Frameworks and libraries ######################## :status: draft :date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00 :category: computer :tags: firefoxOS, javascript, webapps, brick, framework, libraries, import, ES6 While reading the discussion_ “Why I hate frameworks” I think I’ve seen The Light™. I have finally recognized what is my biggest problem with the current style of the Web development (and consequently Firefox OS development). It is all about frameworks. Where do I see the distinction between frameworks and libraries? What I really want to do is to write program in whatever style and structure I want. Only that would be too much work to write everything myself (and in some cases, e.g., where numerical stability is concerned, I would need to study one or more universities to be able to write it), so I am glad that I can call on some libraries to help via their exactly defined APIs (and stable! I look at you, NodeJS & co.). However, still, I decide about the structure of the program and its whole design. Frameworks come from the other universe, the one of Microsoft Visual Basic and similar attempts, where the framework does everything and less-than-professional programmer just fills-in details in some text boxes (if available). It comes from the similar universe as whole ideal of CASE, RAD tools, UML, complicated IDEs (who are mostly ancestors of the Visual Basic idea anyway), etc. Crazy thing about the mobile development is that there are almost no libraries and everybody tries to writes their own version of framework. Or there are ... NPM. Even Script_6_support_in_Mozilla admits no support for libraries in the current development of Firefox (and Mozilla is traditionally ahead with the development of JavaScript) Perhaps there is a hope in Web Components, but I don't believe it much ... in the end what we are getting is again. It seems that all we get from Web Components is yet another framework, (ReactJS? Polymer?) This doesn't mean I don’t want examples. .. _discussion: