from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional import weechat from slack.log import print_error from slack.shared import shared from slack.slack_conversation import invalidate_nicklists, update_buffer_props from slack.slack_workspace import SlackWorkspace from slack.util import get_callback_name from slack.weechat_config import ( WeeChatColor, WeeChatConfig, WeeChatOption, WeeChatOptionType, WeeChatSection, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing_extensions import Literal class SlackConfigSectionColor: def __init__(self, weechat_config: WeeChatConfig): self._section = WeeChatSection(weechat_config, "color") self.buflist_muted_conversation = WeeChatOption( self._section, "buflist_muted_conversation", "text color for muted conversations in the buflist", WeeChatColor("darkgray"), callback_change=self.config_change_buflist_muted_conversation_cb, ) self.channel_mention = WeeChatOption( self._section, "channel_mention", "text color for mentioned channel names in the chat", WeeChatColor("blue"), ) self.deleted_message = WeeChatOption( self._section, "deleted_message", "text color for a deleted message", WeeChatColor("red"), ) self.disconnected = WeeChatOption( self._section, "disconnected", "text color for the disconnected text", WeeChatColor("red"), ) self.edited_message_suffix = WeeChatOption( self._section, "edited_message_suffix", "text color for the suffix after an edited message", WeeChatColor("095"), ) self.loading = WeeChatOption( self._section, "loading", "text color for the loading text", WeeChatColor("yellow"), ) self.message_join = WeeChatOption( self._section, "message_join", "color for text in join messages", WeeChatColor("green"), parent_option="irc.color.message_join", ) self.message_quit = WeeChatOption( self._section, "message_quit", "color for text in part messages", WeeChatColor("red"), parent_option="irc.color.message_quit", ) self.reaction_suffix = WeeChatOption( self._section, "reaction_suffix", "color for the reactions after a message", WeeChatColor("darkgray"), ) self.reaction_self_suffix = WeeChatOption( self._section, "reaction_self_suffix", "color for the reactions after a message, for reactions you have added", WeeChatColor("blue"), ) self.render_error = WeeChatOption( self._section, "render_error", "color for displaying rendering errors in a message", WeeChatColor("red"), ) self.user_mention = WeeChatOption( self._section, "user_mention", "text color for mentioned user names in the chat", WeeChatColor("blue"), ) self.usergroup_mention = WeeChatOption( self._section, "usergroup_mention", "text color for mentioned user group names in the chat", WeeChatColor("blue"), ) def config_change_buflist_muted_conversation_cb( self, option: WeeChatOption[WeeChatOptionType], parent_changed: bool ): update_buffer_props() class SlackConfigSectionLook: def __init__(self, weechat_config: WeeChatConfig): self._section = WeeChatSection(weechat_config, "look") self.bot_user_suffix = WeeChatOption( self._section, "bot_user_suffix", "the suffix appended to nicks to indicate a bot", " :]", ) self.thread_broadcast_prefix = WeeChatOption( self._section, "thread_broadcast_prefix", "prefix to distinguish thread messages that were also sent to the channel, when thread_messages_in_channel is enabled", "+", ) self.color_nicks_in_nicklist = WeeChatOption( self._section, "color_nicks_in_nicklist", "use nick color in nicklist", False, parent_option="irc.look.color_nicks_in_nicklist", callback_change=self.config_change_color_nicks_in_nicklist_cb, ) self.color_message_attachments: WeeChatOption[ Literal["prefix", "all", "none"] ] = WeeChatOption( self._section, "color_message_attachments", "colorize attachments in a message: prefix = only colorize the prefix, all = colorize the whole line, none = don't colorize", "prefix", string_values=["prefix", "all", "none"], ) self.display_link_previews = WeeChatOption( self._section, "display_link_previews", "display previews of URLs in messages", True, ) self.display_reaction_nicks = WeeChatOption( self._section, "display_reaction_nicks", "display the name of the reacting user(s) after each reaction; can be overridden per buffer with the buffer localvar display_reaction_nicks", False, ) self.display_thread_replies_in_channel = WeeChatOption( self._section, "display_thread_replies_in_channel", "display thread replies in the parent channel; can be overridden per buffer with the buffer localvar display_thread_replies_in_channel; note that it only takes effect for new messages; note that due to limitations in the Slack API, on load only thread messages for parents that are in the buffer and thread messages in subscribed threads will be displayed (but all thread messages received while connected will be displayed)", False, ) self.external_user_suffix = WeeChatOption( self._section, "external_user_suffix", "the suffix appended to nicks to indicate external users", "*", ) self.muted_conversations_notify: WeeChatOption[ Literal["none", "personal_highlights", "all_highlights", "all"] ] = WeeChatOption( self._section, "muted_conversations_notify", "notify level to set for messages in muted conversations; none: don't notify for any messages; personal_highlights: only notify for personal highlights, i.e. not @channel and @here; all_highlights: notify for all highlights, but not other messages; all: notify for all messages, like other channels; note that this doesn't affect messages in threads you are subscribed to or in open thread buffers, those will always notify", "personal_highlights", string_values=["none", "personal_highlights", "all_highlights", "all"], ) self.render_emoji_as: WeeChatOption[ Literal["emoji", "name", "both"] ] = WeeChatOption( self._section, "render_emoji_as", "show emojis as: emoji = the emoji unicode character, name = the emoji name, both = both the emoji name and the emoji character", "emoji", string_values=["emoji", "name", "both"], ) self.render_url_as = WeeChatOption( self._section, "render_url_as", "format to render URLs (note: content is evaluated, see /help eval; ${url} is replaced by the URL link and ${text} is replaced by the URL text); the default format renders only the URL if the text is empty or is contained in the URL, otherwise it renders the text first and then the URL in parentheses", "${if: ${text} == || ${url} =- ${text} ?${url}:${text} (${url})}", ) self.replace_space_in_nicks_with = WeeChatOption( self._section, "replace_space_in_nicks_with", "", "", ) self.typing_status_nicks = WeeChatOption( self._section, "typing_status_nicks", 'display nicks typing on the channel in bar item "typing" (option typing.look.enabled_nicks must be enabled)', True, ) self.typing_status_self = WeeChatOption( self._section, "typing_status_self", "send self typing status to channels so that other users see when you are typing a message (option typing.look.enabled_self must be enabled)", True, ) weechat.hook_config( "weechat.look.nick_color_*", get_callback_name(self.config_change_nick_colors_cb), "", ) weechat.hook_config( "weechat.color.chat_nick_colors", get_callback_name(self.config_change_nick_colors_cb), "", ) def config_change_color_nicks_in_nicklist_cb( self, option: WeeChatOption[WeeChatOptionType], parent_changed: bool ): invalidate_nicklists() def config_change_nick_colors_cb(self, data: str, option: str, value: str): invalidate_nicklists() return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK class SlackConfigSectionWorkspace: def __init__( self, section: WeeChatSection, workspace_name: Optional[str], parent_config: Optional[SlackConfigSectionWorkspace], ): self._section = section self._workspace_name = workspace_name self._parent_config = parent_config self.api_token = self._create_option( "api_token", "", "", ) self.api_cookies = self._create_option( "api_cookies", "", "", ) self.autoconnect = self._create_option( "autoconnect", "automatically connect to workspace when WeeChat is starting", False, ) self.network_timeout = self._create_option( "network_timeout", "timeout (in seconds) for network requests", 30, ) self.use_real_names = self._create_option( "use_real_names", "use real names as the nicks for all users. When this is" " false, display names will be used if set, with a fallback" " to the real name if display name is not set", False, ) def _create_option( self, name: str, description: str, default_value: WeeChatOptionType, min_value: Optional[int] = None, max_value: Optional[int] = None, string_values: Optional[list[WeeChatOptionType]] = None, ) -> WeeChatOption[WeeChatOptionType]: if self._workspace_name: option_name = f"{self._workspace_name}.{name}" else: option_name = name if self._parent_config: parent_option = getattr(self._parent_config, name, None) else: parent_option = None return WeeChatOption( self._section, option_name, description, default_value, min_value, max_value, string_values, parent_option, ) def config_section_workspace_read_cb( data: str, config_file: str, section: str, option_name: str, value: Optional[str] ) -> int: option_split = option_name.split(".", 1) if len(option_split) < 2: return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR workspace_name, name = option_split if not workspace_name or not name: return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR if workspace_name not in shared.workspaces: shared.workspaces[workspace_name] = SlackWorkspace(workspace_name) option = getattr(shared.workspaces[workspace_name].config, name, None) if option is None: return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OPTION_NOT_FOUND if not isinstance(option, WeeChatOption): return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR if value is None or ( shared.weechat_version < 0x03080000 and value == "" and option.weechat_type != "string" ): rc = option.value_set_null() else: rc = option.value_set_as_str(value) if rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR: print_error(f'error creating workspace option "{option_name}"') return rc def config_section_workspace_write_for_old_weechat_cb( data: str, config_file: str, section_name: str ) -> int: if not weechat.config_write_line(config_file, section_name, ""): return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_ERROR for workspace in shared.workspaces.values(): for option in vars(workspace.config).values(): if isinstance(option, WeeChatOption): if option.weechat_type != "string" or not weechat.config_option_is_null( option._pointer # pyright: ignore [reportPrivateUsage] ): if not weechat.config_write_option( config_file, option._pointer, # pyright: ignore [reportPrivateUsage] ): return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_ERROR return weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_OK class SlackConfig: def __init__(self): self.weechat_config = WeeChatConfig("slack") self.color = SlackConfigSectionColor(self.weechat_config) self.look = SlackConfigSectionLook(self.weechat_config) self._section_workspace_default = WeeChatSection( self.weechat_config, "workspace_default" ) # WeeChat < 3.8 sends null as an empty string to callback_read, so in # order to distinguish them, don't write the null values to the config # See callback_write = ( get_callback_name(config_section_workspace_write_for_old_weechat_cb) if shared.weechat_version < 0x03080000 else "" ) self._section_workspace = WeeChatSection( self.weechat_config, "workspace", callback_read=get_callback_name(config_section_workspace_read_cb), callback_write=callback_write, ) self._workspace_default = SlackConfigSectionWorkspace( self._section_workspace_default, None, None ) def config_read(self): weechat.config_read(self.weechat_config.pointer) def create_workspace_config(self, workspace_name: str): if workspace_name in shared.workspaces: raise Exception( f"Failed to create workspace config, already exists: {workspace_name}" ) return SlackConfigSectionWorkspace( self._section_workspace, workspace_name, self._workspace_default )