diff options
authorcarson fire <carsonfire@gmail.com>2012-02-19 00:00:00 +0000
committerAble Scraper <scraper@vim-scripts.org>2012-03-07 01:05:44 -0600
commit99ff01b3b1abbb12267f4ab09b6456447c24f22a (patch)
Version 1.0: Initial upload1.0
2 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9107a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3945
+Plugin offers light wikification of Fountain files, plus indentation.
+Fountain syntax is the screenwriter's Markdown. Details: http://fountain.io
+CHARACTER NAMES, ## Section headers, and [[notes]] become automatic WikiWords, with no deviation from Fountain syntax whatsoever. Simply press 'enter', and a new file opens for keeping notes.
+Emulates Vimwiki navigation and operation, and offers navigation and wikification of subordinate files of your choosing: plain text, markup syntax, etc. Or choose Vimwiki in order to use its search function and other features.
+Other helpful features for screenwriting: shift-enter for ALL CAPS carriage return, and Vimwiki-style header promotion/demotion.
+Fountain syntax file: (vimscript #3880)
+In the works for the next version: more independent wiki-like features for non-wiki subordinate files (i.e., wikification of text files), and all filetypes highlighted and clickable (for linking various text, PDF, MS Word, image references, etc), which will make the system useful for overall project management. Will also include support for a deviation syntax for more compact scripts (plays, comic books) that use the character/dialogue form, 'CHARACTER: Dialogue...', but otherwise emulates Fountain. Also, strengthening of pattern matches (I've already found some weaknesses) and, of course, some bug fixes.
diff --git a/plugin/fountainwiki.vim b/plugin/fountainwiki.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d73243f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/fountainwiki.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+" Vim plugin for Fountain screenplay files
+" Plugin Name: FountainWiki & Indentation
+" Version: 1.0 (early days)
+" Last Change: 2012 Feb 18
+" Reference: http://fountain.io/
+" Maintainer: Carson Fire <carsonfire@gmail.com>
+" ========
+" Plugin offers light wikification of Fountain files plus indentation.
+" FountainWiki turns character names and section heads into automatic
+" WikiWords. Simply press 'enter', and a new file opens for keeping notes.
+" This also creates a portal from Fountain files to powerful tools like
+" VimWiki, simply by defining the kind of notes you want to keep.
+" The indentation is not automatic as you type, but we include optional
+" automatic indentation upon saving, or by hitting 'ctrl+enter'. Use with the
+" Fountain syntax file for best results.
+" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3880
+" ============
+" Just slip the ol' plugin file into your plugin folder. Adjust your vimrc
+" file (:e $MYVIMRC) with appropriate options, below.
+" ==========
+" When in a Fountain document, type '?' in normal mode for help.
+" ============
+" The purpose of FountainWiki is to provide a note-taking facility that does
+" not require any deviation from strict Fountain syntax.
+" Operation is simple, and intended to emulate existing behavior of popular
+" Vim plugins Voom and VimWiki. Instead of remembering a tricky shortcut, you
+" simply move your cursor to a character line or scene header and press
+" *enter*. A reference file opens as a sidebar to your script; either a new
+" virtual file, or pre-existing notes. Once you have saved that file, use
+" *tab* to move between the two files. If your reference filetype uses tab,
+" try ctrl+tab.
+" -----------------------------------
+" If nothing else, define the extension of your wiki files!
+" let g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension = 'txt'
+" This is already set to 'txt' by default, because text files are ubiquitous.
+" However, consider using a file type with more power: Markdown is a good
+" choice, since Fountain is essentially a companion syntax. With Markdown, you
+" get the same kind of headers, plus lists and more.
+" Want a metric ton more wiki power? Set your extension to 'wiki' and install
+" VimWiki.
+" VimWiki - http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2226
+" Now your reference files become full wikis in their own right; type
+" WikiWords within the reference files in order to branch out to more notes in
+" the sidebar; hit 'backspace' to return, etc. Type :VimwikiSearch /pattern/
+" to search through all your notes!
+" There's always a catch: regardless what file type you choose now, you need
+" to keep your notes together with your screenplay in the same directory. And
+" if you decide to change filetypes in mid-stream, the fix is up to you. To
+" keep your old notes, you would need to change the existing extensions, and
+" do whatever you need to do to convert your text.
+" Since FountainWiki files use a token, you can use Renamer to batch an
+" extension change with this command (example given, change to extension
+" 'new'):
+" :%s/\(.*\)\.fnx\.\(.*\)/\1.fnx.new/ge
+" Renamer - http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1721
+" Another decision you'll want to make early on is whether or not to allow
+" uppercase letters in your filenames. Set to 0 to turn off lowercase-only
+" filenames. Default setting is 1, lowercase-only.
+" let g:FountainWiki_Lowercase_Filename = 0
+" Default behavior: a character named BILLY BOB creates a file named
+" 'billybob.fnx.txt'. Allow uppercase for 'BILLYBOB.fnx.txt'.
+" Default behavior: section header '# Hero in Portland' becomes
+" 'heroinportland.fnx.txt'. Set to uppercase for 'HeroinPortland.fnx.txt'.
+" Special characters are simply stripped out. 'BJÖRN' becomes 'bjrn.fnx.txt'.
+" 'PAVLOV'S DOG' becomes 'pavlovsdog.fnx.txt'.
+" ----------------------------------
+" You can adjust the width the reference file opens:
+" let g:FountainWiki_Card_Width = 48
+" If you prefer for the wiki file to open on the right instead of the left:
+" let g:FountainWiki_Card_Right = 1
+" By default, all windows but your Fountain screenplay and wiki file are
+" closed. If you prefer to leave everything open and manually close files
+" yourself, you can do this -- but be warned, it gets messy fast!
+" let g:FountainWiki_Card_StayOpen = 1
+" ====================
+" Indent Fountain files three different ways:
+" * Automatically, when saving the file.
+" * Hit 'enter' while in normal mode.
+" * Use the command :FountainWikiIndent
+" To temporarily disable automatic indentation, use the command
+" :FountainWikiDisableAuto
+" To turn it back on, type :FountainWikiEnableAuto
+" ---------------------
+" While characters and parentheticals are indented, dialogue is not, and for
+" good reason.
+" To properly indent an entire block, we would have to introduce line breaks.
+" That's a no-no. Such line breaks will likely corrupt subsequent format
+" conversion (we tested this in Screenplain; it does).
+" And if we don't go whole hog and completely reformat your script for you,
+" *one* indent at the beginning of long dialogue blocks creates an indented
+" *paragraph*, and completely destroys the screenplay 'look'.
+" Use the Fountain syntax file to help highlight dialogue from action.
+" ----------------------------
+" To turn off auto indent, set to '0'. The default is 1:
+" let g:FountainWiki_Auto_Indent = 0
+" ---------------------------
+" You can tweak the indentation itself.
+" Indentation for characters and parentheticals are set to one tab and two,
+" respectively. To adjust the look you want, set the tabstop preference. This
+" is set independently from other files in your buffer. '8' is the default
+" setting, since we're emulating the look of a screenplay, and not dealing
+" with any nesting.
+" let g:FountainWiki_Tabstop = '8'
+" Transitions and centered text can be a little trickier, especially if you
+" change the default tabstop. Use these variables to adjust the number of
+" tabs; shown here are the default number.
+" let g:FountainWiki_Transition_Indent = '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'
+" let g:FountainWiki_Centered_Indent = '\t\t\t'
+function FountainWikiIndent()
+ normal mvgg}mt
+ 't,$s/^\s*//ge
+ exe '%s/\(.*\) TO:$/'.g:FountainWiki_Transition_Indent.'\1 TO:/ge'
+ exe '%s/^> \(.*\)$/'.g:FountainWiki_Transition_Indent.'> \1/ge'
+ exe '%s/^\s*>\(.*\)</'.g:FountainWiki_Centered_Indent.'>\1</ge'
+ 't,$s/^(\(.*\))$/\t(\1)/ge
+ 't,$s/^\(\L*\)$/\t\t\1/ge
+ 't,$s/^\s*\(\.\|INT\. \|EXT\. \|INT\.\/EXT\. \|INT\/EXT\. \|INT \|EXT \|INT\/EXT \|I\/E \|int\. \|ext\. \|int\.\/ext\. \|int\/ext\. \|int \|ext \|int\/ext \|i\/e \)/\1/ge
+ 't,$s/^\s*$//ge
+ normal 'v
+function FountainWikiCards()
+ set noignorecase
+ if g:FountainWiki_Card_StayOpen < 1
+ only
+ endif
+ lcd %:p:h
+ let g:Text = getline('.')
+ let g:Text = substitute(g:Text,"^\s*","","g")
+ let g:Character = substitute(g:Text,"\\U*","","g")
+ let g:Section = substitute(g:Text,"\\A*","","g")
+ if ( g:Character == g:Section || matchstr(g:Text,"^#") == "#" ) && g:Text != ""
+ if g:FountainWiki_Lowercase_Filename > 0
+ let g:Section = tolower(g:Section)
+ endif
+ exe 'vsplit '.g:Section.'.fnx.'.g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension
+ if g:FountainWiki_Card_Right > 0
+ wincmd r
+ endif
+ exe 'vertical resize '.g:FountainWiki_Card_Width
+ endif
+function FountainWikiHelp()
+ echo " "
+ echo " Quick help for FountainWiki & Indentation"
+ echo " ==================================================="
+ echo " Auto indent :w (save file)"
+ echo " Disable auto indent :FountainWikiDisableAuto"
+ echo " Enable auto indent :FountainWikiEnableAuto"
+ echo " Manual indent <c-cr> (ctrl-enter)"
+ echo " ----------------------------------------------------"
+ echo " Open/create reference* <cr> (enter)"
+ echo " *FountainWikiWords: CHARACTER and # Section headings"
+ echo " Close reference <cr> anywhere else"
+ echo " Switch focus <tab> or <c-tab> (ctrl-tab)"
+ echo " "
+ echo " ----------------VOOM (IF INSTALLED)-----------------"
+ echo " Outline :Voom markdown"
+ echo " Select section <cr> (enter)"
+ echo " Switch focus only <tab>"
+ echo " Move section up/down <c-up/down> (ctrl-up/down)"
+ echo " "
+ echo " -------------------- NATIVE VIM---------------------"
+ echo " Change entire character line to uppercase gUU"
+ echo " "
+if !exists('FountainWiki_Auto_Indent')
+ let FountainWiki_Auto_Indent = 1
+if !exists('FountainWiki_Tabstop')
+ let FountainWiki_Tabstop = 8
+if !exists('FountainWiki_Textwidth')
+ let FountainWiki_Textwidth = 0
+if !exists('FountainWiki_Transition_Indent')
+ let FountainWiki_Transition_Indent = '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'
+if !exists('FountainWiki_Centered_Indent')
+ let FountainWiki_Centered_Indent = '\t\t\t'
+if !exists('FountainWiki_Card_Extension')
+ let FountainWiki_Card_Extension = 'txt'
+if !exists('FountainWiki_Card_Width')
+ let FountainWiki_Card_Width = 48
+if !exists('FountainWiki_Card_Right')
+ let FountainWiki_Card_Right = 0
+if !exists('FountainWiki_Lowercase_Filename')
+ let FountainWiki_Lowercase_Filename = 1
+if !exists('FountainWiki_Card_StayOpen')
+ let FountainWiki_Card_StayOpen = 0
+command FountainWikiDisableAuto au! BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd
+command FountainWikiEnableAuto au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd silent call FountainWikiIndent()
+command FountainWikiIndent silent call FountainWikiIndent()
+au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd FountainWikiIndent
+au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd nnoremap <buffer> <c-cr> <esc>:FountainWikiIndent<cr>
+command FountainWikiCards silent call FountainWikiCards()
+au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd nnoremap <buffer> <cr> <esc>:FountainWikiCards<cr>
+command FountainWikiHelp call FountainWikiHelp()
+au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd nnoremap <buffer> ? <esc>:FountainWikiHelp<cr>
+exe 'au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd set tw='.g:FountainWiki_Textwidth
+exe 'au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd set tabstop='.g:FountainWiki_Tabstop
+au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd,*.fnx.* nnoremap <buffer> <tab> <c-w>w
+au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd,*.fnx.* nnoremap <buffer> <c-tab> <c-w>w