First steps towards support for ################################################## :date: 2010-08-06T07:19:00 :category: computer :tags: jetpack, firefox After return from Guadec_ I was greatly encouraged by the interest I've met there. I thought on the spot about making a specific child object for Gnome bugzilla (similar to MozillaBugzilla), which would liquidate unnecessary buttons from bugzilla. However, another request I've got was from Luis_ and he asked me to get an ability to eliminate unnecessary buttons so he can use bugzilla for his MoFo legal work (which is an interesting idea in itself ;)). In the end I have decided that it would be actually easy to keep all business logic still in JSON file (and not having some ``if (this.hostname === "")`` hardwired in the code). So with the current (`git`_, unreleased) version you can add this bit of code into configData of your JSON file:: "killNodes": {      "": [           "stocklinks", true       ] }, and the script will kill element with id ``'stocklinks'`` upon the startup. For Luis, instead of one string, it could be an array with more IDs. So this is the current look of in my Firefox .. image:: :scale: 66% :align: center :target: :alt: bugzilla page with eliminated unnecessary fields However, while testing the script I found that bgo is still very heavily modified (although apparently not `an obsolete one anymore`_) and my script breaks somewhere. I have fixed one inconsistency (apparently, ``'mailto:'`` is not good enough for their email addresses ;)), but there is still something which breaks generation of new buttons. I'll work on it when I can. .. _Guadec: .. _Luis: .. _git: git:// .. _`an obsolete one anymore`: