Improved versions of , , ~, g~, gu, and gU. They are all implemented as operators, which allows for composing with motions/textobjecs, dot-repeating, and better undo. Also, and are configurable and can "increment" and "decrement" not only numbers but words as well. # Installation If you don't want word toggling: ```lua require('vis-toggler') ``` If you do: ```lua toggler_config = require('vis-toggler.example') toggler = require('vis-toggler') toggler.config = toggler_config ``` The table to assign to config need not come from a separate configuration file, it can be defined in and manipulated from within visrc.lua as well. Decimal and hexadecimal numbers are supported. If a number has leading zeros, its width is preserved. The letter case of a hex number is either that of any existing letters, of letters in the last inc-/decremented hex number (if any), or of the base prefix (0x or 0X). # Ideas for improvement Improve / to support filetype-specific radix notation and sets of words. Add option to force hexadecimal base even without explicit prefix. --- Friendly fork of (I hope, the upstream will merge it back). All issues, questions, complaints, or (even better!) patches should be send via email to [~mcepl/](mailto:~mcepl/ email list (for patches use [git send-email](