Ebook formats ############# :date: 2023-08-05T23:32:00 :category: computer :tags: ebook, EPub, HTML This is just collection of alternatives to EPub for electronic books and similar stuff. * Why to have alternative to EPub: `The publishing industry has a problem, and EPUB is not the solution`_ ? … the author (Jani Patokallio) has a bit of problem confusing EPub with DRM, but otherwise his point that ZIP archive of HTMLs would do at least as well as EPub is a valid one. Except of course there is absolutely no reader for such animal. * `Portable Documents for the Open Web (Part 1)`_ (`part 2`_ and `part 3`_) how this is seen by the publishing industry (by the chairman of IDPF). * `Forest of evergreen notes`_ … personal storage of knowledge, quite related to the concept of `public Zettelkasten`_ by `Andy Matuschak`_. Right, Zettelkasten_. There I also learned `Why You Should Set Links Manually and Not Rely on Search Alone`_ * Wildly inaccurate prediction `Why e-books will soon be obsolete (and no, it’s not just because of DRM)`_, which however is interesting read on the faulty business practices of the current publishing industry. * Daniel Glazman wildly disagrees with the current trends in `Web. Period.`_ * **{update 2024-08-26}** https://starbreaker.org/ also mentions `Commonplace book`_ and `Digital Garden`_ as useful parable of what we are after. **NOT** IndieWeb_ .. _`Portable Documents for the Open Web (Part 1)`: http://toc.oreilly.com/2012/08/portable-documents-for-the-open-web-part-1.html .. _`part 2`: http://toc.oreilly.com/2012/08/portable-documents-for-the-open-web-part-2.html .. _`part 3`: http://toc.oreilly.com/2012/08/portable-documents-for-the-open-web-part-3.html .. _`The publishing industry has a problem, and EPUB is not the solution`: http://toc.oreilly.com/2013/02/the-publishing-industry-has-a-problem-and-epub-is-not-the-solution.html .. _`Forest of evergreen notes`: https://www.jonmsterling.com/tfmt-000V.xml .. _`public Zettelkasten`: https://notes.andymatuschak.org/Evergreen_notes .. _`Andy Matuschak`: https://andymatuschak.org/ .. _Zettelkasten: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zettelkasten .. _`Why You Should Set Links Manually and Not Rely on Search Alone`: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/search-alone-is-not-enough/ .. _`Why e-books will soon be obsolete (and no, it’s not just because of DRM)`: https://gyrovague.com/2012/04/30/why-e-books-will-soon-be-obsolete-and-no-its-not-just-because-of-drm/ .. _`Web. Period.`: https://medium.com/@daniel.glazman/web-period-4472fbfac90b .. _`Commonplace book`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonplace_book .. _`Digital Garden`: https://maggieappleton.com/garden-history .. _IndieWeb: https://starbreaker.org/blog/tech/has-indieweb-become-irrelevant/index.html