# Fuzzy find and open files in vis Use [fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) to open files in [vis](https://github.com/martanne/vis). ## Usage In `vis`: - `:fzf`: search all files in the current sub-tree. - You can pass arguments to fzf, e.g. : `:fzf -p !.class` While in `fzf`: - `` to open the selected file in current window - `` to open the selected file in a horizontal split - `` to open the selected file in a vertical split ## Configuration In `visrc.lua`: ```lua plugin_vis_open = require('plugins/vis-fzf-open') -- Path to the fzf executable (default: "fzf") plugin_vis_open.fzf_path = ( "FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='ag --hidden --ignore .git -g \"\"' fzf" ) -- Arguments passed to fzf (default: "") plugin_vis_open.fzf_args = "-q '!.class ' --height=40%" -- Mapping configuration example vis.events.subscribe(vis.events.INIT, function() vis:command('map! normal :fzf') end) ``` Complex example for `plugin_vis_open.fzf_args`: ```lua my_fzf_args = string.gsub([[ --bind=$my_fzf_key_bindings \ --color fg:242,bg:236,hl:65,fg+:15,bg+:239,hl+:108 \ --color info:108,prompt:109,spinner:108,pointer:168,marker:168 \ --delimiter / --nth -1 \ --height=70% \ --inline-info \ --no-mouse \ --preview-window=up:70% \ --preview="( bat --style=changes,grid,numbers --color=always {} || highlight -O ansi -l {} || coderay {} || rougify {} || cat {} ) 2> /dev/null | head -1000" ]], '%$([%w_]+)', { my_fzf_key_bindings=table.concat({ "alt-j:preview-down", "alt-k:preview-up", "ctrl-f:preview-page-down", "ctrl-b:preview-page-up", "?:toggle-preview", "alt-w:toggle-preview-wrap", "ctrl-z:clear-screen" }, ",") }) -- Arguments passed to fzf (default: "") plugin_vis_open.fzf_args = my_fzf_args ``` All issues, questions, complaints, or (even better!) patches should be send via email to [~mcepl/devel@lists.sr.ht](mailto:~mcepl/devel@lists.sr.ht) email list (for patches you may use [git send-email](https://git-send-email.io/)).