Linus on github ############### :date: 2012-06-14T06:35:10 :category: computer :tags: git, github Just to record for myself link to `the awesome discussion about deficiencies of github`_. I have been tempted lately to the sweet proprietary arms of github lately (yes, their cheap commenting threads are a killer feature and as awesome as cheap branches in git itself). It also leads to `the very nice blogpost on git commit messages`_. It is unfortunately very rare to get a good comparison between GitHub and gitweb+git based on their technical merit, so the proprietary nature of github then stands as the only problem of github. I should also take a longer look at ``git request-pull (1)``. Apparently its documentation is its weakest part (see `example result`_ and `Linus’s comment on what consitutes a good pull request`_). .. _`the awesome discussion about deficiencies of github`: .. _`the very nice blogpost on git commit messages`: .. _`example result`: .. _`Linus’s comment on what consitutes a good pull request`: