var vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({ title: "Tolerační kostely", projection: "EPSG:3857", source: new ol.source.Vector({ format: new ol.format.GeoJSON() }), style: function(feat, res) { var icon = feat.get('icon'); var img_src = "img/Ol_icon_blue.png"; if (icon == 'zboreny') { img_src = "img/Ol_icon_red.png"; } else if (icon == 'question') { img_src = "img/Ol_question_green.png"; } // FIXME je offset k něčemu dobrý? var offset = feat.get('iconOffset'); return [new{ image: new{ src: img_src }), text: new{ font: 'bolder 10px serif', text: feat.get('title'), offsetY: 12, textBaseLine: "bottom" }) })]; } }); var map = new ol.Map({ target: "map", projection: "EPSG:3857", loadTilesWhileAnimating: true, loadTilesWhileInteracting: true, layers: [ new ol.layer.Tile({ title: "OSM Map", source: new ol.source.OSM() }), // to be filled in later vectorLayer ], view: new ol.View({ //Village Čihošť is the geographical center of Czechia center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([15.338611, 49.743889]), zoom: 8 }) }); var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function(data) { if (httpRequest.readyState != 4 || httpRequest.status != 200) { return; } else { csv2geojson.csv2geojson(httpRequest.responseText, { latfield: 'lat', lonfield: 'lon', delimiter: '\t' }, function(err, data) { var geoJsonFormat = new ol.format.GeoJSON(); var features = geoJsonFormat.readFeatures( data, { featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857' } ); var layerSource = vectorLayer.getSource(); layerSource.addFeatures(features); }); }};'GET', 'kostely.tsv'); httpRequest.send(); ol.control.WMSLegend = function(opt_options) { var options = opt_options || {}; this.options = options; this.div = document.createElement('div'); var legendP = document.createElement('p'); legendP.innerHTML = 'Legend:'; this.div.className = this.options.class + ' ol-unselectable'; this.div.appendChild(legendP);, { element: this.div }); }; ol.inherits(ol.control.WMSLegend, ol.control.Control); ol.control.WMSLegend.prototype.drawLegendItem = function(layer) { if (layer.get('showLegend') === true) { try { var url = layer.getSource().getUrls()[0]; } catch(err) { var url = layer.getSource().getUrl(); } var legendImg = document.createElement('img'); legendImg.src = url + '&version=' + this.options.wmsVersion + '&service=WMS&request=GetLegendGraphic&sld_version=1.1.0&layer=' + layer.getSource().getParams().layers + '&format=' + this.options.format; this.div.appendChild(legendImg); } } ol.control.WMSLegend.prototype.setMap = function(map){, map); this.options.wmsVersion = this.options.wmsVersion || '1.3.0'; this.options.format = this.options.format || 'image/png'; var layers = map.getLayers().getArray(); for (var i=0; i