Happy New Year! ############### :date: 2014-01-01T21:54:54 :category: faith :tags: firefoxOS, Bible, html5 What true hackers do on the New Year Eve? Of course, they hack! And apparently `Stephan Tetzels`_ is the one. During the festivities he achieved something which I frankly haven’t believed be possible just few months ago: he allowed me to create this screenshot of my `Firefox OS`_ phone (that’s the beginning of Luke 2, for improved effect in the Czech translation from the 16th century) .. image:: {static}/images/2014-01-01-19-51-11.png :scale: 50% :align: center :alt: BibleZ showing Luke 2 on a FxOS phone .. _`Stephan Tetzels`: https://github.com/zefanja .. _`Firefox OS`: https://www.mozilla.org/cs/firefox/os/ Thank you very much and happy new year everybody!