Huna leading to Drinny ###################### :date: 2024-05-14T23:32:57 :category: literature :tags: storyPrompt, harryPotter, plotBunny, fromReddit Originally published as “`Ginny-centered Huna and what next …`_” on Reddit. .. _`Ginny-centered Huna and what next …`: Imagine a classical Huna story (Harry takes Luna to the Slughorn’s party and they hit it off), but seen from the eyes of Ginny. She has to finally fight the final loss of her hope that she would get together with Harry ever. She doesn’t get crazily jealous, because who could blame Luna for anything, and besides Luna is her friend and friends don’t steal boyfriends from other friends, but it is hard and she is moping around the castle in not very good mental state. While going through the second floor she finds Draco in the Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom breaking down because he just cannot carry on in his attempt to deliver poisoned mead to Dumbledore. They manage to talk and she gets through to him and persuades him to go to Snape and Dumbledore for help. While working on his double-agent story, they get together. There is an alternative to this pre-Christmas Drinny, with them getting together only after Ron’s poisoning (Ginny spends a month or so moping around). How to make it possible for Ginny to get involved with possible murderer of her brother? That wouldn’t work, so how to do it? One thing about those first two attacks (the cursed necklace and Katie Bell, and the poisoned mead and Ron) is that they can be fully orchestrated from outside Hogwarts. Actually, they feel weird exactly because they are too complicated for somebody who is inside the castle. That’s right, the true perpetrator of these two crimes was not Draco, but Narcissa Malfoy, who was still trying to save him by making him succeed, because she suspects Draco was not able to accomplish the intended assassination of Dumbledore. And when Draco sees somebody actually fighting for his life (more Ron than Katie who was unconveniently shipped to St. Mango), he might finally realized what does it actually mean to kill somebody. So, it could be possible to have both of my hoped-for pairings Draco/Ginny and Ron/Lavender (this time meant seriously after his near-death experience). Harry is free to go anywhere or even for Harmony or Huna for all I know.