We should stop even pretending Google is trying to do The Right Thing™ ###################################################################### :category: computer :date: 2013-09-18T22:09:37 :tags: google, ourcloud, liberation, identity, privacy, xmpp While reading `blogpost by Karl Dubost of Mozilla`_ I was again irritated by the quotation Karl used which mentioned Google’s claim of the universal access to the world knowledge. I have `replied in probably not the best way on Twitter`_ and lead Karl into confusion on what I wanted to say. .. _`blogpost by Karl Dubost of Mozilla`: http://www.otsukare.info/2013/09/04/ua-sniffing-and-custom-experience .. _`replied in probably not the best way on Twitter`: https://twitter.com/mcepl/status/380264385660215297 I am one of the co-maintainers of almost dead project jBrout_. In order to make the communication around the project at least more lively, I have created `GMane group`_ for it. In order to make the group complete on Gmane, I have also tried to export all messages from `the Google Group for jBrout`_ only to find that there is no way how to do it. `Data Liberation Front`_ is completely mum on the Groups and I found that new JavaScript-only design of the web pages preclude any script to scrap those messages. So much for the universal access when even Lynx cannot open these pages. .. _jBrout: https://code.google.com/p/jbrout/ .. _`GMane group`: http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnome.apps.jbrout .. _`the Google Group for jBrout`: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/jbrout .. _`Data Liberation Front`: https://www.dataliberation.org/google/ When `I was writing last year`_ about the problems I have with Google, `one Google engineer`_ seemed offended by my despect towards Google’s lack of openness. However, if I am not mistaken, there is still no offline Gmail support for non-Chrome and I haven’t heard anywhere else about plans of creating one. And offenses towards the open Web still continue: not only my petty problem with Google Groups (although, didn’t Google named itself a steward of all Usenet content?), but also ActiveX^H^H^H^H\ NaCl_ proprietary technology which seems to sneak silently into their platform, `weird state of Google Hangout`_ (yes, XMPP S2S communication as of today still works, but for how long? I don’t see any Google’s commitment to the open standards anymore), `breaking OpenID delegation`_ (actually, `I may be wrong on this one`_), and some_ others_. .. _`I was writing last year`: {filename}do-whatever.rst .. _`one Google engineer`: http://disq.us/p/1q35kis .. _NaCl: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/09/12/google_native_client_from_all_sides/ .. _`weird state of Google Hangout`: https://web.archive.org/web/20130828102919/http://code-bear.com/bearlog/2013/05/24/google-hangout-chat-and-the-missing-xmpp/ .. _`breaking OpenID delegation`: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2009/01/using-your-own-url-as-your-openid/ .. _`I may be wrong on this one`: http://stackoverflow.com/a/16261110/164233 .. _some: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2012/03/video-mobile-and-the-open-web/ .. _others: http://mozillamemes.tumblr.com/post/19415247873/surely-chrome-will-drop-h264-lets-just-wait#_=_ Concerning Google Groups I have also found `this post`_ which seems to follow the same logic as I am poorly trying to express. .. _`this post`: http://www.somebits.com/weblog/culture/preparing-for-google-groups-shutdown.html **Update:** After comments on this post, I have actually managed to create `a script for semi-automatical scraping of Google Groups`_ .. _`a script for semi-automatical scraping of Google Groups`: {filename}scrapping-of-Google-groups.rst