from __future__ import annotations from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Awaitable, Callable, Coroutine, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, overload, ) from uuid import uuid4 import weechat from slack.error import store_and_format_exception from slack.log import print_error from slack.shared import shared from slack.util import get_callback_name if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing_extensions import Literal, Self T = TypeVar("T") running_tasks: Set[Task[object]] = set() failed_tasks: List[Tuple[Task[object], BaseException]] = [] class CancelledError(Exception): pass class InvalidStateError(Exception): pass # Heavily inspired by class Future(Awaitable[T]): def __init__(self, future_id: Optional[str] = None): = future_id or str(uuid4()) self._state: Literal["PENDING", "CANCELLED", "FINISHED"] = "PENDING" self._result: T self._exception: Optional[BaseException] = None self._cancel_message = None self._callbacks: List[Callable[[Self], object]] = [] self._exception_read = False def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}('{}')" def __await__(self) -> Generator[Future[T], None, T]: if not self.done(): yield self # This tells Task to wait for completion. if not self.done(): raise RuntimeError("await wasn't used with future") return self.result() # May raise too. def _make_cancelled_error(self): if self._cancel_message is None: return CancelledError() else: return CancelledError(self._cancel_message) def __schedule_callbacks(self): callbacks = self._callbacks[:] if not callbacks: return self._callbacks[:] = [] for callback in callbacks: callback(self) def result(self): exc = self.exception() if exc is not None: raise exc return self._result def set_result(self, result: T): if self.done(): raise InvalidStateError(f"{self._state}: {self!r}") self._result = result self._state = "FINISHED" self.__schedule_callbacks() def set_exception(self, exception: BaseException): if self.done(): raise InvalidStateError(f"{self._state}: {self!r}") if isinstance(exception, type): exception = exception() if type(exception) is StopIteration: raise TypeError( "StopIteration interacts badly with generators " "and cannot be raised into a Future" ) self._exception = exception self._state = "FINISHED" self.__schedule_callbacks() def done(self): return self._state != "PENDING" def cancelled(self): return self._state == "CANCELLED" def add_done_callback(self, callback: Callable[[Self], object]) -> None: if self.done(): callback(self) else: self._callbacks.append(callback) def remove_done_callback(self, callback: Callable[[Self], object]) -> int: filtered_callbacks = [cb for cb in self._callbacks if cb != callback] removed_count = len(self._callbacks) - len(filtered_callbacks) if removed_count: self._callbacks[:] = filtered_callbacks return removed_count def cancel(self, msg: Optional[str] = None): if self._state != "PENDING": return False self._state = "CANCELLED" self._cancel_message = msg self.__schedule_callbacks() return True def exception(self): if self.cancelled(): raise self._make_cancelled_error() elif not self.done(): raise InvalidStateError("Exception is not set.") self._exception_read = True return self._exception def exception_read(self): return self._exception_read class FutureProcess(Future[Tuple[str, int, str, str]]): pass class FutureUrl(Future[Tuple[str, Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str]]]): pass class FutureTimer(Future[Tuple[int]]): pass class Task(Future[T]): def __init__(self, coroutine: Coroutine[Future[T], None, T]): super().__init__() self.coroutine = coroutine def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}('{}', coroutine={self.coroutine.__qualname__})" def cancel(self, msg: Optional[str] = None): if not super().cancel(msg): return False self.coroutine.close() return True def weechat_task_cb(data: str, *args: object) -> int: future = shared.active_futures.pop(data) future.set_result(args) tasks = shared.active_tasks.pop(data) for task in tasks: task_runner(task) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def process_ended_task(task: Task[Any]): if in shared.active_tasks: tasks = shared.active_tasks.pop( for active_task in tasks: task_runner(active_task) if in shared.active_futures: del shared.active_futures[] def task_runner(task: Task[Any]): running_tasks.add(task) while True: if task.cancelled(): break try: future = task.coroutine.send(None) except BaseException as e: if isinstance(e, StopIteration): task.set_result(e.value) else: task.set_exception(e) failed_tasks.append((task, e)) process_ended_task(task) break if not future.done(): shared.active_tasks[].append(task) shared.active_futures[] = future break running_tasks.remove(task) if not running_tasks and not shared.active_tasks: for task, exception in failed_tasks: if not task.exception_read(): print_error( f"{task} was never awaited and failed with: " f"{store_and_format_exception(exception)}" ) failed_tasks.clear() def create_task(coroutine: Coroutine[Future[Any], None, T]) -> Task[T]: task = Task(coroutine) task_runner(task) return task def _async_task_done(task: Task[object]): exception = task.exception() if exception: print_error(f"{task} failed with: {store_and_format_exception(exception)}") def run_async(coroutine: Coroutine[Future[Any], None, Any]) -> None: task = Task(coroutine) task.add_done_callback(_async_task_done) task_runner(task) @overload async def gather( *requests: Union[Future[T], Coroutine[Any, None, T]], return_exceptions: Literal[False] = False, ) -> List[T]: ... @overload async def gather( *requests: Union[Future[T], Coroutine[Any, None, T]], return_exceptions: Literal[True], ) -> List[Union[T, BaseException]]: ... async def gather( *requests: Union[Future[T], Coroutine[Any, None, T]], return_exceptions: bool = False, ) -> Sequence[Union[T, BaseException]]: tasks = [ create_task(request) if isinstance(request, Coroutine) else request for request in requests ] results: List[Union[T, BaseException]] = [] for task in tasks: if return_exceptions: try: results.append(await task) except BaseException as e: results.append(e) else: results.append(await task) return results async def sleep(milliseconds: int): future = FutureTimer() sleep_ms = milliseconds if milliseconds > 0 else 1 weechat.hook_timer(sleep_ms, 0, 1, get_callback_name(weechat_task_cb), return await future