diff options
authorcarson fire <carsonfire@gmail.com>2012-02-24 00:00:00 +0000
committerAble Scraper <scraper@vim-scripts.org>2012-03-07 01:05:44 -0600
commit0117a7517a0484a882ab0e983aa3c9bce7b9e287 (patch)
parentbf27f5cfaee4a39574d95ce01632d15c54372f7f (diff)
Version 1.31.3
* Cleaner innards, better internal notes. * More concise help file. * Commands shortened; all begin with 'Fn' for quick access. * Coordinated with Vimwiki navigation and functions. * Complimentary navigation scheme for other subordinate files. * Subordinate files wikified. * Vimwiki-like header adjustment. * Intuitive shortcut for ALLCAP LINES carriage return. * Better title page text block protection (indentation).
2 files changed, 349 insertions, 372 deletions
diff --git a/doc/fountainwiki.txt b/doc/fountainwiki.txt
index 7a9d020..a20b3a0 100644
--- a/doc/fountainwiki.txt
+++ b/doc/fountainwiki.txt
@@ -1,362 +1,232 @@
-*fountainwiki.txt* for Vim version 7.3. Last change: Feb 21 2012
- FountainWiki
- ''''''''''''
-Light wikification of Fountain screenplay files plus syntax & indentation.
-Author: Carson Fire <carsonfire@gmail.com>
- http://twitter.com/carsonfire
-CONTENTS *fountainwiki* *fountainwiki-contents*
- 1. FountainWiki introduction : |fountainwiki-introduction|
- 2. FountainWiki quick help : |fountainwiki-quick-help|
- 3. Fountain syntax : |fountain-syntax|
- FountainWikiWords : |fountainwikiwords|
- 4. FountainWiki and Vimwiki : |fountainwiki-and-Vimwiki|
- 5. FountainWiki options : |fountainwiki-options|
- 6. Fountain indentation : |fountain-indentation|
- 7. Fountain indentation options : |fountain-indentation-options|
- 8. FountainWiki commands : |fountainwiki-commands|
-1. FountainWiki introduction *fountainwiki-introduction*
-The purpose of FountainWiki is to provide a note-taking facility that does not
+*fountainwiki.txt* for Vim version 7.3 Last change: Feb 23 2012
+ *Fountainwiki*
+Light wikification of Fountain screenplay files & indentation.
+Author: Carson Fire <carsonfire@gmail.com>
+ http://twitter.com/carsonfire
+Syntax reference: http://fountain.io/syntax
+CONTENTS *Fountainwiki-contents*
+ 1. Fountainwiki introduction : |Fountainwiki-introduction|
+ 2. Fountain navigation : |Fountain-navigation|
+ 3. Fountainwiki words : |Fountainwiki-words|
+ 4. Fountain indentation : |Fountain-indentation|
+ 5. Fountainwiki options : |Fountainwiki-options|
+ 6. Fountain indentation options : |Fountain-indentation-options|
+ 7. Fountainwiki commands : |Fountainwiki-commands|
+ 8. Fountainwiki shortcuts : |Fountainwiki-shortcuts|
+ 9. Fountainwiki changes : |Fountainwiki-changes|
+1 Fountainwiki introduction *Fountainwiki-introduction*
+The purpose of Fountainwiki is to provide a note-taking facility that does not
require any deviation from strict Fountain syntax.
-FountainWiki turns CHARACTER NAMES, ## Section headers and [[comments]] into
+Fountainwiki turns CHARACTER NAMES, ## Section headers and [[comments]] into
WikiWords. Simply press 'enter', and a new file opens for keeping notes. These
notes can be simple text files, or tap into other availabie file formats and
-The indentation is not automatic as you type, but we include optional
-automatic indentation upon saving, or by hitting 'ctrl+enter'.
-2. FountainWiki quick help *fountainwiki-quick-help*
- Auto indent :w (save file)
- Manual indent ctrl-enter
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Open/create reference enter, on FountainWikiWords
- Close reference enter, anywhere else
- FountainWikiWords CHARACTER NAMES
- ## Section headers
- [[And notes]]
- Switch focus <tab> (on either file)
- ---------------VIMWIKI (IF SELECTED)----------------
- Must search from any note, not screenplay:
- Search all notes :VimwikiSearch pattern
- :VWS patter
- Reset wiki home :ResetWiki
- ----------------VOOM (IF INSTALLED)-----------------
- Outline :Voom markdown
- Select section <cr> (enter)
- Switch focus only <tab>
- Move section up/down <c-up/down> (ctrl-up/down)
- -------------------- NATIVE VIM---------------------
- Change entire character line to uppercase gUU
- Highlight all instances of CHARACTER ?CHARACTER
-3. Fountain syntax and FountainWikiWords *fountain-syntax*
-A review of Fountain syntax basics. Fountain provides for plain text
+The indentation is offered as an option instead of as a separate indentation
+file because it is non-standard (does not work like a normal indentation
+file). It is one of many functions designed to aid in Fountain screenwriting.
-Title: Who's Minding Mindle?
-Author: Frank X. Thwacksway
-### Mindle bucks up
+2 Fountainwiki navigation *Fountainwiki-navigation*
+Fountainwiki navigation is modelled after the powerful Vim plugin, Vimwiki.
+This allows good workflow integration with Vimwiki, and in any case the
+commands and shortcuts are quick and relatively intuitive.
+Place your cursor on a link, press 'enter' to proceed; tap 'backspace' to
+return to the previous file. This applies to plain text files as well as
-Students are doing what unruly students do: making noise, throwing trash,
-tormenting each other. Apparently there is no teacher in sight, but we haven't
-caught a glimpse of the teacher's desk, yet.
+While browsing files subordinate to the screenplay, the screenplay becomes the
+defacto home wiki. Tap 'backspace' twice from any of the subordinate files to
+If using Vimwiki: since Vimwiki's navigation only applies to Vimwiki files,
+you _must_ tap 'backspace' twice to return to the screenplay.
-Peter Mindle, the teacher. The students have obviously worn him down. He sits,
-mute, depressed, unhappily resigned to his fate as we hear and catch sight of
-the chaos still erupting around him. He is finally startled out of his funk by
-a voice that he seems to think is coming from the desk in front of him. [[Maybe
-it's coming from the apple?]]
+3 Fountainwiki words *Fountainwiki-words*
+Fountainwiki Words are sections of Fountain syntax that Fountainwiki make
+clickable. Specifically, CHARACTER NAMES, ## Section headers, and [[notes]].
+True WikiWords -- conjoined capitalized words -- are not part of Fountain
+syntax, and are not made clickable through Fountainwiki, since they should not
+exist in your screenplay.
-You there! You're not going to stand for this, are you?
+There is no visible designation of what is clickable, apart from the existing
-This small segment contains a few, but not all Fountain elements.
- *fountainwikiwords*
-FountainWikiWords are sections of Fountain syntax that FountainWiki make
-clickable. Specifically, character names, section headers, and notes. True
-WikiWords -- conjoined capitalized words -- are not part of Fountain syntax,
-and are not made clickable through FountainWiki, since they should not exist
-in your screenplay. Simply press 'enter'.
-You do not have to click precisely on the character name or a note, but
-somewhere on the line. It's just the same if you hit the indentation before
-the character name, or any dialogue on the same line as a note. In either
-case, the entire name or note on that line becomes the reference.
-Clickable character names appear in allcaps above dialogue. In the sample
-above, the only character who speaks is WORM; Peter Mindle must speak before
-he is clickable. Whether you call the character in the script PETER, MINDLE,
-or PETER MINDLE, that's entirely up to you; each variation will create a
-different file, so just be consistent!
-These character names can now be accessed from any point in the script they
-appear, and in any draft of the script in your screenplay directory. For this
-reason, you may want to separate different projects in different directories,
-otherwise, JACK the timid teacher in a comedy and JACK the tough cop in a
-gritty crime drama will lead to the same reference file.
-This may be seen as a weakness, but can also be a boon if working on many
-drafts of the same script, or writing a series based on a large cast of
-continuing characters.
-## Section headers and [[Notes]]
-Fountain allows ATX-headers, which should be familiar to you if you have used
-Markdown or other similar light markup syntax. These headers begin with
-hashmarks denoting the header level, and sometimes end with hashmarks. Notes
-are always between double brackets.
-In our sample above, the one section header is "Mindle bucks up"; the one note
-is "Maybe it's coming from the apple?" Both of these can be used for reference
-NOTE Section headers may be used simply to designate things like 'Act Three'
-or 'Scene 12'. This will produce predictibly non-unique reference files, and
-may conflict with other scripts in the same directory. We want to avoid
-suggesting methods of differentiating and changing things, as our purpose is
-to provide you with a reference tool that does not intrude on your work. But
-be aware of these potential conflicts.
-NOTE In the case of a line with multiple notes, the last note is chosen.
-NOTE You can use multi-line notes for reference files, but you must click on
-the first line, and only the first line of text will be used.
-NOTE Although Fountain syntax doesn't address notes in section headers,
-FountainWiki will simply internalize a note as part of the header. So
-something like '# Section [[Notes]] Header' would be read as 'Section Notes
-Everything else
-Click on any line that does not contain at least one designated
-FountainWikiWord, and nothing happens. If you use the sidebar option, the
-sidebar closes.
-4. FountainWiki and Vimwiki *fountain-and-vimwiki*
-FountainWikiWords create a hook into other file formats and systems that can be
-exploited in different ways. Consider these other formats and systems to be
-*hosts* for your reference files.
-Once you leave your Fountain screenplay, you gain the power of another system,
-but you are also technically at its mercy. Type :FountainWiki or :FW to return
-to your screenplay. Or type `<leader>fw`.
-We have provided an automatic hack for exploiting Vimwiki's search power, if
-you choose the 'wiki' filetype (see options). When you click from your
-screenplay into a wiki file, we reassign the primary Vimwiki directory to your
-screenplay directory. Then type ':VimwikiSearch pattern' or ':VWS patter' to
-search through all your screenplay notes. You will need to use ':WikiReset' if
-you want to go back to normal.
-5. FountainWiki options *fountainwiki-options*
-To allow as much flexibility as possible, we make everything possible an
-This first one is awfully important, though. The way you keep notes relies on
-setting your filetype preference. When you click on a FountainWikiWord, this
-is the kind of file you will open, use, and save!
- let g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension = 'txt'
-This is already set to 'txt' by default, because text files are ubiquitous.
-However, consider using a file type with more power: Markdown is a good
-choice, since Fountain is essentially a companion syntax. With Markdown, you
-get the same kind of headers, plus lists and more.
-However, the BEST choice would have to be Vimwiki or one of the other
-Vim-based wiki systems. Hook into the power of Vimwiki simply by setting that
-extension to 'wiki', and installing Vimwiki if you haven't already.
-Vimwiki - http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2226
-There's always a catch: regardless what file type you choose now, you need to
-keep your notes together with your screenplay in the same directory. And if
-you decide to change filetypes in mid-stream, the fix is up to you. To keep
-your old notes, you would need to change the existing extensions, and do
-whatever you need to do to convert your text.
-Another decision you'll want to make early on is whether or not to allow
-uppercase letters in your filenames. Set to 0 to turn off lowercase-only
-filenames. Default setting is 1, lowercase-only.
- let g:FountainWiki_Lowercase_Filename = 0
-Default behavior: a character named BILLY BOB creates a file named
-'billybob.txt'. Allow uppercase for 'BILLYBOB.txt'.
-Default behavior: section header '# Hero in Portland' becomes
-'heroinportland.txt'. Set to uppercase for 'HeroinPortland.txt'.
+## Scene One - Easton goes west -- clickable
-Special characters are simply stripped out. 'BJÖRN' becomes 'bjrn.txt'.
-'PAVLOV'S DOG' becomes 'pavlovsdog.txt'.
+EXT. COURTYARD - DAY -- not clickable
-FountainWiki does not truncate strings, unless it finds a natural linebreak;
-too-long filenames can result, and will be treated by your system in whatever
-way your system treats too-long filenames.
+A pleasant scene. -- not clickable
- let g:FountainWiki_Filename_Token = '.fnx'
+ EASTON -- clickable
+ (absent-mindedly) -- not clickable
+Where did that teapot go? -- not clickable
-This is a token that can be inserted so that the files can be distinguished
-from other files in the same directory. We have decided to set the default to
-''; it may even be considered deprecated, already.
+He timidly steps forward. [[Easton's costume]] -- clickable
-The rest of the options relate more to the writing environment, and can be
-changed any time without altering the files.
- let g:FountainWiki_Card_Only = 1
-Default is '1'; this opens the wiki file fully, in place of your screenplay.
-Set to '0' for a sidebar instead.
-If you choose the sidebar, you can adjust its width and position:
- let g:FountainWiki_Card_Width = 48
- let g:FountainWiki_Card_Right = 1 " 0 for the left side, 1 for the right.
+Fountainwiki also wikifies subordinate files (except for wiki and viki files).
+These links are more direct; type a full filename, to a file of the same type,
+and this becomes clickable.
-FountainWiki closes other splits to keep things neat. Turn off this behavior
-by changing the following option to '0'. This can get messy!
+If using plain text files, for example, your link would be something like
+'newfile.txt'. Put your cursor on it and click 'enter'. Tap 'backspace' to
+return. It doesn't matter if the filename is surrounded by brackets or syntax.
- let g:FountainWiki_Card_StayOpen = 1
+If using wiki or viki, the subordinate files use their own default linking
+scheme, the standard WikiWord.
-6. Fountain indentation *Fountain-indentation*
+4 Fountain indentation *Fountain-indentation*
Indent Fountain files three different ways:
* Automatically, when saving the file.
* Hit 'enter' while in normal mode.
- * Use the command :FountainWikiIndent
-Disable automatic indentation with the command:
- :FountainWikiDisableAuto
-To turn it back on, type :FountainWikiEnableAuto
-Our little demo script again, demonstrating the intended results:
-Dialogue is not indented, as there is no way to make it look screenplay-like
-without introducing line breaks. We find that line breaks can corrupt
-processing, so we recommend setting your text width to 0. Character names and
-parentheticals are tabbed, and we try to approximate the position of centered
-text and transitions.
-Since we are emulating the look of a screenplay, and there is no nesting
-involved, we set the tabstops fairly wide for Fountain buffers, but you can use
-spaces, instead. All of this can be adjusted in the options.
-NOTE We are experimenting with ways of protecting your title page block (the
-first lines up to the first blank line), but we haven't quite got it, yet.
-Uppercase-only lines in the title page block may become confused with
-Title: Who's Minding Mindle?
-Author: Frank X. Thwacksway
-### Mindle bucks up
-Students are doing what unruly students do: making noise, throwing trash,
-tormenting each other. Apparently there is no teacher in sight, but we haven't
-caught a glimpse of the teacher's desk, yet.
-Peter Mindle, the teacher. The students have obviously worn him down. He sits,
-mute, depressed, unhappily resigned to his fate as we hear and catch sight of
-the chaos still erupting around him. He is finally startled out of his funk by
-a voice that he seems to think is coming from the desk in front of him. [[Maybe
-it's coming from the apple?]]
- (shouting)
-You there! You're not going to stand for this, are you?
-7. Fountain indentation options *fountain-indentation-options*
-To save time, when you see '0' and '1' listed as options, that's 'off' and
-'on', respectively.
-Turn off our auto indent scheme:
- let g:FountainWiki_Auto_Indent = 0
-The width of tabs for Fountain file buffers.
- let g:FountainWiki_Tabstop = '8'
-Use the following to tweak the number of tabs, or change to spaces:
- let g:FountainWiki_Character_Indent = '\t\t'
- let g:FountainWiki_Parenthetical_Indent = '\t'
- let g:FountainWiki_Transition_Indent = '\t\t\t\t\t\t'
- let g:FountainWiki_Centered_Indent = '\t\t\t\t'
-We recommend leaving textwidth '0' (off), but you can change it here. This
-should affect Fountain buffers only.
- let g:FountainWiki_Textwidth = '0'
-8. FountainWiki commands *fountainwiki-commands*
-With any luck, you won't have to remember too many commands. Click 'enter' on a
-FountainWikiWord to open a wiki file. To return to your screenplay file, do one
-of the three:
- :FountainWiki :FW <leader>fw
-This is the one command you might like to map to something you can type
-quickly, so you can bounce between your screenplay and reference files quickly.
-FountainWiki commands:
-:FountainWikiCards Create wiki file from FountainWikiWord.
-:FountainWikiCursorJump Tabs between files in sidebar mode.
+ * Use the command :FnIndent
+Settings for textwidth and tabstop are controlled independently from other
+filetypes in your Vim session.
+5 Fountainwiki options *Fountainwiki-options*
+Set the filetype you wish to use with your screenplay. Top three suggestions,
+and why: 'wiki' if you want the full power of Vimwiki (must have the plugin
+installed); 'markdown' for compatability (Fountain is based on Markdown); and
+'txt', because you can't go wrong with plain old text. Default is text:
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Card_Extension = 'txt'
+NOTE There is no built-in provision for updating old files to a new extension,
+if changed.
+Lowercase-only filenames (1), or uppercase OK (0). Default shown:
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Lowercase_Filename = 1
+NOTE If uppercase OK, CHARACTER NAME filenames will be allcaps.
+Filename token. Leave blank, this will not be used after all.
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Filename_Token = ''
+Open FountainwikiWord link full window (1), default shown. (0) results in
+less popular sidebar option.
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Card_Only = 1
+If you choose the sidebar, you can adjust its width and position: left side
+(0), right side (1). Third option set to (1) closes extra windows to keep
+things clean, (0) does nothing. Defaults shown.
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Card_Width = 48
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Card_Right = 1
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Card_StayOpen = 1
+6 Fountain indentation options *Fountain-indentation-options*
+Auto-indent scheme: 0 = off, 1 = on (default).
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Auto_Indent = 0
+Textwidth for Fountain file buffers (default shown).
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Textwidth = '0'
+Tabstop for Fountain file buffers (default shown).
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Tabstop = '8'
+Tweak the number of tabs, or change to spaces (defaults shown):
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Character_Indent = '\t\t'
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Parenthetical_Indent = '\t'
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Transition_Indent = '\t\t\t\t\t\t'
+ let g:Fountainwiki_Centered_Indent = '\t\t\t\t'
+7 Fountainwiki commands *Fountainwiki-commands*
+Fountainwiki commands:
+*:FnScreenplay* Return to the current screenplay
+*:FnLink* Follow link from screenplay
+*:FnSublink* Follow link from subordinate file
+*:FnJump* Tabs between files in sidebar mode
+*:FnReset* Returns Vimwiki home to original state
Fountain indentation commands:
-:FountainWikiIndent Run indentation.
-:FountainWikiDisableAuto Turn off auto indentation.
-:FountainWikiEnableAuto Turn on auto indentation.
+*:FnIndent* Indent Fountain document
+*:FnOff* Turn off auto indentation
+*:FnOn* Turn on auto indentation
+8 Fountainwiki shortcuts *Fountainwiki-shortcuts*
+Fountainwiki shortcuts (Fountain file only):
+<cr> Follow FountainwikiWord link
+<backspace> Return to wiki home (if using Vimwiki)
+Fountainwiki shortcuts (Files subordinate to Fountain file):
+<cr> Follow filename link (extension match)
+<cr> Follow WikiWord link (if using Vimwiki)
+<backspace> Return to previous file
+<backspace><backspace> Return to screenplay
+Indentation shortcut (Fountain file only):
+<c-cr> Indent screenplay
+Editing/writing shortcuts (Fountain file only):
+<s-cr> ALL CAPS line (normal mode)
+<s-cr> ALL CAPS line, carriage return (indent mode)
+= Promote section header
+- Demote section header
+9 Fountainwiki changes *Fountainwiki-changes*
+2012 Feb 24:
+* Cleaner innards, better internal notes.
+* More concise help file.
+* Commands shortened; all begin with 'Fn' for quick access.
+* Coordinated with Vimwiki navigation and functions.
+* Complimentary navigation scheme for other subordinate files.
+* Subordinate files wikified.
+* Vimwiki-like header adjustment.
+* Intuitive shortcut for ALLCAP LINES carriage return.
+* Better title page text block protection (indentation).
diff --git a/plugin/fountainwiki.vim b/plugin/fountainwiki.vim
index 94c1051..498bc12 100644
--- a/plugin/fountainwiki.vim
+++ b/plugin/fountainwiki.vim
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
" Vim plugin for Fountain screenplay files
-" Plugin Name: FountainWiki & Indentation
-" Version: 1.2
-" Last Change: 2012 Feb 21
+" Plugin Name: Fountainwiki & Indentation
+" Version: 1.3
+" Last Change: 2012 Feb 24
" Reference: http://fountain.io/
" Maintainer: Carson Fire <carsonfire@gmail.com>
-if exists("g:wiki_1.path")
- exe 'command WikiReset let g:wiki_1.path = "'.g:wiki_1.path.'"'
-elseif exists("g:wiki.path")
- exe 'command WikiReset let g:wiki.path = "'.g:wiki.path.'"'
+"{{{ Check user settings, load defaults
+" Indentation settings
if !exists('FountainWiki_Auto_Indent')
let FountainWiki_Auto_Indent = 1
@@ -31,6 +29,10 @@ endif
if !exists('FountainWiki_Centered_Indent')
let FountainWiki_Centered_Indent = '\t\t\t\t'
+exe 'au FileType fountain,spmd setlocal tw='.g:FountainWiki_Textwidth
+exe 'au FileType fountain,spmd setlocal tabstop='.g:FountainWiki_Tabstop
+" Wiki settings
if !exists('FountainWiki_Card_Extension')
let FountainWiki_Card_Extension = 'txt'
@@ -47,52 +49,92 @@ if !exists('FountainWiki_Lowercase_Filename')
let FountainWiki_Lowercase_Filename = 1
if !exists('FountainWiki_Filename_Token')
- let FountainWiki_Filename_Token = '.fnx'
+ let FountainWiki_Filename_Token = ''
if !exists('FountainWiki_Card_StayOpen')
let FountainWiki_Card_StayOpen = 0
+"{{{ Create functions
function FountainWikiIndent()
+ " When triggered, this function indents an entire Fountain doc.
normal mvgg}mt
- "'t,$s/^\s*//ge
- exe '%s/^\s*\(\L*\)$/'.g:FountainWiki_Character_Indent.'\1/ge'
- exe '%s/^\s*\(.*\) TO:$/'.g:FountainWiki_Transition_Indent.'\1 TO:/ge'
- exe '%s/^\s*> \(.*\)$/'.g:FountainWiki_Transition_Indent.'> \1/ge'
- exe '%s/^\s*>\(.*\)</'.g:FountainWiki_Centered_Indent.'>\1</ge'
- exe '%s/^\s*(\(.*\))$/'.g:FountainWiki_Parenthetical_Indent.'(\1)/ge'
- 't,$s/^\s*\(\.\|INT\. \|EXT\. \|INT\.\/EXT\. \|INT\/EXT\. \|INT \|EXT \|INT\/EXT \|I\/E \|int\. \|ext\. \|int\.\/ext\. \|int\/ext\. \|int \|ext \|int\/ext \|i\/e \)/\1/ge
- 't,$s/^\s*$//ge
+ let g:Safety = "'t,$"
+ " We bookmark our current location, then bookmark the first blank
+ " line.
+ exe g:Safety.'s/^\s*\(\L*\)$/'.g:FountainWiki_Character_Indent.'\1/ge'
+ exe g:Safety.'s/^\s*\(.*\) TO:$/'.g:FountainWiki_Transition_Indent.'\1 TO:/ge'
+ exe g:Safety.'s/^\s*> \(.*\)$/'.g:FountainWiki_Transition_Indent.'> \1/ge'
+ exe g:Safety.'s/^\s*>\(.*\)</'.g:FountainWiki_Centered_Indent.'>\1</ge'
+ exe g:Safety.'s/^\s*(\(.*\))$/'.g:FountainWiki_Parenthetical_Indent.'(\1)/ge'
+ " The range 't,$ protects the Fountain title page block; if there is
+ " no title page block, the first line will probably be a header that
+ " doesn't need to be indented anyway.
+ exe '%s/^\s*\(\.\|INT\.\|EXT\.\|INT \|EXT \|INT\/\|I\/E \)/\1/ge'
+ " Fix section headers mistaken for character names.
+ exe '%s/^\s*$//ge'
+ " Remove accidental tabs/spaces from otherwise blank lines.
normal 'v
+ " We return the user to the spot where he began.
+function FountainHeaderDown()
+ " Move header down (add one #, no more than six)
+ exe '.s/^\(\s*\)\(#*\)\(\s*\)/\1\2# /ge'
+ exe '.s/#\{7\}/######/ge'
+function FountainHeaderUp()
+ " Move header up (remove one #)
+ exe '.s/^\(\s*\)\(#\s*\)/\1/ge'
function FountainWikiCards()
+ " This opens a FountainWikiWord if there's a match.
set noignorecase
- if exists("g:wiki_1.path")
- let g:wiki_1.path = expand("%:p:h")
- elseif exists("g:wiki.path")
+ " Searches are case-sensitive.
+ if g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension == "wiki" && exists("g:wiki.path")
let g:wiki.path = expand("%:p:h")
- else
+ elseif g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension == "wiki"
let wiki = {}
let g:wiki.path = expand("%:p:h")
+ " We temporarily hijack Vimwiki's home path, if applicable.
if g:FountainWiki_Card_Only < 1 && g:FountainWiki_Card_StayOpen < 1
- lcd %:p:h
+ " If using the sidebar option, we close all windows but the screenplay
+ " before opening the sidebar. The use of the word 'card' throughout
+ " reflects the original idea of making 'index cards' open in the
+ " sidebar. It soon became clear that following the wiki model makes
+ " more sense. So 'card' is short for 'wiki reference file'.
let g:Text = getline('.')
+ " We grab the current line and begin evaluating it for the presence of
+ " a FountainWikiWord.
let g:Text = substitute(g:Text,"^\s*","","g")
+ " We remove spaces, as they have no bearing on identifying
+ " FountainWikiWord.
if g:Text =~ "[["
let g:Comment = substitute(g:Text,".*\\[\\[\\(.*\\)\\]\\].*","\\1","g")
let g:Comment = substitute(g:Text,"\\A*","","g")
let g:Section = g:Comment
let g:Character = g:Comment
+ " If the string contains [[, good bet it's a comment!
let g:Comment = ""
let g:Character = substitute(g:Text,"\\U*","","g")
let g:Section = substitute(g:Text,"\\A*","","g")
+ " Definitely not a comment, but it might be a character name
+ " or section header.
if ( g:Character == g:Section || matchstr(g:Text,"^#") == "#" ) && g:Text != ""
+ " If the string passes the first test, it's a
+ " FountainWikiWord. If the string fails the first test, but
+ " begins with a hashmark, it's a section header
+ " FountainWikiWord. If the string is blank, we toss it out.
if g:FountainWiki_Lowercase_Filename > 0
let g:Section = tolower(g:Section)
@@ -103,30 +145,95 @@ function FountainWikiCards()
if g:FountainWiki_Card_Right > 0
wincmd r
+ exe 'vertical resize '.g:FountainWiki_Card_Width
+ " We open the card/wiki file, in place of the
+ " screenplay, or as a 'sidebar' window, on the right
+ " or left, and resize if desired.
- exe 'vertical resize '.g:FountainWiki_Card_Width
function ScreenplayHome()
- let g:FountainWiki_Home = expand("%:p")
- let g:FountainWiki_Home = substitute(g:FountainWiki_Home," ","\\\\ ","g")
+ " This is a function for navigation.
+ let g:FountainWiki_Home = substitute(expand("%:p")," ","\\\\ ","g")
+ let g:FountainWiki_Path = expand("%:p:h")
+ " We record the position of the current Fountain doc.
exe 'command! FountainWiki e '.g:FountainWiki_Home
exe 'command! FW e '.g:FountainWiki_Home
- nnoremap <leader>fw <esc>:FountainWiki<cr>
- au BufRead *.wiki nmap <backspace> <esc>:FountainWiki<cr>
+ exe 'command! FnScreenplay e '.g:FountainWiki_Home
+ " Command(s) for returning to the last screenplay doc, from anywhere.
+ if g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension != "wiki" && g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension != "viki" && g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension != "fountain"
+ " We grant Vimwiki-like powers to text files
+ exe 'au BufRead,BufWrite,BufNewFile '.g:FountainWiki_Path.'/*.'.g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension.' nnoremap <buffer> <backspace> <c-o>'
+ exe 'au BufRead,BufWrite '.g:FountainWiki_Path.'/*.'.g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension.' map <buffer> <cr> <esc>:call SpecialLink()<cr>'
+ endif
+function SpecialLink()
+ " Wikifies file links in non-wiki files.
+ let g:FnCheck = expand("<cfile>")
+ if g:FnCheck =~ '.'.g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension
+ e <cfile>
+ else
+ echo 'Link must be filetype "'.g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension.'"'
+ endif
-command FountainWikiCursorJump wincmd w
-command FountainWikiDisableAuto au! BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd
-command FountainWikiEnableAuto au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd silent call FountainWikiIndent()
-command FountainWikiIndent silent call FountainWikiIndent()
-au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd FountainWikiIndent
-au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd FountainWikiCursorJump
-au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd nnoremap <buffer> <c-cr> <esc>:FountainWikiIndent<cr>
-command FountainWikiCards silent call FountainWikiCards()
-au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd nnoremap <buffer> <cr> <esc>:FountainWikiCards<cr>
-exe 'au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd set tw='.g:FountainWiki_Textwidth
-exe 'au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd set tabstop='.g:FountainWiki_Tabstop
-exe 'au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd,*'.g:FountainWiki_Filename_Token.g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension.' nnoremap <buffer> <tab> <c-w>w'
-au BufRead *.fountain,*.spmd call ScreenplayHome()
+if g:FountainWiki_Card_Extension == "wiki"
+ " Special adjustments for Vimwiki integration.
+ if exists("g:wiki.path")
+ exe 'command! FnReset let g:wiki.path = "'.g:wiki.path.'"'
+ else
+ command! FnReset echo "No wiki reset required."
+ endif
+ nnoremap <leader>ww <esc>:FnReset<cr>:VimwikiIndex<cr>
+ nnoremap <leader>wt <esc>:FnReset<cr>:VimwikiTabIndex<cr>
+ nnoremap <leader>w<leader>w <esc>:FnReset<cr>:VimwikiMakeDiaryNote<cr>
+ " This resets Vimwiki home to its original value, so that <leader>ww
+ " results in the expected behavior.
+ au FileType fountain,spmd map <buffer> <backspace> <esc>:FnReset<cr>:VimwikiIndex<cr>
+ " If you press 'backspace' in your Fountain doc, we reset Vimwiki home
+ " to original value and send you there.
+"{{{ Define commands and do stuff
+" Indentation commands, restricted to Fountain files except where otherwise
+" noted.
+au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd silent call FountainWikiIndent()
+" Makes indentation automatic on saving
+command FountainDisableAutoIndent au! BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd
+command FnOff au! BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd
+" Turn auto indent off
+command FountainEnableAutoIndent au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd silent call FountainWikiIndent()
+command FnOn au BufWrite *.fountain,*.spmd silent call FountainWikiIndent()
+" Turn auto indent back on
+au FileType fountain,spmd nnoremap <buffer> <c-cr> <esc>:call FountainWikiIndent()<cr>
+" CTRL-ENTER indentation shortcut, indents without saving.
+command FountainIndent silent call FountainWikiIndent()
+command FnIndent silent call FountainWikiIndent()
+" Global-use indentation command
+" Wiki commands
+command FnJump wincmd w
+command FnLink silent call FountainWikiCards()
+command FnSublink e <cfile>
+au FileType fountain,spmd nnoremap <buffer> <cr> <esc>:silent call FountainWikiCards()<cr>
+" Vimwiki-like header mapping
+au FileType fountain,spmd nnoremap <buffer> = <esc>:call FountainHeaderDown()<cr>
+au FileType fountain,spmd nnoremap <buffer> - <esc>:call FountainHeaderUp()<cr>
+" Set the latest opened Fountain screenplay as the 'home' screenplay.
+au BufWinEnter *.fountain,*.spmd silent call ScreenplayHome()
+" Get navigation help.
+exe 'nnoremap <backspace><backspace> <esc>:FnScreenplay<cr>'
+" Double-backspace guides you back to last open Fountain doc.
+" Quick uppercase shift
+au FileType fountain,spmd inoremap <buffer> <s-cr> <esc>gUU$a<cr>
+au FileType fountain,spmd nnoremap <buffer> <s-cr> gUU$