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diff --git a/literature/good-petunia-stories.rst b/literature/good-petunia-stories.rst
index f17f413..a618b06 100644
--- a/literature/good-petunia-stories.rst
+++ b/literature/good-petunia-stories.rst
@@ -90,6 +90,17 @@ I have found these later:
and with Petunia's knowledge and Dan Granger's cunning, plots
are made.
+**{update 2024-03-14, PI-day!}**
+`/u/Lynxroar`_ on Reddit reminded me that I have forgot to add to
+this list “`Flowers by the Wayside`_” by TalaRae, which quite
+obviously deserves to be here, it is quite well-written story:
+it seems everybody got an opportunity to return to past and fix
+it. This is Petunia’s chance.
.. _`LF: Petunia is a witch afterall`:
@@ -131,3 +142,9 @@ I have found these later:
.. _`The Daisy Chain by slytherinsal`:
+.. _`/u/Lynxroar`:
+.. _`Flowers by the Wayside`:
diff --git a/literature/modesty_barebone-after.rst b/literature/modesty_barebone-after.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abbfff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/literature/modesty_barebone-after.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Modesty Barebone … after being left alone
+:date: 2023-07-14T17:31:25
+:category: literature
+:tags: storyPrompt, harryPotter, plotBunny, fromReddit
+Originally published as “`Modesty Barebone … after being left alone`_”
+on Reddit.
+.. _`Modesty Barebone … after being left alone`:
+One of the most interesting characters in the first Fantastic
+Beasts film, Modesty Barebone, was left alone in her old
+childhood home, abandoned both by all adults and her brother
+Credence (yes, he turned into Obscurial, so he was really not in
+a shape to take care of her), and never mentioned again (AFAIK).
+Let me start here, a small story as a prompt:
+She didn’t even know why she took pieces of the wand with her
+when she left for her old childhood home. When Credence exploded
+and left, she was completely washed in pure magic. She thought in
+the first moment, that she is going to die, that the explosion
+is going to kill her. But nothing like that happened. Credence’s
+magic recognized her and protected her, even when the whole
+building collapsed around her. Showered with magic, she saw weird
+fragments of stories in front of her eyes, she heard sounds she
+couldn’t hear, she was flying in the middle of the room for a
+moment, she lost consciousness in the end.
+When she woke up, she was in the ruins of the building, hidden
+in the hole in the wall, just the size for her to comfortably
+fit in. After the experience of the pure magic surrounding her,
+she was not even surprised when she found out that the pieces
+of the wand Mary Lou broke were together again and the wand was
+pleasantly warm in her hand.
+So, that is how it was: an abandoned and lost little witch with
+her wand in the middle of New York with nobody knowing about her,
+without any food and without any money …
+That’s it. I would like somebody to continue with this story. A
+little (eight years old) girl living on the streets of New
+York, who has a wand (well hidden, because she knew from the
+experience with the New Salem Philanthropic Society that many
+people could hurt her), but not much else. Oliver Twist meets
+Harry Potter. She will have to learn how to live on the streets
+with the children gangs of New York, and perhaps later she will
+meet somebody who will teach her to use her magic.
+Inspired by `this prompt`_,
+but I have never seen anybody to pick it up and do it justice.
+.. _this prompt:
diff --git a/literature/on-the-sisterhood.rst b/literature/on-the-sisterhood.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..733ea17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/literature/on-the-sisterhood.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Sequel to “Harry Potter and the Cloud with the Silver Lining”
+:date: 2024-03-17T20:18:00
+:category: literature
+:tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment, storyPrompt, fromReddit
+“`Harry Potter and the Cloud with the Silver Lining`_” by
+ev11235813 is one of those stories which frustrate me to no
+end. It feels like a prologue to a much larger story, but the
+writing has stopped exactly at the moment when I felt the
+real story may finally start. The whole story is one of those
+“one tiny change unravels all powers of the darkness” kind of
+stories (something like “`Petrification Proliferation`_” by
+/u/TheWhiteSquirrel, but that goes a way further on that path). I
+can even see the story, which could start, but unfortunately I am
+absolutely not in the position of the one to write (firstly, I am
+a man).
+So, let’s make an inventory of what we have in the beginning of
+the story, right?
+- Harry changed into a girl, with a promise of lots of small
+ substories on the theme “I had no idea your life is so
+ different”, which could be funny (or otherwise).
+- Group of five girls living together. I think that has
+ a huge potential for a great story. Something in the
+ style of a possible sisterhood, much like The Parlour in
+ “`The Changeling`_”, but much smaller so more tight and
+ personal. Sharing adventures, supporting each other, fighting
+ together (in both senses of the word), The Power of Sisterhood,
+ plenty of good stuff.
+- Many of Harry personal problems resolved (either
+ good!McGonagall, or liberated!Sirius or possibly even
+ Sirius/Amelia Bones are her guardians, Dursleys and 4 Privet
+ Drive are to be liquidated very soon, Malfoys are licking their
+ wounds), Horcruxes are being searched for.
+- good!Dumbledore (perhaps slightly confused or overworked,
+ perhaps with `personal problems`_, but to use terminology of
+ D&D he is chaotic good) and Competent Adults™ with Not Too Much
+ Corrupt Government™
+The point of our story should be probably a series of
+interwoven sub-stories of all girls, some of them typical
+afternoon-high-school-TV-series ones (boys, school, jealousy,
+etc), some of them less so (hunting Horcruxes, hunting
+Pettigrew). I know that the original story slightly hinted into
+femslash fem!Harry/Hermione, but I wouldn’t go there. Aside
+from the fact that I don’t like femslash (nothing against
+lesbians IRL, but I am an adult straight man, so I have a hard
+time to identify with them), I would be afraid that such strong
+relationship between two of the most important characters would
+completely derail whole story from my idea of a story of whole
+group, not story of any of these individuals.
+.. _`Harry Potter and the Cloud with the Silver Lining`:
+.. _`Petrification Proliferation`:
+.. _`The Changeling`:
+.. _`personal problems`:
+ {filename}broken_dumbledore.rst
diff --git a/literature/on-wiolence-in-magical-world.rst b/literature/on-wiolence-in-magical-world.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6c4c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/literature/on-wiolence-in-magical-world.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+On Violence in the Magical World
+:date: 2024-03-11T17:37:51
+:category: literature
+:tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment
+(a comment on the Reddit thread “`Lavender Brown is a good
+friend.`_” started by `u/Fan_of_Fanfics`_; more discussion on
+that thread)
+This is actually a very good comment, because it forced me
+to think more about the magical world. Of course, I agree,
+that culturally we are learned to be much more harsh about the
+violence of man on women (for many good reasons) than the other
+way around, but I don’t think it is it.
+From the Dolyist point of view, I am angry with “`Golden
+Bullets`_” (and all bashing!Ron stories) that they manipulated
+the story to be more violent and made Hermione look worse. It
+is the same as with many Harmony stories, where Ron is not only
+jealous and not believing Harry about the Goblet of Fire. No, he
+even had a letter from Charlie informing him about dragons, and
+he didn’t tell Harry anything, because he wanted him to be hurt
+by a dragon! And this is the same here, not only Ron was hit by
+twenty fluffy hairball-like little birds (which is what happened
+in the film), but he was bloodied and wounded to the level he
+required hospitalization! I don’t like it.
+However, that is not what is really interesting. The situation
+is fascinating for me from the Watsonian point of view. I had to
+rethink again how very violent the magical world is. Yes, you are
+right, children are cruel and violent, but in the magical world,
+every child since age eleven, got a lethal weapon in his hand
+and training how to use it. I studied for a PhD in criminology
+(not criminalistics, like the crime scene investigation, but a
+sub-category of sociology, studying reasons why people commit
+crimes and possible methods of prevention) and as such, I am
+persuaded that the number of violent crimes in the United States
+is directly correlated with number of weapons in population.
+There is that stupid argument that if you take weapons from
+people, only criminals will have them. It completely misses
+the point. The point where they are wrong is not that we would
+like to prevent Cosa Nostra from committing crimes. We cannot,
+or not by arms control. However, that is not our aim, because
+most violent crime is not committed by criminal syndicates. What
+we can do, is to prevent the casual availability of lethal
+weapons in the population. As you said, children (or teenagers)
+are cruel, violent, and completely lacking means of conflict
+control. Conflicts, especially among male teenagers, happen,
+and sometime end in violence. The difference between the United
+States and other countries, is that in other countries they
+use fists (or in the worst case, knives), which can hurt,
+wound, but it takes much more effort to kill. In the US,
+they have immediately guns in their hands, and somebody gets
+killed. The highest number of murders in the United States among
+non-relatives (of course, you know, that your most probable
+murderer is among your relatives, especially your spouse, not
+some evil criminal, right?), so the highest number of such
+murders there is among teenagers, either in relation to drugs or
+Now switch to the magical universe. It is the society which is
+absolutely completely saturated with lethal weapons, in the
+literal meaning of the word. Absolutely every magical child,
+man, or woman has a lethal weapon in their hands all the time,
+and they are trained to use it. The violent crime rate must be
+incredible. I was joking that the Harry Potter universe is a lot
+like the Wild West, where everybody has a gun on their belt,
+but it is much, much worse. In such a world, the punishment for
+any unjustifiable violent action, should be much, much more
+strict, otherwise they would kill each other pretty quickly. And
+of course, it is combined with all those hundreds of hormonal
+teenagers being held together in a boarding school for a whole
+.. _`Lavender Brown is a good friend.`:
+.. _`u/Fan_of_Fanfics`:
+.. _`Golden Bullets`:
diff --git a/literature/sexy_lamp_test.rst b/literature/sexy_lamp_test.rst
index 3436240..ced4662 100644
--- a/literature/sexy_lamp_test.rst
+++ b/literature/sexy_lamp_test.rst
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ acceptable:
also `Dorothy Sayers on the Trinity and art of writing`_, but
it is a difficult book to read). That is the only acceptable
outcome. I don’t like much story “`Yule Ball Drama`_” by
- FurySerenity for other reasons, and I really `don’t like the
+ FS_VanceMcGill for other reasons, and I really `don’t like the
trope of Molly Weasley, the evil Potioneer`_, but if Molly,
Ron, and Ginny Weasley don’t behave as they do in this story,
its whole plot collapses and nothing remains.
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ acceptable:
.. _`don’t like the trope of Molly Weasley, the evil Potioneer`:
+ {filename}molly-weasley-potion-mistress.rst
.. _`Thank You Ms Bones`: