from __future__ import annotations import json from itertools import chain from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union from urllib.parse import urlencode from slack.error import SlackApiError from slack.http import http_request from slack.shared import shared from slack.slack_message import SlackTs from slack.task import gather from slack.util import chunked if TYPE_CHECKING: from slack_api.slack_bots_info import SlackBotInfoResponse, SlackBotsInfoResponse from slack_api.slack_common import SlackGenericResponse from slack_api.slack_conversations_history import SlackConversationsHistoryResponse from slack_api.slack_conversations_info import SlackConversationsInfoResponse from slack_api.slack_conversations_members import SlackConversationsMembersResponse from slack_api.slack_conversations_replies import SlackConversationsRepliesResponse from slack_api.slack_rtm_connect import SlackRtmConnectResponse from slack_api.slack_usergroups_info import SlackUsergroupsInfoResponse from slack_api.slack_users_conversations import SlackUsersConversationsResponse from slack_api.slack_users_info import SlackUserInfoResponse, SlackUsersInfoResponse from slack_api.slack_users_prefs import SlackUsersPrefsGetResponse from slack_edgeapi.slack_usergroups_info import SlackEdgeUsergroupsInfoResponse from slack_edgeapi.slack_users_search import SlackUsersSearchResponse from typing_extensions import Literal, assert_never from slack.slack_conversation import SlackConversation from slack.slack_workspace import SlackWorkspace Params = Mapping[str, Union[str, int, bool]] EdgeParams = Mapping[ str, Union[str, int, bool, Sequence[str], Sequence[int], Sequence[bool]] ] class SlackApiCommon: def __init__(self, workspace: SlackWorkspace): self.workspace = workspace def _get_request_options(self): return { "useragent": f"wee_slack {shared.SCRIPT_VERSION}", "httpheader": f"Authorization: Bearer {self.workspace.config.api_token.value}", "cookie": self.workspace.config.api_cookies.value, # TODO: url_encode_if_not_encoded } class SlackEdgeApi(SlackApiCommon): @property def is_available(self) -> bool: return self.workspace.token_type == "session" async def _fetch_edgeapi(self, method: str, params: EdgeParams = {}): enterprise_id_part = ( f"{self.workspace.enterprise_id}/" if self.workspace.enterprise_id else "" ) url = f"{enterprise_id_part}{}/{method}" options = self._get_request_options() options["postfields"] = json.dumps(params) options["httpheader"] += "\nContent-Type: application/json" response = await http_request( url, options, self.workspace.config.network_timeout.value * 1000, ) return json.loads(response) async def fetch_usergroups_info(self, usergroup_ids: Sequence[str]): method = "usergroups/info" params: EdgeParams = {"ids": usergroup_ids} response: SlackEdgeUsergroupsInfoResponse = await self._fetch_edgeapi( method, params ) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def fetch_users_search(self, query: str): method = "users/search" params: EdgeParams = { "include_profile_only_users": True, "query": query, "count": 25, "fuzz": 1, "uax29_tokenizer": False, "filter": "NOT deactivated", } response: SlackUsersSearchResponse = await self._fetch_edgeapi(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response class SlackApi(SlackApiCommon): def __init__(self, workspace: SlackWorkspace): super().__init__(workspace) self.edgeapi = SlackEdgeApi(workspace) async def _fetch(self, method: str, params: Params = {}): url = f"{method}" options = self._get_request_options() options["postfields"] = urlencode(params) response = await http_request( url, options, self.workspace.config.network_timeout.value * 1000, ) return json.loads(response) async def _fetch_list( self, method: str, list_key: str, params: Params = {}, limit: Optional[int] = None, ): cur_limit = 1000 if limit is None or limit > 1000 else limit response = await self._fetch(method, {**params, "limit": cur_limit}) remaining = limit - cur_limit if limit is not None else None next_cursor = response.get("response_metadata", {}).get("next_cursor") if (remaining is None or remaining > 0) and next_cursor and response["ok"]: new_params = {**params, "cursor": next_cursor} next_pages = await self._fetch_list(method, list_key, new_params, remaining) response[list_key].extend(next_pages[list_key]) return response return response async def fetch_rtm_connect(self): method = "rtm.connect" response: SlackRtmConnectResponse = await self._fetch(method) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response) return response async def fetch_users_get_prefs(self, prefs: Optional[str] = None): method = "users.prefs.get" params: Params = {"prefs": prefs} if prefs else {} response: SlackUsersPrefsGetResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response) return response async def fetch_conversations_history(self, conversation: SlackConversation): method = "conversations.history" params: Params = {"channel":} response: SlackConversationsHistoryResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def fetch_conversations_history_after( self, conversation: SlackConversation, after: SlackTs ): method = "conversations.history" params: Params = { "channel":, "oldest": after, "inclusive": False, } response: SlackConversationsHistoryResponse = await self._fetch_list( method, "messages", params ) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def fetch_conversations_replies( self, conversation: SlackConversation, parent_message_ts: SlackTs ): method = "conversations.replies" params: Params = { "channel":, "ts": parent_message_ts, } response: SlackConversationsRepliesResponse = await self._fetch_list( method, "messages", params ) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def fetch_conversations_info(self, conversation_id: str): method = "" params: Params = {"channel": conversation_id} response: SlackConversationsInfoResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def fetch_conversations_members( self, conversation: SlackConversation, limit: Optional[int] = None, ): method = "conversations.members" params: Params = {"channel":} response: SlackConversationsMembersResponse = await self._fetch_list( method, "members", params, limit ) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def fetch_users_conversations( self, types: str, exclude_archived: bool = True, limit: Optional[int] = None, ): method = "users.conversations" params: Params = { "types": types, "exclude_archived": exclude_archived, } response: SlackUsersConversationsResponse = await self._fetch_list( method, "channels", params, limit, ) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def fetch_user_info(self, user_id: str): method = "" params: Params = {"user": user_id} response: SlackUserInfoResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def _fetch_users_info_without_splitting(self, user_ids: Iterable[str]): method = "" params: Params = {"users": ",".join(user_ids)} response: SlackUsersInfoResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def fetch_users_info(self, user_ids: Iterable[str]): responses = await gather( *( self._fetch_users_info_without_splitting(user_ids_batch) for user_ids_batch in chunked(user_ids, 1000) ) ) users = list(chain(*(response["users"] for response in responses))) response: SlackUsersInfoResponse = {"ok": True, "users": users} return response async def fetch_bot_info(self, bot_id: str): method = "" params: Params = {"bot": bot_id} response: SlackBotInfoResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def fetch_bots_info(self, bot_ids: Iterable[str]): method = "" params: Params = {"bots": ",".join(bot_ids)} response: SlackBotsInfoResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def fetch_usergroups_list(self): method = "usergroups.list" response: SlackUsergroupsInfoResponse = await self._fetch(method) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response) return response async def conversations_close(self, conversation: SlackConversation): method = "conversations.close" params: Params = {"channel":} response: SlackGenericResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def conversations_mark(self, conversation: SlackConversation, ts: SlackTs): method = "conversations.mark" params: Params = {"channel":, "ts": ts} response: SlackGenericResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def subscriptions_thread_mark( self, conversation: SlackConversation, thread_ts: SlackTs, ts: SlackTs ): method = "subscriptions.thread.mark" params: Params = { "channel":, "thread_ts": thread_ts, "ts": ts, "read": 1, } response: SlackGenericResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def chat_post_message( self, conversation: SlackConversation, text: str, thread_ts: Optional[SlackTs] = None, ): method = "chat.postMessage" params: Params = { "channel":, "text": text, "as_user": True, "link_names": True, } if thread_ts is not None: params["thread_ts"] = thread_ts response: SlackGenericResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def chat_update_message( self, conversation: SlackConversation, ts: SlackTs, text: str, ): method = "chat.update" params: Params = { "channel":, "ts": ts, "text": text, "as_user": True, "link_names": True, } response: SlackGenericResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def chat_delete_message(self, conversation: SlackConversation, ts: SlackTs): method = "chat.delete" params: Params = { "channel":, "ts": ts, "as_user": True, } response: SlackGenericResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response async def reactions_change( self, conversation: SlackConversation, ts: SlackTs, name: str, change_type: Literal["+", "-"], ): method = ( "reactions.add" if change_type == "+" else "reactions.remove" if change_type == "-" else assert_never(change_type) ) params: Params = { "channel":, "timestamp": ts, "name": name, } response: SlackGenericResponse = await self._fetch(method, params) if response["ok"] is False: raise SlackApiError(self.workspace, method, response, params) return response