Lord’s Supper and Harry Potter ############################## :date: 2024-05-17T16:35:58 :category: literature :tags: harryPotter, blogComment, fromReddit, theology (my comment on the reddit thread `The Pope loves magic, actually`_ by callmesalticidae_) Foremost, I don’t want to make it into a Catholic/Protestant thing. I know Catholics who agree with me in saying that the whole transubstantiation controversy is basically a disaster caused by the Scholastic attempt to squeeze everything into a rational framework. Scholasticism was in many aspects an Alpha version of the Enlightenment of the Eighteenth Century, and it hit the similar problems. Here they tried to fit the round peg of the God’s mystery to the square hole of the Aristotelian logical framework of reason, and it really never worked well. Then of course, because the Catholic Church never makes a mistake, instead of admitting the idea was a bit foolish they doubled down on it and made it into `the shibboleth of the true faith`_, which made the whole thing even worse. Then the Reformation came and who were just two sides in a discussion were now enemies, and so Reformers add `their own junk`_. I do like the formulation of the seventeenth century bishop of Czech brethren Jan Ámos Komenský (Comenius) from his confession_ of faith that Jesus told us to meet with him in the bread and wine and not to study it or trying to understand it. Concerning Harry Potter and transfiguration. I really don’t know where it came from that the Christian faith could be somehow put in jeopardy by the discovery that changing of water into wine (which is the best I can understand could transfiguration do) is possible by magic. Firstly, it is the Wedding at Cana not the Last Supper, and for the second, I don’t think even the most strict extreme Roman Catholic would ever argue that even the Consecrated Host would be by scientific method distinguishable from any other regular bread (not that he would do any scientific investigation of the Sacred Host for reverence to it). Spiritual change of bread and wine into The Glorious Presence of the Lord Jesus is something which I don’t think even Professor McGonagall claim to do (who is in my headcanon a strict Presbyterian and a relative of Helen Burns from “Jane Eyre”). So, yes, after arguing about it for myself, I don’t think Transfiguration has any effect on anything, be it the Protestant Lord’s Supper or the Catholic Eucharist. .. _`The Pope loves magic, actually`: https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/comments/1ctqbkn/the_pope_loves_magic_actually/ .. _callmesalticidae: https://www.reddit.com/user/callmesalticidae .. _`the shibboleth of the true faith`: https://youtu.be/fqkaBEWPH18 .. _`their own junk`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidelberg_Catechism#Lord's_Day_30 .. _confession: https://kaplice.evangnet.cz/HTMS/kb.html