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iframecontentmws.js - Foteos Macrides (author and copyright holder)
Initial: October 10, 2004 - Last Revised: November 11, 2006
Scripts for using HTML documents as iframe content in overlibmws popups.
for more information.
Use as lead argument in overlib or overlb2 calls. Include WRAP and
TEXTPADDING,0 in the call to ensure that the width arg is respected (unless
the CAPTION plus CLOSETEXT widths add up to more than the width arg, in which
case you should increase the width arg). The name arg should be a unique
string for each popup with iframe content in the document. The frameborder
arg should be 1 (browser default if omitted) or 0. The scrolling arg should
be 'auto' (default if omitted), 'yes' or 'no'.
function OLiframeContent(src, width, height, name, frameborder, scrolling) {
return ('<iframe src="'+src+'" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'"'
+(name!=null?' name="'+name+'" id="'+name+'"':'')
+(frameborder!=null?' frameborder="'+frameborder+'"':'')
+' scrolling="'+(scrolling!=null?scrolling:'auto')
+'"><div>[iframe not supported]</div></iframe>');
Swap the src if we are iframe content. The name arg should be the same
string as in the OLiframeContent function for the popup. The src arg is
a partial, relative, or complete URL for the document to be swapped in.
function OLswapIframeSrc(name, src){
alert(src+'\n\n is only for iframe content');
var o=parent.OLgetRef(name);
else alert(src+'\n\n is not available');
Emulate the Back button if we are iframe content. Use only in documents
which are swapped in by using the OLswapIframeSrc function.
function OLiframeBack(){
alert('This feature is only for iframe content');