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+<span class="pre noprint docinfo"> PROPOSED STANDARD</span><br>
+<span class="pre noprint docinfo"> </span><br>
+<pre>Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) C. Daboo
+Request for Comments: 6764 Apple Inc.
+Updates: <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4791">4791</a>, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6352">6352</a> February 2013
+Category: Standards Track
+ISSN: 2070-1721
+ <span class="h1"><h1>Locating Services for Calendaring Extensions to</h1></span>
+ <span class="h1"><h1>WebDAV (CalDAV) and vCard Extensions to WebDAV (CardDAV)</h1></span>
+ This specification describes how DNS SRV records, DNS TXT records,
+ and well-known URIs can be used together or separately to locate
+ CalDAV (Calendaring Extensions to Web Distributed Authoring and
+ Versioning (WebDAV)) or CardDAV (vCard Extensions to WebDAV)
+ services.
+Status of This Memo
+ This is an Internet Standards Track document.
+ This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
+ (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has
+ received public review and has been approved for publication by the
+ Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on
+ Internet Standards is available in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5741#section-2">Section 2 of RFC 5741</a>.
+ Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
+ and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at
+ <a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6764">http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6764</a>.
+Copyright Notice
+ Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
+ document authors. All rights reserved.
+ This document is subject to <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp78">BCP 78</a> and the IETF Trust's Legal
+ Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
+ (<a href="http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info">http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info</a>) in effect on the date of
+ publication of this document. Please review these documents
+ carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
+ to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must
+ include Simplified BSD License text as described in <a href="#section-4">Section 4</a>.e of
+ the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
+ described in the Simplified BSD License.
+<span class="grey">Daboo Standards Track [Page 1]</span>
+</pre><!--NewPage--><pre class="newpage"><a name="page-2" id="page-2" href="#page-2" class="invisible"> </a>
+<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 6764</a> SRV for CalDAV &amp; CardDAV February 2013</span>
+Table of Contents
+ <a href="#section-1">1</a>. Introduction ....................................................<a href="#page-2">2</a>
+ <a href="#section-2">2</a>. Conventions Used in This Document ...............................<a href="#page-3">3</a>
+ <a href="#section-3">3</a>. CalDAV SRV Service Labels .......................................<a href="#page-3">3</a>
+ <a href="#section-4">4</a>. CalDAV and CardDAV Service TXT Records ..........................<a href="#page-4">4</a>
+ <a href="#section-5">5</a>. CalDAV and CardDAV Service Well-Known URI .......................<a href="#page-4">4</a>
+ 5.1. Example: Well-Known URI Redirects to Actual
+ "Context Path" .............................................<a href="#page-5">5</a>
+ <a href="#section-6">6</a>. Client "Bootstrapping" Procedures ...............................<a href="#page-5">5</a>
+ <a href="#section-7">7</a>. Guidance for Service Providers ..................................<a href="#page-8">8</a>
+ <a href="#section-8">8</a>. Security Considerations .........................................<a href="#page-9">9</a>
+ <a href="#section-9">9</a>. IANA Considerations .............................................<a href="#page-9">9</a>
+ <a href="#section-9.1">9.1</a>. Well-Known URI Registrations ...............................<a href="#page-9">9</a>
+ <a href="#section-9.1.1">9.1.1</a>. caldav Well-Known URI Registration .................<a href="#page-10">10</a>
+ <a href="#section-9.1.2">9.1.2</a>. carddav Well-Known URI Registration ................<a href="#page-10">10</a>
+ <a href="#section-9.2">9.2</a>. Service Name Registrations ................................<a href="#page-10">10</a>
+ <a href="#section-9.2.1">9.2.1</a>. caldav Service Name Registration ...................<a href="#page-10">10</a>
+ <a href="#section-9.2.2">9.2.2</a>. caldavs Service Name Registration ..................<a href="#page-11">11</a>
+ <a href="#section-9.2.3">9.2.3</a>. carddav Service Name Registration ..................<a href="#page-11">11</a>
+ <a href="#section-9.2.4">9.2.4</a>. carddavs Service Name Registration .................<a href="#page-12">12</a>
+ <a href="#section-10">10</a>. Acknowledgments ...............................................<a href="#page-12">12</a>
+ <a href="#section-11">11</a>. References ....................................................<a href="#page-12">12</a>
+ <a href="#section-11.1">11.1</a>. Normative References .....................................<a href="#page-12">12</a>
+ <a href="#section-11.2">11.2</a>. Informative References ...................................<a href="#page-14">14</a>
+<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-1" href="#section-1">1</a>. Introduction</h2></span>
+ [<a name="ref-RFC4791" id="ref-RFC4791">RFC4791</a>] defines the CalDAV calendar access protocol, based on HTTP
+ [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616" title="" hypertext transfer protocol http>RFC2616</a>], for accessing calendar data stored on a server. CalDAV
+ clients need to be able to discover appropriate CalDAV servers within
+ their local area network and at other domains, e.g., to minimize the
+ need for end users to know specific details such as the fully
+ qualified domain name (FQDN) and port number for their servers.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC6352" id="ref-RFC6352">RFC6352</a>] defines the CardDAV address book access protocol based on
+ HTTP [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616" title="" hypertext transfer protocol http>RFC2616</a>], for accessing contact data stored on a server. As
+ with CalDAV, clients also need to be able to discover CardDAV
+ servers.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC2782" id="ref-RFC2782">RFC2782</a>] defines a DNS-based service discovery protocol that has
+ been widely adopted as a means of locating particular services within
+ a local area network and beyond, using DNS SRV Resource Records
+ (RRs). This has been enhanced to provide additional service meta-
+ data by use of DNS TXT RRs as per [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6763" title="" dns-based service discovery>RFC6763</a>].
+<span class="grey">Daboo Standards Track [Page 2]</span>
+</pre><!--NewPage--><pre class="newpage"><a name="page-3" id="page-3" href="#page-3" class="invisible"> </a>
+<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 6764</a> SRV for CalDAV &amp; CardDAV February 2013</span>
+ This specification defines new SRV service types for the CalDAV
+ protocol and gives an example of how clients can use this together
+ with other protocol features to enable simple client configuration.
+ SRV service types for CardDAV are already defined in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6352#section-11">Section 11 of
+ [RFC6352]</a>.
+ Another issue with CalDAV or CardDAV service discovery is that the
+ service might not be located at the "root" URI of the HTTP server
+ hosting it. Thus, a client needs to be able to determine the
+ complete path component of the Request-URI to use in HTTP requests:
+ the "context path". For example, if CalDAV is implemented as a
+ "servlet" in a web server "container", the servlet "context path"
+ might be "/caldav/". So the URI for the CalDAV service would be,
+ e.g., "http://caldav.example.com/caldav/" rather than
+ "http://caldav.example.com/". SRV RRs by themselves only provide an
+ FQDN and port number for the service, not a path. Since the client
+ "bootstrapping" process requires initial access to the "context path"
+ of the service, there needs to be a simple way for clients to also
+ discover what that path is.
+ This specification makes use of the "well-known URI" feature
+ [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5785" title="" defining well-known uniform resource identifiers>RFC5785</a>] of HTTP servers to provide a well-known URI for CalDAV or
+ CardDAV services that clients can use. The well-known URI will point
+ to a resource on the server that is simply a "stub" resource that
+ provides a redirect to the actual "context path" resource
+ representing the service endpoint.
+<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-2" href="#section-2">2</a>. Conventions Used in This Document</h2></span>
+ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+ document are to be interpreted as described in [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119" title="" key words for use in rfcs to indicate requirement levels>RFC2119</a>].
+<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-3" href="#section-3">3</a>. CalDAV SRV Service Labels</h2></span>
+ This specification adds two SRV service labels for use with CalDAV:
+ _caldav: Identifies a CalDAV server that uses HTTP without
+ Transport Layer Security (TLS) [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2818" title="" http over tls>RFC2818</a>].
+ _caldavs: Identifies a CalDAV server that uses HTTP with TLS
+ [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2818" title="" http over tls>RFC2818</a>].
+<span class="grey">Daboo Standards Track [Page 3]</span>
+</pre><!--NewPage--><pre class="newpage"><a name="page-4" id="page-4" href="#page-4" class="invisible"> </a>
+<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 6764</a> SRV for CalDAV &amp; CardDAV February 2013</span>
+ Clients MUST honor Priority and Weight values in the SRV RRs, as
+ described by [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2782" title="" a dns rr for specifying the location of services srv>RFC2782</a>].
+ Example: service record for server without TLS
+ _caldav._tcp SRV 0 1 80 calendar.example.com.
+ Example: service record for server with TLS
+ _caldavs._tcp SRV 0 1 443 calendar.example.com.
+<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-4" href="#section-4">4</a>. CalDAV and CardDAV Service TXT Records</h2></span>
+ When SRV RRs are used to advertise CalDAV and CardDAV services, it is
+ also convenient to be able to specify a "context path" in the DNS to
+ be retrieved at the same time. To enable that, this specification
+ uses a TXT RR that follows the syntax defined in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6763#section-6">Section 6 of
+ [RFC6763]</a> and defines a "path" key for use in that record. The value
+ of the key MUST be the actual "context path" to the corresponding
+ service on the server.
+ A site might provide TXT records in addition to SRV records for each
+ service. When present, clients MUST use the "path" value as the
+ "context path" for the service in HTTP requests. When not present,
+ clients use the ".well-known" URI approach described next.
+ Example: text record for service with TLS
+ _caldavs._tcp TXT path=/caldav
+<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-5" href="#section-5">5</a>. CalDAV and CardDAV Service Well-Known URI</h2></span>
+ Two ".well-known" URIs are registered by this specification for
+ CalDAV and CardDAV services, "caldav" and "carddav" respectively (see
+ <a href="#section-9">Section 9</a>). These URIs point to a resource that the client can use
+ as the initial "context path" for the service they are trying to
+ connect to. The server MUST redirect HTTP requests for that resource
+ to the actual "context path" using one of the available mechanisms
+ provided by HTTP (e.g., using a 301, 303, or 307 response). Clients
+ MUST handle HTTP redirects on the ".well-known" URI. Servers MUST
+ NOT locate the actual CalDAV or CardDAV service endpoint at the
+ ".well-known" URI as per <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5785#section-1.1">Section 1.1 of [RFC5785]</a>.
+ Servers SHOULD set an appropriate Cache-Control header value (as per
+ <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-14.9">Section 14.9 of [RFC2616]</a>) in the redirect response to ensure caching
+ occurs or does not occur as needed or as required by the type of
+ response generated. For example, if it is anticipated that the
+<span class="grey">Daboo Standards Track [Page 4]</span>
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+<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 6764</a> SRV for CalDAV &amp; CardDAV February 2013</span>
+ location of the redirect might change over time, then a "no-cache"
+ value would be used.
+ To facilitate "context paths" that might differ from user to user,
+ the server MAY require authentication when a client tries to access
+ the ".well-known" URI (i.e., the server would return a 401 status
+ response to the unauthenticated request from the client, then return
+ the redirect response only after a successful authentication by the
+ client).
+<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-5.1" href="#section-5.1">5.1</a>. Example: Well-Known URI Redirects to Actual "Context Path"</h3></span>
+ A CalDAV server has a "context path" that is "/servlet/caldav". The
+ client will use "/.well-known/caldav" as the path for its
+ "bootstrapping" process after it has first found the FQDN and port
+ number via an SRV lookup or via manual entry of information by the
+ user, from which the client can parse suitable information. When the
+ client makes an HTTP request against "/.well-known/caldav", the
+ server would issue an HTTP redirect response with a Location response
+ header using the path "/servlet/caldav". The client would then
+ "follow" this redirect to the new resource and continue making HTTP
+ requests there to complete its "bootstrapping" process.
+<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-6" href="#section-6">6</a>. Client "Bootstrapping" Procedures</h2></span>
+ This section describes a procedure that CalDAV or CardDAV clients
+ SHOULD use to do their initial configuration based on minimal user
+ input. The goal is to determine an http: or https: URI that
+ describes the full path to the user's principal-URL [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3744" title="" web distributed authoring and versioning access control protocol>RFC3744</a>].
+ 1. Processing user input:
+ * For a CalDAV server:
+ + Minimal input from a user would consist of a calendar user
+ address and a password. A calendar user address is defined
+ by iCalendar [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545" title="" internet calendaring and scheduling core object specification>RFC5545</a>] to be a URI [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986" title="" uniform resource identifier generic syntax>RFC3986</a>]. Provided a
+ user identifier and a domain name can be extracted from the
+ URI, this simple "bootstrapping" configuration can be done.
+ + If the calendar user address is a "mailto:" [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6068" title="" the uri scheme>RFC6068</a>] URI,
+ the "mailbox" portion of the URI is examined, and the
+ "local-part" and "domain" portions are extracted.
+ + If the calendar user address is an "http:" [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616" title="" hypertext transfer protocol http>RFC2616</a>] or
+ "https:" [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2818" title="" http over tls>RFC2818</a>] URI, the "userinfo" and "host" portion
+ of the URI [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986" title="" uniform resource identifier generic syntax>RFC3986</a>] is extracted.
+<span class="grey">Daboo Standards Track [Page 5]</span>
+</pre><!--NewPage--><pre class="newpage"><a name="page-6" id="page-6" href="#page-6" class="invisible"> </a>
+<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 6764</a> SRV for CalDAV &amp; CardDAV February 2013</span>
+ * For a CardDAV server:
+ + Minimal input from a user would consist of their email
+ address [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322" title="" internet message format>RFC5322</a>] for the domain where the CardDAV service
+ is hosted, and a password. The "mailbox" portion of the
+ email address is examined, and the "local-part" and
+ "domain" portions are extracted.
+ 2. Determination of service FQDN and port number:
+ * An SRV lookup for _caldavs._tcp (for CalDAV) or _carddavs._tcp
+ (for CardDAV) is done with the extracted "domain" as the
+ service domain.
+ * If no result is found, the client can try _caldav._tcp (for
+ CalDAV) or _carddav._tcp (for CardDAV) provided non-TLS
+ connections are appropriate.
+ * If an SRV record is returned, the client extracts the target
+ FQDN and port number. If multiple SRV records are returned,
+ the client MUST use the Priority and Weight fields in the
+ record to determine which one to pick (as per [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2782" title="" a dns rr for specifying the location of services srv>RFC2782</a>]).
+ * If an SRV record is not found, the client will need to prompt
+ the user to enter the FQDN and port number information
+ directly or use some other heuristic, for example, using the
+ extracted "domain" as the FQDN and default HTTPS or HTTP port
+ numbers. In this situation, clients MUST first attempt an
+ HTTP connection with TLS.
+ 3. Determination of initial "context path":
+ * When an SRV lookup is done and a valid SRV record returned,
+ the client MUST also query for a corresponding TXT record and
+ check for the presence of a "path" key in its response. If
+ present, the value of the "path" key is used for the initial
+ "context path".
+ * When an initial "context path" has not been determined from a
+ TXT record, the initial "context path" is taken to be
+ "/.well-known/caldav" (for CalDAV) or "/.well-known/carddav"
+ (for CardDAV).
+ * If the initial "context path" derived from a TXT record
+ generates HTTP errors when targeted by requests, the client
+ SHOULD repeat its "bootstrapping" procedure using the
+ appropriate ".well-known" URI instead.
+<span class="grey">Daboo Standards Track [Page 6]</span>
+</pre><!--NewPage--><pre class="newpage"><a name="page-7" id="page-7" href="#page-7" class="invisible"> </a>
+<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 6764</a> SRV for CalDAV &amp; CardDAV February 2013</span>
+ 4. Determination of user identifier:
+ * The client will need to make authenticated HTTP requests to
+ the service. Typically, a "user identifier" is required for
+ some form of user/password authentication. When a user
+ identifier is required, clients MUST first use the "mailbox"
+ portion of the calendar user address provided by the user in
+ the case of a "mailto:" address and, if that results in an
+ authentication failure, SHOULD fall back to using the "local-
+ part" extracted from the "mailto:" address. For an "http:" or
+ "https:" calendar user address, the "userinfo" portion is used
+ as the user identifier for authentication. This is in line
+ with the guidance outlined in <a href="#section-7">Section 7</a>. If these user
+ identifiers result in authentication failure, the client
+ SHOULD prompt the user for a valid identifier.
+ 5. Connecting to the service:
+ * Subsequent to configuration, the client will make HTTP
+ requests to the service. When using "_caldavs" or "_carddavs"
+ services, a TLS negotiation is done immediately upon
+ connection. The client MUST do certificate verification using
+ the procedure outlined in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#section-6">Section 6 of [RFC6125]</a> in regard to
+ verification with an SRV RR as the starting point.
+ * The client does a "PROPFIND" [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4918" title="" http extensions for web distributed authoring and versioning>RFC4918</a>] request with the
+ request URI set to the initial "context path". The body of
+ the request SHOULD include the DAV:current-user-principal
+ [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5397" title="" webdav current principal extension>RFC5397</a>] property as one of the properties to return. Note
+ that clients MUST properly handle HTTP redirect responses for
+ the request. The server will use the HTTP authentication
+ procedure outlined in [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617" title="" http authentication: basic and digest access authentication>RFC2617</a>] or use some other appropriate
+ authentication schemes to authenticate the user.
+ * If the server returns a 404 ("Not Found") HTTP status response
+ to the request on the initial "context path", clients MAY try
+ repeating the request on the "root" URI "/" or prompt the user
+ for a suitable path.
+ * If the DAV:current-user-principal property is returned on the
+ request, the client uses that value for the principal-URL of
+ the authenticated user. With that, it can execute a
+ "PROPFIND" request on the principal-URL and discover
+ additional properties for configuration (e.g., calendar or
+ address book "home" collections).
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+ * If the DAV:current-user-principal property is not returned,
+ then the client will need to request the principal-URL path
+ from the user in order to continue with configuration.
+ Once a successful account discovery step has been done, clients
+ SHOULD cache the service details that were successfully used (user
+ identity, principal-URL with full scheme/host/port details) and reuse
+ those when connecting again at a later time.
+ If a subsequent connection attempt fails, or authentication fails
+ persistently, clients SHOULD retry the SRV lookup and account
+ discovery to "refresh" the cached data.
+<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-7" href="#section-7">7</a>. Guidance for Service Providers</h2></span>
+ Service providers wanting to offer CalDAV or CardDAV services that
+ can be configured by clients using SRV records need to follow certain
+ procedures to ensure proper operation.
+ o CalDAV or CardDAV servers SHOULD be configured to allow
+ authentication with calendar user addresses (just taking the
+ "mailbox" portion of any "mailto:" URI) or email addresses
+ respectively, or with "user identifiers" extracted from them. In
+ the former case, the addresses MUST NOT conflict with other forms
+ of a permitted user login name. In the latter case, the extracted
+ "user identifiers" need to be unique across the server and MUST
+ NOT conflict with any login name on the server.
+ o Servers MUST force authentication for "PROPFIND" requests that
+ retrieve the DAV:current-user-principal property to ensure that
+ the value of the DAV:current-user-principal property returned
+ corresponds to the principal-URL of the user making the request.
+ o If the service provider uses TLS, the service provider MUST ensure
+ a certificate is installed that can be verified by clients using
+ the procedure outlined in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#section-6">Section 6 of [RFC6125]</a> in regard to
+ verification with an SRV RR as the starting point. In particular,
+ certificates SHOULD include SRV-ID and DNS-ID identifiers as
+ appropriate, as described in <a href="#section-8">Section 8</a>.
+ o Service providers should install the appropriate SRV records for
+ the offered services and optionally include TXT records.
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+<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-8" href="#section-8">8</a>. Security Considerations</h2></span>
+ Clients that support TLS as defined by [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2818" title="" http over tls>RFC2818</a>] SHOULD try the
+ "_caldavs" or "_carddavs" services first before trying the "_caldav"
+ or "_carddav" services respectively. If a user has explicitly
+ requested a connection with TLS, the client MUST NOT use any service
+ information returned for the "_caldav" or "_carddav" services.
+ Clients MUST follow the certificate-verification process specified in
+ [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125" title="" representation and verification of domain-based application service identity within internet public key infrastructure using x.509 certificates in the context transport layer security>RFC6125</a>].
+ A malicious attacker with access to the DNS server data, or that is
+ able to get spoofed answers cached in a recursive resolver, can
+ potentially cause clients to connect to any server chosen by the
+ attacker. In the absence of a secure DNS option, clients SHOULD
+ check that the target FQDN returned in the SRV record matches the
+ original service domain that was queried. If the target FQDN is not
+ in the queried domain, clients SHOULD verify with the user that the
+ SRV target FQDN is suitable for use before executing any connections
+ to the host. Alternatively, if TLS is being used for the service,
+ clients MUST use the procedure outlined in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#section-6">Section 6 of [RFC6125]</a> to
+ verify the service. When the target FQDN does not match the original
+ service domain that was queried, clients MUST check the SRV-ID
+ identifier in the server's certificate. If the FQDN does match,
+ clients MUST check any SRV-ID identifiers in the server's certificate
+ or, if no SRV-ID identifiers are present, MUST check the DNS-ID
+ identifiers in the server's certificate.
+ Implementations of TLS [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246" title="" the transport layer security protocol version>RFC5246</a>], used as the basis for TLS
+ ([<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2818" title="" http over tls>RFC2818</a>]), typically support multiple versions of the protocol as
+ well as the older SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol. Because of
+ known security vulnerabilities, clients and servers MUST NOT request,
+ offer, or use SSL 2.0. See <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246#appendix-E.2">Appendix E.2 of [RFC5246]</a> for further
+ details.
+<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-9" href="#section-9">9</a>. IANA Considerations</h2></span>
+<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-9.1" href="#section-9.1">9.1</a>. Well-Known URI Registrations</h3></span>
+ This document defines two ".well-known" URIs using the registration
+ procedure and template from <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5785#section-5.1">Section 5.1 of [RFC5785]</a>.
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+<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-9.1.1" href="#section-9.1.1">9.1.1</a>. caldav Well-Known URI Registration</h4></span>
+ URI suffix: caldav
+ Change controller: IETF
+ Specification document(s): This RFC
+ Related information: See also [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4791" title="" calendaring extensions to webdav>RFC4791</a>].
+<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-9.1.2" href="#section-9.1.2">9.1.2</a>. carddav Well-Known URI Registration</h4></span>
+ URI suffix: carddav
+ Change controller: IETF
+ Specification document(s): This RFC
+ Related information: See also [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6352" title="" carddav: vcard extensions to web distributed authoring and versioning>RFC6352</a>].
+<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-9.2" href="#section-9.2">9.2</a>. Service Name Registrations</h3></span>
+ This document registers four new service names as per [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6335" title="" internet assigned numbers authority procedures for the management of service name and transport protocol port number registry>RFC6335</a>]. Two
+ are defined in this document, and two are defined in <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6352#section-11">[RFC6352],
+ Section 11</a>.
+<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-9.2.1" href="#section-9.2.1">9.2.1</a>. caldav Service Name Registration</h4></span>
+ Service Name: caldav
+ Transport Protocol(s): TCP
+ Assignee: IESG &lt;iesg@ietf.org&gt;
+ Contact: IETF Chair &lt;chair@ietf.org&gt;
+ Description: Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) - non-TLS
+ Reference: [<a href="#">RFC6764</a>]
+ Assignment Note: This is an extension of the http service. Defined
+ TXT keys: path=&lt;context path&gt;
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+<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-9.2.2" href="#section-9.2.2">9.2.2</a>. caldavs Service Name Registration</h4></span>
+ Service Name: caldavs
+ Transport Protocol(s): TCP
+ Assignee: IESG &lt;iesg@ietf.org&gt;
+ Contact: IETF Chair &lt;chair@ietf.org&gt;
+ Description: Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) - over TLS
+ Reference: [<a href="#">RFC6764</a>]
+ Assignment Note: This is an extension of the https service. Defined
+ TXT keys: path=&lt;context path&gt;
+<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-9.2.3" href="#section-9.2.3">9.2.3</a>. carddav Service Name Registration</h4></span>
+ Service Name: carddav
+ Transport Protocol(s): TCP
+ Assignee: IESG &lt;iesg@ietf.org&gt;
+ Contact: IETF Chair &lt;chair@ietf.org&gt;
+ Description: vCard Extensions to WebDAV (CardDAV) - non-TLS
+ Reference: [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6352" title="" carddav: vcard extensions to web distributed authoring and versioning>RFC6352</a>]
+ Assignment Note: This is an extension of the http service. Defined
+ TXT keys: path=&lt;context path&gt;
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+<span class="h4"><h4><a class="selflink" name="section-9.2.4" href="#section-9.2.4">9.2.4</a>. carddavs Service Name Registration</h4></span>
+ Service Name: carddavs
+ Transport Protocol(s): TCP
+ Assignee: IESG &lt;iesg@ietf.org&gt;
+ Contact: IETF Chair &lt;chair@ietf.org&gt;
+ Description: vCard Extensions to WebDAV (CardDAV) - over TLS
+ Reference: [<a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6352" title="" carddav: vcard extensions to web distributed authoring and versioning>RFC6352</a>]
+ Assignment Note: This is an extension of the https service. Defined
+ TXT keys: path=&lt;context path&gt;
+<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-10" href="#section-10">10</a>. Acknowledgments</h2></span>
+ This specification was suggested by discussion that took place within
+ the Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium's CalDAV Technical
+ Committee. The author thanks the following for their contributions:
+ Stuart Cheshire, Bernard Desruisseaux, Eran Hammer-Lahav, Helge Hess,
+ Arnaud Quillaud, Wilfredo Sanchez, and Joe Touch.
+<span class="h2"><h2><a class="selflink" name="section-11" href="#section-11">11</a>. References</h2></span>
+<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-11.1" href="#section-11.1">11.1</a>. Normative References</h3></span>
+ [<a name="ref-RFC2119" id="ref-RFC2119">RFC2119</a>] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
+ Requirement Levels", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp14">BCP 14</a>, <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119">RFC 2119</a>, March 1997.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC2616" id="ref-RFC2616">RFC2616</a>] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H.,
+ Masinter, L., Leach, P., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext
+ Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616">RFC 2616</a>, June 1999.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC2617" id="ref-RFC2617">RFC2617</a>] Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Lawrence, S.,
+ Leach, P., Luotonen, A., and L. Stewart, "HTTP
+ Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication",
+ <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617">RFC 2617</a>, June 1999.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC2782" id="ref-RFC2782">RFC2782</a>] Gulbrandsen, A., Vixie, P., and L. Esibov, "A DNS RR for
+ specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2782">RFC 2782</a>,
+ February 2000.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC2818" id="ref-RFC2818">RFC2818</a>] Rescorla, E., "HTTP Over TLS", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2818">RFC 2818</a>, May 2000.
+<span class="grey">Daboo Standards Track [Page 12]</span>
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+<span class="grey"><a href="#">RFC 6764</a> SRV for CalDAV &amp; CardDAV February 2013</span>
+ [<a name="ref-RFC3744" id="ref-RFC3744">RFC3744</a>] Clemm, G., Reschke, J., Sedlar, E., and J. Whitehead, "Web
+ Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)
+ Access Control Protocol", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3744">RFC 3744</a>, May 2004.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC3986" id="ref-RFC3986">RFC3986</a>] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
+ Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66,
+ <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986">RFC 3986</a>, January 2005.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC4791" id="ref-RFC4791">RFC4791</a>] Daboo, C., Desruisseaux, B., and L. Dusseault,
+ "Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV)", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4791">RFC 4791</a>,
+ March 2007.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC4918" id="ref-RFC4918">RFC4918</a>] Dusseault, L., "HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed
+ Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4918">RFC 4918</a>, June 2007.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC5246" id="ref-RFC5246">RFC5246</a>] Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
+ (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246">RFC 5246</a>, August 2008.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC5322" id="ref-RFC5322">RFC5322</a>] Resnick, P., Ed., "Internet Message Format", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322">RFC 5322</a>,
+ October 2008.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC5397" id="ref-RFC5397">RFC5397</a>] Sanchez, W. and C. Daboo, "WebDAV Current Principal
+ Extension", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5397">RFC 5397</a>, December 2008.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC5785" id="ref-RFC5785">RFC5785</a>] Nottingham, M. and E. Hammer-Lahav, "Defining Well-Known
+ Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5785">RFC 5785</a>,
+ April 2010.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC6068" id="ref-RFC6068">RFC6068</a>] Duerst, M., Masinter, L., and J. Zawinski, "The 'mailto'
+ URI Scheme", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6068">RFC 6068</a>, October 2010.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC6125" id="ref-RFC6125">RFC6125</a>] Saint-Andre, P. and J. Hodges, "Representation and
+ Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity
+ within Internet Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509
+ (PKIX) Certificates in the Context of Transport Layer
+ Security (TLS)", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125">RFC 6125</a>, March 2011.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC6335" id="ref-RFC6335">RFC6335</a>] Cotton, M., Eggert, L., Touch, J., Westerlund, M., and S.
+ Cheshire, "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
+ Procedures for the Management of the Service Name and
+ Transport Protocol Port Number Registry", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp165">BCP 165</a>,
+ <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6335">RFC 6335</a>, August 2011.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC6352" id="ref-RFC6352">RFC6352</a>] Daboo, C., "CardDAV: vCard Extensions to Web Distributed
+ Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6352">RFC 6352</a>, August 2011.
+ [<a name="ref-RFC6763" id="ref-RFC6763">RFC6763</a>] Cheshire, S. and M. Krochmal, "DNS-Based Service
+ Discovery", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6763">RFC 6763</a>, February 2013.
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+<span class="h3"><h3><a class="selflink" name="section-11.2" href="#section-11.2">11.2</a>. Informative References</h3></span>
+ [<a name="ref-RFC5545" id="ref-RFC5545">RFC5545</a>] Desruisseaux, B., "Internet Calendaring and Scheduling
+ Core Object Specification (iCalendar)", <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545">RFC 5545</a>,
+ September 2009.
+Author's Address
+ Cyrus Daboo
+ Apple Inc.
+ 1 Infinite Loop
+ Cupertino, CA 95014
+ EMail: cyrus@daboo.name
+ URI: <a href="http://www.apple.com/">http://www.apple.com/</a>
+Daboo Standards Track [Page 14]
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