#!/usr/bin/python3 import codecs import logging import re import sys import jinja2 import xml.etree.ElementTree as et logging.basicConfig( format="%(levelname)s:%(funcName)s:%(message)s", level=logging.INFO ) cur_year = 2024 book_abbrs = { "Gn": "Gen", "Ex": "Exod", "Lv": "Lev", # NA in source code, "Nu": "Num", "Dt": "Deut", "Jos": "Josh", "Jdc": "Judg", "Rth": "Ruth", "1Sm": "1%20Sam", "2Sm": "2%20Sam", "1Rg": "1%20Kgs", "2Rg": "2%20Kgs", "1Chr": "1%20Chr", "2Chr": "2%20Chr", "Esr": "Ezra", "Neh": "Neh", "Esth": "Esth", # NA in source code, "Job": "Job", "Ps": "Ps", "Prv": "Prov", "Eccl": "Eccl", "Song": "Song", # NA in source code, "Is": "Isa", "Jr": "Jer", "Thr": "Lam", "Ez": "Ezek", "Dn": "Dan", "Hos": "Hos", "Joel": "Joel", "Am": "Amos", "Obad": "Obad", # NA in source code "Jon": "Jonah", "Mch": "Mic", "Nah": "Nah", # NA in source code "Hab": "Hab", "Zph": "Zeph", "Hgg": "Hag", "Zch": "Zech", "Ml": "Mal", "Mt": "Matt", "Mc": "Mark", "L": "Luke", "J": "John", "Act": "Acts", "R": "Rom", "1K": "1%20Cor", "2K": "2%20Cor", "G": "Gal", "E": "Eph", "Ph": "Phil", "Kol": "Col", "1Th": "1%20Thess", "2Th": "2%20Thess", "1T": "1%20Tim", "2T": "2%20Tim", "Tt": "Titus", "Phm": "Phlm", "H": "Heb", "Jc": "Jas", "1P": "1%20Pet", "2P": "2%20Pet", "1J": "1%20John", "2J": "2%20John", "3J": "3%20John", "Jd": "Jude", "Ap": "Rev", } def csv2dict(filename): out_dict = {} split_re = re.compile(r"\s+") field_names = ["no", "test", "cs_abbr", "cs_name", "de_abbr", "de_name"] with codecs.open(filename, "rb", "utf8") as csvfile: for row in csvfile: line_dict = dict(zip(field_names, split_re.split(row))) out_dict[line_dict["cs_abbr"]] = line_dict logging.debug("out_dict:\n%s", out_dict) return out_dict def parse_verses(lines): """ Having list of elements, make the text out of them (with
elements where necessary). """ out = "" logging.debug("lines = %s", ",".join( [et.tostring(l, encoding='unicode') for l in lines])) logging.debug("lines = len %s", len(lines)) if len(lines) > 0: out = lines[0].text if len(lines) > 1: for line in lines[1:]: logging.debug("lines = %s", lines) logging.debug("another line = %s", line.text) if line.text is not None: out += "
\n" + line.text logging.debug("body = %s", out) return out def parse_body(elem): """Parse one verse element Example could be (or NT instead of OT, or DAY): V Hospodinu je tvé útočiště. Žalm 91,9 """ logging.debug('elem:%s', et.tostring(elem, encoding='unicode')) if len(list(elem)) == 0: return None wword = {"text": ""} source_elem = elem.find("S") logging.debug("S elem = %s", et.tostring(source_elem, encoding='unicode')) logging.debug("S elem = attrib %s", source_elem.attrib) # biblical reference (computer readable) wword["ref_id"] = { "book": source_elem.attrib["b"], "chapter": source_elem.attrib["ch"], "verse": source_elem.attrib["v"], } logging.debug("wword['ref_id'] = %s", wword["ref_id"]) # biblical reference (compatible with the English Bible programs) try: wword["int_ref_id"] = wword["ref_id"].copy() wword["int_ref_id"]["book"] = book_abbrs[wword["ref_id"]["book"]] logging.debug("book = %s / %s", wword["ref_id"], wword["int_ref_id"]) except KeyError: logging.error("book = %s", wword["ref_id"]) raise # text of the verse wword["text"] = parse_verses(list(elem.iter("L"))) # references ref = elem.find("SL") logging.debug("ref = %s", et.tostring(ref, encoding='unicode')) if ref is not None: logging.debug("ref.text = %s", ref.text) wword["ref"] = ref.text return wword def parse_losung(elem): """ Parse one losung. Example: Pátek 1. ledna 2021 Nebudete krást ani obelhávat a podvádět svého bližního. 3.Mojžíšova 19,11 Všichni buďte jedné mysli, soucitní, plní bratrské lásky, milosrdní a pokorní, neodplácejte zlým za zlé ani urážkou za urážku, naopak žehnejte; vždyť jste byli povoláni k tomu, abyste se stali dědici požehnání. 1.Petrova 3,8-9 Lukáš 4,16-21 Jakubova 4,13-15 Filipským 4,10-20 Jozue 1,1-9 Žalm 100 Sobota 2. ledna 2021 Četli z knihy Božího zákona po oddílech a vykládali smysl, aby lid rozuměl tomu, co četli. Nehemiáš 8,8 Pavel zůstal celé dva roky v najatém bytě a přijímal všechny, kdo za ním přišli, zvěstoval Boží království a učil všemu o Pánu Ježíši Kristu bez bázně a bez překážek. Skutky 28,30-31 Jozue 24,1-26 Lukáš 3,1-6 """ logging.debug("losung = %s\n", et.tostring(elem, encoding='unicode')) out = {} date_id = ( cur_year, int(elem.attrib["m"]), int(elem.attrib["d"]), ) out["date_id"] = "%4d-%02d-%02d" % (date_id) logging.debug("date_id = %s", out["date_id"]) out["date_full"] = elem.find("TL").text out["watchwords"] = [] for tst in ["OT", "NT"]: sect = elem.find(tst) out["watchwords"].append(parse_body(sect)) out["readings"] = [] for read in ["SR", "CR", "Ev", "Ep", "Pr", "AT", "Bl"]: sect = elem.find(read) if sect is not None: try: out["readings"].append( "\n".join([el.text for el in sect.findall("SL")]) ) except AttributeError: logging.exception("Parsing heslo pro %s", sect) logging.debug("readings = %s", out['readings']) out["chronicles"] = [] for chron in elem.findall("C"): out["chronicles"].append( "\n".join([line.text for line in chron.findall("L")]) ) return date_id, out def parse_day(elem, whole_dict): """ Parsse element. Example: Všechno, cokoli mluvíte nebo děláte, čiňte ve jménu Pána Ježíše a skrze něho děkujte Bohu Otci. Koloským 3,17 Proto se zjevil Syn Boží, aby zmařil činy ďáblovy. 1.Janova 3,8b """ date_id = ( cur_year, int(elem.attrib["m"]), int(elem.attrib["d"]), ) logging.debug("date_id = %s", date_id) out = whole_dict[date_id] if elem.attrib["type"] == "holiday": out["holy_name"] = elem.attrib["name"].strip() out["holy_text"] = parse_body(elem) elif elem.attrib["type"] == "sunday": out["sun_name"] = elem.attrib["name"].strip() if "meaning" in elem.attrib: out["sun_mean"] = elem.attrib["meaning"].strip() out["sun_ord"] = int(elem.attrib["ord"]) out["sun_text"] = parse_body(elem) elif elem.attrib["type"] == "week": out["week_title"] = elem.attrib["name"].strip() else: raise ValueError("Unknown DAY type = %s", elem.attrib["type"]) def parse_file(filename): tree = et.parse(filename).getroot() article_dict = {} env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader("templates")) template = env.get_template("czech.html") for los in tree.iter("LOSUNG"): key, text = parse_losung(los) article_dict[key] = text for los in tree.iter("DAY"): parse_day(los, article_dict) article_list = [] for key in sorted(article_dict.keys()): article_list.append(article_dict[key]) return template.render(articles=article_list) if __name__ == "__main__": print(parse_file(sys.argv[1]))