from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union import weechat from slack.error import SlackError from slack.shared import shared from slack.slack_emoji import get_emoji from slack.util import with_color if TYPE_CHECKING: from slack_api.slack_bots_info import SlackBotInfo from slack_api.slack_conversations_history import SlackMessageUserProfile from slack_api.slack_profile import SlackProfile from slack_api.slack_usergroups_info import SlackUsergroupInfo from slack_api.slack_users_info import SlackUserInfo from typing_extensions import Literal from slack.slack_workspace import SlackWorkspace @dataclass class Nick: color: str raw_nick: str suffix: str type: Literal["user", "bot", "unknown"] def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.raw_nick) def format(self, colorize: bool = False) -> str: color = self.color if colorize else "" return with_color(color, self.raw_nick) + self.suffix def nick_color(nick: str, is_self: bool = False) -> str: if is_self: return weechat.config_string(weechat.config_get("weechat.color.chat_nick_self")) return weechat.info_get("nick_color_name", nick) # TODO: Probably need to do some mapping here based on the existing users, in case some has been changed to avoid duplicate names def name_from_user_profile( workspace: SlackWorkspace, profile: Union[SlackProfile, SlackMessageUserProfile], fallback_name: str, ) -> str: display_name = profile.get("display_name") if display_name and not workspace.config.use_real_names: return display_name return profile.get("display_name") or profile.get("real_name") or fallback_name def name_from_user_info(workspace: SlackWorkspace, info: SlackUserInfo) -> str: return name_from_user_profile( workspace, info["profile"], info.get("real_name") or info["name"] ) def get_user_nick( nick: str, is_external: bool = False, is_self: bool = False, ) -> Nick: nick = nick.replace(" ", shared.config.look.replace_space_in_nicks_with.value) suffix = shared.config.look.external_user_suffix.value if is_external else "" return Nick( nick_color(nick, is_self), nick, suffix, "user", ) def get_bot_nick(nick: str) -> Nick: nick = nick.replace(" ", shared.config.look.replace_space_in_nicks_with.value) return Nick( nick_color(nick), nick, shared.config.look.bot_user_suffix.value, "bot", ) class SlackUser: def __init__(self, workspace: SlackWorkspace, info: SlackUserInfo): self.workspace = workspace self._info = info @classmethod async def create(cls, workspace: SlackWorkspace, id: str): info_response = await workspace.api.fetch_user_info(id) return cls(workspace, info_response["user"]) @property def id(self) -> str: return self._info["id"] @property def is_self(self) -> bool: return == @property def is_external(self) -> bool: return self._info["profile"]["team"] != and ( "enterprise_user" not in self._info or self._info["enterprise_user"]["enterprise_id"] != self.workspace.enterprise_id ) @property def status_text(self) -> str: return self._info["profile"].get("status_text", "") or "" @property def status_emoji(self) -> str: status_emoji = self._info["profile"].get("status_emoji") if not status_emoji: return "" return get_emoji(status_emoji.strip(":")) @property def nick(self) -> Nick: nick = name_from_user_info(self.workspace, self._info) return get_user_nick(nick, self.is_external, self.is_self) def update_info_json(self, info_json: SlackUserInfo): self._info.update(info_json) # pyright: ignore [reportArgumentType, reportCallIssue] self._rendered_prefix = None self._rendered_message = None self._parsed_message = None for conversation in self.workspace.open_conversations.values(): if conversation.im_user_id == conversation.update_buffer_props() class SlackBot: def __init__(self, workspace: SlackWorkspace, info: SlackBotInfo): self.workspace = workspace self._info = info @classmethod async def create(cls, workspace: SlackWorkspace, id: str): info_response = await workspace.api.fetch_bot_info(id) return cls(workspace, info_response["bot"]) @property def nick(self) -> Nick: return get_bot_nick(self._info["name"]) class SlackUsergroup: def __init__(self, workspace: SlackWorkspace, info: SlackUsergroupInfo): self.workspace = workspace self._info = info @classmethod async def create(cls, workspace: SlackWorkspace, id: str): info_response = await workspace.api.edgeapi.fetch_usergroups_info([id]) if not info_response["results"] or info_response["results"][0]["id"] != id: raise SlackError(workspace, "usergroup_not_found") return cls(workspace, info_response["results"][0]) def handle(self) -> str: return self._info["handle"]