from __future__ import annotations import re from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta from enum import Enum from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generator, Iterable, List, Match, Optional, Union import weechat from slack.error import ( SlackApiError, SlackError, UncaughtError, store_and_format_uncaught_error, store_uncaught_error, ) from slack.log import print_error from slack.python_compatibility import removeprefix, removesuffix from slack.shared import shared from slack.slack_emoji import get_emoji from slack.slack_user import SlackBot, SlackUser, format_bot_nick, nick_color from slack.task import gather from slack.util import htmlescape, intersperse, unhtmlescape, with_color if TYPE_CHECKING: from slack_api.slack_conversations_history import SlackMessage as SlackMessageDict from slack_api.slack_conversations_history import ( SlackMessageBlock, SlackMessageBlockCompositionText, SlackMessageBlockElementImage, SlackMessageBlockRichTextElement, SlackMessageBlockRichTextList, SlackMessageBlockRichTextSection, SlackMessageFile, SlackMessageReaction, SlackMessageSubtypeHuddleThreadRoom, ) from slack_rtm.slack_rtm_message import SlackThreadSubscription from typing_extensions import Literal, assert_never from slack.slack_conversation import SlackConversation from slack.slack_thread import SlackThread from slack.slack_workspace import SlackWorkspace def format_date(timestamp: int, token_string: str, link: Optional[str] = None) -> str: ref_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) link_suffix = f" ({link})" if link else "" token_to_format = { "date_num": "%Y-%m-%d", "date": "%B %d, %Y", "date_short": "%b %d, %Y", "date_long": "%A, %B %d, %Y", "time": "%H:%M", "time_secs": "%H:%M:%S", } def replace_token(match: Match[str]): token = if token.startswith("date_") and token.endswith("_pretty"): if == return "today" elif == - timedelta(days=1): return "yesterday" elif == + timedelta(days=1): return "tomorrow" else: token = token.replace("_pretty", "") if token in token_to_format: return ref_datetime.strftime(token_to_format[token]) else: return return re.sub(r"{([^}]+)}", replace_token, token_string) + link_suffix def convert_int_to_letter(num: int) -> str: letter = "" while num > 0: num -= 1 letter = chr((num % 26) + 97) + letter num //= 26 return letter def convert_int_to_roman(num: int) -> str: roman_numerals = { 1000: "m", 900: "cm", 500: "d", 400: "cd", 100: "c", 90: "xc", 50: "l", 40: "xl", 10: "x", 9: "ix", 5: "v", 4: "iv", 1: "i", } roman_numeral = "" for value, symbol in roman_numerals.items(): while num >= value: roman_numeral += symbol num -= value return roman_numeral class MessagePriority(Enum): NONE = "none" LOW = weechat.WEECHAT_HOTLIST_LOW MESSAGE = weechat.WEECHAT_HOTLIST_MESSAGE PRIVATE = weechat.WEECHAT_HOTLIST_PRIVATE HIGHLIGHT = weechat.WEECHAT_HOTLIST_HIGHLIGHT class SlackTs(str): def __init__(self, ts: str): self.major, self.minor = [int(x) for x in ts.split(".", 1)] def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.major, self.minor)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"SlackTs('{self}')" def _cmp(self, other: object) -> int: if isinstance(other, str): other = SlackTs(other) if not isinstance(other, SlackTs): return NotImplemented elif self.major > other.major: return 1 elif self.major < other.major: return -1 elif self.minor > other.minor: return 1 elif self.minor < other.minor: return -1 else: return 0 def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) == 0 def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) != 0 def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) == 1 def __ge__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) >= 0 def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) == -1 def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self._cmp(other) <= 0 class PendingMessageItem: def __init__( self, message: SlackMessage, item_type: Literal[ "conversation", "user", "usergroup", "broadcast", "message_nick" ], item_id: str, display_type: Literal["mention", "chat"] = "mention", fallback_name: Optional[str] = None, ): self.message = message self.item_type: Literal[ "conversation", "user", "usergroup", "broadcast", "message_nick" ] = item_type self.item_id = item_id self.display_type: Literal["mention", "chat"] = display_type self.fallback_name = fallback_name def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.message}, {self.item_type}, {self.item_id}, {self.display_type})" async def resolve(self) -> str: if self.item_type == "conversation": try: conversation = await self.message.workspace.conversations[self.item_id] name = conversation.name_with_prefix("short_name_without_padding") except (SlackApiError, SlackError) as e: if ( isinstance(e, SlackApiError) and e.response["error"] == "channel_not_found" or isinstance(e, SlackError) and e.error == "item_not_found" ): name = ( f"#{self.fallback_name}" if self.fallback_name else "#" ) else: raise e if self.display_type == "mention": color = shared.config.color.channel_mention.value elif self.display_type == "chat": color = "chat_channel" else: assert_never(self.display_type) return with_color(color, name) elif self.item_type == "user": try: user = await self.message.workspace.users[self.item_id] except (SlackApiError, SlackError) as e: if ( isinstance(e, SlackApiError) and e.response["error"] == "user_not_found" or isinstance(e, SlackError) and e.error == "item_not_found" ): name = ( f"@{self.fallback_name}" if self.fallback_name else f"@{self.item_id}" ) return name else: raise e if self.display_type == "mention": name = f"@{user.nick()}" return with_color(shared.config.color.user_mention.value, name) elif self.display_type == "chat": return user.nick(colorize=True) else: assert_never(self.display_type) elif self.item_type == "usergroup": try: usergroup = await self.message.workspace.usergroups[self.item_id] name = f"@{usergroup.handle()}" except (SlackApiError, SlackError) as e: if ( isinstance(e, SlackApiError) and e.response["error"] == "invalid_auth" or isinstance(e, SlackError) and ( e.error == "usergroup_not_found" or e.error == "item_not_found" ) ): name = ( self.fallback_name if self.fallback_name else f"@{self.item_id}" ) else: raise e return with_color(shared.config.color.usergroup_mention.value, name) elif self.item_type == "broadcast": broadcast_name = self.item_id.replace("group", "channel") name = f"@{broadcast_name}" return with_color(shared.config.color.usergroup_mention.value, name) elif self.item_type == "message_nick": return await self.message.nick() else: assert_never(self.item_type) def should_highlight(self, only_personal: bool) -> bool: if self.item_type == "conversation": return False elif self.item_type == "user": return self.item_id == elif self.item_type == "usergroup": # TODO return False elif self.item_type == "broadcast": # TODO: figure out how to handle here broadcast return not only_personal elif self.item_type == "message_nick": return False else: assert_never(self.item_type) class SlackMessage: def __init__(self, conversation: SlackConversation, message_json: SlackMessageDict): self._message_json = message_json self._rendered_prefix = None self._rendered_message = None self._parsed_message: Optional[List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]]] = None self.conversation = conversation self.ts = SlackTs(message_json["ts"]) self.replies: OrderedDict[SlackTs, SlackMessage] = OrderedDict() self.reply_history_filled = False self.thread_buffer: Optional[SlackThread] = None self._subscribed: bool = message_json.get("subscribed", False) self._last_read = ( SlackTs(self._message_json["last_read"]) if "last_read" in self._message_json else None ) self._deleted = False def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.conversation}, {self.ts})" @property def workspace(self) -> SlackWorkspace: return self.conversation.workspace @property def hash(self) -> str: return self.conversation.message_hashes[self.ts] @property def subtype(self): if "subtype" in self._message_json: return self._message_json["subtype"] @property def thread_ts(self) -> Optional[SlackTs]: return ( SlackTs(self._message_json["thread_ts"]) if "thread_ts" in self._message_json else None ) @property def is_thread_parent(self) -> bool: return self.thread_ts == self.ts @property def is_reply(self) -> bool: return self.thread_ts is not None and not self.is_thread_parent @property def is_thread_broadcast(self) -> bool: return self._message_json.get("subtype") == "thread_broadcast" @property def parent_message(self) -> Optional[SlackMessage]: if not self.is_reply or self.thread_ts is None: return None return self.conversation.messages.get(self.thread_ts) @property def last_read(self) -> Optional[SlackTs]: return self._last_read @last_read.setter def last_read(self, value: SlackTs): self._last_read = value if self.thread_buffer: self.thread_buffer.set_unread_and_hotlist() @property def latest_reply(self) -> Optional[SlackTs]: if "latest_reply" in self._message_json: return SlackTs(self._message_json["latest_reply"]) @property def is_bot_message(self) -> bool: return ( "subtype" in self._message_json and self._message_json["subtype"] == "bot_message" ) @property def sender_user_id(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._message_json.get("user") @property def sender_bot_id(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._message_json.get("bot_id") @property async def sender(self) -> Union[SlackUser, SlackBot]: if "user" in self._message_json: return await self.workspace.users[self._message_json["user"]] else: return await self.workspace.bots[self._message_json["bot_id"]] @property def reactions(self) -> List[SlackMessageReaction]: return self._message_json.get("reactions", []) @property def priority(self) -> MessagePriority: if ( self.conversation.muted and shared.config.look.muted_conversations_notify.value == "none" ): return MessagePriority.NONE elif self.should_highlight( self.conversation.muted and shared.config.look.muted_conversations_notify.value == "personal_highlights" ): return MessagePriority.HIGHLIGHT elif ( self.conversation.muted and shared.config.look.muted_conversations_notify.value != "all" ): return MessagePriority.NONE elif self.subtype in [ "channel_join", "group_join", "channel_leave", "group_leave", ]: return MessagePriority.LOW elif self.conversation.buffer_type == "private": return MessagePriority.PRIVATE else: return MessagePriority.MESSAGE @property def priority_notify_tag(self) -> Optional[str]: priority = self.priority if priority == MessagePriority.HIGHLIGHT: return "notify_highlight" elif priority == MessagePriority.PRIVATE: return "notify_private" elif priority == MessagePriority.MESSAGE: return "notify_message" elif priority == MessagePriority.LOW: return None elif priority == MessagePriority.NONE: tags = ["notify_none"] if self.should_highlight(False): tags.append(shared.highlight_tag) return ",".join(tags) else: assert_never(priority) @property def text(self) -> str: return self._message_json["text"] @property def deleted(self) -> bool: return self._deleted or self._message_json.get("subtype") == "tombstone" @deleted.setter def deleted(self, value: bool): self._deleted = value self._rendered_message = None self._parsed_message = None def update_message_json(self, message_json: SlackMessageDict): self._message_json.update( message_json # pyright: ignore [reportGeneralTypeIssues] ) self._rendered_prefix = None self._rendered_message = None self._parsed_message = None def update_message_json_room(self, room: SlackMessageSubtypeHuddleThreadRoom): if "room" in self._message_json: self._message_json["room"] = room self._rendered_message = None self._parsed_message = None async def update_subscribed( self, subscribed: bool, subscription: SlackThreadSubscription ): self._subscribed = subscribed self.last_read = SlackTs(subscription["last_read"]) await self.conversation.rerender_message(self) def _get_reaction(self, reaction_name: str): for reaction in self._message_json.get("reactions", []): if reaction["name"] == reaction_name: return reaction def reaction_add(self, reaction_name: str, user_id: str): reaction = self._get_reaction(reaction_name) if reaction: if user_id not in reaction["users"]: reaction["users"].append(user_id) reaction["count"] += 1 else: if "reactions" not in self._message_json: self._message_json["reactions"] = [] self._message_json["reactions"].append( {"name": reaction_name, "users": [user_id], "count": 1} ) self._rendered_message = None def reaction_remove(self, reaction_name: str, user_id: str): reaction = self._get_reaction(reaction_name) if reaction and user_id in reaction["users"]: reaction["users"].remove(user_id) reaction["count"] -= 1 self._rendered_message = None def should_highlight(self, only_personal: bool) -> bool: # TODO: Highlight words from user preferences parsed_message = self.parse_message_text() for item in parsed_message: if isinstance(item, PendingMessageItem) and item.should_highlight( only_personal ): return True return False async def tags(self, backlog: bool) -> str: nick = await self.nick(colorize=False, only_nick=True) tags = [f"slack_ts_{self.ts}", f"nick_{nick}"] if self.sender_user_id: tags.append(f"slack_user_id_{self.sender_user_id}") if self.sender_bot_id: tags.append(f"slack_bot_id_{self.sender_bot_id}") user = ( await self.workspace.users[self.sender_user_id] if self.sender_user_id else None ) if self._message_json.get("subtype") in ["channel_join", "group_join"]: tags.append("slack_join") log_tags = ["log4"] elif self._message_json.get("subtype") in ["channel_leave", "group_leave"]: tags.append("slack_part") log_tags = ["log4"] else: tags.append("slack_privmsg") if self.is_bot_message: tags.append("bot_message") if self._message_json.get("subtype") == "me_message": tags.append("slack_action") else: if shared.weechat_version >= 0x04000000: if user: tags.append(f"prefix_nick_{user.nick_color()}") else: tags.append(f"prefix_nick_{nick_color(nick)}") if user and user.is_self: tags.append("self_msg") log_tags = ["notify_none", "no_highlight", "log1"] else: log_tags = ["log1"] notify_tag = self.priority_notify_tag if notify_tag: log_tags.append(notify_tag) if backlog: tags += ["no_highlight", "notify_none", "logger_backlog", "no_log"] else: tags += log_tags return ",".join(tags) async def render( self, context: Literal["conversation", "thread"], ) -> str: prefix_coro = self.render_prefix() message_coro = self.render_message(context) prefix, message = await gather(prefix_coro, message_coro) self._rendered = f"{prefix}\t{message}" return self._rendered async def nick(self, colorize: bool = True, only_nick: bool = False) -> str: if "user" in self._message_json: user = await self.workspace.users[self._message_json["user"]] return user.nick(colorize=colorize, only_nick=only_nick) else: username = self._message_json.get("username") if username: return format_bot_nick(username, colorize=colorize, only_nick=only_nick) else: bot = await self.workspace.bots[self._message_json["bot_id"]] return bot.nick(colorize=colorize, only_nick=only_nick) async def _render_prefix( self, colorize: bool = True, only_nick: bool = False ) -> str: if self._message_json.get("subtype") in ["channel_join", "group_join"]: return removesuffix(weechat.prefix("join"), "\t") elif self._message_json.get("subtype") in ["channel_leave", "group_leave"]: return removesuffix(weechat.prefix("quit"), "\t") elif self._message_json.get("subtype") == "me_message": return removesuffix(weechat.prefix("action"), "\t") else: return await self.nick(colorize=colorize, only_nick=only_nick) async def render_prefix(self) -> str: if self._rendered_prefix is not None: return self._rendered_prefix self._rendered_prefix = await self._render_prefix() return self._rendered_prefix def parse_message_text( self, update: bool = False ) -> List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]]: if self._parsed_message is not None and not update: return self._parsed_message if self.deleted: self._parsed_message = [ with_color(shared.config.color.deleted_message.value, "(deleted)") ] elif self._message_json.get("subtype") in [ "channel_join", "group_join", "channel_leave", "group_leave", ]: is_join = self._message_json.get("subtype") in [ "channel_join", "group_join", ] text_action = ( f"{with_color(shared.config.color.message_join.value, 'has joined')}" if is_join else f"{with_color(shared.config.color.message_quit.value, 'has left')}" ) conversation_item = PendingMessageItem( self, "conversation",, "chat" ) inviter_id = self._message_json.get("inviter") if is_join and inviter_id: inviter_items = [ " by invitation from ", PendingMessageItem(self, "user", inviter_id, "chat"), ] else: inviter_items = [] self._parsed_message = [ PendingMessageItem(self, "message_nick", ""), " ", text_action, " ", conversation_item, ] + inviter_items elif ( "subtype" in self._message_json and self._message_json["subtype"] == "huddle_thread" ): room = self._message_json["room"] team = self._message_json.get("team", huddle_text = "Huddle started" if not room["has_ended"] else "Huddle ended" name_text = f", name: {room['name']}" if room["name"] else "" texts: List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]] = [huddle_text + name_text] for channel_id in room["channels"]: texts.append( f"\n{team}/{channel_id}?open=start_huddle" ) self._parsed_message = texts else: if "blocks" in self._message_json: texts = self._render_blocks(self._message_json["blocks"]) else: items = self._unfurl_refs(self._message_json["text"]) texts = [ unhtmlescape(item) if isinstance(item, str) else item for item in items ] files_text = self._render_files(self._message_json.get("files", [])) if files_text: texts.extend(["\n", files_text]) attachment_items = self._render_attachments(texts) self._parsed_message = texts + attachment_items return self._parsed_message async def _render_message(self, rerender: bool = False) -> str: if self._rendered_message is not None and not rerender: return self._rendered_message try: me_prefix = ( f"{await self.nick()} " if self._message_json.get("subtype") == "me_message" else "" ) parsed_message = self.parse_message_text(rerender) text = "".join( [ text if isinstance(text, str) else await text.resolve() for text in parsed_message ] ) text_edited = ( f" {with_color(shared.config.color.edited_message_suffix.value, '(edited)')}" if self._message_json.get("edited") else "" ) reactions = await self._create_reactions_string() self._rendered_message = me_prefix + text + text_edited + reactions except Exception as e: uncaught_error = UncaughtError(e) print_error(store_and_format_uncaught_error(uncaught_error)) text = f"" self._rendered_message = with_color( shared.config.color.render_error.value, text ) return self._rendered_message async def render_message( self, context: Literal["conversation", "thread"], rerender: bool = False, ) -> str: text = await self._render_message(rerender=rerender) if context == "thread": return text thread_prefix = self._create_thread_prefix() thread = self._create_thread_string() return thread_prefix + text + thread def _resolve_ref( self, item_id: str, fallback_name: Optional[str] ) -> Optional[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]]: if item_id.startswith("#"): return PendingMessageItem( self, "conversation", removeprefix(item_id, "#"), "mention", fallback_name, ) elif item_id.startswith("@"): return PendingMessageItem( self, "user", removeprefix(item_id, "@"), "mention", fallback_name ) elif item_id.startswith("!subteam^"): return PendingMessageItem( self, "usergroup", removeprefix(item_id, "!subteam^"), "mention", fallback_name, ) elif item_id in ["!channel", "!everyone", "!group", "!here"]: return PendingMessageItem( self, "broadcast", removeprefix(item_id, "!"), "mention", fallback_name ) elif item_id.startswith("!date"): parts = item_id.split("^") timestamp = int(parts[1]) link = parts[3] if len(parts) > 3 else None return format_date(timestamp, parts[2], link) def _unfurl_refs( self, message: str ) -> Generator[Union[str, PendingMessageItem], None, None]: re_ref = re.compile(r"<(?P[^|>]+)(?:\|(?P[^>]*))?>") i = 0 for match in re_ref.finditer(message): if i < match.start(0): yield message[i : match.start(0)] fallback_name = match["fallback_name"] item = self._resolve_ref(match["id"], fallback_name) if item: yield item elif fallback_name is not None: yield fallback_name else: yield match[0] i = match.end(0) if i < len(message): yield message[i:] def _unfurl_and_unescape( self, items: Iterable[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]] ) -> Generator[Union[str, PendingMessageItem], None, None]: for item in items: if isinstance(item, str): for sub_item in self._unfurl_refs(item): if isinstance(sub_item, str): yield unhtmlescape(sub_item) else: yield sub_item else: yield item async def _create_reaction_string(self, reaction: SlackMessageReaction) -> str: if self.conversation.display_reaction_nicks(): users = await gather( *(self.workspace.users[user_id] for user_id in reaction["users"]) ) nicks = ",".join(user.nick() for user in users) users_str = f"({nicks})" else: users_str = "" reaction_string = ( f"{get_emoji(reaction['name'])}{len(reaction['users'])}{users_str}" ) if in reaction["users"]: return with_color( shared.config.color.reaction_self_suffix.value, reaction_string, reset_color=shared.config.color.reaction_suffix.value, ) else: return reaction_string async def _create_reactions_string(self) -> str: reactions = self._message_json.get("reactions", []) reactions_with_users = [ reaction for reaction in reactions if len(reaction["users"]) > 0 ] reaction_strings = await gather( *( self._create_reaction_string(reaction) for reaction in reactions_with_users ) ) reactions_string = " ".join(reaction_strings) if reactions_string: return " " + with_color( shared.config.color.reaction_suffix.value, f"[{reactions_string}]" ) else: return "" def _create_thread_prefix(self) -> str: if not self.is_reply or self.thread_ts is None: return "" thread_hash = self.conversation.message_hashes[self.thread_ts] broadcast_text = ( shared.config.look.thread_broadcast_prefix.value if self.is_thread_broadcast else "" ) text = f"[{broadcast_text}{thread_hash}]" return with_color(nick_color(thread_hash), text) + " " def _create_thread_string(self) -> str: if "reply_count" not in self._message_json: return "" reply_count = self._message_json["reply_count"] if not reply_count: return "" subscribed_text = " Subscribed" if self._subscribed else "" text = f"[ Thread: {self.hash} Replies: {reply_count}{subscribed_text} ]" return " " + with_color(nick_color(str(self.hash)), text) def _render_blocks( self, blocks: List[SlackMessageBlock] ) -> List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]]: block_lines: List[List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]]] = [] for block in blocks: try: if block["type"] == "section": fields = block.get("fields", []) if "text" in block: fields.insert(0, block["text"]) block_lines.extend( self._render_block_element(field) for field in fields ) elif block["type"] == "actions": items: List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]] = [] for element in block["elements"]: if element["type"] == "button": items.extend(self._render_block_element(element["text"])) if "url" in element: items.append(element["url"]) else: text = ( f'' ) items.append( with_color(shared.config.color.render_error.value, text) ) block_lines.append(intersperse(items, " | ")) elif block["type"] == "call": url = block["call"]["v1"]["join_url"] block_lines.append(["Join via " + url]) elif block["type"] == "divider": block_lines.append(["---"]) elif block["type"] == "context": items = [ item for element in block["elements"] for item in self._render_block_element(element) ] block_lines.append(intersperse(items, " | ")) elif block["type"] == "image": if "title" in block: block_lines.append(self._render_block_element(block["title"])) block_lines.append(self._render_block_element(block)) elif block["type"] == "rich_text": for element in block.get("elements", []): if element["type"] == "rich_text_section": rendered = self._render_block_rich_text_section(element) if rendered: block_lines.append(rendered) elif element["type"] == "rich_text_list": lines = [ [ " " * element.get("indent", 0), self._render_block_rich_text_list_prefix( element, item_index ), " ", ] + self._render_block_rich_text_section(item_element) for item_index, item_element in enumerate( element["elements"] ) ] block_lines.extend(lines) elif element["type"] == "rich_text_quote": quote_str = "> " items = [quote_str] + [ self._render_block_rich_text_element( sub_element, quote_str ) for sub_element in element["elements"] ] block_lines.append(items) elif element["type"] == "rich_text_preformatted": texts: List[str] = [ sub_element.get("text", sub_element.get("url", "")) for sub_element in element["elements"] ] if texts: block_lines.append([f"```\n{''.join(texts)}\n```"]) else: text = f'' block_lines.append( [ with_color( shared.config.color.render_error.value, text ) ] ) else: text = f'' block_lines.append( [with_color(shared.config.color.render_error.value, text)] ) except Exception as e: uncaught_error = UncaughtError(e) print_error(store_and_format_uncaught_error(uncaught_error)) text = f"" block_lines.append( [with_color(shared.config.color.render_error.value, text)] ) return [item for items in intersperse(block_lines, ["\n"]) for item in items] def _render_block_rich_text_section( self, section: SlackMessageBlockRichTextSection, lines_prepend: str = "" ) -> List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]]: texts: List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]] = [] prev_element: SlackMessageBlockRichTextElement = {"type": "text", "text": ""} for element in section["elements"] + [prev_element.copy()]: colors_apply: List[str] = [] colors_remove: List[str] = [] characters_apply: List[str] = [] characters_remove: List[str] = [] prev_style = prev_element.get("style", {}) cur_style = element.get("style", {}) if cur_style.get("code", False) != prev_style.get("code", False): if cur_style.get("code"): characters_apply.append("`") else: characters_remove.append("`") if cur_style.get("bold", False) != prev_style.get("bold", False): if cur_style.get("bold"): colors_apply.append(weechat.color("bold")) characters_apply.append("*") else: colors_remove.append(weechat.color("-bold")) characters_remove.append("*") if cur_style.get("italic", False) != prev_style.get("italic", False): if cur_style.get("italic"): colors_apply.append(weechat.color("italic")) characters_apply.append("_") else: colors_remove.append(weechat.color("-italic")) characters_remove.append("_") if cur_style.get("strike", False) != prev_style.get("strike", False): if cur_style.get("strike"): characters_apply.append("~") else: characters_remove.append("~") prepend = "".join( characters_remove[::-1] + colors_remove[::-1] + colors_apply + characters_apply ) if prepend: texts.append(prepend) text = self._render_block_rich_text_element(element, lines_prepend) if text: texts.append(text) prev_element = element if texts and isinstance(texts[-1], str) and texts[-1].endswith("\n"): texts[-1] = texts[-1][:-1] return texts def _render_block_rich_text_element( self, element: SlackMessageBlockRichTextElement, lines_prepend: str = "" ) -> Union[str, PendingMessageItem]: if element["type"] == "text": return element["text"].replace("\n", "\n" + lines_prepend) elif element["type"] == "link": if "text" in element: if element.get("style", {}).get("code"): return element["text"] else: return f"{element['url']} ({element['text']})" else: return element["url"] elif element["type"] == "emoji": return get_emoji(element["name"], element.get("skin_tone")) elif element["type"] == "color": rgb_int = int(element["value"].lstrip("#"), 16) weechat_color = weechat.info_get("color_rgb2term", str(rgb_int)) return f"{element['value']} {with_color(weechat_color, '■')}" elif element["type"] == "channel": return PendingMessageItem(self, "conversation", element["channel_id"]) elif element["type"] == "user": return PendingMessageItem(self, "user", element["user_id"]) elif element["type"] == "usergroup": return PendingMessageItem(self, "usergroup", element["usergroup_id"]) elif element["type"] == "broadcast": return PendingMessageItem(self, "broadcast", element["range"]) else: text = f'' return with_color(shared.config.color.render_error.value, text) def _render_block_element( self, element: Union[SlackMessageBlockCompositionText, SlackMessageBlockElementImage], ) -> List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]]: if element["type"] == "plain_text" or element["type"] == "mrkdwn": # TODO: Support markdown, and verbatim and emoji properties # Looks like emoji and verbatim are only used when posting, so we don't need to care about them. # We do have to resolve refs (users, dates etc.) and emojis for both plain_text and mrkdwn though. # See a message for a poll from polly # Should I run unhtmlescape here? items = self._unfurl_refs(element["text"]) return [ unhtmlescape(item) if isinstance(item, str) else item for item in items ] elif element["type"] == "image": if element.get("alt_text"): return [f"{element['image_url']} ({element['alt_text']})"] else: return [element["image_url"]] else: text = f'' return [with_color(shared.config.color.render_error.value, text)] def _render_block_rich_text_list_prefix( self, list_element: SlackMessageBlockRichTextList, item_index: int ) -> str: index = list_element.get("offset", 0) + item_index + 1 if list_element["style"] == "ordered": if list_element["indent"] == 0 or list_element["indent"] == 3: return f"{index}." elif list_element["indent"] == 1 or list_element["indent"] == 4: return f"{convert_int_to_letter(index)}." else: return f"{convert_int_to_roman(index)}." else: if list_element["indent"] == 0 or list_element["indent"] == 3: return "•" elif list_element["indent"] == 1 or list_element["indent"] == 4: return "◦" else: return "▪︎" def _render_files(self, files: List[SlackMessageFile]) -> str: lines: List[str] = [] for file in files: if file.get("mode") == "tombstone": text = with_color( shared.config.color.deleted_message.value, "(This file was deleted)" ) elif file.get("mode") == "hidden_by_limit": text = with_color( shared.config.color.deleted_message.value, "(This file is not available because the workspace has passed its storage limit)", ) elif file.get("mimetype") == "application/vnd.slack-docs": url = f"{file['permalink']}?origin_team={}&origin_channel={}" text = f"{url} ({file['title']})" elif file.get("url_private"): if file.get("title"): text = f"{file['url_private']} ({file['title']})" else: text = file["url_private"] else: error = SlackError(self.workspace, "Unsupported file", file) uncaught_error = UncaughtError(error) store_uncaught_error(uncaught_error) text = with_color( shared.config.color.render_error.value, f"", ) lines.append(text) return "\n".join(lines) # TODO: Check if mentions in attachments should highlight def _render_attachments( self, items_before: List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]] ) -> List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]]: if "attachments" not in self._message_json: return [] attachments: List[List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]]] = [] if any(items_before): attachments.append([]) for attachment in self._message_json["attachments"]: # Attachments should be rendered roughly like: # # $pretext # $author: (if rest of line is non-empty) $title ($title_link) OR $from_url # $author: (if no $author on previous line) $text # $fields if ( attachment.get("is_app_unfurl") and not shared.config.look.display_link_previews.value ): continue lines: List[List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]]] = [] prepend_title_text = "" if "author_name" in attachment: prepend_title_text = attachment["author_name"] + ": " if "pretext" in attachment: lines.append([attachment["pretext"]]) link_shown = False title = attachment.get("title") title_link = attachment.get("title_link", "") if title_link and any( isinstance(text, str) and title_link in text for text in items_before ): title_link = "" link_shown = True if title and title_link: lines.append( [f"{prepend_title_text}{title} ({htmlescape(title_link)})"] ) prepend_title_text = "" elif title and not title_link: lines.append([f"{prepend_title_text}{title}"]) prepend_title_text = "" from_url = attachment.get("from_url", "") if ( not any( isinstance(text, str) and from_url in text for text in items_before ) and from_url != title_link ): lines.append([htmlescape(from_url)]) elif from_url: link_shown = True atext = attachment.get("text") if atext: tx = re.sub(r" *\n[\n ]+", "\n", atext) lines.append([prepend_title_text + tx]) prepend_title_text = "" image_url = attachment.get("image_url", "") if ( not any( isinstance(text, str) and image_url in text for text in items_before ) and image_url != from_url and image_url != title_link ): lines.append([htmlescape(image_url)]) elif image_url: link_shown = True for field in attachment.get("fields", []): if field.get("title"): lines.append([f"{field['title']}: {field['value']}"]) else: lines.append([field["value"]]) lines = [ [item for item in self._unfurl_and_unescape(line)] for line in lines ] files = self._render_files(attachment.get("files", [])) if files: lines.append([files]) # TODO: Don't render both text and blocks blocks_items = self._render_blocks(attachment.get("blocks", [])) if blocks_items: lines.append(blocks_items) if "is_msg_unfurl" in attachment and attachment["is_msg_unfurl"]: channel_name = PendingMessageItem( self, "conversation", attachment["channel_id"], "chat" ) if attachment.get("is_reply_unfurl"): footer = ["From a thread in ", channel_name] else: footer = ["Posted in ", channel_name] elif attachment.get("footer"): footer: List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]] = [ attachment.get("footer") ] else: footer = [] if footer: ts = attachment.get("ts") if ts: ts_int = ts if isinstance(ts, int) else SlackTs(ts).major if ts_int > 100000000000: # The Slack web interface interprets very large timestamps # as milliseconds after the epoch instead of regular Unix # timestamps. We use the same heuristic here. ts_int = ts_int // 1000 time_string = "" if - date.fromtimestamp(ts_int) <= timedelta(days=1): time_string = " at {time}" timestamp_formatted = format_date( ts_int, "{date_short_pretty}" + time_string ) footer.append(f" | {timestamp_formatted.capitalize()}") lines.append([item for item in self._unfurl_and_unescape(footer)]) fallback = attachment.get("fallback") if not any(lines) and fallback and not link_shown: lines.append([fallback]) items = [item for items in intersperse(lines, ["\n"]) for item in items] texts_separate_newlines = [ item_separate_newline for item in items for item_separate_newline in ( intersperse(item.split("\n"), "\n") if isinstance(item, str) else [item] ) ] if texts_separate_newlines: prefix = "|" line_color = None color = attachment.get("color") if ( color and shared.config.look.color_message_attachments.value != "none" ): weechat_color = weechat.info_get( "color_rgb2term", str(int(color.lstrip("#"), 16)) ) if shared.config.look.color_message_attachments.value == "prefix": prefix = with_color(weechat_color, prefix) elif shared.config.look.color_message_attachments.value == "all": line_color = weechat_color texts_with_prefix = [f"{prefix} "] + [ f"\n{prefix} " if item == "\n" else item for item in texts_separate_newlines ] attachment_texts: List[Union[str, PendingMessageItem]] = [] if line_color: attachment_texts.append(weechat.color(line_color)) attachment_texts.extend(texts_with_prefix) if line_color: attachment_texts.append(weechat.color("reset")) attachments.append(attachment_texts) return [item for items in intersperse(attachments, ["\n"]) for item in items]