sword-sf-cvsMirror of CVS repository of Sword from 7 monthssummarylogtree
sword-toolsMirror of 7 monthssummarylogtree
visClone of 10 dayssummarylogtree
blog-sourcereStructuredText sources of my blog 12 dayssummarylogtree
rofi-passrofi frontend for pass 7 monthssummarylogtree
vis-spellcheckSpellcheck plugin for the vis editor Florian Fischer <>7 monthssummarylogtree
vis-togglerImproved versions of <C-a>, <C-x>, ~, g~, gu, and gU for vis Georgi Kirilov <>7 monthssummarylogtree
quiltQuilt allows you to easily manage large numbers of patches Jean Delvare <>4 monthssummarylogtree
PyCon18-m2cryptoPresentation "Wounded hero revived: Lessons learned from porting M2Crypto to Py3...Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
installFest2021Python multiinstall Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
openSUSEConf2022Slides for openSUSE Conference 2022 Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
June-9_Hannah-MoreSermon for PCF at June 9th, 2024 Matěj Cepl <>3 monthssummarylogtree
hlupakSmall utilities simplifying life with git Matěj Cepl <>7 weekssummarylogtree
git-depsgit commit dependency analysis tool Matěj Cepl <>4 monthssummarylogtree
go-gitA highly extensible Git implementation in pure Go. Matěj Cepl <>12 dayssummarylogtree
bugseverywhereBugtracker built on distributed version control Matěj Cepl <>8 monthssummarylogtree
lazygl2srhtLazy Gitlab to Sourcehut issue migration tool Matěj Cepl <>7 weekssummarylogtree
git-bugDistributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges Matěj Cepl <>8 weekssummarylogtree
bogofilter_EL6Configuration files for building bogofilter on EL6. Matěj Cepl <>summarylogtree
vis-pkgPackaging of vis Matěj Cepl <>3 monthssummarylogtree
cgit_EL6Configuration files for building cgit on EL6. Matěj Cepl <>summarylogtree
opendkim_EL6OpenDKIM allows signing and/or verification of email Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
ruamel-yaml-clib-codeC version of reader, parser and emitter for ruamel.yaml Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
biblez-ngBibleZ port to new backend (sword.js) and framework (enyojs 2) Matěj Cepl <>5 weekssummarylogtree
generate_referencespull out notes from the text of CzeCSP XML OSIS test Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
swordThis is my personal clone of the Sword Project's SVN repository Matěj Cepl <>7 monthssummarylogtree
havlicek_co_jest_obecZpracování OCR textu Havlíčkova článku "Co jest obec?" pro Wikisource Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
ksaftTranslation of "The last will and testament of the dying mother The Unity of Bre...Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
ondrej_z_dubeDigitalizace Ondřeje z Dubé Výklad na právo zemské české Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
ottaWorkings texts for editing Otto's Encyclopedia Matěj Cepl <>6 dayssummarylogtree
tractatus_coislinianusEdit of “An Aristotelian Theory of Comedy with an adaption of the Poetics and ...Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
joan-of-arcadia-season-3Conversion of to reStructuredText Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
on-war-with-turkLuther's Treatise "On War with the Turk" Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
Pycha_a_predsudekČeský překlad Pýchy a předsudku přeformátovaný Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree documentation Matěj Cepl <>3 monthssummarylogtree
imap-folder-trainingimap-folder-training Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
epubgrepGrep through EPub filesMatěj Cepl <>4 monthssummarylogtree
ISS_AboveWhen ISS (International Space Station) is above you. Matěj Cepl <>7 monthssummarylogtree
pyexiv2python binding to exiv2, the C++ library for manipulation of EXIF, IPTC and XMP ...Matěj Cepl <>3 monthssummarylogtree
osm_whereGet geo: URI for given Ukrainian locality Matěj Cepl <>8 monthssummarylogtree
justiceA tool to download data from Matěj Cepl <>5 monthssummarylogtree
tmptmp, store file somewhere and print URL Matěj Cepl <>8 dayssummarylogtree
mandocUNIX manpage compiler toolset Matěj Cepl <>4 monthssummarylogtree
gg_scraperDownload a Google Group to MBOX Matěj Cepl <>8 monthssummarylogtree
epyCLI EBook (epub2, epub3, fb2, mobi) readerMatěj Cepl <>7 monthssummarylogtree
imapArchArchive messages from the IMAP server (like Thunderbird does) into annual archiv...Matěj Cepl <>8 monthssummarylogtree
purple-matrixLibpurple protocol plugin for matrix Matěj Cepl <>6 monthssummarylogtree
pygnNews to mail and mail to news gateway Matěj Cepl <>7 monthssummarylogtree
jaccPlan 9 Jabber client-as-filesystem Matěj Cepl <>8 weekssummarylogtree
wee-slackA WeeChat script for Matěj Cepl <>3 monthssummarylogtree