path: root/plugin
diff options
authorcarson fire <carsonfire@gmail.com>2012-02-24 00:00:00 +0000
committerAble Scraper <scraper@vim-scripts.org>2012-03-07 01:05:44 -0600
commit0117a7517a0484a882ab0e983aa3c9bce7b9e287 (patch)
tree2269c97f0cc77a1b7855bdd1fee7cc598b5e19b3 /plugin
parentbf27f5cfaee4a39574d95ce01632d15c54372f7f (diff)
Version 1.31.3
* Cleaner innards, better internal notes. * More concise help file. * Commands shortened; all begin with 'Fn' for quick access. * Coordinated with Vimwiki navigation and functions. * Complimentary navigation scheme for other subordinate files. * Subordinate files wikified. * Vimwiki-like header adjustment. * Intuitive shortcut for ALLCAP LINES carriage return. * Better title page text block protection (indentation).
Diffstat (limited to 'plugin')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/fountainwiki.vim b/plugin/fountainwiki.vim
index 94c1051..498bc12 100644
--- a/plugin/fountainwiki.vim
+++ b/plugin/fountainwiki.vim
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
" Vim plugin for Fountain screenplay files
-" Plugin Name: FountainWiki & Indentation
-" Version: 1.2
-" Last Change: 2012 Feb 21
+" Plugin Name: Fountainwiki & Indentation
+" Version: 1.3
+" Last Change: 2012 Feb 24
" Reference: http://fountain.io/
" Maintainer: Carson Fire <carsonfire@gmail.com>
-if exists("g:wiki_1.path")
- exe 'command WikiReset let g:wiki_1.path = "'.g:wiki_1.path.'"'
-elseif exists("g:wiki.path")
- exe 'command WikiReset let g:wiki.path = "'.g:wiki.path.'"'
+"{{{ Check user settings, load defaults
+" Indentation settings
if !exists('FountainWiki_Auto_Indent')
let FountainWiki_Auto_Indent = 1
@@ -31,6 +29,10 @@ endif
if !exists('FountainWiki_Centered_Indent')
let FountainWiki_Centered_Indent = '\t\t\t\t'
+exe 'au FileType fountain,spmd setlocal tw='.g:FountainWiki_Textwidth
+exe 'au FileType fountain,spmd setlocal tabstop='.g:FountainWiki_Tabstop
+" Wiki settings
if !exists('FountainWiki_Card_Extension')
let FountainWiki_Card_Extension = 'txt'
@@ -47,52 +49,92 @@ if !exists('FountainWiki_Lowercase_Filename')
let FountainWiki_Lowercase_Filename = 1
if !exists('FountainWiki_Filename_Token')
- let FountainWiki_Filename_Token = '.fnx'
+ let FountainWiki_Filename_Token = ''
if !exists('FountainWiki_Card_StayOpen')
let FountainWiki_Card_StayOpen = 0
+"{{{ Create functions
function FountainWikiIndent()
+ " When triggered, this function indents an entire Fountain doc.
normal mvgg}mt
- "'t,$s/^\s*//ge
- exe '%s/^\s*\(\L*\)$/'.g:FountainWiki_Character_Indent.'\1/ge'
- exe '%s/^\s*\(.*\) TO:$/'.g:FountainWiki_Transition_Indent.'\1 TO:/ge'
- exe '%s/^\s*> \(.*\)$/'.g:FountainWiki_Transition_Indent.'> \1/ge'
- exe '%s/^\s*>\(.*\)</'.g:FountainWiki_Centered_Indent.'>\1</ge'
- exe '%s/^\s*(\(.*\))$/'.g:FountainWiki_Parenthetical_Indent.'(\1)/ge'
- 't,$s/^\s*\(\.\|INT\. \|EXT\. \|INT\.\/EXT\. \|INT\/EXT\. \|INT \|EXT \|INT\/EXT \|I\/E \|int\. \|ext\. \|int\.\/ext\. \|int\/ext\. \|int \|ext \|int\/ext \|i\/e \)/\1/ge
- 't,$s/^\s*$//ge
+ let g:Safety = "'t,$"
+ " We bookmark our current location, then bookmark the first blank
+ " line.
+ exe g:Safety.'s/^\s*\(\L*\)$/'.g:FountainWiki_Character_Indent.'\1/ge'
+ exe g:Safety.'s/^\s*\(.*\) TO:$/'.g:FountainWiki_Transition_Indent.'\1 TO:/ge'
+ exe g:Safety.'s/^\s*> \(.*\)$/'.g:FountainWiki_Transition_Indent.'> \1/ge'
+ exe g:Safety.'s/^\s*>\(.*\)</'.g:FountainWiki_Centered_Indent.'>\1</ge'
+ exe g:Safety.'s/^\s*(\(.*\))$/'.g:FountainWiki_Parenthetical_Indent.'(\1)/ge'
+ " The range 't,$ protects the Fountain title page block; if there is
+ " no title page block, the first line will probably be a header that
+ " doesn't need to be indented anyway.
+ exe '%s/^\s*\(\.\|INT\.\|EXT\.\|INT \|EXT \|INT\/\|I\/E \)/\1/ge'
+ " Fix section headers mistaken for character names.
+ exe '%s/^\s*$//ge'
+ " Remove accidental tabs/spaces from otherwise blank lines.
normal 'v
+ " We return the user to the spot where he began.
+function FountainHeaderDown()
+ " Move header down (add one #, no more than six)
+ exe '.s/^\(\s*\)\(#*\)\(\s*\)/\1\2# /ge'
+ exe '.s/#\{7\}/######/ge'
+function FountainHeaderUp()
+ " Move header up (remove one #)
+ exe '.s/^\(\s*\)\(#\s*\)/\1/ge'
function FountainWikiCards()
+ " This opens a FountainWikiWord if there's a match.
set noignorecase
- if exists("g:wiki_1.path")
- let g:wiki_1.path = expand("%:p:h")
- elseif exists("g:wiki.path")
+ " Searches are case-sensitive.
+ if g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension == "wiki" && exists("g:wiki.path")
let g:wiki.path = expand("%:p:h")
- else
+ elseif g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension == "wiki"
let wiki = {}
let g:wiki.path = expand("%:p:h")
+ " We temporarily hijack Vimwiki's home path, if applicable.
if g:FountainWiki_Card_Only < 1 && g:FountainWiki_Card_StayOpen < 1
- lcd %:p:h
+ " If using the sidebar option, we close all windows but the screenplay
+ " before opening the sidebar. The use of the word 'card' throughout
+ " reflects the original idea of making 'index cards' open in the
+ " sidebar. It soon became clear that following the wiki model makes
+ " more sense. So 'card' is short for 'wiki reference file'.
let g:Text = getline('.')
+ " We grab the current line and begin evaluating it for the presence of
+ " a FountainWikiWord.
let g:Text = substitute(g:Text,"^\s*","","g")
+ " We remove spaces, as they have no bearing on identifying
+ " FountainWikiWord.
if g:Text =~ "[["
let g:Comment = substitute(g:Text,".*\\[\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\].*","\\1","g")
let g:Comment = substitute(g:Text,"\\A*","","g")
let g:Section = g:Comment
let g:Character = g:Comment
+ " If the string contains [[, good bet it's a comment!
let g:Comment = ""
let g:Character = substitute(g:Text,"\\U*","","g")
let g:Section = substitute(g:Text,"\\A*","","g")
+ " Definitely not a comment, but it might be a character name
+ " or section header.
if ( g:Character == g:Section || matchstr(g:Text,"^#") == "#" ) && g:Text != ""
+ " If the string passes the first test, it's a
+ " FountainWikiWord. If the string fails the first test, but
+ " begins with a hashmark, it's a section header
+ " FountainWikiWord. If the string is blank, we toss it out.
if g:FountainWiki_Lowercase_Filename > 0
let g:Section = tolower(g:Section)
@@ -103,30 +145,95 @@ function FountainWikiCards()
if g:FountainWiki_Card_Right > 0
wincmd r
+ exe 'vertical resize '.g:FountainWiki_Card_Width
+ " We open the card/wiki file, in place of the
+ " screenplay, or as a 'sidebar' window, on the right
+ " or left, and resize if desired.
- exe 'vertical resize '.g:FountainWiki_Card_Width
function ScreenplayHome()
- let g:FountainWiki_Home = expand("%:p")
- let g:FountainWiki_Home = substitute(g:FountainWiki_Home," ","\\\\ ","g")
+ " This is a function for navigation.
+ let g:FountainWiki_Home = substitute(expand("%:p")," ","\\\\ ","g")
+ let g:FountainWiki_Path = expand("%:p:h")
+ " We record the position of the current Fountain doc.
exe 'command! FountainWiki e '.g:FountainWiki_Home
exe 'command! FW e '.g:FountainWiki_Home
- nnoremap <leader>fw <esc>:FountainWiki<cr>
- au BufRead *.wiki nmap <backspace> <esc>:FountainWiki<cr>
+ exe 'command! FnScreenplay e '.g:FountainWiki_Home
+ " Command(s) for returning to the last screenplay doc, from anywhere.
+ if g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension != "wiki" && g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension != "viki" && g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension != "fountain"
+ " We grant Vimwiki-like powers to text files
+ exe 'au BufRead,BufWrite,BufNewFile '.g:FountainWiki_Path.'/*.'.g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension.' nnoremap <buffer> <backspace> <c-o>'
+ exe 'au BufRead,BufWrite '.g:FountainWiki_Path.'/*.'.g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension.' map <buffer> <cr> <esc>:call SpecialLink()<cr>'
+ endif
+function SpecialLink()
+ " Wikifies file links in non-wiki files.
+ let g:FnCheck = expand("<cfile>")
+ if g:FnCheck =~ '.'.g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension
+ e <cfile>
+ else
+ echo 'Link must be filetype "'.g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension.'"'
+ endif
-command FountainWikiCursorJump wincmd w
-command FountainWikiDisableAuto au! BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd
-command FountainWikiEnableAuto au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd silent call FountainWikiIndent()
-command FountainWikiIndent silent call FountainWikiIndent()
-au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd FountainWikiIndent
-au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd FountainWikiCursorJump
-au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd nnoremap <buffer> <c-cr> <esc>:FountainWikiIndent<cr>
-command FountainWikiCards silent call FountainWikiCards()
-au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd nnoremap <buffer> <cr> <esc>:FountainWikiCards<cr>
-exe 'au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd set tw='.g:FountainWiki_Textwidth
-exe 'au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd set tabstop='.g:FountainWiki_Tabstop
-exe 'au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd,*'.g:FountainWiki_Filename_Token.g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension.' nnoremap <buffer> <tab> <c-w>w'
-au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd call ScreenplayHome()
+if g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension == "wiki"
+ " Special adjustments for Vimwiki integration.
+ if exists("g:wiki.path")
+ exe 'command! FnReset let g:wiki.path = "'.g:wiki.path.'"'
+ else
+ command! FnReset echo "No wiki reset required."
+ endif
+ nnoremap <leader>ww <esc>:FnReset<cr>:VimwikiIndex<cr>
+ nnoremap <leader>wt <esc>:FnReset<cr>:VimwikiTabIndex<cr>
+ nnoremap <leader>w<leader>w <esc>:FnReset<cr>:VimwikiMakeDiaryNote<cr>
+ " This resets Vimwiki home to its original value, so that <leader>ww
+ " results in the expected behavior.
+ au FileType fountain,spmd map <buffer> <backspace> <esc>:FnReset<cr>:VimwikiIndex<cr>
+ " If you press 'backspace' in your Fountain doc, we reset Vimwiki home
+ " to original value and send you there.
+"{{{ Define commands and do stuff
+" Indentation commands, restricted to Fountain files except where otherwise
+" noted.
+au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd silent call FountainWikiIndent()
+" Makes indentation automatic on saving
+command FountainDisableAutoIndent au! BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd
+command FnOff au! BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd
+" Turn auto indent off
+command FountainEnableAutoIndent au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd silent call FountainWikiIndent()
+command FnOn au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd silent call FountainWikiIndent()
+" Turn auto indent back on
+au FileType fountain,spmd nnoremap <buffer> <c-cr> <esc>:call FountainWikiIndent()<cr>
+" CTRL-ENTER indentation shortcut, indents without saving.
+command FountainIndent silent call FountainWikiIndent()
+command FnIndent silent call FountainWikiIndent()
+" Global-use indentation command
+" Wiki commands
+command FnJump wincmd w
+command FnLink silent call FountainWikiCards()
+command FnSublink e <cfile>
+au FileType fountain,spmd nnoremap <buffer> <cr> <esc>:silent call FountainWikiCards()<cr>
+" Vimwiki-like header mapping
+au FileType fountain,spmd nnoremap <buffer> = <esc>:call FountainHeaderDown()<cr>
+au FileType fountain,spmd nnoremap <buffer> - <esc>:call FountainHeaderUp()<cr>
+" Set the latest opened Fountain screenplay as the 'home' screenplay.
+au BufWinEnter *.fountain,*.spmd silent call ScreenplayHome()
+" Get navigation help.
+exe 'nnoremap <backspace><backspace> <esc>:FnScreenplay<cr>'
+" Double-backspace guides you back to last open Fountain doc.
+" Quick uppercase shift
+au FileType fountain,spmd inoremap <buffer> <s-cr> <esc>gUU$a<cr>
+au FileType fountain,spmd nnoremap <buffer> <s-cr> gUU$