diff options
-rw-r--r--faith/spotlight_liberal_movie.rst (renamed from drafts/spotlight_liberal_movie.rst)0
16 files changed, 521 insertions, 284 deletions
diff --git a/computer/be_like_them.rst b/computer/be_like_them.rst
index d64aabe..6aa801c 100644
--- a/computer/be_like_them.rst
+++ b/computer/be_like_them.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Be like Them
:date: 2016-03-05T09:46:14
:category: computer
-:tags: Linux, ourcloud, firefoxOS, FLOSS, blogComment
+:tags: linux, ourcloud, firefoxOS, FLOSS, blogComment
(Originally published as a comment_ on
diff --git a/computer/convert_rhel7_to_centos.rst b/computer/convert_rhel7_to_centos.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..577c694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/computer/convert_rhel7_to_centos.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Convert RHEL-7 to CentOS
+:date: 2018-05-02T18:43:00
+:category: computer
+:tags: linux
+I have tried to suggest update of `Migration Guide`_ for
+RHEL7→CentOS7 migration, but apparently after CentOS was bought
+by Red Hat, there is not enough desire to document such
+migration, ehm ehm. So, just recording this for posteriority::
+ cd /tmp
+ mkdir TMP
+ cd TMP
+ wget $URLBASE/centos-indexhtml-7-9.el7.centos.noarch.rpm \
+ $URLBASE/centos-release-7-4.1708.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm \
+ $URLBASE/yum-3.4.3-154.el7.centos.noarch.rpm \
+ $URLBASE/yum-plugin-fastestmirror-1.1.31-42.el7.noarch.rpm
+ subscription-manager remove --all
+ yum remove rhnlib abrt-plugin-bugzilla redhat-release-notes\* \
+ subscription-manager\*
+ rpm -e --nodeps redhat-release-workstation redhat-indexhtml
+ for dir in /usr/share/redhat-release\;\* ; do rm -fv $dir ; done
+ rmdir /usr/share/redhat-release
+ rpm -Uvh *
+ yum clean all && rm -rf /var/cache/yum
+ yum upgrade
+ yum upgrade
+ yum distro-sync
+ package-cleanup --orphans
+ cd .. && rm -rf TMP
+I am not sure what’s the deal with
+``/usr/share/redhat-release*``, but it is just necessary to get
+rid of all variants of such directory.
+.. _`Migration Guide`:
diff --git a/computer/depmod-forever.rst b/computer/depmod-forever.rst
index a60b66e..b48d6cc 100644
--- a/computer/depmod-forever.rst
+++ b/computer/depmod-forever.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Depmod forever
:date: 2006-08-10T11:27:00
:category: computer
-:tags: Linux, kernel
+:tags: linux, kernel
Mental note to myself: whenever there are some problems with kernel
modules, run ``depmod -a`` first! Always!
diff --git a/computer/jagged-fonts-update.rst b/computer/jagged-fonts-update.rst
index 17364d9..d592036 100644
--- a/computer/jagged-fonts-update.rst
+++ b/computer/jagged-fonts-update.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Update on comment about “jagged fonts” in Linux
:category: computer
:date: 2005-08-17T21:54:00
-:tags: font, Linux
+:tags: font, linux
I mentioned that I was using msttcorefonts_. They are good, but
`Dejavu fonts`_ are better. Highly recommended.
diff --git a/computer/jagged-fonts.rst b/computer/jagged-fonts.rst
index e7ba581..70464fc 100644
--- a/computer/jagged-fonts.rst
+++ b/computer/jagged-fonts.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Jagged fonts
:date: 2005-03-31T02:26:00
:category: computer
-:tags: font, Linux
+:tags: font, linux
Tim Bray blogged about his `gripes with Mac OS X`_ and then among the
reasons why not to unswitch from Mac OS X he mentions "jaggedy spidery
diff --git a/computer/stalled-inovation.rst b/computer/stalled-inovation.rst
index e943000..f25627e 100644
--- a/computer/stalled-inovation.rst
+++ b/computer/stalled-inovation.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Stalled inovation
:date: 2006-08-10T17:34:00
:category: computer
-:tags: Linux, OpenOffice
+:tags: linux, OpenOffice
I am still thinking about scripts­how incredibly useful they are and how
surprisingly little of them are in GUI-Linux world. Given the fact, that
diff --git a/computer/utf8.rst b/computer/utf8.rst
index 3b21b0d..7954f26 100644
--- a/computer/utf8.rst
+++ b/computer/utf8.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Finally, UTF-8 locale (and about Compose)
:date: 2005-09-23T01:16:00
:category: computer
-:tags: utf8, Linux
+:tags: utf8, linux
I have finally bitten the bullet and switched my locale to
`cs\_CZ.UTF-8`_. When still writing this blog in gvim (`the end of my
diff --git a/drafts/noty-z-Facebooku.rst b/drafts/noty-z-Facebooku.rst
index 8cfbbdd..e1c4af0 100644
--- a/drafts/noty-z-Facebooku.rst
+++ b/drafts/noty-z-Facebooku.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Různé poznámky z Facebooku
:category: faith
:tags: politics, czech, sociology
+(z diskuse
Jaké výhody proti ostatním? Pokud bych byl Žid (a jak víte, že nejsem?
Na Internetu nikdo neví, kdo je pes), nesměl bych nosit šábesdekl? Pokud
@@ -24,55 +26,61 @@ toho, když ve Francii nesmí řádová sestřička na úřad (nebo do školy)
v hábitu, a vy všichni bojovníci za evropské tradice neřeknete proti
tomu ani slovo. Bojím se, když v Německu začne nějaký magor vykládat
o tom, že by se Židům měla zakázat mužská obřízka novorozeňat (která se
-pochopitelně v dvacátém prvním roce provádí s umrtvením) protože se prý
+pochopitelně v dvacátém prvním roce provádí s umrtvením), protože se prý
jedná o trápení dětí. Teď mu to neprošlo, ale což takhle někdy
v budoucnu nebo někde jinde (kde nejsou lidé natolik zdravě přecitlivělí
na cokoliv co byť jenom vzdáleně připomíná antisemitismus)?
-Co se týče té šaríji. Xenofobie (ano, dojde na Godwinův zákon) je, jak
-věděl Goebbels nejúčinější nástroj, jak lidi přimět k tomu, aby dělali
-co chcete. Řekněte Němcům že mají vyvraždit šest milionů lidí a pošlou
-Vás do háje. Ale pokud v nich vyvoláte strach, že budou ohrožováni
-ohavnými Židy, pokud jim vysvětlíte, že za jejich selhání ve světové
-válce nemůžou ani oni, ani jejich polodebilní císař, který je nahnal do
-nesmyslného konfliktu, ale že oni hrdinný a statečný národ byli zrazeni,
-pokud budou mít pocit, že bojují o svoje holé přežití, najednou morální
-zábrany odpadnou (halt, když jde o přežití národa, tak to jde morálka
+Co se týče té šaríji. Xenofobie (ano, dojde na Godwinův zákon)
+je, jak věděl Goebbels nejúčinější nástroj, jak lidi přimět
+k tomu, aby dělali co chcete. Řekněte Němcům že mají vyvraždit
+šest milionů lidí a pošlou Vás do háje. Ale pokud v nich vyvoláte
+strach, že budou ohrožováni ohavnými Židy, pokud jim vysvětlíte,
+že za jejich selhání ve světové válce nemůžou ani oni, ani jejich
+polodebilní císař, který je nahnal do nesmyslného konfliktu, ale
+že oni hrdinný a statečný národ byli zrazeni, pokud budou mít
+pocit, že bojují o svoje holé přežití, najednou morální zábrany
+odpadnou (halt, abych ocitoval nesmrtelného soudce Pavla Kučeru,
+když jde o zachování vlády, tak musí jít nezávislost justice
stranou) a evropské židovstvo vyvraždí.
-Čímžto chci říci, že ani jedna ze zmíněných holek nehodlala nikoho
-z Čechů nutit k tomu, aby dodržovali cokoliv co jim předepisuje jejich
-víra. Nikde jsem neslyšel o tom, že bych nesměl halel maso, nikde jsem
-neslyšel o bombových útocích na moravské vinice, nebo něco podobného.
-Uvádím tak absurdní příklady hlavně proto, abych ukázal jak absurdní je
-obávat se ze šarijizace Evropy. Vidím zato zcela zřetelně právě
-probíhající sekularizaci Evropy a vidím konstatní útok
-levicovo-sekularizujících politiků na křesťanské kořeny Evropy (kterými
-se jinak tolik zaštiťují a honosí). A vidím jak xenofobie a rasismus
-jsou užitečnými nástroji k odvracení pozornosti. Pokud se budou křesťané
-zabývat pomyslným nebezpečím šaríi v Evropě, pokud se budou příslušníci
-různých věr považovat za svoje největší nepřátele a budou se navzájem
-potýkat, odvrátí se jejich pozornost o veřejné aktivity, a nebudou
-obtěžovat sekularisticko-fašisticko-socialistické politiky v jejich
-tlačení Evropy pryč od jejich křesťanských kořenů směrem k nesmyslným
-vzdušným zámkům a utopiím které socialisté a fašisté všech odstínů tak
-milují. Navíc také, pokud se křesťané budou věnovat pomyslným
-nebezpečím, nebudou mít čas a kredibilitu obtěžovat nás na naší cestě
-k zářné budoucnosti s nějakým evangeliem (okultismus a homosexualita se
-také nabízí jako další kandidáti na odvracení pozornosti; jistě, že pro
-někoho je to skutečně aktuální, ale rozhodně to nejsou tak důležité
-problémy, jak mnozí věří).
-V této situaci se podle mého musíme vrátit ke svým skutečným hodnotám:
-lásce ke svobodě, přesvědčením o tom, že svoboda je nedělitelná a pokud
-je ohrožována svoboda jednoho, je ohrožována svoboda nás všech
-(připomínáme si 17. listopad, že?), přesvědčení o tom, že účel nikdy
-nesvětí prostředky, ale naopak že správné prostředky činí čistým účel ke
-kterému směřují; myslím, že si znovu musíme připomínat Martina
-Niemöllera (který na rozdíl od různých současných bojovníků za Evropu,
-kvůli evropským hodnotám opravdu riskoval svůj život) a to, že musíme
-povstat na obranu těch `prvních pro které přijdou`_ (přečte si ten odkaz
-a co k němu měl pastor Niemöller co říci ... ještě lépe na anglické
+Čímžto chci říci, že ani jedna ze zmíněných holek nehodlala
+nikoho z Čechů nutit k tomu, aby dodržovali cokoliv co jim
+předepisuje jejich víra. Nikde jsem neslyšel o tom, že bych
+nesměl halel maso, nikde jsem neslyšel o bombových útocích na
+moravské vinice, nebo něco podobného. Uvádím tak absurdní
+příklady hlavně proto, abych ukázal jak absurdní je obávat se ze
+šarijizace Evropy. Vidím zato zcela zřetelně právě probíhající
+sekularizaci Evropy a vidím konstatní útok
+levicovo-sekularizujících politiků na křesťanské kořeny Evropy
+(kterými se jinak tolik zaštiťují a honosí). A vidím jak
+xenofobie a rasismus jsou užitečnými nástroji k odvracení
+pozornosti. Pokud se budou křesťané zabývat pomyslným nebezpečím
+šaríi v Evropě, pokud se budou příslušníci různých věr považovat
+za svoje největší nepřátele a budou se navzájem potýkat, odvrátí
+se jejich pozornost o veřejné aktivity, a nebudou obtěžovat
+sekularisticko-fašisticko-socialistické politiky v jejich tlačení
+Evropy pryč od jejich křesťanských kořenů směrem k nesmyslným
+vzdušným zámkům a utopiím které socialisté a fašisté všech
+odstínů tak milují. Navíc také, pokud se křesťané budou věnovat
+pomyslným nebezpečím, nebudou mít čas a kredibilitu obtěžovat nás
+na naší cestě k zářné budoucnosti s nějakým evangeliem
+(okultismus a homosexualita se také nabízí jako další kandidáti
+na odvracení pozornosti; jistě, že pro někoho je to skutečně
+aktuální, ale rozhodně to nejsou tak důležité problémy, jak mnozí
+V této situaci se podle mého musíme vrátit ke svým skutečným
+hodnotám: lásce ke svobodě, přesvědčením o tom, že svoboda je
+nedělitelná a pokud je ohrožována svoboda jednoho, je ohrožována
+svoboda nás všech (připomínáme si 17. listopad, že?), přesvědčení
+o tom, že účel nikdy nesvětí prostředky, ale naopak že správné
+prostředky činí čistým účel ke kterému směřují; myslím, že si
+znovu musíme připomínat Martina Niemöllera (který na rozdíl od
+různých současných bojovníků za Evropu, kvůli evropským hodnotám
+opravdu riskoval svůj život) a to, že musíme povstat na obranu
+těch `prvních pro které přijdou`_ (přečte si ten odkaz a co
+k němu měl pastor Niemöller co říci ... ještě lépe na anglické
Wikipedii, jste-li toho mocen), je to velice poučné.
.. _`prvních pro které přijdou`:
@@ -83,7 +91,6 @@ a slibuji, že toto je poslední příspěvek do tohoto threadu.
Miluju blížního svého ... grilovaného na rozmarýnu.
diff --git a/drafts/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst b/drafts/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 357e562..0000000
--- a/drafts/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-Priesthood of all believers and confession of sins
-:date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00
-:status: draft
-:category: faith
-:tags: theology, priesthood, Luther
-One of the unifying characteristics of the Protestant church (or
-at least most of the Protestant church) is the doctrine of “the
-priesthood of all believers”. Originally the idea comes
-indirectly from Martin Luther, although he never used this exact
- But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
- a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the
- excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his
- marvelous light.
- — 1. Peter 2:9 ESV
-This doctrine has two substantial parts: one oriented towards God
-and the other one oriented towards others. [#]_ We will deal in
-this article only with the first one: it means that every
-Christian is allowed through the Blood of Christ (and only then)
-to stand on his own in front of God and “to boldly access the
-Throne of Grace” (He 4:16) not only for himself but for others as
-well. Contrary to some other denominations (and especially
-contrary to many non-Christian religions), Protestants don’t see
-the need of a special consecrated person to mediate the access to
-God. We do not believe that there is a separate group of
-Christians who are responsible for serving others, but we believe
-that potentially all Christians are allowed to serve others as
-priests. Yes, “[…] all things should be done decently and in
-order” (1 Co 14:40), and yes, I do not undervalue the value of
-education and training for the particular kind of ministry, so
-there is obviously value in congregations being led by the
-trained professional ministers who are appointed to their office
-according to the rules of the particular denomination. But all
-Christians have at least the potential to minister to others, and
-it is absolutely appropriate to do so in positions where we have
-the authority to do so. For example, all parents should be
-priests to their families, or leaders to the small groups they
-lead. And yes, obviously, we all are responsible to educate
-ourselves and seek the training which would help us to fulfill
-this authority well.
-.. [#] The other part of the doctrine of the universal priesthood
- of all believers is not about all Christians serving as
- intermediaries between people and the God, but about all
- ministries (including the proverbial job of a cobbler or
- a mother caring for her children) are blessed holy service to
- the Lord. We don’t only need priests for the sacramental
- service, but we all are priests in whatever service we are
- called upon, because the Kingdom of God which should be the
- focus and goal of all our Christian activity, does not happen
- only in the church on Sunday, but everyday anywhere
- Christians show up.
- There is perhaps also a third, perhaps the most important
- part of the doctrine: meaning that there is no need of the
- further priestly sacrifice, because the one of the Jesus
- Christ himself is sufficient; however, this is mostly
- irrelevant to the topic of this article.
-I think that we in PCF do better in this priesthood than others in
-some areas. I really like how all members of PCF are called to
-serve others through the Lord’s Supper. We are also often
-encouraged to serve others in a very priestly ministry of
-intercession (which very word is derived from the position of
-a priest standing in between the prayee and the God). It is
-a very special ministry and we should use its blessings more both
-as ministers as well as those who are prayed for.
-However, still there are more ministries where we are called to
-serve in the priestly position. One particular ministry I would
-like to mention now, is the ministry of confession (or as The
-Catholics call it “The Sacrament of Reconciliation”) [#]_ . In James
-5:13-20 we read:
- Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone
- cheerful? Let him sing praise. // Is anyone among you sick?
- Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray
- over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. //
- And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and
- the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he
- will be forgiven. // Therefore, confess your sins to one
- another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The
- prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is
- working. // Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he
- prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years
- and six months it did not rain on the earth. // Then he
- prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its
- fruit. // My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the
- truth and someone brings him back, // let him know that
- whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his
- soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.
-I quoted this a bit lengthy passage not only because the two
-separate ministries (confession and prayers for sick) are somehow
-meshed together and hard to separate. However, although I
-strictly reject the idea that the sickness is the punishment of
-the sin, still I see sickness as a good reminder for us to get
-our spiritual house in order when we are putting together back in
-shape our physical body. I am always reminded about this idea
-that sickness is an opportunity of healing when reading a bit
-obscure story from the Old Testament:
- In the thirty-ninth year of his reign [king] Asa was diseased
- in his feet, and his disease became severe. Yet even in his
- disease he did not seek the Lord, but sought help from
- physicians. // And **so** Asa slept with his fathers, dying
- in the forty-first year of his reign.
- — 2Par 16:12-13 (ESV, modified according to the Czech
- translation)
-What I read in these verses is not that his sickness was caused
-by his sin, but that his sickness (and perhaps every sickness?)
-is an opportunity and encouragement for us to seek the Lord, to
-go over our issues, to use available free time (as much as the
-sickness permits us) for reconciliation. And having this text
-about confession of sins in the middle of the James’ passage
-about healing seems to somehow support this idea as well.
-Certainly, I do not believe that a sickness is meant by the LORD
-God as a punishment for our sins, but I still I cannot resist the
-idea that some link between illness and being distant from the
-God exists.
-.. [#] And I do not think the lack of this Biblical ministry is
- limited only to Protestants. I believe Catholics has a lot
- work to do as well in this area: 2008 poll by Georgetown’s
- Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate found that 45
- percent of American Catholics report never taking part in
- Reconciliation. (cited by Grayson Clary in “`Uber, But For
- Penance`_”)
-.. _`Uber, But For Penance`:
-When we got through this introduction, let us turn now to the
-confession of sins itself. Whereas healing for the sick (in this
-passage, there are other passages about general prayer for sick)
-is specifically limited to the elders of the church, the Bible
-here is completely silent on any limits on the confessor. It
-seems that any Christian can act as a confessor. However, I would
-still put a little of limits on the choice of such person. First
-of all, there is I believe a general rule that the measure of the
-legitimate authority in other’s life is relative to the depth of
-relationship there is. Particularly in this case, it is good if
-the confessor is somebody who knows us well. Perhaps not directly
-husband or wife (they are usually too entangled in the issue of
-their spouse) but perhaps somebody who can have some level of
-knowledge of our inner life, who can be living reminder of our
-struggle in the following weeks, and even better is somebody who
-knows about our struggle already. So, it is better in my idea to
-have one long term person as the confessor of choice. [*]_ Which
-does not mean that if the need of confession arises and there is
-no close friend at hand, any Christian brother or sister is
-better than staying with our sin unreconciled. Just if this
-happens too often, I would question some level of unwillingness
-to be accountable.
-.. [*] It reminds me of the institute of Anam Cara (soul friend)
- in the Old Irish Church. I am a bit fuzzy on what it actually
- meant (and there may be some pagan part in it), but it seems
- to me that it could be useful to investigate and if possible
- to re-purpose this institute for the confessional ministry.
-* anybody can be a confessor, but it is better to have somebody
- fixed for a longer time; somebody, who is trustworthy, trained,
- wise? (however, with the only minimal confession, nearly
- anybody can serve)
-* Also of course somebody who routinely participates in the
- practice as a confessor.
-We can claim that the sins are forgiven because of the promise of
-the Scripture:
- This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to
- you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. //
- If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in
- darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. // But if we
- walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship
- with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us
- from all sin. // If we say we have no sin, we deceive
- ourselves, and the truth is not in us. // *If we confess our
- sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to
- cleanse us from all unrighteousness.* // If we say we have
- not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
- — 1 John 1:5-10
-* technology: listen to the confession as if it was confessed to
- the God (in place of God)
-* declare forgiveness
-These two are the only **mandatory** parts of the
-ministry. Everything else is optional, if the Spirit leads us.
-* listen for and deliver any word from God
-* NO ADVICE!!! We are not qualified and it is not the right place
- even if we were.
-* secret of the confessional!!! (there is a question of the
- possible confessed crimes and duty to report to the police, but
- I think we can ignore it here)
-* it may be possible to consult the situation with other person
- (wife, pastor, counselor), but in such case ONLY WITH
- confessing brother.
-* vyslechnout vyznání, jako by ho říkal Bohu
-* zvěstovat odpuštění
- pokud své viny vyznáváme, on je věrný, naše viny nám odpouští
- a očišťuje nás od všelikého hříchu
diff --git a/faith/dulos.rst b/faith/dulos.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f366488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/faith/dulos.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+:date: 2018-06-03T23:29:11
+:status: draft
+:category: faith
+:tags: tags
+In the Christian circles I live, there is a marvelous discussion
+about the role of servanthood in the relationship between Lord
+Jesus Christ and each individual Christian. I cannot indulge in
+it fully in this article, but let’s at least say that at least
+from some part we are and we should be proper servants (Δουλος)
+of the Living God.
+However, there are some problems with this concept of Δουλος, not
+the last of them the fact that there is a huge uncertainty how to
+actually translate it to English (or Czech for that matter, it is
+the same problem). The best translation would be probably
+“slave”, which most closely corresponds to the Greek (and Hebrew)
+original. Unfortunately, the problem with such translation is
+that for all modern readers (especially the ones from the United
+States, but not only those) the term “slave” generates an image
+of the
+* … ESV Bible Translators Debate the
+ word "slave" at Tyndale House, Cambridge (4:08)
+* The role of vision is slightly complicated (“Where there is no
+ vision, people will perish” … the vision is for “people”, whole
+ nation, community, not automatically each individual). A servant
+ should just accept and take the vision of his/her Lord, not
+ look for his own vision (and yes, we are called brothers so we
+ *know* this vision, but it doesn’t that we should follow less
+ what God orders us to do).
+ In this context, it is quite problematic, that all our leaders
+ (hence the title) are leaders, not followers. The closest we
+ get in the modern Europe to Δουλος is with employees, who are
+ called to follow their superiors orders. How many of our
+ pastors live (or even ever lived) as employees?
+* Perhaps, there is a reconcilliation between our position as
+ Δουλος and us, being freed by the precious blood of Jesus. We
+ may be actually freedmen (women), *libertus* or *liberta*. Such
+ person was personally free, could own property, could
+ participate (with some limitations) in the political life of
+ the city, etc., but still he was living his/her life in
+ relation to his former master, who was called his or her patron
+ (*patronus*).
+KJVA Matthew 24:46
+Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find
+so doing.
+KJVA Mark 10:44
+And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.
+KJVA Luke 12:37
+Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall
+find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself,
+and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve
+KJVA Matthew 25:23
+His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant;
+thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler
+over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
+Luke 17:10 KJVA
+So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which
+are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have
+done that which was our duty to do.
+John 13:16 KJVA
+Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.
+John 15:15 KJVA
+Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not
+what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all
+things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.
+{“Henceforth” … since when? What’s the context?}
+Romans 1:1 KJVA
+Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle,
+separated unto the gospel of God,
+Romans 6:19 KJVA
+I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your
+flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to
+uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your
+members servants to righteousness unto holiness.
+I Corinthians 7:22 KJVA
+For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's
+freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's
+I Corinthians 7:23 KJVA
+Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.
+Galatians 1:10 KJVA
+For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
+Galatians 4:7 KJVA
+Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
+Ephesians 6:6 KJVA
+Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart;
+Philippians 1:1 KJVA
+Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons:
+II Timothy 2:24 KJVA
+And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
+Revelation of John 1:1 KJVA
+The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
+Revelation of John 2:20 KJVA
+Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
+Revelation of John 7:3 KJVA
+Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
+Revelation of John 10:7 KJVA
+But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
+Revelation of John 15:3 KJVA
+And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.
+Revelation of John 19:5 KJVA
+And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.
+Revelation of John 22:3 KJVA
+And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:
diff --git a/faith/greek_church_orthodoxy.rst b/faith/greek_church_orthodoxy.rst
index 8e11728..e6c25ff 100644
--- a/faith/greek_church_orthodoxy.rst
+++ b/faith/greek_church_orthodoxy.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Greek Church & Orthodoxy
:date: 2015-11-02T12:13:30
:category: faith
-:tags: ecumenism, utUnumSint, theology, ecclesiology, greek, orthoschesi̱
+:tags: ecumenism, utUnumSint, theology, ecclesiology, greek, orthoschesi
.. zotero-setup::
:style: chicago-author-date
diff --git a/faith/loving-vincent.rst b/faith/loving-vincent.rst
index a1fa2f9..5a0540b 100644
--- a/faith/loving-vincent.rst
+++ b/faith/loving-vincent.rst
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ itself is by far the weakest part of it. I won’t do the spoilers
here, but yes the end comes rather flat.
The visual side has been however troubling as well. It is truly
-beautiful there is no question about that, but this film showed
+beautiful, there is no question about that, but this film showed
me the great difference between pictures (especially ones in the
tradition of post-van Gogh painting, what a irony!) and films.
The great pictures (in all traditions, it applies
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ is quite different from the perception of a picture. This
difference in perception made me torn to two sides by two
different both unpleasant feelings. While beautiful pictures made
me feel constantly “Wait! This was a beautiful picture, I would
-like to watch it properly!” I had whole film the feeling that
-I forgot my glasses at home (no, I don’t need glasses for
+like to watch it properly!” I had also constantly that feeling
+that I forgot my glasses at home (no, I don’t need glasses for
watching films yet). Images in films are not supposed to be
abstract, thought-inducing experience, they are suppose to reveal
and deliver a story. I had that constant feeling “I would love to
diff --git a/faith/on_harriet_potter.rst b/faith/on_harriet_potter.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c815c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/faith/on_harriet_potter.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+On Harriet Potter
+:date: 2018-06-13T22:49:55
+:status: draft
+:category: faith
+:tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment
+While looking for some nice fanfiction story I randomly hit on
+the story with the enticing title
+“`Harriet Potter: What it is like to be a witch`_”. It had also
+rather interesting summary. Only later I woke up to how many
+Harry turns to girl stories there, and most of them are trash.
+However, my first half-conscious thought when looking at this
+was: “That’s a splendid idea, I wonder whether the happy world of
+magic would be so magic for a girl. Crossover between Harry
+Potter and feminism? Interesting.” I don’t want to write about
+that particular story too much, because unfortuantely I found it
+to be a complete piece of trash. I am not sure about the author,
+but it seems like the author was actually not a woman, but a gay
+(transgender? something) male, and the story not much more than
+a graphomaniacal description of his fantasies without much touch
+of a story. After spending a (long) chapter on endlessly
+describing process of physical transformation with details of
+every part of her body changed, and after (another!) long chapter
+spent on shopping for clothes with her friends (Fleur Weasley
+& Nimphadora Tonks! Can you imagine her to go for a shopping
+spree?), it went straight to sex. I haven’t finished reading more
+than first few chapters, and then left it where it belongs, in
+trash. So, this is not a proper review of that particular story,
+just the highly disgusted impression.
+However, the idea of taking on the patriarchy inside of the
+magical world still seemed tempting to me. So, I went to
+intentionally search for some story like this, but better
+written. Only then I found that this story is probably just the
+second one in numbers after “Do you wonder what would happen if
+Harry Potter had a sister-twin?” (no, I am not), and most of them
+are not better than that one. However, in the end, I found one
+which seems interesting. “`Becoming Harriet`_” by Teao.
+.. _`Harriet Potter: What it is like to be a witch`:
+.. _`Becoming Harriet`:
diff --git a/faith/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst b/faith/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5955901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/faith/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+Priesthood of all believers and confession of sins
+:date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00
+:status: draft
+:category: faith
+:tags: theology, priesthood, Luther
+One of the unifying characteristics of the Protestant church (or
+at least most of the Protestant church) is the doctrine of “the
+priesthood of all believers”. Originally the idea comes
+indirectly from Martin Luther, although he never used this exact
+ But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
+ a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the
+ excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his
+ marvelous light.
+ — 1. Peter 2:9 ESV
+This doctrine has two substantial parts: one oriented towards God
+and the other one oriented towards others. [#]_ We will deal in
+this article only with the first one: it means that every
+Christian is allowed through the Blood of Christ (and only then)
+to stand on his own in front of God and “to boldly access the
+Throne of Grace” (He 4:16) not only for himself but for others as
+well. Contrary to some other denominations (and especially
+contrary to many non-Christian religions), Protestants don’t see
+the need of a special consecrated person to mediate the access to
+God. We do not believe that there is a separate group of
+Christians who are responsible for serving others, but we believe
+that potentially all Christians are allowed to serve others as
+priests. Yes, “[…] all things should be done decently and in
+order” (1 Co 14:40), and yes, I do not undervalue the value of
+education and training for the particular kind of ministry, so
+there is obviously value in congregations being led by the
+trained professional ministers who are appointed to their office
+according to the rules of the particular denomination. But all
+Christians have at least the potential to minister to others, and
+it is absolutely appropriate to do so in positions where we have
+the authority to do so. For example, all parents should be
+priests to their families, or leaders to the small groups they
+lead. And yes, obviously, we all are responsible to educate
+ourselves and seek the training which would help us to fulfill
+this authority well.
+.. [#] The other part of the doctrine of the universal priesthood
+ of all believers is not about all Christians serving as
+ intermediaries between people and the God, but the notion
+ that all ministries (including the proverbial job of
+ a cobbler or a mother caring for her children) are blessed
+ holy service to the Lord. Not only, we don’t need priests for
+ the sacramental service, but we all are priests in whatever
+ service we are called upon, because the Kingdom of God which
+ should be the focus and goal of all our Christian activity,
+ does not happen only in the church on Sunday, but everyday
+ anywhere Christians show up.
+ There is perhaps also a third, perhaps the most important
+ part of the doctrine: meaning that there is no need of the
+ further priestly sacrifice, because the one of the Jesus
+ Christ himself is sufficient; however, this is mostly
+ irrelevant to the topic of this article.
+I think that we in PCF do better in this priesthood than many
+other churches. I really like how all members of PCF are called
+to serve others through the Lord’s Supper. We are also often
+encouraged to serve others in a very priestly ministry of
+intercession (which very word is derived from the position of
+a priest standing in between the prayee and the God). It is
+a very special ministry and we should use its blessings more both
+as ministers as well as those who are prayed for.
+However, still there are more ministries where we are called to
+serve in the priestly position. One particular ministry I would
+like to mention now, is the ministry of confession (or as The
+Catholics call it “The Sacrament of Reconciliation”) [#]_ . In James
+5:13-20 we read:
+ Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone
+ cheerful? Let him sing praise. // Is anyone among you sick?
+ Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray
+ over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. //
+ And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and
+ the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he
+ will be forgiven. // Therefore, confess your sins to one
+ another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The
+ prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is
+ working. // Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he
+ prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years
+ and six months it did not rain on the earth. // Then he
+ prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its
+ fruit. // My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the
+ truth and someone brings him back, // let him know that
+ whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his
+ soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.
+I quoted this a bit lengthy passage not only because the two
+separate ministries (confession and prayers for sick) are somehow
+meshed together and hard to separate. However, although I
+strictly reject the idea that the sickness is the punishment of
+the sin, still I see sickness as a good reminder for us to get
+our spiritual house in order when we are putting together back in
+shape our physical body. I am always reminded about this idea
+that sickness is an opportunity of healing when reading a bit
+obscure story from the Old Testament:
+ In the thirty-ninth year of his reign [king] Asa was diseased
+ in his feet, and his disease became severe. Yet even in his
+ disease he did not seek the Lord, but sought help from
+ physicians. // And **so** Asa slept with his fathers, dying
+ in the forty-first year of his reign.
+ — 2Par 16:12-13 (ESV, modified according to the Czech
+ translation)
+What I read in these verses is not that his sickness was caused
+by his sin, but that his sickness (and perhaps every sickness?)
+is an opportunity and encouragement for us to seek the Lord, to
+go over our issues, to use available free time (as much as the
+sickness permits us) for reconciliation. And having this text
+about confession of sins in the middle of the James’ passage
+about healing seems to somehow support this idea as well.
+Certainly, I do not believe that a sickness is meant by the LORD
+God as a punishment for our sins, but I still cannot resist the
+idea that some link between illness and being distant from the
+God exists.
+.. [#] And I do not think the lack of this Biblical ministry is
+ limited only to Protestants. I believe Catholics has a lot
+ work to do as well in this area: 2008 poll by Georgetown’s
+ Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate found that 45
+ percent of American Catholics report never taking part in
+ Reconciliation. (cited by Grayson Clary in “`Uber, But For
+ Penance`_”)
+.. _`Uber, But For Penance`:
+When we got through this introduction, let us turn now to the
+confession of sins itself. Whereas healing for the sick (in this
+passage, there are other passages about general prayer for sick)
+is specifically limited to the elders of the church, the Bible
+here is completely silent on any limits on the confessor. It
+seems that any Christian can act as a confessor. However, I would
+still put a little of limits on the choice of such person. First
+of all, there is I believe a general rule that the measure of the
+legitimate authority in other’s life is relative to the depth of
+relationship there is. Particularly in this case, it is good if
+the confessor is somebody who knows us well. Perhaps not directly
+husband or wife (they are usually too entangled in the issue of
+their spouse) but perhaps somebody who can have some level of
+knowledge of our inner life, who can be living reminder of our
+struggle in the following weeks, and even better is somebody who
+knows about our struggle already. So, it is better in my idea to
+have one long term person as the confessor of choice. [*]_ Which
+does not mean that if the need of confession arises and there is
+no close friend at hand, any Christian brother or sister is
+better than staying with our sin unreconciled. Just if this
+happens too often, I would question some level of unwillingness
+to be accountable.
+.. [*] It reminds me of the institute of Anam Cara (soul friend)
+ in the Old Irish Church. I am a bit fuzzy on what it actually
+ meant (and there may be some pagan part in it), but it seems
+ to me that it could be useful to investigate and if possible
+ to re-purpose this institute for the confessional ministry.
+* anybody can be a confessor, but it is better to have somebody
+ fixed for a longer time; somebody, who is trustworthy, trained,
+ wise? (however, with the only minimal confession, nearly
+ anybody can serve)
+* Also of course somebody who routinely participates in the
+ practice as a confessor, who asks for forgiveness of their sins
+ themselves.
+We can claim that the sins are forgiven because of the promise of
+the Scripture:
+ This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to
+ you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. //
+ If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in
+ darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. // But if we
+ walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship
+ with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us
+ from all sin. // If we say we have no sin, we deceive
+ ourselves, and the truth is not in us. // *If we confess our
+ sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to
+ cleanse us from all unrighteousness.* // If we say we have
+ not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
+ — 1 John 1:5-10
+* technology: listen to the confession as if it was confessed to
+ the God (in place of God)
+* declare forgiveness
+These two are the only **mandatory** parts of the
+ministry. Everything else is optional, if the Spirit leads us.
+* listen for and deliver any word from God
+* NO ADVICE!!! We are not qualified and it is not the right place
+ even if we were.
+* secret of the confessional!!! (there is a question of the
+ possible confessed crimes and duty to report to the police, but
+ I think we can ignore it here)
+* it may be possible to consult the situation with other person
+ (wife, pastor, counselor), but in such case ONLY WITH
+ confessing brother.
+* vyslechnout vyznání, jako by ho říkal Bohu
+* zvěstovat odpuštění
+ pokud své viny vyznáváme, on je věrný, naše viny nám odpouští
+ a očišťuje nás od všelikého hříchu
diff --git a/faith/singularoddities-review-escape.rst b/faith/singularoddities-review-escape.rst
index 0814172..41e7b84 100644
--- a/faith/singularoddities-review-escape.rst
+++ b/faith/singularoddities-review-escape.rst
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Review of “Escape” and “Mr and Mrs Percy Weasley”
There is a biblical verse from Galatians 3:3: “Are you so
foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected
by the flesh?” What I mean is that “Escape_” and “`Mr and Mrs
-Percy Weasley`_”started as one of the best fanfictions I found
+Percy Weasley`_” started as one of the best fanfictions I found
anywhere. Obviously, from person who writes fanfiction around
the classical literature (namely “Pride and Prejudice”), I expect
better literary quality than your average fifteen-year inserting
diff --git a/drafts/spotlight_liberal_movie.rst b/faith/spotlight_liberal_movie.rst
index 75e1088..75e1088 100644
--- a/drafts/spotlight_liberal_movie.rst
+++ b/faith/spotlight_liberal_movie.rst