“Let's build it all again … now with bunnies!” ############################################## :date: 2011-10-03T13:31:15 :category: computer :tags: xmpp, reinvent wheel, websockets I was reading `a blogpost about WebSocket and NAT and all this stuff`_ and I cannot stop thinking “Do we have to really `reinvent the wheel`_ all the time?” Of course, when Apple et al. reinvent_ `the wheel`_, it is probably a deliberate attempt to lock in clueless customers. But when open communities `do it`_? And if you don’t know how to do all that stuff over secure and reliable connection, then `it all has been done`_ (more information, example_). Oh well. .. _`a blogpost about WebSocket and NAT and all this stuff`: http://code-bear.com/bearlog/2011/10/02/websockets-the-bell-bottoms-of-the-web/ .. _`reinvent the wheel`: http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2004/09/18/WS-Oppo .. _reinvent: http://www.apple.com/ios/ios5/features.html#imessage .. _`the wheel`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ichat .. _`do it`: http://code.google.com/p/pubsubhubbub/ .. _`it all has been done`: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/doc/book/chapter.tubes.html .. _example: https://github.com/zhangsen/tp-sudoku-demo