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@@ -13,59 +13,7 @@ I am one of two preachers with the longest time period to pick
from, but also the position of women was quite different during
the ages than the one of men.
-There are number of interesting and famous women of faith during
-the centuries I could mention: Saint Macrina, Hildegard of
-Bingen, Saint Clare, if I wanted to be a Czech patriot, Saint
-Agnes of Bohemia, I was thinking for some time I would be talking
-about Saint Zdislava of Lemberk, or Catherine of Siena, Hadewijch
-and Mechthild of Magdeburg, Marguerite Porete, who willingly put
-down her life for her persuasion, and that’s just me getting
-into the Middle Ages, there were of course many many others,
-and I should not ignore the modern female saints like Mother
-Teresa of Calcutta or Sophie Scholl. I could also stop and talk
-about Katharina von Bora, a Protestant patron saint of pastors’
-wives., or Idelette de Bure, a poor wife of the Swiss reformer,
-Jean Calvin, forgotten in life and mostly forgotten afterwards as
-Yes, there were all awesome ladies, but they were just not
-representative of any woman of their time. Saint Agnes of Bohemia
-when confronting a crisis in the Czech state, just pulled her
-brother king Wenceslaus I. with one hand by his ear, and her
-nephew, future king Ottokar I, by his ear with her other hand,
-and she made peace between them. I don’t think considering to be
-our examples and heroes to follow is much useful for anybody, but
-then we are in the dreamland of “What would I do with the endless
-amount of money if I was, say, Bill Gates?”
-I was listening carefully to the last week’s message and I was
-thinking how right it was for anybody who is in the position to
-think about the direction of their life. I know we have many
-students or young adults here who are exactly in this situation,
-and I am proud that this community was helpful to many to start
-their life towards better service to Jesus. Stories of Jim
-Elliot, Bruce Olson, or for example Lydia Christensen (later to
-be Lydia Prince) are certainly inspiring and they may help people
-to decide to orient their life in the right direction, completely
-dedicated to Jesus, whatever it means for each one of us.
-I wonder, how really useful are these examples and heroes for us
-who are not standing in the beginning of the road, and who don’t
-feel God’s calling to completely uproot ourselves and go to the
-jungle of Venezuela to reach still unreached tribes. And I don’t
-want to say that sermon was just for young ones, students. Could
-it mean that we all, who are living here in Prague, are wasting
-our lives and are we in rebellion against the Lord? I guess,
-there is a possibility of that, and we should examine our hearts
-about the basic direction of our life, but I don’t think it
-is necessarily true about all of us. Not mentioning, that the
-preacher himself is not in Venezuela right now.
-And here, I believe, all those other women throughout the
-centuries, can give us some really good advice as well. How to
-change the world when we cannot change the world?
-Let’s try another thought. I am persuaded that one of the
+Let’s try to start from this start. I am persuaded that one of the
strongest motivators in our lives is our resistance to pain. We
all have some kind of pain in our life, and our effort to get rid
of that pain may be one of the strongest decisive factors for