path: root/graphql/root.graphql
blob: fd8419fa38c477fbf1fad6a77f095e39e5351f6d (plain) (tree)

scalar Time
scalar Label
scalar Hash

"""Information about pagination in a connection."""
type PageInfo {
    """When paginating forwards, are there more items?"""
    hasNextPage: Boolean!
    """When paginating backwards, are there more items?"""
    hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
    """When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue."""
    startCursor: String!
    """When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue."""
    endCursor: String!

"""An object that has an author."""
interface Authored {
    """The author of this object."""
    author: Person!

type Query {
    defaultRepository: Repository
    repository(id: String!): Repository

type Mutation {
    newBug(repoRef: String, title: String!, message: String!, files: [Hash!]): Bug!

    addComment(repoRef: String, prefix: String!, message: String!, files: [Hash!]): Bug!
    changeLabels(repoRef: String, prefix: String!, added: [String!], removed: [String!]): Bug!
    open(repoRef: String, prefix: String!): Bug!
    close(repoRef: String, prefix: String!): Bug!
    setTitle(repoRef: String, prefix: String!, title: String!): Bug!

    commit(repoRef: String, prefix: String!): Bug!