path: root/filters/vectors/wrap-asciiart.in
blob: 9c6c9d7404efd7b20008aa35cda0f0ad8783e4b9 (plain) (tree)

# A guide to understanding flow charts (presented in flow chart form)

  /                 \                                               +-----+
 / DO YOU UNDERSTAND \--------------------------------------------->|GOOD!|----------+
 \ FLOW CHARTS?      /yes                                           +-----+          v
  \_________________/                                                  ^      +--------------+  6 drinks    +-------------------+
           |no                                                         |      |LET'S GO DRINK|------------->|HEY, I SHOULD TRY  |
  _________v_________                       ______________________     |      +--------------+              |INSTALLING FREEBSD!|
 /                   \                     /                      \    |             ^                      +-------------------+
/ OKAY, YOU SEE THE   \------------------>/ ... AND YOU CAN SEE    \---+             |
\ LINE LABELED "YES"? /yes                \ THE ONES LABELED "NO"? /yes          +--------+
 \___________________/                     \______________________/              |SCREW IT|
           |no                                        |no                        +--------+
           |                                          |                              ^
   ________v_________                        _________v__________                    |
  /                  \    +-----------+     /                    \             +------------+
 / BUT YOU SEE THE    \-->|WAIT, WHAT?|    / BUT YOU JUST         \------------|(THAT WASN'T|
 \ ONES LABELED "NO"? /yes+-----------+    \ FOLLOWED THEM TWICE! /yes         |A QUESTION) |
  \__________________/                      \____________________/             +------------+
           |no                                        |no                            ^
           v                                          |                              |
       +-------+          +----------+                |                              |
       |LISTEN.|--------->|I HATE YOU|                +------------------------------+
       +-------+          +----------+

Source: https://xkcd.com/518/