James Potter and The Werewolf Incident ###################################### :date: 2022-10-31T07:27:12 :category: literature :tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment, storyPrompt Comment on the Reddit thread “`In which year did the Snape-Werewolf incident happen?`_” by `/u/Hoptitu`_) What is even more important question: were the words > “Well, it’s more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean. …” said by James Potter after Severus Snape was almost killed by the means of a werewolf in his presence (yes, James saved him, but was it really from the goodness of his heart or because he was smart enough to see what could happen to two of his friends)? And was James Potter still the best buddy with a guy who just for fun almost killed another (and threatened a life of his best friend)? If yes, if shows truly the level of arrogance and disrespect for human life which makes James Potter a way less nice person than he is usually presented to be. Actually, quite disgusting. (Of course, the problem is, I suspect, that JKR as usual didn’t check her timeline). .. _`In which year did the Snape-Werewolf incident happen?`: https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/comments/yi01l5/in_which_year_did_the_snapewerewolf_incident/ .. _`/u/Hoptitu`: https://www.reddit.com/user/Hoptitu/