Continuing story? ################# :date: 2005-12-06T00:00:00 :category: research :tags: dissertation, BostonMiracle While reading an excellent introduction to SI `“Symbolic Interactionism: An Introduction, An Interpretation, An Integration”`_ by `Joel Charon`_ I was thinking about my research (of course) and about the current craze about rising murder rate in the City of Boston. Although I certainly do not want to diminish the real pain of murdered victims’ families, I just do not see anything so terrible around, which would deserve `moral panic`_ going around just now. So, for example `today’s “Here and now”`_ was introduced by the headline declaring `“Stop snitching” T-shirt`_ as part of nation-wide conspiracy to frieghten witnesses to testify in gang-related court cases. .. _`“Symbolic Interactionism: An Introduction, An Interpretation, An Integration”`: .. _`Joel Charon`: .. _`moral panic`: .. _`today’s “Here and now”`: .. _`“Stop snitching” T-shirt`: