diff options
authorJake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>2020-03-25 10:12:54 -0400
committerJake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>2020-04-07 16:43:36 -0400
commit3803dd215f760fd721e6f051b10dc534b7e62bef (patch)
parent71428ba1bc664feedbb41ea3d4a5b44a5a096dac (diff)
[report] Move sosreport.py into report/__init__.py
Moves the legacy sosreport.py into sos/report/__init__.py as part of the reorganization for 4.0 Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
3 files changed, 1469 insertions, 1469 deletions
diff --git a/bin/sosreport b/bin/sosreport
index 43d58acb..3c2b5e03 100755
--- a/bin/sosreport
+++ b/bin/sosreport
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ try:
# allow running from the git checkout, even though as of 4.0 we are moving
# binaries into a bin/ top-level directory.
- from sos.report.sosreport import main
+ from sos.report import main
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise SystemExit()
diff --git a/sos/report/__init__.py b/sos/report/__init__.py
index e69de29b..723e2874 100644
--- a/sos/report/__init__.py
+++ b/sos/report/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1468 @@
+Gather information about a system and report it using plugins
+supplied for application-specific information
+# sosreport.py
+# gather information about a system and report it
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Steve Conklin <sconklin@redhat.com>
+# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
+# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
+# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
+import sys
+import traceback
+import os
+import errno
+import logging
+from datetime import datetime
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, Action
+import sos.report.plugins
+from sos.utilities import ImporterHelper, SoSTimeoutError
+from shutil import rmtree
+import tempfile
+import hashlib
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeoutError
+import pdb
+from sos import _sos as _
+from sos import __version__
+from sos import _arg_defaults, SoSOptions
+import sos.policies
+from sos.archive import TarFileArchive
+from sos.reporting import (Report, Section, Command, CopiedFile, CreatedFile,
+ Alert, Note, PlainTextReport, JSONReport,
+ HTMLReport)
+import six
+from six.moves import zip, input
+# file system errors that should terminate a run
+fatal_fs_errors = (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EROFS)
+def _format_list(first_line, items, indent=False, sep=", "):
+ lines = []
+ line = first_line
+ if indent:
+ newline = len(first_line) * ' '
+ else:
+ newline = ""
+ for item in items:
+ if len(line) + len(item) + len(sep) > 72:
+ lines.append(line)
+ line = newline
+ line = line + item + sep
+ if line[-len(sep):] == sep:
+ line = line[:-len(sep)]
+ lines.append(line)
+ return lines
+def _format_since(date):
+ """ This function will format --since arg to append 0s if enduser
+ didn't. It's used in the _get_parser.
+ This will also be a good place to add human readable and relative
+ date parsing (like '2 days ago') in the future """
+ return datetime.strptime('{:<014s}'.format(date), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
+class TempFileUtil(object):
+ def __init__(self, tmp_dir):
+ self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir
+ self.files = []
+ def new(self):
+ fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.tmp_dir)
+ # avoid TOCTOU race by using os.fdopen()
+ fobj = os.fdopen(fd, 'w+')
+ self.files.append((fname, fobj))
+ return fobj
+ def clean(self):
+ for fname, f in self.files:
+ try:
+ f.flush()
+ f.close()
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.unlink(fname)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ self.files = []
+class SosListOption(Action):
+ """Allow to specify comma delimited list of plugins"""
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ items = [opt for opt in values.split(',')]
+ if getattr(namespace, self.dest):
+ items += getattr(namespace, self.dest)
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
+# valid modes for --chroot
+chroot_modes = ["auto", "always", "never"]
+def _get_parser():
+ """ Build ArgumentParser content"""
+ usage_string = ("%(prog)s [options]\n\n"
+ "Some examples:\n\n"
+ "enable dlm plugin only and collect dlm lockdumps:\n"
+ " # sosreport -o dlm -k dlm.lockdump\n\n"
+ "disable memory and samba plugins, turn off rpm "
+ "-Va collection:\n"
+ " # sosreport -n memory,samba -k rpm.rpmva=off")
+ parser = ArgumentParser(usage=usage_string)
+ parser.register('action', 'extend', SosListOption)
+ parser.add_argument("-a", "--alloptions", action="store_true",
+ dest="alloptions", default=False,
+ help="enable all options for loaded plugins")
+ parser.add_argument("--all-logs", action="store_true",
+ dest="all_logs", default=False,
+ help="collect all available logs regardless "
+ "of size")
+ parser.add_argument("--since", action="store",
+ dest="since", default=None,
+ type=_format_since,
+ help="Escapes archived files older than date. "
+ "This will also affect --all-logs. "
+ parser.add_argument("--batch", action="store_true",
+ dest="batch", default=False,
+ help="batch mode - do not prompt interactively")
+ parser.add_argument("--build", action="store_true",
+ dest="build", default=False,
+ help="preserve the temporary directory and do not "
+ "package results")
+ parser.add_argument("--case-id", action="store",
+ dest="case_id",
+ help="specify case identifier")
+ parser.add_argument("-c", "--chroot", action="store", dest="chroot",
+ help="chroot executed commands to SYSROOT "
+ "[auto, always, never] (default=auto)",
+ default=_arg_defaults["chroot"])
+ parser.add_argument("--config-file", type=str, action="store",
+ dest="config_file", default="/etc/sos.conf",
+ help="specify alternate configuration file")
+ parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug",
+ help="enable interactive debugging using the "
+ "python debugger")
+ parser.add_argument("--desc", "--description", type=str, action="store",
+ help="Description for a new preset", default="")
+ parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true",
+ help="Run plugins but do not collect data")
+ parser.add_argument("--experimental", action="store_true",
+ dest="experimental", default=False,
+ help="enable experimental plugins")
+ parser.add_argument("-e", "--enable-plugins", action="extend",
+ dest="enableplugins", type=str,
+ help="enable these plugins", default=[])
+ parser.add_argument("-k", "--plugin-option", action="extend",
+ dest="plugopts", type=str,
+ help="plugin options in plugname.option=value "
+ "format (see -l)", default=[])
+ parser.add_argument("--label", "--name", action="store", dest="label",
+ help="specify an additional report label")
+ parser.add_argument("-l", "--list-plugins", action="store_true",
+ dest="list_plugins", default=False,
+ help="list plugins and available plugin options")
+ parser.add_argument("--list-presets", action="store_true",
+ help="display a list of available presets")
+ parser.add_argument("--list-profiles", action="store_true",
+ dest="list_profiles", default=False,
+ help="display a list of available profiles and "
+ "plugins that they include")
+ parser.add_argument("--log-size", action="store", dest="log_size",
+ type=int, default=_arg_defaults["log_size"],
+ help="limit the size of collected logs (in MiB)")
+ parser.add_argument("-n", "--skip-plugins", action="extend",
+ dest="noplugins", type=str,
+ help="disable these plugins", default=[])
+ parser.add_argument("--no-report", action="store_true",
+ dest="noreport",
+ help="disable plaintext/HTML reporting", default=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--no-env-vars", action="store_true", default=False,
+ dest="no_env_vars",
+ help="Do not collect environment variables")
+ parser.add_argument("--no-postproc", default=False, dest="no_postproc",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Disable all post-processing")
+ parser.add_argument("--note", type=str, action="store", default="",
+ help="Behaviour notes for new preset")
+ parser.add_argument("-o", "--only-plugins", action="extend",
+ dest="onlyplugins", type=str,
+ help="enable these plugins only", default=[])
+ parser.add_argument("--preset", action="store", type=str,
+ help="A preset identifier", default="auto")
+ parser.add_argument("--plugin-timeout", default=None,
+ help="set a timeout for all plugins")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--profile", action="extend",
+ dest="profiles", type=str, default=[],
+ help="enable plugins used by the given profiles")
+ parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true",
+ dest="quiet", default=False,
+ help="only print fatal errors")
+ parser.add_argument("-s", "--sysroot", action="store", dest="sysroot",
+ help="system root directory path (default='/')",
+ default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("--ticket-number", action="store",
+ dest="case_id",
+ help="specify ticket number")
+ parser.add_argument("--tmp-dir", action="store",
+ dest="tmp_dir",
+ help="specify alternate temporary directory",
+ default=None)
+ parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", dest="verbosity",
+ default=_arg_defaults["verbosity"],
+ help="increase verbosity"),
+ parser.add_argument("--verify", action="store_true",
+ dest="verify", default=False,
+ help="perform data verification during collection")
+ parser.add_argument("-z", "--compression-type", dest="compression_type",
+ default=_arg_defaults["compression_type"],
+ help="compression technology to use [auto, "
+ "gzip, bzip2, xz] (default=auto)")
+ parser.add_argument("-t", "--threads", action="store", dest="threads",
+ help="specify number of concurrent plugins to run"
+ " (default=4)", default=4, type=int)
+ parser.add_argument("--allow-system-changes", action="store_true",
+ dest="allow_system_changes", default=False,
+ help="Run commands even if they can change the "
+ "system (e.g. load kernel modules)")
+ parser.add_argument("--upload", action="store_true", default=False,
+ help="Upload the archive to a policy-default location")
+ parser.add_argument("--upload-url", default=None,
+ help="Upload the archive to the specified server")
+ parser.add_argument("--upload-directory", default=None,
+ help="Specify the directory to upload the archive to")
+ parser.add_argument("--upload-user", default=None,
+ help="Username to authenticate to upload server with")
+ parser.add_argument("--upload-pass", default=None,
+ help="Password to authenticate to upload server with")
+ # Group to make add/del preset exclusive
+ preset_grp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ preset_grp.add_argument("--add-preset", type=str, action="store",
+ help="Add a new named command line preset")
+ preset_grp.add_argument("--del-preset", type=str, action="store",
+ help="Delete the named command line preset")
+ # Group to make tarball encryption (via GPG/password) exclusive
+ encrypt_grp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ encrypt_grp.add_argument("--encrypt-key",
+ help="Encrypt the final archive using a GPG "
+ "key-pair")
+ encrypt_grp.add_argument("--encrypt-pass",
+ help="Encrypt the final archive using a password")
+ return parser
+class SoSReport(object):
+ """The main sosreport class"""
+ def __init__(self, args):
+ self.loaded_plugins = []
+ self.skipped_plugins = []
+ self.all_options = []
+ self.env_vars = set()
+ self.archive = None
+ self.tempfile_util = None
+ self._args = args
+ self.sysroot = "/"
+ self.sys_tmp = None
+ self.exit_process = False
+ self.preset = None
+ try:
+ import signal
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.get_exit_handler())
+ except Exception:
+ pass # not available in java, but we don't care
+ self.print_header()
+ # load default options and store them in self.opts
+ parser = _get_parser()
+ self.opts = SoSOptions().from_args(parser.parse_args([]))
+ # remove default options now, such that by processing cmdline options
+ # we know what exact options were provided there and should not be
+ # overwritten any time further
+ # then merge these options on top of self.opts
+ # this approach is required since:
+ # - we process the more priority options first (cmdline, then config
+ # file, then presets) - required to know cfgfile or preset
+ # - we have to apply lower prio options only on top of non-default
+ for option in parser._actions:
+ if option.default != '==SUPPRESS==':
+ option.default = None
+ cmd_opts = SoSOptions().from_args(parser.parse_args(args))
+ self.opts.merge(cmd_opts)
+ # load options from config.file and merge them to self.opts
+ self.fileopts = SoSOptions().from_file(parser, self.opts.config_file)
+ self.opts.merge(self.fileopts)
+ self._set_debug()
+ # load preset and options from it - first, identify policy for that
+ try:
+ self.policy = sos.policies.load(sysroot=self.opts.sysroot)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ self._exit(0)
+ self._is_root = self.policy.is_root()
+ # user specified command line preset
+ if self.opts.preset != _arg_defaults["preset"]:
+ self.preset = self.policy.find_preset(self.opts.preset)
+ if not self.preset:
+ sys.stderr.write("Unknown preset: '%s'\n" % self.opts.preset)
+ self.preset = self.policy.probe_preset()
+ self.opts.list_presets = True
+ # --preset=auto
+ if not self.preset:
+ self.preset = self.policy.probe_preset()
+ # now merge preset options to self.opts
+ self.opts.merge(self.preset.opts)
+ # system temporary directory to use
+ tmp = os.path.abspath(self.policy.get_tmp_dir(self.opts.tmp_dir))
+ if not os.path.isdir(tmp) \
+ or not os.access(tmp, os.W_OK):
+ msg = "temporary directory %s " % tmp
+ msg += "does not exist or is not writable\n"
+ # write directly to stderr as logging is not initialised yet
+ sys.stderr.write(msg)
+ self._exit(1)
+ self.sys_tmp = tmp
+ # our (private) temporary directory
+ self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="sos.", dir=self.sys_tmp)
+ self.tempfile_util = TempFileUtil(self.tmpdir)
+ self._set_directories()
+ self._setup_logging()
+ msg = "default"
+ host_sysroot = self.policy.host_sysroot()
+ # set alternate system root directory
+ if self.opts.sysroot:
+ msg = "cmdline"
+ self.sysroot = self.opts.sysroot
+ elif self.policy.in_container() and host_sysroot != os.sep:
+ msg = "policy"
+ self.sysroot = host_sysroot
+ self.soslog.debug("set sysroot to '%s' (%s)" % (self.sysroot, msg))
+ if self.opts.chroot not in chroot_modes:
+ self.soslog.error("invalid chroot mode: %s" % self.opts.chroot)
+ logging.shutdown()
+ self.tempfile_util.clean()
+ self._exit(1)
+ self._get_hardware_devices()
+ def print_header(self):
+ print("\n%s\n" % _("sosreport (version %s)" % (__version__,)))
+ def _get_hardware_devices(self):
+ self.devices = {
+ 'block': self.get_block_devs(),
+ 'fibre': self.get_fibre_devs()
+ }
+ # TODO: enumerate network devices, preferably with devtype info
+ def get_fibre_devs(self):
+ '''Enumerate a list of fibrechannel devices on this system so that
+ plugins can iterate over them
+ These devices are used by add_fibredev_cmd() in the Plugin class.
+ '''
+ try:
+ devs = []
+ devdirs = [
+ 'fc_host',
+ 'fc_transport',
+ 'fc_remote_ports',
+ 'fc_vports'
+ ]
+ for devdir in devdirs:
+ if os.isdir("/sys/class/%s" % devdir):
+ devs.extend(glob.glob("/sys/class/%s/*" % devdir))
+ return devs
+ except Exception as err:
+ return []
+ def get_block_devs(self):
+ '''Enumerate a list of block devices on this system so that plugins
+ can iterate over them
+ These devices are used by add_blockdev_cmd() in the Plugin class.
+ '''
+ try:
+ return os.listdir('/sys/block/')
+ except Exception as err:
+ self.soslog.error("Could not get block device list: %s" % err)
+ return []
+ def get_commons(self):
+ return {
+ 'cmddir': self.cmddir,
+ 'logdir': self.logdir,
+ 'rptdir': self.rptdir,
+ 'tmpdir': self.tmpdir,
+ 'soslog': self.soslog,
+ 'policy': self.policy,
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'verbosity': self.opts.verbosity,
+ 'cmdlineopts': self.opts,
+ 'devices': self.devices
+ }
+ def get_temp_file(self):
+ return self.tempfile_util.new()
+ def _set_archive(self):
+ enc_opts = {
+ 'encrypt': True if (self.opts.encrypt_pass or
+ self.opts.encrypt_key) else False,
+ 'key': self.opts.encrypt_key,
+ 'password': self.opts.encrypt_pass
+ }
+ archive_name = os.path.join(self.tmpdir,
+ self.policy.get_archive_name())
+ if self.opts.compression_type == 'auto':
+ auto_archive = self.policy.get_preferred_archive()
+ self.archive = auto_archive(archive_name, self.tmpdir,
+ self.policy, self.opts.threads,
+ enc_opts, self.sysroot)
+ else:
+ self.archive = TarFileArchive(archive_name, self.tmpdir,
+ self.policy, self.opts.threads,
+ enc_opts, self.sysroot)
+ self.archive.set_debug(True if self.opts.debug else False)
+ def _make_archive_paths(self):
+ self.archive.makedirs(self.cmddir, 0o755)
+ self.archive.makedirs(self.logdir, 0o755)
+ self.archive.makedirs(self.rptdir, 0o755)
+ def _set_directories(self):
+ self.cmddir = 'sos_commands'
+ self.logdir = 'sos_logs'
+ self.rptdir = 'sos_reports'
+ def _set_debug(self):
+ if self.opts.debug:
+ sys.excepthook = self._exception
+ self.raise_plugins = True
+ else:
+ self.raise_plugins = False
+ @staticmethod
+ def _exception(etype, eval_, etrace):
+ """ Wrap exception in debugger if not in tty """
+ if hasattr(sys, 'ps1') or not sys.stderr.isatty():
+ # we are in interactive mode or we don't have a tty-like
+ # device, so we call the default hook
+ sys.__excepthook__(etype, eval_, etrace)
+ else:
+ # we are NOT in interactive mode, print the exception...
+ traceback.print_exception(etype, eval_, etrace, limit=2,
+ file=sys.stdout)
+ six.print_()
+ # ...then start the debugger in post-mortem mode.
+ pdb.pm()
+ def _exit(self, error=0):
+ raise SystemExit(error)
+ def get_exit_handler(self):
+ def exit_handler(signum, frame):
+ self.exit_process = True
+ self._exit()
+ return exit_handler
+ def handle_exception(self, plugname=None, func=None):
+ if self.raise_plugins or self.exit_process:
+ # retrieve exception info for the current thread and stack.
+ (etype, val, tb) = sys.exc_info()
+ # we are NOT in interactive mode, print the exception...
+ traceback.print_exception(etype, val, tb, file=sys.stdout)
+ six.print_()
+ # ...then start the debugger in post-mortem mode.
+ pdb.post_mortem(tb)
+ if plugname and func:
+ self._log_plugin_exception(plugname, func)
+ def _setup_logging(self):
+ # main soslog
+ self.soslog = logging.getLogger('sos')
+ self.soslog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ self.sos_log_file = self.get_temp_file()
+ flog = logging.StreamHandler(self.sos_log_file)
+ flog.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
+ '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
+ flog.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ self.soslog.addHandler(flog)
+ if not self.opts.quiet:
+ console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s'))
+ if self.opts.verbosity and self.opts.verbosity > 1:
+ console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ flog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ elif self.opts.verbosity and self.opts.verbosity > 0:
+ console.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ flog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ else:
+ console.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+ self.soslog.addHandler(console)
+ # log ERROR or higher logs to stderr instead
+ console_err = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
+ console_err.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s'))
+ console_err.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
+ self.soslog.addHandler(console_err)
+ # ui log
+ self.ui_log = logging.getLogger('sos_ui')
+ self.ui_log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ self.sos_ui_log_file = self.get_temp_file()
+ ui_fhandler = logging.StreamHandler(self.sos_ui_log_file)
+ ui_fhandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
+ '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
+ self.ui_log.addHandler(ui_fhandler)
+ if not self.opts.quiet:
+ ui_console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ ui_console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s'))
+ ui_console.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ self.ui_log.addHandler(ui_console)
+ def _add_sos_logs(self):
+ # Make sure the log files are added before we remove the log
+ # handlers. This prevents "No handlers could be found.." messages
+ # from leaking to the console when running in --quiet mode when
+ # Archive classes attempt to acess the log API.
+ if getattr(self, "sos_log_file", None):
+ self.archive.add_file(self.sos_log_file,
+ dest=os.path.join('sos_logs', 'sos.log'))
+ if getattr(self, "sos_ui_log_file", None):
+ self.archive.add_file(self.sos_ui_log_file,
+ dest=os.path.join('sos_logs', 'ui.log'))
+ def _is_in_profile(self, plugin_class):
+ onlyplugins = self.opts.onlyplugins
+ if not len(self.opts.profiles):
+ return True
+ if not hasattr(plugin_class, "profiles"):
+ return False
+ if onlyplugins and not self._is_not_specified(plugin_class.name()):
+ return True
+ return any([p in self.opts.profiles for p in plugin_class.profiles])
+ def _is_skipped(self, plugin_name):
+ return (plugin_name in self.opts.noplugins)
+ def _is_inactive(self, plugin_name, pluginClass):
+ return (not pluginClass(self.get_commons()).check_enabled() and
+ plugin_name not in self.opts.enableplugins and
+ plugin_name not in self.opts.onlyplugins)
+ def _is_not_default(self, plugin_name, pluginClass):
+ return (not pluginClass(self.get_commons()).default_enabled() and
+ plugin_name not in self.opts.enableplugins and
+ plugin_name not in self.opts.onlyplugins)
+ def _is_not_specified(self, plugin_name):
+ return (self.opts.onlyplugins and
+ plugin_name not in self.opts.onlyplugins)
+ def _skip(self, plugin_class, reason="unknown"):
+ self.skipped_plugins.append((
+ plugin_class.name(),
+ plugin_class(self.get_commons()),
+ reason
+ ))
+ def _load(self, plugin_class):
+ self.loaded_plugins.append((
+ plugin_class.name(),
+ plugin_class(self.get_commons())
+ ))
+ def load_plugins(self):
+ import_plugin = sos.report.plugins.import_plugin
+ helper = ImporterHelper(sos.report.plugins)
+ plugins = helper.get_modules()
+ self.plugin_names = []
+ self.profiles = set()
+ using_profiles = len(self.opts.profiles)
+ policy_classes = self.policy.valid_subclasses
+ extra_classes = []
+ if self.opts.experimental:
+ extra_classes.append(sos.report.plugins.ExperimentalPlugin)
+ valid_plugin_classes = tuple(policy_classes + extra_classes)
+ validate_plugin = self.policy.validate_plugin
+ remaining_profiles = list(self.opts.profiles)
+ # validate and load plugins
+ for plug in plugins:
+ plugbase, ext = os.path.splitext(plug)
+ try:
+ plugin_classes = import_plugin(plugbase, valid_plugin_classes)
+ if not len(plugin_classes):
+ # no valid plugin classes for this policy
+ continue
+ plugin_class = self.policy.match_plugin(plugin_classes)
+ if not validate_plugin(plugin_class,
+ experimental=self.opts.experimental):
+ self.soslog.warning(
+ _("plugin %s does not validate, skipping") % plug)
+ if self.opts.verbosity > 0:
+ self._skip(plugin_class, _("does not validate"))
+ continue
+ if plugin_class.requires_root and not self._is_root:
+ self.soslog.info(_("plugin %s requires root permissions"
+ "to execute, skipping") % plug)
+ self._skip(plugin_class, _("requires root"))
+ continue
+ # plug-in is valid, let's decide whether run it or not
+ self.plugin_names.append(plugbase)
+ in_profile = self._is_in_profile(plugin_class)
+ if not in_profile:
+ self._skip(plugin_class, _("excluded"))
+ continue
+ if self._is_skipped(plugbase):
+ self._skip(plugin_class, _("skipped"))
+ continue
+ if self._is_inactive(plugbase, plugin_class):
+ self._skip(plugin_class, _("inactive"))
+ continue
+ if self._is_not_default(plugbase, plugin_class):
+ self._skip(plugin_class, _("optional"))
+ continue
+ # only add the plugin's profiles once we know it is usable
+ if hasattr(plugin_class, "profiles"):
+ self.profiles.update(plugin_class.profiles)
+ # true when the null (empty) profile is active
+ default_profile = not using_profiles and in_profile
+ if self._is_not_specified(plugbase) and default_profile:
+ self._skip(plugin_class, _("not specified"))
+ continue
+ for i in plugin_class.profiles:
+ if i in remaining_profiles:
+ remaining_profiles.remove(i)
+ self._load(plugin_class)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.soslog.warning(_("plugin %s does not install, "
+ "skipping: %s") % (plug, e))
+ self.handle_exception()
+ if len(remaining_profiles) > 0:
+ self.soslog.error(_("Unknown or inactive profile(s) provided:"
+ " %s") % ", ".join(remaining_profiles))
+ self.list_profiles()
+ self._exit(1)
+ def _set_all_options(self):
+ if self.opts.alloptions:
+ for plugname, plug in self.loaded_plugins:
+ for name, parms in zip(plug.opt_names, plug.opt_parms):
+ if type(parms["enabled"]) == bool:
+ parms["enabled"] = True
+ def _set_tunables(self):
+ if self.opts.plugopts:
+ opts = {}
+ for opt in self.opts.plugopts:
+ # split up "general.syslogsize=5"
+ try:
+ opt, val = opt.split("=")
+ except ValueError:
+ val = True
+ else:
+ if val.lower() in ["off", "disable", "disabled", "false"]:
+ val = False
+ else:
+ # try to convert string "val" to int()
+ try:
+ val = int(val)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ # split up "general.syslogsize"
+ try:
+ plug, opt = opt.split(".")
+ except ValueError:
+ plug = opt
+ opt = True
+ try:
+ opts[plug]
+ except KeyError:
+ opts[plug] = []
+ opts[plug].append((opt, val))
+ for plugname, plug in self.loaded_plugins:
+ if plugname in opts:
+ for opt, val in opts[plugname]:
+ if not plug.set_option(opt, val):
+ self.soslog.error('no such option "%s" for plugin '
+ '(%s)' % (opt, plugname))
+ self._exit(1)
+ del opts[plugname]
+ for plugname in opts.keys():
+ self.soslog.error('WARNING: unable to set option for disabled '
+ 'or non-existing plugin (%s)' % (plugname))
+ # in case we printed warnings above, visually intend them from
+ # subsequent header text
+ if opts.keys():
+ self.soslog.error('')
+ def _check_for_unknown_plugins(self):
+ import itertools
+ for plugin in itertools.chain(self.opts.onlyplugins,
+ self.opts.noplugins,
+ self.opts.enableplugins):
+ plugin_name = plugin.split(".")[0]
+ if plugin_name not in self.plugin_names:
+ self.soslog.fatal('a non-existing plugin (%s) was specified '
+ 'in the command line' % (plugin_name))
+ self._exit(1)
+ def _set_plugin_options(self):
+ for plugin_name, plugin in self.loaded_plugins:
+ names, parms = plugin.get_all_options()
+ for optname, optparm in zip(names, parms):
+ self.all_options.append((plugin, plugin_name, optname,
+ optparm))
+ def _report_profiles_and_plugins(self):
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ if len(self.loaded_plugins):
+ self.ui_log.info(" %d profiles, %d plugins"
+ % (len(self.profiles), len(self.loaded_plugins)))
+ else:
+ # no valid plugins for this profile
+ self.ui_log.info(" %d profiles" % len(self.profiles))
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ def list_plugins(self):
+ if not self.loaded_plugins and not self.skipped_plugins:
+ self.soslog.fatal(_("no valid plugins found"))
+ return
+ if self.loaded_plugins:
+ self.ui_log.info(_("The following plugins are currently enabled:"))
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ for (plugname, plug) in self.loaded_plugins:
+ self.ui_log.info(" %-20s %s" % (plugname,
+ plug.get_description()))
+ else:
+ self.ui_log.info(_("No plugin enabled."))
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ if self.skipped_plugins:
+ self.ui_log.info(_("The following plugins are currently "
+ "disabled:"))
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ for (plugname, plugclass, reason) in self.skipped_plugins:
+ self.ui_log.info(" %-20s %-14s %s" % (
+ plugname,
+ reason,
+ plugclass.get_description()))
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ if self.all_options:
+ self.ui_log.info(_("The following options are available for ALL "
+ "plugins:"))
+ for opt in self.all_options[0][0]._default_plug_opts:
+ self.ui_log.info(" %-25s %-15s %s" % (opt[0], opt[3], opt[1]))
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ self.ui_log.info(_("The following plugin options are available:"))
+ for (plug, plugname, optname, optparm) in self.all_options:
+ if optname in ('timeout', 'postproc'):
+ continue
+ # format option value based on its type (int or bool)
+ if type(optparm["enabled"]) == bool:
+ if optparm["enabled"] is True:
+ tmpopt = "on"
+ else:
+ tmpopt = "off"
+ else:
+ tmpopt = optparm["enabled"]
+ self.ui_log.info(" %-25s %-15s %s" % (
+ plugname + "." + optname, tmpopt, optparm["desc"]))
+ else:
+ self.ui_log.info(_("No plugin options available."))
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ profiles = list(self.profiles)
+ profiles.sort()
+ lines = _format_list("Profiles: ", profiles, indent=True)
+ for line in lines:
+ self.ui_log.info(" %s" % line)
+ self._report_profiles_and_plugins()
+ def list_profiles(self):
+ if not self.profiles:
+ self.soslog.fatal(_("no valid profiles found"))
+ return
+ self.ui_log.info(_("The following profiles are available:"))
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ def _has_prof(c):
+ return hasattr(c, "profiles")
+ profiles = list(self.profiles)
+ profiles.sort()
+ for profile in profiles:
+ plugins = []
+ for name, plugin in self.loaded_plugins:
+ if _has_prof(plugin) and profile in plugin.profiles:
+ plugins.append(name)
+ lines = _format_list("%-15s " % profile, plugins, indent=True)
+ for line in lines:
+ self.ui_log.info(" %s" % line)
+ self._report_profiles_and_plugins()
+ def list_presets(self):
+ if not self.policy.presets:
+ self.soslog.fatal(_("no valid presets found"))
+ return
+ self.ui_log.info(_("The following presets are available:"))
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ for preset in self.policy.presets.keys():
+ if not preset:
+ continue
+ preset = self.policy.find_preset(preset)
+ self.ui_log.info("%14s %s" % ("name:", preset.name))
+ self.ui_log.info("%14s %s" % ("description:", preset.desc))
+ if preset.note:
+ self.ui_log.info("%14s %s" % ("note:", preset.note))
+ if self.opts.verbosity > 0:
+ args = preset.opts.to_args()
+ options_str = "%14s " % "options:"
+ lines = _format_list(options_str, args, indent=True, sep=' ')
+ for line in lines:
+ self.ui_log.info(line)
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ def add_preset(self, name, desc="", note=""):
+ """Add a new command line preset for the current options with the
+ specified name.
+ :param name: the name of the new preset
+ :returns: True on success or False otherwise
+ """
+ policy = self.policy
+ if policy.find_preset(name):
+ self.ui_log.error("A preset named '%s' already exists" % name)
+ return False
+ desc = desc or self.opts.desc
+ note = note or self.opts.note
+ try:
+ policy.add_preset(name=name, desc=desc, note=note, opts=self.opts)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.ui_log.error("Could not add preset: %s" % e)
+ return False
+ # Filter --add-preset <name> from arguments list
+ arg_index = self._args.index("--add-preset")
+ args = self._args[0:arg_index] + self._args[arg_index + 2:]
+ self.ui_log.info("Added preset '%s' with options %s\n" %
+ (name, " ".join(args)))
+ return True
+ def del_preset(self, name):
+ """Delete a named command line preset.
+ :param name: the name of the preset to delete
+ :returns: True on success or False otherwise
+ """
+ policy = self.policy
+ if not policy.find_preset(name):
+ self.ui_log.error("Preset '%s' not found" % name)
+ return False
+ try:
+ policy.del_preset(name=name)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.ui_log.error(str(e) + "\n")
+ return False
+ self.ui_log.info("Deleted preset '%s'\n" % name)
+ return True
+ def batch(self):
+ if self.opts.batch:
+ self.ui_log.info(self.policy.get_msg())
+ else:
+ msg = self.policy.get_msg()
+ msg += _("Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL-C to quit.\n")
+ try:
+ input(msg)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
+ self.ui_log.error("Exiting on user cancel")
+ self._exit(130)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ self.ui_log.error(e)
+ self._exit(e)
+ def _log_plugin_exception(self, plugin, method):
+ trace = traceback.format_exc()
+ msg = "caught exception in plugin method"
+ plugin_err_log = "%s-plugin-errors.txt" % plugin
+ logpath = os.path.join(self.logdir, plugin_err_log)
+ self.soslog.error('%s "%s.%s()"' % (msg, plugin, method))
+ self.soslog.error('writing traceback to %s' % logpath)
+ self.archive.add_string("%s\n" % trace, logpath, mode='a')
+ def prework(self):
+ self.policy.pre_work()
+ try:
+ self.ui_log.info(_(" Setting up archive ..."))
+ compression_methods = ('auto', 'bzip2', 'gzip', 'xz')
+ method = self.opts.compression_type
+ if method not in compression_methods:
+ compression_list = ', '.join(compression_methods)
+ self.ui_log.error("")
+ self.ui_log.error("Invalid compression specified: " + method)
+ self.ui_log.error("Valid types are: " + compression_list)
+ self.ui_log.error("")
+ self._exit(1)
+ self._set_archive()
+ self._make_archive_paths()
+ return
+ except (OSError, IOError) as e:
+ # we must not use the logging subsystem here as it is potentially
+ # in an inconsistent or unreliable state (e.g. an EROFS for the
+ # file system containing our temporary log files).
+ if e.errno in fatal_fs_errors:
+ print("")
+ print(" %s while setting up archive" % e.strerror)
+ print("")
+ else:
+ print("Error setting up archive: %s" % e)
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.ui_log.error("")
+ self.ui_log.error(" Unexpected exception setting up archive:")
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.ui_log.error(e)
+ self._exit(1)
+ def setup(self):
+ # Log command line options
+ msg = "[%s:%s] executing 'sosreport %s'"
+ self.soslog.info(msg % (__name__, "setup", " ".join(self._args)))
+ msg = "[%s:%s] loaded options from config file: %s'"
+ self.soslog.info(msg % (__name__, "setup",
+ " ".join(self.fileopts.to_args())))
+ # Log active preset defaults
+ preset_args = self.preset.opts.to_args()
+ msg = ("[%s:%s] using '%s' preset defaults (%s)" %
+ (__name__, "setup", self.preset.name, " ".join(preset_args)))
+ self.soslog.info(msg)
+ # Log effective options after applying preset defaults
+ self.soslog.info("[%s:%s] effective options now: %s" %
+ (__name__, "setup", " ".join(self.opts.to_args())))
+ self.ui_log.info(_(" Setting up plugins ..."))
+ for plugname, plug in self.loaded_plugins:
+ try:
+ plug.archive = self.archive
+ plug.add_default_collections()
+ plug.setup()
+ self.env_vars.update(plug._env_vars)
+ if self.opts.verify:
+ plug.setup_verify()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except (OSError, IOError) as e:
+ if e.errno in fatal_fs_errors:
+ self.ui_log.error("")
+ self.ui_log.error(" %s while setting up plugins"
+ % e.strerror)
+ self.ui_log.error("")
+ self._exit(1)
+ self.handle_exception(plugname, "setup")
+ except Exception:
+ self.handle_exception(plugname, "setup")
+ def version(self):
+ """Fetch version information from all plugins and store in the report
+ version file"""
+ versions = []
+ versions.append("sosreport: %s" % __version__)
+ for plugname, plug in self.loaded_plugins:
+ versions.append("%s: %s" % (plugname, plug.version))
+ self.archive.add_string(content="\n".join(versions),
+ dest='version.txt')
+ def collect(self):
+ self.ui_log.info(_(" Running plugins. Please wait ..."))
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ plugruncount = 0
+ self.pluglist = []
+ self.running_plugs = []
+ for i in self.loaded_plugins:
+ plugruncount += 1
+ self.pluglist.append((plugruncount, i[0]))
+ try:
+ self.plugpool = ThreadPoolExecutor(self.opts.threads)
+ # Pass the plugpool its own private copy of self.pluglist
+ results = self.plugpool.map(self._collect_plugin,
+ list(self.pluglist))
+ self.plugpool.shutdown(wait=True)
+ for res in results:
+ if not res:
+ self.soslog.debug("Unexpected plugin task result: %s" %
+ res)
+ self.ui_log.info("")
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ # We may not be at a newline when the user issues Ctrl-C
+ self.ui_log.error("\nExiting on user cancel\n")
+ os._exit(1)
+ def _collect_plugin(self, plugin):
+ """Wraps the collect_plugin() method so we can apply a timeout
+ against the plugin as a whole"""
+ with ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as pool:
+ try:
+ t = pool.submit(self.collect_plugin, plugin)
+ # Re-type int 0 to NoneType, as otherwise result() will treat
+ # it as a literal 0-second timeout
+ timeout = self.loaded_plugins[plugin[0]-1][1].timeout or None
+ t.result(timeout=timeout)
+ except TimeoutError:
+ self.ui_log.error("\n Plugin %s timed out\n" % plugin[1])
+ self.running_plugs.remove(plugin[1])
+ self.loaded_plugins[plugin[0]-1][1]._timeout_hit = True
+ pool._threads.clear()
+ return True
+ def collect_plugin(self, plugin):
+ try:
+ count, plugname = plugin
+ plug = self.loaded_plugins[count-1][1]
+ self.running_plugs.append(plugname)
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+ numplugs = len(self.loaded_plugins)
+ status_line = " Starting %-5s %-15s %s" % (
+ "%d/%d" % (count, numplugs),
+ plugname,
+ "[Running: %s]" % ' '.join(p for p in self.running_plugs)
+ )
+ self.ui_progress(status_line)
+ try:
+ plug.collect()
+ # certain exceptions can cause either of these lists to no
+ # longer contain the plugin, which will result in sos hanging
+ # so we can't blindly call remove() on these two.
+ try:
+ self.pluglist.remove(plugin)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ self.running_plugs.remove(plugname)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ status = ''
+ if (len(self.pluglist) <= int(self.opts.threads) and
+ self.running_plugs):
+ status = " Finishing plugins %-12s %s" % (
+ " ",
+ "[Running: %s]" % (' '.join(p for p in self.running_plugs))
+ )
+ if not self.running_plugs and not self.pluglist:
+ status = "\n Finished running plugins"
+ if status:
+ self.ui_progress(status)
+ except SoSTimeoutError:
+ # we already log and handle the plugin timeout in the nested thread
+ # pool this is running in, so don't do anything here.
+ pass
+ except (OSError, IOError) as e:
+ if e.errno in fatal_fs_errors:
+ self.ui_log.error("\n %s while collecting plugin data\n"
+ % e.strerror)
+ self._exit(1)
+ self.handle_exception(plugname, "collect")
+ except Exception:
+ self.handle_exception(plugname, "collect")
+ def ui_progress(self, status_line):
+ if self.opts.verbosity == 0 and not self.opts.batch:
+ status_line = "\r%s" % status_line.ljust(90)
+ else:
+ status_line = "%s\n" % status_line
+ if not self.opts.quiet:
+ sys.stdout.write(status_line)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def collect_env_vars(self):
+ if not self.env_vars:
+ return
+ env = '\n'.join([
+ "%s=%s" % (name, val) for (name, val) in
+ [(name, '%s' % os.environ.get(name)) for name in self.env_vars if
+ os.environ.get(name) is not None]
+ ]) + '\n'
+ self.archive.add_string(env, 'environment')
+ def generate_reports(self):
+ report = Report()
+ # generate report content
+ for plugname, plug in self.loaded_plugins:
+ section = Section(name=plugname)
+ for alert in plug.alerts:
+ section.add(Alert(alert))
+ if plug.custom_text:
+ section.add(Note(plug.custom_text))
+ for f in plug.copied_files:
+ section.add(CopiedFile(name=f['srcpath'],
+ href=".." + f['dstpath']))
+ for cmd in plug.executed_commands:
+ section.add(Command(name=cmd['cmd'], return_code=0,
+ href=os.path.join(
+ "..",
+ self.get_commons()['cmddir'],
+ cmd['file']
+ )))
+ for content, f in plug.copy_strings:
+ section.add(CreatedFile(name=f,
+ href=os.path.join(
+ "..",
+ "sos_strings",
+ plugname,
+ f)))
+ report.add(section)
+ # print it in text, JSON and HTML formats
+ formatlist = (
+ (PlainTextReport, "sos.txt", "text"),
+ (JSONReport, "sos.json", "JSON"),
+ (HTMLReport, "sos.html", "HTML")
+ )
+ for class_, filename, type_ in formatlist:
+ try:
+ fd = self.get_temp_file()
+ output = class_(report).unicode()
+ fd.write(output)
+ fd.flush()
+ self.archive.add_file(fd, dest=os.path.join('sos_reports',
+ filename))
+ except (OSError, IOError) as e:
+ if e.errno in fatal_fs_errors:
+ self.ui_log.error("")
+ self.ui_log.error(" %s while writing %s report"
+ % (e.strerror, type_))
+ self.ui_log.error("")
+ self._exit(1)
+ def postproc(self):
+ for plugname, plug in self.loaded_plugins:
+ try:
+ if plug.get_option('postproc'):
+ plug.postproc()
+ else:
+ self.soslog.info("Skipping postproc for plugin %s"
+ % plugname)
+ except (OSError, IOError) as e:
+ if e.errno in fatal_fs_errors:
+ self.ui_log.error("")
+ self.ui_log.error(" %s while post-processing plugin data"
+ % e.strerror)
+ self.ui_log.error("")
+ self._exit(1)
+ self.handle_exception(plugname, "postproc")
+ except Exception:
+ self.handle_exception(plugname, "postproc")
+ def _create_checksum(self, archive, hash_name):
+ if not archive:
+ return False
+ try:
+ hash_size = 1024**2 # Hash 1MiB of content at a time.
+ archive_fp = open(archive, 'rb')
+ digest = hashlib.new(hash_name)
+ while True:
+ hashdata = archive_fp.read(hash_size)
+ if not hashdata:
+ break
+ digest.update(hashdata)
+ archive_fp.close()
+ except Exception:
+ self.handle_exception()
+ return digest.hexdigest()
+ def _write_checksum(self, archive, hash_name, checksum):
+ # store checksum into file
+ fp = open(archive + "." + hash_name, "w")
+ if checksum:
+ fp.write(checksum + "\n")
+ fp.close()
+ def final_work(self):
+ # This must come before archive creation to ensure that log
+ # files are closed and cleaned up at exit.
+ #
+ # All subsequent terminal output must use print().
+ self._add_sos_logs()
+ archive = None # archive path
+ directory = None # report directory path (--build)
+ # package up and compress the results
+ if not self.opts.build:
+ old_umask = os.umask(0o077)
+ if not self.opts.quiet:
+ print(_("Creating compressed archive..."))
+ # compression could fail for a number of reasons
+ try:
+ archive = self.archive.finalize(
+ self.opts.compression_type)
+ except (OSError, IOError) as e:
+ print("")
+ print(_(" %s while finalizing archive %s" %
+ (e.strerror, self.archive.get_archive_path())))
+ print("")
+ if e.errno in fatal_fs_errors:
+ self._exit(1)
+ except Exception:
+ if self.opts.debug:
+ raise
+ else:
+ return False
+ finally:
+ os.umask(old_umask)
+ else:
+ # move the archive root out of the private tmp directory.
+ directory = self.archive.get_archive_path()
+ dir_name = os.path.basename(directory)
+ try:
+ final_dir = os.path.join(self.sys_tmp, dir_name)
+ os.rename(directory, final_dir)
+ directory = final_dir
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ print(_("Error moving directory: %s" % directory))
+ return False
+ checksum = None
+ if not self.opts.build:
+ # if creating archive file failed, report it and
+ # skip generating checksum
+ if not archive:
+ print("Creating archive tarball failed.")
+ else:
+ # compute and store the archive checksum
+ hash_name = self.policy.get_preferred_hash_name()
+ checksum = self._create_checksum(archive, hash_name)
+ try:
+ self._write_checksum(archive, hash_name, checksum)
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ print(_("Error writing checksum for file: %s" % archive))
+ # output filename is in the private tmpdir - move it to the
+ # containing directory.
+ final_name = os.path.join(self.sys_tmp,
+ os.path.basename(archive))
+ # Get stat on the archive
+ archivestat = os.stat(archive)
+ archive_hash = archive + "." + hash_name
+ final_hash = final_name + "." + hash_name
+ # move the archive and checksum file
+ try:
+ os.rename(archive, final_name)
+ archive = final_name
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ print(_("Error moving archive file: %s" % archive))
+ return False
+ # There is a race in the creation of the final checksum file:
+ # since the archive has already been published and the checksum
+ # file name is predictable once the archive name is known a
+ # malicious user could attempt to create a symbolic link in
+ # order to misdirect writes to a file of the attacker's choose.
+ #
+ # To mitigate this we write the checksum inside the private tmp
+ # directory and use an atomic rename that is guaranteed to
+ # either succeed or fail: at worst the move will fail and be
+ # reported to the user. The correct checksum value is still
+ # written to the terminal and nothing is written to a location
+ # under the control of the user creating the link.
+ try:
+ os.rename(archive_hash, final_hash)
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ print(_("Error moving checksum file: %s" % archive_hash))
+ if not self.opts.build:
+ self.policy.display_results(archive, directory, checksum,
+ archivestat)
+ else:
+ self.policy.display_results(archive, directory, checksum)
+ if self.opts.upload or self.opts.upload_url:
+ if not self.opts.build:
+ try:
+ self.policy.upload_archive(archive)
+ self.ui_log.info(_("Uploaded archive successfully"))
+ except Exception as err:
+ self.ui_log.error("Upload attempt failed: %s" % err)
+ else:
+ msg = ("Unable to upload archive when using --build as no "
+ "archive is created.")
+ self.ui_log.error(msg)
+ # clean up
+ logging.shutdown()
+ if self.tempfile_util:
+ self.tempfile_util.clean()
+ if self.tmpdir and os.path.isdir(self.tmpdir):
+ rmtree(self.tmpdir)
+ return True
+ def verify_plugins(self):
+ if not self.loaded_plugins:
+ self.soslog.error(_("no valid plugins were enabled"))
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _cleanup(self):
+ # archive and tempfile cleanup may fail due to a fatal
+ # OSError exception (ENOSPC, EROFS etc.).
+ if self.archive:
+ self.archive.cleanup()
+ if self.tempfile_util:
+ self.tempfile_util.clean()
+ if self.tmpdir:
+ rmtree(self.tmpdir)
+ def execute(self):
+ try:
+ self.policy.set_commons(self.get_commons())
+ self.load_plugins()
+ self._set_all_options()
+ self._set_tunables()
+ self._check_for_unknown_plugins()
+ self._set_plugin_options()
+ if self.opts.list_plugins:
+ self.list_plugins()
+ raise SystemExit
+ if self.opts.list_profiles:
+ self.list_profiles()
+ raise SystemExit
+ if self.opts.list_presets:
+ self.list_presets()
+ raise SystemExit
+ if self.opts.add_preset:
+ return self.add_preset(self.opts.add_preset)
+ if self.opts.del_preset:
+ return self.del_preset(self.opts.del_preset)
+ # verify that at least one plug-in is enabled
+ if not self.verify_plugins():
+ return False
+ self.batch()
+ self.prework()
+ self.setup()
+ self.collect()
+ if not self.opts.no_env_vars:
+ self.collect_env_vars()
+ if not self.opts.noreport:
+ self.generate_reports()
+ if not self.opts.no_postproc:
+ self.postproc()
+ else:
+ self.ui_log.info("Skipping postprocessing of collected data")
+ self.version()
+ return self.final_work()
+ except (OSError):
+ if self.opts.debug:
+ raise
+ self._cleanup()
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt):
+ self.ui_log.error("\nExiting on user cancel")
+ self._cleanup()
+ self._exit(130)
+ except (SystemExit) as e:
+ self._cleanup()
+ sys.exit(e.code)
+ self._exit(1)
+def main(args):
+ """The main entry point"""
+ sos = SoSReport(args)
+ sos.execute()
+# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
diff --git a/sos/report/sosreport.py b/sos/report/sosreport.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 723e2874..00000000
--- a/sos/report/sosreport.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1468 +0,0 @@
-Gather information about a system and report it using plugins
-supplied for application-specific information
-# sosreport.py
-# gather information about a system and report it
-# Copyright (C) 2006 Steve Conklin <sconklin@redhat.com>
-# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
-# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
-# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
-# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
-# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
-import sys
-import traceback
-import os
-import errno
-import logging
-from datetime import datetime
-from argparse import ArgumentParser, Action
-import sos.report.plugins
-from sos.utilities import ImporterHelper, SoSTimeoutError
-from shutil import rmtree
-import tempfile
-import hashlib
-from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeoutError
-import pdb
-from sos import _sos as _
-from sos import __version__
-from sos import _arg_defaults, SoSOptions
-import sos.policies
-from sos.archive import TarFileArchive
-from sos.reporting import (Report, Section, Command, CopiedFile, CreatedFile,
- Alert, Note, PlainTextReport, JSONReport,
- HTMLReport)
-import six
-from six.moves import zip, input
-# file system errors that should terminate a run
-fatal_fs_errors = (errno.ENOSPC, errno.EROFS)
-def _format_list(first_line, items, indent=False, sep=", "):
- lines = []
- line = first_line
- if indent:
- newline = len(first_line) * ' '
- else:
- newline = ""
- for item in items:
- if len(line) + len(item) + len(sep) > 72:
- lines.append(line)
- line = newline
- line = line + item + sep
- if line[-len(sep):] == sep:
- line = line[:-len(sep)]
- lines.append(line)
- return lines
-def _format_since(date):
- """ This function will format --since arg to append 0s if enduser
- didn't. It's used in the _get_parser.
- This will also be a good place to add human readable and relative
- date parsing (like '2 days ago') in the future """
- return datetime.strptime('{:<014s}'.format(date), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
-class TempFileUtil(object):
- def __init__(self, tmp_dir):
- self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir
- self.files = []
- def new(self):
- fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.tmp_dir)
- # avoid TOCTOU race by using os.fdopen()
- fobj = os.fdopen(fd, 'w+')
- self.files.append((fname, fobj))
- return fobj
- def clean(self):
- for fname, f in self.files:
- try:
- f.flush()
- f.close()
- except Exception:
- pass
- try:
- os.unlink(fname)
- except Exception:
- pass
- self.files = []
-class SosListOption(Action):
- """Allow to specify comma delimited list of plugins"""
- def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- items = [opt for opt in values.split(',')]
- if getattr(namespace, self.dest):
- items += getattr(namespace, self.dest)
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
-# valid modes for --chroot
-chroot_modes = ["auto", "always", "never"]
-def _get_parser():
- """ Build ArgumentParser content"""
- usage_string = ("%(prog)s [options]\n\n"
- "Some examples:\n\n"
- "enable dlm plugin only and collect dlm lockdumps:\n"
- " # sosreport -o dlm -k dlm.lockdump\n\n"
- "disable memory and samba plugins, turn off rpm "
- "-Va collection:\n"
- " # sosreport -n memory,samba -k rpm.rpmva=off")
- parser = ArgumentParser(usage=usage_string)
- parser.register('action', 'extend', SosListOption)
- parser.add_argument("-a", "--alloptions", action="store_true",
- dest="alloptions", default=False,
- help="enable all options for loaded plugins")
- parser.add_argument("--all-logs", action="store_true",
- dest="all_logs", default=False,
- help="collect all available logs regardless "
- "of size")
- parser.add_argument("--since", action="store",
- dest="since", default=None,
- type=_format_since,
- help="Escapes archived files older than date. "
- "This will also affect --all-logs. "
- parser.add_argument("--batch", action="store_true",
- dest="batch", default=False,
- help="batch mode - do not prompt interactively")
- parser.add_argument("--build", action="store_true",
- dest="build", default=False,
- help="preserve the temporary directory and do not "
- "package results")
- parser.add_argument("--case-id", action="store",
- dest="case_id",
- help="specify case identifier")
- parser.add_argument("-c", "--chroot", action="store", dest="chroot",
- help="chroot executed commands to SYSROOT "
- "[auto, always, never] (default=auto)",
- default=_arg_defaults["chroot"])
- parser.add_argument("--config-file", type=str, action="store",
- dest="config_file", default="/etc/sos.conf",
- help="specify alternate configuration file")
- parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug",
- help="enable interactive debugging using the "
- "python debugger")
- parser.add_argument("--desc", "--description", type=str, action="store",
- help="Description for a new preset", default="")
- parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true",
- help="Run plugins but do not collect data")
- parser.add_argument("--experimental", action="store_true",
- dest="experimental", default=False,
- help="enable experimental plugins")
- parser.add_argument("-e", "--enable-plugins", action="extend",
- dest="enableplugins", type=str,
- help="enable these plugins", default=[])
- parser.add_argument("-k", "--plugin-option", action="extend",
- dest="plugopts", type=str,
- help="plugin options in plugname.option=value "
- "format (see -l)", default=[])
- parser.add_argument("--label", "--name", action="store", dest="label",
- help="specify an additional report label")
- parser.add_argument("-l", "--list-plugins", action="store_true",
- dest="list_plugins", default=False,
- help="list plugins and available plugin options")
- parser.add_argument("--list-presets", action="store_true",
- help="display a list of available presets")
- parser.add_argument("--list-profiles", action="store_true",
- dest="list_profiles", default=False,
- help="display a list of available profiles and "
- "plugins that they include")
- parser.add_argument("--log-size", action="store", dest="log_size",
- type=int, default=_arg_defaults["log_size"],
- help="limit the size of collected logs (in MiB)")
- parser.add_argument("-n", "--skip-plugins", action="extend",
- dest="noplugins", type=str,
- help="disable these plugins", default=[])
- parser.add_argument("--no-report", action="store_true",
- dest="noreport",
- help="disable plaintext/HTML reporting", default=False)
- parser.add_argument("--no-env-vars", action="store_true", default=False,
- dest="no_env_vars",
- help="Do not collect environment variables")
- parser.add_argument("--no-postproc", default=False, dest="no_postproc",
- action="store_true",
- help="Disable all post-processing")
- parser.add_argument("--note", type=str, action="store", default="",
- help="Behaviour notes for new preset")
- parser.add_argument("-o", "--only-plugins", action="extend",
- dest="onlyplugins", type=str,
- help="enable these plugins only", default=[])
- parser.add_argument("--preset", action="store", type=str,
- help="A preset identifier", default="auto")
- parser.add_argument("--plugin-timeout", default=None,
- help="set a timeout for all plugins")
- parser.add_argument("-p", "--profile", action="extend",
- dest="profiles", type=str, default=[],
- help="enable plugins used by the given profiles")
- parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true",
- dest="quiet", default=False,
- help="only print fatal errors")
- parser.add_argument("-s", "--sysroot", action="store", dest="sysroot",
- help="system root directory path (default='/')",
- default=None)
- parser.add_argument("--ticket-number", action="store",
- dest="case_id",
- help="specify ticket number")
- parser.add_argument("--tmp-dir", action="store",
- dest="tmp_dir",
- help="specify alternate temporary directory",
- default=None)
- parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", dest="verbosity",
- default=_arg_defaults["verbosity"],
- help="increase verbosity"),
- parser.add_argument("--verify", action="store_true",
- dest="verify", default=False,
- help="perform data verification during collection")
- parser.add_argument("-z", "--compression-type", dest="compression_type",
- default=_arg_defaults["compression_type"],
- help="compression technology to use [auto, "
- "gzip, bzip2, xz] (default=auto)")
- parser.add_argument("-t", "--threads", action="store", dest="threads",
- help="specify number of concurrent plugins to run"
- " (default=4)", default=4, type=int)
- parser.add_argument("--allow-system-changes", action="store_true",
- dest="allow_system_changes", default=False,
- help="Run commands even if they can change the "
- "system (e.g. load kernel modules)")
- parser.add_argument("--upload", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="Upload the archive to a policy-default location")
- parser.add_argument("--upload-url", default=None,
- help="Upload the archive to the specified server")
- parser.add_argument("--upload-directory", default=None,
- help="Specify the directory to upload the archive to")
- parser.add_argument("--upload-user", default=None,
- help="Username to authenticate to upload server with")
- parser.add_argument("--upload-pass", default=None,
- help="Password to authenticate to upload server with")
- # Group to make add/del preset exclusive
- preset_grp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- preset_grp.add_argument("--add-preset", type=str, action="store",
- help="Add a new named command line preset")
- preset_grp.add_argument("--del-preset", type=str, action="store",
- help="Delete the named command line preset")
- # Group to make tarball encryption (via GPG/password) exclusive
- encrypt_grp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- encrypt_grp.add_argument("--encrypt-key",
- help="Encrypt the final archive using a GPG "
- "key-pair")
- encrypt_grp.add_argument("--encrypt-pass",
- help="Encrypt the final archive using a password")
- return parser
-class SoSReport(object):
- """The main sosreport class"""
- def __init__(self, args):
- self.loaded_plugins = []
- self.skipped_plugins = []
- self.all_options = []
- self.env_vars = set()
- self.archive = None
- self.tempfile_util = None
- self._args = args
- self.sysroot = "/"
- self.sys_tmp = None
- self.exit_process = False
- self.preset = None
- try:
- import signal
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.get_exit_handler())
- except Exception:
- pass # not available in java, but we don't care
- self.print_header()
- # load default options and store them in self.opts
- parser = _get_parser()
- self.opts = SoSOptions().from_args(parser.parse_args([]))
- # remove default options now, such that by processing cmdline options
- # we know what exact options were provided there and should not be
- # overwritten any time further
- # then merge these options on top of self.opts
- # this approach is required since:
- # - we process the more priority options first (cmdline, then config
- # file, then presets) - required to know cfgfile or preset
- # - we have to apply lower prio options only on top of non-default
- for option in parser._actions:
- if option.default != '==SUPPRESS==':
- option.default = None
- cmd_opts = SoSOptions().from_args(parser.parse_args(args))
- self.opts.merge(cmd_opts)
- # load options from config.file and merge them to self.opts
- self.fileopts = SoSOptions().from_file(parser, self.opts.config_file)
- self.opts.merge(self.fileopts)
- self._set_debug()
- # load preset and options from it - first, identify policy for that
- try:
- self.policy = sos.policies.load(sysroot=self.opts.sysroot)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- self._exit(0)
- self._is_root = self.policy.is_root()
- # user specified command line preset
- if self.opts.preset != _arg_defaults["preset"]:
- self.preset = self.policy.find_preset(self.opts.preset)
- if not self.preset:
- sys.stderr.write("Unknown preset: '%s'\n" % self.opts.preset)
- self.preset = self.policy.probe_preset()
- self.opts.list_presets = True
- # --preset=auto
- if not self.preset:
- self.preset = self.policy.probe_preset()
- # now merge preset options to self.opts
- self.opts.merge(self.preset.opts)
- # system temporary directory to use
- tmp = os.path.abspath(self.policy.get_tmp_dir(self.opts.tmp_dir))
- if not os.path.isdir(tmp) \
- or not os.access(tmp, os.W_OK):
- msg = "temporary directory %s " % tmp
- msg += "does not exist or is not writable\n"
- # write directly to stderr as logging is not initialised yet
- sys.stderr.write(msg)
- self._exit(1)
- self.sys_tmp = tmp
- # our (private) temporary directory
- self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="sos.", dir=self.sys_tmp)
- self.tempfile_util = TempFileUtil(self.tmpdir)
- self._set_directories()
- self._setup_logging()
- msg = "default"
- host_sysroot = self.policy.host_sysroot()
- # set alternate system root directory
- if self.opts.sysroot:
- msg = "cmdline"
- self.sysroot = self.opts.sysroot
- elif self.policy.in_container() and host_sysroot != os.sep:
- msg = "policy"
- self.sysroot = host_sysroot
- self.soslog.debug("set sysroot to '%s' (%s)" % (self.sysroot, msg))
- if self.opts.chroot not in chroot_modes:
- self.soslog.error("invalid chroot mode: %s" % self.opts.chroot)
- logging.shutdown()
- self.tempfile_util.clean()
- self._exit(1)
- self._get_hardware_devices()
- def print_header(self):
- print("\n%s\n" % _("sosreport (version %s)" % (__version__,)))
- def _get_hardware_devices(self):
- self.devices = {
- 'block': self.get_block_devs(),
- 'fibre': self.get_fibre_devs()
- }
- # TODO: enumerate network devices, preferably with devtype info
- def get_fibre_devs(self):
- '''Enumerate a list of fibrechannel devices on this system so that
- plugins can iterate over them
- These devices are used by add_fibredev_cmd() in the Plugin class.
- '''
- try:
- devs = []
- devdirs = [
- 'fc_host',
- 'fc_transport',
- 'fc_remote_ports',
- 'fc_vports'
- ]
- for devdir in devdirs:
- if os.isdir("/sys/class/%s" % devdir):
- devs.extend(glob.glob("/sys/class/%s/*" % devdir))
- return devs
- except Exception as err:
- return []
- def get_block_devs(self):
- '''Enumerate a list of block devices on this system so that plugins
- can iterate over them
- These devices are used by add_blockdev_cmd() in the Plugin class.
- '''
- try:
- return os.listdir('/sys/block/')
- except Exception as err:
- self.soslog.error("Could not get block device list: %s" % err)
- return []
- def get_commons(self):
- return {
- 'cmddir': self.cmddir,
- 'logdir': self.logdir,
- 'rptdir': self.rptdir,
- 'tmpdir': self.tmpdir,
- 'soslog': self.soslog,
- 'policy': self.policy,
- 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
- 'verbosity': self.opts.verbosity,
- 'cmdlineopts': self.opts,
- 'devices': self.devices
- }
- def get_temp_file(self):
- return self.tempfile_util.new()
- def _set_archive(self):
- enc_opts = {
- 'encrypt': True if (self.opts.encrypt_pass or
- self.opts.encrypt_key) else False,
- 'key': self.opts.encrypt_key,
- 'password': self.opts.encrypt_pass
- }
- archive_name = os.path.join(self.tmpdir,
- self.policy.get_archive_name())
- if self.opts.compression_type == 'auto':
- auto_archive = self.policy.get_preferred_archive()
- self.archive = auto_archive(archive_name, self.tmpdir,
- self.policy, self.opts.threads,
- enc_opts, self.sysroot)
- else:
- self.archive = TarFileArchive(archive_name, self.tmpdir,
- self.policy, self.opts.threads,
- enc_opts, self.sysroot)
- self.archive.set_debug(True if self.opts.debug else False)
- def _make_archive_paths(self):
- self.archive.makedirs(self.cmddir, 0o755)
- self.archive.makedirs(self.logdir, 0o755)
- self.archive.makedirs(self.rptdir, 0o755)
- def _set_directories(self):
- self.cmddir = 'sos_commands'
- self.logdir = 'sos_logs'
- self.rptdir = 'sos_reports'
- def _set_debug(self):
- if self.opts.debug:
- sys.excepthook = self._exception
- self.raise_plugins = True
- else:
- self.raise_plugins = False
- @staticmethod
- def _exception(etype, eval_, etrace):
- """ Wrap exception in debugger if not in tty """
- if hasattr(sys, 'ps1') or not sys.stderr.isatty():
- # we are in interactive mode or we don't have a tty-like
- # device, so we call the default hook
- sys.__excepthook__(etype, eval_, etrace)
- else:
- # we are NOT in interactive mode, print the exception...
- traceback.print_exception(etype, eval_, etrace, limit=2,
- file=sys.stdout)
- six.print_()
- # ...then start the debugger in post-mortem mode.
- pdb.pm()
- def _exit(self, error=0):
- raise SystemExit(error)
- def get_exit_handler(self):
- def exit_handler(signum, frame):
- self.exit_process = True
- self._exit()
- return exit_handler
- def handle_exception(self, plugname=None, func=None):
- if self.raise_plugins or self.exit_process:
- # retrieve exception info for the current thread and stack.
- (etype, val, tb) = sys.exc_info()
- # we are NOT in interactive mode, print the exception...
- traceback.print_exception(etype, val, tb, file=sys.stdout)
- six.print_()
- # ...then start the debugger in post-mortem mode.
- pdb.post_mortem(tb)
- if plugname and func:
- self._log_plugin_exception(plugname, func)
- def _setup_logging(self):
- # main soslog
- self.soslog = logging.getLogger('sos')
- self.soslog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- self.sos_log_file = self.get_temp_file()
- flog = logging.StreamHandler(self.sos_log_file)
- flog.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
- '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
- flog.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- self.soslog.addHandler(flog)
- if not self.opts.quiet:
- console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
- console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s'))
- if self.opts.verbosity and self.opts.verbosity > 1:
- console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- flog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- elif self.opts.verbosity and self.opts.verbosity > 0:
- console.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- flog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- else:
- console.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
- self.soslog.addHandler(console)
- # log ERROR or higher logs to stderr instead
- console_err = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
- console_err.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s'))
- console_err.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
- self.soslog.addHandler(console_err)
- # ui log
- self.ui_log = logging.getLogger('sos_ui')
- self.ui_log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- self.sos_ui_log_file = self.get_temp_file()
- ui_fhandler = logging.StreamHandler(self.sos_ui_log_file)
- ui_fhandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
- '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
- self.ui_log.addHandler(ui_fhandler)
- if not self.opts.quiet:
- ui_console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
- ui_console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s'))
- ui_console.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- self.ui_log.addHandler(ui_console)
- def _add_sos_logs(self):
- # Make sure the log files are added before we remove the log
- # handlers. This prevents "No handlers could be found.." messages
- # from leaking to the console when running in --quiet mode when
- # Archive classes attempt to acess the log API.
- if getattr(self, "sos_log_file", None):
- self.archive.add_file(self.sos_log_file,
- dest=os.path.join('sos_logs', 'sos.log'))
- if getattr(self, "sos_ui_log_file", None):
- self.archive.add_file(self.sos_ui_log_file,
- dest=os.path.join('sos_logs', 'ui.log'))
- def _is_in_profile(self, plugin_class):
- onlyplugins = self.opts.onlyplugins
- if not len(self.opts.profiles):
- return True
- if not hasattr(plugin_class, "profiles"):
- return False
- if onlyplugins and not self._is_not_specified(plugin_class.name()):
- return True
- return any([p in self.opts.profiles for p in plugin_class.profiles])
- def _is_skipped(self, plugin_name):
- return (plugin_name in self.opts.noplugins)
- def _is_inactive(self, plugin_name, pluginClass):
- return (not pluginClass(self.get_commons()).check_enabled() and
- plugin_name not in self.opts.enableplugins and
- plugin_name not in self.opts.onlyplugins)
- def _is_not_default(self, plugin_name, pluginClass):
- return (not pluginClass(self.get_commons()).default_enabled() and
- plugin_name not in self.opts.enableplugins and
- plugin_name not in self.opts.onlyplugins)
- def _is_not_specified(self, plugin_name):
- return (self.opts.onlyplugins and
- plugin_name not in self.opts.onlyplugins)
- def _skip(self, plugin_class, reason="unknown"):
- self.skipped_plugins.append((
- plugin_class.name(),
- plugin_class(self.get_commons()),
- reason
- ))
- def _load(self, plugin_class):
- self.loaded_plugins.append((
- plugin_class.name(),
- plugin_class(self.get_commons())
- ))
- def load_plugins(self):
- import_plugin = sos.report.plugins.import_plugin
- helper = ImporterHelper(sos.report.plugins)
- plugins = helper.get_modules()
- self.plugin_names = []
- self.profiles = set()
- using_profiles = len(self.opts.profiles)
- policy_classes = self.policy.valid_subclasses
- extra_classes = []
- if self.opts.experimental:
- extra_classes.append(sos.report.plugins.ExperimentalPlugin)
- valid_plugin_classes = tuple(policy_classes + extra_classes)
- validate_plugin = self.policy.validate_plugin
- remaining_profiles = list(self.opts.profiles)
- # validate and load plugins
- for plug in plugins:
- plugbase, ext = os.path.splitext(plug)
- try:
- plugin_classes = import_plugin(plugbase, valid_plugin_classes)
- if not len(plugin_classes):
- # no valid plugin classes for this policy
- continue
- plugin_class = self.policy.match_plugin(plugin_classes)
- if not validate_plugin(plugin_class,
- experimental=self.opts.experimental):
- self.soslog.warning(
- _("plugin %s does not validate, skipping") % plug)
- if self.opts.verbosity > 0:
- self._skip(plugin_class, _("does not validate"))
- continue
- if plugin_class.requires_root and not self._is_root:
- self.soslog.info(_("plugin %s requires root permissions"
- "to execute, skipping") % plug)
- self._skip(plugin_class, _("requires root"))
- continue
- # plug-in is valid, let's decide whether run it or not
- self.plugin_names.append(plugbase)
- in_profile = self._is_in_profile(plugin_class)
- if not in_profile:
- self._skip(plugin_class, _("excluded"))
- continue
- if self._is_skipped(plugbase):
- self._skip(plugin_class, _("skipped"))
- continue
- if self._is_inactive(plugbase, plugin_class):
- self._skip(plugin_class, _("inactive"))
- continue
- if self._is_not_default(plugbase, plugin_class):
- self._skip(plugin_class, _("optional"))
- continue
- # only add the plugin's profiles once we know it is usable
- if hasattr(plugin_class, "profiles"):
- self.profiles.update(plugin_class.profiles)
- # true when the null (empty) profile is active
- default_profile = not using_profiles and in_profile
- if self._is_not_specified(plugbase) and default_profile:
- self._skip(plugin_class, _("not specified"))
- continue
- for i in plugin_class.profiles:
- if i in remaining_profiles:
- remaining_profiles.remove(i)
- self._load(plugin_class)
- except Exception as e:
- self.soslog.warning(_("plugin %s does not install, "
- "skipping: %s") % (plug, e))
- self.handle_exception()
- if len(remaining_profiles) > 0:
- self.soslog.error(_("Unknown or inactive profile(s) provided:"
- " %s") % ", ".join(remaining_profiles))
- self.list_profiles()
- self._exit(1)
- def _set_all_options(self):
- if self.opts.alloptions:
- for plugname, plug in self.loaded_plugins:
- for name, parms in zip(plug.opt_names, plug.opt_parms):
- if type(parms["enabled"]) == bool:
- parms["enabled"] = True
- def _set_tunables(self):
- if self.opts.plugopts:
- opts = {}
- for opt in self.opts.plugopts:
- # split up "general.syslogsize=5"
- try:
- opt, val = opt.split("=")
- except ValueError:
- val = True
- else:
- if val.lower() in ["off", "disable", "disabled", "false"]:
- val = False
- else:
- # try to convert string "val" to int()
- try:
- val = int(val)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- # split up "general.syslogsize"
- try:
- plug, opt = opt.split(".")
- except ValueError:
- plug = opt
- opt = True
- try:
- opts[plug]
- except KeyError:
- opts[plug] = []
- opts[plug].append((opt, val))
- for plugname, plug in self.loaded_plugins:
- if plugname in opts:
- for opt, val in opts[plugname]:
- if not plug.set_option(opt, val):
- self.soslog.error('no such option "%s" for plugin '
- '(%s)' % (opt, plugname))
- self._exit(1)
- del opts[plugname]
- for plugname in opts.keys():
- self.soslog.error('WARNING: unable to set option for disabled '
- 'or non-existing plugin (%s)' % (plugname))
- # in case we printed warnings above, visually intend them from
- # subsequent header text
- if opts.keys():
- self.soslog.error('')
- def _check_for_unknown_plugins(self):
- import itertools
- for plugin in itertools.chain(self.opts.onlyplugins,
- self.opts.noplugins,
- self.opts.enableplugins):
- plugin_name = plugin.split(".")[0]
- if plugin_name not in self.plugin_names:
- self.soslog.fatal('a non-existing plugin (%s) was specified '
- 'in the command line' % (plugin_name))
- self._exit(1)
- def _set_plugin_options(self):
- for plugin_name, plugin in self.loaded_plugins:
- names, parms = plugin.get_all_options()
- for optname, optparm in zip(names, parms):
- self.all_options.append((plugin, plugin_name, optname,
- optparm))
- def _report_profiles_and_plugins(self):
- self.ui_log.info("")
- if len(self.loaded_plugins):
- self.ui_log.info(" %d profiles, %d plugins"
- % (len(self.profiles), len(self.loaded_plugins)))
- else:
- # no valid plugins for this profile
- self.ui_log.info(" %d profiles" % len(self.profiles))
- self.ui_log.info("")
- def list_plugins(self):
- if not self.loaded_plugins and not self.skipped_plugins:
- self.soslog.fatal(_("no valid plugins found"))
- return
- if self.loaded_plugins:
- self.ui_log.info(_("The following plugins are currently enabled:"))
- self.ui_log.info("")
- for (plugname, plug) in self.loaded_plugins:
- self.ui_log.info(" %-20s %s" % (plugname,
- plug.get_description()))
- else:
- self.ui_log.info(_("No plugin enabled."))
- self.ui_log.info("")
- if self.skipped_plugins:
- self.ui_log.info(_("The following plugins are currently "
- "disabled:"))
- self.ui_log.info("")
- for (plugname, plugclass, reason) in self.skipped_plugins:
- self.ui_log.info(" %-20s %-14s %s" % (
- plugname,
- reason,
- plugclass.get_description()))
- self.ui_log.info("")
- if self.all_options:
- self.ui_log.info(_("The following options are available for ALL "
- "plugins:"))
- for opt in self.all_options[0][0]._default_plug_opts:
- self.ui_log.info(" %-25s %-15s %s" % (opt[0], opt[3], opt[1]))
- self.ui_log.info("")
- self.ui_log.info(_("The following plugin options are available:"))
- for (plug, plugname, optname, optparm) in self.all_options:
- if optname in ('timeout', 'postproc'):
- continue
- # format option value based on its type (int or bool)
- if type(optparm["enabled"]) == bool:
- if optparm["enabled"] is True:
- tmpopt = "on"
- else:
- tmpopt = "off"
- else:
- tmpopt = optparm["enabled"]
- self.ui_log.info(" %-25s %-15s %s" % (
- plugname + "." + optname, tmpopt, optparm["desc"]))
- else:
- self.ui_log.info(_("No plugin options available."))
- self.ui_log.info("")
- profiles = list(self.profiles)
- profiles.sort()
- lines = _format_list("Profiles: ", profiles, indent=True)
- for line in lines:
- self.ui_log.info(" %s" % line)
- self._report_profiles_and_plugins()
- def list_profiles(self):
- if not self.profiles:
- self.soslog.fatal(_("no valid profiles found"))
- return
- self.ui_log.info(_("The following profiles are available:"))
- self.ui_log.info("")
- def _has_prof(c):
- return hasattr(c, "profiles")
- profiles = list(self.profiles)
- profiles.sort()
- for profile in profiles:
- plugins = []
- for name, plugin in self.loaded_plugins:
- if _has_prof(plugin) and profile in plugin.profiles:
- plugins.append(name)
- lines = _format_list("%-15s " % profile, plugins, indent=True)
- for line in lines:
- self.ui_log.info(" %s" % line)
- self._report_profiles_and_plugins()
- def list_presets(self):
- if not self.policy.presets:
- self.soslog.fatal(_("no valid presets found"))
- return
- self.ui_log.info(_("The following presets are available:"))
- self.ui_log.info("")
- for preset in self.policy.presets.keys():
- if not preset:
- continue
- preset = self.policy.find_preset(preset)
- self.ui_log.info("%14s %s" % ("name:", preset.name))
- self.ui_log.info("%14s %s" % ("description:", preset.desc))
- if preset.note:
- self.ui_log.info("%14s %s" % ("note:", preset.note))
- if self.opts.verbosity > 0:
- args = preset.opts.to_args()
- options_str = "%14s " % "options:"
- lines = _format_list(options_str, args, indent=True, sep=' ')
- for line in lines:
- self.ui_log.info(line)
- self.ui_log.info("")
- def add_preset(self, name, desc="", note=""):
- """Add a new command line preset for the current options with the
- specified name.
- :param name: the name of the new preset
- :returns: True on success or False otherwise
- """
- policy = self.policy
- if policy.find_preset(name):
- self.ui_log.error("A preset named '%s' already exists" % name)
- return False
- desc = desc or self.opts.desc
- note = note or self.opts.note
- try:
- policy.add_preset(name=name, desc=desc, note=note, opts=self.opts)
- except Exception as e:
- self.ui_log.error("Could not add preset: %s" % e)
- return False
- # Filter --add-preset <name> from arguments list
- arg_index = self._args.index("--add-preset")
- args = self._args[0:arg_index] + self._args[arg_index + 2:]
- self.ui_log.info("Added preset '%s' with options %s\n" %
- (name, " ".join(args)))
- return True
- def del_preset(self, name):
- """Delete a named command line preset.
- :param name: the name of the preset to delete
- :returns: True on success or False otherwise
- """
- policy = self.policy
- if not policy.find_preset(name):
- self.ui_log.error("Preset '%s' not found" % name)
- return False
- try:
- policy.del_preset(name=name)
- except Exception as e:
- self.ui_log.error(str(e) + "\n")
- return False
- self.ui_log.info("Deleted preset '%s'\n" % name)
- return True
- def batch(self):
- if self.opts.batch:
- self.ui_log.info(self.policy.get_msg())
- else:
- msg = self.policy.get_msg()
- msg += _("Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL-C to quit.\n")
- try:
- input(msg)
- except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
- self.ui_log.error("Exiting on user cancel")
- self._exit(130)
- except Exception as e:
- self.ui_log.info("")
- self.ui_log.error(e)
- self._exit(e)
- def _log_plugin_exception(self, plugin, method):
- trace = traceback.format_exc()
- msg = "caught exception in plugin method"
- plugin_err_log = "%s-plugin-errors.txt" % plugin
- logpath = os.path.join(self.logdir, plugin_err_log)
- self.soslog.error('%s "%s.%s()"' % (msg, plugin, method))
- self.soslog.error('writing traceback to %s' % logpath)
- self.archive.add_string("%s\n" % trace, logpath, mode='a')
- def prework(self):
- self.policy.pre_work()
- try:
- self.ui_log.info(_(" Setting up archive ..."))
- compression_methods = ('auto', 'bzip2', 'gzip', 'xz')
- method = self.opts.compression_type
- if method not in compression_methods:
- compression_list = ', '.join(compression_methods)
- self.ui_log.error("")
- self.ui_log.error("Invalid compression specified: " + method)
- self.ui_log.error("Valid types are: " + compression_list)
- self.ui_log.error("")
- self._exit(1)
- self._set_archive()
- self._make_archive_paths()
- return
- except (OSError, IOError) as e:
- # we must not use the logging subsystem here as it is potentially
- # in an inconsistent or unreliable state (e.g. an EROFS for the
- # file system containing our temporary log files).
- if e.errno in fatal_fs_errors:
- print("")
- print(" %s while setting up archive" % e.strerror)
- print("")
- else:
- print("Error setting up archive: %s" % e)
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- self.ui_log.error("")
- self.ui_log.error(" Unexpected exception setting up archive:")
- traceback.print_exc()
- self.ui_log.error(e)
- self._exit(1)
- def setup(self):
- # Log command line options
- msg = "[%s:%s] executing 'sosreport %s'"
- self.soslog.info(msg % (__name__, "setup", " ".join(self._args)))
- msg = "[%s:%s] loaded options from config file: %s'"
- self.soslog.info(msg % (__name__, "setup",
- " ".join(self.fileopts.to_args())))
- # Log active preset defaults
- preset_args = self.preset.opts.to_args()
- msg = ("[%s:%s] using '%s' preset defaults (%s)" %
- (__name__, "setup", self.preset.name, " ".join(preset_args)))
- self.soslog.info(msg)
- # Log effective options after applying preset defaults
- self.soslog.info("[%s:%s] effective options now: %s" %
- (__name__, "setup", " ".join(self.opts.to_args())))
- self.ui_log.info(_(" Setting up plugins ..."))
- for plugname, plug in self.loaded_plugins:
- try:
- plug.archive = self.archive
- plug.add_default_collections()
- plug.setup()
- self.env_vars.update(plug._env_vars)
- if self.opts.verify:
- plug.setup_verify()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- raise
- except (OSError, IOError) as e:
- if e.errno in fatal_fs_errors:
- self.ui_log.error("")
- self.ui_log.error(" %s while setting up plugins"
- % e.strerror)
- self.ui_log.error("")
- self._exit(1)
- self.handle_exception(plugname, "setup")
- except Exception:
- self.handle_exception(plugname, "setup")
- def version(self):
- """Fetch version information from all plugins and store in the report
- version file"""
- versions = []
- versions.append("sosreport: %s" % __version__)
- for plugname, plug in self.loaded_plugins:
- versions.append("%s: %s" % (plugname, plug.version))
- self.archive.add_string(content="\n".join(versions),
- dest='version.txt')
- def collect(self):
- self.ui_log.info(_(" Running plugins. Please wait ..."))
- self.ui_log.info("")
- plugruncount = 0
- self.pluglist = []
- self.running_plugs = []
- for i in self.loaded_plugins:
- plugruncount += 1
- self.pluglist.append((plugruncount, i[0]))
- try:
- self.plugpool = ThreadPoolExecutor(self.opts.threads)
- # Pass the plugpool its own private copy of self.pluglist
- results = self.plugpool.map(self._collect_plugin,
- list(self.pluglist))
- self.plugpool.shutdown(wait=True)
- for res in results:
- if not res:
- self.soslog.debug("Unexpected plugin task result: %s" %
- res)
- self.ui_log.info("")
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- # We may not be at a newline when the user issues Ctrl-C
- self.ui_log.error("\nExiting on user cancel\n")
- os._exit(1)
- def _collect_plugin(self, plugin):
- """Wraps the collect_plugin() method so we can apply a timeout
- against the plugin as a whole"""
- with ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as pool:
- try:
- t = pool.submit(self.collect_plugin, plugin)
- # Re-type int 0 to NoneType, as otherwise result() will treat
- # it as a literal 0-second timeout
- timeout = self.loaded_plugins[plugin[0]-1][1].timeout or None
- t.result(timeout=timeout)
- except TimeoutError:
- self.ui_log.error("\n Plugin %s timed out\n" % plugin[1])
- self.running_plugs.remove(plugin[1])
- self.loaded_plugins[plugin[0]-1][1]._timeout_hit = True
- pool._threads.clear()
- return True
- def collect_plugin(self, plugin):
- try:
- count, plugname = plugin
- plug = self.loaded_plugins[count-1][1]
- self.running_plugs.append(plugname)
- except Exception:
- return False
- numplugs = len(self.loaded_plugins)
- status_line = " Starting %-5s %-15s %s" % (
- "%d/%d" % (count, numplugs),
- plugname,
- "[Running: %s]" % ' '.join(p for p in self.running_plugs)
- )
- self.ui_progress(status_line)
- try:
- plug.collect()
- # certain exceptions can cause either of these lists to no
- # longer contain the plugin, which will result in sos hanging
- # so we can't blindly call remove() on these two.
- try:
- self.pluglist.remove(plugin)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- try:
- self.running_plugs.remove(plugname)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- status = ''
- if (len(self.pluglist) <= int(self.opts.threads) and
- self.running_plugs):
- status = " Finishing plugins %-12s %s" % (
- " ",
- "[Running: %s]" % (' '.join(p for p in self.running_plugs))
- )
- if not self.running_plugs and not self.pluglist:
- status = "\n Finished running plugins"
- if status:
- self.ui_progress(status)
- except SoSTimeoutError:
- # we already log and handle the plugin timeout in the nested thread
- # pool this is running in, so don't do anything here.
- pass
- except (OSError, IOError) as e:
- if e.errno in fatal_fs_errors:
- self.ui_log.error("\n %s while collecting plugin data\n"
- % e.strerror)
- self._exit(1)
- self.handle_exception(plugname, "collect")
- except Exception:
- self.handle_exception(plugname, "collect")
- def ui_progress(self, status_line):
- if self.opts.verbosity == 0 and not self.opts.batch:
- status_line = "\r%s" % status_line.ljust(90)
- else:
- status_line = "%s\n" % status_line
- if not self.opts.quiet:
- sys.stdout.write(status_line)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- def collect_env_vars(self):
- if not self.env_vars:
- return
- env = '\n'.join([
- "%s=%s" % (name, val) for (name, val) in
- [(name, '%s' % os.environ.get(name)) for name in self.env_vars if
- os.environ.get(name) is not None]
- ]) + '\n'
- self.archive.add_string(env, 'environment')
- def generate_reports(self):
- report = Report()
- # generate report content
- for plugname, plug in self.loaded_plugins:
- section = Section(name=plugname)
- for alert in plug.alerts:
- section.add(Alert(alert))
- if plug.custom_text:
- section.add(Note(plug.custom_text))
- for f in plug.copied_files:
- section.add(CopiedFile(name=f['srcpath'],
- href=".." + f['dstpath']))
- for cmd in plug.executed_commands:
- section.add(Command(name=cmd['cmd'], return_code=0,
- href=os.path.join(
- "..",
- self.get_commons()['cmddir'],
- cmd['file']
- )))
- for content, f in plug.copy_strings:
- section.add(CreatedFile(name=f,
- href=os.path.join(
- "..",
- "sos_strings",
- plugname,
- f)))
- report.add(section)
- # print it in text, JSON and HTML formats
- formatlist = (
- (PlainTextReport, "sos.txt", "text"),
- (JSONReport, "sos.json", "JSON"),
- (HTMLReport, "sos.html", "HTML")
- )
- for class_, filename, type_ in formatlist:
- try:
- fd = self.get_temp_file()
- output = class_(report).unicode()
- fd.write(output)
- fd.flush()
- self.archive.add_file(fd, dest=os.path.join('sos_reports',
- filename))
- except (OSError, IOError) as e:
- if e.errno in fatal_fs_errors:
- self.ui_log.error("")
- self.ui_log.error(" %s while writing %s report"
- % (e.strerror, type_))
- self.ui_log.error("")
- self._exit(1)
- def postproc(self):
- for plugname, plug in self.loaded_plugins:
- try:
- if plug.get_option('postproc'):
- plug.postproc()
- else:
- self.soslog.info("Skipping postproc for plugin %s"
- % plugname)
- except (OSError, IOError) as e:
- if e.errno in fatal_fs_errors:
- self.ui_log.error("")
- self.ui_log.error(" %s while post-processing plugin data"
- % e.strerror)
- self.ui_log.error("")
- self._exit(1)
- self.handle_exception(plugname, "postproc")
- except Exception:
- self.handle_exception(plugname, "postproc")
- def _create_checksum(self, archive, hash_name):
- if not archive:
- return False
- try:
- hash_size = 1024**2 # Hash 1MiB of content at a time.
- archive_fp = open(archive, 'rb')
- digest = hashlib.new(hash_name)
- while True:
- hashdata = archive_fp.read(hash_size)
- if not hashdata:
- break
- digest.update(hashdata)
- archive_fp.close()
- except Exception:
- self.handle_exception()
- return digest.hexdigest()
- def _write_checksum(self, archive, hash_name, checksum):
- # store checksum into file
- fp = open(archive + "." + hash_name, "w")
- if checksum:
- fp.write(checksum + "\n")
- fp.close()
- def final_work(self):
- # This must come before archive creation to ensure that log
- # files are closed and cleaned up at exit.
- #
- # All subsequent terminal output must use print().
- self._add_sos_logs()
- archive = None # archive path
- directory = None # report directory path (--build)
- # package up and compress the results
- if not self.opts.build:
- old_umask = os.umask(0o077)
- if not self.opts.quiet:
- print(_("Creating compressed archive..."))
- # compression could fail for a number of reasons
- try:
- archive = self.archive.finalize(
- self.opts.compression_type)
- except (OSError, IOError) as e:
- print("")
- print(_(" %s while finalizing archive %s" %
- (e.strerror, self.archive.get_archive_path())))
- print("")
- if e.errno in fatal_fs_errors:
- self._exit(1)
- except Exception:
- if self.opts.debug:
- raise
- else:
- return False
- finally:
- os.umask(old_umask)
- else:
- # move the archive root out of the private tmp directory.
- directory = self.archive.get_archive_path()
- dir_name = os.path.basename(directory)
- try:
- final_dir = os.path.join(self.sys_tmp, dir_name)
- os.rename(directory, final_dir)
- directory = final_dir
- except (OSError, IOError):
- print(_("Error moving directory: %s" % directory))
- return False
- checksum = None
- if not self.opts.build:
- # if creating archive file failed, report it and
- # skip generating checksum
- if not archive:
- print("Creating archive tarball failed.")
- else:
- # compute and store the archive checksum
- hash_name = self.policy.get_preferred_hash_name()
- checksum = self._create_checksum(archive, hash_name)
- try:
- self._write_checksum(archive, hash_name, checksum)
- except (OSError, IOError):
- print(_("Error writing checksum for file: %s" % archive))
- # output filename is in the private tmpdir - move it to the
- # containing directory.
- final_name = os.path.join(self.sys_tmp,
- os.path.basename(archive))
- # Get stat on the archive
- archivestat = os.stat(archive)
- archive_hash = archive + "." + hash_name
- final_hash = final_name + "." + hash_name
- # move the archive and checksum file
- try:
- os.rename(archive, final_name)
- archive = final_name
- except (OSError, IOError):
- print(_("Error moving archive file: %s" % archive))
- return False
- # There is a race in the creation of the final checksum file:
- # since the archive has already been published and the checksum
- # file name is predictable once the archive name is known a
- # malicious user could attempt to create a symbolic link in
- # order to misdirect writes to a file of the attacker's choose.
- #
- # To mitigate this we write the checksum inside the private tmp
- # directory and use an atomic rename that is guaranteed to
- # either succeed or fail: at worst the move will fail and be
- # reported to the user. The correct checksum value is still
- # written to the terminal and nothing is written to a location
- # under the control of the user creating the link.
- try:
- os.rename(archive_hash, final_hash)
- except (OSError, IOError):
- print(_("Error moving checksum file: %s" % archive_hash))
- if not self.opts.build:
- self.policy.display_results(archive, directory, checksum,
- archivestat)
- else:
- self.policy.display_results(archive, directory, checksum)
- if self.opts.upload or self.opts.upload_url:
- if not self.opts.build:
- try:
- self.policy.upload_archive(archive)
- self.ui_log.info(_("Uploaded archive successfully"))
- except Exception as err:
- self.ui_log.error("Upload attempt failed: %s" % err)
- else:
- msg = ("Unable to upload archive when using --build as no "
- "archive is created.")
- self.ui_log.error(msg)
- # clean up
- logging.shutdown()
- if self.tempfile_util:
- self.tempfile_util.clean()
- if self.tmpdir and os.path.isdir(self.tmpdir):
- rmtree(self.tmpdir)
- return True
- def verify_plugins(self):
- if not self.loaded_plugins:
- self.soslog.error(_("no valid plugins were enabled"))
- return False
- return True
- def _cleanup(self):
- # archive and tempfile cleanup may fail due to a fatal
- # OSError exception (ENOSPC, EROFS etc.).
- if self.archive:
- self.archive.cleanup()
- if self.tempfile_util:
- self.tempfile_util.clean()
- if self.tmpdir:
- rmtree(self.tmpdir)
- def execute(self):
- try:
- self.policy.set_commons(self.get_commons())
- self.load_plugins()
- self._set_all_options()
- self._set_tunables()
- self._check_for_unknown_plugins()
- self._set_plugin_options()
- if self.opts.list_plugins:
- self.list_plugins()
- raise SystemExit
- if self.opts.list_profiles:
- self.list_profiles()
- raise SystemExit
- if self.opts.list_presets:
- self.list_presets()
- raise SystemExit
- if self.opts.add_preset:
- return self.add_preset(self.opts.add_preset)
- if self.opts.del_preset:
- return self.del_preset(self.opts.del_preset)
- # verify that at least one plug-in is enabled
- if not self.verify_plugins():
- return False
- self.batch()
- self.prework()
- self.setup()
- self.collect()
- if not self.opts.no_env_vars:
- self.collect_env_vars()
- if not self.opts.noreport:
- self.generate_reports()
- if not self.opts.no_postproc:
- self.postproc()
- else:
- self.ui_log.info("Skipping postprocessing of collected data")
- self.version()
- return self.final_work()
- except (OSError):
- if self.opts.debug:
- raise
- self._cleanup()
- except (KeyboardInterrupt):
- self.ui_log.error("\nExiting on user cancel")
- self._cleanup()
- self._exit(130)
- except (SystemExit) as e:
- self._cleanup()
- sys.exit(e.code)
- self._exit(1)
-def main(args):
- """The main entry point"""
- sos = SoSReport(args)
- sos.execute()
-# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :