path: root/importAddrBook.js
diff options
authorMatěj Cepl <mcepl@redhat.com>2013-05-15 00:07:15 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <mcepl@redhat.com>2013-05-18 20:57:29 +0200
commitf395dfeb002d0840b5e92d23158801d15d632d9e (patch)
tree22a205cd7a34b8f17b6cd1f799c00364c140df8c /importAddrBook.js
parent9831804da870874e6c2e6b37a1ad5a3c47b691ea (diff)
The first draft of the complete program.
Completely untested.
Diffstat (limited to 'importAddrBook.js')
1 files changed, 275 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/importAddrBook.js b/importAddrBook.js
index 8c1894b..395e900 100644
--- a/importAddrBook.js
+++ b/importAddrBook.js
@@ -1,9 +1,282 @@
+/*jshint forin:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, eqeqeq:true,
+ bitwise:true, strict:true, undef:true, curly:true, browser:true,
+ devel:true, indent:2, maxerr:50, moz:true, newcap:false, moz:true */
+/* global Contact: false, ContactAddress: false, ContactField: false,
+ ContactTelField: false, parseLDIF: false */
(function () {
"use strict";
+ // Shim for the intersection of two Arrays.
+ if (!Array.prototype.intersection) {
+ Array.prototype.intersection = function (anotherArr) {
+ return this.filter(function(n) {
+ if (anotherArr.indexOf(n) === -1) { return false; }
+ return true;
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ const phoneFields = [
+ "mobile", "facsimiletelephonenumber", "homePhone", "telephoneNumber"
+ ];
+ const emailFields = [ "mail" ];
+ function ValueError(message) {
+ this.name = "ValueError";
+ this.message = message || "Unknown Value";
+ }
+ ValueError.prototype = new Error();
+ ValueError.prototype.constructor = ValueError;
+ /**
+ * Translate objects created from LDIF files to Contacts
+ *
+ * @param Array of LDIF objects
+ * @return Contact with all fields filled
+ * @throws ValueError for unknown field in the LDIF object
+ *
+ * ContactsAPI:
+ * @see https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAPI/ContactsAPI
+ * @spec http://www.w3.org/TR/contacts-manager-api/
+ *
+ * Thunderbid LDAP Schema:
+ * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Thunderbird/LDAP_Support
+ * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4519
+ */
+ function translateObjectToContact(inRec) {
+ var contact = new Contact(), pomStr = "", curRec = null;
+ /**
+ * Find the proper record (or create new one) in the multi-value
+ * attribute
+ *
+ * @param idx name of the attribute to which the record belongs
+ * @param subClass Function constructor of the record if there is
+ * none
+ * @param subType String with the type of the record
+ * @return record of the proper class
+ *
+ * Uses global variable contact.
+ */
+ function findSubElement(idx, subClass, subType) {
+ var cAddr = null;
+ // No contact.adr at all
+ if (!contact.hasOwnProperty(idx)) {
+ cAddr = new subClass();
+ cAddr.type = [subType];
+ contact[idx] = cAddr;
+ }
+ // Single-element property
+ else if (!Array.isArray(contact[idx])) {
+ if (contact[idx].type.indexOf(subType) === -1) {
+ contact[idx] = [contact[idx]];
+ cAddr = new subClass();
+ cAddr.type = [subType];
+ contact[idx].push(cAddr);
+ }
+ else {
+ cAddr = contact[idx];
+ }
+ }
+ // Array
+ else {
+ cAddr = contact[idx].filter(function (addr) {
+ return addr.type.indexOf(subType) !== -1;
+ });
+ if (cAddr.length === 0) {
+ cAddr = new subClass();
+ cAddr.type = [subType];
+ contact[idx].push(cAddr);
+ }
+ else {
+ cAddr = cAddr[0];
+ }
+ }
+ return cAddr;
+ }
+ for (var key in inRec) {
+ if (key === "birthyear") {
+ pomStr = inRec[key];
+ contact.bday = new Date(pomStr.slice(0,4), pomStr.slice(4,6),
+ pomStr.slice(6,8));
+ }
+ else if (key === "c") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("adr", ContactAddress, "work");
+ curRec.adr.countryName = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "cn") {
+ contact.name = [inRec[key]];
+ }
+ else if (key === "description") {
+ contact.note = [inRec[key]];
+ }
+ else if (key === "facsimiletelephonenumber") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("tel", ContactTelField, "fax");
+ curRec.tel.value = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "givenName") {
+ contact.givenName = [inRec[key]];
+ }
+ else if (key === "homePhone") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("tel", ContactTelField, "home");
+ curRec.tel.value = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "l") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("adr", ContactAddress, "work");
+ curRec.adr.locality = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "mail") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("email", ContactField, "work");
+ curRec.email.value = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "mobile") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("tel", ContactTelField, "mobile");
+ curRec.tel.value = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "mozillaHomeCountryName") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("adr", ContactAddress, "home");
+ curRec.adr.countryName = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "mozillaHomeLocalityName") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("adr", ContactAddress, "home");
+ curRec.adr.locality = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "mozillaHomePostalCode") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("adr", ContactAddress, "home");
+ curRec.adr.postalCode = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "mozillaHomeState") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("adr", ContactAddress, "home");
+ curRec.adr.region = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "mozillaHomeStreet") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("adr", ContactAddress, "home");
+ curRec.adr.streetAddress = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "mozillaHomeUrl") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("url", ContactField, "home");
+ curRec.email.value = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "mozillaNickname") {
+ contact.nickname = [inRec[key]];
+ }
+ else if (key === "o") {
+ contact.org = [inRec[key]];
+ }
+ else if (key === "sn") {
+ contact.familyName = [inRec[key]];
+ }
+ else if (key === "st") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("adr", ContactAddress, "work");
+ curRec.adr.region = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "street") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("adr", ContactAddress, "work");
+ curRec.adr.streetAddress = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "telephoneNumber") {
+ curRec = findSubElement("tel", ContactTelField, "work");
+ curRec.tel.value = inRec[key];
+ }
+ else if (key === "title") {
+ contact.jobTitle = [inRec[key]];
+ }
+ // Unknown attribute
+ else {
+ throw new ValueError("Unknown attribute " + key +
+ " with value:\n" + inRec[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ return contact;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Not used presently and not debugged.
+ */
+ function whenContactAlreadyPresent(rec, cb_not_found, cb_found) {
+ var rec_keys = Object.keys(rec);
+ // Finding whether the contact has email or telephone
+ var email_fields = rec_keys.intersection(emailFields);
+ var phone_fields = rec_keys.intersection(phoneFields);
+ var search_keys = [];
+ if (email_fields.length > 0) {
+ search_keys = email_fields;
+ }
+ else if (phone_fields.length > 0) {
+ search_keys = phone_fields;
+ }
+ if (search_keys.length > 0) {
+ var search_opts = {
+ filterValue : rec(search_keys[0]),
+ filterBy : search_keys,
+ filterOp : "contains",
+ filterLimit : 1
+ };
+ var search = navigator.mozContacts.find(search_opts);
+ // Possible duplicate found ... bail out, rather do nothing!
+ search.onsuccess = function() {
+ // search.result is found record (Array of length 1)
+ cb_found(rec, search.result);
+ };
+ // No duplicates, go ahead and create new record
+ search.onerror = function() {
+ cb_not_found(rec);
+ };
+ }
+ }
function insertData(ldifText) {
- var data = parseLDIF(ldifText.split("\n"));
- console.log("loaded " + Object.keys(data).length + " records.");
+ var progressEl = document.querySelector("#progress-div progress");
+ var records = parseLDIF(ldifText.split("\n"));
+ if (records.length > 0) {
+ if (!window.confirm("THIS WILL ERASE ALL CONTACTS ON YOUR PHONE!\n" +
+ "Are you cool with that?")) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ var cl_req = navigator.mozContacts.clear();
+ cl_req.onerror = function() {
+ throw new Error("Cannot clear whole Contacts database?");
+ };
+ cl_req.onsuccess = function() {
+ progressEl.max = records.length;
+ progressEl.value = 0;
+ records.forEach(function (rec) {
+ var add_contact = translateObjectToContact(rec);
+ var sav_req = navigator.mozContacts.save(add_contact);
+ sav_req.onsuccess = function() {
+ progressEl.value += 1;
+ console.log("Contact added:\n" + add_contact.id);
+ };
+ sav_req.onerror = function() {
+ console.error("Cannot save record " + add_contact.id);
+ };
+ });
+ };
window.onload = function() {
@@ -11,13 +284,9 @@
function(evt) {
var URL = document.getElementsByName("URL")[0].value;
- //var login = document.getElementsByName("user-name")[0].value;
- //var passwd = document.getElementsByName("password")[0].value;
var progressForm = document.getElementById("progress-div");
console.log("URL = " + URL);
- //console.log("login = " + login);
- //console.log("passwd = " + passwd);
document.getElementById("URL-form").style.display = "none";
progressForm.style.display = "block";