July
- 1994.
- [<a name="ref-21" id="ref-21">21</a>] Lambert, M., "PCMAIL: A distributed mail system for personal
- computers", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1056">RFC 1056</a>, July 1988.
- [<a name="ref-22" id="ref-22">22</a>] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and
- specification", STD 13, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035">RFC 1035</a>, November 1987.
- Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and facilities", STD
- 13, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1034">RFC 1034</a>, November 1987.
- [<a name="ref-23" id="ref-23">23</a>] Moore, K., "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part
- Three: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2047">RFC 2047</a>,
- December 1996.
- [<a name="ref-24" id="ref-24">24</a>] Moore, K., "SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status
- Notifications", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1891">RFC 1891</a>, January 1996.
- [<a name="ref-25" id="ref-25">25</a>] Moore, K., and G. Vaudreuil, "An Extensible Message Format for
- Delivery Status Notifications", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1894">RFC 1894</a>, January 1996.
- [<a name="ref-26" id="ref-26">26</a>] Myers, J. and M. Rose, "Post Office Protocol - Version 3", STD
- 53, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1939">RFC 1939</a>, May 1996.
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- [<a name="ref-27" id="ref-27">27</a>] Partridge, C., "Mail routing and the domain system", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc974">RFC 974</a>,
- January 1986.
- [<a name="ref-28" id="ref-28">28</a>] Partridge, C., "Duplicate messages and SMTP", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1047">RFC 1047</a>, February
- 1988.
- [<a name="ref-29" id="ref-29">29</a>] Postel, J., ed., "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA Internet
- Program Protocol Specification", STD 7, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc793">RFC 793</a>, September 1981.
- [<a name="ref-30" id="ref-30">30</a>] Postel, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a>, August
- 1982.
- [<a name="ref-31" id="ref-31">31</a>] Ramsdell, B., Ed., "S/MIME Version 3 Message Specification", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2633">RFC</a>
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2633">2633</a>, June 1999.
- [<a name="ref-32" id="ref-32">32</a>] Resnick, P., Ed., "Internet Message Format", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822">RFC 2822</a>, April
- 2001.
- [<a name="ref-33" id="ref-33">33</a>] Vaudreuil, G., "SMTP Service Extensions for Transmission of
- Large and Binary MIME Messages", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1830">RFC 1830</a>, August 1995.
- [<a name="ref-34" id="ref-34">34</a>] Vaudreuil, G., "Enhanced Mail System Status Codes", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1893">RFC 1893</a>,
- January 1996.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-10" href="#section-10">10</a>. Editor's Address</h2></span>
- John C. Klensin
- AT&amp;T Laboratories
- 99 Bedford St
- Boston, MA 02111 USA
- Phone: 617-574-3076
- EMail: klensin@research.att.com
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-11" href="#section-11">11</a>. Acknowledgments</h2></span>
- Many people worked long and hard on the many iterations of this
- document. There was wide-ranging debate in the IETF DRUMS Working
- Group, both on its mailing list and in face to face discussions,
- about many technical issues and the role of a revised standard for
- Internet mail transport, and many contributors helped form the
- wording in this specification. The hundreds of participants in the
- many discussions since <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> was produced are too numerous to
- mention, but they all helped this document become what it is.
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-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-A" href="#appendix-A">A</a>. TCP Transport Service</h1></span>
- The TCP connection supports the transmission of 8-bit bytes. The
- SMTP data is 7-bit ASCII characters. Each character is transmitted
- as an 8-bit byte with the high-order bit cleared to zero. Service
- extensions may modify this rule to permit transmission of full 8-bit
- data bytes as part of the message body, but not in SMTP commands or
- responses.
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-B" href="#appendix-B">B</a>. Generating SMTP Commands from <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a> Headers</h1></span>
- Some systems use <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a> headers (only) in a mail submission
- protocol, or otherwise generate SMTP commands from <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a> headers
- when such a message is handed to an MTA from a UA. While the MTA-UA
- protocol is a private matter, not covered by any Internet Standard,
- there are problems with this approach. For example, there have been
- repeated problems with proper handling of "bcc" copies and
- redistribution lists when information that conceptually belongs to a
- mail envelopes is not separated early in processing from header
- information (and kept separate).
- It is recommended that the UA provide its initial ("submission
- client") MTA with an envelope separate from the message itself.
- However, if the envelope is not supplied, SMTP commands SHOULD be
- generated as follows:
- 1. Each recipient address from a TO, CC, or BCC header field SHOULD
- be copied to a RCPT command (generating multiple message copies if
- that is required for queuing or delivery). This includes any
- addresses listed in a <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a> "group". Any BCC fields SHOULD then
- be removed from the headers. Once this process is completed, the
- remaining headers SHOULD be checked to verify that at least one
- To:, Cc:, or Bcc: header remains. If none do, then a bcc: header
- with no additional information SHOULD be inserted as specified in
- [<a href="#ref-32" title='"Internet Message Format"'>32</a>].
- 2. The return address in the MAIL command SHOULD, if possible, be
- derived from the system's identity for the submitting (local)
- user, and the "From:" header field otherwise. If there is a
- system identity available, it SHOULD also be copied to the Sender
- header field if it is different from the address in the From
- header field. (Any Sender field that was already there SHOULD be
- removed.) Systems may provide a way for submitters to override
- the envelope return address, but may want to restrict its use to
- privileged users. This will not prevent mail forgery, but may
- lessen its incidence; see <a href="#section-7.1">section 7.1</a>.
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- When an MTA is being used in this way, it bears responsibility for
- ensuring that the message being transmitted is valid. The mechanisms
- for checking that validity, and for handling (or returning) messages
- that are not valid at the time of arrival, are part of the MUA-MTA
- interface and not covered by this specification.
- A submission protocol based on Standard <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc822">RFC 822</a> information alone
- MUST NOT be used to gateway a message from a foreign (non-SMTP) mail
- system into an SMTP environment. Additional information to construct
- an envelope must come from some source in the other environment,
- whether supplemental headers or the foreign system's envelope.
- Attempts to gateway messages using only their header "to" and "cc"
- fields have repeatedly caused mail loops and other behavior adverse
- to the proper functioning of the Internet mail environment. These
- problems have been especially common when the message originates from
- an Internet mailing list and is distributed into the foreign
- environment using envelope information. When these messages are then
- processed by a header-only remailer, loops back to the Internet
- environment (and the mailing list) are almost inevitable.
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-C" href="#appendix-C">C</a>. Source Routes</h1></span>
- Historically, the &lt;reverse-path&gt; was a reverse source routing list of
- hosts and a source mailbox. The first host in the &lt;reverse-path&gt;
- SHOULD be the host sending the MAIL command. Similarly, the
- &lt;forward-path&gt; may be a source routing lists of hosts and a
- destination mailbox. However, in general, the &lt;forward-path&gt; SHOULD
- contain only a mailbox and domain name, relying on the domain name
- system to supply routing information if required. The use of source
- routes is deprecated; while servers MUST be prepared to receive and
- handle them as discussed in <a href="#section-3.3">section 3.3</a> and F.2, clients SHOULD NOT
- transmit them and this section was included only to provide context.
- For relay purposes, the forward-path may be a source route of the
- form "@ONE,@TWO:JOE@THREE", where ONE, TWO, and THREE MUST BE fully-
- qualified domain names. This form is used to emphasize the
- distinction between an address and a route. The mailbox is an
- absolute address, and the route is information about how to get
- there. The two concepts should not be confused.
- If source routes are used, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> and the text below should be
- consulted for the mechanisms for constructing and updating the
- forward- and reverse-paths.
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- The SMTP server transforms the command arguments by moving its own
- identifier (its domain name or that of any domain for which it is
- acting as a mail exchanger), if it appears, from the forward-path to
- the beginning of the reverse-path.
- Notice that the forward-path and reverse-path appear in the SMTP
- commands and replies, but not necessarily in the message. That is,
- there is no need for these paths and especially this syntax to appear
- in the "To:" , "From:", "CC:", etc. fields of the message header.
- Conversely, SMTP servers MUST NOT derive final message delivery
- information from message header fields.
- When the list of hosts is present, it is a "reverse" source route and
- indicates that the mail was relayed through each host on the list
- (the first host in the list was the most recent relay). This list is
- used as a source route to return non-delivery notices to the sender.
- As each relay host adds itself to the beginning of the list, it MUST
- use its name as known in the transport environment to which it is
- relaying the mail rather than that of the transport environment from
- which the mail came (if they are different).
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-D" href="#appendix-D">D</a>. Scenarios</h1></span>
- This section presents complete scenarios of several types of SMTP
- sessions. In the examples, "C:" indicates what is said by the SMTP
- client, and "S:" indicates what is said by the SMTP server.
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-D.1" href="#appendix-D.1">D.1</a> A Typical SMTP Transaction Scenario</h1></span>
- This SMTP example shows mail sent by Smith at host bar.com, to Jones,
- Green, and Brown at host foo.com. Here we assume that host bar.com
- contacts host foo.com directly. The mail is accepted for Jones and
- Brown. Green does not have a mailbox at host foo.com.
- S: 220 foo.com Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready
- C: EHLO bar.com
- S: 250-foo.com greets bar.com
- S: 250-8BITMIME
- S: 250-SIZE
- S: 250-DSN
- S: 250 HELP
- C: MAIL FROM:&lt;Smith@bar.com&gt;
- S: 250 OK
- C: RCPT TO:&lt;Jones@foo.com&gt;
- S: 250 OK
- C: RCPT TO:&lt;Green@foo.com&gt;
- S: 550 No such user here
- C: RCPT TO:&lt;Brown@foo.com&gt;
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- S: 250 OK
- S: 354 Start mail input; end with &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;
- C: Blah blah blah...
- C: ...etc. etc. etc.
- C: .
- S: 250 OK
- S: 221 foo.com Service closing transmission channel
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-D.2" href="#appendix-D.2">D.2</a> Aborted SMTP Transaction Scenario</h1></span>
- S: 220 foo.com Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready
- C: EHLO bar.com
- S: 250-foo.com greets bar.com
- S: 250-8BITMIME
- S: 250-SIZE
- S: 250-DSN
- S: 250 HELP
- C: MAIL FROM:&lt;Smith@bar.com&gt;
- S: 250 OK
- C: RCPT TO:&lt;Jones@foo.com&gt;
- S: 250 OK
- C: RCPT TO:&lt;Green@foo.com&gt;
- S: 550 No such user here
- S: 250 OK
- S: 221 foo.com Service closing transmission channel
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-D.3" href="#appendix-D.3">D.3</a> Relayed Mail Scenario</h1></span>
- Step 1 -- Source Host to Relay Host
- S: 220 foo.com Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready
- C: EHLO bar.com
- S: 250-foo.com greets bar.com
- S: 250-8BITMIME
- S: 250-SIZE
- S: 250-DSN
- S: 250 HELP
- C: MAIL FROM:&lt;JQP@bar.com&gt;
- S: 250 OK
- C: RCPT TO:&lt;@foo.com:Jones@XYZ.COM&gt;
- S: 250 OK
- S: 354 Start mail input; end with &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;
- C: Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 05:33:29 -0700
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 2821</a> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol April 2001</span>
- C: From: John Q. Public &lt;JQP@bar.com&gt;
- C: Subject: The Next Meeting of the Board
- C: To: Jones@xyz.com
- C:
- C: Bill:
- C: The next meeting of the board of directors will be
- C: on Tuesday.
- C: John.
- C: .
- S: 250 OK
- S: 221 foo.com Service closing transmission channel
- Step 2 -- Relay Host to Destination Host
- S: 220 xyz.com Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready
- C: EHLO foo.com
- S: 250 xyz.com is on the air
- C: MAIL FROM:&lt;@foo.com:JQP@bar.com&gt;
- S: 250 OK
- C: RCPT TO:&lt;Jones@XYZ.COM&gt;
- S: 250 OK
- S: 354 Start mail input; end with &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;
- C: Received: from bar.com by foo.com ; Thu, 21 May 1998
- C: 05:33:29 -0700
- C: Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 05:33:22 -0700
- C: From: John Q. Public &lt;JQP@bar.com&gt;
- C: Subject: The Next Meeting of the Board
- C: To: Jones@xyz.com
- C:
- C: Bill:
- C: The next meeting of the board of directors will be
- C: on Tuesday.
- C: John.
- C: .
- S: 250 OK
- S: 221 foo.com Service closing transmission channel
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-D.4" href="#appendix-D.4">D.4</a> Verifying and Sending Scenario</h1></span>
- S: 220 foo.com Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready
- C: EHLO bar.com
- S: 250-foo.com greets bar.com
- S: 250-8BITMIME
- S: 250-SIZE
- S: 250-DSN
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- S: 250-VRFY
- S: 250 HELP
- C: VRFY Crispin
- S: 250 Mark Crispin &lt;Admin.MRC@foo.com&gt;
- C: SEND FROM:&lt;EAK@bar.com&gt;
- S: 250 OK
- C: RCPT TO:&lt;Admin.MRC@foo.com&gt;
- S: 250 OK
- S: 354 Start mail input; end with &lt;CRLF&gt;.&lt;CRLF&gt;
- C: Blah blah blah...
- C: ...etc. etc. etc.
- C: .
- S: 250 OK
- S: 221 foo.com Service closing transmission channel
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-E" href="#appendix-E">E</a>. Other Gateway Issues</h1></span>
- In general, gateways between the Internet and other mail systems
- SHOULD attempt to preserve any layering semantics across the
- boundaries between the two mail systems involved. Gateway-
- translation approaches that attempt to take shortcuts by mapping,
- (such as envelope information from one system to the message headers
- or body of another) have generally proven to be inadequate in
- important ways. Systems translating between environments that do not
- support both envelopes and headers and Internet mail must be written
- with the understanding that some information loss is almost
- inevitable.
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-F" href="#appendix-F">F</a>. Deprecated Features of <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a></h1></span>
- A few features of <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> have proven to be problematic and SHOULD
- NOT be used in Internet mail.
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-F.1" href="#appendix-F.1">F.1</a> TURN</h1></span>
- This command, described in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a>, raises important security issues
- since, in the absence of strong authentication of the host requesting
- that the client and server switch roles, it can easily be used to
- divert mail from its correct destination. Its use is deprecated;
- SMTP systems SHOULD NOT use it unless the server can authenticate the
- client.
-<span class="grey">Klensin Standards Track [Page 76]</span>
-</pre><!--NewPage--><pre class="newpage"><a name="page-77" id="page-77" href="#page-77" class="invisible"> </a>
-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 2821</a> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol April 2001</span>
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-F.2" href="#appendix-F.2">F.2</a> Source Routing</h1></span>
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> utilized the concept of explicit source routing to get mail
- from one host to another via a series of relays. The requirement to
- utilize source routes in regular mail traffic was eliminated by the
- introduction of the domain name system "MX" record and the last
- significant justification for them was eliminated by the
- introduction, in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123">RFC 1123</a>, of a clear requirement that addresses
- following an "@" must all be fully-qualified domain names.
- Consequently, the only remaining justifications for the use of source
- routes are support for very old SMTP clients or MUAs and in mail
- system debugging. They can, however, still be useful in the latter
- circumstance and for routing mail around serious, but temporary,
- problems such as problems with the relevant DNS records.
- SMTP servers MUST continue to accept source route syntax as specified
- in the main body of this document and in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123">RFC 1123</a>. They MAY, if
- necessary, ignore the routes and utilize only the target domain in
- the address. If they do utilize the source route, the message MUST
- be sent to the first domain shown in the address. In particular, a
- server MUST NOT guess at shortcuts within the source route.
- Clients SHOULD NOT utilize explicit source routing except under
- unusual circumstances, such as debugging or potentially relaying
- around firewall or mail system configuration errors.
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-F.3" href="#appendix-F.3">F.3</a> HELO</h1></span>
- As discussed in sections <a href="#section-3.1">3.1</a> and <a href="#section-4.1.1">4.1.1</a>, EHLO is strongly preferred to
- HELO when the server will accept the former. Servers must continue
- to accept and process HELO in order to support older clients.
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-F.4" href="#appendix-F.4">F.4</a> #-literals</h1></span>
- <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> provided for specifying an Internet address as a decimal
- integer host number prefixed by a pound sign, "#". In practice, that
- form has been obsolete since the introduction of TCP/IP. It is
- deprecated and MUST NOT be used.
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-F.5" href="#appendix-F.5">F.5</a> Dates and Years</h1></span>
- When dates are inserted into messages by SMTP clients or servers
- (e.g., in trace fields), four-digit years MUST BE used. Two-digit
- years are deprecated; three-digit years were never permitted in the
- Internet mail system.
-<span class="grey">Klensin Standards Track [Page 77]</span>
-</pre><!--NewPage--><pre class="newpage"><a name="page-78" id="page-78" href="#page-78" class="invisible"> </a>
-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 2821</a> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol April 2001</span>
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-F.6" href="#appendix-F.6">F.6</a> Sending versus Mailing</h1></span>
- In addition to specifying a mechanism for delivering messages to
- user's mailboxes, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> provided additional, optional, commands to
- deliver messages directly to the user's terminal screen. These
- commands (SEND, SAML, SOML) were rarely implemented, and changes in
- workstation technology and the introduction of other protocols may
- have rendered them obsolete even where they are implemented.
- Clients SHOULD NOT provide SEND, SAML, or SOML as services. Servers
- MAY implement them. If they are implemented by servers, the
- implementation model specified in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc821">RFC 821</a> MUST be used and the
- command names MUST be published in the response to the EHLO command.
-<span class="grey">Klensin Standards Track [Page 78]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 2821</a> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol April 2001</span>
-Full Copyright Statement
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.
- This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
- others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
- or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
- and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
- kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
- document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
- the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
- Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
- developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
- copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
- followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
- English.
- The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
- revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
- This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
- Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
- Internet Society.
-Klensin Standards Track [Page 79]
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-<meta name="DC.Description.Abstract" content="The Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) has been in use in the\nInternet for a decade, and remains one of the most popular protocols\n(by volume) in use today. This document is a replacement for RFC 977,\nand officially updates the protocol specification. It clarifies some\nvagueness in RFC 977, includes some new base functionality, and\nprovides a specific mechanism to add standardized extensions to NNTP.\n[STANDARDS-TRACK]">
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-<span class="pre noprint docinfo top">[<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/" title="Document search and retrieval page">Docs</a>] [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3977.txt" title="Plaintext version of this document">txt</a>|<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/pdf/rfc3977" title="PDF version of this document">pdf</a>] [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-nntpext-base" title="draft-ietf-nntpext-base">draft-ietf-nntpex...</a>] [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/rfcdiff?difftype=--hwdiff&amp;url2=rfc3977" title="Inline diff (wdiff)">Diff1</a>] [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=rfc3977" title="Side-by-side diff">Diff2</a>] [<a href="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=3977">Errata</a>] </span><br>
-<span class="pre noprint docinfo"> </span><br>
-<span class="pre noprint docinfo">Updated by: <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6048">6048</a> PROPOSED STANDARD</span><br>
-<span class="pre noprint docinfo"> <span style="color: #C00;">Errata Exist</span></span><br>
-<pre>Network Working Group C. Feather
-Request for Comments: 3977 THUS plc
-Obsoletes: <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">977</a> October 2006
-Updates: <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2980">2980</a>
-Category: Standards Track
- <span class="h1"><h1>Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)</h1></span>
-Status of This Memo
- This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
- Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
- improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
- Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
- and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
-Copyright Notice
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).
- The Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) has been in use in the
- Internet for a decade, and remains one of the most popular protocols
- (by volume) in use today. This document is a replacement for
- <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">RFC 977</a>, and officially updates the protocol specification. It
- clarifies some vagueness in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">RFC 977</a>, includes some new base
- functionality, and provides a specific mechanism to add standardized
- extensions to NNTP.
-Table of Contents
- <a href="#section-1">1</a>. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-3">3</a>
- <a href="#section-1.1">1.1</a>. Author's Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-4">4</a>
- <a href="#section-2">2</a>. Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-5">5</a>
- <a href="#section-3">3</a>. Basic Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-6">6</a>
- <a href="#section-3.1">3.1</a>. Commands and Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-6">6</a>
- <a href="#section-3.1.1">3.1.1</a>. Multi-line Data Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-8">8</a>
- <a href="#section-3.2">3.2</a>. Response Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-9">9</a>
- <a href="#section-3.2.1">3.2.1</a>. Generic Response Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-10">10</a>
- <a href="#section-"></a>. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-12">12</a>
- <a href="#section-3.3">3.3</a>. Capabilities and Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-14">14</a>
- <a href="#section-3.3.1">3.3.1</a>. Capability Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-14">14</a>
- <a href="#section-3.3.2">3.3.2</a>. Standard Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-15">15</a>
- <a href="#section-3.3.3">3.3.3</a>. Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-16">16</a>
- <a href="#section-3.3.4">3.3.4</a>. Initial IANA Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-18">18</a>
- <a href="#section-3.4">3.4</a>. Mandatory and Optional Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-20">20</a>
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 1]</span>
-</pre><!--NewPage--><pre class="newpage"><a name="page-2" id="page-2" href="#page-2" class="invisible"> </a>
-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- <a href="#section-3.4.1">3.4.1</a>. Reading and Transit Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-21">21</a>
- <a href="#section-3.4.2">3.4.2</a>. Mode Switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-21">21</a>
- <a href="#section-3.5">3.5</a>. Pipelining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-22">22</a>
- <a href="#section-3.5.1">3.5.1</a>. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-23">23</a>
- <a href="#section-3.6">3.6</a>. Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-24">24</a>
- <a href="#section-4">4</a>. The WILDMAT Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-25">25</a>
- <a href="#section-4.1">4.1</a>. Wildmat Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-26">26</a>
- <a href="#section-4.2">4.2</a>. Wildmat Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-26">26</a>
- <a href="#section-4.3">4.3</a>. Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-27">27</a>
- <a href="#section-4.4">4.4</a>. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-27">27</a>
- <a href="#section-5">5</a>. Session Administration Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-28">28</a>
- <a href="#section-5.1">5.1</a>. Initial Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-28">28</a>
- <a href="#section-5.2">5.2</a>. CAPABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-29">29</a>
- <a href="#section-5.3">5.3</a>. MODE READER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-32">32</a>
- <a href="#section-5.4">5.4</a>. QUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-34">34</a>
- <a href="#section-6">6</a>. Article Posting and Retrieval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-35">35</a>
- <a href="#section-6.1">6.1</a>. Group and Article Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-36">36</a>
- <a href="#section-6.1.1">6.1.1</a>. GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-36">36</a>
- <a href="#section-6.1.2">6.1.2</a>. LISTGROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-39">39</a>
- <a href="#section-6.1.3">6.1.3</a>. LAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-42">42</a>
- <a href="#section-6.1.4">6.1.4</a>. NEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-44">44</a>
- <a href="#section-6.2">6.2</a>. Retrieval of Articles and Article Sections . . . . . . . <a href="#page-45">45</a>
- <a href="#section-6.2.1">6.2.1</a>. ARTICLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-46">46</a>
- <a href="#section-6.2.2">6.2.2</a>. HEAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-49">49</a>
- <a href="#section-6.2.3">6.2.3</a>. BODY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-51">51</a>
- <a href="#section-6.2.4">6.2.4</a>. STAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-53">53</a>
- <a href="#section-6.3">6.3</a>. Article Posting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-56">56</a>
- <a href="#section-6.3.1">6.3.1</a>. POST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-56">56</a>
- <a href="#section-6.3.2">6.3.2</a>. IHAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-58">58</a>
- <a href="#section-7">7</a>. Information Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-61">61</a>
- <a href="#section-7.1">7.1</a>. DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-61">61</a>
- <a href="#section-7.2">7.2</a>. HELP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-62">62</a>
- <a href="#section-7.3">7.3</a>. NEWGROUPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-63">63</a>
- <a href="#section-7.4">7.4</a>. NEWNEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-64">64</a>
- <a href="#section-7.5">7.5</a>. Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-65">65</a>
- <a href="#section-7.5.1">7.5.1</a>. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-66">66</a>
- <a href="#section-7.6">7.6</a>. The LIST Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-66">66</a>
- <a href="#section-7.6.1">7.6.1</a>. LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-67">67</a>
- <a href="#section-7.6.2">7.6.2</a>. Standard LIST Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-69">69</a>
- <a href="#section-7.6.3">7.6.3</a>. LIST ACTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-70">70</a>
- <a href="#section-7.6.4">7.6.4</a>. LIST ACTIVE.TIMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-71">71</a>
- <a href="#section-7.6.5">7.6.5</a>. LIST DISTRIB.PATS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-72">72</a>
- <a href="#section-7.6.6">7.6.6</a>. LIST NEWSGROUPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-73">73</a>
- <a href="#section-8">8</a>. Article Field Access Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-73">73</a>
- <a href="#section-8.1">8.1</a>. Article Metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-74">74</a>
- <a href="#section-8.1.1">8.1.1</a>. The :bytes Metadata Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-74">74</a>
- <a href="#section-8.1.2">8.1.2</a>. The :lines Metadata Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-75">75</a>
- <a href="#section-8.2">8.2</a>. Database Consistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-75">75</a>
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 2]</span>
-</pre><!--NewPage--><pre class="newpage"><a name="page-3" id="page-3" href="#page-3" class="invisible"> </a>
-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- <a href="#section-8.3">8.3</a>. OVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-76">76</a>
- <a href="#section-8.4">8.4</a>. LIST OVERVIEW.FMT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-81">81</a>
- <a href="#section-8.5">8.5</a>. HDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-83">83</a>
- <a href="#section-8.6">8.6</a>. LIST HEADERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-87">87</a>
- <a href="#section-9">9</a>. Augmented BNF Syntax for NNTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-90">90</a>
- <a href="#section-9.1">9.1</a>. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-90">90</a>
- <a href="#section-9.2">9.2</a>. Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-92">92</a>
- <a href="#section-9.3">9.3</a>. Command Continuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-93">93</a>
- <a href="#section-9.4">9.4</a>. Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-93">93</a>
- <a href="#section-9.4.1">9.4.1</a>. Generic Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-93">93</a>
- <a href="#section-9.4.2">9.4.2</a>. Initial Response Line Contents . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-94">94</a>
- <a href="#section-9.4.3">9.4.3</a>. Multi-line Response Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-94">94</a>
- <a href="#section-9.5">9.5</a>. Capability Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-95">95</a>
- <a href="#section-9.6">9.6</a>. LIST Variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-96">96</a>
- <a href="#section-9.7">9.7</a>. Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-97">97</a>
- <a href="#section-9.8">9.8</a>. General Non-terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-97">97</a>
- <a href="#section-9.9">9.9</a>. Extensions and Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <a href="#page-99">99</a>
- <a href="#section-10">10</a>. Internationalisation Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-100">100</a>
- <a href="#section-10.1">10.1</a>. Introduction and Historical Situation . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-100">100</a>
- <a href="#section-10.2">10.2</a>. This Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-101">101</a>
- <a href="#section-10.3">10.3</a>. Outstanding Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-102">102</a>
- <a href="#section-11">11</a>. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-103">103</a>
- <a href="#section-12">12</a>. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-103">103</a>
- <a href="#section-12.1">12.1</a>. Personal and Proprietary Information . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-104">104</a>
- <a href="#section-12.2">12.2</a>. Abuse of Server Log Information . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-104">104</a>
- <a href="#section-12.3">12.3</a>. Weak Authentication and Access Control . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-104">104</a>
- <a href="#section-12.4">12.4</a>. DNS Spoofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-104">104</a>
- <a href="#section-12.5">12.5</a>. UTF-8 Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-105">105</a>
- <a href="#section-12.6">12.6</a>. Caching of Capability Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-106">106</a>
- <a href="#section-13">13</a>. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-107">107</a>
- <a href="#section-14">14</a>. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-110">110</a>
- <a href="#section-14.1">14.1</a>. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-110">110</a>
- <a href="#section-14.2">14.2</a>. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-110">110</a>
- <a href="#appendix-A">A</a>. Interaction with Other Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-112">112</a>
- <a href="#appendix-A.1">A.1</a>. Header Folding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-112">112</a>
- <a href="#appendix-A.2">A.2</a>. Message-IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-112">112</a>
- <a href="#appendix-A.3">A.3</a>. Article Posting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-114">114</a>
- <a href="#appendix-B">B</a>. Summary of Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-115">115</a>
- <a href="#appendix-C">C</a>. Summary of Response Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-117">117</a>
- <a href="#appendix-D">D</a>. Changes from <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">RFC 977</a> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<a href="#page-121">121</a>
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-1" href="#section-1">1</a>. Introduction</h2></span>
- This document specifies the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP),
- which is used for the distribution, inquiry, retrieval, and posting
- of Netnews articles using a reliable stream-based mechanism. For
- news-reading clients, NNTP enables retrieval of news articles that
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- are stored in a central database, giving subscribers the ability to
- select only those articles they wish to read.
- The Netnews model provides for indexing, cross-referencing, and
- expiration of aged messages. NNTP is designed for efficient
- transmission of Netnews articles over a reliable full duplex
- communication channel.
- Although the protocol specification in this document is largely
- compatible with the version specified in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">RFC 977</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977" title='"Network News Transfer Protocol"'>RFC977</a>], a number
- of changes are summarised in <a href="#appendix-D">Appendix D</a>. In particular:
- o the default character set is changed from US-ASCII [<a href="#ref-ANSI1986" title='"Coded Character Set - 7-bit American Standard Code for Information Interchange"'>ANSI1986</a>] to
- UTF-8 [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629" title='"UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646"'>RFC3629</a>] (note that US-ASCII is a subset of UTF-8);
- o a number of commands that were optional in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">RFC 977</a> or that have
- been taken from <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2980">RFC 2980</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2980" title='"Common NNTP Extensions"'>RFC2980</a>] are now mandatory; and
- o a CAPABILITIES command has been added to allow clients to
- determine what functionality is available from a server.
- The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
- document are to be interpreted as described in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119">RFC 2119</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119" title='"Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels"'>RFC2119</a>].
- An implementation is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or more
- of the MUST requirements for this protocol. An implementation that
- satisfies all the MUST and all the SHOULD requirements for its
- protocols is said to be "unconditionally compliant"; one that
- satisfies all the MUST requirements but not all the SHOULD
- requirements for NNTP is said to be "conditionally compliant".
- For the remainder of this document, the terms "client" and "client
- host" refer to a host making use of the NNTP service, while the terms
- "server" and "server host" refer to a host that offers the NNTP
- service.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-1.1" href="#section-1.1">1.1</a>. Author's Note</h3></span>
- This document is written in XML using an NNTP-specific DTD. Custom
- software is used to convert this to <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2629">RFC 2629</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2629" title='"Writing I-Ds and RFCs using XML"'>RFC2629</a>] format, and
- then the public "xml2rfc" package to further reduce this to text,
- nroff source, and HTML.
- No perl was used in producing this document.
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-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-2" href="#section-2">2</a>. Notation</h2></span>
- The following notational conventions are used in this document.
- UPPERCASE indicates literal text to be included in the
- command.
- lowercase indicates a token described elsewhere.
- [<a name="ref-brackets" id="ref-brackets">brackets</a>] indicate that the enclosed material is optional.
- elliptical indicates that the argument may be repeated any
- ... marks number of times (it must occur at least once).
- vertical|bar indicates a choice of two mutually exclusive
- arguments (exactly one must be provided).
- The name "message-id" for a command or response argument indicates
- that it is the message-id of an article as described in <a href="#section-3.6">Section 3.6</a>,
- including the angle brackets.
- The name "wildmat" for an argument indicates that it is a wildmat as
- defined in <a href="#section-4">Section 4</a>. If the argument does not meet the requirements
- of that section (for example, if it does not fit the grammar of
- <a href="#section-4.1">Section 4.1</a>), the NNTP server MAY place some interpretation on it
- (not specified by this document) or otherwise MUST treat it as a
- syntax error.
- Responses for each command will be described in tables listing the
- required format of a response followed by the meaning that should be
- ascribed to that response.
- The terms "NUL", "TAB", "LF", "CR, and "space" refer to the octets
- %x00, %x09, %x0A, %x0D, and %x20, respectively (that is, the octets
- with those codes in US-ASCII [<a href="#ref-ANSI1986" title='"Coded Character Set - 7-bit American Standard Code for Information Interchange"'>ANSI1986</a>] and thus in UTF-8 [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629" title='"UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646"'>RFC3629</a>]).
- The term "CRLF" or "CRLF pair" means the sequence CR immediately
- followed by LF (that is, %x0D.0A). A "printable US-ASCII character"
- is an octet in the range %x21-7E. Quoted characters refer to the
- octets with those codes in US-ASCII (so "." and "&lt;" refer to %x2E and
- %x3C) and will always be printable US-ASCII characters; similarly,
- "digit" refers to the octets %x30-39.
- A "keyword" MUST consist only of US-ASCII letters, digits, and the
- characters dot (".") and dash ("-") and MUST begin with a letter.
- Keywords MUST be at least three characters in length.
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- Examples in this document are not normative but serve to illustrate
- usages, arguments, and responses. In the examples, a "[<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>]" will be
- used to represent the client host and an "[S]" will be used to
- represent the server host. Most of the examples do not rely on a
- particular server state. In some cases, however, they do assume that
- the currently selected newsgroup (see the GROUP command,
- <a href="#section-6.1.1">Section 6.1.1</a>) is invalid; when so, this is indicated at the start of
- the example. Examples may use commands or other keywords not defined
- in this specification (such as an XENCRYPT command). These will be
- used to illustrate some point and do not imply that any such command
- is defined elsewhere or needs to exist in any particular
- implementation.
- Terms that might be read as specifying details of a client or server
- implementation, such as "database", are used simply to ease
- description. Provided that implementations conform to the protocol
- and format specifications in this document, no specific technique is
- mandated.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-3" href="#section-3">3</a>. Basic Concepts</h2></span>
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.1" href="#section-3.1">3.1</a>. Commands and Responses</h3></span>
- NNTP operates over any reliable bi-directional 8-bit-wide data stream
- channel. When the connection is established, the NNTP server host
- MUST send a greeting. The client host and server host then exchange
- commands and responses (respectively) until the connection is closed
- or aborted. If the connection used is TCP, then the server host
- starts the NNTP service by listening on a TCP port. When a client
- host wishes to make use of the service, it MUST establish a TCP
- connection with the server host by connecting to that host on the
- same port on which the server is listening.
- The character set for all NNTP commands is UTF-8 [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629" title='"UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646"'>RFC3629</a>]. Commands
- in NNTP MUST consist of a keyword, which MAY be followed by one or
- more arguments. A CRLF pair MUST terminate all commands. Multiple
- commands MUST NOT be on the same line. Unless otherwise noted
- elsewhere in this document, arguments SHOULD consist of printable US-
- ASCII characters. Keywords and arguments MUST each be separated by
- one or more space or TAB characters. Command lines MUST NOT exceed
- 512 octets, which includes the terminating CRLF pair. The arguments
- MUST NOT exceed 497 octets. A server MAY relax these limits for
- commands defined in an extension.
- Where this specification permits UTF-8 characters outside the range
- of U+0000 to U+007F, implementations MUST NOT use the Byte Order Mark
- (U+FEFF, encoding %xEF.BB.BF) and MUST use the Word Joiner (U+2060,
- encoding %xE2.91.A0) for the meaning Zero Width No-Break Space in
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- command lines and the initial lines of responses. Implementations
- SHOULD apply these same principles throughout.
- The term "character" means a single Unicode code point.
- Implementations are not required to carry out Unicode normalisation.
- Thus, U+0084 (A-dieresis) is one character, while U+0041 U+0308 (A
- composed with dieresis) is two; the two need not be treated as
- equivalent.
- Commands may have variants; if so, they use a second keyword
- immediately after the first to indicate which variant is required.
- The only such commands in this specification are LIST and MODE. Note
- that such variants are sometimes referred to as if they were commands
- in their own right: "the LIST ACTIVE" command should be read as
- shorthand for "the ACTIVE variant of the LIST command".
- Keywords are case insensitive; the case of keywords for commands MUST
- be ignored by the server. Command and response arguments are case or
- language specific only when stated, either in this document or in
- other relevant specifications.
- In some cases, a command involves more data than just a single line.
- The further data may be sent either immediately after the command
- line (there are no instances of this in this specification, but there
- are in extensions such as [<a href="#ref-NNTP-STREAM" title='"Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Extension for Streaming Feeds"'>NNTP-STREAM</a>]) or following a request from
- the server (indicated by a 3xx response).
- Each response MUST start with a three-digit response code that is
- sufficient to distinguish all responses. Certain valid responses are
- defined to be multi-line; for all others, the response is contained
- in a single line. The initial line of the response MUST NOT exceed
- 512 octets, which includes the response code and the terminating CRLF
- pair; an extension MAY specify a greater maximum for commands that it
- defines, but not for any other command. Single-line responses
- consist of an initial line only. Multi-line responses consist of an
- initial line followed by a multi-line data block.
- An NNTP server MAY have an inactivity autologout timer. Such a timer
- SHOULD be of at least three minutes' duration, with the exception
- that there MAY be a shorter limit on how long the server is willing
- to wait for the first command from the client. The receipt of any
- command from the client during the timer interval SHOULD suffice to
- reset the autologout timer. Similarly, the receipt of any
- significant amount of data from a client that is sending a multi-line
- data block (such as during a POST or IHAVE command) SHOULD suffice to
- reset the autologout timer. When the timer expires, the server
- SHOULD close the connection without sending any response to the
- client.
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.1.1" href="#section-3.1.1">3.1.1</a>. Multi-line Data Blocks</h4></span>
- A multi-line data block is used in certain commands and responses.
- It MUST adhere to the following rules:
- 1. The block consists of a sequence of zero or more "lines", each
- being a stream of octets ending with a CRLF pair. Apart from
- those line endings, the stream MUST NOT include the octets NUL,
- LF, or CR.
- 2. In a multi-line response, the block immediately follows the CRLF
- at the end of the initial line of the response. When used in any
- other context, the specific command will define when the block is
- sent.
- 3. If any line of the data block begins with the "termination octet"
- ("." or %x2E), that line MUST be "dot-stuffed" by prepending an
- additional termination octet to that line of the block.
- 4. The lines of the block MUST be followed by a terminating line
- consisting of a single termination octet followed by a CRLF pair
- in the normal way. Thus, unless it is empty, a multi-line block
- is always terminated with the five octets CRLF "." CRLF
- (%x0D.0A.2E.0D.0A).
- 5. When a multi-line block is interpreted, the "dot-stuffing" MUST
- be undone; i.e., the recipient MUST ensure that, in any line
- beginning with the termination octet followed by octets other
- than a CRLF pair, that initial termination octet is disregarded.
- 6. Likewise, the terminating line ("." CRLF or %x2E.0D.0A) MUST NOT
- be considered part of the multi-line block; i.e., the recipient
- MUST ensure that any line beginning with the termination octet
- followed immediately by a CRLF pair is disregarded. (The first
- CRLF pair of the terminating CRLF "." CRLF of a non-empty block
- is, of course, part of the last line of the block.)
- Note that texts using an encoding (such as UTF-16 or UTF-32) that may
- contain the octets NUL, LF, or CR other than a CRLF pair cannot be
- reliably conveyed in the above format (that is, they violate the MUST
- requirement above). However, except when stated otherwise, this
- specification does not require the content to be UTF-8, and therefore
- (subject to that same requirement) it MAY include octets above and
- below 128 mixed arbitrarily.
- This document does not place any limit on the length of a line in a
- multi-line block. However, the standards that define the format of
- articles may do so.
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-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.2" href="#section-3.2">3.2</a>. Response Codes</h3></span>
- Each response MUST begin with a three-digit status indicator. These
- are status reports from the server and indicate the response to the
- last command received from the client.
- The first digit of the response broadly indicates the success,
- failure, or progress of the previous command:
- 1xx - Informative message
- 2xx - Command completed OK
- 3xx - Command OK so far; send the rest of it
- 4xx - Command was syntactically correct but failed for some reason
- 5xx - Command unknown, unsupported, unavailable, or syntax error
- The next digit in the code indicates the function response category:
- x0x - Connection, setup, and miscellaneous messages
- x1x - Newsgroup selection
- x2x - Article selection
- x3x - Distribution functions
- x4x - Posting
- x8x - Reserved for authentication and privacy extensions
- x9x - Reserved for private use (non-standard extensions)
- Certain responses contain arguments such as numbers and names in
- addition to the status indicator. In those cases, to simplify
- interpretation by the client, the number and type of such arguments
- is fixed for each response code, as is whether the code is
- single-line or multi-line. Any extension MUST follow this principle
- as well. Note that, for historical reasons, the 211 response code is
- an exception to this in that the response may be single-line or
- multi-line depending on the command (GROUP or LISTGROUP) that
- generated it. In all other cases, the client MUST only use the
- status indicator itself to determine the nature of the response. The
- exact response codes that can be returned by any given command are
- detailed in the description of that command.
- Arguments MUST be separated from the numeric status indicator and
- from each other by a single space. All numeric arguments MUST be in
- base 10 (decimal) format and MAY have leading zeros. String
- arguments MUST contain at least one character and MUST NOT contain
- TAB, LF, CR, or space. The server MAY add any text after the
- response code or last argument, as appropriate, and the client MUST
- NOT make decisions based on this text. Such text MUST be separated
- from the numeric status indicator or the last argument by at least
- one space.
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- The server MUST respond to any command with the appropriate generic
- response (given in <a href="#section-3.2.1">Section 3.2.1</a>) if it represents the situation.
- Otherwise, each recognized command MUST return one of the response
- codes specifically listed in its description or in an extension. A
- server MAY provide extensions to this specification, including new
- commands, new variants or features of existing commands, and other
- ways of changing the internal state of the server. However, the
- server MUST NOT produce any other responses to a client that does not
- invoke any of the additional features. (Therefore, a client that
- restricts itself to this specification will only receive the
- responses that are listed.)
- If a client receives an unexpected response, it SHOULD use the first
- digit of the response to determine the result. For example, an
- unexpected 2xx should be taken as success, and an unexpected 4xx or
- 5xx as failure.
- Response codes not specified in this document MAY be used for any
- installation-specific additional commands also not specified. These
- SHOULD be chosen to fit the pattern of x9x specified above.
- Neither this document nor any registered extension (see
- <a href="#section-3.3.3">Section 3.3.3</a>) will specify any response codes of the x9x pattern.
- (Implementers of extensions are accordingly cautioned not to use such
- responses for extensions that may subsequently be submitted for
- registration.)
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.2.1" href="#section-3.2.1">3.2.1</a>. Generic Response Codes</h4></span>
- The server MUST respond to any command with the appropriate one of
- the following generic responses if it represents the situation.
- If the command is not recognized, or if it is an optional command
- that is not implemented by the server, the response code 500 MUST be
- returned.
- If there is a syntax error in the arguments of a recognized command,
- including the case where more arguments are provided than the command
- specifies or the command line is longer than the server accepts, the
- response code 501 MUST be returned. The line MUST NOT be truncated
- or split and then interpreted. Note that where a command has
- variants depending on a second keyword (e.g., LIST ACTIVE and LIST
- NEWSGROUPS), 501 MUST be used when the base command is implemented
- but the requested variant is not, and 500 MUST be used only when the
- base command itself is not implemented.
- If an argument is required to be a base64-encoded string [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648" title='"The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings"'>RFC4648</a>]
- (there are no such arguments in this specification, but there may be
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- in extensions) and is not validly encoded, the response code 504 MUST
- be returned.
- If the server experiences an internal fault or problem that means it
- is unable to carry out the command (for example, a necessary file is
- missing or a necessary service could not be contacted), the response
- code 403 MUST be returned. If the server recognizes the command but
- does not provide an optional feature (for example, because it does
- not store the required information), or if it only handles a subset
- of legitimate cases (see the HDR command, <a href="#section-8.5">Section 8.5</a>, for an
- example), the response code 503 MUST be returned.
- If the client is not authorized to use the specified facility when
- the server is in its current state, then the appropriate one of the
- following response codes MUST be used.
- 502: It is necessary to terminate the connection and to start a new
- one with the appropriate authority before the command can be used.
- Historically, some mode-switching servers (see <a href="#section-3.4.1">Section 3.4.1</a>) used
- this response to indicate that this command will become available
- after the MODE READER command (<a href="#section-5.3">Section 5.3</a>) is used, but this
- usage does not conform to this specification and MUST NOT be used.
- Note that the server MUST NOT close the connection immediately
- after a 502 response except at the initial connection
- (<a href="#section-5.1">Section 5.1</a>) and with the MODE READER command.
- 480: The client must authenticate itself to the server (that is, it
- must provide information as to the identity of the client) before
- the facility can be used on this connection. This will involve
- the use of an authentication extension such as [<a href="#ref-NNTP-AUTH" title='"Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Extension for Authentication"'>NNTP-AUTH</a>].
- 483: The client must negotiate appropriate privacy protection on the
- connection. This will involve the use of a privacy extension such
- as [<a href="#ref-NNTP-TLS" title='"Using Transport Layer Security (TLS) with Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)"'>NNTP-TLS</a>].
- 401: The client must change the state of the connection in some other
- manner. The first argument of the response MUST be the capability
- label (see <a href="#section-5.2">Section 5.2</a>) of the facility that provides the
- necessary mechanism (usually an extension, which may be a private
- extension). The server MUST NOT use this response code except as
- specified by the definition of the capability in question.
- If the server has to terminate the connection for some reason, it
- MUST give a 400 response code to the next command and then
- immediately close the connection. Following a 400 response, clients
- SHOULD NOT simply reconnect immediately and retry the same actions.
- Rather, a client SHOULD either use an exponentially increasing delay
- between retries (e.g., double the waiting time after each 400
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- response) or present any associated text to the user for them to
- decide whether and when to retry.
- The client MUST be prepared to receive any of these responses for any
- command (except, of course, that the server MUST NOT generate a 500
- response code for mandatory commands).
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Examples</h5></span>
- Example of an unknown command:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] MAIL
- [S] 500 Unknown command
- Example of an unsupported command:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] OVER
- [S] 500 Unknown command
- Example of an unsupported variant:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] MODE POSTER
- [S] 501 Unknown MODE option
- Example of a syntax error:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] ARTICLE a.message.id@no.angle.brackets
- [S] 501 Syntax error
- Example of an overlong command line:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] HEAD 53 54 55
- [S] 501 Too many arguments
- Example of a bad wildmat:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST ACTIVE u[ks].*
- [S] 501 Syntax error
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- Example of a base64-encoding error (the second argument is meant to
- be base64 encoded):
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] XENCRYPT RSA abcd=efg
- [S] 504 Base64 encoding error
- Example of an attempt to access a facility not available to this
- connection:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] MODE READER
- [S] 200 Reader mode, posting permitted
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] IHAVE &lt;i.am.an.article.you.will.want@example.com&gt;
- [S] 500 Permission denied
- Example of an attempt to access a facility requiring authentication:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP secret.group
- [S] 480 Permission denied
- Example of a successful attempt following such authentication:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] XSECRET fred flintstone
- [S] 290 Password for fred accepted
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] GROUP secret.group
- [S] 211 5 1 20 secret.group selected
- Example of an attempt to access a facility requiring privacy:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP secret.group
- [S] 483 Secure connection required
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] XENCRYPT
- [Client and server negotiate encryption on the link]
- [S] 283 Encrypted link established
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] GROUP secret.group
- [S] 211 5 1 20 secret.group selected
- Example of a need to change mode before a facility is used:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP binary.group
- [S] 401 XHOST Not on this virtual host
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] XHOST binary.news.example.org
- [S] 290 binary.news.example.org virtual host selected
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] GROUP binary.group
- [S] 211 5 1 77 binary.group selected
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- Example of a temporary failure:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP archive.local
- [S] 403 Archive server temporarily offline
- Example of the server needing to close down immediately:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] ARTICLE 123
- [S] 400 Power supply failed, running on UPS
- [Server closes connection.]
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.3" href="#section-3.3">3.3</a>. Capabilities and Extensions</h3></span>
- Not all NNTP servers provide exactly the same facilities, both
- because this specification allows variation and because servers may
- provide extensions. A set of facilities that are related are called
- a "capability". This specification provides a way to determine what
- capabilities are available, includes a list of standard capabilities,
- and includes a mechanism (the extension mechanism) for defining new
- capabilities.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.3.1" href="#section-3.3.1">3.3.1</a>. Capability Descriptions</h4></span>
- A client can determine the available capabilities of the server by
- using the CAPABILITIES command (<a href="#section-5.2">Section 5.2</a>). This returns a
- capability list, which is a list of capability lines. Each line
- describes one available capability.
- Each capability line consists of one or more tokens, which MUST be
- separated by one or more space or TAB characters. A token is a
- string of 1 or more printable UTF-8 characters (that is, either
- printable US-ASCII characters or any UTF-8 sequence outside the US-
- ASCII range, but not space or TAB). Unless stated otherwise, tokens
- are case insensitive. Each capability line consists of the
- following:
- o The capability label, which is a keyword indicating the
- capability. A capability label may be defined by this
- specification or a successor, or by an extension.
- o The label is then followed by zero or more tokens, which are
- arguments of the capability. The form and meaning of these tokens
- is specific to each capability.
- The server MUST ensure that the capability list accurately reflects
- the capabilities (including extensions) currently available. If a
- capability is only available with the server in a certain state (for
- example, only after authentication), the list MUST only include the
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- capability label when the server is in that state. Similarly, if
- only some of the commands in an extension will be available, or if
- the behaviour of the extension will change in some other manner,
- according to the state of the server, this MUST be indicated by
- different arguments in the capability line.
- Note that a capability line can only begin with a letter. Lines
- beginning with other characters are reserved for future versions of
- this specification. In order to interoperate with such versions,
- clients MUST be prepared to receive lines beginning with other
- characters and MUST ignore any they do not understand.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.3.2" href="#section-3.3.2">3.3.2</a>. Standard Capabilities</h4></span>
- The following capabilities are defined by this specification.
- This capability MUST be advertised by all servers and MUST be the
- first capability in the capability list; it indicates the
- version(s) of NNTP that the server supports. There must be at
- least one argument; each argument is a decimal number and MUST NOT
- have a leading zero. Version numbers are assigned only in RFCs
- that update or replace this specification; servers MUST NOT create
- their own version numbers.
- The version number of this specification is 2.
- This capability indicates that the server implements the various
- commands useful for reading clients.
- This capability indicates that the server implements the IHAVE
- command.
- This capability indicates that the server implements the POST
- command.
- This capability indicates that the server implements the NEWNEWS
- command.
- This capability indicates that the server implements the header
- access commands (HDR and LIST HEADERS).
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- This capability indicates that the server implements the overview
- access commands (OVER and LIST OVERVIEW.FMT). If and only if the
- server supports the message-id form of the OVER command, there
- must be a single argument MSGID.
- This capability indicates that the server implements at least one
- variant of the LIST command. There MUST be one argument for each
- variant of the LIST command supported by the server, giving the
- keyword for that variant.
- This capability MAY be provided by a server. If so, the arguments
- SHOULD be used to provide information such as the server software
- name and version number. The client MUST NOT use this line to
- determine capabilities of the server. (While servers often
- provide this information in the initial greeting, clients need to
- guess whether this is the case; this capability makes it clear
- what the information is.)
- This capability indicates that the server is mode-switching
- (<a href="#section-3.4.2">Section 3.4.2</a>) and that the MODE READER command needs to be used
- to enable the READER capability.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.3.3" href="#section-3.3.3">3.3.3</a>. Extensions</h4></span>
- Although NNTP is widely and robustly deployed, some parts of the
- Internet community might wish to extend the NNTP service. It must be
- emphasized that any extension to NNTP should not be considered
- lightly. NNTP's strength comes primarily from its simplicity.
- Experience with many protocols has shown that:
- Protocols with few options tend towards ubiquity, whilst protocols
- with many options tend towards obscurity.
- This means that each and every extension, regardless of its benefits,
- must be carefully scrutinized with respect to its implementation,
- deployment, and interoperability costs. In many cases, the cost of
- extending the NNTP service will likely outweigh the benefit.
- An extension is a package of associated facilities, often but not
- always including one or more new commands. Each extension MUST
- define at least one new capability label (this will often, but need
- not, be the name of one of these new commands). While any additional
- capability information can normally be specified using arguments to
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- that label, an extension MAY define more than one capability label.
- However, this SHOULD be limited to exceptional circumstances.
- An extension is either a private extension, or its capabilities are
- included in the IANA registry of capabilities (see <a href="#section-3.3.4">Section 3.3.4</a>) and
- it is defined in an RFC (in which case it is a "registered
- extension"). Such RFCs either must be on the standards track or must
- define an IESG-approved experimental protocol.
- The definition of an extension must include the following:
- o a descriptive name for the extension.
- o the capability label or labels defined by the extension (the
- capability label of a registered extension MUST NOT begin with
- "X").
- o The syntax, values, and meanings of any arguments for each
- capability label defined by the extension.
- o Any new NNTP commands associated with the extension (the names of
- commands associated with registered extensions MUST NOT begin with
- "X").
- o The syntax and possible values of arguments associated with the
- new NNTP commands.
- o The response codes and possible values of arguments for the
- responses of the new NNTP commands.
- o Any new arguments the extension associates with any other
- pre-existing NNTP commands.
- o Any increase in the maximum length of commands and initial
- response lines over the value specified in this document.
- o A specific statement about the effect on pipelining that this
- extension may have (if any).
- o A specific statement about the circumstances when use of this
- extension can alter the contents of the capabilities list (other
- than the new capability labels it defines).
- o A specific statement about the circumstances under which the
- extension can cause any pre-existing command to produce a 401,
- 480, or 483 response.
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- o A description of how the use of MODE READER on a mode-switching
- server interacts with the extension.
- o A description of how support for the extension affects the
- behaviour of a server and NNTP client in any other manner not
- outlined above.
- o Formal syntax as described in <a href="#section-9.9">Section 9.9</a>.
- A private extension MAY or MAY NOT be included in the capabilities
- list. If it is, the capability label MUST begin with "X". A server
- MAY provide additional keywords (for new commands and also for new
- variants of existing commands) as part of a private extension. To
- avoid the risk of a clash with a future registered extension, these
- keywords SHOULD begin with "X".
- If the server advertises a capability defined by a registered
- extension, it MUST implement the extension so as to fully conform
- with the specification (for example, it MUST implement all the
- commands that the extension describes as mandatory). If it does not
- implement the extension as specified, it MUST NOT list the extension
- in the capabilities list under its registered name. In that case, it
- MAY, but SHOULD NOT, provide a private extension (not listed, or
- listed with a different name) that implements part of the extension
- or implements the commands of the extension with a different meaning.
- A server MUST NOT send different response codes to basic NNTP
- commands documented here or to commands documented in registered
- extensions in response to the availability or use of a private
- extension.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.3.4" href="#section-3.3.4">3.3.4</a>. Initial IANA Register</h4></span>
- IANA will maintain a registry of NNTP capability labels. All
- capability labels in the registry MUST be keywords and MUST NOT begin
- with X.
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- The initial content of the registry consists of these entries:
- +-------------------+--------------------------+--------------------+
- | Label | Meaning | Definition |
- +-------------------+--------------------------+--------------------+
- | AUTHINFO | Authentication | [<a href="#ref-NNTP-AUTH" title='"Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Extension for Authentication"'>NNTP-AUTH</a>] |
- | | | |
- | HDR | Batched header retrieval | <a href="#section-3.3.2">Section 3.3.2</a>, |
- | | | <a href="#section-8.5">Section 8.5</a>, and |
- | | | <a href="#section-8.6">Section 8.6</a> |
- | | | |
- | IHAVE | IHAVE command available | <a href="#section-3.3.2">Section 3.3.2</a> and |
- | | | <a href="#section-6.3.2">Section 6.3.2</a> |
- | | | |
- | IMPLEMENTATION | Server | <a href="#section-3.3.2">Section 3.3.2</a> |
- | | implementation-specific | |
- | | information | |
- | | | |
- | LIST | LIST command variants | <a href="#section-3.3.2">Section 3.3.2</a> and |
- | | | <a href="#section-7.6.1">Section 7.6.1</a> |
- | | | |
- | MODE-READER | Mode-switching server | <a href="#section-3.4.2">Section 3.4.2</a> |
- | | and MODE READER command | |
- | | available | |
- | | | |
- | NEWNEWS | NEWNEWS command | <a href="#section-3.3.2">Section 3.3.2</a> and |
- | | available | <a href="#section-7.4">Section 7.4</a> |
- | | | |
- | OVER | Overview support | <a href="#section-3.3.2">Section 3.3.2</a>, |
- | | | <a href="#section-8.3">Section 8.3</a>, and |
- | | | <a href="#section-8.4">Section 8.4</a> |
- | | | |
- | POST | POST command available | <a href="#section-3.3.2">Section 3.3.2</a> and |
- | | | <a href="#section-6.3.1">Section 6.3.1</a> |
- | | | |
- | READER | Reader commands | <a href="#section-3.3.2">Section 3.3.2</a> |
- | | available | |
- | | | |
- | SASL | Supported SASL | [<a href="#ref-NNTP-AUTH" title='"Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Extension for Authentication"'>NNTP-AUTH</a>] |
- | | mechanisms | |
- | | | |
- | STARTTLS | Transport layer security | [<a href="#ref-NNTP-TLS" title='"Using Transport Layer Security (TLS) with Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)"'>NNTP-TLS</a>] |
- | | | |
- | STREAMING | Streaming feeds | [<a href="#ref-NNTP-STREAM" title='"Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Extension for Streaming Feeds"'>NNTP-STREAM</a>] |
- | | | |
- | VERSION | Supported NNTP versions | <a href="#section-3.3.2">Section 3.3.2</a> |
- +-------------------+--------------------------+--------------------+
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-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.4" href="#section-3.4">3.4</a>. Mandatory and Optional Commands</h3></span>
- For a number of reasons, not all the commands in this specification
- are mandatory. However, it is equally undesirable for every command
- to be optional, since this means that a client will have no idea what
- facilities are available. Therefore, as a compromise, some of the
- commands in this specification are mandatory (they must be supported
- by all servers) while the remainder are not. The latter are then
- subdivided into bundles, each indicated by a single capability label.
- o If the label is included in the capability list returned by the
- server, the server MUST support all commands in that bundle.
- o If the label is not included, the server MAY support none or some
- of the commands but SHOULD NOT support all of them. In general,
- there will be no way for a client to determine which commands are
- supported without trying them.
- The bundles have been chosen to provide useful functionality, and
- therefore server authors are discouraged from implementing only part
- of a bundle.
- The description of each command will either indicate that it is
- mandatory, or will give, using the term "indicating capability", the
- capability label indicating whether the bundle including this command
- is available.
- Where a server does not implement a command, it MUST always generate
- a 500 generic response code (or a 501 generic response code in the
- case of a variant of a command depending on a second keyword where
- the base command is recognised). Otherwise, the command MUST be
- fully implemented as specified; a server MUST NOT only partially
- implement any of the commands in this specification. (Client authors
- should note that some servers not conforming to this specification
- will return a 502 generic response code to some commands that are not
- implemented.)
- Note: some commands have cases that require other commands to be used
- first. If the former command is implemented but the latter is not,
- the former MUST still generate the relevant specific response code.
- For example, if ARTICLE (<a href="#section-6.2.1">Section 6.2.1</a>) is implemented but GROUP
- (<a href="#section-6.1.1">Section 6.1.1</a>) is not, the correct response to "ARTICLE 1234"
- remains 412.
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.4.1" href="#section-3.4.1">3.4.1</a>. Reading and Transit Servers</h4></span>
- NNTP is traditionally used in two different ways. The first use is
- "reading", where the client fetches articles from a large store
- maintained by the server for immediate or later presentation to a
- user and sends articles created by that user back to the server (an
- action called "posting") to be stored and distributed to other stores
- and users. The second use is for the bulk transfer of articles from
- one store to another. Since the hosts making this transfer tend to
- be peers in a network that transmit articles among one another, and
- not end-user systems, this process is called "peering" or "transit".
- (Even so, one host is still the client and the other is the server).
- In practice, these two uses are so different that some server
- implementations are optimised for reading or for transit and, as a
- result, do not offer the other facility or only offer limited
- features. Other implementations are more general and offer both.
- This specification allows for this by bundling the relevant commands
- accordingly: the IHAVE command is designed for transit, while the
- commands indicated by the READER capability are designed for reading
- clients.
- Except as an effect of the MODE READER command (<a href="#section-5.3">Section 5.3</a>) on a
- mode-switching server, once a server advertises either or both of the
- IHAVE or READER capabilities, it MUST continue to advertise them for
- the entire session.
- A server MAY provide different modes of behaviour (transit, reader,
- or a combination) to different client connections and MAY use
- external information, such as the IP address of the client, to
- determine which mode to provide to any given connection.
- The official TCP port for the NNTP service is 119. However, if a
- host wishes to offer separate servers for transit and reading
- clients, port 433 SHOULD be used for the transit server and 119 for
- the reading server.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.4.2" href="#section-3.4.2">3.4.2</a>. Mode Switching</h4></span>
- An implementation MAY, but SHOULD NOT, provide both transit and
- reader facilities on the same server but require the client to select
- which it wishes to use. Such an arrangement is called a
- "mode-switching" server.
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- A mode-switching server has two modes:
- o Transit mode, which applies after the initial connection.
- * It MUST advertise the MODE-READER capability.
- * It MUST NOT advertise the READER capability.
- However, the server MAY cease to advertise the MODE-READER
- capability after the client uses any command except CAPABILITIES.
- o Reading mode, after a successful MODE READER command (see <a href="#section-5.3">Section</a>
- <a href="#section-5.3">5.3</a>).
- * It MUST NOT advertise the MODE-READER capability.
- * It MUST advertise the READER capability.
- * It MAY NOT advertise the IHAVE capability, even if it was
- advertising it in transit mode.
- A client SHOULD only issue a MODE READER command to a server if it is
- advertising the MODE-READER capability. If the server does not
- support CAPABILITIES (and therefore does not conform to this
- specification), the client MAY use the following heuristic:
- o If the client wishes to use any "reader" commands, it SHOULD use
- the MODE READER command immediately after the initial connection.
- o Otherwise, it SHOULD NOT use the MODE READER command.
- In each case, it should be prepared for some commands to be
- unavailable that would have been available if it had made the other
- choice.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.5" href="#section-3.5">3.5</a>. Pipelining</h3></span>
- NNTP is designed to operate over a reliable bi-directional
- connection, such as TCP. Therefore, if a command does not depend on
- the response to the previous one, it should not matter if it is sent
- before that response is received. Doing this is called "pipelining".
- However, certain server implementations throw away all text received
- from the client following certain commands before sending their
- response. If this happens, pipelining will be affected because one
- or more commands will have been ignored or misinterpreted, and the
- client will be matching the wrong responses to each command. Since
- there are significant benefits to pipelining, but also circumstances
- where it is reasonable or common for servers to behave in the above
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- manner, this document puts certain requirements on both clients and
- servers.
- Except where stated otherwise, a client MAY use pipelining. That is,
- it may send a command before receiving the response for the previous
- command. The server MUST allow pipelining and MUST NOT throw away
- any text received after a command. Irrespective of whether
- pipelining is used, the server MUST process commands in the order
- they are sent.
- If the specific description of a command says it "MUST NOT be
- pipelined", that command MUST end any pipeline of commands. That is,
- the client MUST NOT send any following command until it receives the
- CRLF at the end of the response from the command. The server MAY
- ignore any data received after the command and before the CRLF at the
- end of the response is sent to the client.
- The initial connection must not be part of a pipeline; that is, the
- client MUST NOT send any command until it receives the CRLF at the
- end of the greeting.
- If the client uses blocking system calls to send commands, it MUST
- ensure that the amount of text sent in pipelining does not cause a
- deadlock between transmission and reception. The amount of text
- involved will depend on window sizes in the transmission layer;
- typically, it is 4k octets for TCP. (Since the server only sends
- data in response to commands from the client, the converse problem
- does not occur.)
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-3.5.1" href="#section-3.5.1">3.5.1</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- Example of correct use of pipelining:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] NEXT
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [S] 223 3000234 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt; retrieved
- [S] 223 3000237 &lt;668929@example.org&gt; retrieved
- Example of incorrect use of pipelining (the MODE READER command may
- not be pipelined):
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] MODE READER
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] DATE
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] NEXT
- [S] 200 Server ready, posting allowed
- [S] 223 3000237 &lt;668929@example.org&gt; retrieved
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- The DATE command has been thrown away by the server, so there is no
- 111 response to match it.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-3.6" href="#section-3.6">3.6</a>. Articles</h3></span>
- NNTP is intended to transfer articles between clients and servers.
- For the purposes of this specification, articles are required to
- conform to the rules in this section, and clients and servers MUST
- correctly process any article received from the other that does so.
- Note that this requirement applies only to the contents of
- communications over NNTP; it does not prevent the client or server
- from subsequently rejecting an article for reasons of local policy.
- Also see <a href="#appendix-A">Appendix A</a> for further restrictions on the format of
- articles in some uses of NNTP.
- An article consists of two parts: the headers and the body. They are
- separated by a single empty line, or in other words by two
- consecutive CRLF pairs (if there is more than one empty line, the
- second and subsequent ones are part of the body). In order to meet
- the general requirements of NNTP, an article MUST NOT include the
- octet NUL, MUST NOT contain the octets LF and CR other than as part
- of a CRLF pair, and MUST end with a CRLF pair. This specification
- puts no further restrictions on the body; in particular, it MAY be
- empty.
- The headers of an article consist of one or more header lines. Each
- header line consists of a header name, a colon, a space, the header
- content, and a CRLF, in that order. The name consists of one or more
- printable US-ASCII characters other than colon and, for the purposes
- of this specification, is not case sensitive. There MAY be more than
- one header line with the same name. The content MUST NOT contain
- CRLF; it MAY be empty. A header may be "folded"; that is, a CRLF
- pair may be placed before any TAB or space in the line. There MUST
- still be some other octet between any two CRLF pairs in a header
- line. (Note that folding means that the header line occupies more
- than one line when displayed or transmitted; nevertheless, it is
- still referred to as "a" header line.) The presence or absence of
- folding does not affect the meaning of the header line; that is, the
- CRLF pairs introduced by folding are not considered part of the
- header content. Header lines SHOULD NOT be folded before the space
- after the colon that follows the header name and SHOULD include at
- least one octet other than %x09 or %x20 between CRLF pairs. However,
- if an article that fails to satisfy this requirement has been
- received from elsewhere, clients and servers MAY transfer it to each
- other without re-folding it.
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- The content of a header SHOULD be in UTF-8. However, if an
- implementation receives an article from elsewhere that uses octets in
- the range 128 to 255 in some other manner, it MAY pass it to a client
- or server without modification. Therefore, implementations MUST be
- prepared to receive such headers, and data derived from them (e.g.,
- in the responses from the OVER command, <a href="#section-8.3">Section 8.3</a>), and MUST NOT
- assume that they are always UTF-8. Any external processing of those
- headers, including identifying the encoding used, is outside the
- scope of this document.
- Each article MUST have a unique message-id; two articles offered by
- an NNTP server MUST NOT have the same message-id. For the purposes
- of this specification, message-ids are opaque strings that MUST meet
- the following requirements:
- o A message-id MUST begin with "&lt;", end with "&gt;", and MUST NOT
- contain the latter except at the end.
- o A message-id MUST be between 3 and 250 octets in length.
- o A message-id MUST NOT contain octets other than printable US-ASCII
- characters.
- Two message-ids are the same if and only if they consist of the same
- sequence of octets.
- This specification does not describe how the message-id of an article
- is determined. If the server does not have any way to determine a
- message-id from the article itself, it MUST synthesize one (this
- specification does not require that the article be changed as a
- result). See also <a href="#appendix-A.2">Appendix A.2</a>.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-4" href="#section-4">4</a>. The WILDMAT Format</h2></span>
- The WILDMAT format described here is based on the version first
- developed by Rich Salz [<a href="#ref-SALZ1992" title='"Manual Page for wildmat(3) from the INN 1.4 distribution, Revision 1.10"'>SALZ1992</a>], which was in turn derived from the
- format used in the UNIX "find" command to articulate file names. It
- was developed to provide a uniform mechanism for matching patterns in
- the same manner that the UNIX shell matches filenames.
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-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-4.1" href="#section-4.1">4.1</a>. Wildmat Syntax</h3></span>
- A wildmat is described by the following ABNF [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4234" title='"Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF"'>RFC4234</a>] syntax, which
- is an extract of that in <a href="#section-9.8">Section 9.8</a>.
- wildmat = wildmat-pattern *("," ["!"] wildmat-pattern)
- wildmat-pattern = 1*wildmat-item
- wildmat-item = wildmat-exact / wildmat-wild
- wildmat-exact = %x22-29 / %x2B / %x2D-3E / %x40-5A / %x5E-7E /
- UTF8-non-ascii ; exclude ! * , ? [ \ ]
- wildmat-wild = "*" / "?"
- Note: the characters ",", "\", "[", and "]" are not allowed in
- wildmats, while * and ? are always wildcards. This should not be a
- problem, since these characters cannot occur in newsgroup names,
- which is the only current use of wildmats. Backslash is commonly
- used to suppress the special meaning of characters, whereas brackets
- are used to introduce sets. However, these usages are not universal,
- and interpretation of these characters in the context of UTF-8
- strings is potentially complex and differs from existing practice, so
- they were omitted from this specification. A future extension to
- this specification may provide semantics for these characters.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-4.2" href="#section-4.2">4.2</a>. Wildmat Semantics</h3></span>
- A wildmat is tested against a string and either matches or does not
- match. To do this, each constituent &lt;wildmat-pattern&gt; is matched
- against the string, and the rightmost pattern that matches is
- identified. If that &lt;wildmat-pattern&gt; is not preceded with "!", the
- whole wildmat matches. If it is preceded by "!", or if no &lt;wildmat-
- pattern&gt; matches, the whole wildmat does not match.
- For example, consider the wildmat "a*,!*b,*c*":
- o The string "aaa" matches because the rightmost match is with "a*".
- o The string "abb" does not match because the rightmost match is
- with "*b".
- o The string "ccb" matches because the rightmost match is with
- "*c*".
- o The string "xxx" does not match because no &lt;wildmat-pattern&gt;
- matches.
- A &lt;wildmat-pattern&gt; matches a string if the string can be broken into
- components, each of which matches the corresponding &lt;wildmat-item&gt; in
- the pattern. The matches must be in the same order, and the whole
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- string must be used in the match. The pattern is "anchored"; that
- is, the first and last characters in the string must match the first
- and last item, respectively (unless that item is an asterisk matching
- zero characters).
- A &lt;wildmat-exact&gt; matches the same character (which may be more than
- one octet in UTF-8).
- "?" matches exactly one character (which may be more than one octet).
- "*" matches zero or more characters. It can match an empty string,
- but it cannot match a subsequence of a UTF-8 sequence that is not
- aligned to the character boundaries.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-4.3" href="#section-4.3">4.3</a>. Extensions</h3></span>
- An NNTP server or extension MAY extend the syntax or semantics of
- wildmats provided that all wildmats that meet the requirements of
- <a href="#section-4.1">Section 4.1</a> have the meaning ascribed to them by <a href="#section-4.2">Section 4.2</a>. Future
- editions of this document may also extend wildmats.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-4.4" href="#section-4.4">4.4</a>. Examples</h3></span>
- In these examples, $ and @ are used to represent the two octets %xC2
- and %xA3, respectively; $@ is thus the UTF-8 encoding for the pound
- sterling symbol, shown as # in the descriptions.
- Wildmat Description of strings that match
- abc The one string "abc"
- abc,def The two strings "abc" and "def"
- $@ The one character string "#"
- a* Any string that begins with "a"
- a*b Any string that begins with "a" and ends with "b"
- a*,*b Any string that begins with "a" or ends with "b"
- a*,!*b Any string that begins with "a" and does not end with
- "b"
- a*,!*b,c* Any string that begins with "a" and does not end with
- "b", and any string that begins with "c" no matter
- what it ends with
- a*,c*,!*b Any string that begins with "a" or "c" and does not
- end with "b"
- ?a* Any string with "a" as its second character
- ??a* Any string with "a" as its third character
- *a? Any string with "a" as its penultimate character
- *a?? Any string with "a" as its antepenultimate character
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-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-5" href="#section-5">5</a>. Session Administration Commands</h2></span>
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-5.1" href="#section-5.1">5.1</a>. Initial Connection</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-5.1.1" href="#section-5.1.1">5.1.1</a>. Usage</h4></span>
- This command MUST NOT be pipelined.
- Responses [<a href="#ref-1">1</a>]
- 200 Service available, posting allowed
- 201 Service available, posting prohibited
- 400 Service temporarily unavailable [<a href="#ref-2">2</a>]
- 502 Service permanently unavailable [<a href="#ref-2">2</a>]
- [<a name="ref-1" id="ref-1">1</a>] These are the only valid response codes for the initial greeting;
- the server MUST not return any other generic response code.
- [<a name="ref-2" id="ref-2">2</a>] Following a 400 or 502 response, the server MUST immediately
- close the connection.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-5.1.2" href="#section-5.1.2">5.1.2</a>. Description</h4></span>
- There is no command presented by the client upon initial connection
- to the server. The server MUST present an appropriate response code
- as a greeting to the client. This response informs the client
- whether service is available and whether the client is permitted to
- post.
- If the server will accept further commands from the client including
- POST, the server MUST present a 200 greeting code. If the server
- will accept further commands from the client, but the client is not
- authorized to post articles using the POST command, the server MUST
- present a 201 greeting code.
- Otherwise, the server MUST present a 400 or 502 greeting code and
- then immediately close the connection. 400 SHOULD be used if the
- issue is only temporary (for example, because of load) and the client
- can expect to be able to connect successfully at some point in the
- future without making any changes. 502 MUST be used if the client is
- not permitted under any circumstances to interact with the server,
- and MAY be used if the server has insufficient information to
- determine whether the issue is temporary or permanent.
- Note: the distinction between the 200 and 201 response codes has
- turned out in practice to be insufficient; for example, some servers
- do not allow posting until the client has authenticated, while other
- clients assume that a 201 response means that posting will never be
- possible even after authentication. Therefore, clients SHOULD use
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- the CAPABILITIES command (<a href="#section-5.2">Section 5.2</a>) rather than rely on this
- response.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-5.1.3" href="#section-5.1.3">5.1.3</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- Example of a normal connection from an authorized client that then
- terminates the session (see <a href="#section-5.4">Section 5.4</a>):
- [Initial connection set-up completed.]
- [S] 200 NNTP Service Ready, posting permitted
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] QUIT
- [S] 205 NNTP Service exits normally
- [Server closes connection.]
- Example of a normal connection from an authorized client that is not
- permitted to post, which also immediately terminates the session:
- [Initial connection set-up completed.]
- [S] 201 NNTP Service Ready, posting prohibited
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] QUIT
- [S] 205 NNTP Service exits normally
- [Server closes connection.]
- Example of a normal connection from an unauthorized client:
- [Initial connection set-up completed.]
- [S] 502 NNTP Service permanently unavailable
- [Server closes connection.]
- Example of a connection from a client if the server is unable to
- provide service:
- [Initial connection set-up completed.]
- [S] 400 NNTP Service temporarily unavailable
- [Server closes connection.]
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-5.2" href="#section-5.2">5.2</a>. CAPABILITIES</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-5.2.1" href="#section-5.2.1">5.2.1</a>. Usage</h4></span>
- This command is mandatory.
- Syntax
- CAPABILITIES [keyword]
- Responses
- 101 Capability list follows (multi-line)
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- Parameters
- keyword additional feature, see description
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-5.2.2" href="#section-5.2.2">5.2.2</a>. Description</h4></span>
- The CAPABILITIES command allows a client to determine the
- capabilities of the server at any given time.
- This command MAY be issued at any time; the server MUST NOT require
- it to be issued in order to make use of any capability. The response
- generated by this command MAY change during a session because of
- other state information (which, in turn, may be changed by the
- effects of other commands or by external events). An NNTP client is
- only able to get the current and correct information concerning
- available capabilities at any point during a session by issuing a
- CAPABILITIES command at that point of that session and processing the
- response.
- The capability list is returned as a multi-line data block following
- the 101 response code. Each capability is described by a separate
- capability line. The server MUST NOT list the same capability twice
- in the response, even with different arguments. Except that the
- VERSION capability MUST be the first line, the order in which the
- capability lines appears is not significant; the server need not even
- consistently return the same order.
- While some capabilities are likely to be always available or never
- available, others (notably extensions) will appear and disappear
- depending on server state changes within the session or on external
- events between sessions. An NNTP client MAY cache the results of
- this command, but MUST NOT rely on the correctness of any cached
- results, whether from earlier in this session or from a previous
- session, MUST cope gracefully with the cached status being out of
- date, and SHOULD (if caching results) provide a way to force the
- cached information to be refreshed. Furthermore, a client MUST NOT
- use cached results in relation to security, privacy, and
- authentication extensions. See <a href="#section-12.6">Section 12.6</a> for further discussion
- of this topic.
- The keyword argument is not used by this specification. It is
- provided so that extensions or revisions to this specification can
- include extra features for this command without requiring the
- CAPABILITIES command to be used twice (once to determine if the extra
- features are available, and a second time to make use of them). If
- the server does not recognise the argument (and it is a keyword), it
- MUST respond with the 101 response code as if the argument had been
- omitted. If an argument is provided that the server does recognise,
- it MAY use the 101 response code or MAY use some other response code
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- (which will be defined in the specification of that feature). If the
- argument is not a keyword, the 501 generic response code MUST be
- returned. The server MUST NOT generate any other response code to
- the CAPABILITIES command.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-5.2.3" href="#section-5.2.3">5.2.3</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- Example of a minimal response (a read-only server):
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] .
- Example of a response from a server that has a range of facilities
- and that also describes itself:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] POST
- [S] IMPLEMENTATION INN 4.2 2004-12-25
- [S] .
- Example of a server that supports more than one version of NNTP:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] VERSION 2 3
- [S] .
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- Example of a client attempting to use a feature of the CAPABILITIES
- command that the server does not support:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES AUTOUPDATE
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] HDR
- [S] .
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-5.3" href="#section-5.3">5.3</a>. MODE READER</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-5.3.1" href="#section-5.3.1">5.3.1</a>. Usage</h4></span>
- Indicating capability: MODE-READER
- This command MUST NOT be pipelined.
- Syntax
- Responses
- 200 Posting allowed
- 201 Posting prohibited
- 502 Reading service permanently unavailable [<a href="#ref-1">1</a>]
- [<a name="ref-1" id="ref-1">1</a>] Following a 502 response the server MUST immediately close the
- connection.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-5.3.2" href="#section-5.3.2">5.3.2</a>. Description</h4></span>
- The MODE READER command instructs a mode-switching server to switch
- modes, as described in <a href="#section-3.4.2">Section 3.4.2</a>.
- If the server is mode-switching, it switches from its transit mode to
- its reader mode, indicating this by changing the capability list
- accordingly. It MUST then return a 200 or 201 response with the same
- meaning as for the initial greeting (as described in <a href="#section-5.1.1">Section 5.1.1</a>).
- Note that the response need not be the same as that presented during
- the initial greeting. The client MUST NOT issue MODE READER more
- than once in a session or after any security or privacy commands are
- issued. When the MODE READER command is issued, the server MAY reset
- its state to that immediately after the initial connection before
- switching mode.
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- If the server is not mode-switching, then the following apply:
- o If it advertises the READER capability, it MUST return a 200 or
- 201 response with the same meaning as for the initial greeting; in
- this case, the command MUST NOT affect the server state in any
- way.
- o If it does not advertise the READER capability, it MUST return a
- 502 response and then immediately close the connection.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-5.3.3" href="#section-5.3.3">5.3.3</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- Example of use of the MODE READER command on a transit-only server
- (which therefore does not providing reading facilities):
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] MODE READER
- [S] 502 Transit service only
- [Server closes connection.]
- Example of use of the MODE READER command on a server that provides
- reading facilities:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] MODE READER
- [S] 200 Reader mode, posting permitted
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] IHAVE &lt;i.am.an.article.you.have@example.com&gt;
- [S] 500 Permission denied
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- Note that in both of these situations, the client SHOULD NOT use MODE
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- Example of use of the MODE READER command on a mode-switching server:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] MODE READER
- [S] 200 Reader mode, posting permitted
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] .
- In this case, the server offers (but does not require) TLS privacy in
- its reading mode but not in its transit mode.
- Example of use of the MODE READER command where the client is not
- permitted to post:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] MODE READER
- [S] 201 NNTP Service Ready, posting prohibited
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-5.4" href="#section-5.4">5.4</a>. QUIT</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-5.4.1" href="#section-5.4.1">5.4.1</a>. Usage</h4></span>
- This command is mandatory.
- Syntax
- Responses
- 205 Connection closing
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-5.4.2" href="#section-5.4.2">5.4.2</a>. Description</h4></span>
- The client uses the QUIT command to terminate the session. The
- server MUST acknowledge the QUIT command and then close the
- connection to the client. This is the preferred method for a client
- to indicate that it has finished all of its transactions with the
- NNTP server.
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- If a client simply disconnects (or if the connection times out or
- some other fault occurs), the server MUST gracefully cease its
- attempts to service the client, disconnecting from its end if
- necessary.
- The server MUST NOT generate any response code to the QUIT command
- other than 205 or, if any arguments are provided, 501.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-5.4.3" href="#section-5.4.3">5.4.3</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] QUIT
- [S] 205 closing connection
- [Server closes connection.]
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-6" href="#section-6">6</a>. Article Posting and Retrieval</h2></span>
- News-reading clients have available a variety of mechanisms to
- retrieve articles via NNTP. The news articles are stored and indexed
- using three types of keys. The first type of key is the message-id
- of an article and is globally unique. The second type of key is
- composed of a newsgroup name and an article number within that
- newsgroup. On a particular server, there MUST only be one article
- with a given number within any newsgroup, and an article MUST NOT
- have two different numbers in the same newsgroup. An article can be
- cross-posted to multiple newsgroups, so there may be multiple keys
- that point to the same article on the same server; these MAY have
- different numbers in each newsgroup. However, this type of key is
- not required to be globally unique, so the same key MAY refer to
- different articles on different servers. (Note that the terms
- "group" and "newsgroup" are equivalent.)
- The final type of key is the arrival timestamp, giving the time that
- the article arrived at the server. The server MUST ensure that
- article numbers are issued in order of arrival timestamp; that is,
- articles arriving later MUST have higher numbers than those that
- arrive earlier. The server SHOULD allocate the next sequential
- unused number to each new article.
- Article numbers MUST lie between 1 and 2,147,483,647, inclusive. The
- client and server MAY use leading zeroes in specifying article
- numbers but MUST NOT use more than 16 digits. In some situations,
- the value zero replaces an article number to show some special
- situation.
- Note that it is likely that the article number limit of 2,147,483,647
- will be increased by a future revision or extension to this
- specification. While servers MUST NOT send article numbers greater
- than this current limit, client and server developers are advised to
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- use internal structures and datatypes capable of handling larger
- values in anticipation of such a change.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-6.1" href="#section-6.1">6.1</a>. Group and Article Selection</h3></span>
- The following commands are used to set the "currently selected
- newsgroup" and the "current article number", which are used by
- various commands. At the start of an NNTP session, both of these
- values are set to the special value "invalid".
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-6.1.1" href="#section-6.1.1">6.1.1</a>. GROUP</h4></span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Usage</h5></span>
- Indicating capability: READER
- Syntax
- GROUP group
- Responses
- 211 number low high group Group successfully selected
- 411 No such newsgroup
- Parameters
- group Name of newsgroup
- number Estimated number of articles in the group
- low Reported low water mark
- high Reported high water mark
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Description</h5></span>
- The GROUP command selects a newsgroup as the currently selected
- newsgroup and returns summary information about it.
- The required argument is the name of the newsgroup to be selected
- (e.g., "news.software.nntp"). A list of valid newsgroups may be
- obtained by using the LIST ACTIVE command (see <a href="#section-7.6.3">Section 7.6.3</a>).
- The successful selection response will return the article numbers of
- the first and last articles in the group at the moment of selection
- (these numbers are referred to as the "reported low water mark" and
- the "reported high water mark") and an estimate of the number of
- articles in the group currently available.
- If the group is not empty, the estimate MUST be at least the actual
- number of articles available and MUST be no greater than one more
- than the difference between the reported low and high water marks.
- (Some implementations will actually count the number of articles
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- currently stored. Others will just subtract the low water mark from
- the high water mark and add one to get an estimate.)
- If the group is empty, one of the following three situations will
- occur. Clients MUST accept all three cases; servers MUST NOT
- represent an empty group in any other way.
- o The high water mark will be one less than the low water mark, and
- the estimated article count will be zero. Servers SHOULD use this
- method to show an empty group. This is the only time that the
- high water mark can be less than the low water mark.
- o All three numbers will be zero.
- o The high water mark is greater than or equal to the low water
- mark. The estimated article count might be zero or non-zero; if
- it is non-zero, the same requirements apply as for a non-empty
- group.
- The set of articles in a group may change after the GROUP command is
- carried out:
- o Articles may be removed from the group.
- o Articles may be reinstated in the group with the same article
- number, but those articles MUST have numbers no less than the
- reported low water mark (note that this is a reinstatement of the
- previous article, not a new article reusing the number).
- o New articles may be added with article numbers greater than the
- reported high water mark. (If an article that was the one with
- the highest number has been removed and the high water mark has
- been adjusted accordingly, the next new article will not have the
- number one greater than the reported high water mark.)
- Except when the group is empty and all three numbers are zero,
- whenever a subsequent GROUP command for the same newsgroup is issued,
- either by the same client or a different client, the reported low
- water mark in the response MUST be no less than that in any previous
- response for that newsgroup in this session, and it SHOULD be no less
- than that in any previous response for that newsgroup ever sent to
- any client. Any failure to meet the latter condition SHOULD be
- transient only. The client may make use of the low water mark to
- remove all remembered information about articles with lower numbers,
- as these will never recur. This includes the situation when the high
- water mark is one less than the low water mark. No similar
- assumption can be made about the high water mark, as this can
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- decrease if an article is removed and then increase again if it is
- reinstated or if new articles arrive.
- When a valid group is selected by means of this command, the
- currently selected newsgroup MUST be set to that group, and the
- current article number MUST be set to the first article in the group
- (this applies even if the group is already the currently selected
- newsgroup). If an empty newsgroup is selected, the current article
- number is made invalid. If an invalid group is specified, the
- currently selected newsgroup and current article number MUST NOT be
- changed.
- The GROUP or LISTGROUP command (see <a href="#section-6.1.2">Section 6.1.2</a>) MUST be used by a
- client, and a successful response received, before any other command
- is used that depends on the value of the currently selected newsgroup
- or current article number.
- If the group specified is not available on the server, a 411 response
- MUST be returned.
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Examples</h5></span>
- Example for a group known to the server:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- Example for a group unknown to the server:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP example.is.sob.bradner.or.barber
- [S] 411 example.is.sob.bradner.or.barber is unknown
- Example of an empty group using the preferred response:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP example.currently.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 4000 3999 example.currently.empty.newsgroup
- Example of an empty group using an alternative response:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP example.currently.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 0 0 example.currently.empty.newsgroup
- Example of an empty group using a different alternative response:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP example.currently.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 4000 4321 example.currently.empty.newsgroup
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- Example reselecting the currently selected newsgroup:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 234 567 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT 444
- [S] 223 444 &lt;123456@example.net&gt; retrieved
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 234 567 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT
- [S] 223 234 &lt;different@example.net&gt; retrieved
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-6.1.2" href="#section-6.1.2">6.1.2</a>. LISTGROUP</h4></span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Usage</h5></span>
- Indicating capability: READER
- Syntax
- LISTGROUP [group [range]]
- Responses
- 211 number low high group Article numbers follow (multi-line)
- 411 No such newsgroup
- 412 No newsgroup selected [<a href="#ref-1">1</a>]
- Parameters
- group Name of newsgroup
- range Range of articles to report
- number Estimated number of articles in the group
- low Reported low water mark
- high Reported high water mark
- [<a name="ref-1" id="ref-1">1</a>] The 412 response can only occur if no group has been specified.
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Description</h5></span>
- The LISTGROUP command selects a newsgroup in the same manner as the
- GROUP command (see <a href="#section-6.1.1">Section 6.1.1</a>) but also provides a list of article
- numbers in the newsgroup. If no group is specified, the currently
- selected newsgroup is used.
- On success, a list of article numbers is returned as a multi-line
- data block following the 211 response code (the arguments on the
- initial response line are the same as for the GROUP command). The
- list contains one number per line and is in numerical order. It
- lists precisely those articles that exist in the group at the moment
- of selection (therefore, an empty group produces an empty list). If
- the optional range argument is specified, only articles within the
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- range are included in the list (therefore, the list MAY be empty even
- if the group is not).
- The range argument may be any of the following:
- o An article number.
- o An article number followed by a dash to indicate all following.
- o An article number followed by a dash followed by another article
- number.
- In the last case, if the second number is less than the first number,
- then the range contains no articles. Omitting the range is
- equivalent to the range 1- being specified.
- If the group specified is not available on the server, a 411 response
- MUST be returned. If no group is specified and the currently
- selected newsgroup is invalid, a 412 response MUST be returned.
- Except that the group argument is optional, that a range argument can
- be specified, and that a multi-line data block follows the 211
- response code, the LISTGROUP command is identical to the GROUP
- command. In particular, when successful, the command sets the
- current article number to the first article in the group, if any,
- even if this is not within the range specified by the second
- argument.
- Note that the range argument is a new feature in this specification
- and servers that do not support CAPABILITIES (and therefore do not
- conform to this specification) are unlikely to support it.
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Examples</h5></span>
- Example of LISTGROUP being used to select a group:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LISTGROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 2000 3000234 3002322 misc.test list follows
- [S] 3000234
- [S] 3000237
- [S] 3000238
- [S] 3000239
- [S] 3002322
- [S] .
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- Example of LISTGROUP on an empty group:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LISTGROUP example.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 0 0 example.empty.newsgroup list follows
- [S] .
- Example of LISTGROUP on a valid, currently selected newsgroup:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 2000 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] LISTGROUP
- [S] 211 2000 3000234 3002322 misc.test list follows
- [S] 3000234
- [S] 3000237
- [S] 3000238
- [S] 3000239
- [S] 3002322
- [S] .
- Example of LISTGROUP with a range:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LISTGROUP misc.test 3000238-3000248
- [S] 211 2000 3000234 3002322 misc.test list follows
- [S] 3000238
- [S] 3000239
- [S] .
- Example of LISTGROUP with an empty range:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LISTGROUP misc.test 12345678-
- [S] 211 2000 3000234 3002322 misc.test list follows
- [S] .
- Example of LISTGROUP with an invalid range:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LISTGROUP misc.test 9999-111
- [S] 211 2000 3000234 3002322 misc.test list follows
- [S] .
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-6.1.3" href="#section-6.1.3">6.1.3</a>. LAST</h4></span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Usage</h5></span>
- Indicating capability: READER
- Syntax
- Responses
- 223 n message-id Article found
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 420 Current article number is invalid
- 422 No previous article in this group
- Parameters
- n Article number
- message-id Article message-id
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Description</h5></span>
- If the currently selected newsgroup is valid, the current article
- number MUST be set to the previous article in that newsgroup (that
- is, the highest existing article number less than the current article
- number). If successful, a response indicating the new current
- article number and the message-id of that article MUST be returned.
- No article text is sent in response to this command.
- There MAY be no previous article in the group, although the current
- article number is not the reported low water mark. There MUST NOT be
- a previous article when the current article number is the reported
- low water mark.
- Because articles can be removed and added, the results of multiple
- LAST and NEXT commands MAY not be consistent over the life of a
- particular NNTP session.
- If the current article number is already the first article of the
- newsgroup, a 422 response MUST be returned. If the current article
- number is invalid, a 420 response MUST be returned. If the currently
- selected newsgroup is invalid, a 412 response MUST be returned. In
- all three cases, the currently selected newsgroup and current article
- number MUST NOT be altered.
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-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Examples</h5></span>
- Example of a successful article retrieval using LAST:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] NEXT
- [S] 223 3000237 &lt;668929@example.org&gt; retrieved
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] LAST
- [S] 223 3000234 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt; retrieved
- Example of an attempt to retrieve an article without having selected
- a group (via the GROUP command) first:
- [Assumes currently selected newsgroup is invalid.]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] LAST
- [S] 412 no newsgroup selected
- Example of an attempt to retrieve an article using the LAST command
- when the current article number is that of the first article in the
- group:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] LAST
- [S] 422 No previous article to retrieve
- Example of an attempt to retrieve an article using the LAST command
- when the currently selected newsgroup is empty:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP example.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 0 0 example.empty.newsgroup
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] LAST
- [S] 420 No current article selected
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-6.1.4" href="#section-6.1.4">6.1.4</a>. NEXT</h4></span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Usage</h5></span>
- Indicating capability: READER
- Syntax
- Responses
- 223 n message-id Article found
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 420 Current article number is invalid
- 421 No next article in this group
- Parameters
- n Article number
- message-id Article message-id
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Description</h5></span>
- If the currently selected newsgroup is valid, the current article
- number MUST be set to the next article in that newsgroup (that is,
- the lowest existing article number greater than the current article
- number). If successful, a response indicating the new current
- article number and the message-id of that article MUST be returned.
- No article text is sent in response to this command.
- If the current article number is already the last article of the
- newsgroup, a 421 response MUST be returned. In all other aspects
- (apart, of course, from the lack of 422 response), this command is
- identical to the LAST command (<a href="#section-6.1.3">Section 6.1.3</a>).
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Examples</h5></span>
- Example of a successful article retrieval using NEXT:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] NEXT
- [S] 223 3000237 &lt;668929@example.org&gt; retrieved
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- Example of an attempt to retrieve an article without having selected
- a group (via the GROUP command) first:
- [Assumes currently selected newsgroup is invalid.]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] NEXT
- [S] 412 no newsgroup selected
- Example of an attempt to retrieve an article using the NEXT command
- when the current article number is that of the last article in the
- group:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT 3002322
- [S] 223 3002322 &lt;411@example.net&gt; retrieved
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] NEXT
- [S] 421 No next article to retrieve
- Example of an attempt to retrieve an article using the NEXT command
- when the currently selected newsgroup is empty:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP example.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 0 0 example.empty.newsgroup
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] NEXT
- [S] 420 No current article selected
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-6.2" href="#section-6.2">6.2</a>. Retrieval of Articles and Article Sections</h3></span>
- The ARTICLE, BODY, HEAD, and STAT commands are very similar. They
- differ only in the parts of the article that are presented to the
- client and in the successful response code. The ARTICLE command is
- described here in full, while the other three commands are described
- in terms of the differences. As specified in <a href="#section-3.6">Section 3.6</a>, an article
- consists of two parts: the article headers and the article body.
- When responding to one of these commands, the server MUST present the
- entire article or appropriate part and MUST NOT attempt to alter or
- translate it in any way.
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-6.2.1" href="#section-6.2.1">6.2.1</a>. ARTICLE</h4></span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Usage</h5></span>
- Indicating capability: READER
- Syntax
- ARTICLE message-id
- ARTICLE number
- Responses
- First form (message-id specified)
- 220 0|n message-id Article follows (multi-line)
- 430 No article with that message-id
- Second form (article number specified)
- 220 n message-id Article follows (multi-line)
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 423 No article with that number
- Third form (current article number used)
- 220 n message-id Article follows (multi-line)
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 420 Current article number is invalid
- Parameters
- number Requested article number
- n Returned article number
- message-id Article message-id
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Description</h5></span>
- The ARTICLE command selects an article according to the arguments and
- presents the entire article (that is, the headers, an empty line, and
- the body, in that order) to the client. The command has three forms.
- In the first form, a message-id is specified, and the server presents
- the article with that message-id. In this case, the server MUST NOT
- alter the currently selected newsgroup or current article number.
- This is both to facilitate the presentation of articles that may be
- referenced within another article being read, and because of the
- semantic difficulties of determining the proper sequence and
- membership of an article that may have been cross-posted to more than
- one newsgroup.
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- In the response, the article number MUST be replaced with zero,
- unless there is a currently selected newsgroup and the article is
- present in that group, in which case the server MAY use the article's
- number in that group. (The server is not required to determine
- whether the article is in the currently selected newsgroup or, if so,
- what article number it has; the client MUST always be prepared for
- zero to be specified.) The server MUST NOT provide an article number
- unless use of that number in a second ARTICLE command immediately
- following this one would return the same article. Even if the server
- chooses to return article numbers in these circumstances, it need not
- do so consistently; it MAY return zero to any such command (also see
- the STAT examples, <a href="#section-">Section</a>).
- In the second form, an article number is specified. If there is an
- article with that number in the currently selected newsgroup, the
- server MUST set the current article number to that number.
- In the third form, the article indicated by the current article
- number in the currently selected newsgroup is used.
- Note that a previously valid article number MAY become invalid if the
- article has been removed. A previously invalid article number MAY
- become valid if the article has been reinstated, but this article
- number MUST be no less than the reported low water mark for that
- group.
- The server MUST NOT change the currently selected newsgroup as a
- result of this command. The server MUST NOT change the current
- article number except when an article number argument was provided
- and the article exists; in particular, it MUST NOT change it
- following an unsuccessful response.
- Since the message-id is unique for each article, it may be used by a
- client to skip duplicate displays of articles that have been posted
- more than once, or to more than one newsgroup.
- The article is returned as a multi-line data block following the 220
- response code.
- If the argument is a message-id and no such article exists, a 430
- response MUST be returned. If the argument is a number or is omitted
- and the currently selected newsgroup is invalid, a 412 response MUST
- be returned. If the argument is a number and that article does not
- exist in the currently selected newsgroup, a 423 response MUST be
- returned. If the argument is omitted and the current article number
- is invalid, a 420 response MUST be returned.
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 47]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Examples</h5></span>
- Example of a successful retrieval of an article (explicitly not using
- an article number):
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] ARTICLE
- [S] 220 3000234 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] Path: pathost!demo!whitehouse!not-for-mail
- [S] From: "Demo User" &lt;nobody@example.net&gt;
- [S] Newsgroups: misc.test
- [S] Subject: I am just a test article
- [S] Date: 6 Oct 1998 04:38:40 -0500
- [S] Organization: An Example Net, Uncertain, Texas
- [S] Message-ID: &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S]
- [S] This is just a test article.
- [S] .
- Example of a successful retrieval of an article by message-id:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] ARTICLE &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] 220 0 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] Path: pathost!demo!whitehouse!not-for-mail
- [S] From: "Demo User" &lt;nobody@example.net&gt;
- [S] Newsgroups: misc.test
- [S] Subject: I am just a test article
- [S] Date: 6 Oct 1998 04:38:40 -0500
- [S] Organization: An Example Net, Uncertain, Texas
- [S] Message-ID: &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S]
- [S] This is just a test article.
- [S] .
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of an article by message-id:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] ARTICLE &lt;i.am.not.there@example.com&gt;
- [S] 430 No Such Article Found
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of an article by number:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 news.groups
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] ARTICLE 300256
- [S] 423 No article with that number
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 48]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of an article by number because
- no newsgroup was selected first:
- [Assumes currently selected newsgroup is invalid.]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] ARTICLE 300256
- [S] 412 No newsgroup selected
- Example of an attempt to retrieve an article when the currently
- selected newsgroup is empty:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP example.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 0 0 example.empty.newsgroup
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] ARTICLE
- [S] 420 No current article selected
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-6.2.2" href="#section-6.2.2">6.2.2</a>. HEAD</h4></span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Usage</h5></span>
- This command is mandatory.
- Syntax
- HEAD message-id
- HEAD number
- Responses
- First form (message-id specified)
- 221 0|n message-id Headers follow (multi-line)
- 430 No article with that message-id
- Second form (article number specified)
- 221 n message-id Headers follow (multi-line)
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 423 No article with that number
- Third form (current article number used)
- 221 n message-id Headers follow (multi-line)
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 420 Current article number is invalid
- Parameters
- number Requested article number
- n Returned article number
- message-id Article message-id
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 49]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Description</h5></span>
- The HEAD command behaves identically to the ARTICLE command except
- that, if the article exists, the response code is 221 instead of 220
- and only the headers are presented (the empty line separating the
- headers and body MUST NOT be included).
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Examples</h5></span>
- Example of a successful retrieval of the headers of an article
- (explicitly not using an article number):
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] HEAD
- [S] 221 3000234 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] Path: pathost!demo!whitehouse!not-for-mail
- [S] From: "Demo User" &lt;nobody@example.net&gt;
- [S] Newsgroups: misc.test
- [S] Subject: I am just a test article
- [S] Date: 6 Oct 1998 04:38:40 -0500
- [S] Organization: An Example Net, Uncertain, Texas
- [S] Message-ID: &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] .
- Example of a successful retrieval of the headers of an article by
- message-id:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] HEAD &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] 221 0 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] Path: pathost!demo!whitehouse!not-for-mail
- [S] From: "Demo User" &lt;nobody@example.net&gt;
- [S] Newsgroups: misc.test
- [S] Subject: I am just a test article
- [S] Date: 6 Oct 1998 04:38:40 -0500
- [S] Organization: An Example Net, Uncertain, Texas
- [S] Message-ID: &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] .
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of the headers of an article by
- message-id:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] HEAD &lt;i.am.not.there@example.com&gt;
- [S] 430 No Such Article Found
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 50]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of the headers of an article by
- number:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] HEAD 300256
- [S] 423 No article with that number
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of the headers of an article by
- number because no newsgroup was selected first:
- [Assumes currently selected newsgroup is invalid.]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] HEAD 300256
- [S] 412 No newsgroup selected
- Example of an attempt to retrieve the headers of an article when the
- currently selected newsgroup is empty:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP example.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 0 0 example.empty.newsgroup
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] HEAD
- [S] 420 No current article selected
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-6.2.3" href="#section-6.2.3">6.2.3</a>. BODY</h4></span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Usage</h5></span>
- Indicating capability: READER
- Syntax
- BODY message-id
- BODY number
- Responses
- First form (message-id specified)
- 222 0|n message-id Body follows (multi-line)
- 430 No article with that message-id
- Second form (article number specified)
- 222 n message-id Body follows (multi-line)
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 423 No article with that number
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 51]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Third form (current article number used)
- 222 n message-id Body follows (multi-line)
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 420 Current article number is invalid
- Parameters
- number Requested article number
- n Returned article number
- message-id Article message-id
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Description</h5></span>
- The BODY command behaves identically to the ARTICLE command except
- that, if the article exists, the response code is 222 instead of 220
- and only the body is presented (the empty line separating the headers
- and body MUST NOT be included).
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Examples</h5></span>
- Example of a successful retrieval of the body of an article
- (explicitly not using an article number):
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] BODY
- [S] 222 3000234 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] This is just a test article.
- [S] .
- Example of a successful retrieval of the body of an article by
- message-id:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] BODY &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] 222 0 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] This is just a test article.
- [S] .
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of the body of an article by
- message-id:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] BODY &lt;i.am.not.there@example.com&gt;
- [S] 430 No Such Article Found
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 52]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of the body of an article by
- number:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] BODY 300256
- [S] 423 No article with that number
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of the body of an article by
- number because no newsgroup was selected first:
- [Assumes currently selected newsgroup is invalid.]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] BODY 300256
- [S] 412 No newsgroup selected
- Example of an attempt to retrieve the body of an article when the
- currently selected newsgroup is empty:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP example.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 0 0 example.empty.newsgroup
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] BODY
- [S] 420 No current article selected
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-6.2.4" href="#section-6.2.4">6.2.4</a>. STAT</h4></span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Usage</h5></span>
- This command is mandatory.
- Syntax
- STAT message-id
- STAT number
- Responses
- First form (message-id specified)
- 223 0|n message-id Article exists
- 430 No article with that message-id
- Second form (article number specified)
- 223 n message-id Article exists
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 423 No article with that number
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 53]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Third form (current article number used)
- 223 n message-id Article exists
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 420 Current article number is invalid
- Parameters
- number Requested article number
- n Returned article number
- message-id Article message-id
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Description</h5></span>
- The STAT command behaves identically to the ARTICLE command except
- that, if the article exists, it is NOT presented to the client and
- the response code is 223 instead of 220. Note that the response is
- NOT multi-line.
- This command allows the client to determine whether an article exists
- and, in the second and third forms, what its message-id is, without
- having to process an arbitrary amount of text.
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Examples</h5></span>
- Example of STAT on an existing article (explicitly not using an
- article number):
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT
- [S] 223 3000234 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- Example of STAT on an existing article by message-id:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] STAT &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] 223 0 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- Example of STAT on an article not on the server by message-id:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] STAT &lt;i.am.not.there@example.com&gt;
- [S] 430 No Such Article Found
- Example of STAT on an article not in the server by number:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT 300256
- [S] 423 No article with that number
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 54]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Example of STAT on an article by number when no newsgroup was
- selected first:
- [Assumes currently selected newsgroup is invalid.]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT 300256
- [S] 412 No newsgroup selected
- Example of STAT on an article when the currently selected newsgroup
- is empty:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP example.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 0 0 example.empty.newsgroup
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT
- [S] 420 No current article selected
- Example of STAT by message-id on a server that sometimes reports the
- actual article number:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT
- [S] 223 3000234 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] 223 0 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] 223 3000234 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] GROUP example.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 0 0 example.empty.newsgroup
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] 223 0 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] GROUP alt.crossposts
- [S] 211 9999 111111 222222 alt.crossposts
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] 223 123456 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] STAT
- [S] 223 111111 &lt;23894720@example.com&gt;
- The first STAT command establishes the identity of an article in the
- group. The second and third show that the server may, but need not,
- give the article number when the message-id is specified. The fourth
- STAT command shows that zero must be specified if the article isn't
- in the currently selected newsgroup. The fifth shows that the
- number, if provided, must be that relating to the currently selected
- newsgroup. The last one shows that the current article number is
- still not changed by the use of STAT with a message-id even if it
- returns an article number.
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 55]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-6.3" href="#section-6.3">6.3</a>. Article Posting</h3></span>
- Article posting is done in one of two ways: individual article
- posting from news-reading clients using POST, and article transfer
- from other news servers using IHAVE.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-6.3.1" href="#section-6.3.1">6.3.1</a>. POST</h4></span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Usage</h5></span>
- Indicating capability: POST
- This command MUST NOT be pipelined.
- Syntax
- Responses
- Initial responses
- 340 Send article to be posted
- 440 Posting not permitted
- Subsequent responses
- 240 Article received OK
- 441 Posting failed
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Description</h5></span>
- If posting is allowed, a 340 response MUST be returned to indicate
- that the article to be posted should be sent. If posting is
- prohibited for some installation-dependent reason, a 440 response
- MUST be returned.
- If posting is permitted, the article MUST be in the format specified
- in <a href="#section-3.6">Section 3.6</a> and MUST be sent by the client to the server as a
- multi-line data block (see <a href="#section-3.1.1">Section 3.1.1</a>). Thus a single dot (".")
- on a line indicates the end of the text, and lines starting with a
- dot in the original text have that dot doubled during transmission.
- Following the presentation of the termination sequence by the client,
- the server MUST return a response indicating success or failure of
- the article transfer. Note that response codes 340 and 440 are used
- in direct response to the POST command while 240 and 441 are returned
- after the article is sent.
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 56]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- A response of 240 SHOULD indicate that, barring unforeseen server
- errors, the posted article will be made available on the server
- and/or transferred to other servers, as appropriate, possibly
- following further processing. In other words, articles not wanted by
- the server SHOULD be rejected with a 441 response, rather than being
- accepted and then discarded silently. However, the client SHOULD NOT
- assume that the article has been successfully transferred unless it
- receives an affirmative response from the server and SHOULD NOT
- assume that it is being made available to other clients without
- explicitly checking (for example, using the STAT command).
- If the session is interrupted before the response is received, it is
- possible that an affirmative response was sent but has been lost.
- Therefore, in any subsequent session, the client SHOULD either check
- whether the article was successfully posted before resending or
- ensure that the server will allocate the same message-id to the new
- attempt (see <a href="#appendix-A.2">Appendix A.2</a>). The latter approach is preferred since
- the article might not have been made available for reading yet (for
- example, it may have to go through a moderation process).
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Examples</h5></span>
- Example of a successful posting:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] POST
- [S] 340 Input article; end with &lt;CR-LF&gt;.&lt;CR-LF&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] From: "Demo User" &lt;nobody@example.net&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Newsgroups: misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Subject: I am just a test article
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Organization: An Example Net
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] This is just a test article.
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] .
- [S] 240 Article received OK
- Example of an unsuccessful posting:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] POST
- [S] 340 Input article; end with &lt;CR-LF&gt;.&lt;CR-LF&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] From: "Demo User" &lt;nobody@example.net&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Newsgroups: misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Subject: I am just a test article
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Organization: An Example Net
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] This is just a test article.
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] .
- [S] 441 Posting failed
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 57]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Example of an attempt to post when posting is not allowed:
- [Initial connection set-up completed.]
- [S] 201 NNTP Service Ready, posting prohibited
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] POST
- [S] 440 Posting not permitted
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-6.3.2" href="#section-6.3.2">6.3.2</a>. IHAVE</h4></span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Usage</h5></span>
- Indicating capability: IHAVE
- This command MUST NOT be pipelined.
- Syntax
- IHAVE message-id
- Responses
- Initial responses
- 335 Send article to be transferred
- 435 Article not wanted
- 436 Transfer not possible; try again later
- Subsequent responses
- 235 Article transferred OK
- 436 Transfer failed; try again later
- 437 Transfer rejected; do not retry
- Parameters
- message-id Article message-id
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Description</h5></span>
- The IHAVE command informs the server that the client has an article
- with the specified message-id. If the server desires a copy of that
- article, a 335 response MUST be returned, instructing the client to
- send the entire article. If the server does not want the article
- (if, for example, the server already has a copy of it), a 435
- response MUST be returned, indicating that the article is not wanted.
- Finally, if the article isn't wanted immediately but the client
- should retry later if possible (if, for example, another client is in
- the process of sending the same article to the server), a 436
- response MUST be returned.
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- If transmission of the article is requested, the client MUST send the
- entire article, including headers and body, to the server as a
- multi-line data block (see <a href="#section-3.1.1">Section 3.1.1</a>). Thus, a single dot (".")
- on a line indicates the end of the text, and lines starting with a
- dot in the original text have that dot doubled during transmission.
- The server MUST return a 235 response, indicating that the article
- was successfully transferred; a 436 response, indicating that the
- transfer failed but should be tried again later; or a 437 response,
- indicating that the article was rejected.
- This function differs from the POST command in that it is intended
- for use in transferring already-posted articles between hosts. It
- SHOULD NOT be used when the client is a personal news-reading
- program, since use of this command indicates that the article has
- already been posted at another site and is simply being forwarded
- from another host. However, despite this, the server MAY elect not
- to post or forward the article if, after further examination of the
- article, it deems it inappropriate to do so. Reasons for such
- subsequent rejection of an article may include problems such as
- inappropriate newsgroups or distributions, disc space limitations,
- article lengths, garbled headers, and the like. These are typically
- restrictions enforced by the server host's news software and not
- necessarily by the NNTP server itself.
- The client SHOULD NOT assume that the article has been successfully
- transferred unless it receives an affirmative response from the
- server. A lack of response (such as a dropped network connection or
- a network timeout) SHOULD be treated the same as a 436 response.
- Because some news server software may not immediately be able to
- determine whether an article is suitable for posting or forwarding,
- an NNTP server MAY acknowledge the successful transfer of the article
- (with a 235 response) but later silently discard it.
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 59]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Examples</h5></span>
- Example of successfully sending an article to another site:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] IHAVE &lt;i.am.an.article.you.will.want@example.com&gt;
- [S] 335 Send it; end with &lt;CR-LF&gt;.&lt;CR-LF&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Path: pathost!demo!somewhere!not-for-mail
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] From: "Demo User" &lt;nobody@example.com&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Newsgroups: misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Subject: I am just a test article
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Date: 6 Oct 1998 04:38:40 -0500
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Organization: An Example Com, San Jose, CA
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Message-ID: &lt;i.am.an.article.you.will.want@example.com&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] This is just a test article.
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] .
- [S] 235 Article transferred OK
- Example of sending an article to another site that rejects it. Note
- that the message-id in the IHAVE command is not the same as the one
- in the article headers; while this is bad practice and SHOULD NOT be
- done, it is not forbidden.
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] IHAVE &lt;i.am.an.article.you.will.want@example.com&gt;
- [S] 335 Send it; end with &lt;CR-LF&gt;.&lt;CR-LF&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Path: pathost!demo!somewhere!not-for-mail
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] From: "Demo User" &lt;nobody@example.com&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Newsgroups: misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Subject: I am just a test article
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Date: 6 Oct 1998 04:38:40 -0500
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Organization: An Example Com, San Jose, CA
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Message-ID: &lt;i.am.an.article.you.have@example.com&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] This is just a test article.
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] .
- [S] 437 Article rejected; don't send again
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Example of sending an article to another site where the transfer
- fails:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] IHAVE &lt;i.am.an.article.you.will.want@example.com&gt;
- [S] 335 Send it; end with &lt;CR-LF&gt;.&lt;CR-LF&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Path: pathost!demo!somewhere!not-for-mail
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] From: "Demo User" &lt;nobody@example.com&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Newsgroups: misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Subject: I am just a test article
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Date: 6 Oct 1998 04:38:40 -0500
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Organization: An Example Com, San Jose, CA
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] Message-ID: &lt;i.am.an.article.you.will.want@example.com&gt;
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] This is just a test article.
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] .
- [S] 436 Transfer failed
- Example of sending an article to a site that already has it:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] IHAVE &lt;i.am.an.article.you.have@example.com&gt;
- [S] 435 Duplicate
- Example of sending an article to a site that requests that the
- article be tried again later:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] IHAVE &lt;i.am.an.article.you.defer@example.com&gt;
- [S] 436 Retry later
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-7" href="#section-7">7</a>. Information Commands</h2></span>
- This section lists other commands that may be used at any time
- between the beginning of a session and its termination. Using these
- commands does not alter any state information, but the response
- generated from their use may provide useful information to clients.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.1" href="#section-7.1">7.1</a>. DATE</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.1.1" href="#section-7.1.1">7.1.1</a>. Usage</h4></span>
- Indicating capability: READER
- Syntax
- Responses
- 111 yyyymmddhhmmss Server date and time
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 61]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Parameters
- yyyymmddhhmmss Current UTC date and time on server
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.1.2" href="#section-7.1.2">7.1.2</a>. Description</h4></span>
- This command exists to help clients find out the current Coordinated
- Universal Time [<a href="#ref-TF.686-1" title='"Glossary, ITU-R Recommendation TF.686-1"'>TF.686-1</a>] from the server's perspective. This
- command SHOULD NOT be used as a substitute for NTP [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1305" title='"Network Time Protocol (Version 3) Specification, Implementation and Analysis"'>RFC1305</a>] but to
- provide information that might be useful when using the NEWNEWS
- command (see <a href="#section-7.4">Section 7.4</a>).
- The DATE command MUST return a timestamp from the same clock as is
- used for determining article arrival and group creation times (see
- <a href="#section-6">Section 6</a>). This clock SHOULD be monotonic, and adjustments SHOULD
- be made by running it fast or slow compared to "real" time rather
- than by making sudden jumps. A system providing NNTP service SHOULD
- keep the system clock as accurate as possible, either with NTP or by
- some other method.
- The server MUST return a 111 response specifying the date and time on
- the server in the form yyyymmddhhmmss. This date and time is in
- Coordinated Universal Time.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.1.3" href="#section-7.1.3">7.1.3</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] DATE
- [S] 111 19990623135624
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.2" href="#section-7.2">7.2</a>. HELP</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.2.1" href="#section-7.2.1">7.2.1</a>. Usage</h4></span>
- This command is mandatory.
- Syntax
- Responses
- 100 Help text follows (multi-line)
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.2.2" href="#section-7.2.2">7.2.2</a>. Description</h4></span>
- This command provides a short summary of the commands that are
- understood by this implementation of the server. The help text will
- be presented as a multi-line data block following the 100 response
- code.
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 62]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- This text is not guaranteed to be in any particular format (but must
- be UTF-8) and MUST NOT be used by clients as a replacement for the
- CAPABILITIES command described in <a href="#section-5.2">Section 5.2</a>.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.2.3" href="#section-7.2.3">7.2.3</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] HELP
- [S] 100 Help text follows
- [S] This is some help text. There is no specific
- [S] formatting requirement for this test, though
- [S] it is customary for it to list the valid commands
- [S] and give a brief definition of what they do.
- [S] .
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.3" href="#section-7.3">7.3</a>. NEWGROUPS</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.3.1" href="#section-7.3.1">7.3.1</a>. Usage</h4></span>
- Indicating capability: READER
- Syntax
- NEWGROUPS date time [GMT]
- Responses
- 231 List of new newsgroups follows (multi-line)
- Parameters
- date Date in yymmdd or yyyymmdd format
- time Time in hhmmss format
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.3.2" href="#section-7.3.2">7.3.2</a>. Description</h4></span>
- This command returns a list of newsgroups created on the server since
- the specified date and time. The results are in the same format as
- the LIST ACTIVE command (see <a href="#section-7.6.3">Section 7.6.3</a>). However, they MAY
- include groups not available on the server (and so not returned by
- LIST ACTIVE) and MAY omit groups for which the creation date is not
- available.
- The date is specified as 6 or 8 digits in the format [xx]yymmdd,
- where xx is the first two digits of the year (19-99), yy is the last
- two digits of the year (00-99), mm is the month (01-12), and dd is
- the day of the month (01-31). Clients SHOULD specify all four digits
- of the year. If the first two digits of the year are not specified
- (this is supported only for backward compatibility), the year is to
- be taken from the current century if yy is smaller than or equal to
- the current year, and the previous century otherwise.
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 63]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- The time is specified as 6 digits in the format hhmmss, where hh is
- the hours in the 24-hour clock (00-23), mm is the minutes (00-59),
- and ss is the seconds (00-60, to allow for leap seconds). The token
- "GMT" specifies that the date and time are given in Coordinated
- Universal Time [<a href="#ref-TF.686-1" title='"Glossary, ITU-R Recommendation TF.686-1"'>TF.686-1</a>]; if it is omitted, then the date and time
- are specified in the server's local timezone. Note that there is no
- way of using the protocol specified in this document to establish the
- server's local timezone.
- Note that an empty list is a possible valid response and indicates
- that there are no new newsgroups since that date-time.
- Clients SHOULD make all queries using Coordinated Universal Time
- (i.e., by including the "GMT" argument) when possible.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.3.3" href="#section-7.3.3">7.3.3</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- Example where there are new groups:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] NEWGROUPS 19990624 000000 GMT
- [S] 231 list of new newsgroups follows
- [S] alt.rfc-writers.recovery 4 1 y
- [S] tx.natives.recovery 89 56 y
- [S] .
- Example where there are no new groups:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] NEWGROUPS 19990624 000000 GMT
- [S] 231 list of new newsgroups follows
- [S] .
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.4" href="#section-7.4">7.4</a>. NEWNEWS</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.4.1" href="#section-7.4.1">7.4.1</a>. Usage</h4></span>
- Indicating capability: NEWNEWS
- Syntax
- NEWNEWS wildmat date time [GMT]
- Responses
- 230 List of new articles follows (multi-line)
- Parameters
- wildmat Newsgroups of interest
- date Date in yymmdd or yyyymmdd format
- time Time in hhmmss format
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.4.2" href="#section-7.4.2">7.4.2</a>. Description</h4></span>
- This command returns a list of message-ids of articles posted or
- received on the server, in the newsgroups whose names match the
- wildmat, since the specified date and time. One message-id is sent
- on each line; the order of the response has no specific significance
- and may vary from response to response in the same session. A
- message-id MAY appear more than once; if it does, it has the same
- meaning as if it appeared only once.
- Date and time are in the same format as the NEWGROUPS command (see
- <a href="#section-7.3">Section 7.3</a>).
- Note that an empty list is a possible valid response and indicates
- that there is currently no new news in the relevant groups.
- Clients SHOULD make all queries in Coordinated Universal Time (i.e.,
- by using the "GMT" argument) when possible.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.4.3" href="#section-7.4.3">7.4.3</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- Example where there are new articles:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] NEWNEWS news.*,sci.* 19990624 000000 GMT
- [S] 230 list of new articles by message-id follows
- [S] &lt;i.am.a.new.article@example.com&gt;
- [S] &lt;i.am.another.new.article@example.com&gt;
- [S] .
- Example where there are no new articles:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] NEWNEWS alt.* 19990624 000000 GMT
- [S] 230 list of new articles by message-id follows
- [S] .
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.5" href="#section-7.5">7.5</a>. Time</h3></span>
- As described in <a href="#section-6">Section 6</a>, each article has an arrival timestamp.
- Each newsgroup also has a creation timestamp. These timestamps are
- used by the NEWNEWS and NEWGROUP commands to construct their
- responses.
- Clients can ensure that they do not have gaps in lists of articles or
- groups by using the DATE command in the following manner:
- First session:
- Issue DATE command and record result.
- Issue NEWNEWS command using a previously chosen timestamp.
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Subsequent sessions:
- Issue DATE command and hold result in temporary storage.
- Issue NEWNEWS command using timestamp saved from previous session.
- Overwrite saved timestamp with that currently in temporary
- storage.
- In order to allow for minor errors, clients MAY want to adjust the
- timestamp back by two or three minutes before using it in NEWNEWS.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.5.1" href="#section-7.5.1">7.5.1</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- First session:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] DATE
- [S] 111 20010203112233
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] NEWNEWS local.chat 20001231 235959 GMT
- [S] 230 list follows
- [S] &lt;article.1@local.service&gt;
- [S] &lt;article.2@local.service&gt;
- [S] &lt;article.3@local.service&gt;
- [S] .
- Second session (the client has subtracted 3 minutes from the
- timestamp returned previously):
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] DATE
- [S] 111 20010204003344
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] NEWNEWS local.chat 20010203 111933 GMT
- [S] 230 list follows
- [S] &lt;article.3@local.service&gt;
- [S] &lt;article.4@local.service&gt;
- [S] &lt;article.5@local.service&gt;
- [S] .
- Note how &lt;article.3@local.service&gt; arrived in the 3 minute gap and so
- is listed in both responses.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-7.6" href="#section-7.6">7.6</a>. The LIST Commands</h3></span>
- The LIST family of commands all return information that is multi-line
- and that can, in general, be expected not to change during the
- session. Often the information is related to newsgroups, in which
- case the response has one line per newsgroup and a wildmat MAY be
- provided to restrict the groups for which information is returned.
- The set of available keywords (including those provided by
- extensions) is given in the capability list with capability label
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 66]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.6.1" href="#section-7.6.1">7.6.1</a>. LIST</h4></span>
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Usage</h5></span>
- Indicating capability: LIST
- Syntax
- LIST [keyword [wildmat|argument]]
- Responses
- 215 Information follows (multi-line)
- Parameters
- keyword Information requested [<a href="#ref-1">1</a>]
- argument Specific to keyword
- wildmat Groups of interest
- [<a name="ref-1" id="ref-1">1</a>] If no keyword is provided, it defaults to ACTIVE.
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Description</h5></span>
- The LIST command allows the server to provide blocks of information
- to the client. This information may be global or may be related to
- newsgroups; in the latter case, the information may be returned
- either for all groups or only for those matching a wildmat. Each
- block of information is represented by a different keyword. The
- command returns the specific information identified by the keyword.
- If the information is available, it is returned as a multi-line data
- block following the 215 response code. The format of the information
- depends on the keyword. The information MAY be affected by the
- additional argument, but the format MUST NOT be.
- If the information is based on newsgroups and the optional wildmat
- argument is specified, the response is limited to only the groups (if
- any) whose names match the wildmat and for which the information is
- available.
- Note that an empty list is a possible valid response; for a
- newsgroup-based keyword, it indicates that there are no groups
- meeting the above criteria.
- If the keyword is not recognised, or if an argument is specified and
- the keyword does not expect one, a 501 response code MUST BE
- returned. If the keyword is recognised but the server does not
- maintain the information, a 503 response code MUST BE returned.
-<span class="grey">Feather Standards Track [Page 67]</span>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- The LIST command MUST NOT change the visible state of the server in
- any way; that is, the behaviour of subsequent commands MUST NOT be
- affected by whether the LIST command was issued. For example, it
- MUST NOT make groups available that otherwise would not have been.
-<span class="h5"><h5><a class="selflink" name="section-" href="#section-"></a>. Examples</h5></span>
- Example of LIST with the ACTIVE keyword:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST ACTIVE
- [S] 215 list of newsgroups follows
- [S] misc.test 3002322 3000234 y
- [S] comp.risks 442001 441099 m
- [S] alt.rfc-writers.recovery 4 1 y
- [S] tx.natives.recovery 89 56 y
- [S] tx.natives.recovery.d 11 9 n
- [S] .
- Example of LIST with no keyword:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST
- [S] 215 list of newsgroups follows
- [S] misc.test 3002322 3000234 y
- [S] comp.risks 442001 441099 m
- [S] alt.rfc-writers.recovery 4 1 y
- [S] tx.natives.recovery 89 56 y
- [S] tx.natives.recovery.d 11 9 n
- [S] .
- The output is identical to that of the previous example.
- Example of LIST on a newsgroup-based keyword with and without
- wildmat:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST ACTIVE.TIMES
- [S] 215 information follows
- [S] misc.test 930445408 &lt;creatme@isc.org&gt;
- [S] alt.rfc-writers.recovery 930562309 &lt;m@example.com&gt;
- [S] tx.natives.recovery 930678923 &lt;sob@academ.com&gt;
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] LIST ACTIVE.TIMES tx.*
- [S] 215 information follows
- [S] tx.natives.recovery 930678923 &lt;sob@academ.com&gt;
- [S] .
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Example of LIST returning an error where the keyword is recognized
- but the software does not maintain this information:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] LIST XTRA.DATA
- [S] 503 Data item not stored
- Example of LIST where the keyword is not recognised:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] LIST DISTRIB.PATS
- [S] 501 Syntax Error
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.6.2" href="#section-7.6.2">7.6.2</a>. Standard LIST Keywords</h4></span>
- This specification defines the following LIST keywords:
- +--------------+---------------+------------------------------------+
- | Keyword | Definition | Status |
- +--------------+---------------+------------------------------------+
- | ACTIVE | <a href="#section-7.6.3">Section 7.6.3</a> | Mandatory if the READER capability |
- | | | is advertised |
- | | | |
- | ACTIVE.TIMES | <a href="#section-7.6.4">Section 7.6.4</a> | Optional |
- | | | |
- | DISTRIB.PATS | <a href="#section-7.6.5">Section 7.6.5</a> | Optional |
- | | | |
- | HEADERS | <a href="#section-8.6">Section 8.6</a> | Mandatory if the HDR capability is |
- | | | advertised |
- | | | |
- | NEWSGROUPS | <a href="#section-7.6.6">Section 7.6.6</a> | Mandatory if the READER capability |
- | | | is advertised |
- | | | |
- | OVERVIEW.FMT | <a href="#section-8.4">Section 8.4</a> | Mandatory if the OVER capability |
- | | | is advertised |
- +--------------+---------------+------------------------------------+
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- Where one of these LIST keywords is supported by a server, it MUST
- have the meaning given in the relevant sub-section.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.6.3" href="#section-7.6.3">7.6.3</a>. LIST ACTIVE</h4></span>
- This keyword MUST be supported by servers advertising the READER
- capability.
- LIST ACTIVE returns a list of valid newsgroups and associated
- information. If no wildmat is specified, the server MUST include
- every group that the client is permitted to select with the GROUP
- command (<a href="#section-6.1.1">Section 6.1.1</a>). Each line of this list consists of four
- fields separated from each other by one or more spaces:
- o The name of the newsgroup.
- o The reported high water mark for the group.
- o The reported low water mark for the group.
- o The current status of the group on this server.
- The reported high and low water marks are as described in the GROUP
- command (see <a href="#section-6.1.1">Section 6.1.1</a>), but note that they are in the opposite
- order to the 211 response to that command.
- The status field is typically one of the following:
- "y" Posting is permitted.
- "n" Posting is not permitted.
- "m" Postings will be forwarded to the newsgroup moderator.
- The server SHOULD use these values when these meanings are required
- and MUST NOT use them with any other meaning. Other values for the
- status may exist; the definition of these other values and the
- circumstances under which they are returned may be specified in an
- extension or may be private to the server. A client SHOULD treat an
- unrecognized status as giving no information.
- The status of a newsgroup only indicates how posts to that newsgroup
- are normally processed and is not necessarily customised to the
- specific client. For example, if the current client is forbidden
- from posting, then this will apply equally to groups with status "y".
- Conversely, a client with special privileges (not defined by this
- specification) might be able to post to a group with status "n".
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- For example:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST ACTIVE
- [S] 215 list of newsgroups follows
- [S] misc.test 3002322 3000234 y
- [S] comp.risks 442001 441099 m
- [S] alt.rfc-writers.recovery 4 1 y
- [S] tx.natives.recovery 89 56 y
- [S] tx.natives.recovery.d 11 9 n
- [S] .
- or, on an implementation that includes leading zeroes:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST ACTIVE
- [S] 215 list of newsgroups follows
- [S] misc.test 0003002322 0003000234 y
- [S] comp.risks 0000442001 0000441099 m
- [S] alt.rfc-writers.recovery 0000000004 0000000001 y
- [S] tx.natives.recovery 0000000089 0000000056 y
- [S] tx.natives.recovery.d 0000000011 0000000009 n
- [S] .
- The information is newsgroup based, and a wildmat MAY be specified,
- in which case the response is limited to only the groups (if any)
- whose names match the wildmat. For example:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST ACTIVE *.recovery
- [S] 215 list of newsgroups follows
- [S] alt.rfc-writers.recovery 4 1 y
- [S] tx.natives.recovery 89 56 y
- [S] .
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.6.4" href="#section-7.6.4">7.6.4</a>. LIST ACTIVE.TIMES</h4></span>
- This keyword is optional.
- The active.times list is maintained by some NNTP servers to contain
- information about who created a particular newsgroup and when. Each
- line of this list consists of three fields separated from each other
- by one or more spaces. The first field is the name of the newsgroup.
- The second is the time when this group was created on this news
- server, measured in seconds since the start of January 1, 1970. The
- third is plain text intended to describe the entity that created the
- newsgroup; it is often a mailbox as defined in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822">RFC 2822</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822" title='"Internet Message Format"'>RFC2822</a>].
- For example:
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST ACTIVE.TIMES
- [S] 215 information follows
- [S] misc.test 930445408 &lt;creatme@isc.org&gt;
- [S] alt.rfc-writers.recovery 930562309 &lt;m@example.com&gt;
- [S] tx.natives.recovery 930678923 &lt;sob@academ.com&gt;
- [S] .
- The list MAY omit newsgroups for which the information is unavailable
- and MAY include groups not available on the server; in particular, it
- MAY omit all groups created before the date and time of the oldest
- entry. The client MUST NOT assume that the list is complete or that
- it matches the list returned by the LIST ACTIVE command
- (<a href="#section-7.6.3">Section 7.6.3</a>). The NEWGROUPS command (<a href="#section-7.3">Section 7.3</a>) may provide a
- better way to access this information, and the results of the two
- commands SHOULD be consistent except that, if the latter is invoked
- with a date and time earlier than the oldest entry in active.times
- list, its result may include extra groups.
- The information is newsgroup based, and a wildmat MAY be specified,
- in which case the response is limited to only the groups (if any)
- whose names match the wildmat.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.6.5" href="#section-7.6.5">7.6.5</a>. LIST DISTRIB.PATS</h4></span>
- This keyword is optional.
- The distrib.pats list is maintained by some NNTP servers to assist
- clients to choose a value for the content of the Distribution header
- of a news article being posted. Each line of this list consists of
- three fields separated from each other by a colon (":"). The first
- field is a weight, the second field is a wildmat (which may be a
- simple newsgroup name), and the third field is a value for the
- Distribution header content. For example:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST DISTRIB.PATS
- [S] 215 information follows
- [S] 10:local.*:local
- [S] 5:*:world
- [S] 20:local.here.*:thissite
- [S] .
- The client MAY use this information to construct an appropriate
- Distribution header given the name of a newsgroup. To do so, it
- should determine the lines whose second field matches the newsgroup
- name, select from among them the line with the highest weight (with 0
- being the lowest), and use the value of the third field to construct
- the Distribution header.
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- The information is not newsgroup based, and an argument MUST NOT be
- specified.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-7.6.6" href="#section-7.6.6">7.6.6</a>. LIST NEWSGROUPS</h4></span>
- This keyword MUST be supported by servers advertising the READER
- capability.
- The newsgroups list is maintained by NNTP servers to contain the name
- of each newsgroup that is available on the server and a short
- description about the purpose of the group. Each line of this list
- consists of two fields separated from each other by one or more space
- or TAB characters (the usual practice is a single TAB). The first
- field is the name of the newsgroup, and the second is a short
- description of the group. For example:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST NEWSGROUPS
- [S] 215 information follows
- [S] misc.test General Usenet testing
- [S] alt.rfc-writers.recovery RFC Writers Recovery
- [S] tx.natives.recovery Texas Natives Recovery
- [S] .
- The list MAY omit newsgroups for which the information is unavailable
- and MAY include groups not available on the server. The client MUST
- NOT assume that the list is complete or that it matches the list
- returned by LIST ACTIVE.
- The description SHOULD be in UTF-8. However, servers often obtain
- the information from external sources. These sources may have used
- different encodings (ones that use octets in the range 128 to 255 in
- some other manner) and, in that case, the server MAY pass it on
- unchanged. Therefore, clients MUST be prepared to receive such
- descriptions.
- The information is newsgroup based, and a wildmat MAY be specified,
- in which case the response is limited to only the groups (if any)
- whose names match the wildmat.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-8" href="#section-8">8</a>. Article Field Access Commands</h2></span>
- This section lists commands that may be used to access specific
- article fields; that is, headers of articles and metadata about
- articles. These commands typically fetch data from an "overview
- database", which is a database of headers extracted from incoming
- articles plus metadata determined as the article arrives. Only
- certain fields are included in the database.
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- This section is based on the Overview/NOV database [<a href="#ref-ROBE1995" title='"FAQ: Overview database / NOV General Information"'>ROBE1995</a>]
- developed by Geoff Collyer.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-8.1" href="#section-8.1">8.1</a>. Article Metadata</h3></span>
- Article "metadata" is data about articles that does not occur within
- the article itself. Each metadata item has a name that MUST begin
- with a colon (and that MUST NOT contain a colon elsewhere within it).
- As with header names, metadata item names are not case sensitive.
- When generating a metadata item, the server MUST compute it for
- itself and MUST NOT trust any related value provided in the article.
- (In particular, a Lines or Bytes header in the article MUST NOT be
- assumed to specify the correct number of lines or bytes in the
- article.) If the server has access to several non-identical copies
- of an article, the value returned MUST be correct for any copy of
- that article retrieved during the same session.
- This specification defines two metadata items: ":bytes" and ":lines".
- Other metadata items may be defined by extensions. The names of
- metadata items defined by registered extensions MUST NOT begin with
- ":x-". To avoid the risk of a clash with a future registered
- extension, the names of metadata items defined by private extensions
- SHOULD begin with ":x-".
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.1.1" href="#section-8.1.1">8.1.1</a>. The :bytes Metadata Item</h4></span>
- The :bytes metadata item for an article is a decimal integer. It
- SHOULD equal the number of octets in the entire article: headers,
- body, and separating empty line (counting a CRLF pair as two octets,
- and excluding both the "." CRLF terminating the response and any "."
- added for "dot-stuffing" purposes).
- Note to client implementers: some existing servers return a value
- different from that above. The commonest reasons for this are as
- follows:
- o Counting a CRLF pair as one octet.
- o Including the "." character used for dot-stuffing in the number.
- o Including the terminating "." CRLF in the number.
- o Using one copy of an article for counting the octets but then
- returning another one that differs in some (permitted) manner.
- Implementations should be prepared for such variation and MUST NOT
- rely on the value being accurate.
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.1.2" href="#section-8.1.2">8.1.2</a>. The :lines Metadata Item</h4></span>
- The :lines metadata item for an article is a decimal integer. It
- MUST equal the number of lines in the article body (excluding the
- empty line separating headers and body). Equivalently, it is two
- less than the number of CRLF pairs that the BODY command would return
- for that article (the extra two are those following the response code
- and the termination octet).
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-8.2" href="#section-8.2">8.2</a>. Database Consistency</h3></span>
- The information stored in the overview database may change over time.
- If the database records the content or absence of a given field (that
- is, a header or metadata item) for all articles, it is said to be
- "consistent" for that field. If it records the content of a header
- for some articles but not for others that nevertheless included that
- header, or if it records a metadata item for some articles but not
- for others to which that item applies, it is said to be
- "inconsistent" for that field.
- The LIST OVERVIEW.FMT command SHOULD list all the fields for which
- the database is consistent at that moment. It MAY omit such fields
- (for example, if it is not known whether the database is consistent
- or inconsistent). It MUST NOT include fields for which the database
- is inconsistent or that are not stored in the database. Therefore,
- if a header appears in the LIST OVERVIEW.FMT output but not in the
- OVER output for a given article, that header does not appear in the
- article (similarly for metadata items).
- These rules assume that the fields being stored in the database
- remain constant for long periods of time, and therefore the database
- will be consistent. When the set of fields to be stored is changed,
- it will be inconsistent until either the database is rebuilt or the
- only articles remaining are those received since the change.
- Therefore, the output from LIST OVERVIEW.FMT needs to be altered
- twice. Firstly, before any fields stop being stored they MUST be
- removed from the output; then, when the database is once more known
- to be consistent, the new fields SHOULD be added to the output.
- If the HDR command uses the overview database rather than taking
- information directly from the articles, the same issues of
- consistency and inconsistency apply, and the LIST HEADERS command
- SHOULD take the same approach as the LIST OVERVIEW.FMT command in
- resolving them.
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-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-8.3" href="#section-8.3">8.3</a>. OVER</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.3.1" href="#section-8.3.1">8.3.1</a>. Usage</h4></span>
- Indicating capability: OVER
- Syntax
- OVER message-id
- OVER range
- Responses
- First form (message-id specified)
- 224 Overview information follows (multi-line)
- 430 No article with that message-id
- Second form (range specified)
- 224 Overview information follows (multi-line)
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 423 No articles in that range
- Third form (current article number used)
- 224 Overview information follows (multi-line)
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 420 Current article number is invalid
- Parameters
- range Number(s) of articles
- message-id Message-id of article
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.3.2" href="#section-8.3.2">8.3.2</a>. Description</h4></span>
- The OVER command returns the contents of all the fields in the
- database for an article specified by message-id, or from a specified
- article or range of articles in the currently selected newsgroup.
- The message-id argument indicates a specific article. The range
- argument may be any of the following:
- o An article number.
- o An article number followed by a dash to indicate all following.
- o An article number followed by a dash followed by another article
- number.
- If neither is specified, the current article number is used.
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- Support for the first (message-id) form is optional. If it is
- supported, the OVER capability line MUST include the argument
- "MSGID". Otherwise, the capability line MUST NOT include this
- argument, and the OVER command MUST return the generic response code
- 503 when this form is used.
- If the information is available, it is returned as a multi-line data
- block following the 224 response code and contains one line per
- article, sorted in numerical order of article number. (Note that
- unless the argument is a range including a dash, there will be
- exactly one line in the data block.) Each line consists of a number
- of fields separated by a TAB. A field may be empty (in which case
- there will be two adjacent TABs), and a sequence of trailing TABs may
- be omitted.
- The first 8 fields MUST be the following, in order:
- "0" or article number (see below)
- Subject header content
- From header content
- Date header content
- Message-ID header content
- References header content
- :bytes metadata item
- :lines metadata item
- If the article is specified by message-id (the first form of the
- command), the article number MUST be replaced with zero, except that
- if there is a currently selected newsgroup and the article is present
- in that group, the server MAY use the article's number in that group.
- (See the ARTICLE command (<a href="#section-6.2.1">Section 6.2.1</a>) and STAT examples
- (<a href="#section-">Section</a>) for more details.) In the other two forms of the
- command, the article number MUST be returned.
- Any subsequent fields are the contents of the other headers and
- metadata held in the database.
- For the five mandatory headers, the content of each field MUST be
- based on the content of the header (that is, with the header name and
- following colon and space removed). If the article does not contain
- that header, or if the content is empty, the field MUST be empty.
- For the two mandatory metadata items, the content of the field MUST
- be just the value, with no other text.
- For all subsequent fields that contain headers, the content MUST be
- the entire header line other than the trailing CRLF. For all
- subsequent fields that contain metadata, the field consists of the
- metadata name, a single space, and then the value.
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- For all fields, the value is processed by first removing all CRLF
- pairs (that is, undoing any folding and removing the terminating
- CRLF) and then replacing each TAB with a single space. If there is
- no such header in the article, no such metadata item, or no header or
- item stored in the database for that article, the corresponding field
- MUST be empty.
- Note that, after unfolding, the characters NUL, LF, and CR cannot
- occur in the header of an article offered by a conformant server.
- Nevertheless, servers SHOULD check for these characters and replace
- each one by a single space (so that, for example, CR LF LF TAB will
- become two spaces, since the CR and first LF will be removed by the
- unfolding process). This will encourage robustness in the face of
- non-conforming data; it is also possible that future versions of this
- specification could permit these characters to appear in articles.
- The server SHOULD NOT produce output for articles that no longer
- exist.
- If the argument is a message-id and no such article exists, a 430
- response MUST be returned. If the argument is a range or is omitted
- and the currently selected newsgroup is invalid, a 412 response MUST
- be returned. If the argument is a range and no articles in that
- number range exist in the currently selected newsgroup, including the
- case where the second number is less than the first one, a 423
- response MUST be returned. If the argument is omitted and the
- current article number is invalid, a 420 response MUST be returned.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.3.3" href="#section-8.3.3">8.3.3</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- In the first four examples, TAB has been replaced by vertical bar and
- some lines have been folded for readability.
- Example of a successful retrieval of overview information for an
- article (explicitly not using an article number):
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] OVER
- [S] 224 Overview information follows
- [S] 3000234|I am just a test article|"Demo User"
- &lt;nobody@example.com&gt;|6 Oct 1998 04:38:40 -0500|
- &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;|&lt;45454@example.net&gt;|1234|
- 17|Xref: news.example.com misc.test:3000363
- [S] .
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Example of a successful retrieval of overview information for an
- article by message-id:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] OVER &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] 224 Overview information follows
- [S] 0|I am just a test article|"Demo User"
- &lt;nobody@example.com&gt;|6 Oct 1998 04:38:40 -0500|
- &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;|&lt;45454@example.net&gt;|1234|
- 17|Xref: news.example.com misc.test:3000363
- [S] .
- Note that the article number has been replaced by "0".
- Example of the same commands on a system that does not implement
- retrieval by message-id:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] OVER
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] OVER &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] 503 Overview by message-id unsupported
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Example of a successful retrieval of overview information for a range
- of articles:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] OVER 3000234-3000240
- [S] 224 Overview information follows
- [S] 3000234|I am just a test article|"Demo User"
- &lt;nobody@example.com&gt;|6 Oct 1998 04:38:40 -0500|
- &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;|&lt;45454@example.net&gt;|1234|
- 17|Xref: news.example.com misc.test:3000363
- [S] 3000235|Another test article|nobody@nowhere.to
- (Demo User)|6 Oct 1998 04:38:45 -0500|&lt;45223425@to.to&gt;||
- 4818|37||Distribution: fi
- [S] 3000238|Re: I am just a test article|somebody@elsewhere.to|
- 7 Oct 1998 11:38:40 +1200|&lt;kfwer3v@elsewhere.to&gt;|
- &lt;45223423@to.to&gt;|9234|51
- [S] .
- Note the missing "References" and Xref headers in the second line,
- the missing trailing fields in the first and last lines, and that
- there are only results for those articles that still exist.
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of overview information on an
- article by number:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] OVER 300256
- [S] 423 No such article in this group
- Example of an invalid range:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] OVER 3000444-3000222
- [S] 423 Empty range
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of overview information by
- number because no newsgroup was selected first:
- [Assumes currently selected newsgroup is invalid.]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] OVER
- [S] 412 No newsgroup selected
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- Example of an attempt to retrieve information when the currently
- selected newsgroup is empty:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP example.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 0 0 example.empty.newsgroup
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] OVER
- [S] 420 No current article selected
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-8.4" href="#section-8.4">8.4</a>. LIST OVERVIEW.FMT</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.4.1" href="#section-8.4.1">8.4.1</a>. Usage</h4></span>
- Indicating capability: OVER
- Syntax
- Responses
- 215 Information follows (multi-line)
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.4.2" href="#section-8.4.2">8.4.2</a>. Description</h4></span>
- See <a href="#section-7.6.1">Section 7.6.1</a> for general requirements of the LIST command.
- The LIST OVERVIEW.FMT command returns a description of the fields in
- the database for which it is consistent (as described above). The
- information is returned as a multi-line data block following the 215
- response code. The information contains one line per field in the
- order in which they are returned by the OVER command; the first 7
- lines MUST (except for the case of letters) be exactly as follows:
- Subject:
- From:
- Date:
- Message-ID:
- References:
- :bytes
- :lines
- For compatibility with existing implementations, the last two lines
- MAY instead be:
- Bytes:
- Lines:
- even though they refer to metadata, not headers.
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- All subsequent lines MUST consist of either a header name followed by
- ":full", or the name of a piece of metadata.
- There are no leading or trailing spaces in the output.
- Note that the 7 fixed lines describe the 2nd to 8th fields of the
- OVER output. The "full" suffix (which may use either uppercase,
- lowercase, or a mix) is a reminder that the corresponding fields
- include the header name.
- This command MAY generate different results if it is used more than
- once in a session.
- If the OVER command is not implemented, the meaning of the output
- from this command is not specified, but it must still meet the above
- syntactic requirements.
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.4.3" href="#section-8.4.3">8.4.3</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- Example of LIST OVERVIEW.FMT output corresponding to the example OVER
- output above, in the preferred format:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST OVERVIEW.FMT
- [S] 215 Order of fields in overview database.
- [S] Subject:
- [S] From:
- [S] Date:
- [S] Message-ID:
- [S] References:
- [S] :bytes
- [S] :lines
- [S] Xref:full
- [S] Distribution:full
- [S] .
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Example of LIST OVERVIEW.FMT output corresponding to the example OVER
- output above, in the alternative format:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST OVERVIEW.FMT
- [S] 215 Order of fields in overview database.
- [S] Subject:
- [S] From:
- [S] Date:
- [S] Message-ID:
- [S] References:
- [S] Bytes:
- [S] Lines:
- [S] Xref:FULL
- [S] Distribution:FULL
- [S] .
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-8.5" href="#section-8.5">8.5</a>. HDR</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.5.1" href="#section-8.5.1">8.5.1</a>. Usage</h4></span>
- Indicating capability: HDR
- Syntax
- HDR field message-id
- HDR field range
- HDR field
- Responses
- First form (message-id specified)
- 225 Headers follow (multi-line)
- 430 No article with that message-id
- Second form (range specified)
- 225 Headers follow (multi-line)
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 423 No articles in that range
- Third form (current article number used)
- 225 Headers follow (multi-line)
- 412 No newsgroup selected
- 420 Current article number is invalid
- Parameters
- field Name of field
- range Number(s) of articles
- message-id Message-id of article
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.5.2" href="#section-8.5.2">8.5.2</a>. Description</h4></span>
- The HDR command provides access to specific fields from an article
- specified by message-id, or from a specified article or range of
- articles in the currently selected newsgroup. It MAY take the
- information directly from the articles or from the overview database.
- In the case of headers, an implementation MAY restrict the use of
- this command to a specific list of headers or MAY allow it to be used
- with any header; it may behave differently when it is used with a
- message-id argument and when it is used with a range or no argument.
- The required field argument is the name of a header with the colon
- omitted (e.g., "subject") or the name of a metadata item including
- the leading colon (e.g., ":bytes"), and is case insensitive.
- The message-id argument indicates a specific article. The range
- argument may be any of the following:
- o An article number.
- o An article number followed by a dash to indicate all following.
- o An article number followed by a dash followed by another article
- number.
- If neither is specified, the current article number is used.
- If the information is available, it is returned as a multi-line data
- block following the 225 response code and contains one line for each
- article in the range that exists. (Note that unless the argument is
- a range including a dash, there will be exactly one line in the data
- block.) The line consists of the article number, a space, and then
- the contents of the field. In the case of a header, the header name,
- the colon, and the first space after the colon are all omitted.
- If the article is specified by message-id (the first form of the
- command), the article number MUST be replaced with zero, except that
- if there is a currently selected newsgroup and the article is present
- in that group, the server MAY use the article's number in that group.
- (See the ARTICLE command (<a href="#section-6.2.1">Section 6.2.1</a>) and STAT examples
- (<a href="#section-">Section</a>) for more details.) In the other two forms of the
- command, the article number MUST be returned.
- Header contents are modified as follows: all CRLF pairs are removed,
- and then each TAB is replaced with a single space. (Note that this
- is the same transformation as is performed by the OVER command
- (<a href="#section-8.3.2">Section 8.3.2</a>), and the same comment concerning NUL, CR, and LF
- applies.)
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Note the distinction between headers and metadata appearing to have
- the same meaning. Headers are always taken unchanged from the
- article; metadata are always calculated. For example, a request for
- "Lines" returns the contents of the "Lines" header of the specified
- articles, if any, no matter whether they accurately state the number
- of lines, while a request for ":lines" returns the line count
- metadata, which is always the actual number of lines irrespective of
- what any header may state.
- If the requested header is not present in the article, or if it is
- present but empty, a line for that article is included in the output,
- but the header content portion of the line is empty (the space after
- the article number MAY be retained or omitted). If the header occurs
- in a given article more than once, only the content of the first
- occurrence is returned by HDR. If any article number in the provided
- range does not exist in the group, no line for that article number is
- included in the output.
- If the second argument is a message-id and no such article exists, a
- 430 response MUST be returned. If the second argument is a range or
- is omitted and the currently selected newsgroup is invalid, a 412
- response MUST be returned. If the second argument is a range and no
- articles in that number range exist in the currently selected
- newsgroup, including the case where the second number is less than
- the first one, a 423 response MUST be returned. If the second
- argument is omitted and the current article number is invalid, a 420
- response MUST be returned.
- A server MAY only allow HDR commands for a limited set of fields; it
- may behave differently in this respect for the first (message-id)
- form from how it would for the other forms. If so, it MUST respond
- with the generic 503 response to attempts to request other fields,
- rather than return erroneous results, such as a successful empty
- response.
- If HDR uses the overview database and it is inconsistent for the
- requested field, the server MAY return what results it can, or it MAY
- respond with the generic 503 response. In the latter case, the field
- MUST NOT appear in the output from LIST HEADERS.
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.5.3" href="#section-8.5.3">8.5.3</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- Example of a successful retrieval of subject lines from a range of
- articles (3000235 has no Subject header, and 3000236 is missing):
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] HDR Subject 3000234-3000238
- [S] 225 Headers follow
- [S] 3000234 I am just a test article
- [S] 3000235
- [S] 3000237 Re: I am just a test article
- [S] 3000238 Ditto
- [S] .
- Example of a successful retrieval of line counts from a range of
- articles:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] HDR :lines 3000234-3000238
- [S] 225 Headers follow
- [S] 3000234 42
- [S] 3000235 5
- [S] 3000237 11
- [S] 3000238 2378
- [S] .
- Example of a successful retrieval of the subject line from an article
- by message-id:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] HDR subject &lt;i.am.a.test.article@example.com&gt;
- [S] 225 Header information follows
- [S] 0 I am just a test article
- [S] .
- Example of a successful retrieval of the subject line from the
- current article:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] HDR subject
- [S] 225 Header information follows
- [S] 3000234 I am just a test article
- [S] .
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of a header from an article by
- message-id:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] HDR subject &lt;i.am.not.there@example.com&gt;
- [S] 430 No Such Article Found
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of headers from articles by
- number because no newsgroup was selected first:
- [Assumes currently selected newsgroup is invalid.]
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] HDR subject 300256-
- [S] 412 No newsgroup selected
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of headers because the currently
- selected newsgroup is empty:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP example.empty.newsgroup
- [S] 211 0 0 0 example.empty.newsgroup
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] HDR subject 1-
- [S] 423 No articles in that range
- Example of an unsuccessful retrieval of headers because the server
- does not allow HDR commands for that header:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] GROUP misc.test
- [S] 211 1234 3000234 3002322 misc.test
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] HDR Content-Type 3000234-3000238
- [S] 503 HDR not permitted on Content-Type
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-8.6" href="#section-8.6">8.6</a>. LIST HEADERS</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.6.1" href="#section-8.6.1">8.6.1</a>. Usage</h4></span>
- Indicating capability: HDR
- Syntax
- Responses
- 215 Field list follows (multi-line)
- Parameters
- MSGID Requests list for access by message-id
- RANGE Requests list for access by range
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.6.2" href="#section-8.6.2">8.6.2</a>. Description</h4></span>
- See <a href="#section-7.6.1">Section 7.6.1</a> for general requirements of the LIST command.
- The LIST HEADERS command returns a list of fields that may be
- retrieved using the HDR command.
- The information is returned as a multi-line data block following the
- 215 response code and contains one line for each field name
- (excluding the trailing colon for headers and including the leading
- colon for metadata items). If the implementation allows any header
- to be retrieved, it MUST NOT include any header names in the list but
- MUST include the special entry ":" (a single colon on its own). It
- MUST still explicitly list any metadata items that are available.
- The order of items in the list is not significant; the server need
- not even consistently return the same order. The list MAY be empty
- (though in this circumstance there is little point in providing the
- HDR command).
- An implementation that also supports the OVER command SHOULD at least
- permit all the headers and metadata items listed in the output from
- the LIST OVERVIEW.FMT command.
- If the server treats the first form of the HDR command (message-id
- specified) differently from the other two forms (range specified or
- current article number used) in respect of which headers or metadata
- items are available, then the following apply:
- o If the MSGID argument is specified, the results MUST be those
- available for the first form of the HDR command.
- o If the RANGE argument is specified, the results MUST be those
- available for the second and third forms of the HDR command.
- o If no argument is specified, the results MUST be those available
- in all forms of the HDR command (that is, it MUST only list those
- items listed in both the previous cases).
- If the server does not treat the various forms differently, then it
- MUST ignore any argument and always produce the same results (though
- not necessarily always in the same order).
- If the HDR command is not implemented, the meaning of the output from
- this command is not specified, but it must still meet the above
- syntactic requirements.
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-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-8.6.3" href="#section-8.6.3">8.6.3</a>. Examples</h4></span>
- Example of an implementation providing access to only a few headers:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST HEADERS
- [S] 215 headers supported:
- [S] Subject
- [S] Message-ID
- [S] Xref
- [S] .
- Example of an implementation providing access to the same fields as
- the first example in <a href="#section-8.4.3">Section 8.4.3</a>:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] OVER
- [S] HDR
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] LIST HEADERS
- [S] 215 headers and metadata items supported:
- [S] Date
- [S] Distribution
- [S] From
- [S] Message-ID
- [S] References
- [S] Subject
- [S] Xref
- [S] :bytes
- [S] :lines
- [S] .
- Example of an implementation providing access to all headers:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST HEADERS
- [S] 215 metadata items supported:
- [S] :
- [S] :lines
- [S] :bytes
- [S] :x-article-number
- [S] .
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- Example of an implementation distinguishing the first form of the HDR
- command from the other two forms:
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] LIST HEADERS RANGE
- [S] 215 metadata items supported:
- [S] :
- [S] :lines
- [S] :bytes
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] LIST HEADERS MSGID
- [S] 215 headers and metadata items supported:
- [S] Date
- [S] Distribution
- [S] From
- [S] Message-ID
- [S] References
- [S] Subject
- [S] :lines
- [S] :bytes
- [S] :x-article-number
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] LIST HEADERS
- [S] 215 headers and metadata items supported:
- [S] Date
- [S] Distribution
- [S] From
- [S] Message-ID
- [S] References
- [S] Subject
- [S] :lines
- [S] :bytes
- [S] .
- Note that :x-article-number does not appear in the last set of
- output.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-9" href="#section-9">9</a>. Augmented BNF Syntax for NNTP</h2></span>
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-9.1" href="#section-9.1">9.1</a>. Introduction</h3></span>
- Each of the following sections describes the syntax of a major
- element of NNTP. This syntax extends and refines the descriptions
- elsewhere in this specification and should be given precedence when
- resolving apparent conflicts. Note that ABNF [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4234" title='"Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF"'>RFC4234</a>] strings are
- case insensitive. Non-terminals used in several places are defined
- in a separate section at the end.
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Between them, the non-terminals &lt;command-line&gt;, &lt;command-datastream&gt;,
- &lt;command-continuation&gt;, and &lt;response&gt; specify the text that flows
- between client and server. A consistent naming scheme is used in
- this document for the non-terminals relating to each command, and
- SHOULD be used by the specification of registered extensions.
- For each command, the sequence is as follows:
- o The client sends an instance of &lt;command-line&gt;; the syntax for the
- EXAMPLE command is &lt;example-command&gt;.
- o If the client is one that immediately streams data, it sends an
- instance of &lt;command-datastream&gt;; the syntax for the EXAMPLE
- command is &lt;example-datastream&gt;.
- o The server sends an instance of &lt;response&gt;.
- * The initial response line is independent of the command that
- generated it; if the 000 response has arguments, the syntax of
- the initial line is &lt;response-000-content&gt;.
- * If the response is multi-line, the initial line is followed by
- a &lt;multi-line-data-block&gt;. The syntax for the contents of this
- block after "dot-stuffing" has been removed is (for the 000
- response to the EXAMPLE command) &lt;example-000-ml-content&gt; and
- is an instance of &lt;multi-line-response-content&gt;.
- o While the latest response is one that indicates more data is
- required (in general, a 3xx response):
- * the client sends an instance of &lt;command-continuation&gt;; the
- syntax for the EXAMPLE continuation following a 333 response is
- &lt;example-333-continuation&gt;;
- * the server sends another instance of &lt;response&gt;, as above.
- (There are no commands in this specification that immediately stream
- data, but this non-terminal is defined for the convenience of
- extensions.)
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-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-9.2" href="#section-9.2">9.2</a>. Commands</h3></span>
- This syntax defines the non-terminal &lt;command-line&gt;, which represents
- what is sent from the client to the server (see <a href="#section-3.1">section 3.1</a> for
- limits on lengths).
- command-line = command EOL
- command = X-command
- X-command = keyword *(WS token)
- command =/ article-command /
- body-command /
- capabilities-command /
- date-command /
- group-command /
- hdr-command /
- head-command /
- help-command /
- ihave-command /
- last-command /
- list-command /
- listgroup-command /
- mode-reader-command /
- newgroups-command /
- newnews-command /
- next-command /
- over-command /
- post-command /
- quit-command /
- stat-command
- article-command = "ARTICLE" [WS article-ref]
- body-command = "BODY" [WS article-ref]
- capabilities-command = "CAPABILITIES" [WS keyword]
- date-command = "DATE"
- group-command = "GROUP" [WS newsgroup-name]
- hdr-command = "HDR" WS header-meta-name [WS range-ref]
- head-command = "HEAD" [WS article-ref]
- help-command = "HELP"
- ihave-command = "IHAVE" WS message-id
- last-command = "LAST"
- list-command = "LIST" [WS list-arguments]
- listgroup-command = "LISTGROUP" [WS newsgroup-name [WS range]]
- mode-reader-command = "MODE" WS "READER"
- newgroups-command = "NEWGROUPS" WS date-time
- newnews-command = "NEWNEWS" WS wildmat WS date-time
- next-command = "NEXT"
- over-command = "OVER" [WS range-ref]
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- post-command = "POST"
- quit-command = "QUIT"
- stat-command = "STAT" [WS article-ref]
- article-ref = article-number / message-id
- date = date2y / date4y
- date4y = 4DIGIT 2DIGIT 2DIGIT
- date2y = 2DIGIT 2DIGIT 2DIGIT
- date-time = date WS time [WS "GMT"]
- header-meta-name = header-name / metadata-name
- list-arguments = keyword [WS token]
- metadata-name = ":" 1*A-NOTCOLON
- range = article-number ["-" [article-number]]
- range-ref = range / message-id
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-9.3" href="#section-9.3">9.3</a>. Command Continuation</h3></span>
- This syntax defines the further material sent by the client in the
- case of multi-stage commands and those that stream data.
- command-datastream = UNDEFINED
- ; not used, provided as a hook for extensions
- command-continuation = ihave-335-continuation /
- post-340-continuation
- ihave-335-continuation = encoded-article
- post-340-continuation = encoded-article
- encoded-article = multi-line-data-block
- ; after undoing the "dot-stuffing", this MUST match &lt;article&gt;
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-9.4" href="#section-9.4">9.4</a>. Responses</h3></span>
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-9.4.1" href="#section-9.4.1">9.4.1</a>. Generic Responses</h4></span>
- This syntax defines the non-terminal &lt;response&gt;, which represents the
- generic form of responses; that is, what is sent from the server to
- the client in response to a &lt;command&gt; or a &lt;command-continuation&gt;.
- response = simple-response / multi-line-response
- simple-response = initial-response-line
- multi-line-response = initial-response-line multi-line-data-block
- initial-response-line =
- initial-response-content [SP trailing-comment] CRLF
- initial-response-content = X-initial-response-content
- X-initial-response-content = 3DIGIT *(SP response-argument)
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- response-argument = 1*A-CHAR
- trailing-comment = *U-CHAR
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-9.4.2" href="#section-9.4.2">9.4.2</a>. Initial Response Line Contents</h4></span>
- This syntax defines the specific initial response lines for the
- various commands in this specification (see <a href="#section-3.1">section 3.1</a> for limits on
- lengths). Only those response codes with arguments are listed.
- initial-response-content =/ response-111-content /
- response-211-content /
- response-220-content /
- response-221-content /
- response-222-content /
- response-223-content /
- response-401-content
- response-111-content = "111" SP date4y time
- response-211-content = "211" 3(SP article-number) SP newsgroup-name
- response-220-content = "220" SP article-number SP message-id
- response-221-content = "221" SP article-number SP message-id
- response-222-content = "222" SP article-number SP message-id
- response-223-content = "223" SP article-number SP message-id
- response-401-content = "401" SP capability-label
-<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-9.4.3" href="#section-9.4.3">9.4.3</a>. Multi-line Response Contents</h4></span>
- This syntax defines the content of the various multi-line responses;
- more precisely, it defines the part of the response in the multi-line
- data block after any "dot-stuffing" has been undone. The numeric
- portion of each non-terminal name indicates the response code that is
- followed by this data.
- multi-line-response-content = article-220-ml-content /
- body-222-ml-content /
- capabilities-101-ml-content /
- hdr-225-ml-content /
- head-221-ml-content /
- help-100-ml-content /
- list-215-ml-content /
- listgroup-211-ml-content /
- newgroups-231-ml-content /
- newnews-230-ml-content /
- over-224-ml-content
- article-220-ml-content = article
- body-222-ml-content = body
- capabilities-101-ml-content = version-line CRLF
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- *(capability-line CRLF)
- hdr-225-ml-content = *(article-number SP hdr-content CRLF)
- head-221-ml-content = 1*header
- help-100-ml-content = *(*U-CHAR CRLF)
- list-215-ml-content = list-content
- listgroup-211-ml-content = *(article-number CRLF)
- newgroups-231-ml-content = active-groups-list
- newnews-230-ml-content = *(message-id CRLF)
- over-224-ml-content = *(article-number over-content CRLF)
- active-groups-list = *(newsgroup-name SPA article-number
- SPA article-number SPA newsgroup-status CRLF)
- hdr-content = *S-NONTAB
- hdr-n-content = [(header-name ":" / metadata-name) SP hdr-content]
- list-content = body
- newsgroup-status = %x79 / %x6E / %x6D / private-status
- over-content = 1*6(TAB hdr-content) /
- 7(TAB hdr-content) *(TAB hdr-n-content)
- private-status = token ; except the values in newsgroup-status
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-9.5" href="#section-9.5">9.5</a>. Capability Lines</h3></span>
- This syntax defines the generic form of a capability line in the
- capabilities list (see <a href="#section-3.3.1">Section 3.3.1</a>).
- capability-line = capability-entry
- capability-entry = X-capability-entry
- X-capability-entry = capability-label *(WS capability-argument)
- capability-label = keyword
- capability-argument = token
- This syntax defines the specific capability entries for the
- capabilities in this specification.
- capability-entry =/
- hdr-capability /
- ihave-capability /
- implementation-capability /
- list-capability /
- mode-reader-capability /
- newnews-capability /
- over-capability /
- post-capability /
- reader-capability
- hdr-capability = "HDR"
- ihave-capability = "IHAVE"
- implementation-capability = "IMPLEMENTATION" *(WS token)
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- list-capability = "LIST" 1*(WS keyword)
- mode-reader-capability = "MODE-READER"
- newnews-capability = "NEWNEWS"
- over-capability = "OVER" [WS "MSGID"]
- post-capability = "POST"
- reader-capability = "READER"
- version-line = "VERSION" 1*(WS version-number)
- version-number = nzDIGIT *5DIGIT
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-9.6" href="#section-9.6">9.6</a>. LIST Variants</h3></span>
- This section defines more specifically the keywords for the LIST
- command and the syntax of the corresponding response contents.
- ; active
- list-arguments =/ "ACTIVE" [WS wildmat]
- list-content =/ list-active-content
- list-active-content = active-groups-list
- ; active.times
- list-arguments =/ "ACTIVE.TIMES" [WS wildmat]
- list-content =/ list-active-times-content
- list-active-times-content =
- *(newsgroup-name SPA 1*DIGIT SPA newsgroup-creator CRLF)
- newsgroup-creator = U-TEXT
- ; distrib.pats
- list-arguments =/ "DISTRIB.PATS"
- list-content =/ list-distrib-pats-content
- list-distrib-pats-content =
- *(1*DIGIT ":" wildmat ":" distribution CRLF)
- distribution = token
- ; headers
- list-arguments =/ "HEADERS" [WS ("MSGID" / "RANGE")]
- list-content =/ list-headers-content
- list-headers-content = *(header-meta-name CRLF) /
- *((metadata-name / ":") CRLF)
- ; newsgroups
- list-arguments =/ "NEWSGROUPS" [WS wildmat]
- list-content =/ list-newsgroups-content
- list-newsgroups-content =
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- *(newsgroup-name WS newsgroup-description CRLF)
- newsgroup-description = S-TEXT
- ; overview.fmt
- list-arguments =/ "OVERVIEW.FMT"
- list-content =/ list-overview-fmt-content
- list-overview-fmt-content = "Subject:" CRLF
- "From:" CRLF
- "Date:" CRLF
- "Message-ID:" CRLF
- "References:" CRLF
- ( ":bytes" CRLF ":lines" / "Bytes:" CRLF "Lines:") CRLF
- *((header-name ":full" / metadata-name) CRLF)
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-9.7" href="#section-9.7">9.7</a>. Articles</h3></span>
- This syntax defines the non-terminal &lt;article&gt;, which represents the
- format of an article as described in <a href="#section-3.6">Section 3.6</a>.
- article = 1*header CRLF body
- header = header-name ":" [CRLF] SP header-content CRLF
- header-content = *(S-CHAR / [CRLF] WS)
- body = *(*B-CHAR CRLF)
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-9.8" href="#section-9.8">9.8</a>. General Non-terminals</h3></span>
- These non-terminals are used at various places in the syntax and are
- collected here for convenience. A few of these non-terminals are not
- used in this specification but are provided for the consistency and
- convenience of extension authors.
- multi-line-data-block = content-lines termination
- content-lines = *([content-text] CRLF)
- content-text = (".." / B-NONDOT) *B-CHAR
- termination = "." CRLF
- article-number = 1*16DIGIT
- header-name = 1*A-NOTCOLON
- keyword = ALPHA 2*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "." / "-")
- message-id = "&lt;" 1*248A-NOTGT "&gt;"
- newsgroup-name = 1*wildmat-exact
- token = 1*P-CHAR
- wildmat = wildmat-pattern *("," ["!"] wildmat-pattern)
- wildmat-pattern = 1*wildmat-item
- wildmat-item = wildmat-exact / wildmat-wild
- wildmat-exact = %x22-29 / %x2B / %x2D-3E / %x40-5A / %x5E-7E /
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- UTF8-non-ascii ; exclude ! * , ? [ \ ]
- wildmat-wild = "*" / "?"
- base64 = *(4base64-char) [base64-terminal]
- base64-char = UPPER / LOWER / DIGIT / "+" / "/"
- base64-terminal = 2base64-char "==" / 3base64-char "="
- ; Assorted special character sets
- ; A- means based on US-ASCII, excluding controls and SP
- ; P- means based on UTF-8, excluding controls and SP
- ; U- means based on UTF-8, excluding NUL CR and LF
- ; B- means based on bytes, excluding NUL CR and LF
- A-CHAR = %x21-7E
- A-NOTCOLON = %x21-39 / %x3B-7E ; exclude ":"
- A-NOTGT = %x21-3D / %x3F-7E ; exclude "&gt;"
- P-CHAR = A-CHAR / UTF8-non-ascii
- U-CHAR = CTRL / TAB / SP / A-CHAR / UTF8-non-ascii
- U-NONTAB = CTRL / SP / A-CHAR / UTF8-non-ascii
- B-CHAR = CTRL / TAB / SP / %x21-FF
- B-NONDOT = CTRL / TAB / SP / %x21-2D / %x2F-FF ; exclude "."
- ALPHA = UPPER / LOWER ; use only when case-insensitive
- CR = %x0D
- CTRL = %x01-08 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-1F
- DIGIT = %x30-39
- nzDIGIT = %x31-39
- EOL = *(SP / TAB) CRLF
- LF = %x0A
- LOWER = %x61-7A
- SP = %x20
- SPA = 1*SP
- TAB = %x09
- UPPER = %x41-5A
- UTF8-non-ascii = UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4
- UTF8-2 = %xC2-DF UTF8-tail
- UTF8-3 = %xE0 %xA0-BF UTF8-tail / %xE1-EC 2UTF8-tail /
- %xED %x80-9F UTF8-tail / %xEE-EF 2UTF8-tail
- UTF8-4 = %xF0 %x90-BF 2UTF8-tail / %xF1-F3 3UTF8-tail /
- %xF4 %x80-8F 2UTF8-tail
- UTF8-tail = %x80-BF
- WS = 1*(SP / TAB)
- The following non-terminals require special consideration. They
- represent situations where material SHOULD be restricted to UTF-8,
- but implementations MUST be able to cope with other character
- encodings. Therefore, there are two sets of definitions for them.
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- Implementations MUST accept any content that meets this syntax:
- S-CHAR = %x21-FF
- and MAY pass such content on unaltered.
- When generating new content or re-encoding existing content,
- implementations SHOULD conform to this syntax:
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-9.9" href="#section-9.9">9.9</a>. Extensions and Validation</h3></span>
- The specification of a registered extension MUST include formal
- syntax that defines additional forms for the following non-terminals:
- command
- for each new command other than a variant of the LIST command -
- the syntax of each command MUST be compatible with the definition
- of &lt;X-command&gt;;
- command-datastream
- for each new command that immediately streams data;
- command-continuation
- for each new command that sends further material after the initial
- command line - the syntax of each continuation MUST be exactly
- what is sent to the server, including any escape mechanisms such
- as "dot-stuffing";
- initial-response-content
- for each new response code that has arguments - the syntax of each
- response MUST be compatible with the definition of &lt;X-initial-
- response-content&gt;;
- multi-line-response-content
- for each new response code that has a multi-line response - the
- syntax MUST show the response after the lines containing the
- response code and the terminating octet have been removed and any
- "dot-stuffing" undone;
- capability-entry
- for each new capability label - the syntax of each entry MUST be
- compatible with the definition of &lt;X-capability-entry&gt;;
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- list-arguments
- for each new variant of the LIST command - the syntax of each
- entry MUST be compatible with the definition of &lt;X-command&gt;;
- list-content
- for each new variant of the LIST command - the syntax MUST show
- the response after the lines containing the 215 response code and
- the terminating octet have been removed and any "dot-stuffing"
- undone.
- The =/ notation of ABNF [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4234" title='"Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF"'>RFC4234</a>] and the naming conventions
- described in <a href="#section-9.1">Section 9.1</a> SHOULD be used for this.
- When the syntax in this specification, or syntax based on it, is
- validated, it should be noted that:
- o the non-terminals &lt;command-line&gt;, &lt;command-datastream&gt;,
- &lt;command-continuation&gt;, &lt;response&gt;, and
- &lt;multi-line-response-content&gt; describe basic concepts of the
- protocol and are not referred to by any other rule;
- o the non-terminal &lt;base64&gt; is provided for the convenience of
- extension authors and is not referred to by any rule in this
- specification;
- o for the reasons given above, the non-terminals &lt;S-CHAR&gt;,
- &lt;S-NONTAB&gt;, and &lt;S-TEXT&gt; each have two definitions; and
- o the non-terminal &lt;UNDEFINED&gt; is deliberately not defined.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-10" href="#section-10">10</a>. Internationalisation Considerations</h2></span>
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-10.1" href="#section-10.1">10.1</a>. Introduction and Historical Situation</h3></span>
- <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">RFC 977</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977" title='"Network News Transfer Protocol"'>RFC977</a>] was written at a time when internationalisation was
- not seen as a significant issue. As such, it was written on the
- assumption that all communication would be in ASCII and use only a
- 7-bit transport layer, although in practice just about all known
- implementations are 8-bit clean.
- Since then, Usenet and NNTP have spread throughout the world. In the
- absence of standards for handling the issues of language and
- character sets, countries, newsgroup hierarchies, and individuals
- have found a variety of solutions that work for them but that are not
- necessarily appropriate elsewhere. For example, some have adopted a
- default 8-bit character set appropriate to their needs (such as
- ISO/IEC 8859-1 in Western Europe or KOI-8 in Russia), others have
- used ASCII (either US-ASCII or national variants) in headers but
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- local 16-bit character sets in article bodies, and still others have
- gone for a combination of MIME [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2045" title='"Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies"'>RFC2045</a>] and UTF-8. With the
- increased use of MIME in email, it is becoming more common to find
- NNTP articles containing MIME headers that identify the character set
- of the body, but this is far from universal.
- The resulting confusion does not help interoperability.
- One point that has been generally accepted is that articles can
- contain octets with the top bit set, and NNTP is only expected to
- operate on 8-bit clean transport paths.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-10.2" href="#section-10.2">10.2</a>. This Specification</h3></span>
- Part of the role of this present specification is to eliminate this
- confusion and promote interoperability as far as possible. At the
- same time, it is necessary to accept the existence of the present
- situation and not break existing implementations and arrangements
- gratuitously, even if they are less than optimal. Therefore, the
- current practice described above has been taken into consideration in
- producing this specification.
- This specification extends NNTP from US-ASCII [<a href="#ref-ANSI1986" title='"Coded Character Set - 7-bit American Standard Code for Information Interchange"'>ANSI1986</a>] to UTF-8
- [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629" title='"UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646"'>RFC3629</a>]. Except in the two areas discussed below, UTF-8 (which is
- a superset of US-ASCII) is mandatory, and implementations MUST NOT
- use any other encoding.
- Firstly, the use of MIME for article headers and bodies is strongly
- recommended. However, given widely divergent existing practices, an
- attempt to require a particular encoding and tagging standard would
- be premature at this time. Accordingly, this specification allows
- the use of arbitrary 8-bit data in articles subject to the following
- requirements and recommendations.
- o The names of headers (e.g., "From" or "Subject") MUST be in
- o Header values SHOULD use US-ASCII or an encoding based on it, such
- as <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2047">RFC 2047</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2047" title='"MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Three: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text"'>RFC2047</a>], until such time as another approach has
- been standardised. At present, 8-bit encodings (including UTF-8)
- SHOULD NOT be used because they are likely to cause
- interoperability problems.
- o The character set of article bodies SHOULD be indicated in the
- article headers, and this SHOULD be done in accordance with MIME.
- o Where an article is obtained from an external source, an
- implementation MAY pass it on and derive data from it (such as the
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- response to the HDR command), even though the article or the data
- does not meet the above requirements. Implementations MUST
- transfer such articles and data correctly and unchanged; they MUST
- NOT attempt to convert or re-encode the article or derived data.
- (Nevertheless, a client or server MAY elect not to post or forward
- the article if, after further examination of the article, it deems
- it inappropriate to do so.)
- This requirement affects the ARTICLE (<a href="#section-6.2.1">Section 6.2.1</a>), BODY
- (<a href="#section-6.2.3">Section 6.2.3</a>), HDR (<a href="#section-8.5">Section 8.5</a>), HEAD (<a href="#section-6.2.2">Section 6.2.2</a>), IHAVE
- (<a href="#section-6.3.2">Section 6.3.2</a>), OVER (<a href="#section-8.3">Section 8.3</a>), and POST (<a href="#section-6.3.1">Section 6.3.1</a>)
- commands.
- Secondly, the following requirements are placed on the newsgroups
- list returned by the LIST NEWSGROUPS command (<a href="#section-7.6.6">Section 7.6.6</a>):
- o Although this specification allows UTF-8 for newsgroup names, they
- SHOULD be restricted to US-ASCII until a successor to <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036">RFC 1036</a>
- [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036" title='"Standard for interchange of USENET messages"'>RFC1036</a>] standardises another approach. 8-bit encodings SHOULD
- NOT be used because they are likely to cause interoperability
- problems.
- o The newsgroup description SHOULD be in US-ASCII or UTF-8 unless
- and until a successor to <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036">RFC 1036</a> standardises other encoding
- arrangements. 8-bit encodings other than UTF-8 SHOULD NOT be used
- because they are likely to cause interoperability problems.
- o Implementations that obtain this data from an external source MUST
- handle it correctly even if it does not meet the above
- requirements. Implementations (in particular, clients) MUST
- handle such data correctly.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-10.3" href="#section-10.3">10.3</a>. Outstanding Issues</h3></span>
- While the primary use of NNTP is for transmitting articles that
- conform to <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036">RFC 1036</a> (Netnews articles), it is also used for other
- formats (see <a href="#appendix-A">Appendix A</a>). It is therefore most appropriate that
- internationalisation issues related to article formats be addressed
- in the relevant specifications. For Netnews articles, this is any
- successor to <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036">RFC 1036</a>. For email messages, it is <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822">RFC 2822</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822" title='"Internet Message Format"'>RFC2822</a>].
- Of course, any article transmitted via NNTP needs to conform to this
- specification as well.
- Restricting newsgroup names to UTF-8 is not a complete solution. In
- particular, when new newsgroup names are created or a user is asked
- to enter a newsgroup name, some scheme of canonicalisation will need
- to take place. This specification does not attempt to define that
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- canonicalization; further work is needed in this area, in conjunction
- with the article format specifications. Until such specifications
- are published, implementations SHOULD match newsgroup names octet by
- octet. It is anticipated that any approved scheme will be applied
- "at the edges", and therefore octet-by-octet comparison will continue
- to apply to most, if not all, uses of newsgroup names in NNTP.
- In the meantime, any implementation experimenting with UTF-8
- newsgroup names is strongly cautioned that a future specification may
- require that those names be canonicalized when used with NNTP in a
- way that is not compatible with their experiments.
- Since the primary use of NNTP is with Netnews, and since newsgroup
- descriptions are normally distributed through specially formatted
- articles, it is recommended that the internationalisation issues
- related to them be addressed in any successor to <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036">RFC 1036</a>.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-11" href="#section-11">11</a>. IANA Considerations</h2></span>
- This specification requires IANA to keep a registry of capability
- labels. The initial contents of this registry are specified in
- <a href="#section-3.3.4">Section 3.3.4</a>. As described in <a href="#section-3.3.3">Section 3.3.3</a>, labels beginning with
- X are reserved for private use, while all other names are expected to
- be associated with a specification in an RFC on the standards track
- or defining an IESG-approved experimental protocol.
- Different entries in the registry MUST use different capability
- labels.
- Different entries in the registry MUST NOT use the same command name.
- For this purpose, variants distinguished by a second or subsequent
- keyword (e.g., "LIST HEADERS" and "LIST OVERVIEW.FMT") count as
- different commands. If there is a need for two extensions to use the
- same command, a single harmonised specification MUST be registered.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-12" href="#section-12">12</a>. Security Considerations</h2></span>
- This section is meant to inform application developers, information
- providers, and users of the security limitations in NNTP as described
- by this document. The discussion does not include definitive
- solutions to the problems revealed, though it does make some
- suggestions for reducing security risks.
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-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-12.1" href="#section-12.1">12.1</a>. Personal and Proprietary Information</h3></span>
- NNTP, because it was created to distribute network news articles,
- will forward whatever information is stored in those articles.
- Specification of that information is outside this scope of this
- document, but it is likely that some personal and/or proprietary
- information is available in some of those articles. It is very
- important that designers and implementers provide informative
- warnings to users so that personal and/or proprietary information in
- material that is added automatically to articles (e.g., in headers)
- is not disclosed inadvertently. Additionally, effective and easily
- understood mechanisms to manage the distribution of news articles
- SHOULD be provided to NNTP Server administrators, so that they are
- able to report with confidence the likely spread of any particular
- set of news articles.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-12.2" href="#section-12.2">12.2</a>. Abuse of Server Log Information</h3></span>
- A server is in the position to save session data about a user's
- requests that might identify their reading patterns or subjects of
- interest. This information is clearly confidential in nature, and
- its handling can be constrained by law in certain countries. People
- using this protocol to provide data are responsible for ensuring that
- such material is not distributed without the permission of any
- individuals that are identifiable by the published results.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-12.3" href="#section-12.3">12.3</a>. Weak Authentication and Access Control</h3></span>
- There is no user-based or token-based authentication in the basic
- NNTP specification. Access is normally controlled by server
- configuration files. Those files specify access by using domain
- names or IP addresses. However, this specification does permit the
- creation of extensions to NNTP for such purposes; one such extension
- is [<a href="#ref-NNTP-AUTH" title='"Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Extension for Authentication"'>NNTP-AUTH</a>]. While including such mechanisms is optional, doing
- so is strongly encouraged.
- Other mechanisms are also available. For example, a proxy server
- could be put in place that requires authentication before connecting
- via the proxy to the NNTP server.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-12.4" href="#section-12.4">12.4</a>. DNS Spoofing</h3></span>
- Many existing NNTP implementations authorize incoming connections by
- checking the IP address of that connection against the IP addresses
- obtained via DNS lookups of lists of domain names given in local
- configuration files. Servers that use this type of authentication
- and clients that find a server by doing a DNS lookup of the server
- name rely very heavily on the Domain Name Service, and are thus
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- generally prone to security attacks based on the deliberate
- misassociation of IP addresses and DNS names. Clients and servers
- need to be cautious in assuming the continuing validity of an IP
- number/DNS name association.
- In particular, NNTP clients and servers SHOULD rely on their name
- resolver for confirmation of an IP number/DNS name association,
- rather than cache the result of previous host name lookups. Many
- platforms already can cache host name lookups locally when
- appropriate, and they SHOULD be configured to do so. It is proper
- for these lookups to be cached, however, only when the TTL (Time To
- Live) information reported by the name server makes it likely that
- the cached information will remain useful.
- If NNTP clients or servers cache the results of host name lookups in
- order to achieve a performance improvement, they MUST observe the TTL
- information reported by DNS. If NNTP clients or servers do not
- observe this rule, they could be spoofed when a previously accessed
- server's IP address changes. As network renumbering is expected to
- become increasingly common, the possibility of this form of attack
- will increase. Observing this requirement thus reduces this
- potential security vulnerability.
- This requirement also improves the load-balancing behaviour of
- clients for replicated servers using the same DNS name and reduces
- the likelihood of a user's experiencing failure in accessing sites
- that use that strategy.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-12.5" href="#section-12.5">12.5</a>. UTF-8 Issues</h3></span>
- UTF-8 [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629" title='"UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646"'>RFC3629</a>] permits only certain sequences of octets and
- designates others as either malformed or "illegal". The Unicode
- standard identifies a number of security issues related to illegal
- sequences and forbids their generation by conforming implementations.
- Implementations of this specification MUST NOT generate malformed or
- illegal sequences and SHOULD detect them and take some appropriate
- action. This could include the following:
- o Generating a 501 response code.
- o Replacing such sequences by the sequence %xEF.BF.BD, which encodes
- the "replacement character" U+FFFD.
- o Closing the connection.
- o Replacing such sequences by a "guessed" valid sequence (based on
- properties of the UTF-8 encoding).
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- In the last case, the implementation MUST ensure that any replacement
- cannot be used to bypass validity or security checks. For example,
- the illegal sequence %xC0.A0 is an over-long encoding for space
- (%x20). If it is replaced by the correct encoding in a command line,
- this needs to happen before the command line is parsed into
- individual arguments. If the replacement came after parsing, it
- would be possible to generate an argument with an embedded space,
- which is forbidden. Use of the "replacement character" does not have
- this problem, since it is permitted wherever non-US-ASCII characters
- are. Implementations SHOULD use one of the first two solutions where
- the general structure of the NNTP stream remains intact and SHOULD
- close the connection if it is no longer possible to parse it
- sensibly.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-12.6" href="#section-12.6">12.6</a>. Caching of Capability Lists</h3></span>
- The CAPABILITIES command provides a capability list, which is
- information about the current capabilities of the server. Whenever
- there is a relevant change to the server state, the results of this
- command are required to change accordingly.
- In most situations, the capabilities list in a given server state
- will not change from session to session; for example, a given
- extension will be installed permanently on a server. Some clients
- may therefore wish to remember which extensions a server supports to
- avoid the delay of an additional command and response, particularly
- if they open multiple connections in the same session.
- However, information about extensions related to security and privacy
- MUST NOT be cached, since this could allow a variety of attacks.
- For example, consider a server that permits the use of cleartext
- passwords on links that are encrypted but not otherwise:
- [Initial connection set-up completed.]
- [S] 200 NNTP Service Ready, posting permitted
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] POST
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] XENCRYPT
- [Client and server negotiate encryption on the link]
- [S] 283 Encrypted link established
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] CAPABILITIES
- [S] 101 Capability list:
- [S] POST
- [S] .
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] XSECRET fred flintstone
- [S] 290 Password for fred accepted
- If the client caches the last capabilities list, then on the next
- session it will attempt to use XSECRET on an unencrypted link:
- [Initial connection set-up completed.]
- [S] 200 NNTP Service Ready, posting permitted
- [<a href="#ref-C" title='"Demo User"'>C</a>] XSECRET fred flintstone
- [S] 483 Only permitted on secure links
- This exposes the password to any eavesdropper. While the primary
- cause of this is passing a secret without first checking the security
- of the link, caching of capability lists can increase the risk.
- Any security extension should include requirements to check the
- security state of the link in a manner appropriate to that extension.
- Caching should normally only be considered for anonymous clients that
- do not use any security or privacy extensions and for which the time
- required for an additional command and response is a noticeable
- issue.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-13" href="#section-13">13</a>. Acknowledgements</h2></span>
- This document is the result of much effort by the present and past
- members of the NNTP Working Group, chaired by Russ Allbery and Ned
- Freed. It could not have been produced without them.
- The author acknowledges the original authors of NNTP as documented in
- <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">RFC 977</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977" title='"Network News Transfer Protocol"'>RFC977</a>]: Brian Kantor and Phil Lapsey.
- The author gratefully acknowledges the following:
- o The work of the NNTP committee chaired by Eliot Lear. The
- organization of this document was influenced by the last available
- version from this working group. A special thanks to Eliot for
- generously providing the original machine-readable sources for
- that document.
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- o The work of the DRUMS working group, specifically <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1869">RFC 1869</a>
- [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1869" title='"SMTP Service Extensions"'>RFC1869</a>], that drove the original thinking that led to the
- CAPABILITIES command and the extensions mechanism detailed in this
- document.
- o The authors of <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616">RFC 2616</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616" title='"Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1"'>RFC2616</a>] for providing specific and
- relevant examples of security issues that should be considered for
- HTTP. Since many of the same considerations exist for NNTP, those
- examples that are relevant have been included here with some minor
- rewrites.
- o The comments and additional information provided by the following
- individuals in preparing one or more of the progenitors of this
- document:
- Russ Allbery &lt;rra@stanford.edu&gt;
- Wayne Davison &lt;davison@armory.com&gt;
- Chris Lewis &lt;clewis@bnr.ca&gt;
- Tom Limoncelli &lt;tal@mars.superlink.net&gt;
- Eric Schnoebelen &lt;eric@egsner.cirr.com&gt;
- Rich Salz &lt;rsalz@osf.org&gt;
- This work was motivated by the work of various news reader authors
- and news server authors, including those listed below:
- Rick Adams
- Original author of the NNTP extensions to the RN news reader and
- last maintainer of Bnews.
- Stan Barber
- Original author of the NNTP extensions to the news readers that
- are part of Bnews.
- Geoff Collyer
- Original author of the OVERVIEW database proposal and one of the
- original authors of CNEWS.
- Dan Curry
- Original author of the xvnews news reader.
- Wayne Davison
- Author of the first threading extensions to the RN news reader
- (commonly called TRN).
- Geoff Huston
- Original author of ANU NEWS.
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Phil Lapsey
- Original author of the UNIX reference implementation for NNTP.
- Iain Lea
- Original maintainer of the TIN news reader.
- Chris Lewis
- First known implementer of the AUTHINFO GENERIC extension.
- Rich Salz
- Original author of INN.
- Henry Spencer
- One of the original authors of CNEWS.
- Kim Storm
- Original author of the NN news reader.
- Other people who contributed to this document include:
- Matthias Andree
- Greg Andruk
- Daniel Barclay
- Maurizio Codogno
- Mark Crispin
- Andrew Gierth
- Juergen Helbing
- Scott Hollenbeck
- Urs Janssen
- Charles Lindsey
- Ade Lovett
- David Magda
- Ken Murchison
- Francois Petillon
- Peter Robinson
- Rob Siemborski
- Howard Swinehart
- Ruud van Tol
- Jeffrey Vinocur
- Erik Warmelink
- The author thanks them all and apologises to anyone omitted.
- Finally, the present author gratefully acknowledges the vast amount
- of work put into previous versions by the previous author:
- Stan Barber &lt;sob@academ.com&gt;
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-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-14" href="#section-14">14</a>. References</h2></span>
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-14.1" href="#section-14.1">14.1</a>. Normative References</h3></span>
- [<a name="ref-ANSI1986" id="ref-ANSI1986">ANSI1986</a>] American National Standards Institute, "Coded Character
- Set - 7-bit American Standard Code for Information
- Interchange", ANSI X3.4, 1986.
- [<a name="ref-RFC977" id="ref-RFC977">RFC977</a>] Kantor, B. and P. Lapsley, "Network News Transfer
- Protocol", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">RFC 977</a>, February 1986.
- [<a name="ref-RFC2045" id="ref-RFC2045">RFC2045</a>] Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet
- Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet
- Message Bodies", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2045">RFC 2045</a>, November 1996.
- [<a name="ref-RFC2047" id="ref-RFC2047">RFC2047</a>] Moore, K., "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail
- Extensions) Part Three: Message Header Extensions for
- Non-ASCII Text", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2047">RFC 2047</a>, November 1996.
- [<a name="ref-RFC2119" id="ref-RFC2119">RFC2119</a>] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
- Requirement Levels", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp14">BCP 14</a>, <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119">RFC 2119</a>, March 1997.
- [<a name="ref-RFC3629" id="ref-RFC3629">RFC3629</a>] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
- 10646", STD 63, <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629">RFC 3629</a>, November 2003.
- [<a name="ref-RFC4234" id="ref-RFC4234">RFC4234</a>] Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for
- Syntax Specifications: ABNF", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4234">RFC 4234</a>, October 2005.
- [<a name="ref-RFC4648" id="ref-RFC4648">RFC4648</a>] Josefsson, S., "The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data
- Encodings", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648">RFC 4648</a>, October 2006.
- [<a name="ref-TF.686-1" id="ref-TF.686-1">TF.686-1</a>] International Telecommunications Union - Radio,
- "Glossary, ITU-R Recommendation TF.686-1",
- ITU-R Recommendation TF.686-1, October 1997.
-<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-14.2" href="#section-14.2">14.2</a>. Informative References</h3></span>
- [<a name="ref-NNTP-AUTH" id="ref-NNTP-AUTH">NNTP-AUTH</a>] Vinocur, J., Murchison, K., and C. Newman, "Network
- News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Extension for
- Authentication",
- <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4643">RFC 4643</a>, October 2006.
- [<a name="ref-NNTP-STREAM" id="ref-NNTP-STREAM">NNTP-STREAM</a>] Vinocur, J. and K. Murchison, "Network News Transfer
- Protocol (NNTP) Extension for Streaming Feeds",
- <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4644">RFC 4644</a>, October 2006.
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- [<a name="ref-NNTP-TLS" id="ref-NNTP-TLS">NNTP-TLS</a>] Murchison, K., Vinocur, J., and C. Newman, "Using
- Transport Layer Security (TLS) with Network News
- Transfer Protocol (NNTP)", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4642">RFC 4642</a>, October 2006.
- [<a name="ref-RFC1036" id="ref-RFC1036">RFC1036</a>] Horton, M. and R. Adams, "Standard for interchange of
- USENET messages", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036">RFC 1036</a>, December 1987.
- [<a name="ref-RFC1305" id="ref-RFC1305">RFC1305</a>] Mills, D., "Network Time Protocol (Version 3)
- Specification, Implementation and Analysis", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1305">RFC 1305</a>,
- March 1992.
- [<a name="ref-RFC1869" id="ref-RFC1869">RFC1869</a>] Klensin, J., Freed, N., Rose, M., Stefferud, E., and D.
- Crocker, "SMTP Service Extensions", STD 10, <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1869">RFC 1869</a>,
- November 1995.
- [<a name="ref-RFC2616" id="ref-RFC2616">RFC2616</a>] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H.,
- Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext
- Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616">RFC 2616</a>, June 1999.
- [<a name="ref-RFC2629" id="ref-RFC2629">RFC2629</a>] Rose, M., "Writing I-Ds and RFCs using XML", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2629">RFC 2629</a>,
- June 1999.
- [<a name="ref-RFC2822" id="ref-RFC2822">RFC2822</a>] Resnick, P., "Internet Message Format", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822">RFC 2822</a>, April
- 2001.
- [<a name="ref-RFC2980" id="ref-RFC2980">RFC2980</a>] Barber, S., "Common NNTP Extensions", <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2980">RFC 2980</a>, October
- 2000.
- [<a name="ref-ROBE1995" id="ref-ROBE1995">ROBE1995</a>] Robertson, R., "FAQ: Overview database / NOV General
- Information", January 1995.
- There is no definitive copy of this document known to
- the author. It was previously posted as the Usenet
- article &lt;news:nov-faq-1-930909720@agate.Berkeley.EDU&gt;
- [<a name="ref-SALZ1992" id="ref-SALZ1992">SALZ1992</a>] Salz, R., "Manual Page for wildmat(3) from the INN 1.4
- distribution, Revision 1.10", April 1992.
- There is no definitive copy of this document known to
- the author.
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-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="appendix-A" href="#appendix-A">Appendix A</a>. Interaction with Other Specifications</h2></span>
- NNTP is most often used for transferring articles that conform to
- <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036">RFC 1036</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036" title='"Standard for interchange of USENET messages"'>RFC1036</a>] (such articles are called "Netnews articles"
- here). It is also sometimes used for transferring email messages
- that conform to <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822">RFC 2822</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822" title='"Internet Message Format"'>RFC2822</a>] (such articles are called "email
- articles" here). In this situation, articles must conform both to
- this specification and to that other one; this appendix describes
- some relevant issues.
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-A.1" href="#appendix-A.1">A.1</a>. Header Folding</h1></span>
- NNTP allows a header line to be folded (by inserting a CRLF pair)
- before any space or TAB character.
- Both email and Netnews articles are required to have at least one
- octet other than space or TAB on each header line. Thus, folding can
- only happen at one point in each sequence of consecutive spaces or
- TABs. Netnews articles are further required to have the header name,
- colon, and following space all on the first line; folding may only
- happen beyond that space. Finally, some non-conforming software will
- remove trailing spaces and TABs from a line. Therefore, it might be
- inadvisable to fold a header after a space or TAB.
- For maximum safety, header lines SHOULD conform to the following
- syntax rather than to that in <a href="#section-9.7">Section 9.7</a>.
- header = header-name ":" SP [header-content] CRLF
- header-content = [WS] token *( [CRLF] WS token )
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-A.2" href="#appendix-A.2">A.2</a>. Message-IDs</h1></span>
- Every article handled by an NNTP server MUST have a unique
- message-id. For the purposes of this specification, a message-id is
- an arbitrary opaque string that merely needs to meet certain
- syntactic requirements and is just a way to refer to the article.
- Because there is a significant risk that old articles will be
- reinjected into the global Usenet system, <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036">RFC 1036</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036" title='"Standard for interchange of USENET messages"'>RFC1036</a>] requires
- that message-ids are globally unique for all time.
- This specification states that message-ids are the same if and only
- if they consist of the same sequence of octets. Other specifications
- may define two different sequences as being equal because they are
- putting an interpretation on particular characters. <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822">RFC 2822</a>
- [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822" title='"Internet Message Format"'>RFC2822</a>] has a concept of "quoted" and "escaped" characters. It
- therefore considers the three message-ids:
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- &lt;ab.cd@example.com&gt;
- &lt;"ab.cd"@example.com&gt;
- &lt;"ab.\cd"@example.com&gt;
- as being identical. Therefore, an NNTP implementation handing email
- articles must ensure that only one of these three appears in the
- protocol and that the other two are converted to it as and when
- necessary, such as when a client checks the results of a NEWNEWS
- command against an internal database of message-ids. Note that
- <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036">RFC 1036</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036" title='"Standard for interchange of USENET messages"'>RFC1036</a>] never treats two different strings as being
- identical. Its successor (as of the time of writing) restricts the
- syntax of message-ids so that, whenever <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822">RFC 2822</a> would treat two
- strings as equivalent, only one of them is valid (in the above
- example, only the first string is valid).
- This specification does not describe how the message-id of an article
- is determined; it may be deduced from the contents of the article or
- derived from some external source. If the server is also conforming
- to another specification that contains a definition of message-id
- compatible with this one, the server SHOULD use those message-ids. A
- common approach, and one that SHOULD be used for email and Netnews
- articles, is to extract the message-id from the contents of a header
- with name "Message-ID". This may not be as simple as copying the
- entire header contents; it may be necessary to strip off comments and
- undo quoting, or to reduce "equivalent" message-ids to a canonical
- form.
- If an article is obtained through the IHAVE command, there will be a
- message-id provided with the command. The server MAY either use it
- or determine one from the article contents. However, whichever it
- does, it SHOULD ensure that, if the IHAVE command is repeated with
- the same argument and article, it will be recognized as a duplicate.
- If an article does not contain a message-id that the server can
- identify, it MUST synthesize one. This could, for example, be a
- simple sequence number or be based on the date and time when the
- article arrived. When email or Netnews articles are handled, a
- Message-ID header SHOULD be added to ensure global consistency and
- uniqueness.
- Note that, because the message-id might not have been derived from
- the Message-ID header in the article, the following example is
- legitimate (though unusual):
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- [<a name="ref-C" id="ref-C">C</a>] HEAD &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] 221 0 &lt;45223423@example.com&gt;
- [S] Path: pathost!demo!whitehouse!not-for-mail
- [S] Message-ID: &lt;1234@example.net&gt;
- [S] From: "Demo User" &lt;nobody@example.net&gt;
- [S] Newsgroups: misc.test
- [S] Subject: I am just a test article
- [S] Date: 6 Oct 1998 04:38:40 -0500
- [S] Organization: An Example Net, Uncertain, Texas
- [S] .
-<span class="h1"><h1><a class="selflink" name="appendix-A.3" href="#appendix-A.3">A.3</a>. Article Posting</h1></span>
- As far as NNTP is concerned, the POST and IHAVE commands provide the
- same basic facilities in a slightly different way. However, they
- have rather different intentions.
- The IHAVE command is intended for transmitting conforming articles
- between a system of NNTP servers, with all articles perhaps also
- conforming to another specification (e.g., all articles are Netnews
- articles). It is expected that the client will already have done any
- necessary validation (or that it has in turn obtained the article
- from a third party that has done so); therefore, the contents SHOULD
- be left unchanged.
- In contrast, the POST command is intended for use when an end-user is
- injecting a newly created article into a such a system. The article
- being transferred might not be a conforming email or Netnews article,
- and the server is expected to validate it and, if necessary, to
- convert it to the right form for onward distribution. This is often
- done by a separate piece of software on the server installation; if
- so, the NNTP server SHOULD pass the incoming article to that software
- unaltered, making no attempt to filter characters, to fold or limit
- lines, or to process the incoming text otherwise.
- The POST command can fail in various ways, and clients should be
- prepared to re-send an article. When doing so, however, it is often
- important to ensure (as far as possible) that the same message-id is
- allocated to both attempts so that the server, or other servers, can
- recognize the two articles as duplicates. In the case of email or
- Netnews articles, therefore, the posted article SHOULD contain a
- header with the name "Message-ID", and the contents of this header
- SHOULD be identical on each attempt. The server SHOULD ensure that
- two POSTed articles with the same contents for this header are
- recognized as identical and that the same message-id is allocated,
- whether or not those contents are suitable for use as the message-id.
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-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="appendix-B" href="#appendix-B">Appendix B</a>. Summary of Commands</h2></span>
- This section contains a list of every command defined in this
- document, ordered by command name and by indicating capability.
- Ordered by command name:
- +-------------------+-----------------------+---------------+
- | Command | Indicating capability | Definition |
- +-------------------+-----------------------+---------------+
- | ARTICLE | READER | <a href="#section-6.2.1">Section 6.2.1</a> |
- | BODY | READER | <a href="#section-6.2.3">Section 6.2.3</a> |
- | CAPABILITIES | mandatory | <a href="#section-5.2">Section 5.2</a> |
- | DATE | READER | <a href="#section-7.1">Section 7.1</a> |
- | GROUP | READER | <a href="#section-6.1.1">Section 6.1.1</a> |
- | HDR | HDR | <a href="#section-8.5">Section 8.5</a> |
- | HEAD | mandatory | <a href="#section-6.2.2">Section 6.2.2</a> |
- | HELP | mandatory | <a href="#section-7.2">Section 7.2</a> |
- | IHAVE | IHAVE | <a href="#section-6.3.2">Section 6.3.2</a> |
- | LAST | READER | <a href="#section-6.1.3">Section 6.1.3</a> |
- | LIST | LIST | <a href="#section-7.6.1">Section 7.6.1</a> |
- | LIST ACTIVE.TIMES | LIST | <a href="#section-7.6.4">Section 7.6.4</a> |
- | LIST ACTIVE | LIST | <a href="#section-7.6.3">Section 7.6.3</a> |
- | LIST DISTRIB.PATS | LIST | <a href="#section-7.6.5">Section 7.6.5</a> |
- | LIST HEADERS | HDR | <a href="#section-8.6">Section 8.6</a> |
- | LIST NEWSGROUPS | LIST | <a href="#section-7.6.6">Section 7.6.6</a> |
- | LIST OVERVIEW.FMT | OVER | <a href="#section-8.4">Section 8.4</a> |
- | LISTGROUP | READER | <a href="#section-6.1.2">Section 6.1.2</a> |
- | MODE READER | MODE-READER | <a href="#section-5.3">Section 5.3</a> |
- | NEWGROUPS | READER | <a href="#section-7.3">Section 7.3</a> |
- | NEWNEWS | NEWNEWS | <a href="#section-7.4">Section 7.4</a> |
- | NEXT | READER | <a href="#section-6.1.4">Section 6.1.4</a> |
- | OVER | OVER | <a href="#section-8.3">Section 8.3</a> |
- | POST | POST | <a href="#section-6.3.1">Section 6.3.1</a> |
- | QUIT | mandatory | <a href="#section-5.4">Section 5.4</a> |
- | STAT | mandatory | <a href="#section-6.2.4">Section 6.2.4</a> |
- +-------------------+-----------------------+---------------+
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- Ordered by indicating capability:
- +-------------------+-----------------------+---------------+
- | Command | Indicating capability | Definition |
- +-------------------+-----------------------+---------------+
- | CAPABILITIES | mandatory | <a href="#section-5.2">Section 5.2</a> |
- | HEAD | mandatory | <a href="#section-6.2.2">Section 6.2.2</a> |
- | HELP | mandatory | <a href="#section-7.2">Section 7.2</a> |
- | QUIT | mandatory | <a href="#section-5.4">Section 5.4</a> |
- | STAT | mandatory | <a href="#section-6.2.4">Section 6.2.4</a> |
- | HDR | HDR | <a href="#section-8.5">Section 8.5</a> |
- | LIST HEADERS | HDR | <a href="#section-8.6">Section 8.6</a> |
- | IHAVE | IHAVE | <a href="#section-6.3.2">Section 6.3.2</a> |
- | LIST | LIST | <a href="#section-7.6.1">Section 7.6.1</a> |
- | LIST ACTIVE | LIST | <a href="#section-7.6.3">Section 7.6.3</a> |
- | LIST ACTIVE.TIMES | LIST | <a href="#section-7.6.4">Section 7.6.4</a> |
- | LIST DISTRIB.PATS | LIST | <a href="#section-7.6.5">Section 7.6.5</a> |
- | LIST NEWSGROUPS | LIST | <a href="#section-7.6.6">Section 7.6.6</a> |
- | MODE READER | MODE-READER | <a href="#section-5.3">Section 5.3</a> |
- | NEWNEWS | NEWNEWS | <a href="#section-7.4">Section 7.4</a> |
- | OVER | OVER | <a href="#section-8.3">Section 8.3</a> |
- | LIST OVERVIEW.FMT | OVER | <a href="#section-8.4">Section 8.4</a> |
- | POST | POST | <a href="#section-6.3.1">Section 6.3.1</a> |
- | ARTICLE | READER | <a href="#section-6.2.1">Section 6.2.1</a> |
- | BODY | READER | <a href="#section-6.2.3">Section 6.2.3</a> |
- | DATE | READER | <a href="#section-7.1">Section 7.1</a> |
- | GROUP | READER | <a href="#section-6.1.1">Section 6.1.1</a> |
- | LAST | READER | <a href="#section-6.1.3">Section 6.1.3</a> |
- | LISTGROUP | READER | <a href="#section-6.1.2">Section 6.1.2</a> |
- | NEWGROUPS | READER | <a href="#section-7.3">Section 7.3</a> |
- | NEXT | READER | <a href="#section-6.1.4">Section 6.1.4</a> |
- +-------------------+-----------------------+---------------+
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-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="appendix-C" href="#appendix-C">Appendix C</a>. Summary of Response Codes</h2></span>
- This section contains a list of every response code defined in this
- document and indicates whether it is multi-line, which commands can
- generate it, what arguments it has, and what its meaning is.
- Response code 100 (multi-line)
- Generated by: HELP
- Meaning: help text follows.
- Response code 101 (multi-line)
- Generated by: CAPABILITIES
- Meaning: capabilities list follows.
- Response code 111
- Generated by: DATE
- 1 argument: yyyymmddhhmmss
- Meaning: server date and time.
- Response code 200
- Generated by: initial connection, MODE READER
- Meaning: service available, posting allowed.
- Response code 201
- Generated by: initial connection, MODE READER
- Meaning: service available, posting prohibited.
- Response code 205
- Generated by: QUIT
- Meaning: connection closing (the server immediately closes the
- connection).
- Response code 211
- The 211 response code has two completely different forms,
- depending on which command generated it:
- (not multi-line)
- Generated by: GROUP
- 4 arguments: number low high group
- Meaning: group selected.
- (multi-line)
- Generated by: LISTGROUP
- 4 arguments: number low high group
- Meaning: article numbers follow.
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- Response code 215 (multi-line)
- Generated by: LIST
- Meaning: information follows.
- Response code 220 (multi-line)
- Generated by: ARTICLE
- 2 arguments: n message-id
- Meaning: article follows.
- Response code 221 (multi-line)
- Generated by: HEAD
- 2 arguments: n message-id
- Meaning: article headers follow.
- Response code 222 (multi-line)
- Generated by: BODY
- 2 arguments: n message-id
- Meaning: article body follows.
- Response code 223
- Generated by: LAST, NEXT, STAT
- 2 arguments: n message-id
- Meaning: article exists and selected.
- Response code 224 (multi-line)
- Generated by: OVER
- Meaning: overview information follows.
- Response code 225 (multi-line)
- Generated by: HDR
- Meaning: headers follow.
- Response code 230 (multi-line)
- Generated by: NEWNEWS
- Meaning: list of new articles follows.
- Response code 231 (multi-line)
- Generated by: NEWGROUPS
- Meaning: list of new newsgroups follows.
- Response code 235
- Generated by: IHAVE (second stage)
- Meaning: article transferred OK.
- Response code 240
- Generated by: POST (second stage)
- Meaning: article received OK.
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
- Response code 335
- Generated by: IHAVE (first stage)
- Meaning: send article to be transferred.
- Response code 340
- Generated by: POST (first stage)
- Meaning: send article to be posted.
- Response code 400
- Generic response and generated by initial connection
- Meaning: service not available or no longer available (the server
- immediately closes the connection).
- Response code 401
- Generic response
- 1 argument: capability-label
- Meaning: the server is in the wrong mode; the indicated capability
- should be used to change the mode.
- Response code 403
- Generic response
- Meaning: internal fault or problem preventing action being taken.
- Response code 411
- Generated by: GROUP, LISTGROUP
- Meaning: no such newsgroup.
- Response code 412
- Meaning: no newsgroup selected.
- Response code 420
- Meaning: current article number is invalid.
- Response code 421
- Generated by: NEXT
- Meaning: no next article in this group.
- Response code 422
- Generated by: LAST
- Meaning: no previous article in this group.
- Response code 423
- Meaning: no article with that number or in that range.
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- Response code 430
- Meaning: no article with that message-id.
- Response code 435
- Generated by: IHAVE (first stage)
- Meaning: article not wanted.
- Response code 436
- Generated by: IHAVE (either stage)
- Meaning: transfer not possible (first stage) or failed (second
- stage); try again later.
- Response code 437
- Generated by: IHAVE (second stage)
- Meaning: transfer rejected; do not retry.
- Response code 440
- Generated by: POST (first stage)
- Meaning: posting not permitted.
- Response code 441
- Generated by: POST (second stage)
- Meaning: posting failed.
- Response code 480
- Generic response
- Meaning: command unavailable until the client has authenticated
- itself.
- Response code 483
- Generic response
- Meaning: command unavailable until suitable privacy has been
- arranged.
- Response code 500
- Generic response
- Meaning: unknown command.
- Response code 501
- Generic response
- Meaning: syntax error in command.
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- Response code 502
- Generic response and generated by initial connection
- Meaning for the initial connection and the MODE READER command:
- service permanently unavailable (the server immediately closes the
- connection).
- Meaning for all other commands: command not permitted (and there
- is no way for the client to change this).
- Response code 503
- Generic response
- Meaning: feature not supported.
- Response code 504
- Generic response
- Meaning: error in base64-encoding [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648" title='"The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings"'>RFC4648</a>] of an argument.
-<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="appendix-D" href="#appendix-D">Appendix D</a>. Changes from <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">RFC 977</a></h2></span>
- In general every attempt has been made to ensure that the protocol
- specification in this document is compatible with the version
- specified in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">RFC 977</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977" title='"Network News Transfer Protocol"'>RFC977</a>] and the various facilities adopted from
- <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2980">RFC 2980</a> [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2980" title='"Common NNTP Extensions"'>RFC2980</a>]. However, there have been a number of changes,
- some compatible and some not.
- This appendix lists these changes. It is not guaranteed to be
- exhaustive or correct and MUST NOT be relied on.
- o A formal syntax specification (<a href="#section-9">Section 9</a>) has been added.
- o The default character set is changed from US-ASCII [<a href="#ref-ANSI1986" title='"Coded Character Set - 7-bit American Standard Code for Information Interchange"'>ANSI1986</a>] to
- UTF-8 [<a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629" title='"UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646"'>RFC3629</a>] (note that US-ASCII is a subset of UTF-8). This
- matter is discussed further in <a href="#section-10">Section 10</a>.
- o All articles are required to have a message-id, eliminating the
- "&lt;0&gt;" placeholder used in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">RFC 977</a> in some responses.
- o The newsgroup name matching capabilities already documented in
- <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc977">RFC 977</a> ("wildmats", <a href="#section-4">Section 4</a>) are clarified and extended. The
- new facilities (e.g., the use of commas and exclamation marks) are
- allowed wherever wildmats appear in the protocol.
- o Support for pipelining of commands (<a href="#section-3.5">Section 3.5</a>) is made
- mandatory.
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- o The principles behind response codes (<a href="#section-3.2">Section 3.2</a>) have been
- tidied up. In particular:
- * the x8x response code family, formerly used for private
- extensions, is now reserved for authentication and privacy
- extensions;
- * the x9x response code family, formerly intended for debugging
- facilities, are now reserved for private extensions;
- * the 502 and 503 generic response codes (<a href="#section-3.2.1">Section 3.2.1</a>) have
- been redefined;
- * new 401, 403, 480, 483, and 504 generic response codes have
- been added.
- o The rules for article numbering (<a href="#section-6">Section 6</a>) have been clarified
- (also see <a href="#section-">Section</a>).
- o The SLAVE command (which was ill-defined) is removed from the
- protocol.
- o Four-digit years are permitted in the NEWNEWS (<a href="#section-7.4">Section 7.4</a>) and
- NEWGROUPS (<a href="#section-7.3">Section 7.3</a>) commands (two-digit years are still
- permitted). The optional distribution parameter to these commands
- has been removed.
- o The LIST command (<a href="#section-7.6.1">Section 7.6.1</a>) is greatly extended; the original
- is available as LIST ACTIVE, while new variants include
- ACTIVE.TIMES, DISTRIB.PATS, and NEWSGROUPS. A new "m" status flag
- is added to the LIST ACTIVE response.
- o A new CAPABILITIES command (<a href="#section-5.2">Section 5.2</a>) allows clients to
- determine what facilities are supported by a server.
- o The DATE command (<a href="#section-7.1">Section 7.1</a>) is adopted from <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2980">RFC 2980</a>
- effectively unchanged.
- o The LISTGROUP command (<a href="#section-6.1.2">Section 6.1.2</a>) is adopted from <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2980">RFC 2980</a>.
- An optional range argument has been added, and the 211 initial
- response line now has the same format as the 211 response from the
- GROUP command.
- o The MODE READER command (<a href="#section-5.3">Section 5.3</a>) is adopted from <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2980">RFC 2980</a> and
- its meaning and effects clarified.
- o The XHDR command in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2980">RFC 2980</a> has been formalised as the new HDR
- (<a href="#section-8.5">Section 8.5</a>) and LIST HEADERS (<a href="#section-8.6">Section 8.6</a>) commands.
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- o The XOVER command in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2980">RFC 2980</a> has been formalised as the new OVER
- (<a href="#section-8.3">Section 8.3</a>) and LIST OVERVIEW.FMT (<a href="#section-8.4">Section 8.4</a>) commands. The
- former can be applied to a message-id as well as to a range.
- o The concept of article metadata (<a href="#section-8.1">Section 8.1</a>) has been formalised,
- allowing the Bytes and Lines pseudo-headers to be deprecated.
- Client authors should note in particular that lack of support for the
- CAPABILITIES command is a good indication that the server does not
- support this specification.
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-Author's Address
- Clive D.W. Feather
- THUS plc
- 322 Regents Park Road
- London
- N3 2QQ
- United Kingdom
- Phone: +44 20 8495 6138
- Fax: +44 870 051 9937
- EMail: clive@demon.net
- URI: <a href="http://www.davros.org/">http://www.davros.org/</a>
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-<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 3977</a> Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) October 2006</span>
-Full Copyright Statement
-Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).
- This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
- contained in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp78">BCP 78</a>, and except as set forth therein, the authors
- retain all their rights.
- This document and the information contained herein are provided on an
-Intellectual Property
- The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
- Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
- pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
- this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
- might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
- made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information
- on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
- found in <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp78">BCP 78</a> and <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp79">BCP 79</a>.
- Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
- assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
- attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
- such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
- specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at
- <a href="http://www.ietf.org/ipr">http://www.ietf.org/ipr</a>.
- The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
- copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
- rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
- this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-
- ipr@ietf.org.
- Funding for the RFC Editor function is provided by the IETF
- Administrative Support Activity (IASA).
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