Enemies to Friends … girls object! ################################## :date: 2021-10-31T01:11:25 :category: literature :tags: storyPrompt, review, harryPotter, blogComment (my post_ on the topic on Reddit) I have just re-read Tangerine-Alert trilogy on Harry avoiding his participation in the Triwizard Tournament (volumes one_, two_, and three_), and although I generally liked the stories and some of the ideas are really good, there was one overwhelming feeling which made me almost puke: the ease with which Harry collaborated with Lucius Malfoy. I understand that enemy to friends is a lovely trope and gives it a good dramatic tension, but if you want to really span the dramatic arch, then you have to span it and not ignore it. All these stories are from the GoF time-frame, so it is just not possible to get over the fact that Lucius Malfoy intentionally tried to hurt Harry's best friend's sister (if not more, we all know, that according to the fairy-tale rules the knight slaying the dragon and saving the princess has to get her hand in a marriage and half of her father's kingdom … OK, the latter wouldn't be too much, true), also intentionally (he knew the beast will go after muggleborns) tried to kill his other best friend, tortured Dobby, etc. Draco was not a sweet boy but aside from bullying Hermione he tried to kill Buckbeak just because he was not willing to admit his mistake. It is not possible for Harry to just skip over this with “Oh well, we have different opinions on how to lead magical society and it is probably my fault because I am not educated enough about the magical culture.” No, Malfoys (and Snape) are horrible human trash, and if they want to turn to the Light, they have plenty of turning to do. So, the story I would love to be able to read would be something like one of these stories, where Harry decides that Lucius Malfoy is the ally he needs (BTW, truly, Harry didn’t know about anybody else who could help him after going for three years to one class with Susan Bones?), and when the information leaks out, Ginny and Hermione go ballistic, because Harry betrayed them. Dobby just cannot take to his big heart that The Good Harry Potter allied himself with his Bad Former Master and commits suicide. .. _post: https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/comments/qjo8df/enemies_to_friends_girls_object/ .. _one: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11642540 .. _two: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11936172/1/ .. _three: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13277595/1/