# # header # coding: utf-8 from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division, unicode_literals # # __init__.py parser import sys import os import datetime import traceback sys.path = [path for path in sys.path if path not in [os.getcwd(), ""]] import platform # NOQA from _ast import * # NOQA from ast import parse # NOQA from setuptools import setup, Extension, Distribution # NOQA from setuptools.command import install_lib # NOQA from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist as _sdist # NOQA if __name__ != '__main__': raise NotImplementedError('should never include setup.py') # # definitions full_package_name = None if __name__ != '__main__': raise NotImplementedError('should never include setup.py') if sys.version_info < (3,): string_type = basestring else: string_type = str if sys.version_info < (3, 4): class Bytes: pass class NameConstant: pass if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from ast import Str, Num, Bytes, NameConstant # NOQA if sys.version_info < (3,): open_kw = dict() else: open_kw = dict(encoding='utf-8') if sys.version_info < (2, 7) or platform.python_implementation() == 'Jython': class Set: pass if os.environ.get('DVDEBUG', "") == "": def debug(*args, **kw): pass else: def debug(*args, **kw): with open(os.environ['DVDEBUG'], 'a') as fp: kw1 = kw.copy() kw1['file'] = fp print('{:%Y-%d-%mT%H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now()), file=fp, end=' ') print(*args, **kw1) def literal_eval(node_or_string): """ Safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing a Python expression. The string or node provided may only consist of the following Python literal structures: strings, bytes, numbers, tuples, lists, dicts, sets, booleans, and None. Even when passing in Unicode, the resulting Str types parsed are 'str' in Python 2. I don't now how to set 'unicode_literals' on parse -> Str is explicitly converted. """ _safe_names = {'None': None, 'True': True, 'False': False} if isinstance(node_or_string, string_type): node_or_string = parse(node_or_string, mode='eval') if isinstance(node_or_string, Expression): node_or_string = node_or_string.body else: raise TypeError('only string or AST nodes supported') def _convert(node): if isinstance(node, Str): if sys.version_info < (3,) and not isinstance(node.s, unicode): return node.s.decode('utf-8') return node.s elif isinstance(node, Bytes): return node.s elif isinstance(node, Num): return node.n elif isinstance(node, Tuple): return tuple(map(_convert, node.elts)) elif isinstance(node, List): return list(map(_convert, node.elts)) elif isinstance(node, Set): return set(map(_convert, node.elts)) elif isinstance(node, Dict): return dict((_convert(k), _convert(v)) for k, v in zip(node.keys, node.values)) elif isinstance(node, NameConstant): return node.value elif sys.version_info < (3, 4) and isinstance(node, Name): if node.id in _safe_names: return _safe_names[node.id] elif ( isinstance(node, UnaryOp) and isinstance(node.op, (UAdd, USub)) and isinstance(node.operand, (Num, UnaryOp, BinOp)) ): # NOQA operand = _convert(node.operand) if isinstance(node.op, UAdd): return +operand else: return -operand elif ( isinstance(node, BinOp) and isinstance(node.op, (Add, Sub)) and isinstance(node.right, (Num, UnaryOp, BinOp)) and isinstance(node.left, (Num, UnaryOp, BinOp)) ): # NOQA left = _convert(node.left) right = _convert(node.right) if isinstance(node.op, Add): return left + right else: return left - right elif isinstance(node, Call): func_id = getattr(node.func, 'id', None) if func_id == 'dict': return dict((k.arg, _convert(k.value)) for k in node.keywords) elif func_id == 'set': return set(_convert(node.args[0])) elif func_id == 'date': return datetime.date(*[_convert(k) for k in node.args]) elif func_id == 'datetime': return datetime.datetime(*[_convert(k) for k in node.args]) err = SyntaxError('malformed node or string: ' + repr(node)) err.filename = '' err.lineno = node.lineno err.offset = node.col_offset err.text = repr(node) err.node = node raise err return _convert(node_or_string) # parses python ( "= dict( )" ) or ( "= {" ) def _package_data(fn): data = {} with open(fn, **open_kw) as fp: parsing = False lines = [] for line in fp.readlines(): if sys.version_info < (3,): line = line.decode('utf-8') if line.startswith('_package_data'): if 'dict(' in line: parsing = 'python' lines.append('dict(\n') elif line.endswith('= {\n'): parsing = 'python' lines.append('{\n') else: raise NotImplementedError continue if not parsing: continue if parsing == 'python': if line.startswith(')') or line.startswith('}'): lines.append(line) try: data = literal_eval("".join(lines)) except SyntaxError as e: context = 2 from_line = e.lineno - (context + 1) to_line = e.lineno + (context - 1) w = len(str(to_line)) for index, line in enumerate(lines): if from_line <= index <= to_line: print( '{0:{1}}: {2}'.format(index, w, line).encode('utf-8'), end="", ) if index == e.lineno - 1: print( '{0:{1}} {2}^--- {3}'.format( ' ', w, ' ' * e.offset, e.node ) ) raise break lines.append(line) else: raise NotImplementedError return data # make sure you can run "python ../some/dir/setup.py install" pkg_data = _package_data(__file__.replace('setup.py', '__init__.py')) exclude_files = ['setup.py'] # # helper def _check_convert_version(tup): """Create a PEP 386 pseudo-format conformant string from tuple tup.""" ret_val = str(tup[0]) # first is always digit next_sep = '.' # separator for next extension, can be "" or "." nr_digits = 0 # nr of adjacent digits in rest, to verify post_dev = False # are we processig post/dev for x in tup[1:]: if isinstance(x, int): nr_digits += 1 if nr_digits > 2: raise ValueError('too many consecutive digits after ' + ret_val) ret_val += next_sep + str(x) next_sep = '.' continue first_letter = x[0].lower() next_sep = "" if first_letter in 'abcr': if post_dev: raise ValueError('release level specified after ' 'post/dev: ' + x) nr_digits = 0 ret_val += 'rc' if first_letter == 'r' else first_letter elif first_letter in 'pd': nr_digits = 1 # only one can follow post_dev = True ret_val += '.post' if first_letter == 'p' else '.dev' else: raise ValueError('First letter of "' + x + '" not recognised') # .dev and .post need a number otherwise setuptools normalizes and complains if nr_digits == 1 and post_dev: ret_val += '0' return ret_val version_info = pkg_data['version_info'] version_str = _check_convert_version(version_info) class MyInstallLib(install_lib.install_lib): def install(self): fpp = pkg_data['full_package_name'].split('.') # full package path full_exclude_files = [os.path.join(*(fpp + [x])) for x in exclude_files] alt_files = [] outfiles = install_lib.install_lib.install(self) for x in outfiles: for full_exclude_file in full_exclude_files: if full_exclude_file in x: os.remove(x) break else: alt_files.append(x) return alt_files class MySdist(_sdist): def initialize_options(self): _sdist.initialize_options(self) # see pep 527, new uploads should be tar.gz or .zip # fmt = getattr(self, 'tarfmt', None) # because of unicode_literals # self.formats = fmt if fmt else [b'bztar'] if sys.version_info < (3, ) else ['bztar'] dist_base = os.environ.get('PYDISTBASE') fpn = getattr(getattr(self, 'nsp', self), 'full_package_name', None) if fpn and dist_base: print('setting distdir {}/{}'.format(dist_base, fpn)) self.dist_dir = os.path.join(dist_base, fpn) # try except so this doesn't bomb when you don't have wheel installed, implies # generation of wheels in ./dist try: from wheel.bdist_wheel import bdist_wheel as _bdist_wheel # NOQA class MyBdistWheel(_bdist_wheel): def initialize_options(self): _bdist_wheel.initialize_options(self) dist_base = os.environ.get('PYDISTBASE') fpn = getattr(getattr(self, 'nsp', self), 'full_package_name', None) if fpn and dist_base: print('setting distdir {}/{}'.format(dist_base, fpn)) self.dist_dir = os.path.join(dist_base, fpn) _bdist_wheel_available = True except ImportError: _bdist_wheel_available = False class InMemoryZipFile(object): def __init__(self, file_name=None): try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import BytesIO as StringIO import zipfile self.zip_file = zipfile # Create the in-memory file-like object self._file_name = file_name self._removed_names = [] self.in_memory_data = StringIO() # Create the in-memory zipfile self.in_memory_zip = self.zip_file.ZipFile( self.in_memory_data, 'w', self.zip_file.ZIP_DEFLATED, False ) self.in_memory_zip.debug = 3 def append(self, filename_in_zip, file_contents): """Appends a file with name filename_in_zip and contents of file_contents to the in-memory zip. """ if filename_in_zip.endswith('.dist-info/RECORD') and self._removed_names: # this is normally the last file # remove any names filtered, to placate auditwheel convert = not isinstance(file_contents, string_type) if convert: file_contents = file_contents.decode('utf-8') outlines = [] for line in file_contents.splitlines(True): for fn in self._removed_names: fn = fn + ',' # comma is the record seperator in RECORD if line.startswith(fn): break else: outlines.append(line) file_contents = ''.join(outlines) self.in_memory_zip.writestr(filename_in_zip, file_contents) return self # so you can daisy-chain def write_to_file(self, filename): """Writes the in-memory zip to a file.""" # Mark the files as having been created on Windows so that # Unix permissions are not inferred as 0000 for zfile in self.in_memory_zip.filelist: zfile.create_system = 0 self.in_memory_zip.close() with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(self.in_memory_data.getvalue()) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if self._file_name is None: return self.write_to_file(self._file_name) def delete_from_zip_file(self, pattern=None, file_names=None): """ zip_file can be a string or a zipfile.ZipFile object, the latter will be closed any name in file_names is deleted from the list of files to write to the new zip (using .append) all file_names provided have to be in the ZIP archive or else an IOError is raised """ if pattern and isinstance(pattern, string_type): import re pattern = re.compile(pattern) if file_names: if not isinstance(file_names, list): file_names = [file_names] else: file_names = [] with self.zip_file.ZipFile(self._file_name) as zf: for l in zf.infolist(): if l.filename in file_names: file_names.remove(l.filename) self._removed_names.append(l.filename) continue if pattern and pattern.match(l.filename): self._removed_names.append(l.filename) continue self.append(l.filename, zf.read(l)) if file_names: raise IOError( '[Errno 2] No such file{}: {}'.format( "" if len(file_names) == 1 else 's', ', '.join([repr(f) for f in file_names]), ) ) class NameSpacePackager(object): def __init__(self, pkg_data): assert isinstance(pkg_data, dict) self._pkg_data = pkg_data self.full_package_name = self.pn(self._pkg_data['full_package_name']) self._split = None self.depth = self.full_package_name.count('.') self.nested = self._pkg_data.get('nested', False) self.command = None self.python_version() self._pkg = [None, None] # required and pre-installable packages if ( sys.argv[0] == 'setup.py' and sys.argv[1] == 'install' and '--single-version-externally-managed' not in sys.argv ): if os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True': os.system('pip install .') sys.exit(0) if not os.environ.get('RUAMEL_NO_PIP_INSTALL_CHECK', False): print('error: you have to install with "pip install ."') sys.exit(1) # If you only support an extension module on Linux, Windows thinks it # is pure. That way you would get pure python .whl files that take # precedence for downloading on Linux over source with compilable C code if self._pkg_data.get('universal'): Distribution.is_pure = lambda *args: True else: Distribution.is_pure = lambda *args: False for x in sys.argv: if x[0] == '-' or x == 'setup.py': continue self.command = x break def pn(self, s): if sys.version_info < (3,) and isinstance(s, unicode): return s.encode('utf-8') return s @property def split(self): """split the full package name in list of compontents traditionally done by setuptools.find_packages. This routine skips any directories with __init__.py, for which the name starts with "_" or ".", or contain a setup.py/tox.ini (indicating a subpackage) """ skip = [] if self._split is None: fpn = self.full_package_name.split('.') self._split = [] while fpn: self._split.insert(0, '.'.join(fpn)) fpn = fpn[:-1] for d in sorted(os.listdir('.')): if not os.path.isdir(d) or d == self._split[0] or d[0] in '._': continue # prevent sub-packages in namespace from being included x = os.path.join(d, '__init__.py') if os.path.exists(x): pd = _package_data(x) if pd.get('nested', False): skip.append(d) continue self._split.append(self.full_package_name + '.' + d) if sys.version_info < (3,): self._split = [ (y.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(y, unicode) else y) for y in self._split ] if skip: # this interferes with output checking # print('skipping sub-packages:', ', '.join(skip)) pass return self._split @property def namespace_packages(self): return self.split[: self.depth] def namespace_directories(self, depth=None): """return list of directories where the namespace should be created / can be found """ res = [] for index, d in enumerate(self.split[:depth]): # toplevel gets a dot if index > 0: d = os.path.join(*d.split('.')) res.append('.' + d) return res @property def package_dir(self): d = { # don't specify empty dir, clashes with package_data spec self.full_package_name: '.' } if 'extra_packages' in self._pkg_data: return d if len(self.split) > 1: # only if package namespace d[self.split[0]] = self.namespace_directories(1)[0] return d def create_dirs(self): """create the directories necessary for namespace packaging""" directories = self.namespace_directories(self.depth) if not directories: return if not os.path.exists(directories[0]): for d in directories: os.mkdir(d) with open(os.path.join(d, '__init__.py'), 'w') as fp: fp.write( 'import pkg_resources\n' 'pkg_resources.declare_namespace(__name__)\n' ) def python_version(self): supported = self._pkg_data.get('supported') if supported is None: return if len(supported) == 1: minimum = supported[0] else: for x in supported: if x[0] == sys.version_info[0]: minimum = x break else: return if sys.version_info < minimum: print('minimum python version(s): ' + str(supported)) sys.exit(1) def check(self): try: from pip.exceptions import InstallationError except ImportError: return # arg is either develop (pip install -e) or install if self.command not in ['install', 'develop']: return # if hgi and hgi.base are both in namespace_packages matching # against the top (hgi.) it suffices to find minus-e and non-minus-e # installed packages. As we don't know the order in namespace_packages # do some magic prefix = self.split[0] prefixes = set([prefix, prefix.replace('_', '-')]) for p in sys.path: if not p: continue # directory with setup.py if os.path.exists(os.path.join(p, 'setup.py')): continue # some linked in stuff might not be hgi based if not os.path.isdir(p): continue if p.startswith('/tmp/'): continue for fn in os.listdir(p): for pre in prefixes: if fn.startswith(pre): break else: continue full_name = os.path.join(p, fn) # not in prefixes the toplevel is never changed from _ to - if fn == prefix and os.path.isdir(full_name): # directory -> other, non-minus-e, install if self.command == 'develop': raise InstallationError( 'Cannot mix develop (pip install -e),\nwith ' 'non-develop installs for package name {0}'.format(fn) ) elif fn == prefix: raise InstallationError('non directory package {0} in {1}'.format(fn, p)) for pre in [x + '.' for x in prefixes]: if fn.startswith(pre): break else: continue # hgiabc instead of hgi. if fn.endswith('-link') and self.command == 'install': raise InstallationError( 'Cannot mix non-develop with develop\n(pip install -e)' ' installs for package name {0}'.format(fn) ) def entry_points(self, script_name=None, package_name=None): """normally called without explicit script_name and package name the default console_scripts entry depends on the existence of __main__.py: if that file exists then the function main() in there is used, otherwise the in __init__.py. the _package_data entry_points key/value pair can be explicitly specified including a "=" character. If the entry is True or 1 the scriptname is the last part of the full package path (split on '.') if the ep entry is a simple string without "=", that is assumed to be the name of the script. """ def pckg_entry_point(name): return '{0}{1}:main'.format( name, '.__main__' if os.path.exists('__main__.py') else "" ) ep = self._pkg_data.get('entry_points', True) if isinstance(ep, dict): return ep if ep is None: return None if ep not in [True, 1]: if '=' in ep: # full specification of the entry point like # entry_points=['yaml = ruamel.yaml.cmd:main'], return {'console_scripts': [ep]} # assume that it is just the script name script_name = ep if package_name is None: package_name = self.full_package_name if not script_name: script_name = package_name.split('.')[-1] return { 'console_scripts': [ '{0} = {1}'.format(script_name, pckg_entry_point(package_name)) ] } @property def url(self): if self.full_package_name.startswith('ruamel.'): sp = self.full_package_name.split('.', 1) else: sp = ['ruamel', self.full_package_name] return 'https://bitbucket.org/{0}/{1}'.format(*sp) @property def author(self): return self._pkg_data['author'] # no get needs to be there @property def author_email(self): return self._pkg_data['author_email'] # no get needs to be there @property def license(self): """return the license field from _package_data, None means MIT""" lic = self._pkg_data.get('license') if lic is None: # lic_fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'LICENSE') # assert os.path.exists(lic_fn) return 'MIT license' return lic def has_mit_lic(self): return 'MIT' in self.license @property def description(self): return self._pkg_data['description'] # no get needs to be there @property def status(self): # αβ status = self._pkg_data.get('status', 'β').lower() if status in ['α', 'alpha']: return (3, 'Alpha') elif status in ['β', 'beta']: return (4, 'Beta') elif 'stable' in status.lower(): return (5, 'Production/Stable') raise NotImplementedError @property def classifiers(self): """this needs more intelligence, probably splitting the classifiers from _pkg_data and only adding defaults when no explicit entries were provided. Add explicit Python versions in sync with tox.env generation based on python_requires? """ attr = '_' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name if not hasattr(self, attr): setattr(self, attr, self._setup_classifiers()) return getattr(self, attr) def _setup_classifiers(self): return sorted( set( [ 'Development Status :: {0} - {1}'.format(*self.status), 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: ' + ('OSI Approved :: MIT' if self.has_mit_lic() else 'Other/Proprietary') + ' License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', ] + [self.pn(x) for x in self._pkg_data.get('classifiers', [])] ) ) @property def keywords(self): return self.pn(self._pkg_data.get('keywords', [])) @property def install_requires(self): """list of packages required for installation""" return self._analyse_packages[0] @property def install_pre(self): """list of packages required for installation""" return self._analyse_packages[1] @property def _analyse_packages(self): """gather from configuration, names starting with * need to be installed explicitly as they are not on PyPI install_requires should be dict, with keys 'any', 'py27' etc or a list (which is as if only 'any' was defined ToDo: update with: pep508 conditional dependencies """ if self._pkg[0] is None: self._pkg[0] = [] self._pkg[1] = [] ir = self._pkg_data.get('install_requires') if ir is None: return self._pkg # these will be both empty at this point if isinstance(ir, list): self._pkg[0] = ir return self._pkg # 'any' for all builds, 'py27' etc for specifics versions packages = ir.get('any', []) if isinstance(packages, string_type): packages = packages.split() # assume white space separated string if self.nested: # parent dir is also a package, make sure it is installed (need its .pth file) parent_pkg = self.full_package_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] if parent_pkg not in packages: packages.append(parent_pkg) implementation = platform.python_implementation() if implementation == 'CPython': pyver = 'py{0}{1}'.format(*sys.version_info) elif implementation == 'PyPy': pyver = 'pypy' if sys.version_info < (3,) else 'pypy3' elif implementation == 'Jython': pyver = 'jython' packages.extend(ir.get(pyver, [])) for p in packages: # package name starting with * means use local source tree, non-published # to PyPi or maybe not latest version on PyPI -> pre-install if p[0] == '*': p = p[1:] self._pkg[1].append(p) self._pkg[0].append(p) return self._pkg @property def extras_require(self): """dict of conditions -> extra packages informaton required for installation as of setuptools 33 doing `package ; python_version<=2.7' in install_requires still doesn't work https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/ https://wheel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html#defining-conditional-dependencies https://hynek.me/articles/conditional-python-dependencies/ """ ep = self._pkg_data.get('extras_require') return ep @property def data_files(self): df = self._pkg_data.get('data_files', []) if self.has_mit_lic(): df.append('LICENSE') if not df: return None return [('.', df)] @property def package_data(self): df = self._pkg_data.get('data_files', []) if self.has_mit_lic(): # include the file df.append('LICENSE') # but don't install it exclude_files.append('LICENSE') if self._pkg_data.get('binary_only', False): exclude_files.append('__init__.py') debug('testing<<<<<') if 'Typing :: Typed' in self.classifiers: debug('appending') df.append('py.typed') pd = self._pkg_data.get('package_data', {}) if df: pd[self.full_package_name] = df if sys.version_info < (3,): # python2 doesn't seem to like unicode package names as keys # maybe only when the packages themselves are non-unicode for k in pd: if isinstance(k, unicode): pd[str(k)] = pd.pop(k) # for k in pd: # pd[k] = [e.encode('utf-8') for e in pd[k]] # de-unicode return pd @property def packages(self): s = self.split # fixed this in package_data, the keys there must be non-unicode for py27 # if sys.version_info < (3, 0): # s = [x.encode('utf-8') for x in self.split] return s + self._pkg_data.get('extra_packages', []) @property def python_requires(self): return self._pkg_data.get('python_requires', None) @property def ext_modules(self): """ Check if all modules specified in the value for 'ext_modules' can be build. That value (if not None) is a list of dicts with 'name', 'src', 'lib' Optional 'test' can be used to make sure trying to compile will work on the host creates and return the external modules as Extensions, unless that is not necessary at all for the action (like --version) test existence of compiler by using export CC=nonexistent; export CXX=nonexistent """ if hasattr(self, '_ext_modules'): return self._ext_modules if '--version' in sys.argv: return None if platform.python_implementation() == 'Jython': return None try: plat = sys.argv.index('--plat-name') if 'win' in sys.argv[plat + 1]: return None except ValueError: pass self._ext_modules = [] no_test_compile = False if '--restructuredtext' in sys.argv: no_test_compile = True elif 'sdist' in sys.argv: no_test_compile = True if no_test_compile: for target in self._pkg_data.get('ext_modules', []): ext = Extension( self.pn(target['name']), sources=[self.pn(x) for x in target['src']], libraries=[self.pn(x) for x in target.get('lib')], ) self._ext_modules.append(ext) return self._ext_modules print('sys.argv', sys.argv) import tempfile import shutil from textwrap import dedent import distutils.sysconfig import distutils.ccompiler from distutils.errors import CompileError, LinkError for target in self._pkg_data.get('ext_modules', []): # list of dicts ext = Extension( self.pn(target['name']), sources=[self.pn(x) for x in target['src']], libraries=[self.pn(x) for x in target.get('lib')], ) # debug('test1 in target', 'test' in target, target) if 'test' not in target: # no test, just hope it works self._ext_modules.append(ext) continue if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 4) and platform.system() == 'Windows': # this is giving problems on appveyor, so skip if 'FORCE_C_BUILD_TEST' not in os.environ: self._ext_modules.append(ext) continue # write a temporary .c file to compile c_code = dedent(target['test']) try: tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp_ruamel_') bin_file_name = 'test' + self.pn(target['name']) print('test compiling', bin_file_name) file_name = os.path.join(tmp_dir, bin_file_name + '.c') with open(file_name, 'w') as fp: # write source fp.write(c_code) # and try to compile it compiler = distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler() assert isinstance(compiler, distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler) # do any platform specific initialisations distutils.sysconfig.customize_compiler(compiler) # make sure you can reach header files because compile does change dir compiler.add_include_dir(os.getcwd()) if sys.version_info < (3,): tmp_dir = tmp_dir.encode('utf-8') # used to be a different directory, not necessary compile_out_dir = tmp_dir try: compiler.link_executable( compiler.compile([file_name], output_dir=compile_out_dir), bin_file_name, output_dir=tmp_dir, libraries=ext.libraries, ) except CompileError: debug('compile error:', file_name) print('compile error:', file_name) continue except LinkError: debug('link error', file_name) print('link error', file_name) continue self._ext_modules.append(ext) except Exception as e: # NOQA debug('Exception:', e) print('Exception:', e) if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 4) and platform.system() == 'Windows': traceback.print_exc() finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) return self._ext_modules @property def test_suite(self): return self._pkg_data.get('test_suite') def wheel(self, kw, setup): """temporary add setup.cfg if creating a wheel to include LICENSE file https://bitbucket.org/pypa/wheel/issues/47 """ if 'bdist_wheel' not in sys.argv: return False file_name = 'setup.cfg' if os.path.exists(file_name): # add it if not in there? return False with open(file_name, 'w') as fp: if os.path.exists('LICENSE'): fp.write('[metadata]\nlicense-file = LICENSE\n') else: print('\n\n>>>>>> LICENSE file not found <<<<<\n\n') if self._pkg_data.get('universal'): fp.write('[bdist_wheel]\nuniversal = 1\n') try: setup(**kw) except Exception: raise finally: os.remove(file_name) return True # # call setup def main(): dump_kw = '--dump-kw' if dump_kw in sys.argv: import wheel import distutils import setuptools print('python: ', sys.version) print('setuptools:', setuptools.__version__) print('distutils: ', distutils.__version__) print('wheel: ', wheel.__version__) nsp = NameSpacePackager(pkg_data) nsp.check() nsp.create_dirs() MySdist.nsp = nsp if pkg_data.get('tarfmt'): MySdist.tarfmt = pkg_data.get('tarfmt') cmdclass = dict(install_lib=MyInstallLib, sdist=MySdist) if _bdist_wheel_available: MyBdistWheel.nsp = nsp cmdclass['bdist_wheel'] = MyBdistWheel kw = dict( name=nsp.full_package_name, namespace_packages=nsp.namespace_packages, version=version_str, packages=nsp.packages, python_requires=nsp.python_requires, url=nsp.url, author=nsp.author, author_email=nsp.author_email, cmdclass=cmdclass, package_dir=nsp.package_dir, entry_points=nsp.entry_points(), description=nsp.description, install_requires=nsp.install_requires, extras_require=nsp.extras_require, # available since setuptools 18.0 / 2015-06 license=nsp.license, classifiers=nsp.classifiers, keywords=nsp.keywords, package_data=nsp.package_data, ext_modules=nsp.ext_modules, test_suite=nsp.test_suite, ) if '--version' not in sys.argv and ('--verbose' in sys.argv or dump_kw in sys.argv): for k in sorted(kw): v = kw[k] print(' "{0}": "{1}",'.format(k, v)) # if '--record' in sys.argv: # return if dump_kw in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove(dump_kw) try: with open('README.rst') as fp: kw['long_description'] = fp.read() except Exception: pass if nsp.wheel(kw, setup): if nsp.nested and 'bdist_wheel' in sys.argv: try: d = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-d') + 1] except ValueError: dist_base = os.environ.get('PYDISTBASE') if dist_base: d = os.path.join(dist_base, nsp.full_package_name) else: d = 'dist' for x in os.listdir(d): dashed_vs = '-' + version_str + '-' if x.endswith('.whl') and dashed_vs in x: # remove .pth file from the wheel full_name = os.path.join(d, x) print('patching .pth from', full_name) with InMemoryZipFile(full_name) as imz: imz.delete_from_zip_file(nsp.full_package_name + '.*.pth') break return for x in ['-c', 'egg_info', '--egg-base', 'pip-egg-info']: if x not in sys.argv: break else: # we're doing a tox setup install any starred package by searching up the source tree # until you match your/package/name for your.package.name for p in nsp.install_pre: import subprocess # search other source setup_path = os.path.join(*p.split('.') + ['setup.py']) try_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) while len(try_dir) > 1: full_path_setup_py = os.path.join(try_dir, setup_path) if os.path.exists(full_path_setup_py): pip = sys.executable.replace('python', 'pip') cmd = [pip, 'install', os.path.dirname(full_path_setup_py)] # with open('/var/tmp/notice', 'a') as fp: # print('installing', cmd, file=fp) subprocess.check_output(cmd) break try_dir = os.path.dirname(try_dir) setup(**kw) if nsp.nested and sys.argv[:2] == ['-c', 'bdist_wheel']: d = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-d') + 1] for x in os.listdir(d): if x.endswith('.whl'): # remove .pth file from the wheel full_name = os.path.join(d, x) print('patching .pth from', full_name) with InMemoryZipFile(full_name) as imz: imz.delete_from_zip_file(nsp.full_package_name + '.*.pth') break main()