path: root/config/aerc.conf.in
blob: 55dfa13096cfe6f46e76418ba085ad52027baf83 (plain) (tree)





















# aerc main configuration

# Describes the format for each row in a mailbox view. This field is compatible
# with mutt's printf-like syntax.
# Default:
index-format=%D %-17.17n %s

# See time.Time#Format at https://godoc.org/time#Time.Format
# Default: 2006-01-02 03:04 PM (ISO 8601 + 12 hour time)
timestamp-format=2006-01-02 03:04 PM

# Width of the sidebar, including the border.
# Default: 20

# Message to display when viewing an empty folder.
# Default: (no messages)
empty-message=(no messages)

# Message to display when no folders exists or are all filtered
# Default: (no folders)
empty-dirlist=(no folders)

# Enable mouse events in the ui, e.g. clicking and scrolling with the mousewheel
# Default: false

# Specifies the pager to use when displaying emails. Note that some filters
# may add ANSI codes to add color to rendered emails, so you may want to use a
# pager which supports ANSI codes.
# Default: less -R
pager=less -R

# If an email offers several versions (multipart), you can configure which
# mimetype to prefer. For example, this can be used to prefer plaintext over
# html emails.
# Default: text/plain,text/html

# Default setting to determine whether to show full headers or only parsed
# ones in message viewer.
# Default: false

# Layout of headers when viewing a message. To display multiple headers in the
# same row, separate them with a pipe, e.g. "From|To". Rows will be hidden if
# none of their specified headers are present in the message.
# Default: From|To,Cc|Bcc,Date,Subject

# Whether to always show the mimetype of an email, even when it is just a single part
# Default: false

# Specifies the command to run the editor with. It will be shown in an embedded
# terminal, though it may also launch a graphical window if the environment
# supports it. Defaults to $EDITOR, or vi.

# Default header fields to display when composing a message. To display
# multiple headers in the same row, separate them with a pipe, e.g. "To|From". 
# Default: To|From,Subject

# Filters allow you to pipe an email body through a shell command to render
# certain emails differently, e.g. highlighting them with ANSI escape codes.
# The first filter which matches the email's mimetype will be used, so order
# them from most to least specific.
# You can also match on non-mimetypes, by prefixing with the header to match
# against (non-case-sensitive) and a comma, e.g. subject,text will match a
# subject which contains "text". Use header,~regex to match against a regex.
subject,~^\[PATCH=awk -f @SHAREDIR@/filters/hldiff
text/*=awk -f @SHAREDIR@/filters/plaintext
#image/*=catimg -w $(tput cols) -

# Triggers specify commands to execute when certain events occur.
# Example:
# new-email=exec notify-send "New email from %n" "%s"<Enter>

# Executed when a new email arrives in the selected folder